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InfinityPlusVerse Mod [RELEASE 1.0]

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It's finally done! 300 new characters spread across the existing Infinityverse area plus 6 new areas!




Full Mod: Full Download

(DB + Pic Pack)


Pic Pack Only: InfinityPlus Pic Pack #1

(contains the 307 pictures for the mod + 89 unused pics)


DB Only: InfinityPlus DB Mod Only

(for updates not requiring pics)



Patch: https://rapidshare.com/files/3972812859/InfinityPlusDB_v_1_2.zip

(extract after a full install of the mod)


To install:

1) Extract in your root CBH folder: something\CBH\

2) Copy & paste the pictures from the Default picture folder (...\CBH\Pictures\Default\Full & ...\CBH\Pictures\Default\Mini) into the InfinityPlus picture folders (...\CBH\Pictures\InfinityPlus\Full & ...\CBH\Pictures\InfinityPlus\Mini respectively)

2a) Make sure to copy Full into Full and Mini into Mini.

3) Start up CBH, click on databases (top middle) and switch to InfinityPlus and you should be good to go! Enjoy!



Please PM me if you wish to host a mirror! It would be most appreciated!




Mod Info

This mod was designed to expand upon the default Infinityverse environment. It added new areas, including 2 new timelines and a new dimension in order to fully appreciate time and dimensional travel. It also adds 300 new characters (including 2 mega bosses...if you think you've got what it takes...)


It also added characters to existing locations as follows:

Boom Town: +2 new villains

Centenary: +3 new villains

Diddly Squat: +1 new hero, +1 new civilian

Hub Borough: +1 new anti-hero, +2 new villains, +1 new civilian

Lantaffia: +2 new heroes, +3 new villains

Ravenholm: +2 new heroes, +2 new civilians

Remisburg: +4 new villains

San Habbershon: +4 new heroes, +8 new villains, +1 new wild card, +1 new civilian

The Wastelands: +2 new heroes, +5 new villains, +2 new wild cards, +2 new civilian

General Game World: +1 new hero, +14 new villains, +1 new civilian





Catholicon - the capital city of the hidden Amazon lands, this zone is almost entirely populated by women fighting a bitter civil war over the succession of power to a tyrannical despot.

+12 heroes, +2 anti-heroes, +26 villains, +1 wild card, +2 civilian



Elix Vitae - sword & sorcery meets CBH. Trapped in a pocket dimension by a powerful wizard, these knights and monsters battle it out with might and magic.

+11 heroes, +2 anti-heroes, +23 villains, +3 wild cards, +1 civilian


Eupepsia - a city of espionage, this is CBH meets James Bond where most of the environment is anti-heroes and wild cards. Allies one minute are enemies the next in the ever shifting political landscape of the espionage capital of the world

+5 heroes, +4 anti-heroes, +14 villains, +9 wild cards, +4 civilians


Hemotose Moon - the center of the universe is host to four rival factions watched over by an incredibly strong galactic being. A high level zone with powerful aliens duking it out (and traveling around the universe causing trouble as well!)

+11 heroes, +13 villains, +8 wild cards, +2 civilians


Infinity City - set in the distant future, after the Krugg invaded and destroyed Principal City, a new shining megatopia was built and dubbed Infinity City in thanks to the heroic defender who gave his life protecting planet Earth. However, as the Krugg departed they activated a buried Doomsday Device that is driving the majority of the city insane. Now the few remaining heroes battle against ordinary citizens and former allies alike. A brutal zone where just about every villain is actively trying to kill you and the other heroes! You've been warned :)

+13 heroes, +2 anti-heroes, +27 villains, +2 wild cards, +4 civilians


New Cacogass - Gateway to the Wild West, this location is set in the past and is a combination of a variety of wild west themes that I've dubbed the Weird West. Robots, voodoo magic, and more!

+6 heroes, +3 anti-heroes, +18 villains, +2 wild cards, +3 civilians



In addition, we're looking at

55 new relationships!

13 new teams!




Please enjoy the new expansion and please give feedback/bug reports here so I can continue to improve the mod and blend it in with the rest of the I-verse. Also, keep an eye out for future expansions!

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So first and foremost a big thank you to the artists who let me use the fruits of their hard labor. This mod would never have been possible without their help.


So I am thanking them in my own three ways:

1) I've ensured that their names are attached to almost every picture I used so the proper artist gets credit


2) I'm creating a running tally here so everyone can see just how much has been contributed by whom


3) "Secret" characters made in honor of artists who contributed when I could. I hope to be able to do it for all of them with an expansion pack (TBD)


So, onto the tallies:

J Silver: 42 renders used, 7 unused

i effin Rule (IER): 41 renders used, 16 unused

Pinke: 41 renders used, 14 unused

VBigB: 40 renders used

Mr_Tricky: 31 renders used, 4 unused

Clarity: 17 renders used, 12 unused

fullMETAL: 13 renders used, 8 unused

MJStark: 13 renders used

ProphetX: 11 renders used, 9 unused

LoNdOn: 9 renders used, 1 unsued

Scottie: 6 renders used

fm3pro: 5 renders used, 1 unused

jtlant: 5 renders used, 2 unused

Self: 5 renders used, 2 unused

Bull: 4 renders used, 2 unused

djthefunkchris: 4 renders, 2 unused

sockpuppet: 4 renders used

ewanite: 3 renders used, 1 unused

jhd1: 1 render used

Nok Su Kau: 1 render used



General note: I did do some minor post-work to some renders. Whether it was cutting a render for a background or head shot, or sometimes a little more like mirroring to turn a solo into a group shot or adding a new background. I did everything I could to preserve the original integrity of the work but if any artist has any objections, let me know nad I will work to rectify as quickly as possible. On another note, I did sometimes raid pieces that may not have been the final versions. If you wish to update anything in the mod, just submit the picture and I'll get it updated either as a minor supplement, or more likely for the Q1 expansion v2 release.


Modding Credits:

I had some help in idea generation which I am very thankful for. Many artists themselves had awesome names attached to their renders that I tried to preserve as much as possible. In addition, MJStark and Mr Canada get special shout outs for their help in helping round out the DB with some fresh ideas when I was stuck.

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Mod looks great so far, really enjoying the new characters. While editing a few things in the database i noticed that Nucleo, Dynamtica, Fire Brandy, Kapitain Kreiger, and Rouge Animal are all set to male when judging by pictures and bios that they should be female. Also Anti-Ghede and Boomer have bland personalities not sure if thats intentional or not. If i catch anything else i'll let you know.
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While editing a few things in the database i noticed that Nucleo, Dynamtica, Fire Brandy, Kapitain Kreiger, and Rouge Animal are all set to male when judging by pictures and bios that they should be female.


Pathandro is also female. I figured the lipstick & boobs gave it away in the render I did :D


EDIT: Also, Ptarmic II is showing up on the Game World page empty with the same info as Infinity City


EDIT2 (20/07/13):


ALSO, Vampiro El re-uploaded the data :D


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WHOA! That Beholder type villain in Elix Vitae, at 2 levels below me he utterly destroyed me!!! I mean, yeah, I only had physical attacks and they bounce off 10% of the time, but I only hit him 3 times (the majority of the rest bounced off) while he hit me 14 times and KOed me :( First mission, FAIL!
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Thanks for posting some feedback. play around some more, report any bugs obviously.



for 2012 I'm planning a release 2 that will add another 102 characters officially doubling the defualt db but considering I only have 95ish renders remaining unused I've got to really focus for new characters and releases.


so poke around the game world and let me know if you think something is missing. I know there is a lack of "meta" powers like Jump starter/leech/theft etc. I also think that New Cacogass is small and Eupepsia takes a bit to get going (have to play around some more but it seems like wild cards don't initiate crimes as much as villains do.


Anyway any kind of feedback would be most appreciated :)

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So, Elix Vitea is really hard if you dont have magical powers. And if you dont have dimensional travel you're stuck there till you can either afford to spend HP on magical resistance or dimensional travel


Kinda the same in Infinity City (well, not the magic). If you start there and you can't time travel its all you can get to


Basicly, the dimension and the future could do with some other areas. But I know you're limited by render numbers, so that isn't really an option. Although there could be, I dunno, The Wizard's Castle? A castle that sits on top of a thundercloud? You have to be of Well Known pop or above and have the ability of flight to get there. Have a couple of big bads that never leave and cant be captured, kind of like a boss level. Another area (Elix Village?) where it's low pull, not many villains live there and they're all low level (bandits, thugs, etc) but higher than average civilian population.


This is purely me spitballing though, feel free to ignore :)

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Originally I had planned for there to be two areas, a lawful Castle stronghold of good (besieged by evil which would explain why they were present) and then a more lawless camp for the Warlord (harassed by goodly scouts, hence their presence) but perhaps having a village and castle would be better, a low level and a high level zone and then have some wandering monsters & heroes between them.


However, with only 40 renders + maybe a couple more unused or demons could be squeezed in there's not a lot of room to start splitting it up.


New Cacogass is in the same place. I'd like to create some other "past" zones like Atlantis or a more civilized victorian-esque zone with more predatory villains but that area is in even worse shape with barely 30 for the entire zone.


We'll see what comes out of the render thread and as soon as we can get about 50-ish for past and dimension I'll look at splitting them up for release 2.


I'm also planning on adding a demonic dimension. Right now demons just kind of "exist" in limbo but adding dimensional traveler to the ones missing it and plugging them into their own zone might make things more interesting. That way if you want to tear up some demons you can literally descend into hell.

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I'm having a problem with the pics- I've copied and pasted them, but for some reason they're not connecting to the characters in the database (in other words, they're all using the blank 'player' picture). That may be a system issue- every time I try and restore them individually I get a 'run-time error 76'- but I felt I should mention it in case it's a download issue.
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<p>Hi Pride i keep getting this from RS site:</p><p> </p><p>

Download not available</p><p>

The following download is not available:</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://rapidshare.com/files/3921172015/InfinityPlusFull_v1_1.zip" rel="external nofollow">https://rapidshare.com/files/3921172015/InfinityPlusFull_v1_1.zip</a> | 55.22 MB</p><p> </p><p>

Is there another site to download from?</p>

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Great work on all the new areas (love the flavor in the descriptions) and new characters and everything! I'll take a look at it. If it spices up the game world I might end up bying the game. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> (as I think it's currently a little too repetitive)
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Glad to hear it! Let me know if you feel like something is missing in the DB.


2 things on the agenda for next year are adding locations to elix and cacogass so they arent so isolated.


Thing 2 is to create a league of sidekicks, low level heroes with useful support abilities like jump starter that otherwise suck on their own.

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Blazing Bladesman, False Idol, Demonatrix, Dynamatica, Fair Mona, Fugg, Hitodama, Jack, Jack Attack, Jagganath, Llamia, Major McNair, Metamofo, Mork, Number Six, Phineas Rage, Rose Thorn, Shadowguard, Smokestress & The Crazies do not have any schemes set. Some might be intentional like Fugg who then only appear in team events involving the House of Amass but others will not appear at all.

There might be a problem with Catholicon travel settings as characters can get out of it but can't return.

Otherwise, a great way to add variety to the original data.

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Would there be interest in scenario DB's?




"What if Elix Vitae "popped" and dropped the whole island into the modern world?"


"What if The Device was activated in modern time instead of the future?"



They'd basically just be small altered DB files using the same pictures that would just alter some info based upon the Infintiy+ "plot"

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Because I don't have renders for them :(


The team ideally would be 4 goats rocking it out. For plot purposes (and because we don't have renders for him) their leader, Shakespeare went missing.


The 4th one...just doesn't exist until we get 2 more renders of goats in samurai armor :D

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Would there be interest in scenario DB's?


I always thought this would be a good idea for the InfinityVerse in general (a few alternate history mods), but haven't had chance to start one yet. My suggestion would be to make these scenario mods set up the same as the regular + mod but have it all set in a different dimension. That way if people are interested in doing so, they can import these alternate scenarios into the InfinityPlusVerse for a bit of variety.

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Because I don't have renders for them :(


The team ideally would be 4 goats rocking it out. For plot purposes (and because we don't have renders for him) their leader, Shakespeare went missing.


The 4th one...just doesn't exist until we get 2 more renders of goats in samurai armor :D


ah, okay. And if I had any rendering skill, I would get on that. Still, love the database (currently merged it with the default, because I can't get the mod proper to work for some reason).


Other thing I just noticed; Boom Town's not had a lot of work done. I'm guessing it's another picture issue, but if you want any extra concepts or whatever I'm willing to help. Of course, this may be a deliberate choice on your part, which is fine, but I thought I'd volunteer to help if any is needed.

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