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Start of Game

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Hello. First I would like to thank you for such a wonderful game.


My question is at the start of the game, I notice that I have no job offers, but I have the ability to take any head coach position at any school. After my first year or so, I get some job offers, but i still have the ability to take any head coaching job anywhere. Why is this? What is the point of being offered a job, if you can take a job anywhere? A setting I didn't check maybe?


I would imagine it would be best to only be offered a few jobs of lowly programs at the start of a career, and never be able to just "Take Job" anywhere.



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You have the option on choosing how you want to play. If you want to play by offers only, then only use only that section. The option to force yourself into any job is there for the fun factor more than anything. Its the same with the editors for an active league. You don't have to use them but they are there in the event that using them would make your experience with the game more enjoyable.
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