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SWF: You Know You Want To Give It One Star a.k.a. the Ballad of Big Smack Scott

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Supreme TV Episode 4




Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 7.87

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.18

Overall Show Rating: 81


[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.


There is now live shot of the arena with the pyrotechnics going off and the crowd going wild. As the lights come up we see the Chairman of the SWF Richard Eisen standing in the center of the ring. Also in the ring in one corner is the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen, in another corner is Rich Money and the third corner stands Jack Bruce.


As soon as Richard is informed that the show is live he begins to speak in his booming voice.]




Richard Eisen: Two weeks ago I informed these three men that they will be once again fighting each other at Nothing to Lose. This time the match will be taking place in a steel cage. Well tonight I have decided to give each of these men a competitive warm-up match to prepare them for the main event at Nothing to Lose.


[Richard turns to Jack Bruce and smiles at him.]




Richard Eisen: Jack tonight you are going to be facing off with someone who is very familiar too you. Your opponent tonight took you to the limit many times last summer and tonight I would expect him to do the same. Tonight you will meet Angry Gilmore in this ring!


[The crowd goes nuts, as a smile creeps across Jack Bruce, who is happy because he thrives on competition and is glad he has a tough challenge ahead of him. When the cheering dies down Richard turns to Rich Money.]




Richard Eisen: Rich tonight I am putting you in a triangle match, your opponents will be former SWF World Champion Runaway Train and Squeeky McClean! This is going to be a very tough challenge for you but I know you are up for it.


[The crowd cheers for this match but it is nowhere near as loud as the cheer for the Bruce/Gilmore match. Rich stands in his corner with a nonchalant look on his face, it is almost as if he could care less who he is in the ring with. Richard finally turns to his son and he begins to address him.]




Richard Eisen: Son tonight you are…




Eric Eisen: Going to have the night off so I can rest up for Nothing to Lose…




Richard Eisen: Sorry son you’re not getting the night off. In fact, tonight you shall defend your SWF World Heavyweight Championship in a triangle match against Jungle Lord and Gregory Black!


[The crowd mildly cheers for this match as Eric Eisen looks at his father with a livid look on his face.]




Eric Eisen: Papa, how is it fair that I have to not only fight in a triangle match but I also have to defend my title in said match…


[Richard Eisen smiles at his son with a sly smile before addressing his son’s concern.]




Richard Eisen: Well son life is not fair…that being said I hear what you are saying. I guess I could put you in a triangle match against Marat Khoklov and Vengeance tonight…


[Eric looks at his father with a look of absolute terror before he responds to him.]




Eric Eisen: Um…no…I…I’m…good with defending my title against Gregory Black and Jungle Lord…


[Richard Eisen smiles and rubs his hands together for a moment.]




Richard Eisen: I am glad we could come to an agreement son, now if you gentlemen will excuse me I have some business to conduct…


[Richard Eisen leaves the ring as the three men who will face each other at Nothing to Lose stand in the ring staring at each other. None of them are willing to be the first person to leave the ring because that would be a sign of weakness.


While the three of them stand in the ring we head down to the announce table so that the announcers can introduce themselves and rundown the card for tonight.]


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JoeSexy.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BrettBiggz.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Jessie.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigSmackScott.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KurtLaramee.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Joe Sexy & Brett Biggz with Jessie vs. The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase





  • Before the match begins Peter Michaels explains that due to what the Pain Alliance and Brandon James did to Bart Biggz two weeks ago, Bart is not medically cleared to wrestle this week due to the concussion. Therefore, Joe Sexy has agreed to take the place of the injured Bart.
  • Brandon James also came down to the ring and sat in on commentary for this match.
  • Big Smack Scott is once again showered with the, “You can’t wrestle!” chants. Just in case Scott did not realize that the chant was directed towards him the fans would only chant it when he was in the ring.
  • This match was actually pretty good even if the fans were not really all that into it.
  • The Pain Alliance dominated the match during the earlier portions of the match, as they managed to isolate Brett in their corner.
  • Brett did manage to fight his way out of there corner and hot-tagged Joe into the ring.
  • Momentum swung Joe’s way has he easily dispatched a charging Scott from the ring.
  • This left Joe and Kurt alone in the ring and Joe really started to take it to Kurt peppering him with strikes.
  • Finally, Joe nailed Kurt with his finisher One Night Stand. Joe went to cover Kurt for the pin, but before Referee Darren Smith could count the pinfall, Brandon James entered the ring and kicked Joe in the back.
  • Referee Darren Smith had no choice but to award Brett and Joe the victory due to disqualification.



Winners due to disqualification: Joe Sexy & Brett Biggz

Time: 7:06

Match Rating: 60


[Once the match is over with Brandon, who is joined by Big Smack Scott, continues his attack on Joe Sexy. Brett Biggz tries to help out Joe but it is to no avail as he is quickly thrown over the top rope and onto the arena floor by Big Smack Scott.


This beatdown comes to an end when various SWF backstage officials come down to the ring to restore order.]




Steve Frehley vs. Paul Huntingdon



  • The fans were actually into this match, despite this match being nothing more than a squash match.
  • Even though it was a squash match, Paul did manage to get in some offense.
  • The match ended when Steve put Paul away with a Frehley’s Comet.



Winner: Steve Frehley

Time: 5:43

Match Rating: 78


[it is now time to head to the back for the first time this evening. We are sent to the dressing room of Angry Gilmore where we see Angry Gilmore wrapping his wrists with tape. Angry Gilmore does not even bother to look up at the camera; he just begins to speak in a very low deliberate voice. ]




Angry Gilmore: Before I address my opponent tonight, I would like to speak to Robbie Retro for a brief moment. Robbie, two weeks ago I took your friend Lobster Warrior out. I sent that cartoon joke to the hospital.


Now I saw your little video on SWF.com where you challenged me to a match at Nothing to Lose. Well Robbie that is all fine and good, you and I shall meet at Nothing to Lose. I want to make something perfectly clear to you Robbie, for the next two weeks I am not going to touch a single hair in your afro. So Robbie you can breathe a little easier, because you do not have to fear what I am going to do to you for the next two weeks.


[Angry now looks directly into the camera with a sadistic look on his face.]


The reason for this is because at Nothing to Lose, I plan on ending your career. Therefore, I am going to let you enjoy what little time you have left in your career.


As for my opponent tonight…well Jack you and I have gone to war many times over the past year and tonight is not going to be different. I may not have a problem with you at this moment, but that does not mean I am not going to do everything in my power to destroy you tonight.


[We go to commercial as Angry looks back down at his wrists and continues to wrap his wrists with tape.]




Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts





  • These two men put on a good, competitive, back and forth match.
  • Enforcer Roberts came close to picking up the victory on a couple of occasions.
  • However, tonight was not Enforcer Roberts’ night as Christian finished him off with a Leap of Faith, he then pinned him for the victory.



Winner: Christian Faith

Time: 8:10

Match Rating: 72



[After the match is done Christian is in the ring celebrating his victory. Because he has his back to where the wrestlers come out he does not see Marat Khoklov lumber his way down to the ring.


Christian soon becomes aware of the Moscow Mauler’s presence when Marat enters the ring and Christian charges right after the Madman from Moscow. Both men trade strikes in the center of the ring, but in the end Marat’s power is just too much for Christian to overcome.


Marat nails Christian with a vicious Moscow Lariat. He then lifts Christian’s lifeless body up and chokeslams him. We head into the commercial break with Marat standing of an unconscious Christian. ]


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know, more people eat pineapple, butternut squash and anchovy pizza while watching Supreme TV than any other program on television!]


[upon returning from commercial break we head to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing with his brother the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric.]




Jerry Eisen: Eric in just a few short moments you are going to have to defend your SWF World Heavyweight Championship against Jungle Lord and Gregory Black in a Triangle Match. Are you the least bit worried that you might lose your title tonight?


[Eric looks at his brother with complete disgust before he addresses him.]




Eric Eisen: Jerry first and foremost as your World Heavyweight Champion I demand that you refer to me as Mister Eisen! I am not sure how many times I have informed you to do that but you need to start addressing me as such because as you know I am a man that demands respect.


Now let me answer your foolish question. Am I the least bit worried that I might lose my title tonight?


Well Jerry let me ask you a question, did mom drop you on your head when you were a baby?


I mean she must have because week in and week out you ask me such foolish questions. To be honest with you Jerry I can’t believe we came out of the same womb. I am also embarrassed to admit that we share the same DNA.


Because I am a nice guy I will answer your absurd question. Do you really think I, the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all time, the Supreme Athlete, should be worried about the riff raff that dad booked me against tonight?


[Jerry is about to give Eric and answer but Eric continues to speak.]




Eric Eisen: The answer is no! The reason why is simple, it is because 2010 is going to be the year of Eric Eisen! I can’t be stopped by anyone…I certainly can’t be stopped by a Johnny Weissmuller wannabe and some guy who comes down to the ring with lame ass music.


So dear brother in a few short minutes I am going to walk down to the ring, I am going to kick some ass and I am going to show you and all of the fans just why they call me the Supreme Athlete!


[Eric walks off screen, while Jerry looks into the camera with a perplexed look on his face.]




Jerry Eisen: They? Whose they? I thought he gave himself that nickname…back to you Peter…


For the SWF World Heavyweight Title:






Gregory Black vs. Jungle Lord vs. Eric Eisen ©





  • As soon as the bell sounded Eric tried to use the very same tactic that he used at When Hell Freezes Over, he slid out of the ring and while Jungle Lord and Gregory Black were fighting each other.
  • This move did not work for Eric this time because as soon as Jungle Lord and Gregory noticed what Eric was doing, both men quit fighting each other and they both left the ring and went after Eric.
  • On the arena floor, Jungle Lord and Gregory cornered the champion with Jungle Lord standing on Eric’s right side and Gregory standing on Eric’s left side.
  • This forced a frighten Eric back into the ring.
  • That did not mean that Eric involved himself heavily in the match, because he did not.
  • Instead he stood in the ring as an observer, picking when he would get his offense in, while Gregory and Jungle Lord went at it.
  • Gregory looked to have Jungle Lord beat as he had him pinned but Eric broke up the pin before Referee Ric Young could make the three count.
  • It was at this point that Eric took Gregory and heaved him through the middle rope and onto the arena floor.
  • Eric then lifted Jungle Lord up and finished him off with his finisher The Supremacy, he then pinned Jungle Lord for the victory.



Winner and still SWF World Heavyweight Champion: Eric Eisen

Time: 7:37

Match Rating: 75


[We once again head to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with the SWF North American Champion Brandon James and his manager Emma Chase.]




Jerry Eisen: Brandon, I have just been informed that At Nothing to Lose you and the Pain Alliance will be taking on the team of Joe Sexy and the Biggz Brothers. Also, if Joe Sexy’s team wins, he will get another chance to challenge you for your North American title at Awesome Impact in March.


I was also informed that next week Brett Biggz will challenge you for the North American Title. It looks like your plate is full for the next couple of weeks…


[brandon does not respond, instead Emma Chase begins to speak.]




Emma Chase: I think this goes to show you the sad state the SWF is in right now when Joe Sexy has the chance, albeit small a small chance, to get another shot at the SWF North American Championship.


Joe, last month Brandon wiped the floor with your pathetic, STD infested ass and somehow you still managed to weasel your way into perhaps getting another crack at the North American Championship.


This truly boggles my mind, it is almost as if this is an episode of the Twilight Zone. Come to think of it Jerry you do look a little like Rod Serling…


[brandon, who had been pacing back in forth in the background like a caged animal, begins to speak in a low pissed off voice.]




Brandon James: Joe Sexy, I’m not worried about you and your boys beating me and the Pain Alliance at Nothing to Lose. So I am not stressing out about you possibly getting a shot at my title at Awesome Impact. The reason why I am not worried is because I am the best damn wrestler in this company today. I am in the prime of my career and I along with the Pain Alliance should have no problem beating your geriatric ass and the Biggz Brothers.


Speaking of the Biggz Brothers, I find it very amusing that Brett Biggz has requested and was granted a shot to challenge me for the North American Title next week. Brett are you really that stupid, that you are willingly going to step into the ring with me?


Especially after what the Pain Alliance and I did to your brother two weeks ago, you should know that I don’t play. Just go to the hospital, check in on your brother and see what kind of condition he is in. That alone should make you not want to step into the ring with me.




Rich Money vs. Squeeky McClean vs. Runaway Train





  • Prior to the start of the match Squeeky demands that both Rich Money and Runaway Train should sanitize their hands with his sanitizer.
  • Rich laughs this notion off and Runaway Train just looks at Squeeky with rage.
  • Because Runaway Train was so angry over Squeeky’s germophobia, Runaway Train was not inclined to work with him and therefore this match was truly everyman for himself.
  • This was a really good match and all three men had a portion of the match where they were in control of the match.
  • The match came to an end when Runaway Train was slumped over in one corner, incapacitated due to the multiple kicks to the legs he received throughout the match.
  • With Train out of the picture Rich went to work on Squeeky and he managed to finish Squeeky off with his finisher the Bank Roll, Rich then covered Squeeky for the pinfall and the victory.


Winner: Rich Money

Time: 9:20

Match Rating: 77


[As the announcers discuss the main event match, a bruised and battered Christian Faith heads out to the ring.]




Christian Faith: Marat, you wanna jump me from behind week after week! I’ll tell you what, why don’t me and you face each other like men at Nothing to Lose. Cuz I ain’t got nothing to lose when beating your Comie ass!


[Christian throws the ring microphone onto the mat and leaves the ring while Anna Garcia wonders out loud if Christian knows that Russia has not been a Communist country for over twenty years now.]




Jack Bruce vs. Angry Gilmore





  • This was a great match but that is what was to be expected when these two men are in the ring together.
  • Duane Fry reminds the fans at home about the great feud these two men had for the SWF Title over the summer of 2009.
  • Angry Gilmore actually gets in more offense in this match and there are a couple of moments in the match where it looks like he is about to pull off the victory.
  • However, the fans soon started to chant, “Jack! Jack! Jack!” and Jack somehow fed off the energy of the crowd and began to mount a comeback.
  • At this point it seemed nothing that Angry Gilmore did mattered as nothing seemed to faze Jack.
  • The match came to an end when Jack hit Angry Gilmore with a New York Minute.



Winner: Jack Bruce

Time: 12:36

Match Rating: 80


[After the match ends Jack is celebrating his victory in the ring, while he is doing this Eric Eisen enters the ring and walks up to Jack. Eric has a microphone in his hand and he begins to speak.]




Eric Eisen: Jack I just wanted to come out here and offer you heartfelt congratulations on your victory over Angry Gilmore…


[Jack looks perplexed as to why Eric is out there offering him congratulations.]




Eric Eisen: I was so impressed with your victory that I would like to shake your hand as a sign of respect…


[Eric extends his hand for Jack to shake, Jack still looks bewildered over this sign of respect. Jack looks out at the crowd for their opinion on if he should shake Eric’s hand. The vast majority of the crowd is yelling no, so Jack, much to the delight of the crowd, heeds their advice and nails Eric with a New York Minute. The show ends with Jack Bruce standing over the SWF World Champion, with a smile on his face.]


Post Show Thoughts:


Instead of playing the entire month of January over again in the game, I just started this save off in February. This means I only lost a week, in the universe that this game takes place I just chalk that lost week up to preemption due to some programing on the station that broadcasts the show.


I will say that losing that week was a bit rough because I had to rush the set-up for some of the PPV matches. When I first wrote this I had all of the members of the main event at Nothing to Lose having triple threat matches over the next three weeks as a warm-up for each of them to prepare for their triple threat match at the PPV.


However, because I decided to lose a week, I had to double up on that idea for this show. That is why both Rich and Eric had a triple threat match on this card. Also, when I originally wrote this on my old computer I had one member of the main event wiping out the other two members of the main event to end each show leading up to the PPV. Well that idea was scrapped as well, I mean I still went with Eric getting wiped out by Jack and yes in hindsight that hardly makes sense but hey my booking usually does not make sense.


I wold have really liked to use this show to build-up the Steve Frehley/Vengeance match at the PPV but there was just not enough time to do it. I have toyed with the idea of expanding this show to two hours but I do not think I will because if I do that means more midcard wrestlers will get on and thus lower the show grade.


I would really like to not be booking for the grade but I have to because I do not want to fall to Cult in a diary game.





Glad to hear, buddy. We missed you :p


Good to have you back dude!


Thank you both for sticking by me here, I hope you guys like this.

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The following video is on SWF.com





[This video begins with Steve Frehley standing in what appears to be a boiler room of some sorts.]




Steve Frehley: Vengeance at When Hell Freezes Over, I threw everything at you and you still beat. Maybe I was delusional but I wanted that match to mean something…I wanted so desperately for you to see the light again. You’ve been walking the wrong path for far too long and it is now time to embrace the light.


Sadly I noticed something when we fought each other…I noticed your eyes. Your eyes were dead…almost as if you were there in body but not in soul. I have quickly come to realize that maybe I am not meant to save you. That you are not meant to come back to the light…


I am pretty sure…no I know that there is still good in you but I am just not sure if I will be able to bring you back to the light. So that means I am going to have to try and combat you at your level…Vengeance at Nothing to Lose I am challenging you to a Portal to Hell match.


That is right Vengeance; I am willing to take you on in your match, a match which you have never lost. I may or may not be able to bring you to the light and if I can’t…well…I am gonna have to destroy you…


[The screen fades to black as the video ends.]


What the others said basically - good to see you back. Nice show and keep them coming ;)


Thank you, I was glad to see your TNA Diary back and going strong.


BHK I'm glad you kept this going, I'll be reading this but I must warn you draft season is coming up I might miss a show here or there while I'm charting plays I'm sure you understand ;)


Yeah, last week I hacked into the D.O.D. mainframe so that I could use it to chart some plays. Tomorrow I have to help the Kings find a new city to move to now that they are leaving Sacramento.:D

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Yeah, last week I hacked into the D.O.D. mainframe so that I could use it to chart some plays. Tomorrow I have to help the Kings find a new city to move to now that they are leaving Sacramento.:D


:) good show man I like how everything about this feels different its not the typical writing or visual format I dig it.....yeeeeeah

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Supreme TV Episode 5




Location: Reno, Nevada

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 6.50

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.19

Overall Show Rating: 80


[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.


We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. Standing in the center of the ring is SWF Chairman Richard Eisen. As soon as the main camera is on him, he begins to speak.]




Richard Eisen: Last week I put the three men who will be vying for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at Nothing to Lose, into three separate warm-up matches. I wanted each of them to realize that just because they are going to be fighting for the SWF World Championship, that doesn’t mean that I am going to coddle them and give them a break.


This week the three of them can expect more of the same treatment. Tonight my son, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, will defend his title against Jack Giedroyc. We will also see Rich Money take on the Moscow Mauler Marat Khoklov. Our main event will see Jack Bruce in a triangle match where his opponents will be Remo and Enforcer Roberts. I hope you fans enjoy the show!




[We now see the commentary team of Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Anna Garcia and the three of them discuss the matches that we shall see tonight. It is now time to head down to the ring for the first match of the evening.]



Steve Frehley vs. John Greed





  • This match was nothing more than a glorified squash match so that Steve could get a win going into the Pay-Per-View.
  • That is not to say that John did not get any offense in, he did but it was
    just not that much.
  • That match came to an end when Steve plowed John down with a Dark Destroyer Spear; he then covered John for the pin and the victory.


Winner: Steve Frehley

Time: 6:27

Match Rating: 67


[Post-match Jerry Eisen comes down to ringside to interview Steve Frehley.]




Jerry Eisen: Steve I want to congratulate you on a hard fought victory…


[steve takes a deep breath before he replies.]




Steve Frehley: Thank you very much Jerry, John Greed is no joke in the ring…that guy can go…




Jerry Eisen: Speaking of guys who can go, this Sunday at Nothing to Lose you have agreed to face Vengeance in a Portal to Hell Match. Now last month the two of you went to war and you ended up coming out on the losing end, do you really think it is wise to challenge Vengeance to a match that he is known for.


[steve lets out a nervous chuckle before he responds to the question.]




Steve Frehley: Wise…no…I am not sure if it is wise. The thing is wins and loses do not matter here. What does matter is I destroy the darkness that has corrupted Vengeance’s very soul. There is still a good person in there and it is my…duty…to bring him back to the light. To show him that his life does not need to be ruled by such hatred.


[Just then the arena’s lights go off and the arena is in complete darkness for a few seconds, until the lights come back on and we see Vengeance standing on the entrance way ramp.]




Vengeance: Steven Frehley, there is a small difference between bravery and stupidity. At Nothing to Lose the world will see that you are the latter. This Sunday I shall toss you down into the portal to Hell where the hellhounds shall feed on your carcass and your soul shall be ripped apart by a hoard of demons.


Steven Frehley, there will be pain…oh yes…there will be a great amount of pain as they tear your soul apart.


[The lights once again go off and when they come back on Vengeance is gone and Jerry looks at Steve with a perplexed look on his face.]


[Emma Chase and the SWF North American Champion Brandon James are in the backstage interview area. Brandon is pacing back and forth as Emma begins to speak.]




Emma Chase: In a few short minutes Brett Biggz is going to wish he never signed the contract to wrestle here in the SWF. You see Brett; my boys put your brother in the hospital but sadly for you that does not seem like a deterrent for you. I am not sure if you are stupid or what but your match tonight is nothing more than a fool’s errand.


If I were your manager, I would strongly suggest that you back out of the match tonight. However, I know your stupid Midwest pride will not allow you to do that. Oh well…at least you can come out of the match tonight with one thing. You can tell your grandkids that you were crippled in a match with the great Brandon James…


[brandon James stops pacing and stares into the camera with an almost homicidal look on his face.]




Brandon James: Brett Biggz you and your stupid brother must really hate Joe Sexy. I mean that has to be the case because by stepping into the ring with me tonight, that is your way of telling me that you want Joe to be partner-less at Nothing to Lose.


Because honestly Brett you know that once you walk through those rings ropes tonight and enter my ring, I am going to be looking to end you.

For the SWF North American Championship:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BrettBiggz.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Jessie.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Brett Biggz with Jessie vs. Brandon James © with Emma Chase





  • To the shock of pretty much everyone, Brett managed to get in a lot of offense in at the start of this match.
  • He used his high flying, fast paced offense in an effort to get Brandon James off his feet.
  • On commentary, Duane Fry said that this looked like the Brett Biggz of 2000, the guy who threw all caution to the wind and just threw at his opponent everything he had.
  • Unfortunately for Brett this was not meant to be his night.
  • Brett climbed up the top rope and jumped towards the groggy Brandon, who caught the challenger and slammed him down onto the mat with a vicious powerslam.
  • Brandon then lifted up Brett and nailed him with a Big Money Move, he then proceeded to cover Brett for the win.


Winner and still SWF North American Champion: Brandon James

Time: 6:05

Match Rating: 61




Gregory Black vs. Angry Gilmore





  • Gregory and Angry put on a great, albeit, short match.
  • Despite this match being on bit on the short side, both men did get an equal amount of offense in.
  • At one point Gregory even managed to get a near-fall in on Angry.
  • In the end this was not meant to be Gregory’s night to go to the pay window as Angry Gilmore was able to finish Gregory off with an Anger Management.


Winner: Angry Gilmore

Time: 7:50

Match Rating: 79


[After the match is over with, Angry Gilmore decides that he has not given Gregory enough of a beating yet so he climbs to the top rope and nails Gregory with a Sky High Elbow. He looks out at the crowd with a smirk on his face while he is being showered with boos. Angry Gilmore once again climbs to the top rope and once again hits Gregory with a Sky High Elbow.


It is at that point that some SWF backstage officials, led by Pat Deacon, came down to the ring in order to get Angry Gilmore to stop attacking Gregory. Angry Gilmore rolls out of the ring and grabs the microphone and begins to speak in a cold clinical manner. ]




Angry Gilmore: Robbie, I hope you are watching what I just did here. You see Robbie; I have no problems with Gregory Black. If I am willing to do what I did to him and I have no problems, what do you think that I will do to you this Sunday?


Robbie I hope you are ready to have your joke of a career ended!


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know, that more people watch Supreme TV than live at 704 Hauser Street in Queens, New York?]


For the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EricEisen_alt5.jpg


Jack Giedroyc with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. Eric Eisen ©





  • It was clear as day that Eric had no respect for his opponent as every time he took Jack down to the mat, he would pat Jack on the head and then stand up.
  • This show of disrespect by the champion infuriated Jack and after the second time Eric did that to him; Jack got up and took Eric down to the mat.
  • Jack unleashed a vicious series of hammer fists on Eric which had the champion begging for mercy.
  • For some odd reason Jack relented for a moment and that was enough time for Eric to roll out of the ring.
  • A woozy Eric waved his hands in disgust at no one in particular and he began to walk back to the locker room.
  • Jack ran after him and he took Eric and forced Eric back into the ring.
  • This was not a wise thing to do as when Jack reentered the ring after Eric, he was met with a boot to the back.
  • Eric then took control of the match from this point forward and he finished Jack off with The Supremacy.
  • Of course Eric put a foot on the ropes for extra leverage, so that he could secure a victory going into Nothing to Lose.


Winner and still SWF World Heavyweight Champion: Eric Eisen

Time: 9:50

Match Rating: 79


[Jack Bruce is shown sitting on a bench in locker room, staring at the floor deep in thought. When he realizes that the cameraman is there he looks up and begins to speak.]




Jack Bruce: Man it feels great to be back in Reno tonight!


[He pauses with a broad grin on his face, as we hear the live crowd cheer over the mention of Reno.]




Jack Bruce: This Sunday I have a tough task, I have to take on both Rich Money and Eric Eisen in a steel cage. Now I am not going to lie, that match is probably going to be one of the toughest of my career. But I can’t be thinking of that match right now because tonight Mister Eisen saw it fit to throw me in a triangle match with Remo and Enforcer Roberts.


So tonight I am going to have to not think about Sunday. Tonight I am going to have to focus on how I am going to beat two of the most talented men on the SWF roster. See many might think this is a form of punishment for me, but I view this as a reward. That is because I thrive on competition and tonight and Sunday night I have great competition!


Reno I have just one question for you…are you ready to rock!


[We hear the crowd roar with excitement in response to Jack’s question.]


Jack Bruce: Well then Reno it looks like we are going to rock later tonight!



Rich Money vs. Marat Khoklov





  • The crowd was really into this match because of who was in the ring.
  • Make no mistake though; this match was far from being a five star classic.
  • One of the main things that seemed to hinder this match was the fact that Marat, as he is known to do, outright refused to sell for Rich.
  • Marat nailed Rich with a Moscow Lariat but he did not pin him due to the fact that Christian Faith had come down to ringside.
  • Marat decided he would rather go after Christian then win the match, so it came as no surprise that Referee Darren Smith counted the Moscow Mauler out, which meant the victory went to Rich Money via count-out.


Winner by way of count-out: Rich Money

Time: 5:37

Match Rating: 68


[Christian and Marat brawl at ringside for a little bit, until SWF officials get between them and break it up.]




Jack Bruce vs. Remo vs. Enforcer Roberts





  • The odds were stacked against Jack in this match as Remo and Enforcer Roberts worked together.
  • Both Remo and Roberts took turns working on Jack’s left arm.
  • This beating took a toll on Jack and he collapsed in the ring, at this point Roberts went for the pin.
  • Remo, not one to be upstaged, kicked Enforcer Roberts in the back to break up the pin.
  • A pissed off Enforcer Roberts got up and began to argue with Remo, this led to a shoving match between the two men.
  • As this was going on the fans began chanting, “Jack! Jack! Jack!”, Jack slowly came back to life, seemingly gaining energy from the crowd.
  • Jack fought through the pain in his left arm and quickly dispatched Remo over the top rope and onto the arena floor.
  • He then turned his attention towards Roberts and the two men briefly brawled in the center of the ring, until Jack hit Roberts with a New York Minute, Jack then covered Roberts for the victory.


Winner: Jack Bruce

Time: 14:36

Match Rating: 85


[After the match is done, Jack stands on the top rope and makes the motion as if he is putting on an invisible championship belt. Despite the fans warning him, Jack does not realize that Eric Eisen has entered the ring. Eric takes the SWF Championship and clobbers Jack in the back of the head with it.


As Jack lies on the match semi-conscious Eric, who has gotten a microphone from one of the ring attendants, begins to speak.]




Eric Eisen: Jack that was for last week! That was for thinking you had the right to attack the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all-time…


[before Eric can finish that thought, he is nailed in the back of the head by a vicious forearm from Rich Money. Eric falls to the canvas face first and once he hits the mat he lies there motionless. Rich smiles, picks up the SWF World Title and stands like a conquering hero over the two men that he will face at Nothing to Lose.]


Post Show Thoughts:


To be honest there are really no post show thoughts that I can think of. I was not happy with some of the match results but that seems to be the case with every show I run. I think the matches will rate out higher and they never do.

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To be honest there are really no post show thoughts that I can think of. I was not happy with some of the match results but that seems to be the case with every show I run. I think the matches will rate out higher and they never do.


At least your Main Event got an 85. I don't know how the grading system works but every time I get 84 or higher, I'm happy :D Nice show and I'm looking forward to the PPV.

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Post Show Thoughts:


To be honest there are really no post show thoughts that I can think of. I was not happy with some of the match results but that seems to be the case with every show I run. I think the matches will rate out higher and they never do.


This sounds like me whenever i try to run SWF, i always struggle to get the match ratings everyone else seems to get with ease.

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At least your Main Event got an 85. I don't know how the grading system works but every time I get 84 or higher, I'm happy :D Nice show and I'm looking forward to the PPV.


The main event is not what got me, it was the Rich Money match. I thought for sure he would be able to pull a better rating out of Marat. Yes Marat sucks but I thought if I kept the match short, so that Marat was not in the ring for a long time, it would get a mid-70's rating. I was wrong in that thinking.:D


This sounds like me whenever i try to run SWF, i always struggle to get the match ratings everyone else seems to get with ease.


Yeah I always see people getting high ratings for the SWF and it just never seems to happen for me. Maybe it is just the case that I do not know how to play the game. My problem is not the midcard matches because I know they are not going to have good ratings. It is when the main eventers constantly get in the low 80's, that is what annoys me.


What I am afraid of is falling to Cult in this game. If that happens there is no way I would continue because I would lose interest in the save.

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Yeah I always see people getting high ratings for the SWF and it just never seems to happen for me. Maybe it is just the case that I do not know how to play the game. My problem is not the midcard matches because I know they are not going to have good ratings. It is when the main eventers constantly get in the low 80's, that is what annoys me.


What I am afraid of is falling to Cult in this game. If that happens there is no way I would continue because I would lose interest in the save.


I have a special graveyard folder with many a SWF save where i fell to cult :o

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What I am afraid of is falling to Cult in this game. If that happens there is no way I would continue because I would lose interest in the save.


I think it happens to the best of us, I have figured out that by getting a B show it helps out a lot and prolongs the drop to cult but I think that it ultimately it happens to everyone. Whenever I have fallen to cult in an SWF or a TCW save I lose interest so I can definately agree with you there.


The only way I probably wouldnt lose interest in a save after falling to cult is if I started as a Cult company got to national and then fell back to cult. That probably wouldn't bother me but who knows it has never happened to me so if it does I will let you know in the future if it did or not.:D

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Secret to totally awesome SWF shows:


Only put these people in the main event:

  1. Christian Faith
  2. Rich Money
  3. Angry Gilmore
  4. Jack Bruce
  5. Enforcer Roberts


Bruce is ridiculously popular, else I wouldn't list him. You can, of course, do well with others (Lobby, Greg Black, Frehley, Remo...), but if you want EZ mode, just have Gilmore/Roberts vs. Faith/Money. Actually...












That's 9 matches. 27 matches without repeats; if you have luck with some of the fledling guys and/or boost up ones like John Greed, you'll be fine.



Mind you, I'm speaking about the easiest, powergamey method, not one that actually makes sense from any storyline sense. And it's probably not the very easiest either ._.

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Well I was going to respond to these in a post about the PPV but the damn thing is taking a long time to write so:


I have a special graveyard folder with many a SWF save where i fell to cult :o


You and me both.:D I can't tell you how many times I have started SWF games only to lose interest in them because I can't keep it above Cult.


I think it happens to the best of us, I have figured out that by getting a B show it helps out a lot and prolongs the drop to cult but I think that it ultimately it happens to everyone. Whenever I have fallen to cult in an SWF or a TCW save I lose interest so I can definately agree with you there.


The only way I probably wouldnt lose interest in a save after falling to cult is if I started as a Cult company got to national and then fell back to cult. That probably wouldn't bother me but who knows it has never happened to me so if it does I will let you know in the future if it did or not.:D


Yeah I could see that, I mean if you start out at Cult and then eventually fall back to Cult it is almost a no harm, no foul situation. You are just back at where you started.

Secret to totally awesome SWF shows:


Only put these people in the main event:

  1. Christian Faith
  2. Rich Money
  3. Angry Gilmore
  4. Jack Bruce
  5. Enforcer Roberts


Bruce is ridiculously popular, else I wouldn't list him. You can, of course, do well with others (Lobby, Greg Black, Frehley, Remo...), but if you want EZ mode, just have Gilmore/Roberts vs. Faith/Money. Actually...












That's 9 matches. 27 matches without repeats; if you have luck with some of the fledling guys and/or boost up ones like John Greed, you'll be fine.



Mind you, I'm speaking about the easiest, powergamey method, not one that actually makes sense from any storyline sense. And it's probably not the very easiest either ._.


Yeah I have done that in the past to great results, I always play with repetitive booking off in all of my games. Therefore, when I am playing a non-diary game I usually spam the hell out of the matches that I get the best result on.


Like you said though, it is hard to do that for a diary game. Granted the WWE do it on their shows but the way they book does not really lend itself to the way the game works.

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Like you said though, it is hard to do that for a diary game. Granted the WWE do it on their shows but the way they book does not really lend itself to the way the game works.


Someone needs to screencap this, but book WM...whateverth:


Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus


Match length: 18 seconds.

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Since I'm playing a private SWF game with a rather intriguing up and down of show ratings (I'm NOT spamming the best matches possible even in private games as I like to keep a flow to the stories) the added benefit of this diary is for me to learn more about the Cornellverse which thanks to all the awesome re-renders has really come into being for me.


Also, keep it up BHK, I really dig this diary.

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SWF Presents: Nothing To Lose




Triple Threat Steel Cage Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money vs. Eric Eisen ©



Portal to Hell Match:

Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance



Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov


(If Joe’s team wins he gets a shot at the North American Championship at next month’s PPV. If Brandon's Team wins Joe will not get another shot at the North American Champion as long as Brandon holds the title.)


Joe Sexy and The Biggz Boyz with Jessie vs. Brandon James and The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase


Robbie Retro vs. Angry Gilmore


ooc: Well I was going to do an in studio talk segment about this, but to be honest I started to write it and I just did not like what I wrote so I canned it. Plus, I have not updated this for a bit so I felt I might as well do this rush job post.


As for the PPV, it is almost done all I have to do is finish the main event. I might do a re-write on the main event because I do not like what I have written thus far. That means the show could be up within the next 48 hours or so.

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The main event is not what got me, it was the Rich Money match. I thought for sure he would be able to pull a better rating out of Marat. Yes Marat sucks but I thought if I kept the match short, so that Marat was not in the ring for a long time, it would get a mid-70's rating. I was wrong in that thinking.:D




Yeah I always see people getting high ratings for the SWF and it just never seems to happen for me. Maybe it is just the case that I do not know how to play the game. My problem is not the midcard matches because I know they are not going to have good ratings. It is when the main eventers constantly get in the low 80's, that is what annoys me.


What I am afraid of is falling to Cult in this game. If that happens there is no way I would continue because I would lose interest in the save.

I think there are several issues involved. First, the focus should be on Angles, not matches. Not your fault, but it is what it is. Second, you can't expect some of the workers within the SWF pull off good ratings without "protecting" them, so to speak. It's something you must do. However, considering SWF's size, it's not easy to do. More is expected of you from the game. (Dinging you for Psychology and Selling). I know that sucks, but at the size the SWF is, it's expected.


Here's what you have to remember - the same main event and main event matters the most for matches. No other matches matter as much they do. As long you hit it out of the park with those two, but do only okay in other matches, you've done right.

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Well I'm just glad you updated it :p


Triple Threat Steel Cage Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money vs. Eric Eisen ©

I may not know much about the C-Verse, but I think Eisen manages to wriggle out a win



Portal to Hell Match:

Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance

I know it's risky to pick the heel, but...



Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov

Just to even things out


(If Joe’s team wins he gets a shot at the North American Championship at next month’s PPV. If Brandon's Team wins Joe will not get another shot at the North American Champion as long as Brandon holds the title.)


Joe Sexy and The Biggz Boyz with Jessie vs. Brandon James and The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase

To make things interesting


Robbie Retro vs. Angry Gilmore

The return of Lobster Warrior?

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Triple Threat Steel Cage Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money vs. Eric Eisen ©

Eisen already managed to get away with the win once but it should be harder to do it second time. Still I think that it´s simply too early to have him lose the title and so I pick him again.


Portal to Hell Match:

Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance

Vengeance won in last PPV so I go with Frehley taking the win on this one.


Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov

Again Faith won last time so I give this one to Khoklov.


(If Joe’s team wins he gets a shot at the North American Championship at next month’s PPV. If Brandon's Team wins Joe will not get another shot at the North American Champion as long as Brandon holds the title.)


Joe Sexy and The Biggz Boyz with Jessie vs. Brandon James and The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase

Normally I would big Brandon but that stipulation means that Sexy is likely getting the win.


Robbie Retro vs. Angry Gilmore

Gilmore gets the win this time as he lost to Lobster in last PPV.

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Triple Threat Steel Cage Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money vs. Eric Eisen ©

Eisen should always wriggle his way out of matches hanging onto that gold of his!


Portal to Hell Match:

Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance

Frehley needs this win more.


Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov

Faith then a beatdown (or dq win) if you want to continue the feud .. If not clean win


(If Joe’s team wins he gets a shot at the North American Championship at next month’s PPV. If Brandon's Team wins Joe will not get another shot at the North American Champion as long as Brandon holds the title.)


Joe Sexy and The Biggz Boyz with Jessie vs. Brandon James and The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase

Joe has to win, he won't be pinning Brandon though .. He should never be pinned .. Thats what i've always wanted to do with him anyway!

Robbie Retro vs. Angry Gilmore

Gilmore shouldn't lose to a Gimmick Wrestler :)

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Triple Threat Steel Cage Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money vs. Eric Eisen ©

(Eisen is champion in my game STILL too but truth be told, I'm entirely not happy with him at the top of the card cause simply put he isn't good enough, imo. But for storyline purposes ... meh >_<)


Portal to Hell Match:

Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance

(Not a huge fan of Frehley...)


Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov

(Faith is a franchise player...)


(If Joe’s team wins he gets a shot at the North American Championship at next month’s PPV. If Brandon's Team wins Joe will not get another shot at the North American Champion as long as Brandon holds the title.)


Joe Sexy and The Biggz Boyz with Jessie vs. Brandon James and The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase

(The story continues...)


Robbie Retro vs. Angry Gilmore

(Simply cause Gilmore is just so much better)


As for booking SWF - you have a jumpstart as number 1 promotion in the world, which means you should sign good wrestlers whenever you can. It's what I did and it has helped getting shows that normally raise my popularity.

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SWF Presents: Nothing To Lose




Date: Sunday, February 14, 2010

Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Attendance: 30,000

PPV Buy Rate: 3.71


[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Nothing To Lose while we see the opening video showing us the various matches that are on the card tonight along with video clips of the participants of said matches.]




[We now see a shot of the live arena with the pyrotechnics going off and the crowd going wild. The camera then cuts to the announcer’s table where Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Anna Garcia give a rundown of tonight’s card.]


For the SWF World Tag Team Titles:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Valiant.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/HannahPotter.jpg & http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RandyBumfhole.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ZimmyBumfhole.jpg


Electric Law © with Hannah and Dawn the Cheerleader vs. The Amazing Bumfholes



  • Yet another Pay-Per-View where the Tag Team Title match received no build-up and was not even announced prior to the start of the event.
  • Electric Law and the Bumfholes shake hands as a sign of mutual respect before the start of the match.
  • This match was a great opening match as Randy and Zimmy threw everything they could at the champions, even if the match itself felt a little rushed.
  • The highlight of the match was when Jack and Zimmy ended up on the outside of the ring brawling, Randy leaped over the top rope and onto both Jack and Zimmy.
  • Once the three men groggily got up it was now Valiant’s turn to jump over the top rope and wipe everyone out.
  • Yes I do not understand why one would want to wipe out their own tag team partner but the crowd sure loved it as they began chanting, “SWF! SWF! SWF!”
  • At one point Randy almost won the gold for he and his brother when he had Valiant pinned.
  • In the end Jack secured the victory for his team after he nailed Randy with a Crashing On (Full Nelson Facebuster.).


Winners and still SWF World Tag Team Champions: Electric Law

Time: 6:35

Match Rating: 73


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area for the first time this evening; in the interview area we see Jerry Eisen and Christian Faith.]




Jerry Eisen: Christian tonight you are going to face off against what might possibly be your toughest opponent of your career in Marat Khoklov. What is it that you have to do in order to beat the Moscow Mauler?




Christian Faith: This may sound corny but I gotta have faith and that is all there is to it. Ya see Jerry, Marat is a big ol’ son of a gun and as the old saying goes, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” Well as I said Marat is one big son of a gun but that don’t mean I can’t take him off his feet and pin em.


Hell, I already beat that ugly bastard once and I am fixing to do it again tonight. Marat ya might intimidate everyone else here in the SWF, but ya don’t intimidate me. Ya see I have dealt with giants in the past and there ain’t one of them still here, so as ya can see I dispatched all of their asses. Tonight I am gonna do that to you...send your ass back to Moscow.


People may ask me if I’m being cocky and all I have to say to that is, this ain’t me being cocky this is me having faith in myself.


[Christian walks off camera and Jerry smiles at the camera.]




Jerry Eisen: Back to you Peter…




Jungle Lord vs. Remo





  • As always when it comes to a Remo match, the announcers wonder which Remo is going to show up tonight the one who destroys his opponents in a quick manner or the one who cannot seem to win if his life depended on it.
  • Prior to the start of the match, Jungle Lord did his typical run down to the ring and shake the ring ropes.
  • This was a mistake on his part as Remo ran down to the ring a clobbered Jungle Lord in his back with a vicious forearm.
  • With the early attack it is clear that Remo wants to make this a quick night.
  • However, things do not work out the way he planned as Jungle Lord started to fight back.
  • There was a lack of psychology in this match and it seemed to drift at points almost as if neither guy knew what they should do next.
  • In the end Remo’s raw power was too much for Jungle Lord to handle.
  • Remo claimed victory after he finished Jungle Lord off with The Destroy.


Winner: Remo

Time: 9:18

Match Rating: 73


[Peter Michaels informs us that we are about to watch a video that was shot earlier in the day. The video begins and we see Joe Sexy, in his street clothes, standing alone in the empty arena. We see workers putting the ring together behind him.]




Joe Sexy: Brandon James I have heard everything you have said about me and most of it is true. Am I an old broken down wrestler trying to recapture his glory days?


You better believe I am...I know that my career has already reached its climax. I know it is all downhill form here but that does not mean it is purple pill time for me yet, as I can still rise to the occasion when I need to do so. This old player still has enough in the tank and I can still go all night. Tonight me and my boys the Biggz Brothers are just going to do that.


We are going to take you and the Pain Alliance to the limit…heck maybe after the match is done I might take that Ice Queen you have for a manager Emma Stone and show her what a real man is like. Maybe once she has a little fun in her life she will be more inclined to remove the stick that seems to be permanently wedged up her butt.




Gregory Black vs. Enforcer Roberts





  • This match, much like the tag match, was a filler match.
  • That is not to say it was not good because both Enforcer Roberts and Gregory Black came out of this match looking good.
  • The match was a bit on the short side but the fans really got behind it due to the great in ring action.
  • On a couple of occasions Gregory looked to have the match won but Roberts kept on kicking out.
  • In the end the more experienced Roberts picked up the victory when he locked Gregory’s arm in an R.C.T. (Crucifix Armbar) and forced Gregory to tap out.


Winner by way of submission: Enforcer Roberts

Time: 7:33

Match Rating: 82


[After the last match is finished we head to the backstage area, more specifically a room which is pitch black. We see the outline of a figure but we are unable to see this person’s face.]




Vengeance: Steven Frehley you claim that you still want to bring me back into the light. Well Steven Frehley that is something you shall not be able to accomplish. Tonight you and I shall engage in a battle, a battle that you shall not win.


When I defeat you by tossing your battered carcass down into the Portal to Hell, you shall feel great pain…great pain indeed…as hundreds of demons prod you with their pitchforks. Steven Frehley you were foolish enough to want to meet me in a Portal to Hell match and now you shall pay the price. Tonight I will tear your soul apart!


[We now head over to the dressing room of Emma Chase and associates.]




Emma Chase: Joe Sexy, I heard what you had to say earlier and I must say that I threw up a little in my mouth when you said that you wanted to have a little fun with me. Let me make something perfectly clear to you old man, there is no way that you and I will ever have fun with each other. Oh I might give you a swift kick in your lower region…that might be fun for me...but it would not be much fun for you.




Brandon James: Joe you can make all the lewd comments that you want but know this when you step inside that ring with us tonight…I am going to make you regret everything you said about Emma. Joe your geriatric ass is not walking out of here with a chance to face me for my North American Title. Nah, your ass is going to be put in a stretcher along with your little buddies.




Big Smack Scott: That’s right Brandon…you take care Joe and we’ll worry about the Bitch Brothers… I mean the Biggz Brothers. You see Bitch Brothers you don’t deserve no respect from me and Kurt. You two bitches are children fighting in a man’s world and tonight you two are gonna get an ass kicking the likes of which you ain’t ever gotten before.




Kurt Laramee: Brett, Bart, I feel for y’all I really do, cuz you done backed the wrong horse. If I were the two of you cats I would not even bother showing up for the match tonight. Let the growin ass men take care of their bidness right chair, let that old fool come down here to our house and face us in a handicap match…ya know what I’m saying. Cuz if you two little punks are smart that is exactly what you will do…not show up. Cuz you two ain’t want no part of us.




Robbie Retro vs. Angry Gilmore





  • Most fans went into this match thinking that it was going to be a one sided affair but nothing could be further from the case.
  • Robbie did not wait for the bell to ring, he charged right at Gilmore knocking Gilmore to the mat.
  • Robbie then began nailing Gilmore with vicious ground and pound strikes; you could tell that the crowd was hot for this as they were going nuts every time Robbie would land a strike.
  • Angry was finally able to get out of this as he inched his way over to the ring ropes and he put his hand on the lower ring rope, forcing Referee Ric Young to tell Robbie that he had to get off Gilmore.
  • Gilmore rolled out of the ring to try to clear the cobwebs from his head but Robbie was not about to allow Gilmore to take a breather.
  • Robbie and Gilmore brawled outside of the ring as Ric Young made a very slow ten count.
  • Before Ric Young could finish the count Gilmore reentered the ring and waited for a cautious Robbie to reenter the ring.
  • Robbie tried to get into the ring quickly but it was to no avail as Gilmore was there waiting for him.
  • From that point forward this match became the Angry Gilmore show.
  • Gilmore nailed Robbie with an Anger Management and covered him for the pin, but before Ric Young could make the three count Gilmore lifted Robbie’s shoulder off the mat.
  • Gilmore had a sadistic smile on his face as he taunted the crowd; he then nailed Robbie with a second Anger Management.
  • This time he allowed Ric Young to make the three count.


Winner: Angry Gilmore

Time: 13:21

Match Rating: 81


[After the match is over with Angry Gilmore continues to attack a now unconscious Robbie Retro. This does not last long as Lobster Warrior comes running down to the ring to aid his friend. As soon as Gilmore sees Lobster Warrior coming to the ring, he jumps out of the ring, hops the guardrail and escapes through the crowd. Lobster Warrior does not follow him; he is more concerned about the condition of his friend.]


[We now head to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with Rich Money.]




Jerry Eisen: Rich tonight in the main event of the evening you face off against Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce in a steel cage for the SWF World Heavyweight Title. What are your thoughts heading into tonight’s match?


[Rich arrogantly grins at Jerry for a moment before he begins to talk.]




Rich Money: Well Jerry I have one thought about tonight’s match and one thought alone and that is walking out of this arena with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship firmly around my waist. You see Jerry I have known nothing but success throughout my life. But there is that one thing that eludes me, the one thing that I have never been able to obtain and that is the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.


Well tonight I plan on acquiring the SWF World Heavyweight Championship and that Jerry is something that you and all of the fans can bank on.


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JoeSexy.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BartBiggz.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BrettBiggz.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Jessie.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigSmackScott.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KurtLaramee.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Joe Sexy and The Biggz Boyz with Jessie vs. Brandon James and The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase





  • Prior to the start of the match Peter Michaels reminds us what is at stake here, if Joe’s team wins he gets a shot at the North American Championship at next month’s PPV. However, if Brandon’s team wins Joe will never get a shot at the North American Championship as long as Brandon is the champion.
  • There was not a lot of selling in this match, mostly when Big Smack Scott was in the ring because everyone knows BSS doesn’t sell to midgets (Biggz Brothers).
  • The fans in Pittsburgh were all over Big Smack Scott’s case chanting, “You can’t wrestle!” every time the BSS would enter the ring.
  • For all of his bravado leading up to this match, it seemed like Brandon James wanted no part of Joe Sexy.
  • Whenever Joe would enter the ring Brandon would do everything in his power to tag out.
  • The Biggz Brothers were able to come out of this match looking good especially Bart who managed to get in a couple of near falls in on Kurt during the middle of the match.
  • At this point the Pain Alliance and Brandon took over and they managed to keep Brett isolated from his brother and Joe.
  • This lasted for a few minutes until Brett was able to make the hot-tag to tag Joe in.
  • Joe cleaned house as he quickly dispatched both Scott and Kurt over the top rope, he then nailed Brandon (who was standing on the ring apron) in the face with a left hook.
  • This caused Brandon to fall off the ring apron and onto the arena floor.
  • At this point Emma Chase got up on the ring apron and started yelling at Joe.
  • Jessie came up from behind and yanked Emma off the ring apron and the two of them engaged in a catfight much to the delight of the crowd.
  • Scott reentered the ring in the hopes of attacking the distracted Joe, who of course was watching the catfight, from behind.
  • However, Joe seemed to sense Scott and before Scott could do anything to him, Joe hit Scott with a One Night Stand and then pinned Scott for the victory, which means he has earned the right to face Brandon James for the SWF North American Championship at the next pay-per-view.


Winners: Joe Sexy and The Biggz Boyz

Time: 11:24

Match Rating: 66


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area and hear from Jack Bruce who is one of the participants in tonight’s main event.]




Jack Bruce: What is up steel city!


[Jack pauses as the live crowd goes nuts at the mention of their hometown.]




Jack Bruce: I’ll tell you what; it is great to be back in Pittsburgh! As I am sure most of you know, one of the biggest moments of my career happened right here in Pittsburgh. That moment was when I beat Runaway Train to win my very first SWF World Heavyweight Championship!


Pittsburgh tonight I think you are going to witness me winning my third SWF World Heavyweight Championship! Now don’t get me wrong, tonight is going to be a tough match for me. Being locked inside a steel cage with two of the best wrestlers in the SWF is not going to be a walk in the park.


Nah tonight is going to be one gnarly, bloody mess of a match...and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Cuz I thrive on competition and tonight I have two of the very best competitors in the ring with me.


So Pittsburgh, I just have one question for ya. Are you ready to rock?


[The live crowd yells out a collective yes, which causes Jack to smile.]




Jack Bruce: Well then Pittsburgh, it looks like we’re gonna have some fun tonight! Let’s rock!


[before the match begins we see a brief video package, highlighting the feud between Faith and Khoklov.]




Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov





  • As per usual, the fans were very much into this match even if Marat outright refused to sell any of Christian’s offense.
  • Christian threw everything at the Moscow Mauler but it was all of naught because nothing he did could take the big man off his feet.
  • Marat took Christian and heaved him over the top rope and onto the arena floor.
  • The Moscow Mauler pursued Christian outside of the ring and he flung Christian into the guardrail.
  • While Marat and Christian were outside of the ring, Referee Ric Young was making his ten count.
  • Neither men were able to get back into the ring on time, which forced Ric Young to throw the match out due to a double count out.


Winner: None due to both men being counted out.

Time: 7:38

Match Rating: 74


[Christian and Marat continue to brawl at ringside even after the match is officially ruled over. It takes a whole team of SWF security and backstage officials to separate them.]


[in the final interview segment of the night we see Jerry Eisen standing with his brother SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen.]




Jerry Eisen: Eric tonight you…


[Eric interrupts his brother before he can continue speaking.]




Eric Eisen: How many times to I have to tell you, when we are here it is Mister Eisen dear brother. Now you can ask me whatever absurd question you wanted to ask me.


[Jerry smiles at Eric before he starts to speak again.]




Jerry Eisen: Okay Erica…


[Eric is clearly not amused that Jerry is referring to him as Erica. In fact, Eric puts his fist in his mouth for a moment before addressing this insult.]




Eric Eisen: You are so lucky that mom made me promise not to hit you. If any other person were to call me that dear brother, I would break their jaw!


[Jerry rolls his eyes.]




Jerry Eisen: Tonight you have to defend your SWF World Heavyweight Championship against both Jack Bruce and Rich Money while locked inside of a steel cage. Do you feel like you are in jeopardy of losing the SWF Championship tonight?


[Eric shakes his head in disgust.]




Eric Eisen: Jeopardy? This is not a game show and you are not Alex Trebek, so there is no sense of jeopardy for me tonight. Just for the simple fact that I have already beaten Jack and Rich once and so therefore it should be pretty easy to do it again.


After all I am the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all-time! I am the Supreme Athlete! Nobody can touch me in that ring…nobody!

Portal to Hell Match:




Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance


[Prior to the start of the match: For the audience members who are not sure what exactly a Portal to Hell Match is, Peter Michaels was kind enough to clue us in. Basically there is an open hole on the stage where the wrestler’s come out. In order to be declared the winner of this match, one man must throw the other down said hole. However, the match begins in the ring, which means that somehow both competitors must make their way out of the ring, down the aisle, and onto the stage. There are no disqualifications or count-outs in this match.]





  • The match started off slow with both men exchanging strikes in the center of the ring, in what seemed to be the theme of the night neither man really sold the other’s strikes all that well.
  • Vengeance got the upper hand in this mini-brawl and he hurled Steve into a corner.
  • Vengeance then began to pummel Steve in the corner, so much so that Steve fell out of the ring and onto the arena floor.
  • Once outside of the ring, Steve grabbed Vengeance’s feet and pulled him out of the ring.
  • At this point the men once engaged in a brawl at ringside, this was a back and forth brawl and neither man seemed to be getting the upper hand.
  • Steve gained the advantage after a few minutes of this grueling brawl.
  • Steve began to take Vengeance down the aisle and towards the stage, periodically ramming Vengeance’s head on the guardrail.
  • Once they got onto the stage both men started exchanging strikes again (What did you actually expect them to wrestle?).
  • Both men are bloodied up at this point and Vengeance once again in firm control of the match.
  • Vengeance, hits Steve with the Skull Krusher (Michinoku Driver, why anyone would be insane enough to have their head driven into a metal stage is beyond me.) he then slowly rolls the semi-conscious Steve over to the hole in the stage and he pushes Steve down said hole for the victory.


Winner: Vengeance

Time: 13:06

Match Rating: 77


The following match is a Triple Threat Steel Cage Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:






Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money vs. Eric Eisen ©


[Prior to the start of the match: We are informed of the ways which the combatants can win this match. The match can end by pinfall, submission, exiting over the top of the cage, or exiting through the cage door.]





  • Once the bell ran Jack and Rich went at it, trading strikes in the center of the ring.
  • While they were busy fighting each other, Eric made a mad dash for the cage door. Seeing what Eric was attempting to do, Jack and Rich both went after the SWF World Champion.
  • This led to a very neat spot where Rich stood on one side of Eric and Jack on the other and they kept on hitting him with punches. After Rich punched Eric, Eric would stagger over to Jack who would then punch Eric.
  • Eric finally staggered forward and then landed face first onto the mat, which led to Jack and Rich resuming their little brawl.
  • Rich gained the upper-hand in said brawl and he managed to knock Jack down after he hit him with a clothesline.
  • With both of his opponents down, Rich began to climb the cage hoping to get out of the cage before either of his opponents came around.
  • This attempt was thwarted by Jack who managed to get to his feet and go after Rich, once again the two of them traded strikes this time at the top of the cage.
  • Never one to not seize a golden opportunity, Eric once again slowly made his way to the door, both Jack and Rich climbed down the cage to stop him from leaving which they succeeded in doing.
  • An angry Eric hit Jack south of the Mason-Dixon Line which caused Jack to double over in pain and fall to the mat.
  • At this point it was Eric and Rich’s turn to duke it out, a well-placed thumb to the eye helped Eric get the advantage.
  • Eric then took Rich’s head and began to mash it up against the steel cage, causing Rich’s forehead to bleed.
  • Next Eric suplexed Rich, with both Rich and Jack lying on the mat Eric once again made his way over to the steel cage door.
  • Before Eric could exit the cage Jack, who had just gotten up, grabbed Eric by the back of the neck. He then spun Eric around and nailed him with a New York Minute.
  • Jack went for the pin on Eric, but said pin was broken up when a bloodied Rich kicked Jack in the back.
  • Rich then decided to finish Jack off with a Bank Roll and did hit Jack with it but the former SWF World Champion kicked out at two.
  • A dazed Eric decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to once again escape the cage; he headed over to the cage door but was once again stopped from leaving the ring. This time it was Rich who stopped him.
  • Rich then exacted some revenge on Eric as Rich began to drag the champion’s head back and forth against the steel cage. This cause a cut to open up on Eric’s forehead and the blood began gushing out of said cut.
  • Rich then when about trying to take the champion down, he hit Eric with a clothesline and then lifted him up and nailed him with a Bank Roll.
  • Before Rich could pin Eric, Jack got up and went at Rich.
  • He backed Rich into a corner and started pummeling him with strikes, which caused Rich to slump down in the corner.
  • Unfortunately Jack was not paying attention to Eric who was crawling towards the steel cage door.
  • The SWF Champion made it to the door and the ringside Referee Ric Young opened the door for Eric.
  • Eric managed to leave the cage, thus winning the match, while Jack (Who had his back to the cage door.) was still occupied with dealing out punishment to Rich.


Winner and still SWF World Heavyweight Champion: Eric Eisen

Time: 18:04

Match Rating: 93 (MOTN)


[The crowd was not at all happy with the outcome of this match. A chant of, “This is bullcrap!” (Well they did not exactly say bullcrap but I cannot say what they said so you get the picture.) could be heard throughout the arena as a bloody Eric Eisen gleefully holds up his SWF World title above his head.]
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[This is not meant as a cheap bump, I just felt there was too much stuff in the previous post. I did not want to add this part in as well.]


I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary.


Here are the results for the prediction contest (I hope it is right.):


Michgcs 4/5

Harmor 4/5

Zergon 3/5

Jingo 3/5


Congratulations go out to both Harmor and Michgcs for getting the most correct this time around! I do have a prize for the both of you, I am bringing in an Indy tag team and the way I see it Richard Eisen would be very much like Vince in that he would change the wrestler’s names in order to copyright those names.


If the two of you would like, I will send the current name of one of the wrestlers to Michgcs and I will send the name of the other wrestler to Harmor. The two of you will decide what their new names will be. If you do not want to do this I will not be offended because it is a pain in the butt to think up new names (Which is why I am passing the buck off to the two of you.).


Post-Show Thoughts:


1. There is a reason why there was no ending in the Christian/Marat bout which will hopefully make sense somewhere down the road.


2. Vengeance refused to lose to Steve so that is the reason for that outcome. Which is odd because I am not sure if I ever remember Vengeance refusing to job to someone in any of my other saves.


3. I hope the Joe Sexy promo was not too over the edge of good taste.


4. I plan on doing more with the undercard guys just as soon as my B-Show starts. That means the tag team championship matches will not just be thrown on there as filler and you will see so of the guys on the active roster who have not been on the main show yet. I have had them in a post-show Battle Royal every week.


5. @ampulator: Yeah the fact that a lot of the main event guys have either low psychology or selling skills is what kills me every time. This show was a clear case of that with nearly every match being hurt because one guy as crappy selling skills.


6. I have to admit I am shocked with how well the Portal to Hell Match rated out. I thought for sure its final rating would be much lower than what I got. So that was a good surprise right there.


7. On the other hand I thought the 6-Man would pull a better rating but it did not.

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Congratulations go out to both Harmor and Michgcs for getting the most correct this time around! I do have a prize for the both of you, I am bringing in an Indy tag team and the way I see it Richard Eisen would be very much like Vince in that he would change the wrestler’s names in order to copyright those names.


If the two of you would like, I will send the current name of one of the wrestlers to Michgcs and I will send the name of the other wrestler to Harmor. The two of you will decide what their new names will be. If you do not want to do this I will not be offended because it is a pain in the butt to think up new names (Which is why I am passing the buck off to the two of you.).


Well I'm game, but I can't promise an overly creative name or anything :p Good show overall, I wonder where Vengeance goes from here. And Joe Sexy doesn't look old at all... :cool:

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