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The Federation - Putting the "F" Back Into Pro Wrestling

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This diary is started on the failed attempts to start two others. I apologize in advance for leaving the two on the board, and do not know how to delete them. This will be the one I stay with, or else I won't do Dynasty's anymore.



(Using War of the Worlds mod)[/center]


It is December 2011. The World Wrestling Entertainment owns the business of professional wrestling, and Impact Wrestling has been able to hold on to it's loyal fans enough to please Spike TV. Ring of Honor is beginning to pickup with the Internet smart marks and their DVD distribution has always been looked at and admired from almost every company both bigger and smaller then them. In addition to that, a lot of indy promotions are still in business. Some go away, but the real ones always stay around long enough to hold the next show.


In a time where the word was that wrestling was a bad investment, one company was formed with the help of several businessmen to compete with the big boys immediately. Together the businessmen gathered $5million and hired a few accountants, and several other staff to get rolling. The coverage of the news channels got them enough prestige where wrestlers we're already beating the door down to get in and work for this new company but skeptical enough where they weren't willing to sign written or pay-per-appearance exclusive deals just yet.


The story starts with this new company, calling themselves The Federation, just getting off a month long hiring phase and signing up talent left and right to complete the roster.


The point of this Dynasty is to see if we can eventually reach WWE level. To give us a fighting chance, our popularity is that of a Cult, and prestige set at 75.


The updates will be shown in several different ways. A News Report, which will focus on the weekly news from the promotion, as well as industry news that is relevant to average fans (much like Dave Meltzer's Report, etc). The other will be the show itself, which will feature the storyline action as far as following the promotion.








Every year we all tell one another it'll be better then the last. Never has this been more true then my expectation of this year's professional wrestling schedule – for all groups. This World News Briefing is the first of the year (and first for this Dynasty) and is how we will present the landscape of professional wrestling to you.


We here at The Federation think it's important to tell the entire story (in parts) so that we may more effectively make an impact on your reading. Below is the complete roster for The Federation as it is seen on the day of the first show. We appreciate every single person who takes the time to read this, and appreciate (and love) any and all comments regarding The Federation. In short, thank you for reading.


Adam Pearce

Big Daddy V


Brent Albright

Chasyn Rance

Chris Cage

Chris Hero

Chris Masters

Gene Snitzky

Jay Lethal

Jim Cornette

Jimi Korderas

Joel Gertner


LA Park

Mike DiBiase

Mike Shane

Nick Dinsmore

Orlando Jordan

Paul London

Petey Williams

Reid Flair

Rene Dupree

Rob Conway

Roderick Strong

Scott Hudson

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy

Shawn Spears

Shawn Stasiak

Shockwave the Robot





(news from around The Federation)


:: The Federation announces their weekly live event will take place every Friday at various locations. Rumor has it they will stay in the Tri-State area for now and eventually work their way out.


:: The Federation's locker room rules have been called into question when Sean Morley showed up at the first show with tons of alcohol for everyone. FED officials are looking into what to do with Morley as he is likely to get a strict warning, but FED officials are already taking orders to ban alcohol backstage for the time being.


:: The Federation recently conducted drug testing on all of their talent. While not having any strict drug policy in FED, the following talents were given warnings. Below are the list of those who failed the test, as well as what they failed it for:


Gene Snisky, identified steroid user (was given slap on the wrist, responded favorably.)

Mike DiBiase, identified hard drug user. (was given a stern warning, and responded favorably.)

Mike Shane, identified steroid user. (was given slap on the wrist, responded favorably.)

Nick Dinsmore, identified hard drug user. (was given a stern warning, and responded moderately well.)

Rene Dupree, identified steroid user (was given slap on the wrist, responded favorably.)

Rob Conway, identified steroid user (was given slap on the wrist, responded favorably.)





The first show in Federation history!! Come out and see a NEW FED CHAMPION BE CROWNED as the Monsterous Big Daddy V and Chris Masters compete for the right to be called the first ever Federation champion!! Also see the potential future of the Federation, Roderick Strong in action taking on Sharkboy and Jay Lethal and Sean Waltman go one-on-one in a contest you don't want to miss.


It all gets started this week in The Federation. The complete card looks like this:


[for the FED heavyweight championship]


Currently signed to The Federation exclusively, Big Daddy V (also known as Big Daddy Voodoo and Mabel from Men on a Mission in WWF) is far removed from the last time he was on the national scene. The Federation is all about creating news stars, and utilizing the ones that were overlooked. Big Daddy V is just that guy. Currently the biggest man in the Federation, he is looking to score a victory at The Federation 1 to become the new FED Heavyweight Champion.


But do to that he'll have to get through “The Masterpiece” Chris Masters. The former WWE star has come to the Federation after dominating other indy promotions across the North-East. He is rated an Independent star and his charisma and skills combo is among the best in the Federation. Masters has come to FED to make sure people get to see what the WWE looked over. He gets his chance to do that with a victory over Big Daddy V.




Jay Lethal comes in to FED and instantly becomes the most athletic talent The Federation has. A little angry at being overlooked for a chance to compete for the FED Heavyweight Championship, Lethal is out to prove he is everything that Management has apparently overlooked. While nobody doubts his talent, a truly dedicated and focused Lethal will allow us to see just how determined he is to get that championship title.


On the other side, Sean Waltman. Waltman comes in as one of the most known talents we have – for better or worse. Waltman can be confused with being out of shape or out of action because of all the side news we've seen involving a sex-tape with Chyna, and other run in's with the law. In fact, Waltman is in great shape and is in The Federation to revive his career. We'll see if he can get that going in the right direction against Jay Lethal.



Sharkboy is easily one of the more colorful talents we have. Everyone's favorite jobber to the stars will try and see if he can get a career going in The Federation. He has a very fun approach to trying to navigate his way through professional wrestling, but this is also why he draws so well and has fans around the country.


His opponent will be who are some are calling the future of The Federation, Roderick Strong. Strong is showing good signs of becoming a very good in-ring performer and his time with Ring of Honor shows that. He comes to the Federation to continue to gain more experience. While still taking bookings with both Pro Wrestling Guerilla, and Ring of Honor we're not sure how much of an impact he will make quite yet, but FED officials are currently trying to sign him to a long-term deal.










A very important first week for us at The Federation. We're just getting the kinks out with our graphics and show production so please be patient with us as we adapt. We aim to bring you professional wrestling action, booked by the fans for the fans. We don't watch pro wrestling on television as much, but we're very involved in the business as a whole.


We would like to thank you for reading. Your comments, predictions, and opinions are ALWAYS welcome and much appreciated. We do this for the reader interaction, and we see a lot of views for everyone so we know this gets looked at. If you're reading this right now, drop us a line. Let us know how you feel – good or bad. We can't guarantee we'll change anything for you, but we'll still listen and use those comments as signs of interest and inspiration.

We appreciate you following.

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The Federation - One


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Daskalakis Athletic Center, Philadelphia, PA

Attendance: 2300



The crowd came out to support The Federation's first ever show simply entitled The Federation 1. We are here in Philadelphia, PA the birthplace of extreme wrestling as just down the street is the famed ECW Arena. We mention this fans because it will no longer be holding shows there, and we wanted to pay homage to the birthplace of Extreme. Why has nobody else mentioned this? Because we're The Federation, and we're willing to accept that we're not the only ones you guys keep up with every single week.


NOW on to what we came here for tonight.





Shawn Stasiak defeated Shockwave the Robot in 7:36 with a Reverse DDT. (36)


Paul London defeated Chasyn Rance in 7:50 with a 450 Splash. (42)






The show started off by turning the big projectors on in the building and showing a clip from earlier. Backstage we see Eugene trying to solve a very simple math problem. As we see him struggle with the solution, Reid Flair walks by and sees Eugene struggling. Flair looks at Eugene and says “You idiot, 3+1 is 4” and steals his pen and writes it down for him. He then throws the pen at Eugene and taps his head with his index finger. Eugene quickly takes offense to that and shoves Flair. Flair is seen pointing at Eugene as he walks away.


Video of Reid Flair insulting Eugene's Intelligence (34)






This match showcased Roderick Strong against a very good basic wrestler in Sharkboy. Strong is said to be on his way up the FED ladder and we're beginning to see why. As nobody actually expected Sharkboy to wins this match, he did prove to be a good opponent for Strong who was able to showcase his ability on more then one occasion by the ease of working with someone like Sharkboy.

Roderick Strong defeated Sharkboy in 7:40 with a Boston Crab (42)








Before the match a video highlighting each of their careers was shown. Both men are expected to stay with the Federation for awhile and Jay Lethal even expected to make a bid for the number one contendership. In this match Lethal and Waltman didn't seem to gel at all. Sean Waltman proved his technical wrestling ability hasn't suffered, and has actually gotten better since the last time we seen him in a Chikara ring for one night in Philly. Waltman has always been over with the fans in Philadelphia and they didn't disappoint tonight either. Despite being the heel, Waltman and Lethal actually wrestled in front of a 50/50 house. In the end Lethal was too much for Waltman just barely, but both men are said to be making an impact here before too long.


Jay Lethal / Sean Waltman Hype-Video (47)

Jay Lethal defeated Sean Waltman in 9:09 with a Figure Four(41)





In perhaps the most interesting portion of the night Sean Morley, better known as Val Venis in the WWF days walked to the ring with a microphone. As he got in the ring people started chanting Val Venis!! Val Venis!! Morley got this disgusted look on his face before even addressing the crowd. As soon as he did, he was telling them to shutup and the crowd reacted by throwing boo's his way.


Morley begin discussing his negotiations with The Federation and how Management wanted him to use the name Val Venis. As it was trademarked, The Federation was going to get into negotiations with the WWE on purchasing the name. Morley said he was tired of people thinking that is what he wants. He is tired of living in the WWE shadow and he is tired of everyone always wanting him to be Val Venis. He then goes on to talk about his resume and who he was before Venis. He says he is coming to The Federation to end the career of Val Venis, and to resume the career of Sean Morley. He insults the people in attendance a little and then leaves.


Sean Morley Promo (56)





[fOr ThE FED heAvyWeIGht ChAmPionSHip]


The match was introduced with a hype video telling the fans that this is for the FED Heavyweight Championship and the right to call themselves the first ever one in this company. Big Daddy V and Chris Masters wrestled a good match, both cutting mini-promo's on one another before the match. The crowd really bought into this matches storylines and ended up hating Big Daddy V. The match went a little too long as V was obviously tiring towards the end of it. But it was enough to take down “The Masterpiece” Chris Masters and become the first ever FED Heavyweight Champion.


Video of Big Daddy V and Chris Masters (48)

Big Daddy V defeated Chris Masters in 11:17 with a Somoan Drop. Big Daddy V is your NEW FED Heavyweight Champion (31)





The fans were filing into the Daskalakis Athletic Center when the first match was going on. It looked as though it'd be a good turn out tonight and the investors for The Federation looked please. Besides, it wasn't about tonight, it was about the television deal they were looking to get. This show wasn't well received and that's okay because the Management team feels were just getting the kinks worked out. The $5million dollar investment that was set forth will be used.


From a business standpoint we look at it as being able to lose $1million. We also don't look at it as losing anything because what we're getting is almost a solid year of seeing who works great with who. We entered the market when there were not many Free Agent names and we had to make best with what we had.


We think we have something good if Big Daddy V can be pushed properly. We always are operating a few weeks ahead of schedule with our talent so we don't make the ultimate mistake of booking things when nobody could attend. We try to make all of our talent sign PPA exclusives but can't always get them to do that.


We thought going in Jay Lethal and Sean Waltman might be great together but we were proved wrong. This is why we setup matches beforehand to make sure we can really accurately tell.


It is bothersome that we can't get any name talent to sign written deals yet. Our “cult” level is that of higher prestige then most, but just low enough where talent is still feeling us out. We've recently thought of putting a developmental organization together, or creating two different brands in the coming years to help us maintain younger workers who might not be ready yet, but are above training school student level.


Overall, we'll work on it – and this dynasty. We're happy to be here and appreciate your patience as we get this thing rolling and become more versed in what we're able to do here.





Destiny – 3 for 5 (.600)

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The Federation Report: January 2012, Week 2


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Last week's show can be considered both a success and a failure, depending on who's eyes you look into. From a Management side, it was a success by just going through the motions and realizing what we need to do better. From a production stand point it will get much better as we go through the motions, and the storylines are starting to develop which is a great thing.


From the wrestling population we didn't draw as many people as a lot would expect, but our big day is coming in just under a month. We're looking to get on television, and 2000 plus screaming fans are enough for it to look like a million on television. Besides, once we get on television we'll draw anyway from just being in front of fans each and every week.


Please enjoy your week 2 report for January 2012. As always we appreciate you following us, and always appreciate your feedback.



(news from around The Federation)

:: Sources close to FED officials have said that there are rumors of Fit Finlay being approached about a contract, but no telling if Dave “Fit” Finlay has responded favorably or not.


:: Rumor has it that FED officials are looking through a few female names to bring in. There is no word on if these calls are for wrestlers, valets, or interviewers. We do know that there were a few calls made last week regarding the possibility of bringing in a few females.

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How I started this was created a promotion with no wrestlers or staff, and then signed free agents. I am ALWAYS scouring to see if I can't find a wrestler I can negotiate a deal with. I'm trying to get the names bigger, but this was the best of what I seen during free agency period so to speak :)
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