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MPW: Built from scratch (0/0/0/0 C-Verse)

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If January was anything to go by, 2012 promised to be a huge year for MPW. For the first time in our history, we held two shows in a month and it proved to be a rousing success. ‘Golden Opportunity’ proved to be a show the fans really enjoyed, and we even managed to post a solid profit of $14,000 for the month. This was slightly down on the past few months, but running two shows a month and getting twice as much exposure was worth a couple of grand profit a month in my mind. To illustrate this point further, running ‘Golden Opportunity’ allowed us to win a Regional Battle we would otherwise have finished last in. In terms of show quality things were unbelievably close between us, PSW and NYCW. Having two shows a month to try and nail it could only be a positive.


January 2012 was also an active month for contract dealings for guys on our roster. Firstly our MPW Champion Mr Lucha III signed a deal to work for new Mexican promotion Mexican Hardcore Wrestling. While this isn’t a problem in terms of scheduling, I was a little concerned by MHW’s extreme product. I didn’t want our champion getting injured, but there was nothing I could do about it, so I would just have to keep a nervous eye on how things went down in Mexico. Jayson Van Pelt also extended his deal with ACPW up in Canada. Jamie Atherton was very active this month, as he extended all three of his current deals. Jamie would be staying with us for a further 18 months, and would continue working with CGC and ACPW.


January 2012


-Edd Stone, Jez McArthuer & Joey Minnesota extend deals


Big Event: TCW Malice In Wonderland (A) Buy Rate: 3.15

Main Event: Sean McFly bt Troy Tornado to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match Of The Night: Ricky Dale Johnson bt Rich Money


Bookers view: Another storming month for TCW, as their run of outstanding shows continued with Malice In Wonderland. They also managed to secure the contract extension of key talent Joey Minnesota, as well as rising talent Edd Stone. TCW’s serene progress at the top of the US wrestling scene looks set to continue for a long time to come.



-Randy Bumfhole, Dawn The Cheerleader & Enforcer Roberts extend deals

-Scythe signs for the SWF

-Atlas leaves SWF


Big Event: SWF When Hell Freezes Over (B-) Buy Rate: 2.50

Main Event: Brandon James bt James Justice to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match Of The Night: Eric Eisen bt Christian Faith


Title Changes: Squeeky McClean won the SWF North American Championship (previous holder: Jack Giedroyc, W2 Aug 11-W2 Jan 12, 15 defences)


Bookers View: A fairly disastrous month for the SWF, as they put on another poor showing on PPV. Next to rivals TCW, the SWF offerings look fairly bush league. There were a few rays of hope for the SWF however, one coming in the form of the 6’10 320lb Scythe. The rookie, signed from the Supreme Wrestling University, has a great look and looks surprisingly good between the ropes as well. SWF management are hoping he can become a huge star, and take SWF back to the top of the US scene. Another talking point in January was Squeeky McClean defeating Jack Giedroyc for the SWF North American Championship. McClean has impressed recently by consistently putting on good matches, and many see this move as a test run for his push to the Main Event.



-Bruce The Giant, Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man, Hell’s Bouncer, T-Rex, Nicky Champion, Hollywood Brett Starr, Captain USA & Cherry Bomb extend deals


Big Event: USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams! © Buy Rate: 1.28

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Valiant bt T-Rex to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A very poor month for USPW, as ‘Stars, Stripes & Slams’ bombed with the fans. Since losing some of their top stars to the SWF a few months ago, USPW have struggled to put on the type of shows they were managing in mid-2011. Perhaps sensing some tough times ahead, USPW went on a bit of an extension spree, as they secured the contract extension of no less than 8 of their wrestlers.

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MPW presents The World or Nothing

Having earned their ‘Golden Opportunity’ last month, at ‘The World Or Nothing’ six men will take part in the biggest and most chaotic match in MPW’s short history. Six of MPW’s best wrestlers will enter the ring, and will be taken down one by one until just one remains. For the final man remaining in the match, the rewards will be endless as he can claim to have outlasted five other top competitors, as well as holding the MPW Championship. For the other five men involved, they will leave the match with nothing but regret at a missed opportunity. This match really is a case of taking ‘The World Or Nothing’!


Prediction Key:

Running Wolf vs DeCipher

Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon

Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze

Roger Monteiro vs Shame

Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Six-Way Elimination match for the MPW Championship:

Mr Lucha © vs Nigel Svensson vs Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus vs Ant Man vs Jamie Atherton

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Running Wolf vs DeCipher


I prefer wolf and with Monteiro losing the stable needs some steam.


Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon


Donte has great potential but will be a while before it shows, Dillon is closer to it and his stable needs some wins.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze


Whole stable can't win and Blaze is weaker then Fly.


Roger Monteiro vs Shame


Stable win and Shame is better.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart


Smart jobber.


Six-Way Elimination match for the MPW Championship:

Mr Lucha © vs Nigel Svensson vs Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus vs Ant Man vs Jamie Atherton


Multi mans always great for a title change and Svensson is the best out of that group.

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Running Wolf vs DeCipher

Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon

Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze

Roger Monteiro vs Shame

Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Six-Way Elimination match for the MPW Championship:

Mr Lucha © vs Nigel Svensson vs Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus vs Ant Man vs Jamie Atherton

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Running Wolf vs DeCipher

Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon

Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze

Roger Monteiro vs Shame

Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Six-Way Elimination match for the MPW Championship:

Mr Lucha © vs Nigel Svensson vs Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus vs Ant Man vs Jamie Atherton

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Running Wolf vs DeCipher

DeCipher is in the same storyline than some of your top guys (Ant Man, Lucha III) so I´d say that he beeds to win this one in order to look at least somekind of a thread.


Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon

Pretty much a squash.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze

I think this is quite much a same situation than Wolf vs. DeCipher. Flre Fly just need to win this one.


Roger Monteiro vs Shame

Tough one but I go with Monteiro getting a win an continuing his recent momentum shift.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Smart needs to look wins elsewhere.


Six-Way Elimination match for the MPW Championship:

Mr Lucha © vs Nigel Svensson vs Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus vs Ant Man vs Jamie Atherton

On my opinion Atherton and Sanders aren´t on the same level than everyone else and Remus is former champ so that leaves Lucha, Svensson and Ant Man as possible winners. I think it´s time for a change and since current champ is face I rather give the title to heel next in order to give other faces a title shot changes so Ant Man is going to win this one.

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 300 people in attendance...

MPW presents The World Or Nothing


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton welcome us to the show, as Ant Man is shown to be making his way to the ring flanked as usual by DeCipher. Ant Man enters the ring to a chorus of boos, before grabbing a microphone to address the crowd.


Ant Man: “There’s no doubt that tonight is a very special night, as for the first time in MPW history six men will get into this very ring and battle it out to decide just who will be the MPW Champion. Now I’ve heard a lot of words thrown around describing tonight’s Main Event: Exciting... Unpredictable... Chaotic. Now these words... they intrigue me... they excite me... and it’s these words that make me sure that I will have that MPW Championship belt around my waist by the end of the night.”


The crowd boos this statement, and Ant Man waits for them to settle down before continuing.


Ant Man: “You see the problem for the other competitors is that none of them can claim to match up to these attributes in the way that I can... and that especially goes for the current champion: Mr Lucha III. His entire reign as MPW Champion has been anything but exciting... his ring work has been predictable... and the only chaos involved has been injected by either me or my associate DeCipher. But I have good news for all you fans, because after tonight there will be a new Champion here in MPW, and that new champion will be me... and I promise you right here tonight that my title reign will serve as the Andidote to everything that has been wrong here in MPW for the last thirteen months. I will be the Antidote to the boredom and I will be the Antidote to the mundanity that we have all suffered during Mr Lucha’s reign as champion. Putting right all of Mr Lucha’s wrongs is a heavy burden to bear, but I promise you that I am the perfect man for the job... because I’m the Ant Man, and I can lift anything.”


Rating: D+


Running Wolf vs DeCipher

DeCipher remains in the ring following Ant Man’s promo, as he is announced to be in the first match of the night... where he faces off against Running Wolf. Wolf’s size advantage allows him to gain the advantage early in the match, as DeCipher struggles to handle the 6’6 290lb Native American’s power. Running Wolf retains control, until Texas Outlaw member Shame appears from the back. The referee takes his eye off of the action to tell Shame to go back to the locker room. Back in the ring, Ant Man leaps onto the apron and drops Running Wolf head first into the top rope. The Native American staggers back into the ring, straight into a Code Breaker from DeCipher. With his job done Shame retires to the back, and referee Jonathan Taylor turns back to the ring just in time to count the pinfall.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, DeCipher defeated Running Wolf in 5:57 by pinfall with a Code Breaker.


Rating: D-


Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon

On commentary, Remmington Remus reminds viewers that ‘Golden Opportunity’ was a bad night for the Texas Outlaws stable, with Bradley Blaze and Shame both losing their qualifying matches and Marshall Dillon coming up short in the Main Event. Remus says that tonight is an important night for the Outlaws, as they look to get back on track. Marshall Dillon towers over Donte Dunn, and that size advantage would prove the difference in this match. While Dunn’s athleticism and youthful exuberance kept the match competitive for a period, he was only ever really putting off the inevitable. Eventually Dillon was able to get his hands on Dunn, and landed a devastating Crackdown to bounce back from his loss in emphatic style.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Marshall Dillon defeated Donte Dunn in 8:18 by pinfall with a Crackdown.


Rating: D


Following Marshall Dillon’s victory, MPW Champion Mr Lucha III makes his way to the ring to address the crowd.


Lucha: “Tonight I face the biggest challenge of my MPW Championship reign to date, as I step into the ring with five of the most talented competitors in this company... but I’m not out here to talk about tonight. No, I’m out here to talk about what happened at the conclusion of ‘Doomsday’ two weeks ago... where I was attacked from behind following my title defence. This is nothing new, Ant Man has done this kind of thing before... so has his ‘associate’ DeCipher. However, what was different about the events at ‘Doomsday’ was that more people got involved. We ended ‘Doomsday’ with six grown men scrapping like juvenile children. That is not what I want MPW to be about. Earlier tonight Ant Man talked about winning the title and bringing ‘Chaos’ to MPW. Well I’m out here to tell you that is not going to happen... not on my watch. It is my job to stop events like those that tarnished ‘Doomsday’ from happening again here in MPW... and so it is for all of you fans that I promise to keep hold of this belt tonight.”


Rating: C


Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze

A fairly one sided match here, as Amazing Fire Fly makes short work of the relatively inexperienced Bradley Blaze. The cowboy just couldn’t come to terms with Fire Fly’s impressive speed, and it was no surprise when the luchador hit the Sky High Fire Fly to pick up the victory. In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Amazing Fire Fly defeated Bradley Blaze in 6:30 by pinfall with a Sky High Fire Fly.


Rating: D


Roger Monteiro vs Shame

With Shame getting involved in Running Wolf’s match earlier, Roger Monteiro challenged the Texas Outlaw to a match to get a measure of revenge for his fellow Native American tribesman. Monteiro starts the match strongly, taking the fight right to his opponent and not giving his opponent a second to breathe. Shame struggles to cope with the aggressive Monteiro, and has to resort to an eye rake to buy himself some time... as well as a warning from the referee. However, Monteiro is quickly back on Shame and sends him to the mat with a Lariat. Monteiro continues his dominance throughout the match, until Shame’s stable mate Marshall Dillon appears from behind the curtain.


Monteiro notices Dillon and immediately beckons for him to join him in the ring, the referee however beckons for Dillon to head back behind the curtain. Dillon listens to neither of them and just stands his ground. Monteiro continues to stare down the 6’6 320 pounder, until he is rolled up from behind by Shame. Shame grabs the tights as the referee makes the count, and this proves enough for Shame to keep the shoulders down for the three and steal the win. Shame immediately bails from the ring to escape an irate Monteiro, and joins his stable mate Dillon in laughing at the defeated Native American.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Shame defeated Roger Monteiro in 8:15 by pinfall following interference from Marshall Dillon.


Rating: D-


Following Shame’s victory, we join Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton at the announce desk, who are hyping tonight’s six way Main Event title mach. The subject of the Main Event leads to a discussion of Atherton’s feud with Nigel Svensson, with the bad blood between the two men dating back to the early day of MPW. Atherton says that he has been calling Svensson out for the past few months, but the Swede is too scared to face him. Atherton then promises that he will force Svensson to face him one on one... whatever it takes. Atherton promises that revenge will be his, and revenge will be sweet...


Rating: C-


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Mark Smart has found life in MPW difficult so far, failing to pick up a single win in the company’s two year history. However Smart gave a much improved account of himself in this match, as he pushed Jayson Van Pelt throughout the match. Both men enjoyed good periods of offence, and both men picked up a number of near falls. However Mark Smart would come up just short once again, as Jayson Van Pelt was able to hit the Axe Kick to pick up the victory. On commentary, Remmington Remus says that despite the loss Mark Smart should be encouraged by this improved showing. Atherton says that it doesn’t really matter, it still goes down as a loss in the book and Mark Smart is still searching for that elusive first win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Mark Smart in 8:04 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: D+


Six-Way Elimination Match for the MPW Championship

© Mr Lucha III vs Nigel Svensson vs Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus vs Ant Man vs Jamie Atherton

Next up is the Main Event, which Remmington Remus puts over as possibly the biggest match in MPW history. He is joined at the announce desk by Sienna DeVille for this one, who immediately picks her client Jamie Atherton as the favourite for this one. The match begins with all six men in the ring, but as expected quickly descends into chaos. The ring is unable to contain the action, and the brawling quickly spills to the outside. The first major spot sees MPW Champion Mr Lucha III, who had been recovering from a Roderick Remus Suplex in the ring, went flying over the top rope to take out the other five competitors who had been brawling on the outside.


Lucha is the first man up, and quickly rolls Jamie Atherton back into the ring. Sensing an opportunity for an early elimination, Mr Lucha heads to the top rope and goes for the Third Strike. However, Jamie Atherton has recovered just enough to roll out of the way of the flying Mr Lucha. Atherton hauls himself to his feet, before stalking the groggy Mr Lucha and nailing the MPW Champion with a Lightning Kick. It looks as if the MPW Champion is going to be the first elimination following Atherton’s finisher, but then Svensson rolls into the ring behind Atherton and rolls up ‘White Lightning’ into a Schoolboy pin attempt. Taken by surprise, Atherton can’t react until just after the referee counts the three. On commentary, Sienna DeVille throws a fit as her client is the first man eliminated...


1st Elimination: Nigel Svensson eliminated Jamie Atherton by pinfall after 5:11


Jamie Atherton immediately begins arguing with the referee that he kicked out, but Jonathan Taylor is having none of it. Nigel Svensson turns away from Atherton and looks to turn his attention to a recovered Mr Lucha. However, having lost his argument with the referee, Jamie Atherton spins Svensson around and nails the Swede with a Lightning Bolt before anybody can react. Atherton then yells at Lucha to cover Svensson, but the MPW Champion shakes his head, in shock at what Atherton had just done. With Lucha’s attention set on the eliminated Jamie Atherton, he didn’t notice Roderick Remus slide into the ring. Remus grabbed Lucha and threw the champion over the top rope, before making the cover on the knocked out Svensson, yelling at the referee to make the count. Jonathan Taylor initially looked reluctant to count, but following some ‘encouragement’ from Jamie Atherton he eventually dropped to the mat and counted the three...


2nd Elimination: Roderick Remus eliminated Nigel Svensson by pinfall after 6:13


With Svensson eliminated, Atherton left the ring and joined his manager and Remmington Remus at the commentary desk. Remus immediately chastises Atherton for his actions, but Atherton replies he was simply returning the favour after Svensson jumped Atherton from behind to eliminate him in the first place. Remus seems to disagree with this assessment, but eventually decides to drop the subject and focus back on what was going on in the ring. Back in the ring the match was much more structured following the eliminations of Atherton and Svensson, with Sanders and Ant Man fighting in the ring, while Remus and Lucha brawl on the outside.


Sanders looks to have the advantage against Ant Man, as the Canadian lumberjack lands a nice Suplex to send his opponent to the mat. Sanders then heads to the top rope to try and press home his advantage. The Canadian waits for Ant Man to regain his feet, before going for a Flying Crossbody attempt... but Ant Man shows incredible power, as he catches the flying lumberjack from the sky. Sanders is helpless as Ant Man transfers the Canadian to his shoulders, before nailing a devastating Antidote for the third elimination of the match.


3rd Elimination: Ant Man eliminated Cal Sanders by pinfall after 9:57


With only three competitors left in the match, Mr Lucha III and Roderick Remus join Ant Man back in the ring. The three men trade moves back and forth, with no one man able to gain the advantage for an extended period of time. The match looks like it could go any way as the three men continue to battle it out in the ring, when Nigel Svensson, who had been carried to the back earlier in the night, came flying from the back. With Jamie Atherton focused on calling the match, he doesn’t see the Swede sprinting towards the announce desk until it’s too late. Atherton is barely on his feet when Svensson get’s his hands on him. The enraged Swede, presumably having been told how he was eliminated from the match, begins laying into Atherton with rights and lefts. Sienna DeVille begins screaming for help on commentary. In the ring, referee Jonathan Taylor notices the brawl at ringside and leaves the ring to try and help Security break the two wrestlers up.


As a mob security try to break up Atherton and Svensson, DeCipher comes running down the ramp with a chair in hand. DeCipher slides into the ring and nails Mr Lucha III, whose attention was focused on the chaotic scene at ringside, square between the eyes. Having seen DeCipher attack Lucha with the chair, Remus looked to get away from the crazed luchador... however, he turned right into Ant Man, who hoisted Remus onto his shoulders and nailed a thunderous Antidote. Ant Man nods to DeCipher, who slides from the ring and disappears through the crowd.


Outside the ring security have finally managed to separate Atherton and Svensson, and referee Jonathan Taylor returns to the ring to find Ant Man standing tall over both of his opponents. Ant Man takes a moment to consider, before covering Roderick Remus. Taylor seems to hesitate for a moment, before dropping to the mat and making the count to eliminate Roderick Remus.


4th Elimination: Ant Man eliminated Roderick Remus by pinfall after 11:40


With Remus eliminated, Ant Man turns his attention to current MPW Champion Mr Lucha III. The champion is face down on the mat, and looks to be completely out cold following DeCipher’s chair shot. Ant Man hauls the luchador to his feet, taking a few seconds to bad mouth the luchador and hauls the luchador onto his shoulders. Ant Man has a sadistic smile on his face as he nails his third Antidote of the match, and the smile remains as Jonathan Taylor makes the three count that hands Ant Man his very first MPW Championship!


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Ant-Man defeated Nigel Svensson, Cal Sanders, Mr. Lucha III, Roderick Remus and Jamie Atherton in 12:13; the order of elimination was Jamie Atherton first, then Nigel Svensson, then Cal Sanders, then Roderick Remus, and finally Mr Lucha III. The match also saw DeCipher run in and attack Mr Lucha III and Roderick Remus. Ant-Man wins the MPW Championship title.


Rating: C


Jonathan Taylor grabs the MPW Championship belt from ringside, and hands it to the new MPW Champion. Ant Man takes the belt, and hoists it high above his head. He seems to be bathing in the incessant booing of the crowd, and hoists himself onto the turnbuckle and poses once more for the crowd. On commentary Remmington Remus reminds us that Ant Man promised that he would bring a chaotic and unpredictable reign to MPW, and tonight he has kept that promise. He also speculates how Mr Lucha III would react to DeCipher and Ant Man stealing his title away from him. The show closes with Ant Man doing some muscle poses, and bad mouthing some out of shape fans in the front row.


Rating: C-


Show Rating: C-

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Boltinho 5-1

Zergon 5-1

Hyde Hill 4-2

Emark 4-2


Prediction Contest (After 3 Shows)

Emark 17-3

Zergon 17-3

Hyde Hill 16-4

Condors 12-2

Boltinho 12-2

Jaded 10-4

masterofnone 6-0


Thank you to everyone who predicted this month, and to everyone who takes the time to read the show. This seemed to be a more difficult show to predict, with nobody getting a full score this time around. I was surprised that only Zergon picked Ant Man as the man to take the belt. I’ve really enjoyed writing Ant Man so far, and I’m really looking forward to writing his title run... even if having him as champion will probably see a drop in my show ratings compared to having Lucha as champ.


As always I’d be interested to hear any feedback anyone has on the show, whether it be on my writing style, layout or any other comments you may have. I hope to see everyone back next show :)

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Nice show.


I didnt pick AM to win because I think hes more interesting frustrated and angry. Like a teenager.


One thing you could do with experimenting is putting the winner in bold?


Thanks :D


I see where you're coming from regarding Ant Man, and to an extent I agree with you. However Ant Man has essentially been doing the 'I want the title off the luchadors' deal for over a year now, and I thought it was time to change it up. I'm not sure how long I want the title on Ant Man, there are certainly other guys who could get me better grades in the Title matches, but, with the change of emphasis on his character, I think his title run should be fun to write for as long as it does last... which is ultimately why I decided to make the change.


Do you mean in the summary I copy over from the game? If so, I can certainly look into it going forwards.

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For those of us who grew up on the Indy scene in the Great Lakes, one venue stood out over any other... The Asylum. I remember stepping out there as a 15 year old kid with Roddy, and the sheer volume of the crowd blew us away. The crowd that place drew truly lived up to the arena’s name... the place only held 1000 people, but those 1000 people could blow your head off. I’m telling you this because I was contacted late one night towards the end of February by a man I knew well from my Indy days. He told me he had heard about my work with MPW, and that someone had dropped out on him at the last minute. He then made me an offer that the wrestling fan within me just couldn’t refuse...


MPW presents Blind Faith

Week 4 February 2012

For one night only, MPW will take refuge in The Asylum! In the wake of the chaotic events that saw Ant Man take the MPW Championship at ‘The World Or Nothing’, The Asylum may be the only place that can house the chaos that the new champion promised to bring to MPW during his title reign. What further chaos the new champion can bring to a reign that was kicked off with two devastating chair shots, delivered by his associate DeCipher, remains to be seen. Jamie Atherton and Nigel Svensson will also both be in the arena following their wild brawl at 'The World Or Nothing', and both men will be on the look out for revenge... Make sure you are there for what is sure to be a chaotic evening!

Prediction List:

Roger Monteiro vs Bradley Blaze

Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Running Wolf vs Jamie Atherton

Donte Dunn vs Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshall Dillon

Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Mr Lucha III vs Roderick Remus

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Roger Monteiro vs Bradley Blaze

Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Running Wolf vs Jamie Atherton

Donte Dunn vs Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshall Dillon

Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Mr Lucha III vs Roderick Remus


Surprised not see Ant Man on the this card following his title win...

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Roger Monteiro vs Bradley Blaze

Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Running Wolf vs Jamie Atherton

Donte Dunn vs Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshall Dillon

Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Mr Lucha III vs Roderick Remus

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Roger Monteiro vs Bradley Blaze

Not sure here but I think that Monteiro is slighly more over, if nothing else he has been here longer.

Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Van Pelt is little bit lost into shuffle right now but I still believe that he´s above Shame on pecking order.


Running Wolf vs Jamie Atherton

Atherton is doing more currently and likely is more over too thanks to him being color commentator for most shows.


Donte Dunn vs Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshall Dillon

Tough one but Dillon has so far looked strongest from these three.


Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

I could see Smart getting his first win here as Sanders haven´t done that much yet but still I take the safer ortion and go with Sanders.


Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Svensson is one of your top guys. DeCipher is in big storyline but so far he haven´t got that many wins over big names which make me believe that he is still lacking on overness to truly challenge your top guys.


Mr Lucha III vs Roderick Remus

Tough one as both are former champs but with Ant Man being the current champion I think that Lucha would benefit more from the win.

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From The Asylum, with 807 people in attendance...

MPW presents Doomsday


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton


Doomsday opens with newly crowned MPW Champion making his way down to the ring, with his new MPW Championship belt draped over his shoulder. On commentary, Remmington Remus reminds viewers of the circumstances Ant Man won the title under at ‘The World Or Nothing’, with DeCipher taking advantage of the distraction caused by Atherton and Svensson brawling at ringside. Once in the ring, Ant Man takes some time to pose for a hostile crowd, holding the title high above his head, before grabbing a microphone.


Ant Man: “Ladies and gentleman, welcome to a new era in the history of MPW. How fitting it is that on the back of me winning the MPW Championship at ‘The World Or Nothing’, that era begins right here in The Asylum. Now that I am MPW Champion a few things are gonna change around here. It took me two years to get hold of this belt, and, having waited all that time, I don’t plan on losing it any time soon. So Mr Lucha and his luchador friends can forget about running things around here anymore, because this is my time... and DeCipher and I will run things around here with an iron fist.”


Ant Man looked like he had a lot more to say, but at this point he was interrupted by former MPW Champion: Mr Lucha III who appeared from behind the curtain with a microphone in hand. Lucha begins to make his way down towards the ring as he addresses the MPW Champion.


Lucha: “I think you coming out and declaring a new era for MPW is a bit rich, especially considering you only won the title because DeCipher hit me from behind with a steel chair. So before you declare a “new era” I think we’d better see if you can beat me one on one tonight in my rematch for my MPW Championship!”


Before Ant Man can reply, Roderick Remus appears from behind the curtain to add his two cents to the situation.


Remus: “In case you two have forgotten, DeCipher also attacked me with that steel chair to cost me my second MPW Championship reign. If anybody is getting a rematch tonight it’s going to be me.”


Ant Man: “Whoa, whoa, whoa. In case you two idiots have forgotten, I’m the MPW Champion... and I’m in charge around here. I decide who I face for the MPW Championship and when, and I’ve decided that neither of you are going to get a shot tonight... and as for you Lucha, I want you out of MPW, so you are never getting near this title ever again.”


Lucha: “The thing is you don’t have a choice. When I signed my contract as MPW Champion, MPW management inserted a clause that if I were to lose the MPW Championship I would have a guaranteed rematch within a month...”


Ant Man & Roderick Remus look apoplectic... presumable neither of them has this clause in their contract.


Ant Man: “You can’t be serious... not even I have that in my contract.”


Lucha: “Oh but I’m very serious. You have no choice but to face me for that belt, and your “new era” will be cut off before it even begins.”


Ant Man begins to look flustered. Facing Mr Lucha III so soon after winning the belt clearly wasn't in his plans.


Ant Man: “There is no way that clause exists, and I’m not being rushed into a match before I’ve checked it out... so you won’t be getting your shot tonight. If that clause does exist, and only if it does, you’ll get your shot at ‘Guilty As Charged’.”


Remus: “Don’t forget about me, I want a shot at your belt as well.


Ant Man: “You can forget it. Actually, you know what I’ve got a better idea. If you’re so keen for a match, you can face off against Mr Lucha III tonight. If you win then I’ll add you to the title match next month. Lose, and you’re out of the title picture for good. I hope you both damn well kill each other.”


With that, Ant Man angrily throws his microphone to the ground and storms out through the crowd. Lucha and Roderick Remus briefly stare down as Remmington Remus hypes the tonight’s main event on commentary, before Roderick remus returns to the back. On commentary, Remmington Remus notes that Ant Man’s “new era” hadn’t quite gotten off to the start that the new champion would have hoped for.


Rating: D+


Roger Monteiro vs Bradley Blaze

Monteiro requested a rematch against Shame following his loss to the bandit at ‘The World Or Nothing’, however Shame declined and instead sent stable mate Bradley Blaze to face Monteiro in his place. Monteiro wrestled like a man possessed tonight, and gave the young cowboy little chance to impose himself in the match. The little offence Blaze did raise was often off the back of a cheap rake to the eyes or hair pull, and Monteiro was always able to shift the momentum back in his favour fairly quickly. It was no surprise to anyone when the Native American was able to land the Eagle Chop, and the pumped up Native American made the cover to get the three count and the victory.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Roger Monteiro defeated Bradley Blaze in 6:23 by pinfall with an Eagle Chop.


Rating: D-


Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Both men came into this match off the back of wins last month, and both were looking to keep that momentum going with another win here. Van Pelt started this match the stronger, using his high flying moves to keep Shame from settling, but Shame’s underhand tactics meant that he was able to break up Van Pelt’s momentum. The match was very even throughout, and it took a mistake from Shame to separate the two. The finish saw Shame rake the eyes of Van Pelt, before bouncing off the ropes and attempting a Lariat. However, Van Pelt was able to duck underneath the move and hit an Axe Kick on the vulnerable Shame to pick up the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Shame in 7:32 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: D+


Running Wolf vs Jamie Atherton

A real case of power vs speed here. Running Wolf’s power advantage was obvious throughout the match, as he tossed Atherton around the ring whenever he was able to get his hands on him. However, Atherton spent most of the match using hit and run tactics to keep out of his Native American opponents grasp. The end to this match came as Running Wolf looked to hit a Running Powerslam on Atherton, but ‘White Lightning’ was able to slip out of the back. Wolf turned to try and regain control, but turned right into a Lightning Bolt (Super Kick) from Atherton. Atherton made the cover and picked up the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jamie Atherton defeated Running Wolf in 6:01 by pinfall with a Lightning Bolt.


Rating: D


Following his victory over Running Wolf, Atherton grabs a microphone from ringside...


Atherton: “Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get down to business. At ‘The World Or Nothing’ Nigel Svensson cheated me out of the MPW Championship. I had nailed Mr Lucha III with the White Lightning and was set to get the first of my four eliminations, when that coward jumped me from behind and eliminated me from a match I should have won. Now I’ve been calling you out for months, but this time I’m not giving you a choice in the matter.”


At this point, Nigel Svensson appears from the back with a microphone in hand. Svensson looks very relaxed at the top of the ramp, a distinct difference to Jamie Atherton, who looks riled up in the ring at the appearance of the Swede.


Svensson: “Eh that’s fine with me. We’ve faced four times in MPW, and I’ve won every time. If you want to make it five, then I can’t wait...”


Atherton: “We’ll see. I’m the most talented man in MPW and you know it. ‘White Lightning’ has more than you can handle. Now if you’ll excuse me, with our business attended to, I have to return to my job at the commentary desk and boost our DVD sales.”


With that Atherton returns to the announce desk, while Svensson merely shrugs and returns to the back. On commentary, Atherton promises that he will defeat Nigel Svensson next month, and then he will become the next MPW Champion.


Rating: D+


Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Mark Smart comes into this match still searching for his first win in MPW, and faces a tough test in this match as he faces off against Cal Sanders. Smart surprises many observers by starting the match well, trading moves with Sanders and even gaining the advantage for a period. The momentum continues to ebb back and forth between the two competitors, until Sanders surprises Smart with a quick roll up attempt. The roll up attempt proved enough to keep Smart’s shoulders down just long enough for the three. Following the match Smart looks dejected, but Remmington Remus says that he can take heart from a much improved performance this time around... but, for now, that all important first win still eludes him.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Cal Sanders defeated Mark Smart in 7:50 by pinfall.


Rating: D


Donte Dunn vs Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshall Dillon

This was a fun triple threat match here, which saw all three men have good periods of offence. The match started badly for Marshall Dillon, as his two smaller opponents worked together to keep their much larger opponent off balance. However Dillon was eventually able to get hold of Donte Dunn, and dumped the youngster to the outside. The match then followed the pattern of the two quicker, smaller men taking turns to try and take down the towering Marshall Dillon. While this tactic kept the match open for a while, it eventually came undone. Amazing Fire Fly had climbed up to the top rope to try and take out Dillon, while Dunn kept the cowboy busy. However, a Big Boot from Dillon sent Dunn crashing to the mat. Dillon then made his way over to the turnbuckle, and grabbed hold of the exposed Fire Fly around the neck. A sickening Crackdown followed, dumping the luchador to the outside with a loud thud. With Fire Fly motionless, Dillon could focus his attention on Dunn now... and when the youngster regained his feet, Dillon hit a Crackdown to pick up the victory. Following his win, Dillon celebrated as he made his way to the back, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake...


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Marshall Dillon defeated Donte Dunn and Amazing Fire Fly in 7:45 when Marshall Dillon defeated Donte Dunn by pinfall with a Crackdown.


Rating: C-


Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Nigel Svensson seemed incredibly focused in this match, as he looked to send a message to Jamie Atherton ahead of their upcoming match, as ‘White Lightning’ looked on from the commentary desk. Svensson’s tactic for this match saw him using a variety of submission holds, as he looked to wear down his opponent. This proved successful, as DeCipher struggled to raise offence against the Swede. DeCipher was eventually able to stop the Swede’s momentum, however when he did so it was in controversial circumstances. Svensson looked like he was setting the lucahdor up for a Belly to Belly Suplex, but before Svensson could deliver the move DeCipher delivered a heavy Headbutt to the Swede... with one of the spikes protruding DeCipher’s mask catching the cheek of the Swede. As Svensson recoiled in pain, DeCipher received a stern warning from the referee... but no disqualification. This didn’t seem to worry DeCipher, as he let out a maniacal cry of laughter.


On commentary, Remmington Remus put over the danger of the solid spikes on the mask of DeCipher... while in the background Jamie Atherton could be heard laughing his head off. Back in the ring, DeCipher has taken advantage of the situation as he looks to beatdown Svensson with a series Lariats and Dropkicks. DeCipher stays on tops for a few minutes, before he attempted a Suplex that Svensson was able to slip out of the back of... while having hold of DeCipher’s right arm! Svensson had the Hyper Extension Arm Lock synched in, and DeCipher had no choice but to tap out. Svensson had picked up the win from nowhere! On commentary Atherton says that Svensson looked vulnerable today, and that he wouldn’t have made a mistake like DeCipher did with that Suplex. Remus says that without the headbutt from DeCipher, Svensson would have had this match wrapped up in a few minutes. Atherton claims that Remus can’t prove that, and that next month he would prove Remus wrong by kicking Svensson’s teeth down his throat.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Nigel Svensson defeated DeCipher in 7:50 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: C-


Following Nigel Svensson’s win, we are informed that newly crowned MPW Champion Ant Man will be joining the commentary desk for tonight’s Main Event. Ant Man makes his way out from the back, taking the time to bad mouth some more vocal members of the audience, before raising the MPW Championship high above his head. Remmington Remus welcomes Ant Man to the announce table, and the Champion settles in to call the action as his two major rivals are set to face off...


Rating: D


Mr Lucha III vs Roderick Remus

This was a match set up by Ant Man earlier in the night. On commentary, Ant Man confirms that Mr Lucha III’s contract stipulation does in fact exist, before launching into a tirade about how luchadors have been receiving preferential treatment since day one here in MPW, and this is just another example of that. With a title match confirmed for next week, all that remains is to see if it will be Ant Man vs Mr Lucha III, or is Roderick Remus will win his way into a triple threat Main Event.


As the only two previous holders of the MPW Championship, these two have faced off a number of times over the past couple of years, and have got to know each other’s styles well. Roderick Remus clearly has more to gain in this match, with a title shot in next month’s Main Event on the line, and Remus certainly looks intent on taking that opportunity as he starts the match incredibly aggressively. Remus simply looks to beat the fight right out of his luchador opponent, using heavy strikes to keep the luchador pinned to the mat. This tactic seems to completely catch the luchador off guard, as it is far removed from Remus’ usual technical approach. Remus stayed on top of Lucha, with the luchador struggling to raise any offence at all. However, Remus aggression would eventually come undone, as he took on a wild charge at Lucha, as the former MPW Champion was struggling in the corner. However, the luchador showed his speed to roll himself over the top rope to avoid the onrushing Remus. Lucha was then able to unleash a Springboard Dropkick from the apron to take down Remus.


This would signal a noticeable change in momentum, as the pace of the match increased and Mr Lucha III took control. Remus struggled to keep the luchador in check, as Lucha flew around the ring landing a series of kicks and Arm Drags, before snapping off a nice German Suplex. Remus struggled back to his feet and threw a wild right hand that Lucha easily ducked under, before landing a Step-Up Enzuigiri. Seeing his chance, Lucha went to the top rope and nailed the Third Strike. Lucha made the cover, and got the pinfall to ensure his title shot next month against Ant Man would be one-on-one.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Mr. Lucha III defeated Roderick Remus in 8:19 by pinfall with a Third Strike.


Rating: C+


Having picked up the victory over Roderick Remus, Mr Lucha’s attention immediately turns back to Ant Man at the commentary desk. Lucha seems to have his eyes firmly set on winning his title back, as his focus is solely focused on Ant Man. The MPW Champion slowly stands up and takes off his headphones, before staring down Mr Lucha and raising the MPW Championship high above his head. On commentary, Remmington Remus hypes the match between Ant Man and Mr Lucha III for the MPW Championship in the Main Event at ‘Welcome To The Future’. Be there!


Rating: D+


Final Rating: C

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Emark 7-0

Zergon 7-0

Hyde Hill 6-1

Jaded 5-2


Prediction Contest (After 4 Shows)

Emark 24-3

Zergon 24-3

Hyde Hill 22-5

Jaded 15-6

Condors 12-2

Boltinho 12-2

masterofnone 6-0


Thank you to everyone who predicted this month, and to everyone who takes the time to read the show. To answer Emarks question, unfortunately Ant Man picked up a minor injury in his title win so was only available for angles this month. It was a bit of a hassle booking around it, but hopefully the write around I settled on wasn’t too awkward to read. If anything it actually may help with what I’m planning to do with Roderick Remus going forward, every cloud and all that...


As always I’d be interested to hear any feedback anyone has on the show, whether it be on my writing style, layout or any other comments you may have. I hope to see everyone back next show :)

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I liked the way Ant Man's non-participation was handled. Nice to see Remus trying to get back in the picture and you're starting to build some good workers that are getting better match grades. For some reason I can see Marshall Dillon taking a lead role in MPW and could be the guy to carry the promotion for a while.
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I liked the way Ant Man's non-participation was handled. Nice to see Remus trying to get back in the picture and you're starting to build some good workers that are getting better match grades. For some reason I can see Marshall Dillon taking a lead role in MPW and could be the guy to carry the promotion for a while.


Thank you for the kind words. Ant Man's injury was unfortunate for sure, but I think the workaround will still allow me to go where I want to go going forward. Don't worry, I have plans for Remus... even if they are a little bit, well, different. I'm actually slightly concerned about how that will come across, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. :p


Marshall Dillon has impressed me since I signed him. He's pulled some really good grades, so he's definitely going to play a bigger role than I initially envisioned. I'm not sure if he will be carrying the promotion, but we'll just have to see how it pans out. ;)


February 2012

There was only one talking point in pro-wrestling during February, and that was the shocking announcement that Sam Strong would be retiring from the business for good. There was no word on who the legend would be handing USPW over to, but Strong has promised the company will be left in good hands. The announcement has seen many wrestling fans reliving some of Strong’s best moments, as sales of his ‘Best Of’ DVD apparently soared following the announcement.


Closer to home, we managed to secure the contract extensions of both Shame and DeCipher. We also managed to secure a new signing, who I was very excited about going forward. Away from MPW, Donte Dunn signed a deal with CGC up in his homeland of Canada. In our regional battle, we managed 2nd place, as we once again beat out NYCW this month. However PSW put on a great show, denying us successive victories.


February also saw the first MPW alumni debut in the big leagues, as Raphael was called up to the main SWF roster, making his debut on Supreme TV in a losing effort to Primus Allen. I would follow his SWF with interest, as he had done a great job for us during his time in the promotion...


-Aaron Andrews & Lee Wright extend deals


Big Event: TCW The War To Settle The Score (B+) Buy Rate: 3.07

Main Event: Sean McFly bt Rich Money to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match Of The Night: Ricky Dale Johnson bt Joey Minnesota


Bookers view: TCW continue their serene progress, as they put on yet another great show with ‘War To Settle The Score’. They also secured the contract extension of key young talent Aaron Andrews, which is a key move for the company.



-The Stomper & Matthew Keith extend deals

-Raphael called up to main roster


Big Event: SWF Nothing To Lose (B-) Buy Rate: 2.50

Main Event: James Justice bt Brandon James to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match Of The Night: Eric Eisen bt The Angel of Death


Title Changes: James Justice won the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (Previous Holder: Brandon James, W2 Mar 11-W2 Feb 12, 14 defences)


Bookers View: A number of talking points this month, most prominently the decision by the SWF booking team to put the SWF World Heavyweight Championship on the 41 year old James Justice. While Justice is undoubtedly a popular worker, and a proven draw, one can’t help but wonder if the SWF would have been better served putting the title on a younger star.



-Shane Sneer & Baby Jamie extend deals


Big Event: USPW Red, White & Blue! (C+) Buy Rate: 1.40

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Chris Caulfield bt Valiant to retain the USPW World Title


Title Changes: Chris Caulfied won the USPW World Championship (previous holder: Valiant, W3 Oct 11-W1 Feb 12, 6 defences)


Bookers view: There were two major talking points in USPW this month. One was the shocking and major announcement that Sam Strong would be walking away from pro-wrestling. The other major talking point was Chris Caulfield defeating Valiant for the USPW World Championship. Caulfield brutalised Valiant with a Singapore Cane to win the title, potentially pointing to a slight change in product for the company.

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MPW presents Welcome To The Future

W2 March 2012


With Mr Lucha III’s contract clause have being proved to exist since ‘Doomsday’, Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man has been confirmed as the Main Event for ‘Welcome To The Future’. Ant Man finds his ‘control’ over MPW being overruled within a month of winning the title... can the new champion retain his title, or will Lucha regain the gold? Elsewhere, Jamie Atherton and Nigel Svensson face off to settle the bad blood between the two men. The trouble started between these two men when Svensson sent Atherton’s friend Raphael packing from MPW, and culminated with their ringside brawl during the title match at ‘The World Or Nothing’. Who will win out in this battle to prove who is the better of these two proud men? Find out only at ‘Welcome To The Future’...

Prediction Key:

Cal Sanders vs DeCipher

Jayson Van Pelt vs Roderick Remus

The Native Americans (Roger Monteiro & Running Wolf) vs The Texas Outlaws (Marshall Dillon & Bradley Blaze)

Donte Dunn vs Shame

Amazing Fire Fly vs Mark Smart

Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man © – MPW Championship

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Cal Sanders vs DeCipher

Jayson Van Pelt vs Roderick Remus

The Native Americans (Roger Monteiro & Running Wolf) vs The Texas Outlaws (Marshall Dillon & Bradley Blaze)

Donte Dunn vs Shame

Amazing Fire Fly vs Mark Smart

Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man © – MPW Championship

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Cal Sanders vs DeCipher

Doing more.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Roderick Remus

Remus might be out of the title picture right now but I still expect him to beat Van Pelt. That said I wouldn´t be surprised if Van Pelt gets a title shot or storyline soon.


The Native Americans (Roger Monteiro & Running Wolf) vs The Texas Outlaws (Marshall Dillon & Bradley Blaze)

Dillon is the top guy here.


Donte Dunn vs Shame

Could go either way but Dunn has jobbed so far so I expect that to continue.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Mark Smart

Sorry Smart, you aren´t getting your first win here either.


Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Personal preference plus win here would set a title shot for Svensson.


Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man © – MPW Championship

Too early for a title change plus Lucha is the last champ so unlikely to get title back.

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From the Asylum, with 851 people in attendance...

MPW presents Welcome To The Future


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton


‘Welcome To The Future’ opens to a chorus of boos as, for the second show in a row, the show is opened not by in ring action, but rather by the newly crowned MPW Champion, Ant Man, makes his way to the ring. The usual arrogance that radiates off of the champion is surprisingly absent, replaced by a sense of anger and purpose, as Ant Man foregoes his usual posing and taunting of the crowd and makes straight for a microphone to address the (new record) MPW crowd.


Ant Man: “So it would seem that Mr Lucha was telling the truth at ‘Doomsday’, and he does have a rematch clause in his contract... so I have no choice but to face him in tonight’s Main Event, even if he doesn’t deserve it.”


The frustration in Ant Man’s voice is evident as he speaks. Tonight’s Main Event clearly wasn’t part of his plan to kick off his MPW Title reign. The crowd’s pop as Ant Man had announced tonight’s Main Event had done nothing to help the champion’s mood.


Ant Man: “I shouldn’t be so surprised though. I’ve said it since day one, Mr Lucha III and his fellow luchadors have received preferential treatment ever since they arrived here in MPW... and this contract clause is just another example of that. But that ends tonight. I promised that things would change around here now that I’m champion, and that’s a promise I intend on keeping. When I beat Mr Lucha III tonight, I will be having my own contract negotiations with MPW management; and for the first time things around here won’t be stacked in favour of the luchadors, they will be stacked in favour of me.”


This statement is met by a chorus of boos from the crowd, but Ant Man seems unaffected by their reaction. Ant Man seems to be focused only on the frustration that has built up within him over the past two years.


Ant Man: “You see it took me two years to overcome the odds that the luchadors stacked against me, and now it’s my turn to control the way things are run around here. So I suggest you all get used to the sight of me holding this belt, because I am going to hold it for a long, long time... because I’m the Ant Man, and I can lift anything!”


With his rant over, an element of the arrogance the fans have come to associate with the MPW Champion has returned, as he holds the MPW Championship high above his head, before posing for the crowd. While Ant Man poses for the crowd, Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton confirm that tonight’s Main Event will see Ant Man face Mr Lucha III... and that match will be for the MPW Championship!


Rating: C-


Cal Sanders vs DeCipher

With Ant Man heading to the back, we move on to the first match of the evening. Cal Sanders puts on a technical master class here, with the lumberjack using a series of painful looking submission holds to keep his opponent from raising any sort of offence. DeCipher became visibly more frustrated as Sander’s continued to blunt his attacking efforts. DeCipher was eventually able to force the rope break, and immediately bailed to the outside to create some separation between himself and Sanders. Sanders looked to keep the pressure on his opponent, following DeCipher to the outside. DeCipher stumbled over to the announce table, looking to use the desk as support as he regained his composure. Sanders quickly followed DeCipher, but as he spun the luchador around Sanders was nailed across the head with the ring bell that he had grabbed (unnoticed) from the timekeeper. The referee immediately called for the bell to disqualify DeCipher, and the deranged luchador was only too happy to oblige, as he nailed Sanders around the head with the ring bell once again. DeCipher looked on at his unmoving opponent with a crazed look in his eyes, before dropping the ring bell and making his way to the back... laughing to himself all the way to the back. Medics immediately came to check on the downed Sanders, and after a few minutes were able to help a dazed looking Cal Sanders to the back.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Cal Sanders defeated DeCipher in 6:04 by DQ.


Rating: D+


Jayson Van Pelt vs Roderick Remus

With the crowd still shocked by the attack they had just seen by DeCipher, this match started to a slightly muted atmosphere. Sensing this, the youthful Jayson Van Pelt looked to lift the crowd with some high-flying offence. This tactic proved successful early on, as the exuberant Van Pelt was able to take Roderick Remus off his feet. A combination of Dropkicks, Arm Drags and Flying Lariats prevented Remus from really getting going, and began to bring the crowd back into the match slightly. Van Pelt’s showmanship would eventually prove his undoing however. Maybe the youngster felt he needed to go even bigger to draw the crowd into the match fully, as he looked to go to the top rope for a spectacular Senton Splash... but Roderick Remus was able to easily roll inside the high flying move, and send Van Pelt’s lower back crashing into the mat. Van Pelt was able to stagger back to his feet, but turned right into a Backbreaker from Remus. The former MPW Champion was now in the ascendancy, and, with Van Pelt favouring his lower back, Remus was able to lock in his Remus Clutch finishing hold in the middle of the ring. Van Pelt struggled gamely for as long as he could bare, but eventually the pain proved too much and the youngster was forced to tap out.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Roderick Remus defeated Jayson Van Pelt in 8:01 by submission with a Remus Clutch.


Rating: C-


The victorious Roderick Remus has his arm raised by referee Jonathan Taylor, but quickly pulls away from the referee and motions for a microphone. Remus seems unhappy about something inspite of his impressive win against a game Jayson Van Pelt. Remus grabs the microphone from ringside, before taking a few seconds to compose himself before addressing the crowd.


Remus: “Once again I have just proved to anyone who doubted me that I am the best damn wrestler here in MPW. Any company on the planet would kill to have me on their roster, but the idiots who run MPW seem intent on doing their utmost to hold me back. Last month I was forced into a match that I had no time to prepare for. I am a professional athlete, and demand to be treated as such. I refuse to be thrown into fights on a whim, like some common brawler.”


On commentary, Remmington Remus points out that Mr Lucha III was also thrown into last month’s Main Event on late notice. Atherton tells Remmington to shut up while his brother is talking.


Remus: “With this in mind, I’ve decided that I need someone to look after my business interests. Someone to ensure that I am the wrestler with all of the contract options, and to ensure that I am not treated in the way I was at ‘Doomsday’. The days of management pushing me around end tonight. From tonight onwards I will be treated as a wrestler of my calibre deserves to be treated. Consider yourselves warned... because with my new agent set in place, I will be taking my MPW Title back in no time.”


Roderick Remus arrogantly tosses the microphone in the vague direction of the timekeeper, before dropping from the ring and strolling casually towards the back. On commentary, Remmington Remus questions what role a ‘Sports Agent’ could play in MPW. Atherton tells Remmington that wrestling is constantly evolving, and that Roderick Remus is just keeping up with the times. Atherton then speculates just who Roderick Remus might bring in as his new agent...


Rating: C-


The Native Americans (Roger Monteiro & Running Wolf) vs The Texas Outlaws (Marshall Dillon & Bradley Blaze)

The bad blood between the Native Americans and the Texas Outlaws dates back to the debut of Marshall Dillon in the Summer of last year. The Texas Outlaws have been a constant thorn in the Native Americans side, using their number advantage to continually thwart the tribesmen’s efforts here in MPW. This match was booked to give Monteiro & Wolf the opportunity to gain a measure of revenge, and the Native American’s really looked to do so from the very first bell.


Blaze and Running Wolf opened the match, with the much larger Wolf simply throwing the young cowboy around the ring until he managed to tag out to his much larger partner. Marshall Dillon entered the ring, and the two Big Heavyweights had a brief stare down. When neither of the 6’6 300lb+ men backed down, they began trading heavy right hands. While technical skill may have been absent in the exchange, the heavy hits were undoubtedly taking their toll. Marshall Dillon eventually managed to gain an advantage, and forced Running Wolf to tag out to Roger Monteiro. Monteiro quickly clambered to the top rope from the apron, and entered the ring with a spectacular Flying Dropkick to send Marshall Dillon toppling to the mat.


Monteiro stayed on top of Dillon, not allowing the cowboy any recovery time. Seeing his stable mate in trouble, Shame made his way down to ringside and hopped onto the apron. Monteiro leapt at the man who had cheated him out of a win at ‘The World Or Nothing’, but Shame calmly dropped down of the apron to avoid the onrushing Native American. A frustrated Monteiro turned back to the ring, but turned straight into a devastating Crackdown from Marshall Dillon which shook the ring. There was no coming back from that, and the Texas Outlaws had stolen the victory here.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Texas Outlaws II defeated The Native Americans in 6:24 when Marshall Dillon defeated Roger Monteiro by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. During the match we also had Shame run in and distract Monteiro.


Rating: D


Donte Dunn vs Shame

Having helped his stablemates pick up the victory in their tag match, Shame joined Dillon & Blaze in the ring to celebrate. However, the celebrations were cut short when Shame’s opponent, Donte Dunn, appeared from behind the curtain. The enthusiastic and energetic Barbadian came sprinting down to the ring and caught Shame off guard to seize the early initiative. Dillon and Blaze looked to get involved, but were sent to the back by referee Jonathan Taylor with the threat of disqualifying Shame if they didn’t. This gave Dunn the opening to push home his advantage, with the youngster nailing a series of athletic manoeuvres, including a Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick that earned the Barbadian a near fall. Dunn looked set for a big win, but a low blow behind the back of the referee stopped the youngster in his tracks. Shame quickly followed up the low blow by rolling Dunn up into a pinning predicament. Shame had hold of Dunn’s tights, but the referee didn’t notice and counted the three. Shame quickly bailed from the ring having stolen the win from nowhere, leaving a thoroughly disappointed Donte Dunn in the ring to contemplate how he had lost that match. For the second match in a row, the Texas Outlaws had stolen victory.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Shame defeated Donte Dunn in 7:25 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.


Rating: D+


As Donte Dunn contemplates his loss in the ring, Shame continues to mock the youngster as he makes his way towards the back. However just as Shame reaches the curtain, Mr Lucha III appears from behind it and the two men share a brief stare down. Shame immediately stops mocking Dunn, and backs off nervously from the former MPW Champion as the bandit retires sheepishly to the back. Lucha stares after Shame for a few seconds, before joining Dunn in the ring and offering Dunn his hand to help the youngster back to his feet. Dunn takes Lucha’s extended hand, before the luchador takes a microphone from ringside.


Lucha: “I’ve seen a lot of things happen over the past few months in MPW that I haven’t agreed with. Things that really don’t represent what MPW stands for, or at least what I believe it stands for. I’ve seen Ant Man win the MPW Championship because DeCipher has interfered in the match and taken two men out with a steel chair. I’ve seen the Texas Outlaws steal victories, first from the Native Americans and then from this man here Donte Dunn... it gets dispiriting.”


Mr Lucha then turns his attention towards Donte Dunn, who is still stood in the ring with the luchador. Lucha seemingly sizing up the young man standing before him.


Lucha: “But in that time I’ve also seen performances like the one this man put in tonight. Performances full of fight and enthusiasm. Wrestlers like Donte Dunn are talented, athletic, enthusiastic and honest, hard working guys. They don’t take shortcuts to get ahead, but rely on their god given talent to see them home. It’s for Donte Dunn, and the young guys out the back, that I feel most sorry for with the recent happenings in MPW. They’re so early in their career, and they can go so far, but they may find themselves being screwed out of opportunities they deserve. So it is for all the young guys here in MPW that I promise to win the MPW Championship back from Ant Man tonight, and put myself in a position to bring MPW back into some sort of order. Because these guys deserve better than they are getting at the moment. These guys are the future of this company, so it’s up to guys like me to make sure that they get as far as they can.”


With that Lucha raises Donte Dunn’s arm up in a victory salute, to a decent pop from the crowd. Lucha then takes a moment to pose for the crowd, before heading to the back alongside Donte Dunn.


Rating: C+


Amazing Fire Fly vs Mark Smart

Mark Smart has struggled so far in his MPW career, having failed to pick up a single victory since the promotion opened over two years ago. However Smart has shown signs of real improvement recently, so could he turn the tide here and upset his luchador opponent? Smart started the match really strongly, catching Fire Fly off guard with some intricate mat wrestling. This prevented Fire Fly from using his incredible speed, and really kept the luchador grounded for a period. Fire Fly was eventually able to get back into the match, as he used his incredible agility to reverse an Arm Lock from Smart into a Headscissors Headlock. From here the two men traded submission holds, with both men showing some fluid reversals. As the match wore on Fire Fly continued to raise the pace of proceedings, until he finally snapped Smart and took control of the match. Fire Fly continued to build to a Swinging Spike-DDT, which set Smart up in the middle of the ring. Fire Fly went to the top, and hit the spectacular Sky High Fire Fly to pick up a surprisingly hard fought win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Amazing Fire Fly defeated Mark Smart in 7:10 by pinfall with a Sky High Fire Fly.


Rating: D+


As Remmington Remus puts over Amazing Fire Fly’s victory, and Mark Smart’s spirited effort in defeat, we can hear a thud as Jamie Atherton drops his headphones onto the announce desk and rises to make his way to the ring. Atherton looks confident and relaxed, as he grabs a microphone from the timekeeper en-route to the ring for his upcoming match with Nigel Svensson.


Atherton: “Ladies and Gentleman, the pre-show is now over and the real stars of the show are coming out to play. That’s right; it’s the time that you have all been waiting for... when ‘White Lightning’ lights up your night. This is a match that I’ve been waiting a long time for, so let’s not waste any time. Svensson get out here so I can have my revenge... because revenge will be mine, and revenge will be oh so sweet.”


Atherton throws down the microphone and removes his t-shirt, before motioning for Svensson to join him in the ring to get this one underway. The Swede is only too happy to oblige, as he promptly appears from behind the curtain... and this grudge match is on!


Rating: C


Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Jamie Atherton started the match very calmly and confidently... maybe a little too confidently, as he allowed himself to be dragged into a technical wrestling contest with Nigel Svensson. This obviously played to the Swede’s strengths, and saw Svensson take control of the match by transitioning between a variety of submission holds. Atherton continually tried to rally, but was continually halted by Svensson with yet another new hold. The frustration was visibly building within Jamie Atherton, and after a few minutes of being put into various submission holds ‘White Lightning’ eventually resorted to a cheap rake to the eyes in order to create some separation. Atherton immediately bailed to the outside to collect his thoughts, but as he tried to collect himself on the outside he was subject to a volley of abuse from a vocal crowd.


Frustrated that the crowd was getting on his back, and that he was on the defensive in the match, Atherton angrily slides back into the ring. Looking to avoid a second technical contest, Atherton resorted to turning the match into an all out brawl. Unfortunately for Atherton, Svensson’s MMA training had prepared him well for this kind of match, and the Swede was once again able to regain control of the match as he landed some stiff looking strikes on his opponent. In a desperation move Atherton looked to nail a Lightning Bolt (Super Kick), which Svensson was able to easily duck under. This left Atherton completely exposed and allowed Svensson to nail a German Suplex. With Atherton down, Svensson took his chance to lock in his feared submission hold: the Hyper Extension Arm Lock. Atherton flailed wildly as he tried to reach for the ropes, but he found himself stranded in the middle of the ring... and after holding out for as long as he could, Atherton had no choice but to tap out and hand Svensson the victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Nigel Svensson defeated Jamie Atherton in 8:18 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: D+


Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man ©

MPW Championship

Having spent more than a year almost obsessively straining to take the MPW Championship away from the grasp of Mr Lucha III, this was a rematch that Ant Man had been desperate to avoid so soon after successfully capturing the belt. However, Mr Lucha’s rematch clause in his contract meant that this match would go ahead just a month after Ant Man took the title away from Lucha in such controversial circumstances at ‘Doomsday’. Ant Man was clearly frustrated at having to face his long time rival for the title tonight, and looked to take his frustration out on his opponent early in the match. The champion landed a series of hard hitting, heavy blows on his smaller opponent, before landing a series of powerful throws to send Lucha crashing to the mat. Ant Man continued to dominate proceedings as he hoisted Mr Lucha III onto his shoulder for a Running Powerslam, but the luchador was able to slip out the back to prevent himself being slammed to the mat. As Ant Man turned to re-engage the luchador, the challenger nailed a beautiful Dropkick to take Ant Man off his feet for the first time in the match. With Mr Lucha now taking the ascendancy, the pace of the match noticeably rose. A series of Arm Drags sent Ant Man sprawling around the ring, before a nice Step-Up Enzuigiri set up a two count for the challenger. The luchador stayed on top of Ant Man, and began to take more and more to the air as Lucha desperately tried to put the champion away. Ant Man showed true grit by continually kicking out of Lucha’s pinning attempts, before showing just why he is MPW Champion. Having had Ant Man just kick out of a Leg Drop attempt, Mr Lucha looked to nail a Springboard Crossbody to take down the champion... however, Ant Man showed his incredible strength by not only catching the challenger, but by hoisting him up onto his shoulders in preparation for the Antidote. Ant Man nailed his finishing manoeuvre, and Mr Lucha was out cold. Referee Jonathan Taylor hoists Ant Man’s hand up in victory, as Ant Man soaks up the boos cascading in from the crowd... the normal swagger that had been notably absent throughout the night was once again noticeable in the way the champion hoisted the MPW Championship belt high above his head.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Ant-Man defeated Mr. Lucha III in 9:45 by pinfall with an Antidote. Ant-Man makes defence number 1 of his MPW Championship title.


Rating: C+

Show Rating: C

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Emark 7-0

Zergon 6-1


Prediction Contest (After 5 Shows)

Emark 31-3

Zergon 30-4

Hyde Hill 22-5

Jaded 15-6

Condors 12-2

Boltinho 12-2

masterofnone 6-0


Thank you to Zergon & Emark who predicted this month, and to everyone who has taken the time to read the show. Hopefully we’ll see some more guys back predicting next show, as it’s always encouraging to know people are following along. As always I’d be interested to hear any feedback anyone has on the show, whether it be on my writing style, layout or any other comments you may have on the diary so far. :)

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MPW presents Another Day In This House</strong></p><p><strong> Week 4 March 2012</strong></p></div><p></p><p> On the back of the success of ‘Doomsday’, MPW will once again invade The Asylum for ‘Another Day In This House’. Earlier in the month, DeCipher made himself the talking point of MPW as he assaulted Cal Sanders with the ring bell during their match at ‘Welcome To The Future’. This month, Sanders will be looking for retribution, and he has found an ally in Mr Lucha III for this month’s blockbuster tag team Main Event. In order to combat Sanders and his new ally, DeCipher has predictably turned to the man who brought him to MPW... MPW Champion: Ant Man. Being just two weeks removed from Ant Man and Mr Lucha III’s title match at ‘Welcome To The Future’, there are sure to be fireworks. Make sure to be at ‘Another Day In This House’ for what promises to be an explosive night!</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Prediction List:</p><p> Jayson Van Pelt vs Bradley Blaze</p><p> Running Wolf vs Shame</p><p> Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton</p><p> Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshall Dillon</p><p> Roger Monteiro vs Roderick Remus</p><p> Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart</p><p> Mr Lucha III & Cal Sanders vs Ant Man & DeCipher</p></div></blockquote>
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