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Player Editing?

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[QUOTE=Mike D]3 constants in life. Death, Taxes, and mh being rude to anyone who might ask a question that has already been asked.[/QUOTE] Maybe with questions that have been asked over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over .... well you get my point. He could have closed his eyes, picked a thread and read about the editor.
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My policy is that if someone asks a question, I either answer it, or I shut up. Everyone's been new to a forum, and everyone has asked something someone else thought was stupid or redundant. The sign of a good message board neighbor is when a person can answer nicely even when the question is a bit stale. Posting lame cliches about how "reading is fundamental" without regard for punctuation or capitalization surely helps no one -- and it quickly shows who the elite message board jerks are.
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