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The Sammy Heizenger Story: TCW Calls

Guest codey

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Guest codey
Just in case anyone is wondering, this is NOT dead. I'm still. Etween countries and without Internet other than my phone, and haven't had much time to even get on my computer at all. The good. SWA is this leaves me a lot of time to actually work on some short stories I e been turning around in my mind for some time, so hopefully soon I'll be able to direct you to my more traditional and, hopefully, more fleshed out writing as well as this fun little diary.
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Hey, do you remember when I said this diary wasn't dead? Turns out I lied. Not at the time, because I really thought it wasn't, but sadly, it is. I simply don't have time to write right now, which is really annoying to me. I just got to Korea yesterday and I'll be reentering training at a new facility working new types of aircraft, so that's going to take a lot of time to get down. Plus, I really want to explore thew country while I'm here, so any writing I do will be cut down to whatever I can write in my notepad on a bus or in a cab.


To all my readers who hoped that this diary would last as long TJHS, I'm sorry it didn't. On the plus side, I'm really excited to come back for the TEW2013 season with another new diary!

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Hey, do you remember when I said this diary wasn't dead? Turns out I lied. Not at the time, because I really thought it wasn't, but sadly, it is. I simply don't have time to write right now, which is really annoying to me. I just got to Korea yesterday and I'll be reentering training at a new facility working new types of aircraft, so that's going to take a lot of time to get down. Plus, I really want to explore thew country while I'm here, so any writing I do will be cut down to whatever I can write in my notepad on a bus or in a cab.


To all my readers who hoped that this diary would last as long TJHS, I'm sorry it didn't. On the plus side, I'm really excited to come back for the TEW2013 season with another new diary!


Now you have time to read my wait what? Korea?


Why are you in Korea?

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Now you have time to read my wait what? Korea?


Why are you in Korea?


I am proud and honored to say that he is serving and defending the United States in the military.


On a side note, sorry to see another great diary end but we look forward to the next chapter from the writings of codey. Stay safe my friend!

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I am proud and honored to say that he is serving and defending the United States in the military.




Why are you on the internet YOU HAVE A JOB TO DO OH GOD.


Oh man.






And this is the moment where I realize I've been taunting a guy who is legally allowed to carry a gun.


Anyway, yeah, I think your job trumps your diaries just a bit, yes. Good luck out there.

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Heh, I think I was allowed to carried a concealed weapon before I ever joined the Air Force, being a Texas resident and all. Filling out the proper paperwork beforehand, of course ;)
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It only just occurred to me (while reading the latest show from James Casey's fantastic SWF epic) that I ended this with a mystery man in place, and no answers as to who he was. Might as well reveal it now, as it's not going to be answered any other way.


Kid Leone was, in fact, Greg Gauge. I was planning on running with him, Brandon Smith, and Gino Montero as Tommy Cornell's new Syndicate of sorts for a while until finally, he found revealed himself to the world. In storyline, he uses the Gauge name, which I would call his mother's (divorced from Sam) maiden name, because he hates his dad. Go figure. Apparently, Sam Keith only had time for Matt, who he deemed the winner of the two twins, and spent the majority of the time training him. That's why he brought Matt in while Nemesis had to bring in Greg.


Running the game now, and the storyline, while less focused than I would like (I do that a lot with games I'm not actively writing for) has turned out well.


I took inspiration from two sources for it, the first being the film Warrior, starring Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton, and Nick Nolte. Unlike that film, though, neither brother would hate the other, and you can actually look back at the last main event featuring Sam & Matt vs Tommy & Leone and I hope it comes across well that Leone didn't really want to do any lasting to harm to Matt at all.


The other source of inspiration is actually James Casey, who I've referenced before as my biggest inspiration to begin writing diaries on this site. It's been a while since I've read it, but Kid Leone was intended to my version of Kid Arachnid, with the identity revelation coming as he beats down his father, just as the first Arachnid revealed himself to be Jay Chord after attacking his father.


I'd also like to close this one out by saying thanking Phantom Stranger. I've already referenced James Casey as a big influence of mine, but your epic TCW diary is what really inspired me to start a TCW diary after my MAW story ended. It was honestly a huge struggle of mine to not simply fall into the continuity that you set because your story was simply so good. I had to make conscious decisions to avoid doing the same things that you did or going with the same characters, and I think that's a testament to just how good your stuff was. All of your characters were so good that I aspired to create my own that were different and just as good at the same, if that makes sense. You have no idea how glad I am that Merle O'Curle is restricted to PPA contracts due to his booker status, by the way, or else I would have just recreated the British Lions! They just seem like such a canon tag team to me now.


It also means a ton to me that a great writer like yourself would single my work as one to be remembered in the TCW08 lexicon. I know I'm not the best writer, per se, but it is something that I aspire to make a living at someday, and to know that someone I enjoy reading wants to point out that he's enjoyed my work feels amazing.

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Heh, I think I was allowed to carried a concealed weapon before I ever joined the Air Force, being a Texas resident and all. Filling out the proper paperwork beforehand, of course ;)



Almost got excited about you being in the service (former US Navy Sailor over here) until I saw those two words...:rolleyes::p


Can't wait for you to get back to writing!

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I'll be back in a few months, hopefully! And I stand by my claim that air traffic controllers are among the best the best the Air Force has to offer (aside from our special forces, obviously :))!
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Heh, I think I was allowed to carried a concealed weapon before I ever joined the Air Force, being a Texas resident and all. Filling out the proper paperwork beforehand, of course ;)


Didn't you fill out the paperwork at birth? Or where you born outside of Texas?

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