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SWF 2014: A Family Fallout Creates Opportunity

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It's been a tough couple of months for SWF, losing TV coverage in the USA for both Uprising & Supreme, wrestlers such as Joffy Laine & Marat Khoklov leaving the company and falling from Global down to Cult.

All of these occourances were put down to one man Jerry Eisen, yes thats right Richard Eisen blamed his own son for the downfall of his company and subsaquently fired him causing a rift between not only Richard & Jerry but also between Eric & Richard.


Eisen was looking for a booker who could takeover from Jerry (who ironically only held the role of booker since December when Peter Michaels was removed from the booking position).


Who am I you may say, well i'm Dwayne Nelson the adopted son of Harry Chadwick the business man from Louisiana, i'm 23 and I do have some booking experience running several cards for CZCW & FCW.

I threw my name in the hat for the booking position and within 5 days of applying I was offered the job.

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I walk in the next day Saturday Wk1 to meet my new team and meet my new employer.

I was starstruck seeing superstars such as the World Champion Jack Bruce & his number 1 challenger Richard Parsons, formerly known as Rich Money.


I go top floor to meet Richard Eisen:


Me: Mr.Eisen it's a pleasure to mee....


Eisen: I don't care just sit down and let me lay down my expectations, first of all we must not fall any lower than my idiotic son has caused as to fall, secondly SWF has always been a Sports Entertainment company, but we still want good matches so you must sign or extend the contracts of talents who have atleast decent stats in the basics, charisma & resillience department, got it

(I nod)

Now get out!

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The Main Eventers


"One Man Rock Band" Jack Bruce, he is our World Champion and has just turned heel only 52 days ago so he is riding a ton of momentum from that turn, he plays a Rock Star gimmick and is accompanied by his manager Emmy to the ring.


Lobster Warrior, the kids love this man, he is a figure they can look up to and has been pulling good match results for the last couple of years, definatley worthy of being up the top of SWF.


Marc DuBois, this young man was tipped for greatness back in 2010 and he is certainly not proving the predictors wrong he has been sensational these past couple of years and is a very good all round performer.


Richard Parsons (formerly Rich Money), Parsons renamed himself only a couple of weeks ago to fit his new loner character, he still gets cheers from the crowd but is a very differnt character from the past Richard Parsons we all used to love, he is more ruthless but also more driven to succedd.


Squeeky McClean, the departure of Angry Gilmore in September has skyrocketed Squeeky to the main event scene, he is getting more boos than he ever got in his career the reason most likely is because he has aligned himself with Richard Eisen to feud against Eric & Lobster Warrior.


Vengeance, still a mainstay in the main event scene partly due to the Circle of Death stable he is the leader of with Tyson Baine & Scythe, but the Trio are having problems with Scythe getting fan support and the trio may be going seperate ways before the summer.

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The Upper Midcarders


Brandon James, Richard Eisen's other favourite, some would have thought James would be in the main event scene by now but many also would feel that James needs that major turning point in his career before he becomes a main event player.


Eric Eisen, his hot feud with his father has gave Eric support with the fans, a much better wrestler than he was a couple of years ago, at 35 is Eric's career in need of a boost to push him back up to the main events where he was a year ago.


Gregory Black, becoming more likehis old persona Groucho Bling each year where Black is incoperating a little danicing into his matches again, a definate fan favourite unfortunatley it looks like Black with never reach the main event scene though


Jack Giedroyc, the North American Champion is also popular with the fans for his willingness to take on all challengers and defeat them on his third run with the belt and if his current reign is as long as he previous (6 months, 24 defences) it may elevate Giedroyc to the main events.


Remo, still here and in the same position he was in 4 years ago being the roughest man in SWF, he has a NA Title match at Nothing to Lose.


Tyson Baine, the second in command to Vengeance in the Circle of Death, Baine has recently been having problems with Scythe who has been on a losing streak but is standing toe to toe with Baine.

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The Midcarders


American Machine, the ex-patriot now anti-American has been getting alot of heat from fans for denouncing the USA during his matches and interviews.


Big Smack Scott, the ever contriversial BSS is still alive & kicking in SWF but is still in the midcard, he best moment came in 2011 when he faced off against Rich Money, Jack Bruce & Christian Faith for the World Heavyweight Championship, he didn't win.


Brett Biggz, one half of The Biggz Boyz at 36 both Brett & Bart may be winding down there careers but 1 or 2 more title reigns arn't unrealistic.


Enforcer Roberts, for the past 9 months Roberts has been embraced by the fans for his new attitude of sticking up for those who can't stick up for themselves, last year he won the SWF Role Model of the year award.


Everest, at 40 Everest surely has reached the peak of his career, not much to say but he will most probably be gone soon.


Frederique Anotonio Garcia, one half of FAG & Laramee the makeshift tag team thrown together by Richard Eisen back in early 2013, late 2013 the team began having issues and Laramee began getting crowd support and it is clear the tag champions don't like one another.


Grandmaster Phunk, once really popular with the men when he brought out his Phunkettes to show, Phunk has been more serious for the past 3 months and has been involved in several contreversial angles backstage with his Phunkettes.


Joe Sexy, honestly i thought this guy was awesome several years ago but poor usage of him in previous years has saw Sexy fall down the card, also he is losing his signiture looks and has developed a stalker/pervert gimmick.


Kurt Laramee, one half of the tag champions with FAG, Laramee makes it public knowledge that he dosen't like Garcia but only teams with him as they are the tag champions, once they are no longer tag champions Laramee says he will dispose of FAG.


Valiant, once colourful and vibrant Valiant has become a more serious character, he is still loved by all his fans but dosen't pander to them and only focuses on winning matches and moving up the rankings in SWF.

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The Lower Midcarders


Bart Biggz, the younger Biggz brother who is considered to be the better Biggz but has been held down by the fact that he dosen't want to break out in the singles division, a break up of the Biggz's may see great things from Bart.


Captain Atomic, Atomic was a superhero but recently Atomic has been using his powers to terrorise superstars & young children in the audience, with the right feud he may ascend up the rankings in the SWF.


Jimmy Platinum, Platinum has been associated with Enforcer Roberts in recent weeks in Robert's campaign to defeat American Machine & Captain Atomic, these teams face off at Nothing to Lose.


Jungle Lord, as years have gone on the losses became to much for Jungle Lord and he snapped attacking Lobster Warrior one episode of Supreme, after there match at Under Control (in which Lobby won) Lord has fell down the card like a snowball rolling down a very steep hill, his fall needs to be stopped and he needs momentum to rise back up the card.


Spencer Spade, one for the future, Spade has a great look and is very entertaining on the mic, like many young stars all he needs is that breakout performance and once the ball is in his hand he needs to run with it to the mountain top.

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The Openers/Jobbers


Lenny Brown, certainly no jobber, just undeveloped this youngster from Hollywood is much like many other stars in this catagory wating for there moment to shine and once they get that oppourtunity they will get over with the fans.


Quentin Queen, at only 20 Queen is one for the future, his skills may need improving before he is ready to make is mark in SWF though.


Scythe, the third member of the Circle of Death, has certainly got over with the fans as he is getting cheers from the fans even though he still does sick and twisted things to his fellow stablemates especially Tyson Baine.


Ant-Man, the man is an Ant he surely would have no place in any other company but here if there is any man this star can be compared to it's got to be Lobster Warrior based on look alone.


Dwayne Nelson, that's me, i know i am not all that great a worker and that is the reason why i won't be competing that often on tv but i hope to improve and i'm only 23 so a NA or Tag Title reign isn't to unrealistic if i get over with the fans now is it.

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SWF World Heavyweight Championship:


Jack Bruce d Marat Khoklov on an October 2013 edition of SWF Supreme

Marat Khoklov d Rich Money on a April 2012 edition of SWF Uprising

Rich Money d Eric Eisen on a January 2011 edition of SWF Supreme

(this match also featured Brandon James & Joe Sexy)


SWF North American Championship:


Jack Giedroyc d Jungle Lord on a January 2014 edition of SWF Supreme

Jungle Lord d Marc DuBois on a December 2013 edition of SWF Supreme

Marc DuBois d Angry Gilmore on a August 2013 edition of SWF Uprising

Angry Gilmore d Marc Dubois at SWF Nothing to Lose 2013

Marc DuBois d Tyson Baine at SWF Welcome to the Jungle 2012

Tyson Baine d Jack Giedroyc on a January 2012 edition of SWF Uprising

Jack Giedroyc d John Greed on a June 2011 edition of SWF Uprising

John Greed d Squeeky McClean on a May 2011 edition of SWF Uprising

Squeeky McClean d Robbie Retro at SWF Let the Games Begin 2010

Robbie Retro d Brandon James on a October 2010 edition of SWF Supreme


SWF World Tag Team Championships:


FAG & Kurt Laramee d Scythe & John Greed at SWF When Hell Freezes Over 2013

Scythe & John Greed d Jack Giedroyc & Valiant on a September 2013 edition of SWF Uprising


SWF Welcome to the Jungle 30 Man Battle Royal Winners:


2013 - Lobster Warrior

2012 - Jack Bruce

2011 - Lobster Warrior

2010 - Brandon James

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The Product & Development:


Key Features: Mainstream

Heavy Features: Traditional & Cult

Medium Features: Comedy & Modern

Match Intensity: 20%

Match Danger: 40%

Women's Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: Strong


Trend Effects: Medium Positive



Rhode Island Pro Wrestling:

Currently in development:


BJ O'Neill, reason: waiting for the right man to manage

Kristen Pearce, reason: same as above

Robbie Wright, reason: to improve overall skills

The Midnight Prowler, reason: to improve overall skills

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Trying to get SWF back on American TV:


AS it is February TV networks are scheduelling programming for upcoming seasons so i sent off applications to try and get SWF on one of these networks:



National Pride TV


Sports America

The Pop! Network


Also i have been trying to get in more talents for either the developmental system or for coming straight onto TV they are:


Darryl Devine

John Greed

Jay Chord

Hollywood Bret Starr

Lassana Makutsi

Roger Cage

Robbie Retro


We have put in a bid to buy out 21CW as they look to be closing at the end of the month.

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SWF has confirmed that they have bought out 21CW and have signed around a third of the roster, more details will come out


when it is decided what will happen with the new signings.


Match Predictions for the last Supreme before Nothing to Lose 2014


Marc DuBois & Richard Parsons vs Jack Bruce & Vengeance


Eric Eisen vs Brandon James


Lobster Warrior vs Squeeky McClean


FAG,Kurt Laramee,American Machine & Captain Atomic vs The Biggz Boyz, Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum


Remo vs Gregory Black

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Match Predictions for the last Supreme before Nothing to Lose 2014


Marc DuBois & Richard Parsons vs Jack Bruce & Vengeance


Eric Eisen vs Brandon James


Lobster Warrior vs Squeeky McClean


FAG,Kurt Laramee,American Machine & Captain Atomic vs The Biggz Boyz, Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum


Remo vs Gregory Black

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SWF Supreme

Tuesday Wk2 February 2014:


Live from Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes)




Jack Giedroyc vs Everest

In an extremely short match, Jack Giedroyc defeated Everest in 3:32 by pinfall with a Crashing On.

(B 80)


Rolling Johnny Stones vs Spencer Spade vs Grandmaster Phunk

In an extremely short match, Spencer Spade defeated Rolling Johnny Stones and Grandmaster Phunk in 5:12 when Spencer Spade defeated Grandmaster Phunk by pinfall with a Supreme Stunner.

(C- 58)


Joe Sexy & Big Smack Scott vs Valiant & Ant-Man

In an extremely short match, Joe Sexy and Big Smack Scott defeated Valiant and Ant-Man in 4:22 when Big Smack Scott defeated Ant-Man by pinfall with an Ego Trip.

(C 63)


Main Show:


The show starts with Jack Bruce in the ring cutting a promo about how he is and forever will be known as the greatest wrestler ever to compete in SWF, Richard Parsons takes exception and comes out, then Vengeance comes out and as it looks like Parsons is in a bad situation Marc DuBois comes out to even the odds.

(B 82)


Richard Eisen comes out and reminds everyone should Eric Eisen & Lobster Warrior lose at Nothing to Lose then Eisen will press charges on his son for assaulting him backstage last episode on Supreme.

(C- 59)


Gregory Black vs Remo

In an extremely short match, Remo defeated Gregory Black in 4:45 by pinfall with The Destroyer.

(B 80)

Remo looked intese and merciless throught that match hitting Black with The Destroyer not once but twice before pinning him.


Jack Giedroyc cuts a promo on how at Nothing to Lose he will be defending his North American Title against Remo and Giedroyc says that Remo might intimidate all of his opponents but Giedroyc says he is not afraid

(B+ 87)


FAG,Kurt Laramee,American Machine & Captain Atomic vs The Biggz Boyz, Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum

In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Biggz Boyz, Enforcer Roberts and Jimmy Platinum defeated FAG & Laramee, Captain Atomic and American Machine in 8:09 when Enforcer Roberts defeated American Machine by submission with a R.C.T..

(C+ 66)


FAG argues with Laramee all the way up the ramp and up the top of the stage Laramee takes FAG down with a hefty right hook.

(C+ 70)


Lobster Warrior vs Squeeky McClean

In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Lobster Warrior defeated Squeeky McClean in 9:19 by pinfall with a Lobster Trap.

(B+ 87)


Vengeance cuts a backstage promo saying how Marc DuBois should stay awake at night thinking about all the pain he is going to be put through at Nothing to Lose.

(B+ 84)


Eric Eisen vs Brandon James

In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Brandon James defeated Eric Eisen in 7:38 by pinfall with a Big Money Move.

(B 78)

Mid match McClean came down to the ring to comment on how after Nothing to Lose Eric Eisen will be in the back of a police van off to jail.


McClean & James continue the beatdown of Eisen until Warrior runs down and clears the ring, Richard Eisen meets his partners in crime at the top of the stage and applauds there beatdown of his own son.

(B 78)


Jack Bruce has a backstage promo where he talks about how the One Man Rock Band used to rely on the fans support to help him win, but now he only needs his "Mistress of Rock" by his side, Bruce & Emmy share a kiss.

The camera then cuts to DuBois who cuts a promo on how Vengeance and his Circle of Death may end careers but at Nothing to Lose the Can't Miss Prospect will get his revenge on Vengeance for all the times his stable had jumped him from behind.

(B+ 84)


Marc DuBois & Richard Parsons vs Jack Bruce & Vengeance

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Marc DuBois and Richard Parsons drew with Jack Bruce and Vengeance in 19:15 when the match descended into chaos after Tyson Baine, Eric Eisen, Squeeky McClean and Scythe all became involved.

(B- 77)


Post match a brawl between DuBois & Vengeance and Parsons & Bruce continues it takes literally half of the locker room to break up these 4 men.

(B 82)


(Rating C+ 70)

There was a feeling that the number of angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action.

Show hurt popularity.

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A poor rating but as time goes on they will get better,


MichiganHero 3/5

(thanks for predicting)


Predictions for Nothing to Lose 2014:



Jack Bruce © vs Richard Parsons

SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Marc DuBois vs Vengeance


Eric Eisen & Lobster Warrior vs Squeeky McClean & Brandon James


Jack Giedroyc © vs Remo

SWF North American Championship


Tyson Baine vs Scythe


FAG & Kurt Laramee © vs The Biggz Boyz

SWF World Tag Team Championships


Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum vs Captain Atomic & American Machine


Pre-Show Match:

Spencer Spade vs Gregory Black

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Predictions for Nothing to Lose 2014:



Jack Bruce © vs Richard Parsons

SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Marc DuBois vs Vengeance


Eric Eisen & Lobster Warrior vs Squeeky McClean & Brandon James


Jack Giedroyc © vs Remo

SWF North American Championship


Tyson Baine vs Scythe


FAG & Kurt Laramee © vs The Biggz Boyz

SWF World Tag Team Championships


Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum vs Captain Atomic & American Machine


Pre-Show Match:

Spencer Spade vs Gregory Black

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Jack Bruce © vs Richard Parsons

SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Marc DuBois vs Vengeance


Eric Eisen & Lobster Warrior vs Squeeky McClean & Brandon James


Jack Giedroyc © vs Remo

SWF North American Championship


Tyson Baine vs Scythe


FAG & Kurt Laramee © vs The Biggz Boyz

SWF World Tag Team Championships


Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum vs Captain Atomic & American Machine


Pre-Show Match:

Spencer Spade vs Gregory Black

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Consider me a follower! I have been playing as SWF in the future myself so this is something that definitely interests me!


Predictions for Nothing to Lose 2014:



Jack Bruce © vs Richard Parsons

SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Marc DuBois vs Vengeance


Eric Eisen & Lobster Warrior vs Squeeky McClean & Brandon James


Jack Giedroyc © vs Remo

SWF North American Championship


Tyson Baine vs Scythe


FAG & Kurt Laramee © vs The Biggz Boyz

SWF World Tag Team Championships


Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum vs Captain Atomic & American Machine


Pre-Show Match:

Spencer Spade vs Gregory Black

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SWF Nothing To Lose

Thursday Wk2 February 2014


Live from Maryland Wood (Mid Atlantic)




Big Smack Scott vs Dwayne Nelson

In an extremely short match, Big Smack Scott defeated Dwayne Nelson in 0:56 by pinfall with an Ego Trip.

(D 45)


Grandmaster Phunk,Joe Sexy & Jungle Lord vs Valiant,Edward Cornell & Ant-Man

In an extremely short match, Valiant, Edward Cornell and Ant-Man defeated Grandmaster Phunk, Joe Sexy and Jungle Lord in 5:28 when Valiant defeated Grandmaster Phunk by pinfall with a V-Split.

(C 64)


Spencer Spade vs Gregory Black

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Gregory Black defeated Spencer Spade in 7:22 by pinfall with a Fade To Black.

(B 80)


Main Show:


The PPV opens with a video package hyping all the matches on the card most specifically the main event, Jack Bruce vs Richard Parsons

(A 90)


Jack Giedroyc vs Remo

SWF North American Championship Match


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Jack Giedroyc defeated Remo in 11:29 by pinfall with a Crashing On. Jack Giedroyc makes defence number 4 of his SWF North American title.

(B 78)


Giedroyc then grabs a mic and says he will be giving his fans a treat by defending his North American Championship on the next episode of Supreme to anyone who answers his open challenge

(B 82)


Tyson Baine vs Scythe

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Tyson Baine defeated Scythe in 6:02 by pinfall with a Hades Bomb.

(C+ 69)


Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum vs American Machine & Captain Atomic

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, American Machine and Captain Atomic defeated Enforcer Roberts and Jimmy Platinum in 6:04 when American Machine defeated Jimmy Platinum by pinfall with an Old Glory.

(C+ 70)


Jack Bruce is backstage with Emmy talking about Richard Parsons and how he will "once again" defeat Parsons and stay the SWF World Heavyweight Champion.

(B+ 85)


FAG & Kurt Laramee vs The Biggz Boyz

SWF World Tag Team Championship Match


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, FAG & Laramee defeated The Biggz Boyz in 8:37 when Frederique Antonio Garcia defeated Brett Biggz by pinfall with a Romeo Is Bleeding. FAG & Laramee make defence number 10 of their SWF World Tag Team titles.

(C 64)


FAG is celebrating and so is Laramee, FAG goes up to Laramee and turns him round into a Romeo is Bleeding, FAG smiles and winks at Laramee before picking up his title and leaving with both the Tag Team Championships, FAG throws Laramee's down on the stage as a sign of disrespect.

(C+ 66)


Marc DuBois vs Vengeance

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Marc DuBois defeated Vengeance in 14:37 by submission with a Model Solution.

(B 82)


Tyson Baine beats down Marc DuBois, Vengeance looks around most likely for Scythe to come down and beat down DuBois aswell.

(C+ 71)


Scythe appears with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, as he gets into the ring Vengeance clears off but Baine is hit by the bat causing blood to appear from Baine's chest, Scythe throws Baine out of the ring, DuBois sticks hands out for a handshake, Scythe just bows his head.

(B- 77)


A video plays recapping the feud between Richard & Eric Eisen it focuses on the stipulation that if Eric loses Richard will press charges for a backstage assualt on him two weeks ago on Supreme.

(B 83)


Eric Eisen & Lobster Warrior vs Squeeky McClean & Brandon James

In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Eric Eisen and Lobster Warrior defeated Squeeky McClean and Brandon James in 14:05 when Eric Eisen defeated Brandon James by pinfall with The Supremacy.

(B 80)


Richard Parsons cuts a backstage on how he will make Jack Bruce feel only half the pain that he has felt in the last 2 years of his life that has caused him to become as secluded from everything,everything that makes him want to be alone.

(B+ 85)


Jack Bruce vs Richard Parsons

SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Jack Bruce defeated Richard Parsons in 21:08 by pinfall with a New York Minute. Jack Bruce makes defence number 8 of his SWF World Heavyweight title.

(B+ 85)

(Jack Bruce & Richard Parsons don't click)



(B 79)

Same as last time, this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall

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Prediction Results:

MichiganHero 4/8

smwilliams 4/8

kaneso14 6/8


I have set up house shows to be running 3 times a week, they should be bringing in at least $50k a show.

SWF has announced the signings of Hollywood Bret Starr,Robbie Retro,Jay Chord & Darryl Devine.

SWF has announced that The Pop! Network will be airing SWF Supreme giving coverage in USA & Canada.

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SWF Supreme live from the Muana Lai Sports Club



Jack Giedroyc vs ?

SWF North American Championship


Remo vs Richard Parsons


Jack Bruce vs Lobster Warrior


Marc DuBois vs Tyson Baine


The Biggz Boyz vs Atomic & Machine vs Roberts & Platinum

(to find N01 contenders for FAG & Laramee's tag team belts)


Gregory Black vs Grandmaster Phunk


(Show should be up Friday)

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Good show man! I'm sure the grades will start to go up once you build a few people up more, which definitely isn't too hard in SWF! Poor chemistry between Money and Bruce? Ouch!


SWF Supreme live from the Muana Lai Sports Club



Jack Giedroyc vs ?

SWF North American Championship

I usually go for ? in these matches, a debuting worker perhaps?


Remo vs Richard Parsons

Parsons needs some momentum after losing his title shot


Jack Bruce vs Lobster Warrior

Can't see the champ losing unless by DQ


Marc DuBois vs Tyson Baine

I love Marc Dubois, even though he's a bit of a prick. I see Baine jobbing to the stars here.

The Biggz Boyz vs Atomic & Machine vs Roberts & Platinum

(to find N01 contenders for FAG & Laramee's tag team belts)

Atomic and Machine are on a better roll here


Gregory Black vs Grandmaster Phunk

Black to go on a roll, and possibly earn a North American title shot?

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SWF Supreme

Tuesday Wk3 February 2012


Live from the Muana Lai Sports Club




Valiant & Robbie Retro vs Big Smack Scott & Jungle Lord

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Valiant and Robbie Retro defeated Big Smack Scott and Jungle Lord in 7:22 when Robbie Retro defeated Jungle Lord by pinfall with a Murder On The Dancefloor.

(C+ 67)


Brandon James vs Ant-Man

In an extremely short match, Brandon James defeated Ant-Man in 2:40 by pinfall with a Big Money Move.

(C- 59)


Edward Cornell vs Joe Sexy vs Spencer Spade

In an extremely short match, Spencer Spade defeated Edward Cornell and Joe Sexy in 3:35 when Spencer Spade defeated Edward Cornell by pinfall with a Supreme Stunner.

(C 65)


Main Show:


Gregory Black vs Grandmaster Phunk

In an extremely short match, Gregory Black defeated Grandmaster Phunk in 1:44 by pinfall with a Fade To Black.

(B- 72)


Richard Eisen comes out to the ring and says how at Nothing to Lose Eric Eisen only won because he had Lobster Warrior on his team, Eisen goes on to say that Eric at the next PPV will have a very different match, it will be Eric and a partner of Mr.Eisen's choosing vs Brandon James & Squeeky McClean.

Eric comes out and taunts his father about how he never wrestled because "he couldn't cut it", Richard slaps Eric across the face then Eric takes his own father down and lays in shots to his head, security break the scene up.

(B- 72)


The Biggz Boyz vs "Your Heroes" vs Roberts & Platinum

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Roberts & Platinum defeated The Biggz Boyz and Your Heroes in 8:47; the order of elimination was The Biggz Boyz first, and finally Your Heroes.

(C+ 70)


FAG & Laramee came down and done comentary sitting on opposite sides of the announce desk, mid-way through the match FAG & Laramee began arguing which led to a brawl outside the ring which was won by Laramee who decked FAG with a left hook, Laramee went up the stage and FAG (once he had woken up from the hook) went back on commentary saying how he could carry the tag titles by himself"

(C+ 68)


Vengeance is backstage cutting a promo when out of nowhere Scythe attacks laying blows into the Circle's leader, Scythe has just made it clear he is no part of the trio anymore by taking out the leader.

(B- 74)


Marc DuBois vs Tyson Baine

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Marc DuBois defeated Tyson Baine in 9:27 by submission with a Model Solution.

(B 81)

(Both men were unaware of what Scythe had done only moments before the match had begun)


Jack Giedroyc comes out for his open challenge, as he promised and said anyone in that locker room who wants a shot at the North American Championship can come out for a match, Squeeky McClean comes out and tells how McClean will beat Giedroyc because Squeeky is a long serving former NA Champion.

(B 81)


Jack Giedroyc vs Squeeky McClean

SWF North American Championship Match


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Jack Giedroyc defeated Squeeky McClean in 12:53 by pinfall with a Crashing On. Jack Giedroyc makes defence number 5 of his SWF North American title.

(B 82)


Lobster Warrior comes out and challenges Jack Bruce to a non-title match as both of them don't have a match tonight, Bruce comes out and says he accepts as he dosen't want SWF's ratings to have a massive drop because he wasn't on the show.

(B+ 84)


Remo vs Richard Parsons

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Richard Parsons defeated Remo in 9:02 by pinfall with a Dollars From Heaven.

(B 83)


Remo gets up in a fit of rage and hits Parsons with a spear, Remo picks up the victor and drives him down to the mat with The Destroyer, Remo snarls and storms back up the ramp.

(B 82)


Jack Bruce vs Lobster Warrior

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Jack Bruce defeated Lobster Warrior in 12:42 by pinfall with a New York Minute.

(B- 72)

(Jack Bruce & Lobster Warrior don't click)


Overall Rating:

(B- 74)

Show hurt popularity

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