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The Crusade Against Wrestling (C-Verse - 0/0/0/0)

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Disclaimer: I'd like to thank MJStark for his brilliant renders! Also, this dynasty is just a slow burning game for me due to my hectic lifestyle, so please be patient with oneself :)



21CW Dangerous Alliances

Sunderland Lights Arena

Sunday 25th September 2011



21st Century World Championship

Steel Cage Match


Jonathan Faust © vs. Joss Thompson


http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g354/MitchthePunk/JonathanFaust.jpg vs. http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g354/MitchthePunk/JossThompson.jpg


Since the start of the month, the current 21st Century World Champion, Jonathan Faust has been slowly turning back into his religious former self. Cutting promos from altars and pulpits to the background music of Gregorian chanting. Faust has been preaching that a dangerous alliance will come from the souls of evil and help him destroy 21CW from within. Each time, Faust has told us that such alliance will bring the entire wrestling industry to its whore like knees and Faust will be the overseer. On the episode of Best of British Wrestling before the Dangerous Alliances event, Faust guaranteed us that the dangerous alliance that is called “The Crusade” will form at the aptly named Dangerous Alliances event.


Meanwhile, Joss Thompson and Jeff Nova have been working in unison with the rest of the 21CW to be prepared for “The Crusade”. Nova has admitted on live television that he his scared of what is about to happen if what Faust said is correct. He is scared because he doesn't know who The Crusade is, or what they are capable of. Joss Thompson has told 21CW fans and the press that he is willing to take down The Crusade by going straight for the top by defeating Faust and he said he can do this by destroying Faust in a steel cage match.


So both men are in the ring and the cage is lowered as Faust has the most confident smile on his face, whilst Thompson looks rather tense. Both men unload on one another and the crowd are going ballistic, cheering every Joss Thompson punch whilst jeering every Faust punch. It is a very open match, and remains this way for the next 10 minutes, with near falls and near escapes. However, 18 minutes in, Joss Thompson hits Faust with not one, nor two, but three Clean Cutters, and instead of going for the pin, he decides to climb the cage. He reaches the top and the crowd are going crazy. Then boom. Lights go out and a crucifix appears on the big screen. The crowd is now silent because they cannot see what is going on. The lights come back on and Joss Thompson is bloodied and handcuffed to the cage in the style of Jesus Christ. Jonathan Faust is also bloodied and in the same position, handcuffed to the cage. The crowd see these 10 men in the ring, dressed in robes and crowns of thorns.




The 21CW wrestlers have been locked in the locker room backstage and all there is, is Jeff Nova standing up near the commentary table, looking on is complete shock. The bald male, with the ginger beard pulls out a microphone from his back pocket.




“You idiots don't know who we are, but I reckon you'll find out soon enough. Since the start of the month, Mr. Faust here has been spouting on about how a crusade will form a Deadly Alliance that will bring the wrestling industry to its knees. He is correct in that sense, he is correct that what we've just done and what we're about to do has and will bring this forsaken, shameless industry to its knees. Who wants to see “soap-opera” storylines, where men and women are used as merely actors and puppets instead of actually sports stars and wrestlers? We are The Crusade. We want wrestling and we've been lobbying for change since we joined Mr Nova's wrestling school, where he's tried to mould us into what he believes to be a successful sports entertainer. Well Mr. Nova, all I can say to you is that we don't believe in your phoney bullshit.”


Nova can be seen shaking his head and screaming “this wasn't what was in the plan, what the hell are you idiots doing?”


“Nova, you can shout and scream all you god damned like, but nothing will change what is about to happen to you, or your bogus ****ing company. I dare you, come into the ring.”


The cage door opens as Jeff Nova walks into the ring and The Crusade circle him.


“Nova, you said that this isn't what was supposed to happen. You told us that we were supposed to cost Joss Thompson the match and let Faust win. Why did we knock out Faust too? Because he is just like you and everyone of those puppets that you call wrestlers that we locked in the back there. We're sick of getting undermined by people like you who would rather see actors in this glorious ring instead of real wrestlers. C'mon Jeffery, you were brought up better than this. You came from nothing and earned it all, included your shitty celebrity status. You've overlooked us and brought losers like Brett Starr to the main roster, and what for? For him to put on lousy matches. We are the future Nova and you can't see it, but hey, if you live by the sword, you'll DIE by the sword.”


The male drops the microphone and the other 9 males set upon Nova. They are hard hitting him! Nova's eye is swollen and he his bleeding from the forehead. They also handcuff him to the cage in the crucifix position and one of the members pulls out a remote to raise the cage to the top of the area. Thompson, Faust and Nova are dangling from the arena ceiling as uniformed officers and security guards rush to the ring in riot gear and arrest the wrestlers. The crowd are still in disbelief as the event ends early and receives the test screen treatment.


This is only the beginning of the crusade!

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