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International Grappling Corporation: Fresh Start

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Background: To rekindle my interest in this game, I decided to shake up the GDS-Verse Mod.


The International Grappling Corporation stepped up to the plate as the number one company in the world. Due to this, less and less wrestlers wanted to work for other promotions like the AWA or ESE or any of the other promotions in the world. This gave the IGC free pickings at poaching from any other promotions in the world. Obviously, losing stars, other promotions fell behind and lost popularity rapidly, making the IGC the pinnacle of the wrestling world.


Now with the world at his fingertips, John Prophet has taken the reigns as head booker, and it'll be interesting to see how things go from here for the undisputed, number one promotion in the world.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i40.tinypic.com/xogmmr.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">IGC Monday Night RUSH!</span></strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Chris Colt vs Destroyer</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Also on the Card:</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Christian Avalon vs Chuck Ranger</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

The New Mexico Hitmen (Matthew Foster & Crash) vs Bad Religion (Owen Tucker & Royal Crewes)</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Valimer Luchenko vs Preston Thompson</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Tremonti vs Mason Noble</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Deon Wilkins vs Tru Payne</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Irv Sweet vs Barry Whitcomb</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="20LEgend" data-cite="20LEgend" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33080" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>GDS Verse means I am reading</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Glad to have you on board!</p>
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Chris Colt vs Destroyer

Christian Avalon vs Chuck Ranger

The New Mexico Hitmen (Matthew Foster & Crash) vs Bad Religion (Owen Tucker & Royal Crewes)

Valimer Luchenko vs Preston Thompson

Tremonti vs Mason Noble

Deon Wilkins vs Tru Payne

Irv Sweet vs Barry Whitcomb


Destroyer and Tru Payne are two of my favorite guys out of this mod and in IGC.

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Irv Sweet defeats Barry Whitcomb with a Gator Aggravator in 7:15, In the opening match of the night, Barry Whitcomb could not stand up to the aggressive submission wrestling style of Irv Sweet, who quickly plowed through the defenses of the former, taking him down to the mat quickly and aggressively mauling him with stomps, kicks, punches and submission attempts. Irv finally managed to lock in the Gator Aggravator (Cross Kneelock) and forced the tap out from the visibly in pain Whitcomb.


Following the tap, Irv refused to let go of the Gator Aggravator. Whitcomb furiously tapped, begging the referee to get Irv off of him. Irv continues to wrench the hold, with Whitcomb's knee on the verge of snapping at any second. Referees from the back storm the ring and Irv finally makes the decision to let go. Irv slides out from the back of the ring and makes his way backstage, knowing that he's made his mark.


Deon Wilkins defeats Tru Payne with a Fall From Grace in 9:57, Deon Wilkins showed why he is one of the big prospects in the wrestling world, as he made relatively quick work of the veteran Tru Payne. Deon didn't waste time going for the finish, and after connecting with a big clothesline, he put Payne away with his Fall From Grace (Spin Out Powerbomb).


Mason Noble defeats Tremonti with a Lock N Load in 6:38, The man formerly known as Lil Tank powered through Tremonti, hitting him with an array of brutal elbows, punches and clotheslines. As soon as Tremonti hit the mat, the assault didn't end, with him receiving a barrage of stomps, kicks and knees. Tremonti eventually got a chance to fight back, but it wasn't before long that Noble ducked out of the way of a wayward left hook from his opponent, and countered it with his Lock N Load (Big Boot) finisher. Noble got the pin, and the victory.


Valimer Luchenko struts down to the ring in his attire, preparing for his match with Preston Thompson. Luchenko picks up a microphone and does not halt in his attempt to slander America. Luchenko takes stabs at the obesity of some of the members in the crowd, stating that their size is the fault of the American food industry and American laziness, and that if they were in his country, "Mother Russia", that they would be whipped into shape in no time, something that seems to be impossible in America, according to him. Preston Thompson wastes no time heading down to the ring and demands the bell be rang so he can shut Luchenko up.


Valimer Luchenko defeats Preston Thompson by Count Out in 10:54, Luchenko's up to his tricks again as he defeats Thompson in a cheap manner, which according to him, was caused by Preston's American laziness. Luchenko and Thompson had a nice back and forth match in the ring, with Preston hitting some nice punches and trying to engage in a brawl with Valimer, and his opponent attempting to engage in a more technical match up. Valimer brought the match outside of the ring when he attempted to escape from Preston's all out offense. The highlight of the match came when Preston springboarded out of the ring and attempted a Cross Body, only to be countered by Luchenko who hit a nice uppercut. Valimer waited out the count, and as it hit nine, he rushed back to the ring to pick up the victory, with Preston laying on the floor, still wondering what had happened.


Bad Religion defeats The New Mexico Hitmen when Owen Tucker defeated Matthew Foster with The Baptismal in 10:43, The experience of Bad Religion paid off in this match-up, as Crash could not carry his nephew Matthew to victory against the deadly combination of Royal Crewes and Owen Tucker. Although the match-up was fairly even, the turning point came when Matthew Foster got over-eager and tagged himself in when Crash was already holding his own against Owen Tucker. Crash and Foster had a little argument in the corner, and Tucker took advantage of that moment to hit The Baptismal (Half Nelson Driver). Crash was visibly upset with his nephew, and this will probably cause some friction within the two.


Christian Avalon defeats Chuck Ranger with a Vice of Avalon in 14:50, Christian Avalon showed why he's one of the best in the world, as he showed some signs of Hall of Immortals caliber wrestling against Chuck Ranger. Ranger put up a decent fight until about the halfway mark, where he was so beat up that all he could rely on was trying to hit one of his trademark head kicks to turn the match around. Ranger threw a kick to the gut of Avalon, who countered it with spine buster, taking him to the mat and attempting a pin. Ranger used enough energy to kick out, but wound up caught in the Vice of Avalon (Rear Naked Choke) and was forced to tap.


Down comes Christian Cross who almost immediately heads after the victorious Christian Avalon. Cross lunges at Avalon with a spear-like tackle, and starts throwing down fists at the surprised Avalon. Cross, with Avalon now even more in shock than before, prepares to hit his finishing manoeuvre, only to be caught off-guard himself by a head kick from Chuck Ranger. Cross rolls out of the ring, dazed and confused, as Chuck wards him off and helps Avalon back to his feet. The two shake hands, and head to the back together.


Chris Colt defeats Destroyer with a Colt 45 in 14:47 , Just when we thought Christian Avalon and Chuck Ranger had stolen the show, out come Chris Colt and Destroyer who go hard for a solid 15 minutes of back and forth action. The vast majority of the match saw Chris Colt trying to use his agility advantage and stay away from the powerful, brutal attacks of Destroyer. Destroyer managed to get in close near the 9 minute mark, and Chris was nearly finished off by a brutal bodyslam. Colt desperately scrambled back to his feet, and began to fight back, and a couple quick moves later, he was back in control. Down the ramp comes Ezuma who lunges towards the now dominant Colt. Ezuma flies over the ropes and Colt ducks, causing Ezuma to peg both Destroyer and the referee. Colt, sends a shocked Ezuma, over the ropes and wakes the referee. Chris hits his patented Colt 45 (Running Spinning Wheel Kick) and gets the victory.


Ezuma, still shocked on the outside of the ring, picks up a microphone and begins to hype a match for the upcoming event, Circus of Stars, and begins to slander Chris Colt and his wrestling abilities. Colt gets a microphone as well, but just as he attempts to speak, Ezuma cuts him off and continues on his rant. Ezuma makes his way up the entry ramp, and to finish off the night, Ezuma leaves the arena with a grin on his face that cannot be rivalled by any other man in the wrestling world.

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IGC Monday Night RUSH!


Alex Prime vs Rod Steel


Also On The Card:

Tyson King vs Stan Alistair

Apex (Kirk Damien & Rex Imperio) vs Logan & Greene (Theodore Logan & Robert Greene) vs Thinly Veiled Threat (Draven Dark & Payne MacLeod) vs The Hunters (Hunter Russell & Jake Hunter)

Blackfoot vs Brian Fury vs James Law

Sylar Clayton vs Donovan Moon

Dominic Santo vs Mike Lethal

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Alex Prime vs Rod Steel


Also On The Card:

Tyson King vs Stan Alistair

Apex (Kirk Damien & Rex Imperio) vs Logan & Greene (Theodore Logan & Robert Greene) vs Thinly Veiled Threat (Draven Dark & Payne MacLeod) vs The Hunters (Hunter Russell & Jake Hunter)

Blackfoot vs Brian Fury vs James Law

Sylar Clayton vs Donovan Moon

Dominic Santo vs Mike Lethal

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The show starts with Christian Cross stepping down to the ring, and calling out the man he attempted to brutally assault last week, Christian Avalon. Cross once again attempts to assault Avalon, but this time, verbally. Avalon struts down to the ring much to the pleasure of the crowd, and accepts the challenge laid down by the man who tried to put him out of action. The two men go back and forth, arguing, and eventually, the first match of the night gets going.


Mike Lethal defeats Dominic Santo in 9:47 with a Lethal InJeKtion, Mike Lethal and Dominic Santo square off in the night's opening bout. Lethal tries to keep Santo grounded for the vast majority to avoid getting caught up in the high flying abilities of the Luchador. Santo hits a couple nice springboard moves, but eventually gets caught, as an over-eager top rope dive results in him getting knocked out by the Lethal InJeKtion (Jumping Enziguiri). Lethal picks up the three count and the first victory of the night.


Ezuma makes his way down to the ring with a microphone, and in ring gear. The announcers talk about how he does not have a match booked tonight, but Ezuma changes that quickly. Ezuma lets the audience know that tonight, he will showcase his skills against... Bill Baker. Bill Baker makes his way down to the ring, looking fairly surprised, but ready to compete.


Ezuma defeats Bill Baker in 4:50 with an Icelator, Ezuma makes quick work against his so-called 'opponent'. The reality is that Bill Baker was basically a human punching bag for the man who's scheduled to take on Chris Colt at Circus of Stars later this month. Baker's misery is ended after Ezuma sets up for his patented Icelator (Double Arm Snap DDT), and as Ezuma picks up the win, another one of his famous grins is flashed to the cameras.


Just as the third count of the referee is slammed onto the mat, out comes Chris Colt, sprinting down to the ring, to jump on Ezuma. Many of the other wrestlers backstage catch notice of this, and head down to the ring, even Bill Baker gets out of his dazed and confused state to stop anything from happening between the two rivals. Words are exchanged between the two, and the overconfident grin on the face of Ezuma causes Chris Colt to become even more enraged, and the latter begins to throw punches at Ezuma. both men will face off at Circus of Stars, that is if things don't come to punches sooner.


Sylar Clayton defeats Donovan Moone in 5:40 with a School-Boy Roll-Up, Sylar Clayton and Donovan Moone bring the crowd's mood down a bit in this transition match. Sylar shows off his mat-wrestling abilities by keeping the high flying Moone grounded. The end of the match comes when Sylar ducks under a Leg Lariat and snaps Moone to the mat with a School-Boy Roll-Up.


Brian Fury defeats James Law & Blackfoot in 12:03 by pinning James Law with a Fury Bomb, Brian Fury and James Law spent most of the match eliminating Blackfoot, who had no chance stopping the brutal two on one attacks. Blackfoot eventually rolled out of the ring, knowing his chances of victory were slim. James Law got caught watching Blackfoot, and Brian capitalized to take control of the match-up, by taking a cheap shot at the back of Law's legs. From the on it was all Fury, literally. Brian hit clotheslines, kicks, punches, and as soon as he locked in the Fury Bomb (Jackknife Powerbomb), it was all over for Blackfoot & James Law.


Apex wins the Four-Way Tag Team Match in 10:17 when Rex Imperio pinned Jake Hunter with a Springboard Hurricanrana, A big match, literally, for all four teams. With the first spot in the Tag Team Championship match at Circus of Stars on the line, all four teams were vying for a shot at tag team glory. Although Rex Imperio did less of the work for Apex, the combination of Kirk Damien's power moves and Rex's speedy attacks left the other three teams lost and confused at what had just happened. The first elimination came when Kirk Damien took out Thinly Veiled Threat by eliminating Payne MacLeod with a brutal lariat. Hunter Russell then eliminated Theodore Logan by way of a ridiculously well-timed Dropkick. With just the Hunters and Apex left in the match, Jake Hunter and Rex Imperio made their ways into the ring, and Rex took control quickly, and in the end, it was Apex who locked up the first spot at Circus of Stars.


Tyson King defeats Stan Alistair in 12:47 with a One Night in Detroit, Tyson King and Stan Alistair put on a good match for the fans in attendance, utilizing the outside of the ring very well. Stan had control early in the match, and although he did a good job of controlling the ring, Tyson turned it around halfway through with a deadly DDT that visibly impacted Stan's ability to protect himself. In the end, Tyson put Alistair away with a One Night in Detroit (Corkscrew Neckbreaker) and picked up the victory.


Rod Steel defeats Alex Prime in 16:41 when Alex Prime was disqualified due to outside interference from Jeff Lawson, What started off as a very good display of technical wrestling between two great competitors quickly became an all out brawl, and just moments later became utter chaos as Jeff Lawson rushed down the ramp with a steel chair and began to beat the living hell out of the legendary Rod Steel. Alex Prime, looking more shocked and surprised than usual, didn't know what to do. He could've jumped in and beat down the legend even more, but instead he elected to quietly leave the ring and have no part in the assault. Once the referee had rang the bell, the attack didn't end, Jeff hit Rod with more and more shots from the steel chair and eventually finished him off with a deadly Spear. With his job done, Jeff leaves the ring with a gruesome smile on his face, and as Rod Steel gets checked by the on-site paramedics, the show fades to black.

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So, Little update on the future of this dynasty.


I've been in the middle east for the past two weeks, and I'm heading home tomorrow. I've been using my old laptop to play TEW while here, and am hoping to get it up and running on my new laptop at home. Should I not be able to transfer the files for THIS game (which I don't see why I shouldn't be able to), I'll try and get back into another diary in the new year, but if all goes well, the next card should be up in about 3 days :)


Thanks for reading!


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