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SWF: You Know You Want To Give It One Star a.k.a. the Ballad of Big Smack Scott

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Supreme TV Episode 13




Location: Charlotte, North Carolina

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 5.71

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.38

Overall Show Rating: 81


[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.]


[We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. The show begins with SWF Owner Richard Eisen standing in the center of the ring wearing an SWF Referee shirt. He wipes sweat off his forehead before he begins to speak in his trademark booming voice.]




Richard Eisen: Welcome to Supreme TV!


[The crowd goes nuts and Richard waits for them to calm down before he continues speaking.]




Richard Eisen: Many of you must be wondering why I am wearing an SWF Referee shirt tonight. Well as you know, this Sunday at The World is Watching pay-per-view; I will be the special guest referee in the SWF World Title match between my son the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen and the man who has been my best friend…my brother for the past twenty plus years Christian Faith. Now I have vowed not to let my fatherly love or my friendship get in the way of me calling the match down the middle and that is why I am out here tonight wearing this referee’s shirt.


I am not going to be refereeing any matches tonight but I did want to try the shirt on and see how I look in it…and I must say I think it looks good on me…well that is what my wife told me. Getting back to the matter at hand, tonight neither Eric nor Christian know who they will be facing off against later on, both men are probably antsy about this so I am sure they would like to be informed. Therefore, I might as well call them both out here so that they can find out who they will be facing. So Eric if you do not mind, please join me in the ring…


[The SWF World Heavyweight Champion emerges from behind the backstage curtain to a chorus of boos. Directly behind Eric is bodyguard Enforcer Roberts. The two men enter the ring and Richard Eisen nods his head to acknowledge his son.]




Richard Eisen: Now Christian if you would kindly join us in the ring…


[Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode begins blaring over the arena’s sound system and moments later Christian emerges from behind the backstage curtain. The crowd goes nuts as the aging superstar makes his way down to the ring.


Richard waits for Christian to enter the ring before he continues speaking.]




Richard Eisen: Thank you for joining me gentlemen. I am sure you both heard what I said just before I asked to two of you to join me…and I guess both of you are wondering who you will be fighting tonight. Well I have decided to leave it up to the two of you.


Eric you will choose Christian’s opponent tonight and Christian you will choose Eric’s opponent tonight. You may select anyone on the SWF’s roster to compete tonight…


[Eric does not look pleased over this one bit. He stomps his right foot onto the mat in anger and folds his arms against his chest.]




Eric Eisen: But papa this isn’t fair to me! I am not mentally prepared to defend my title tonight…




Richard Eisen: Don’t worry about that, your title isn’t on the line tonight…




Eric Eisen: But papa, what if…what if I get hurt tonight? Then you will have no world title match on the pay-per-view on Sunday.


[Richard smiles and shakes his head in disbelief before answering his son’s question.]




Richard Eisen: This is a combat sport that is the risk you run every time you enter this ring…




Eric Eisen: But what if…


[Christian looks beyond pissed off as he knows Eric is just doing this to screw with him.]




Christian Faith: Son quit your stallin and just tell me who I’m gonna be fighting tonight…


[Eric looks at Enforcer Roberts for a moment before he answers Christian.]




Eric Eisen: Phillip…do you ah…want to fight Christian tonight?


[Roberts does not look all that thrilled over the prospect of having to fight Christian later on. Therefore, he waves off Eric and shakes his head no.]




Enforcer Roberts: I can’t I have a match with Vengeance later on…




Eric Eisen: Oh yeah that’s right…okay…well then I don’t envy you for that…hmm… that means tonight Christian I think I would like to see you take on the SWF North American Champion Brandon James!


[Christian smiles and rubs his hands together.]



Christian Faith: That’s fine by me; I can’t wait to get my hands on that smug son of a gun. Now I guess it be the time for me to choose your opponent for tonight.


So many choices…okay I got it! Tonight you’re gonna face off against my friend the Lobster Warrior!


[Eric does not look pleased over this choice at all, as he nervously shakes his head in disagreement over Christian’s choice.]




Richard Eisen: Well there you have it, tonight we shall see my son Eric Eisen taking on the Lobster Warrior. We will also see Christian Faith taking on the SWF North American Champion Brandon James! Boy are we going to have some fun tonight! Now let’s start this show!




[The voice of Peter Michaels is heard welcoming us to Charlotte, North Carolina for Supreme TV, we then go right to the announcer’s table were Supreme TV’s commentary team of Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Anna Garcia who are sitting at the announcer’s desk near ringside. The three of them discuss the matches that we shall see tonight. It is now time to head down to the ring for the first match of the evening.]


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KurtLaramee.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Jack Bruce vs. Kurt Laramee with Emma Chase





  • Before the bell rang Kurt jumped Jack just as Jack entered the ring.
  • Kurt dominated the earlier portion of the match getting and even managed to get a near fall on the former champion.
  • The crowd soon started to alternate their chats between, “Let’s Rock!” and “Jack! Jack! Jack!”
  • Drawing off the fans Jack began to mount his comeback; he put Kurt down via his finisher the New York Minute.
  • Jack then covered Kurt for the pin but before Referee Shane Stones could slap the mat for the third time, Rich Money entered the ring and kicked Jack in the back.
  • Shane Stones had no choice but to disqualify Kurt due to outside interference.


Winner by disqualification: Jack Bruce

Time: 5:55

Match Rating: 86


[Now that the match has officially ended, Rich lifts Jack up and piledrives him into the mat. He then kicks Jack in the ribs twice just for the hell of it. Rich then smiles as the crowd showers him in boos. Rich motions for a ring attendant to give him a microphone. Upon getting the microphone, Rich begins to address the crowd.]


Rich Money: Did you just see what I did? This is just a preview of what I am going to do to mister rock god on Sunday.


[The crowd really starts to jeer Rich at this point.]




Rich Money: You people can boo me all you want…I really can’t blame you, because you are all jealous of me. I have it all money, good looks, women, fame…and when I beat this eighties hairband reject on Sunday I will once again be in line for a shot at the SWF World Heavyweight Championship! And that is something you can bank on…


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that John Greed’s favorite song is



http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RichMoney_alt1.jpg


Jack Giedroyc with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. Rich Money





  • Right as the bell sounded Rich rushed at Jack and nailed him in the stomach with a knee causing Jack to double over in pain.
  • Rich was on the offense from pretty much the rest of the match.
  • Jack would get in an occasional hit or move here and there but momentum was never really in his corner.
  • In the end Rich finished Jack off (Get your minds out of the gutter people!:eek:) with a Bank Roll and covered Jack for the victory.


Winner: Rich Money

Time: 6:24

Match Rating: 76


[it is now time to go to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with Angry Gilmore. Gilmore seems to be nervous as his eyes dart back and forth much like Eli Wallach’s eyes did during the Mexican Standoff in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.]




Jerry Eisen: I know you have a match in just a few minutes so I want to thank you for taking the time to talk with me.


[Gilmore does not react to what Jerry just said to him as it seems like his mind is a million miles away.]




Jerry Eisen: Last week during my interview with you, Vengeance appeared and wiped you out. Are you at all nervous that he might be coming for you again tonight?


[Gilmore seems to snap out of his nervous state after Jerry asked him if he was nervous. A cocky smile creeps across Gilmore’s face as he begins to speak.]




Angry Gilmore: Me nervous? No...I am…I am not nervous of a cartoon Sports Entertainer. I am a real professional wrestler…you do know what I mean by that don’t you Jerry?


[Jerry nods his head in yes.]




Angry Gilmore: Good, because you father does not seem to know the meaning of what I do for a living. No he wants us all to be classified as Sports Entertainers…well that is not me. I am no Sports Entertainer, I wrestle for a living and that is exactly what I am going to do this Sunday at The World is Watching pay-per-view. I am going to out wrestle Vengeance and no amount of theatrics or sneak attacks are going to stop me from reaching my goal.


[Gilmore then looks around for a moment before he walks off camera.]




Captain Atomic vs. Angry Gilmore





  • This was a really good back and forth match during the opening minutes of the match.
  • At one point, a frustrated Angry Gilmore left the ring because he was unable to finish a cartoon sports entertainer.
  • Captain Atomic left the ring and chased after Gilmore, forcing Gilmore back into the ring.
  • This was a mistake on the Captain’s part as Gilmore was quick to get back onto his feet and he was able to pounce on Captain Atomic as he reentered the ring.
  • One Anger Management later and that was all she wrote for Captain Atomic.


Winner: Angry Gilmore

Time: 8:54

Match Rating: 76




Vengeance vs. Enforcer Roberts





  • Vengeance was in control of this match pretty much from the opening bell.
  • Whatever limited offense Roberts could get in was not sold very well by Vengeance.
  • This ended up being just one long squash match as in the end Vengeance fished Roberts off with a Skull Krusher.


Winner: Vengeance

Time: 10:18

Match Rating: 81


[After the match is done, Angry Gilmore comes running down to the ring and hits Vengeance from behind, this hit forces Vengeance to stagger forward. Gilmore then turns Vengeance around and takes him down with an Anger Management. Gilmore then walks over to a ring attendant and demands a microphone.]




Angry Gilmore: I am not afraid of anyone on the SWF roster! Especially not some cartoon joker like you Vengeance! Where is your dark lord now?


Look at you now mister big scary monster…you are nothing but a sports entertainer. You shouldn’t even be in the same ring as me…


[Angry Gilmore walks over to Vengeance’s motionless body and he kicks him just to make sure that Vengeance is out. He then bends over and slaps Vengeance’s face, this causes Vengeance’s eye to open up.


A now scared Angry Gilmore backs away from Vengeance, who is now sitting up. Gilmore nervously smiles down at Vengeance.]




Angry Gilmore: Um…screw this I’m out of here…


[Gilmore drops the microphone on the mat and then quickly leaves the ring. He then runs at full speed down the aisle. While his foe is fleeing from him, Vengeance stays seated in the center of the ring with no emotion on his face, watching Gilmore as he flees.]


In a Non-Title Match:


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EricEisen_alt5.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EnforcerRoberts.jpg


Lobster Warrior vs. Eric Eisen with Enforcer Roberts





  • Eric had an early advantage at the start of the match because he went at Lobster Warrior (LW) right as the bell was rung.
  • This advantage did not last and soon LW was in firm control of the match.
  • LW got in a couple of near falls on the champion but he was not able to put him away.
  • Eric slipped out of the ring and begged Referee Ric Young for a time out, a time out which Ric refused to grant.
  • Instead Ric began making his ten count.
  • LW followed Eric to the outside of the ring and the two men brawled briefly at ringside before reentering the ring.
  • Once inside the ring it was Eric’s turn to get some offense in.
  • While this was going on Remo, LW’s opponent at this Sunday’s The World is Watching pay-per-view, came down to ringside to “scout” his opponent.
  • Much to the delight of the fans, Eric had LW pinned and at the very last second LW kicked out of the pin.
  • This led to the fans chanting, “Here we go Lobby, here we go!”
  • Feeding off the energy of the crowd, Lobby began to mount a comeback.
  • At this point LW came rushing at Eric to clothesline him, but Eric moved out of the way at the last second which caused LW to instead clothesline Referee Ric Young who happened to be behind Eric (Don’t argue logic this is wrestling after all…).
  • LW went to check on Ric Young while Eric left the ring to take a breather.
  • Eric then looked over at Remo and shouted out, “He’s all yours!”
  • As he entered the ring Remo licked his lips and smiled.
  • Remo snuck up behind the distracted LW and he clobbers LW in the back with his right fist.
  • He then brings LW down with a Destroyer, after Remo has done his damage the crowd pans over to Eric and Enforcer Roberts as they applaud Remo for a job well done.
  • Eric then revives Ric Young and after doing that he covers LW for a cheap victory.
  • A victory which the fans do not seem to be happy about judging by their collective reaction as the SWF World Champion is announced the victor in the match.


Winner: Eric Eisen

Time: 11:33

Match Rating: 76


In a Non-Title Match:


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Christian Faith vs. Brandon James with Emma Chase





  • This was a back and forth match at the start with both men seeing momentum swinging their way.
  • The highlight of the earlier portion of the match was when Brandon wowed the crowd my lifting Christian over his head three times before slamming him to the canvas.
  • Brandon came close to beating Christian on a couple of occasions but he was unable to make that final push towards victory.
  • Emma Chase did her best to try and keep Brandon in control of the match as she often either distracted Referee Shane Stones so that Brandon could do something underhanded to Christian, or she would outright interfere on her client’s behalf like when she grabbed Christian’s leg for a moment, while he was running the ropes, which caused him to stagger and gave Brandon enough time regain his composure and nail Christian with a clothesline.
  • At this point in the match a very faint, “Faith! Faith! Faith!” chant start up.
  • The chant grows louder and louder as Brandon continues to do more damage to Christian.
  • Christian soon begins to mount his comeback as he feeds off the positive energy of the crowd.
  • SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen comes down to the ring while Christian is in the midst of his comeback.
  • Christian pays no attention to his rival and instead put all of his focus on defeating Brandon.
  • Christian manages to get Brandon down on the mat after he hit him with a sharp dropkick.
  • Faith then slowly begins to climb to the top rope, as he gets to the top rope Eric pushes him off the rope which causes Christian to hit the mat hard in the ring.
  • Referee Shane Stones saw this blatant interference and has because he witnessed the interference he has no other choice but to disqualify Brandon and award the victory to Christian.


Winner by way of disqualification: Christian Faith

Time: 13:40

Match Rating: 82


[Eric continued to attack the downed Christian and he was soon joined by Marat Khoklov and Enforcer Roberts in the assault. Marat picked Christian up and chokedslammed him down onto the mat, at that point Roberts and Eric swarmed Christian nailing him from either side with kicks.


It was at that point that the cavalry showed up in the form of Bruce the Giant. Eric quickly left the ring not wanting any part of the giant from Australia. Enforcer Roberts charged at Bruce as Bruce entered the ring. Bruce quickly brushed Roberts out of his way as if Roberts was nothing more than an annoying fly to him. Bruce went directly over to Marat and the two men began to trade punches in the center of the ring.


Finally, Bruce hit the Moscow Mauler with a barrage of lefts and rights which backed Marat up to the ropes. Bruce then nailed Marat with a short but powerful clothesline, which sent Marat out of the ring and onto the arena floor. Bruce then stood at the ropes daring Eric and Roberts to come into the ring.


Neither man was willing to take him up on that offer; instead they went over and helped Marat to his feet and quickly headed up the ramp to the backstage area. The show came to an end with Bruce checking on his friend Christian. From the announce desk, Peter Michaels wondered if Christian would be able to take on Eric this Sunday after the beating he took.]



Post-Show Thoughts:


1. The reason why it took me so long to post this show was out of sheer annoyance. What happened was I wrote something in the opening segment that was supposed to happen later on in the show. Well I forgot what I wrote in the opening segment and so I did not include it later on in the show.


When I went to read over the show, yes I do that but I often overlook stuff I guess that means I would be a terrible proofreader, I realized that I had written something in the show opener that did not jive with the rest of the show. I had one of two choices to make; I could have either rewritten the show to make it jive with what I wrote in the opening segment. Or I could just cut out what I wrote in the opening segment so that I did not have to rewrite the final two matches.


I got annoyed with the whole thing and decided to do neither option, so this show sat on the shelf for a week until I decided to just rewrite the opening segment.


2. Lobster Warrior’s match was an audition for him to see if he and Eric could pull off a decent enough rating to headline a pay-per-view against each other. Spoiler (Do not read unless you want to know what is going to happen in the future of this diary.):Sadly Lobster Warrior and Eric did not get a good enough rating so I am going to have to find an opponent for Eric to take on in the two pay-per-views after the World is Watching pay-per-view. I already know what the main event will be for the Supreme Challenge; I just have to find two people who can fight for the title in the two filler pay-per-views between World is Watching and Supreme Challenge.

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Supreme Uprising Episode 6:




Location: Wheeling, West Virginia

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.48

Overall Show Rating: 61


[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]


[The show begins with Marc DuBois walking down to the ring wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the SWF logo on it. He is carrying a microphone in his hand as he enters the ring. Marc quickly looks around before he begins to speak.]




Marc DuBois: Tonight I the Prodigy Marc Doo Bwah, had to suffer yet another indignity at the hands of the SWF backstage staff. When I arrived at the arena tonight I was told by members of the backstage staff that I was not allowed on the premises tonight because I was not booked to wrestle tonight.


This happened to me on Tuesday as well and I let it slide…well tonight was a different story. Tonight I had to sneak into the arena with the Craft Services people…like I was some low life food server! I have never been so humiliated in my life!


I came to this show tonight for you the fans…I am out here because I want to give you a treat! I want each and every one of you to be able to say you saw me before I became the SWF World Heavyweight Champion! I get nothing out of beating people down every week; I am doing this all for you the fans.


So tonight I am going to throw down a challenge, I am not going to leave this ring until I am allowed to have a match. No amount of SWF security or backstage personnel will be able to get me out of this ring!


This is me making an open challenge, if anyone in the back thinks they can beat me then they should come down to this ring and try to do so. I will say this, if anyone does come down here they should know that they are going to have to tap out to my Model Solution!


[Marc looks over towards where the wrestlers come out and after waiting a few moments a smile creeps across his face.]




Marc DuBois: Just what I thought! The SWF locker room is filled with a bunch of cowards, none of whom have the balls to come out here and face me the future SWF legend!


[Just then Guns N’ Roses’ Welcome to the Jungle starts blaring over the arena’s sound system moments later Jungle Lord emerges from behind the backstage curtain and runs down to the ring. Jungle Lord enters the ring and he and Marc begin to exchange punches. Moments later SWF Referee Shane Stones enters the ring and tells the timekeeper to ring the bell because this is an official match.]




Jungle Lord vs. Marc DuBois



Jungle Lord defeated Marc DuBois by count-out, after Marc intentionally got himself counted out because he frustrated over the fact that he was unable to beat Jungle Lord.


Time: 11:29

Match Rating: 81


[upon returning from commercial break, we see Jerry and Alex on camera talking about Alex taking on Everest later on in the show. As they talk the live feed cuts away to a black screen, soon a message appears on the screen written in red letters. It reads: The future is coming, the future is here now.


We then return to the announce table were Alex and Jerry are still talking about his match and neither man acknowledged the graphic.]


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The SoCal Express vs. Death Row



Death Row defeated The SoCal Express, when Knuckles downed James Michael with a Death Sentence.


Time: 5:31

Match Rating: 59


[We now go to the backstage interview area where Emma Chase and her clients The Pain Alliance are standing by.]




Emma Chase: Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole the two of you do not need to show up tonight for your match against my boys because the outcome of said match is not going to be good for you. My boys are hungry and they need to be fed and it looks like the two of you are going to be the main course.




Big Smack Scott: Hey Kurt…




Kurt Laramee: Word up Scott…


[bSS begins to crack up as he is saying his next line.]




Big Smack Scott: Bro tonight we’re fighting the Amazing Bumfhole…




Kurt Laramee: Really dog?




Big Smack Scott: Yeah bro, just think about that for a second…out of all of the names they could have thought of they chose that name. Well Amazing Bumfhole’s I don’t matter what name youz go by cuz youz two are in me and Kurt’s path to the tag team titles and that check for twenty thousand dollars. And that is a place nobody should want to be. Kurt tell em what we do to fools who get in our way.




Kurt Laramee: We brain em bro…




Big Smack Scott: Hell’s to the yeah bro! Zimmy…Randy…that’s exactly what we’re gonna do to you tonight. We’re gonna brain the two of youz and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it.




Cowboy Roy Hickok vs. Runaway Train




Runaway Train defeated Cowboy Roy Hickok, after Train nailed Roy with a Train Wreck.


Time: 7:26

Match Rating: 60


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where The Amazing Bumfholes are standing by. Randy pretends his right hand is a phone as he begins to talk.]




Randy Bumfhole: Ring, ring.


[Zimmy looks around for a moment before he pretends that his left hand is a phone and he answers.]




Zimmy Bumfhole: Hello.




Randy Bumfhole: Zim, I just saw an interview where these two big dumb guys said that they were going to brain us.




Zimmy Bumfhole: Yeah I saw it to, what a joke…


[Randy puts his hand down and looks directly into the camera with a serious look in his face.]




Randy Bumfhole: Big Smack Scott…Kurt Laramee…ever since Zimmy and I were kids we have had bigger dumber jocks underestimating us because of our size. Well while we do fall short in the height department and we are not the most jacked guys in the locker room nobody can match our heart and determination to succeed.




Zimmy Bumfhole: That’s right Randy, Pain Alliance tonight you are going down to the ring thinking it is a foregone conclusion that you are going to beat us. Well there is no such thing as a given in this world so the two of you best be ready for the fights of your lives.


Just remember guys, we’ve been to the promise land three times already and tonight after we beat the two of you we will be on our way to making it a fourth time.




Joe Sexy vs. Dylan Palmer



Joe Sexy defeated Dylan Palmer, after Joe put Dylan down with a One Night Stand.


Time: 7:02

Match Rating: 66


[After the match is over with Joe Sexy stands in the center of the ring and soaks in the adoration of the fans. Just then Squeeky McClean enters the ring, for you at home yes Squeeky is wearing the surgical mask and latex gloves, and attacks Joe from behind. He manages to get Joe down onto the mat, once Joe is on the mat Squeeky lays the boots to Joe until a team of SWF officials come down to the ring and pull Squeeky away from Joe.]


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where Uprising’s backstage correspondent Hannah is standing by with Death Row.]




Hannah: Guys tonight you pulled off a win against a good tag team in the SoCal Express. How did it feel to pick up such a big win after you suffered such a huge loss last week?




Knuckles: In this game ya win some, ya lose some. You’ve just gotta hope that you win more than you lose. Last week sucked and there ain’t no two ways about it, but tonight me and Slam Master Shady did what we do best…we went out there kicked a little ass and picked up a victory. So we can’t be trippin out about last week’s loss, cuz we did what we needed to do this week. Ain’t that right Shady?




Shady K: Damn straight son…


[As soon as the word straight is uttered F.A. Garcia walks into the interview area.]




F.A. Garcia: Straight…who said anything about being straight? After all bitches, we are family…I’ve got all my sisters and me.


[shady takes one look at F.A. Garcia and just shakes his head.]




Shady K: Son we ain’t girls and we ain’t your sisters…


[F.A. Garcia lightly pats Shady on the chest and then smiles at him.]




F.A. Garcia: Girl there is no reason to be a bitch to me; I came over here to celebrate with the two of you. I was so happy when you pinned James Michael earlier tonight, I do have to ask what was it like to pin him...it must have been heaven.




Shady K: Look man, I told you were cool and everything but if you are gonna come out here week after week and talk that fairy talk…well we might just have a problem.




F.A. Garcia: Fairy! Girl who are you calling a fairy? I don’t have wings, I can’t fly…don’t get me wrong it would be so fierce if I was a fairy but I am not so there is no need to get your panties all bunched up there big boy.


[Knuckles looks at Shady K and is clearly trying his hardest not to laugh at the absurdity that is F.A. Garcia and shakes his head.]




Knuckles: Come on man let’s get out of here; we don’t need you doing something you will regret.


[Death Row walk off camera and F.A. Garcia walks over to Hannah and begins to feel her dress.]




F.A. Garcia: Girl is this Dolce and Gabbana? I am such a label queen…mmm…blue is your color. You look so fierce in that dress…


[Hannah does not look too comfortable with F.A. touching her dress but she awkwardly smiles at him.]




Hannah: Ah…thank you I guess. Back…back to you Jerry.


If Alex Braun wins the following match he will earn the right to challenge SWF North American Champion Brandon James at The World is Watching pay-per-view.


[Prior to the start of the match Emma Chase and the SWF North American Champion Brandon James joined Jerry Eisen at the announce table.]




Alex Braun vs. Everest




Alex Braun picked up the victory against Everest, after Alex finished Everest off with his finisher Braun Damage.


Time: 9:27

Match Rating: 57


[brandon James stands up at the announcer’s table and begins to clap. He then picks up the microphone that is directly in front of him and he begins to address Alex.]




Brandon James: Well done old man, you managed to make it through the match and you didn’t even break a hip. I am truly impressed; you did exactly what you said you were going to do.


Let me say this, when we face off tomorrow night at the World is Watching I am going to make sure the entire world watches me end your pathetic career.


[brandon and Emma leave the announcer’s table and head to the backstage area as Alex stands in the ring and just shakes his head over what Brandon just said.]


[Runaway Train is walking down a hallway in the backstage area of the arena. He is wearing his street clothes and in his left hand he is dragging a rolling suitcase with him. Train hears a voice call out to him and he stops walking and turns to look in the direction of the voice. Moments later his daughter Lisa Bowen comes into the camera shot, she angrily looks up at her father before she begins speaking.]




Runaway Train: Hey kitten, how have you been? I haven’t had a chance to talk to you all week…


[Lisa seems to get even angrier over the fact that Train is talking to her like he always does.]




Lisa Bowen: Are you going to play it this way? Seriously dad?


[Runaway Train smiles at his daughter as if he has no clue why she is so angry with him.]




Runaway Train: Are you upset with me?


[in a brief fit of rage, knowing full well that her father is intentionally messing with her, Lisa puts her hands on her hips and stomps her right foot on the floor.]




Lisa Bowen: You know full well that I am angry at you…in fact I am more than just angry at you…I’m…agh!


Look I don’t want to talk to Runaway Train right now; I want to talk to my father Barry Bowen. So you need to just stop trying to pull this psychological bull crap on me; I am not one of your opponents…I am your daughter.


All I want to know is why did you have to attack Gregory last week? I know you regretted right after you did it. But why did you have to do it in the first place?




Runaway Train: I did it because I felt disrespected. People in this promotion will walk all over me if I allow myself to be disrespected like that. In this business if you are not respected by the locker room, you might as well just quit because respect from the boys is everything.


Look, I told Gregory Black to stay the hell away from you and if he didn’t there would be consequences. He knew what would happen to him if he disobeyed my orders and he went ahead and did it anyway.


I have no regrets to what I did to him because he deserved it. My only regret was upsetting you, I didn’t want to upset you but there was just know other way around it. I had to do what I had to do and if it hurt you…well I am truly sorry.


[Lisa does not look the least bit pleased over the answer that her father just gave her.]




Lisa Bowen: There is no need to apologize to me…if anything you should be apologizing to Gregory. You know he had to have seven stitches because of the cut you caused on his forehead.


You know what dad? You just said Gregory knew that he would have to face consequences if he kissed me. Well I told you last week that if you laid a hand on Gregory, I would not talk to you. Well that is exactly what is going to happen as soon as I leave you, I am just not going to speak to you anymore.


You knew what the consequences of your actions would be and yet you attacked him anyway. So you only have yourself to blame dad for me not wanting anything to do with you any longer. Just remember it didn’t have to be this way…


[Lisa walks off camera and a sad looking Runaway Train calls out to this daughter.]




Runaway Train: Kitten…come back we can talk this through…


[When Lisa does not even bother to turn around and look at her father, Train balls up is right fist and pounds said fist into the palm of his left hand. He then mutters to himself in anger:]




Runaway Train: Greg Black!


[The SWF World Tag Team Champions Electric Law have joined Jerry Eisen at the announcer’s table to provide commentary for the next match.]


The Finals of the March Mayhem Tag Team Tournament:


The winners of the following match will face the SWF World Tag Team Champions Electric Law at the World is Watching pay-per-view and both members of the winning team will get a check for ten thousand dollars.


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RandyBumfhole.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ZimmyBumfhole.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KurtLaramee.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigSmackScott.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase




The Pain Alliance defeated The Amazing Bumfholes, when Big Smack Scott took Zimmy down via an ego trip. The Pain Alliance have won the March Mayhem Tournament, which means they will face the SWF World Tag Team Champions Electric Law at the World is Watching pay-per-view.


Time: 10:51

Match Rating: 70


[Once the match ends Jerry Eisen enters the ring with two checks in his right hand and a microphone in his left hand. He walks over to where the Pain Alliance and Emma Chase are standing and he begins to speak.]




Jerry Eisen: My father was unable to make it to the show tonight, so he gave me his permission to act as his proxy here tonight. Gentlemen I want to congratulate the two of you on a hard fought victory. The two of you have earned the right to be the winners of this tournament and because you have won this tournament I would like to hand each of you these checks for ten thousand dollars. I will also like to wish the two of you good luck in your match for the SWF World Tag Team Championships at the World is Watching…


[before Jerry could say anything else, the SWF World Tag Team Champions Electric Law enter the ring. Both members of Electric Law have their respective belt hanging on their shoulder. Jerry Eisen looks very concerned as the tag team champions approach the Pain Alliance.]




Jerry Eisen: Jack…Valiant…this is neither the time nor the place for this…


[Jack looks at Jerry and smiles.]




Jack Giedroyc: Don’t worry mate, we’re not out here to start a fight. We just wanted to congratulate the Pain Alliance on a bloody well done match.


[both Jack and Valiant extend their hands to the members of the Pain Alliance that are standing directly in front of them. BSS looks at Kurt Laramee and shrugs his shoulders; both he and Kurt then shake the hands of the champions.


This cordial meeting between the champions and the challengers does not stay cordial, as soon as they are done shaking hands BSS nails Jack in the face with a right hook. As Jerry Eisen and Emma Chase scurry out of the ring, all four men begin to brawl in the center of the ring. The brawl continues as Jerry returns to the announcer’s table. Jerry tells the fans that this is just a prelude to the action that we will see at the World is Watching pay-per-view and he urges the fans to tune in on Sunday to watch said pay-per-view. The brawl continues as Jerry signs off for the night.]


Post-Show Thoughts:


The only thing I would like to bring up is that I am annoyed that certain pictures are no longer showing up in this thread. I just odd because when I am actually in photobucket they show up in the album but when I post them on here said pictures do not show up. I really do not want to have to upload all of those pictures again and then have to go back and paste them over the older versions.


That being said, I am annoyed that they are not showing up.

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Sometimes photobucket likes to screw things up LOL and sometimes GDS doesn't update that quickly... I think it all works out in the end, though. (Although I don't go back and look at pictures from my game, so I'm not too sure).


Sucks to hear about Eisen and Lobby, I could see him as a more-serious, more-successful Santino character. Oh well.


The tag team tournament was a good idea, but I would've wanted Death Row to win (with the Bumfholes a close second)...


Marc DuBois gets more and more interesting by the second, but did it hurt him to have to lose to Jungle Lord?


Good show, and oh, thanks for the nom :o I wish you wouldn't space your updates so far out :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

SWF Presents: The World is Watching 2010





For the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen © With Richard Eisen as Special Guest Referee


For the SWF North American Championship:

Alex Braun vs. Brandon James ©


For the SWF World Tag Team Titles:

Electric Law © vs. The Pain Alliance


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


Lobster Warrior vs. Remo


Vengeance vs. Angry Gilmore


Joe Sexy vs. Squeeky McClean


Bruce the Giant vs. Marat Khoklov


There will be at least one match that ends up in a draw, so wanted to give everyone the heads up.


Sometimes photobucket likes to screw things up LOL and sometimes GDS doesn't update that quickly... I think it all works out in the end, though. (Although I don't go back and look at pictures from my game, so I'm not too sure).


Sucks to hear about Eisen and Lobby, I could see him as a more-serious, more-successful Santino character. Oh well.


The tag team tournament was a good idea, but I would've wanted Death Row to win (with the Bumfholes a close second)...


Marc DuBois gets more and more interesting by the second, but did it hurt him to have to lose to Jungle Lord?


Oddly enough photobucket seems to be working fine now. I have a love/hate relationship with photobucket as it always seems to crap the bed when I am using it.


As for the Tag Team Tournament, well I wish the Bumfholes or Death Row were popular enough to win the tournament. Sadly neither team is, I do not have the game open right now but if I remember right Zimmy & Randy are midcarders right now and one member of Death Row is a lower midcarder and the other is an opener. While BSS is an Upper Midcarder and Kurt is a midcarder.


So I had to have the Pain Alliance win, unless I wanted to kill their popularity.


In regards to Marc DuBois, that was another case of a midcard guy taking on an Upper Midcard guy and losing. Plus the way I look at it right now is that Marc is all bark and no bite. He talks about how great he is, yet he has not yet proven how great he is. So that is the other reason why I had him walk out and take the loss.

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That logo looks pretty slick, so thumbs up to whoever made that :p


For the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen © With Richard Eisen as Special Guest Referee

Dad turns full-on heel and screws Faith? Book it! :D


For the SWF North American Championship:

Alex Braun vs. Brandon James ©

Yeah, Braun doesn't stand a chance... AT ALL.


For the SWF World Tag Team Titles:

Electric Law © vs. The Pain Alliance

Just so one title will change


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

This is hard as both men have room to grow... but Jack gets screwed, I think. (although I could see this ending in a draw, too)


Lobster Warrior vs. Remo

Despite not clicking with Eisen, I still think Lobby's got potential


Vengeance vs. Angry Gilmore

I was thinking that the ME might be the draw, but I think this match might be. Neither man will be willing to lose to the other :D


Joe Sexy vs. Squeeky McClean

Don't really like Joe


Bruce the Giant vs. Marat Khoklov

I was thinking that this would end in a draw, but Bruce is a legend and Marat is... well, Marat

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For the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen © With Richard Eisen as Special Guest Referee


Even with the odds stacked against Christian like this, I think that this show would be perfect for a title change.


For the SWF North American Championship:

Alex Braun vs. Brandon James ©


For the SWF World Tag Team Titles:

Electric Law © vs. The Pain Alliance


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money - Draw

This is where the draw comes in!


Lobster Warrior vs. Remo


Vengeance vs. Angry Gilmore


Joe Sexy vs. Squeeky McClean


Bruce the Giant vs. Marat Khoklov

This could easily be a draw but i'll go with Bruce for the win here.

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For the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen © With Richard Eisen as Special Guest Referee

Somehow Eisen will get a win here, maybe his dad will help.


For the SWF North American Championship:

Alex Braun vs. Brandon James ©

Braun makes a brave effort but falls short at the end.


For the SWF World Tag Team Titles:

Electric Law © vs. The Pain Alliance

I just don´t see BSS getting a title, he´s backstage cancer and crowd hates him so there has to be better options.


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

Guess I will use the draw here.


Lobster Warrior vs. Remo

Tough one but even though Lobster vs. Eisen didn´t work the fact that you considered it makes me believe that you value Lobster somewhat high and Remo haven´t done much yet so to me it looks like Lobster has the advantage.


Vengeance vs. Angry Gilmore

This one will surely continue to next PPV so I´d say that Vengeance gets the first win via mind games.


Joe Sexy vs. Squeeky McClean

A coin flip to me. I go with Sexy simply because he was challenging Brandon little while ago (yes, it´s starting storyline but still, he has been on the spotlight lighly more than Squeeky).


Bruce the Giant vs. Marat Khoklov

You said that there will be at least one draw so I kind of try to read between the lines and pick another one here. :p

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Weird, erm why has my post has been deleted!?


For the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen © With Richard Eisen as Special Guest Referee


For the SWF North American Championship:

Alex Braun vs. Brandon James ©


For the SWF World Tag Team Titles:

Electric Law © vs. The Pain Alliance


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


Lobster Warrior vs. Remo


Vengeance vs. Angry Gilmore


Joe Sexy vs. Squeeky McClean


Bruce the Giant vs. Marat Khoklov


Same picks, just without my comments i put last time around.

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SWF Presents: The World is Watching 2010




Date: Sunday, April 11, 2010

Location: Columbus, Ohio

Attendance: 30,000

PPV Rating: 3.91

Overall Show Rating: 81



[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for The World is Watching while we see the opening video showing us the various matches that are on the card tonight along with video clips of the participants of said matches.


As the pyrotechnics go off Peter Michaels welcomes us to The World is Watching 2010, which is coming to us live from Columbus, Ohio. Peter then tells us that an incident happened earlier today involving Marc DuBois and it was caught on tape. Peter informs us that the SWF is about to show the contents of said tape.]


The tape begins playing and we are informed, via the red graphic at the bottom of the screen that this video was shot at 2:00 pm EST. Marc DuBois, who is dressed in his street clothes and is dragging a rolling suitcase, approaches the arena where the event is being held tonight. As Marc gets up to the door a security guard approaches him and stands in his way.]




Security Guard: What’s your name?


[Marc rolls his eyes over the indignity of having to give this rent-a-cop his name.]




Marc DuBois: My name is the Prodigy Marc Doo Bwah! I am going to be a future SWF World Heavyweight Champion!


[The security guard inspects some papers which are on a clipboard. He shakes his head as he is unable to find Marc’s name.]




Security Guard: You said your name was Doo Boys? Hmm…I don’t…I don’t see your name on this list. How do you spell Doo Boys?


[A furious Marc stomps his right foot on the ground before he answers the security guard.]




Marc DuBois: First of all you stupid American buffoon, it is Doo Bwah not Doo Boys! I see why people say the American educational system is horrible. After all you are a product of said system and it is clear as day that you are a functional illiterate.


[The security guard is clearly not happy to be referred to as a functional illiterate and his angry tone of voice makes that clear.]




Security Guard: Hey man I’m just doing my job...there ain’t no need to resort to name calling. Now how do you spell you name?




Marc DuBois: It is spelt D-U-B-O-I-S…




Security Guard: Yeah…that name sounds familiar…I remember seeing it on here somewhere.


[The Security Guard flips through a couple of pages before he stops to read a page.]




Security Guard: Mister Doo Boys, I have a note for you from Marcus McKing. It says that your services are not required tonight and that SWF management will call you if they need you for Tuesday night’s show.


[A livid Marc rips the clipboard out of the security guard’s hands and examines the note for himself. After reading it over Marc takes the clipboard and smashes the Security Guard over the head with it. The Security Guard is not hurt by it but he is very pissed off that Marc would do such a thing.


Before the Security Guard can reach for his flex-tie handcuffs Marc takes him down to the ground and locks the Security Guard into his finisher the Model Solution. Marc keeps on repeating, “My name is Doo Bwah!”, over and over again.


Marc does not break the hold until other Security Guards rush over to aid their co-worker. At this point Marc runs to his car and the video feed cuts out.]




[We are now back in the arena, more specifically the announcer’s desk where Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Ana Garcia are seated. Peter Michaels informs us that effective immediately, Marc DuBois has been suspended from SWF programming for the next month.


After Peter is done talking about the Marc DuBois situation, he and the rest of the announce team breakdown the card before the first match of the night begins.]


For the SWF World Tag Team Titles:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Valiant.jpgwith http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KurtLaramee.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigSmackScott.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg



Electric Law © with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase





  • This was a pretty good match to start the show off with.
  • This match broke down before the opening bell was even rung, with Kurt and Jack going at it and Scott and Valiant going at it.
  • Referee Shane Stones did his best in trying to get some semblance of order in this match but it seemed like a lost cause and none of the combatants seemed to be listening to him.
  • Soon enough Jack and Kurt went to their respective corners which meant that Valiant and Scott were in the ring.
  • Scott used his weight and strength advantage to take the smaller Valiant down to the mat.
  • With Scott on offense it was inevitable that the fans would begin the, “You can’t wrestle!” chant.
  • Scott ate this right up as he taunted the crowd by asking them what they thought of their hero now.
  • Scott tagged Kurt into the match and it was now Kurt’s turn to inflict pain on Valiant.
  • The middle portion of the match was pretty much the heels keeping Valiant in their corner not allowing him to tag Jack into the match.
  • Valiant soon began to mount a comeback and he managed to fight his way out of the heel’s corner and in doing so he was able to tag Jack into the match.
  • Jack was able to fend off attacks from both members of the Pain Alliance.
  • At this point, fearing that her team was going to lose, Emma Chase jumped up onto the ring apron and tried to distract Jack.
  • This did not work as Dawn the Cheerleader pulled Emma off the ring apron and onto the arena floor.
  • Much to the delight of the fans, the two women proceeded to get into a cat fight at ringside.
  • Back inside the ring Jack took Scott down with his finisher Crashing On, he then covered Scott for the pin and the victory.


Winners and still SWF World Tag Team Champions: Electric Law

Time: 10:38

Match Rating: 65


[it is now time to go to the backstage area for the first time tonight. We are taken to a room that is pitch black, soon a pair of eyes opens up and a voice begins to speak.]




Vengeance: Angry Gilmore, tonight I shall drag you down to the pits off hell and I shall feed your carcass to the hellhounds. They will maul you and destroy you, for my master has commanded me to make you feel pain. So shall it be, you will feel great pain…great pain indeed. Tonight Angry Gilmore I shall tear your soul apart.


[The eyes close and the room is completely dark again.]


[We now head over to the interview area where Joe Sexy is standing by.]




Joe Sexy: Squeeky McClean, I am not sure what your deal is man. Week after week you have either verbally attacked me or physically attacked me just because I live a different lifestyle than you do. I do not hide who I am or what I do. I freely admit to liking wine, women, and song. Well maybe not the song part because I am a terrible singer but you catch my drift.


To be honest with you Squeeks I really don’t think you have a problem with me. No, I think your problem is with yourself. Because you hold yourself to such a high moral standard, you are not able to enjoy life. Maybe that is all you need to do man, stop worrying about germs, have a nice cold beer, find yourself a hot chick…or dude if that is what you are into…and have a good time.


Maybe then you will stop hounding me about how I live my life. Until that happens I think you and I are going to be on the opposite side of the same coin and tonight our match is not just a wrestling match. No tonight our match is about lifestyle choices, I do not impose my lifestyle on you and you should not try to impose your lifestyle on me. But you have and now I am going to have to kick your morally uptight ass from pillar to post.


For the SWF North American Championship:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AlexBraun_Suit.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Alex Braun vs. Brandon James © with Emma Chase





  • The match begins with Brandon challenging Alex to a test of strength.
  • Alex looks out at the crowd to see if they think he should do it, the crowd overwhelmingly tells Alex not to engage Brandon in a test of strength.
  • Alex does not head their advice and locks hands with Brandon, at first neither man has the advantage but Brandon manages to get the advantage after he knees Alex in the gut.
  • Brandon remains in control for a few minutes but he is unable to put the veteran away.
  • A frustrated Brandon climbs out of the ring and tells Emma he has had enough and that he is going to take the count-out.
  • As Referee Darren Williams begins to make his ten-count, Alex leaves the ring and follows Brandon up the aisle.
  • The two men begin to brawl in the aisle and at one point Brandon flung Alex into the guardrail.
  • Brandon and Alex finally make it back inside the ring with Alex getting the upper hand.
  • Alex manages to get a couple of near falls in but he is unable to keep Brandon down long enough to beat him.
  • At this point Emma can sense that her client is in serious jeopardy of losing his North American Championship, so she jumps up on the ring apron and begins arguing with Referee Darren Williams.
  • While this is going on, Alex has Brandon down for the count but Darren is not there to make the count because he is being distracted by Emma.
  • Finally, Alex gets up and goes over to where Emma and Darren are talking.
  • Alex starts yelling at Darren to do his job, he then turns to look at Emma and he is met with a slap to the face.
  • Alex tries to go after Emma but he is stopped from doing so by Brandon who turns Alex around and nails him with the Big Money Move.
  • Brandon then covers Alex for the victory.


Winner and still SWF North American Champion: Brandon James

Time: 7:26

Match Rating: 72


[We now head to the backstage interview area where Angry Gilmore is standing by. Before he speaks, Gilmore looks around nervously. He then turns his gaze towards the camera.]




Angry Gilmore: Vengeance the time for fairytales is done…you can talk aboot how you are going to drag me to hell and feed my body to dogs or whatever it is you plan on doing to me…that is fine by me. The thing is we all know that is not true. Vengeance you are just some guy who has some sort of mental health issues.


I do want to make something very clear; I have no problems beating up someone who has mental health issues. Tonight I am going to prove that statement. The time for your theatrics are done, tonight you enter into my office. When you enter my ring you need to be prepared to wrestle because once that bell rings that is exactly what we are going to do wrestle. There will be no time for you to do any of your Sports Entertainment bull crap.


Vengeance tonight you will find out what it is like to be in the ring with a real professional wrestler and you will find out what it is like to lose to the greatest wrestler on this planet. I will not tear your soul apart but I might tear your arm out of its socket.


[We are now taken to the office of SWF CEO Richard Eisen who is wearing his black and white striped referee shirt. Soon there is a knock on his door and Eisen gets up to answer the door. Richard opens the door and lets Christian Faith into his office.]




Richard Eisen: Chris I am so glad you came by; I wanted to talk about your match tonight against my son…




Christian Faith: Well Rich that’s exactly why I’ve come to talk to ya. Ya see Rich you and I have been running buddies for nearly twenty-five years now. You’ve been through it all with me and you are my best friend.


But the thing is, tonight when I face off against Eric…well I am just not sure you are gonna call it even. I mean I ain’t blood and he is so I’m thinking that I’m gonna have to fight extra hard in order to get the win tonight.


[Richard looks offended by the notion that he is going to be biased towards his son during the world title match.]




Richard Eisen: Chris, I am a little disappointed that you would think I am going to play favorites in the match later on. This shirt that I am wearing right now means I am an SWF Referee. That is not something that I take lightly. Tonight I am not going to show any bias because I believe in the sanctity of being a referee and I know it is my job to uphold the rules so long as I wear this shirt.


Trust me Chris, tonight you will have a fair shot at becoming the first five-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion. I can assure you Chris that there will be no shenanigans on my part. If you happen to beat Eric I will make the count and if Eric happens to beat you I will make the three count. Okay?


[Richard smiles at Christian and extends his hand for Christian to shake. Christian shakes the hand of his best friend.]




Christian Faith: Your word is good enough for me Rich.




Bruce the Giant vs. Marat Khoklov





  • People who expected a five-star classic match between these two giants would go home severely disappointed.
  • Granted anyone who thought they would see a five-star classic between these two is either clinically insane or just plain stupid so it would be hard to disappoint them.
  • Instead the fans were treated to, if you call watching two men who are barely mobile a treat, a decent back and forth match.
  • It goes without saying that neither man was willing to truly sell the moves of their opponent for fare that it would make them look weak.
  • Neither man was taken off his feet during this match instead both men chose to stand up and trade strikes.
  • The fans in the arena did not care that the action they were watching was not great, most fans thought it was cool that they were witnessing the first ever meeting of the two biggest men to step into an SWF ring.
  • Marat managed to back Bruce up against the ropes, Marat then proceeded to hit Bruce with a vicious Moscow Lariat, which caused the giant from Australia to fall over the ropes and land on the arena floor.
  • The Moscow Mauler pursued Bruce onto the arena floor and he and Bruce began to brawl at ringside.
  • Referee Ric Young began his to make his slow ten-count and when neither man was able to make it back into the ring before the count of ten, Ric had no other choice but to call this match a draw due to both men being counted out.


Winner: Neither man, this match was ruled a draw due to both men being counted out.

Time: 8:29

Match Rating: 66




Joe Sexy vs. Squeeky McClean





  • Prior to the start of the match Squeeky informs Referee Darren Williams that he will not fight Joe unless Joe agrees to squirt hand sanitizer on his hands.
  • Darren walks over to Joe and informs him of Squeeky’s demands and Joe laughs at the absurdity of the demand.
  • Squeeky then demands a microphone and begins yelling at Joe, “Joe Sexy I refuse to meet you in mutual combat tonight, unless you can show me that your hands are clean!”
  • Joe walks over to Squeeky a nails him with a right hook and with that punch the match officially begins.
  • Both men got in an equal amount of offense in over the next few minutes.
  • The action then spilled out onto the floor and both men brawled at ringside.
  • It was at this point that Squeeky got the upper hand, as he managed to take Joe’s arm and slam it into one of the steel ring posts.
  • For the next few minutes Squeeky kept Joe on the outside, tossing Joe into various objects at ringside in the hopes that he could inflict just the right amount of damage on Joe so that when the reentered the ring he would pick up an easy victory.
  • Squeeky, showing incredible awareness would enter the ring every once and a while in order to breakup Referee Darren Williams’ ten count.
  • Squeeky felt he had done enough damage to Joe, so he brought him back into the ring but the ever resilient Joe managed to kick out of the pin before Darren Williams was able to hit the mat for the third time.
  • Squeeky, who felt that Darren did not count quick enough, started to lambaste Darren.
  • It was at this point that the crowd began to chant, “Here we go Joe, here we go!”
  • The crowd motivated Joe to fight back and soon momentum swung fully back into his favor.
  • Finally, the match came to an end after Joe put Squeeky down via his finisher the One Night Stand.


Winner: Joe Sexy

Time: 12:37

Match Rating: 79


[We now head to the back where SWF backstage interviewer Jerry Eisen is standing by with Jack Bruce and the returning Floyd Goldworthy.]




Jerry Eisen: First off I would just like to say it is good to see you back Floyd.




Floyd Goldworthy: Jerry baby, it is good to be back! It is gonna be even better to be back when Jackie here kicks the ever living crap outta Rich Money tonight ain’t that right Jackie boy?




Jack Bruce: That’s absolutely right Floyd! As Dee Snider once said, [Jack begins to sing.] We’re not gonna take it! No we ain’t gonna take it! We’re not gonna take it anymore!


Well Rich that is exactly what is going to happen tonight, Floyd and I are not going to take it anymore! I already beat you last month and tonight’s outcome is not going to be any different. Because last month you took it upon yourself to strike my brother from another mother…and you gave him a concussion.


You made it personal when you did that to Floyd and now it is time for you to pay the piper…




Floyd Goldworthy: That’s right Jackie, feed into that rage. This is the guy who put me on the shelf for a month! Go out there and be a competitor Jackie! Just win baby!




Jack Bruce: I will go out there and win but Floyd, Jerry, if you will indulge me for a second before I leave…


Columbus, Ohio I just have one question for you! Are you ready to rock?


[The crowd roars back a collective yes in response to Jack’s question. This causes Jack to have a huge grin on his face, while Floyd just rolls his eyes in annoyance.]




Jack Bruce: Well then we’re gonna have some fun tonight! Let’s rock!


<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=SkullDeBones_alt.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SkullDeBones_alt.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AngryGilmore.jpg


Vengeance vs. Angry Gilmore





  • Gilmore approaches Vengeance right after the opening bell is rung.
  • Gilmore begins talking smack to Vengeance as Vengeance just stands there looking at his opponent with his head tilted to the side and no expression on his face.
  • Gilmore not getting the reaction he wanted, slaps Vengeance across the face.
  • This causes Vengeance to lunge at Gilmore but Gilmore is too quick and manages to avoid Vengeance.
  • Gilmore the leaves the ring and Vengeance follows him to the outside of the ring.
  • Vengeance pursues Gilmore around the outside of the ring but he is unable to catch him.
  • Gilmore reenters the ring and tries to drop an elbow on Vengeance as he tries to reenter the ring, but Vengeance moves out of the way.
  • As Gilmore clutches at his elbow in pain, Vengeance nails Gilmore with a solid elbow strike to the left side of Gilmore’s face.
  • Vengeance then hits Gilmore with a barrage of forearms to the throat as Gilmore head hangs over the ring apron.
  • Vengeance then gives Gilmore a quick swift kick to the back which causes Gilmore to fall out of the ring and onto the arena floor.
  • Vengeance lifts Gilmore up and hurls him into the steel guardrail as the fans in the front row try to scamper away.
  • The man who hails from the Seventh Circle of Hell then picked Gilmore up and tossed him back into the ring.
  • Vengeance then went to work on Gilmore’s right shoulder which seemed to have sustained the most amount of damage when he was thrown into the guardrail.
  • After working on Gilmore’s shoulder for about a half a minute, Vengeance tried to pin Gilmore but Gilmore was not done yet as he kicked out of said pin attempt.
  • Gilmore soon found an opening and was able to go on the offensive despite all the damage that Vengeance had done to him earlier.
  • It was now Gilmore’s turn to dominate the match which he did, throwing everything he had at Vengeance.
  • Gilmore had many near falls through this stretch of the match but no matter what he did, he was not able to defeat Vengeance.
  • Gilmore nailed Vengeance with his finisher Anger Management, he then covered him for the pin but Vengeance kicked out of the pin!
  • As Gilmore retreated to a corner, Vengeance sat up and turned his head to look at Gilmore.
  • Realizing that he might not be able to defeat Vengeance, a frustrated Angry Gilmore then picked up the huge chain that Vengeance brings to the ring with him.
  • Said chain just so happened to be in the corner that Gilmore was standing in, and he took said chain and wrapped it around his right fist.
  • Gilmore then nailed Vengeance in the head with his own chain, knocking the man from hell down to the mat.
  • Referee Shane Stones called for the bell and disqualified Gilmore for using a foreign object on Vengeance.


Winner by way of disqualification: Vengeance

Time: 10:59

Match Rating: 80


[After the match was over with, Gilmore proceeded to pummel Vengeance’s head with the chain. After about a minute of this Gilmore stood up and raised the chain over his head in victory. At this point Vengeance sat up and tried to grab Gilmore’s leg but Gilmore managed to avoid him and he left the ring in a hasty retreat.]


[it is now once again time to head to the backstage interview area where SWF backstage correspondent Jerry Eisen is standing by with the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen and his bodyguard Enforcer Roberts.]




Jerry Eisen: Eric…




Eric Eisen: Dear sweet brother, how many times do I have to tell you, when you address me you must call me Mister Eisen.




Jerry Eisen: Um…


[Jerry takes one quick look over at Enforcer Roberts, who is pounding his right fist into the palm of his left hand while looking at Jerry, and corrects the way he addresses his brother.]




Jerry Eisen: Mister Eisen are you at all nervous tonight about having to face Christian Faith, a man who many believe is the most credible challenger you have faced to this date...




Eric Eisen: Dear brother, I have already proven to the world that I can and will beat Christian Faith. It does not matter how many times he has held the title, it does not matter that I idolized him when I was a kid.


The only thing that matters is I have already beaten him, last month I was the conquer in our war…the student beat the master. Last month I proved to everyone why I am the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all-time.




Jerry Eisen: You say all that but you did not win that match in the most…um…honorable way. You did have a lot of help from Marat Khoklov …


[Eric, who clearly did not like that comment from his brother, shoots Jerry a dirty look before he speaks.]




Eric Eisen: A win is a win, it does not matter how you get it, it only matters that you got it. I know what you are trying to do Jerry…you are trying to rile me up before my big match. Well tonight it will not work because I am completely focused on that matter at hand.


Tonight I will cement my legacy…tonight I will prove once and for all beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion in the history of this company. Tonight people will leave this arena or turn off their televisions knowing exactly why two thousand and ten is the year of Eric Eisen!




Lobster Warrior vs. Remo





  • Right out of the gate Remo ran right at Lobster Warrior (LW) and spared him onto the mat.
  • Remo then began nailing LW with some vicious ground and pound.
  • LW was able to withstand this barrage of strikes and he used his leg to push Remo off of him.
  • Both men once again were on their feet and the two of them began trading punches in the center of the ring.
  • Whenever one of LW’s punches would connect the crowd would cheer, whenever one of Remo’s punches would connect the crowd would jeer.
  • LW soon took control of the match for the next couple of minutes but he never really did enough damage to Remo to even get Remo down on the mat.
  • Remo managed to retake control of the match after he hit LW with a low-blow while Referee Ric Young was out of place and could not see what Remo had done.
  • Once Remo got back on office he began hitting LW with punishing blows, he then scooped LW up and slammed him to the mat.
  • It was at this point that a, “Here we go Lobby, here we go!” chant began and LW started to fight back.
  • The comeback was just a mini-comeback as Remo was able to fend off LW’s new found momentum.
  • In the end Remo brought LW down with a Destroyer and then covers LW for the pin and the victory.


Winner: Remo

Time: 12:05

Match Rating: 80


[it is now time to once again go to the backstage interview area where Christian Faith is standing by himself.]




Christian Faith: Eric, you and me we’ve got a history. Son, I truly thought of you as my nephew or little brother at one time. I would’ve done anything for you and Jerry. But then things changed, you became too cool to associate with me.


You became this arrogant punk who didn’t care who he disrespected. Truth be told ya still are that arrogant little punk. Eric, tonight me and you are set to mix it up one more time. There ain’t gonna be no giants out there to save your ass this time. Nah son, it’s just gonna be you and me out there tonight.


Columbus, Ohio I hope y’all are ready cuz tonight you are gonna see history in the making as I walk out of here the first ever five-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion. And that ain’t me being cocky…that’s me having faith!


For the SWF World Heavyweight Championship:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EricEisen_alt5.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EnforcerRoberts.jpg


Christian Faith vs. Eric Eisen © with Enforcer Roberts




With Richard Eisen as Special Guest Referee





  • Both men circle each other directly after the match begins, they then lock up and somehow Eric is able to back Christian up into the corner (Who knew he had the strength to do that?).
  • Eric began peppering Christian with punches to the face until Richard Eisen forced his way in between them and told them to separate.
  • Eric did manage to get one parting shot in at Christian as he was backing up.
  • After the two were separated Christian rushed at Eric and took Eric down to the mat, he then started laying down some vicious ground and pound which Eric did not seem to have an answer for as he just lied on the mat not defending himself.
  • Christian finally stopped with his ground and pound attack and he tried to pin the champion but Eric kicked out right away.
  • Christian dominated the next few minutes of the match and despite the fact that he threw almost everything in his offensive arsenal at Eric, he was unable to keep Eric down long enough to pick up the victory.
  • At this point the only thing left to do for Christian was to climb to the top rope and preform his finisher Leap of Faith on Eric.
  • Christian slowly ascended to the top rope after a momentary pause, Christian leaped off the top rope but Eric rolled out of the way causing Christian to miss his target.
  • Both men lied on the mat as Richard Eisen began his slow ten count.
  • Eric made it to his feet first and he kicked Christian a couple of times before deciding he needed to take a breather on the outside of the ring.
  • While Eric talked strategy with Enforcer Roberts on the outside of the ring, Christian slowly got up off the mat.
  • Christian then did something that was very un-Christian like, he heaved his body over the top rope and onto Eric and Enforcer Roberts knocking both men down to the ground.
  • The crowd went nuts as all three men laid motionless on the ground.
  • Soon both Eric and Christian mange to get up and both men briefly brawl at ringside before reentering the ring.
  • Christian once again took control of the match once they were both back inside of the ring.
  • Once again he threw everything he had at Eric, only to fall short each time.
  • Christian once again climbed up to the top ropes with intentions on hitting Eric with a Leap of Faith.
  • Christian did just that, he then covered Eric.
  • Richard slid into place and began making his three count, 1…2…and right before he got to three Richard stood up and started rotating his arm.
  • Christian got up and went over to where Richard was to see if his friend was all right and to ask him why he did not make the three count.
  • Richard could be heard telling Christian that he had a sharp pain in his shoulder and therefore was unable to make the count.
  • Enforcer Roberts then slid into the ring behind Christian and nailed him from behind with a low blow.
  • As Christian doubled over in pain, Richard feigned shock over what just happened.
  • Soon a smile crept across Richard’s face and he gave Roberts the thumbs up.
  • At this point Eric got back up to his feet and took Christian down with the Supremacy.
  • The champion then covered the challenger, while Richard made a fast three count (It hardly mattered because by that point Christian was not getting up.).


Winner and still SWF World Heavyweight Champion: Eric Eisen

Time: 17:01

Match Rating: 85


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FloydGoldworthy.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RichMoney_alt1.jpg


Jack Bruce with Floyd Goldworthy vs. Rich Money





  • The match starts out slow with both men circling each other inside the ring.
  • Neither man wants to be the first to rush into the action for fear of missing their target.
  • Finally, they locked up in the center of the ring.
  • After about a minute of close range grappling, Rich gains the upper hand and locks Jack into a headlock.
  • Rich releases the headlock and throws Jack into the ropes, as Jack comes back towards him Rich nails him with a clothesline.
  • Rich dominates the next few minutes of the match but he is unable to pick up the victory against the former SWF World Champion.
  • Soon the crowd began a chant of, “Lets rock!”
  • With the crowd firmly behind him Jack mustered up the strength to mount a comeback.
  • Jack nailed Rich with everything he had from dropkicks to clotheslines.
  • However, none of it seemed to matter as all he ended up doing was getting near falls.
  • Frustrated over the fact that he cannot put Rich away, Jack decides to go to the sky.
  • Jack climbs the ropes and waits for a groggy Rich to come to his feet, Jack then leaps off the top rope towards Rich.
  • Rich has the wherewithal to move out of the way which causes Jack to nail Referee Ric Young with a vicious flying clothesline.
  • Ric Young falls to the mat in pain as Rich sits in the corner of the ring slumped over.
  • Jack goes over to check on the condition of Ric Young and he asks his if he is okay, Ric is unable to answer and he just lies on the mat.
  • At this point Floyd Goldworthy gets a steel chair from ringside and heaves it into the ring.
  • He implores Jack to pick up said chair and use it on Rich but Jack refuses to do so, instead he continues to try and get Ric Young on his feet.
  • Rich sees the chair in the ring and he slowly gets up and walks over to it, Rich then picks it up and nails Jack in the back with the chair.
  • You can hear a collective groan coming out of the crowd as Rich’s shot makes a sickening thud against the back of Jack.
  • Jack is now on the mat writhing in pain as Rich stands over him smiling at what he has just done to Jack.
  • Rich then looks down at Floyd and shouts out, “Watch what I do to your boy now Floyd!”
  • Rich lifts Jack up and drops him down onto the mat via Rich’s finisher Money in the Bank.
  • Rich then manages to revive Ric Young, Rich then goes over and covers Jack as the shaken referee makes the three count.


Winner: Rich Money

Time: 18:19

Match Rating: 91(MOTN)





I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary.


Here are the results for the prediction content:


Zergon 6/8

TakerNGN74 4/8

Jingo 4/8

michgcs 3/8


Congratulations goes to Zergon for getting the most correct this time around!


If you would like, you can ask a question of any SWF wrestler or roster member of your choice.



Post-Show Thought:


1. This damn show took over an hour to post. Stupid photobucket kept on freezing on me. I am not sure why I never ran into this problem on my old computer.


2. I should have went with my first save this time around. The first time I played this show the CPU gave it an 84 rating. Bruce the Giant vs. Marat actually got a 70 match rating! Alex vs. Brandon ended up getting an 81 match rating during the first play through. I loved getting such a high show rating but then I realized that I had put Eric Eisen in the segment with Christian Faith when it was supposed to be his father.


If this were a non-diary game I would have just left it as is and not look the gift horse in the mouth. However, because this is a diary I felt that it would not be right on part to leave it as is.


Therefore, I decided to scrap the original play through and fix that segment. The second play through did not end up so well Marat/Bruce ended up getting a 59 match rating and Brandon/Alex ended up getting a 68 match rating. Needless to say I ended up scrapping that play through and the next five after it.


I really wanted Marat/Bruce to get a 70 again but alas it was not meant to be. So on the eighth play through I got a rating that did not hurt my popularity and so I jumped at the point to keep that as the official show.


I find it so odd to see how matches can change rating wise from different play through of the same save. I guess the 80 that Brandon and Alex got the first time was an abnormality because every time after that it got either a 72 or a 74. Same thing with Marat and Bruce, that match rating was all over the place as the lowest was 59 and the highest was 70 and I did nothing to change either match over the course of each play through.


3. Well everyone thought Bruce vs. Marat was going to be the draw but only Zergon actually picked it to be the draw. I actually lead on that there might be more than one draw, I am sorry about that it was poor wording on my part. I should have said that one match would end in a draw.


4. Once again I did a Cena/Punk thing in that I had the champion in the semi-main event and Jack Bruce/Rich Money in the main. This was done purely so that I could get the best rating possible out of the show.


I know that I should take the belt off Eric because he will never draw the ratings I need out of my champion. However, I just feel that he should not lose it just yet.


5. It would seem that everyone saw the Richard Eisen turn coming from a mile away. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I shall chalk it up to bad booking on my part.

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I hope Dooboys still gets to appear on the shows despite being suspended... :mad: Still, a good way to start the show, I think.


Sad that the tag champs retained. I guess I over-estimated the ability of the Pain Alliance :rolleyes:


I think most people see Eisen as Vince Mcmahon, so a heel turn wasn't too unexpected :p It'll be interesting to see where you take things from here, though. After two losses to the champ, Faith doesn't deserve to be #1 Contender anymore :eek:


Is this the end of the Bruce-Money feud? The only other way I can see this going is Floyd turns heel, but I don't think he will after Rich gave him a concussion...

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3. Well everyone thought Bruce vs. Marat was going to be the draw but only Zergon actually picked it to be the draw. I actually lead on that there might be more than one draw, I am sorry about that it was poor wording on my part. I should have said that one match would end in a draw.



5. It would seem that everyone saw the Richard Eisen turn coming from a mile away. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I shall chalk it up to bad booking on my part.


Nah, I don´t really think that it was poor wording, I just took a risk there partly because I didn´t know who I should pick to win the Money vs. Bruce match. :p

So it wasn´t really you leading me to wrong conclusion but rather the fact that I tried to read between the lines a little bit too much.


As for Eisen, like michgcs said I see Eisen as Vince McMahon so the turn was to be expected, plus it made complete sense as it gives Faith a reason to lose and will continue that feud a little bit longer.


I will present a question to Electric Law (doesn´t matter if it´s Valiant or Giedroyc who answers):


Who do you see as a team that would have best change to take the tag titles from you and why?

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[The following video was posted on SWF.com. The video begins with Jerry Eisen standing in the same studio where the Supreme TV Countdown Show was filmed in the latter part of the 1990’s and the early part of the 2000’s.]




Jerry Eisen: Hello fans and welcome to another edition of SWF Hot Seat. As you know, once a month we will take a question that is posted on SWF.com and have the SWF wrestler or personality that it was posed to answer said question.


The first question of the month is from a poster who uses the username Zergo. The question is for the SWF World Tag Team Champions Electric Law.

[A graphic pops up on screen with Zergon’s question, we then cut to Valiant and Jack Giedroyc.]


Who do you see as a team that would have best chance to take the tag titles from you and why?




Jack Giedroyc: Well to be honest with you mate and I hope this does not make us seem overconfident…but there is no one in this promotion that can beat us for our titles. Right now we are the best of the best and we have to keep on thinking that way because if we ever have even a little doubt in ourselves…well that will be when we lose our edge and consequently lose our titles.




Valiant: Man those are some deep thoughts brah. What you say is like totally righteous, but the SWF Tag Team division is stacked right now. There are plenty of gnarly teams here in the SWF and on any given night one of those teams could beat us. That’s why we can never overlook any team cuz the moment we do that is the moment we lose our titles.


Whoa man that actually sounds a lot like what you just said Jack…that’s far out man. We are like on the same wavelength or something brah.


[We return to the studio.]




Jerry Eisen: Well something tells me that we have just witnessed a non-answer from the champs.


Our next question comes from a poster who has the username of Al_Jr2009. The question is for Big Smack Scott.


[A graphic pops up on screen with Al_Jr2009’s question, we then cut to Big Smack Scott.]


Big Smack Scott, how does it feel when the fans keep on chanting, “You can’t wrestle!” during your matches? p.s. I am one of those fans who chant it.




Big Smack Scott: Well first off bro ya lucky that I don’t know computers, cuz if I did I would hunt yo ass down and brain ya!


Ya know, all of the haters out there that tell me I can’t wrestle? Well I don’t care what they think bro! Ya really think I give a crap about what a bunch of fat losers in the stands think? Nah it ain’t know big thang like a chicken wing, those slobs can say whatever they want about me bro.


Cuz at the end of the day bro, I’m the one in the ring getting paid. And there fat asses are in the seats watching me…wishing they could be talented enough to do what I do bro.


[Once again we return to the studio.]




Jerry Eisen: Well there you have it, I hope you enjoyed this new segment here on SWF.com and hopefully you will tune in next month to see which wrestlers will be in the hot seat.






Sad that the tag champs retained. I guess I over-estimated the ability of the Pain Alliance :rolleyes:


I think most people see Eisen as Vince Mcmahon, so a heel turn wasn't too unexpected :p It'll be interesting to see where you take things from here, though. After two losses to the champ, Faith doesn't deserve to be #1 Contender anymore :eek:


Is this the end of the Bruce-Money feud? The only other way I can see this going is Floyd turns heel, but I don't think he will after Rich gave him a concussion...


Electric Law winning had more to do with Jack being an Upper Midcard and everyone else in the match being in the midcard.


As far as your other two points, well let me just say I think you will get answers on the next show. At least I hope I can convey what I am trying to do...:p


Nah, I don´t really think that it was poor wording, I just took a risk there partly because I didn´t know who I should pick to win the Money vs. Bruce match. :p


So it wasn´t really you leading me to wrong conclusion but rather the fact that I tried to read between the lines a little bit too much.


As for Eisen, like michgcs said I see Eisen as Vince McMahon so the turn was to be expected, plus it made complete sense as it gives Faith a reason to lose and will continue that feud a little bit longer.


Yeah I was trying not to do that but to me Eisen is Vince McMahon no matter how much I try not to think of him like that, I always end up thinking of him that way. Therefore, I guess it was pretty easy to see what he was going to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Supreme TV Episode 14




Location: Hartford, Connecticut

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 5.73

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.41

Overall Show Rating: 82


[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.


We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. Standing in the center of the ring is SWF CEO Richard Eisen as soon as the main camera is on him; Richard begins to speak as the crowd boos him.]




Richard Eisen: Now I understand many of you fans out in the audience and at home still have raw feeling for what I did on Sunday night. That is understandable, but I am not out here to talk about that. I am here because I would like to celebrate my son’s hard fought victory at the World is Watching. So Eric, if you don’t mind, please come down to the ring son.


[Please don’t let me be misunderstood begins playing over the arena’s sound system and moments later the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen steps out from behind the backstage curtain and makes his way down to the ring as Richard stands in the center of the ring applauding his son. Eric is followed closely behind by his bodyguard Enforcer Roberts and Marat Khoklov.


Eric enters the ring and Richard walks over to him and gives him a hug. This really gets the fans to boo.]




Richard Eisen: Son last Sunday night you proved to the world that 2010 is the year of Eric Eisen! What you did Sunday was no small feat; you managed to beat Christian Faith for the second time in two months. That alone is praise worthy but you also managed to do it in convincing fashion and because of that I think you have earned the right to call yourself the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all-time.


[While the crowd is chanting “Erica”, Eric wipes a non-existent tear from the corner of his eye as he smiles at his father.]




Richard Eisen: Son I feel you deserve tonight off. You fought your ass off in that match Sunday and because you have been a fighting champion over the past few months I feel like it is high time that you get a day off to relax.


[Eric, who has a broad smile on his face, jumps up and down and claps his hands together over the prospect of being able to have a day off.]




Eric Eisen: Thank you so much papa! I wholeheartedly agree with you, I do deserve the night off after what I had to go through last Sunday. I beat the man who many think of as the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all-time. Well with my victory last Sunday I think we can put that fallacy to rest.


Because last Sunday I went out to the ring and I proved all of my critics and naysayers wrong. At the World is Watching I showed everyone that I am the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all-time. I showed everyone around the world why 2010 is the year of Eric Eisen. I…


[At this point we hear the disembodied voice of Christian Faith over the arena’s sound system.]




Christian Faith: Blah, blah, blah. Boy you didn’t prove nobody wrong last Sunday…


[Christian soon comes out from behind the backstage curtain and stands on the stage.]




Christian Faith: All you proved at World is Watching is what people have said about your whole life. You had daddy once again give something that you weren’t man enough to earn on your own.


[Eric looks over at his father and begins to laugh.]




Eric Eisen: Wow Christian, it sounds like someone is a bitter old man. Why can’t you just be happy for me? After all you were the one who trained me and so you do deserve some credit in making me the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all-time.


But you just do not have that in you; you are just a bitter miserable old man who cannot be happy for anyone else.




Christian Faith: Bitter old man huh? Well you’re damn right I am a bitter old man! Last Sunday night I was screwed out of winning the SWF World Heavyweight Championship by a guy who I thought of as my brother. A guy who has been my best friend for over twenty years…a guy who was the best man in my wedding and the godfather to my son...so yeah you can say I’m bitter…you can say I’m very bitter.


[Richard begins playing air-violin as the fans start chanting, “You’re a dick!”]




Richard Eisen: Cue the sad music Chris and cry me a river. Chris what I did Sunday night was not personal it was strictly business. You see one of the proudest moments of my life occurred last December when my son captured the SWF World Heavyweight Championship from Jack Bruce.


My son proved all of his critics wrong on that night and no matter what anyone says about him they can never take away the fact that in December he joined an exclusive list of competitors. On that night the legacy of the Eisen family grew even stronger.


That is why I did what I did Sunday night. I mean seriously Chris did you really think I would side with you against my own son?


Why would I risk tainting the Eisen legacy?


You see Chris you may have thought you and I were friends for the past twenty plus years, but in all honesty I was using you Chris.


[Christian stands on stage with a confused hurt look on his face.]




Richard Eisen: For the past twenty plus years you have been the face of this company. You were the guy who moved merchandise and sold pay-per-views like no other.


The reason why I became buddies with you was because I never wanted to do anything to piss you off. I never wanted to give you a reason to jump ship and go somewhere else. I never wanted to kill my cash cow.


The thing is Chris; you are no longer the face of the SWF. You are no longer the cash cow that you were just a few years ago. No, now you are an aging washed up bum and I no longer have any use for you.


That is why on Sunday night I chose to dissolved our friendship. I did it because my son is the new face of the SWF. Eric is going to lead this company for the next decade and beyond. So yeah I screwed you and I am damn proud that I did!


I mean honestly Chris, did you really think a wealthy businessman such as myself could ever truly be friends with a Texas redneck such as yourself?


[Christian is still standing on the stage staring furiously at Richard.]




Christian Faith: Rick, you’re lucky that all of them people are in the ring with you now son. Cuz if they weren’t I march right down to that ring right now and whoop your ass from pillar to post.


[Richard lets out a laugh before he speaks.]




Richard Eisen: No you won’t come down to the ring because even you are no dumb enough to try and attack your boss. I’ll tell you what Chris, just to show you and the fans that I am not entirely ungrateful for you have done for the SWF I have decided to help you out a little.


Per the stipulations of your match at the World is Watching you are no longer able to challenge for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Well because you have made me a ton of money I have decided to do something nice to you.


As you know our next pay-per-view is Welcome to the Jungle. I am sure you know that every year at the Welcome to the Jungle pay-per-view we hold this little thirty man battle royal called the Supreme Proving Ground. The winner of Supreme Proving Ground then goes on to face the SWF World Heavyweight Champion at the Supreme Challenge.


Well seeing how you are no longer eligible to challenge the SWF World Champion, it is within my rights to not allow you to take part in the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal. However, because I am a nice guy I have decided that I will allow you to earn your way into the Supreme Proving Ground.


Over the next four weeks on Supreme TV, you will have to take part in four matches. Your opponents will be of my choosing the matches will be of my choosing. If you lose any of your matches, you will not be able to take part in the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal at Welcome to the Jungle. Which means you will never be able to challenge the SWF World Champion for the rest of your career here, no matter who the champion is.


If by some miracle you are able to win all four matches over the next month here on Supreme TV then you will be allowed to take part in the Supreme Proving Ground. But…and here is the kicker…you will be the number one entrant in the Supreme Proving Ground. That means you will have to go through twenty-nine other men over the course of sixty plus minutes in order to get your final shot at the SWF World Championship.


For a man of your age…well I highly doubt it will be possible for you to pull it off.


[The look of rage that was prevalent on Christian’s face before has been replaced by a smile.]




Christian Faith: Ya know what Dick? That’s fine by me son, cuz you’re cockiness just caused your little boy to lose the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Cuz I have faith in my ability to beat whatever guy ya throw at me. I have faith that I will earn my way into the Supreme Proving Ground and whoop the ass of anyone that gets in my way. Most importantly, I have faith that I will beat Eric’s ass and walk out of the Supreme Challenge as the first ever five time SWF World Heavyweight Champion!


Dick you think you just got me…nah son you’ve just motivated me. I’ll let you boys have your little celebration right now cuz I know once I win the Supreme Proving Ground, y’all gonna be crapping in your pants.


[The crowd goes nuts as Christian heads to the backstage area. Meanwhile in the ring Eric has a stressful look on his face as he looks at his father.]



[upon returning from the first commercial break of the evening, we see the announcer’s table where Peter Michaels welcomes us to Hartford, Connecticut for Supreme TV. He then introduces himself along with his broadcasting colleagues Duane Fry and Anna Garcia. The three of them discuss what happened before the commercial break and they then go on to discuss the matches that we shall see tonight. It is now time to head down to the ring for the first match of the evening.]




Joe Sexy vs. Akima Brave





  • This match was nothing more than a filler match, the purpose of this match was to get Joe and Akima some television time.
  • Akima got in some offense at the start of the match but it was not nearly enough to cause him to win the match.
  • In the end Joe picked up the win after he put Akima down with a One Night Stand.


Winner: Joe Sexy

Time: 5:36

Match Rating: 63


[After the match is done, Joe Sexy stands in the ring and raises his hands over his head. Unfortunately for him he did not see Squeeky McClean who had…well…snuck into the ring and hit Joe with a low blow from behind.


Joe fell to the mat in pain and Squeeky began laying the boots to Joe. After about a minute of this, Squeeky left the ring and grabbed a microphone from the SWF ring announcer.]




Squeeky McClean: Joe did you really think that one little loss to you would stop me from ever attacking you again? Well if you were dumb enough to think that, then I have to feel somewhat sorry for you.


Joe this is not a mere battle to prove who the best between the two of us is. No, this is a battle over morality. You choose to live a corrupt and deviant lifestyle and so it is my moral obligation to set you straight. If that means I need to attack you every week so be it.


I will not have an inappropriate scumbag such as yourself extolling the virtues of your immoral lifestyle to the children that watch this show. No, I will destroy you before I allow you to do that!


[squeeky drops the microphone and reenters the ring and once again starts to kick Joe. That is until some SWF officials come down to the ring and pull him away from Joe.]


[it is now time to go to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with Christian Faith.]




Jerry Eisen: Before I ask you my question Christian, I just want to make it perfectly clear that I do not condone my father’s actions.


[Christian nods his head and then strokes his beard for a moment.]




Christian Faith: I appreciate that son, I’m glad to know that at least one Eisen is still my friend.




Jerry Eisen: Now that I have that out there, I would like to talk about your match tonight with Big Smack Scott. In order to even have a shot at getting into the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal at Welcome to the Jungle, you have to beat Big Smack Scott and that is a very daunting task to say the very least.


With all that was said earlier tonight by my father, do you think that you mentally have it in you to face off against Scott?




Christian Faith: Yes I do Jerry. Ya see, I don’t matter who ya father puts in my path. It could be that big ol ‘ Russian, it could be Remo…heck it could be President Obama. It don’t matter who is in my path cuz I’m gonna go down to that there ring and whoop their ass from pillar to post. I say this not cuz I’m cocky, I say it cuz I have faith in myself…


[Just then Emma Chase shows up and Emma beings pointing and laughing at Christian.]




Emma Chase: Oh Christian, you truly are one of the funniest people I have ever met. Either that or you are delusional…


Let me be perfectly blunt with you Christian, it does not matter how many world championships you have won. It does not matter that the fans adore you. All that matters is that you are now a forty-three year old man who quite frankly has seen better days.


In a few minutes you are going to step into the ring with my client Big Smack Scott and you are going to be on the receiving end of one of the worst ass kicking in your life. I would say that I feel sorry for you, but some people just do not know when to retire so I really do not have any sympathy for you whatsoever.


[Christian looks at Emma for a moment before he talks to her.]




Christian Faith: Ya know missy, my mama told me never to hit a lady…so I ain’t gonna hit ya. But I wanna make something perfectly clear to you. Ya client is the first obstacle in my path and so that means I gotta destroy him cuz I plan on destroying anything that is in my way so…


[before Christian could finish that rambling thought Big Smack Scott (BSS) ran into the interview area and hit Christian with a vicious right hook. As Jerry and Emma run out of the interview area, Christian and BSS begin to trade strikes. This brawl goes on for a good three minutes as both men fight their way out of the arena proper.


Soon referee Darren Smith joins them and he implores them to bring the fight to the ring. This plea falls on deaf ears as both men manage to make it down to ringside but neither man enters the ring. Instead, BSS throws Christian into the ringside guardrail. Christian’s left knee nails said guardrail which causes Christian to wince in pain.


Unfortunately for the viewers at home, Peter Michaels informs us that we are going to have to take a commercial break and hopefully Darren Smith will have order restored when we return from the commercial break.]


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Christian Faith vs. Big Smack Scott with Emma Chase





  • It looks like that is exactly what happened as both BSS and Christian are in the ring fighting when we return from the commercial break.
  • A chant of, “You can’t wrestle!” was directed at BSS as Scott kept on working on Christian’s left knee.
  • BSS became distracted by the crowd showering hate on him and this caused him to lose focus and he began to taunt the crowd much to the dismay of Emma Chase.
  • The crowd soon began chanting, “Faith! Faith! Faith!” Christian began feeding off the energy of the crowd and he mounted a comeback.
  • Christian managed to get BSS down on the mat; the hobbled Christian then slowly climbed to the top rope and jumped off the top rope nailing BSS with a Leap of Faith.
  • Upon landing on BSS, Christian grabbed his left knee in pain for a moment before covering Scott for the pinfall and the victory.


Winner: Christian Faith

Time: 7:52

Match Rating: 70


[upon returning from commercial break we see Rich Money, Jack Bruce, Lobster Warrior, Vengeance, Remo, Brandon James and Emma Chase all standing in Richard Eisen’s office. Moments later the door to Richard’s office opens and Richard enters his office. He then wades through his overcrowded office and he takes a seat behind his desk.]




Richard Eisen: Gentlemen and Miss Chase, I would like to thank you all for coming to my office. As a reminder my office is a violence free zone therefore I do not want any of you trying to seize the opportunity to attack anyone while you are in my office.


Now onto business, I am sure the six of you are wondering why I asked you to come to my office at this time. Well to be honest with you, the reason why you are all here is because my son needs an opponent to defend his SWF World Heavyweight Championship against at Welcome to the Jungle.


I have decided the six of you are the most qualified to challenge my son at said pay-per-view and so therefore I have decided to put the six of you into elimination matches tonight. What I mean by that is whichever wrestler beats their opponent tonight will advance into a Triple Threat Match which will be held next week on Supreme TV. The winner of the Triple Threat match will then go on to face my son for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at Welcome to the Jungle.


Now I want to make something perfectly clear to the six of you, if you win the Triple Threat Match next week you will not be allowed to compete in the Supreme Proving Ground match at Welcome to the Jungle. Therefore, the only chance the winner of the Triple Threat Match has at being a part of the main event at the Supreme Challenge is if he beats my son for the SWF World Title at Welcome to the Jungle.


I do not think that is unreasonable stipulation to have. Now for the match-ups…I am going to have Vengeance taking on Brandon James, Lobster Warrior will face-off against Rich Money, which means that Jack Bruce and Remo will meet in the third match. So gentlemen are there any questions or concerns about this?


[All six competitors either shake their head no or just say no to Richard, all except Vengeance that is. He just sits there and gives Richard Eisen the death stare.]




Richard Eisen: Good, now if you all will leave my office so I can attend to my business…


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that Runaway Train will fly into a fit of rage if you mention that you are a fan of the television show Upstairs, Dowstaris?]


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SkullDeBones_alt.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Vengeance vs. Brandon James with Emma Chase





  • The SWF North American Champion dominated this match during the opening minutes of the match.
  • The most impressive part of Brandon’s early offensive barrage was when he picked Vengeance up and power slammed him down onto the mat.
  • Even the fans, who hate him, had to begrudgingly cheer him after he did that.
  • Brandon played to the crowd after that slam stretching his arms out and yelling, “Who’s the man?”
  • While he was doing that Vengeance sat directly up and slowly turned his head to look at Brandon’s back.
  • Emma tried to warn Brandon that Vengeance was getting up but Brandon paid no attention to her.
  • That was a mistake on the part of Brandon as Vengeance attacked Brandon from behind.
  • From this point forward Vengeance was in the driver’s seat.
  • Finally, Vengeance lifts Brandon up (A very impressive feat.) and plunges him down to the mat via his finisher the Skull Krusher.
  • Vengeance covered Brandon for the pin but he soon stands up as he sees Angry Gilmore making his way down to the ring.
  • Gilmore stands in the aisle way leading to the ring clapping his hands and shouting at Vengeance, “Well done!”
  • Vengeance looks at the still motionless Brandon and decides to leave the ring to go after Gilmore.
  • Gilmore stands his ground and the two men begin to brawl in the aisle, this causes Referee Ric Young to disqualify Brandon.


Winner via disqualification: Vengeance

With this win Vengeance becomes the first member of next week’s Triple Threat Match.

Time: 12:08

Match Rating: 72


[Vengeance and Gilmore continue to brawl after the match is done. This goes on until a group of SWF officials separate them.]


[it is once again time to head to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with Rich Money.]




Jerry Eisen: Rich tonight you will face off against Lobster Warrior and the winner will earn the right to take part in the triple threat number one contender’s match next week on Supreme TV. How do you feel going into tonight’s match?




Rich Money: Well Jerry this whole having to earn my way into a number one contender’s match is a joke. I am a member of the one percent, I am a job creator, I should not have to earn anything. Your father is making me jump through hoops like I am some common working class stiff. This unacceptable!


And to top it off, your father gives Jack Bruce of all people the opportunity to earn his way into the triple threat match! That is just appalling!


Let me ask you something Jerry does Jack Bruce have any incriminating information on your father? Maybe your father has a mistress that Jack found out or something…


[Jerry looks very uncomfortable over this line of questioning.]




Jerry Eisen: Uh…I…I don’t know…I don’t think so.




Rich Money: Well he has to have something on him because your father keeps on giving him chances to compete for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship time and time again. I beat him Sunday night in the middle of the ring ergo I should be the new number one contender!


Instead I have to earn my way into a number one contender slot. Honestly though, I really should not get myself all worked up because I am fighting Lobster Warrior tonight and I really do not expect strong opposition from that joke of a wrestler.


Tonight I will just be resigned to my fate, if I have to beat Lobster Warrior in order to get a whiff at becoming the number one contender…so be it. I will beat that joke of a wrestler and next week I will become the new number one contender to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. That is something that you can bank on!




Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money





  • This was a very competitive match right from the start, something that Rich was not expecting.
  • Lobby and Rich had great chemistry and it showed in their performance.
  • Lobby even managed to score the upset victory on a couple of occasions but it seemed that every time Referee Shane Stones was about to count to three Rich would kick out.
  • After Lobby accidently wiped out Shane Stones, Rich hit Lobby with a low blow and from then on out Rich was in control of the match.
  • Rich picked up the victory after he put Lobby down with his finisher Dollars From Heaven, he then covered Lobby for the pin and the victory as a groggy Shane Stones counted the pin.


Winner: Rich Money

With this win Rich Money becomes the second member of next week’s Triple Threat Match.

Time: 13:27

Match Rating: 90


[For the final time of the night we head to the backstage area, more specifically the dressing room of Jack Bruce. We see Jack wrapping tape around his right wrist and as he is doing that Floyd Goldworthy walks into the room. Jack shoots Floyd a dirty look and Floyd smiles at Jack.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=FloydGoldworthy.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FloydGoldworthy.jpg" border="0" alt="FloydGoldworthy"></a>


Floyd Goldworthy: Jackie baby, from that look you just gave me it seems like you are not happy to see me. About Sunday night Jackie…I…


[Jack does not even look at Floyd, instead he continues to wrap his wrist.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=JackBruce.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jack Bruce: Floyd you have had two days to come and talk to me about what happened Sunday night. Why are you choosing to talk about it right now?


You know I have a match in a few minutes and that I have to get into the zone. I can’t…I can’t talk about what happened Sunday. We can talk about it after the show.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=FloydGoldworthy.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FloydGoldworthy.jpg" border="0" alt="FloydGoldworthy"></a>


Floyd Goldworthy: Fair enough Jackie, but I would like to say I’m sorry my brother from another mother over what happened Sunday. I was just trying to give you an edge in that match, I did not think that my actions were going to cost you the match.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=JackBruce.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jack Bruce: Look Floyd, I understand perfectly well what you were trying to do for me. But you have to understand Floyd that I am no longer about winning at all costs. I mean of course I want to win every match due to my competitive nature but I am a role model to millions of fans now and I have to live up to a certain set of standards and so I can no longer be the old school Jack Bruce.


How can parents allow their children to buy my merchandise, if I am hitting people in their head with a chair? That just does not gel with where I am at this point in my life Floyd.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=FloydGoldworthy.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FloydGoldworthy.jpg" border="0" alt="FloydGoldworthy"></a>


Floyd Goldworthy: Basically what ya tellin me is that ya nothing more than a corporate shill who doesn’t want to jeopardize any merchandise sales or endorsement deals that are coming ya way.


[Jack finally looks at Floyd.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=JackBruce.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jack Bruce: No not at all, what I am saying is that I have evolved as an athlete. Whereas before I would not hesitate to nail another wrestler with a steel chair or a low blow while the referee is distracted. Now I know I can use my god giving athletic talents to get the exact same results and I feel better knowing I won in an honorable fashion.


[Floyd heads over to the dressing room door but before he exits the room he turns around and looks at Jack.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=FloydGoldworthy.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FloydGoldworthy.jpg" border="0" alt="FloydGoldworthy"></a>


Floyd Goldworthy: Okay Jackie baby, I hear ya loud and clear brutha. Ya think ya too good for a lowlife like me now. Just remember kiddo who has had your back when ya was climbing to the top, cuz I’m cool with ya kicking me to the curb but know this I ain’t gonna be around when ya coming back down that mountain. Ya all alone from here on out.


[Floyd leaves the room before Jack can say anything back to him. Jack mumbles to himself.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=JackBruce.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jack Bruce: I don’t need this kind of crap before a match…get your head on straight Jack and let’s rock.


<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=JackBruce.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpg<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=Remo.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Remo.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jack Bruce vs. Remo





  • Remo challenged Jack to a test of strength to start the match out.
  • Jack look out to the crowd to get their opinion on if he should take Remo up on his challenge.
  • The crowd overwhelmingly told him not to engage Remo but Jack did not heed their warnings and accepted Remo’s challenge.
  • That was a mistake on Jack’s part as Remo squeezed Jack’s hands so hard that he managed to bring Jack to his knees.
  • Remo then headbutted Jack which knocked Jack backwards.
  • For the next few minutes Remo had momentum on his side but he was not able to end the match because he was unable to put Jack away.
  • A frustrated Remo left the ring and began pacing back and forth on the ringside floor.
  • Remo then took a steel chair and hurled it into the ring.
  • Remo went to grab the chair upon reentering the ring, but Referee Shane Stones would not allow him to do so and the two of them played tug-of-war with the chair, surprisingly Shane held his own with the much more powerful Remo. One has to believe that Remo never intended on using the chair because if he did he would have yanked it right out of the hands of Shane.
  • While this was going on Jack slowly got to his feet much to the delight of the fans.
  • Jack walked over to Remo, who had is back to Jack, and tapped the big man on his shoulder.
  • Remo turned around and Jack nailed him with a savate kick.
  • Said kick staggered the big man but was not enough to knock him off his feet.
  • Jack then ran towards the ropes and bounced off the ropes and nailed Remo with a clothesline which did knock Remo down.
  • Jack went for the pin but a stunned Remo quickly kicked out and threw Jack off of him.
  • The next few minutes of the match saw both men getting an equal amount of offense in.
  • Jack was then able to get the momentum going back his way and he fished the match after he took Remo down with a New York Minute.
  • One three-count later and Jack was victorious in this match.


Winner Jack Bruce

With this win Jack Bruce becomes the third and final member of next week’s Triple Threat Match.

Time: 14:24

Match Rating: 81






Post-Show Thoughts:


There are really none, I do have to say sorry from making that first segment so long. I took me forever to write it, but I needed to get across everything I wanted in that segment so it took a long time to write.

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Entertaining show, man... I just wish you didn't space 'em out so long :p


-I like how you have Eric say "Papa," it really adds to his whiny, spoiled brat, heel persona.


-Does Runaway Train still fly into a fit of rage if I say I don't know what "Upstairs, Downstairs" is?


-The Christian Faith story seems to be going the Austin route, mixed with a little Benoit in. (I know he's a sore subject but I remember when he entered #1 and won the Rumble)


-Next week's Supreme TV should be fun, especially with the Triple Threat (which I presume is the Main Event?)


-At one point when Faith's being interviewed by Jerry Eisen, you had his name as "Christina Faith." Now THAT'S a typo :D

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Entertaining show, man... I just wish you didn't space 'em out so long :p


-I like how you have Eric say "Papa," it really adds to his whiny, spoiled brat, heel persona.


-Does Runaway Train still fly into a fit of rage if I say I don't know what "Upstairs, Downstairs" is?


-The Christian Faith story seems to be going the Austin route, mixed with a little Benoit in. (I know he's a sore subject but I remember when he entered #1 and won the Rumble)


-Next week's Supreme TV should be fun, especially with the Triple Threat (which I presume is the Main Event?)


-At one point when Faith's being interviewed by Jerry Eisen, you had his name as "Christina Faith." Now THAT'S a typo :D


Upstairs Downstairs is a British period tv show that quite frankly is a load of rubbish. I'm with Runaway Train on this one.

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Upstairs Downstairs is a British period tv show that quite frankly is a load of rubbish. I'm with Runaway Train on this one.


I just looked it up on Wikipedia and the premise (well, at least the "Upstairs, Downstairs" part) does seem a bit... umm... elitist? I don't know the word. So yeah, it does seem like rubbish :D

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I just looked it up on Wikipedia and the premise (well, at least the "Upstairs, Downstairs" part) does seem a bit... umm... elitist? I don't know the word. So yeah, it does seem like rubbish :D


It's all the rage in the BBC to have period dramas that are boring and elitist and rubbish. Makes me glad I have Netflix.

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Okay I hate doing cheap bumps but others do it all the time so here is mine. Think of this as something akin to the 24 hour warning you see in other diaries. Well except I do not have a show coming up yet...


Entertaining show, man... I just wish you didn't space 'em out so long :p


-I like how you have Eric say "Papa," it really adds to his whiny, spoiled brat, heel persona.


-Does Runaway Train still fly into a fit of rage if I say I don't know what "Upstairs, Downstairs" is?


-The Christian Faith story seems to be going the Austin route, mixed with a little Benoit in. (I know he's a sore subject but I remember when he entered #1 and won the Rumble)


-Next week's Supreme TV should be fun, especially with the Triple Threat (which I presume is the Main Event?)


-At one point when Faith's being interviewed by Jerry Eisen, you had his name as "Christina Faith." Now THAT'S a typo :D


Well this show took a long time because of the opening segment. That damn thing took forever to write. Usually it is the match write-ups (Well I don't really do match write-ups per se, I guess what I do is match summaries.) that take so long but it was not the case this time.


I am glad you liked the papa line, there is a character on a show that I used to watch and he would call his father that all of the time and it annoyed the hell out of me. I thought if I got annoyed with it maybe others would to and it would be perfect for Eric to talk that way to get the fans even more pissed at him.


The Triple Threat Match should be the main event, I just hope it rates out good enough to be it. With Vengeance in the mix, I am not sure how good the match will end up being because he often drags down the match ratings.


I knew sooner or later I was going to make the Christina/Christian error. I do it all of the time but I usually catch myself. This time was not the case.:o I am glad you pointed it out because I would have left it in there had you not. As you know I usually do not check for typos after I submit reply.


It's all the rage in the BBC to have period dramas that are boring and elitist and rubbish. Makes me glad I have Netflix.

To be honest with you I never saw an episode of Upstairs, Downstairs. I just remembered reading about it from a book about Dr. Who that I owned.


The first show that I wanted to use in that blurb was Downtown Abbey. However, it started airing in September of 2010 and this (the diary) is supposed to be in April of 2010. So unless Runaway Train is a psychic, he would not know what Downtown Abbey was. Therefore, I decided to go with another English period piece.



Would anyone like to see an updated roster rundown? I was thinking about it when this diary got to ten pages but I did not do it.

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Supreme Uprising Episode 7:




Location: Fall River, Massachusetts

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.46

Overall Show Rating: 57





[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]




[We start the show off at the announcer’s desk where Jerry Eisen and Alex Braun are seated. The two of them give us a rundown of the matches that will take place on tonight’s show.]


[After the announcer’s give us a rundown on what we are going to see tonight, we head to the back. More specifically we are taken to the office of SWF CEO Richard Eisen. Richard sits at his desk going over some paper work and moments late there is a knock on his office door.]




Richard Eisen: Enter…


[Richard, who is preoccupied with whatever paper work he is looking over, does not even bother to look to see who is coming into his office. Mister Eisen takes out a pen and writes something on one of the pieces of paper before he looks upward at the person who has just entered his office.]




Richard Eisen: Ah, Scott so glad you could join me…


[big Smack Scott, does not have his usual cocky swagger tonight, instead he looks rather uncomfortable because he does not know why Richard has asked him into his office.]




Big Smack Scott: No problem boss, when the boss man calls I answer.


[Richard smiles over this reply.]




Richard Eisen: Good, good, that is just the sort of attitude I want from my sports entertainers. Now let’s talk about why I asked you to join me.


Last Tuesday I put you into a match against Christian Faith in the hopes that you would beat him so that he would have his hopes dashed knowing that he would never be able to fight for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship again. Well Scott, you did not beat him…you let me down. There was a reason why I put you in that match, I put you in that match because you are a bruiser…a guy who takes glee in hurting others and while you did hurt him…you did not finish him. You let him pick up a win, which means you helped boost his confidence.


Scott I must say I am very disappointed in you because of that.




Big Smack Scott: What do you mean I disappointed you bro? I might’ve not picked up the win but that dude did not walk outta that match unharmed. I brained him bro just like you wanted me to do. Something tells me his knee ain’t gonna be good going into his next match.


So I did what you need me to do bro, I harmed him and it is up to the next guy to beat him. I mean not that I’m into making excuses or nothing but the dude is Christian Faith bro and he is an SWF legend. I didn’t exactly have a lot of time to prepare to fight em.


[Richard shakes his head in disappointment over what Scott has just said to him.]




Richard Eisen: Scott, Scott, Scott…first off do not refer to me as bro. I am your boss and this is your workplace and not some local bar. I demand respect and so when you address me you shall refer to me as either sir or Mister Eisen.


Now in regards to your match, well your match was a disappointment because it caused me undue stress. I was counting on you to not only hurt Christian, but to beat him as well. You only did half of what I required you to do.


I will give you some kudos for hurting his left knee and I will also give you credit for almost beating him when you had such little time to get ready to take him on. However, with all that being said…you failed your objective and I am not a fan of people who fail me.


Due to the fact that you failed me, I think it is only right that I punish you accordingly. Therefore, tonight I have put you into a match with the Moscow Mauler Marat Khoklov. Now I have a backlog of paper work that I need to finish, so if you will kindly leave my office that would be great.


[big Smack Scott does not look too pleased over the fact that he was just put into a match with Marat. He stands there for a moment and then leaves Richard’s office.]


For the SWF World Tag Team Championships:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Valiant.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JamieAtherton.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Aristocrat.jpg


Electric Law © with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. Dylan Palmer & Paul Huntingdon




Electric Law defeated Dylan Palmer & Paul Huntingdon, after Jack Giedroyc finished Dylan Palmer off via his finishing move Crashing On.


Time: 6:14

Match Rating: 53


[We once again head to the backstage area where we eavesdrop on a conversation between Gregory Black and Lisa Bowen.]




Lisa Bowen: How are you feeling?




Gregory Black: I’m all right, my eye still hurts a little but it’s all good. I actually would like to find your father and talk to him about what he did to me. Don’t worry I don’t plan on doing anything to him; I just want to clear the air and talk to him.


After all he and I are bound to see each other and with you and I becoming now seeing each other I have to try and get into his good graces.




Lisa Bowen: I hate to say this but I doubt you will be able to get into his good graces. You see it isn’t even you that he is mad about…really. He just feels no man is good enough for me, especially a wrestler.


Maybe if you were to become an accountant he might begrudgingly accept you but even then it would still be hard for him to so. The bottom line is my father is a stubborn man and I think you should probably stay as far away as possible from him. I would hate to see either one of you get hurt, when there really is no need for either one of you to be fighting each other.




Gregory Black: I guess you’re right babe. After all why poke the angry lion because if you do you might end up getting him even more pissed.


[Lisa smiles at Gregory and gives him a hug. As she pulls out of the hug she gives Gregory a little kiss on his lips.]




Lisa Bowen: You see that is one of the reasons why I like you so much; you are such a rational thinker.




Cowboy Roy Hickok vs. Enforcer Roberts




Enforcer Roberts defeated Cowboy Roy Hickok, after Roberts forced Hickok to tap-out to his R.C.T. submission hold.


Time: 9:33

Match Rating: 69


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where SWF Uprising’s backstage correspondent Hannah is standing by with Death Row and F.A. Garcia.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=HannahPotter.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/HannahPotter.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Hannah: Gentlemen tonight the three of you are facing off against the team of the Biggz Boyz and Robbie Retro. Knuckles and Shady K, I know you have had your problems in the past with Frederique. Will you be able to put your problems behind you and work as a cohesive unit?


[before Knuckles or Shady K can say anything, F.A. Garcia begins waving his right index finger in Hannah’s face.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


F.A. Garcia: First off girlfriend, we are not gentlemen. We are family, I’ve got all my sisters and me. And that is just that Miss Hannah…Knuckles and Shady are like sisters to me. Sure we argue fuss and fight but at the end of the day we are loyal to each other and they have my back and I most certainly have their backs. Oh mercy, do I ever have their backs…


[F.A. Garcia looks at Knuckles’ butt and then begins to fan himself with his left hand.]




Shady K.: Look Freddie, we ain’t your girls and we certainly ain’t your sisters. What we are is your partners…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


F.A. Garcia: I’m so glad you have recognized me as your partner and in this state we can legally be partners. Though I am not sure what they would say about our plural partnership.




Knuckles: Look man we ain’t gonna be your partners in that sense, no way…no how. We’re gonna go out there tonight and were gonna team with ya and we’re gonna pulverize the Biggz Boyz and Robbie Retro.


[F.A. Garcia frowns for a moment before he talks.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


F.A. Garcia: Fine sister, we’ll just go out there and beat someone up. You guys take all the fun out of being fierce.


But if we’re just going out there to fight, might I suggest we go out there in style…


[F.A. Garcia walks off screen for a moment and when he returns he is holding three rainbow colored bandanas.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


F.A. Garcia: I know you two said you wouldn’t wear these fierce rainbow colored bandanas but I thought I would at least try and get you to wear them. You know, just to show our opponents that we have pride and that we are a united sisterhood.


[Knuckles tries his very best not to laugh, but he is unable to do so and because he is laughing so hard he buries his face in the palm of his right hand until he is able to compose himself.]




Knuckles: Nah man you can keep them rainbow colored bandanas, we don’t want em and we don’t need em’.


[Death Row walk out of the interview area and F.A. Garcia follows them. Once all three men are off camera we hear F.A. Garcia call out to his teammates.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


F.A. Garcia: Suit yourself girlfriend, I was just trying to make us look fierce.


For the SWF North American Championship:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Captain Atomic vs. Brandon James © with Emma Chase




Brandon James defeated Captain Atomic, after Brandon took Captain Atomic down with a Big Money Move. It should be noted that Brandon and Captain have pretty good chemistry when wrestling each other.


Time: 9:10

Match Rating: 78


[After the match is done Brandon leaves the ring and walks over to a ring attendant and demands a microphone. Upon getting said microphone, he marched over to the announcer’s table and stands directly in front of Alex Braun.]




Brandon James: Hey old man, I did what I said I was going to do. I beat you fair and square and I proved to you and the fans that I am the better man. Honestly, Alex did you think you had a shot at beating me?


After all, you are nothing but a washed up old man whose glory days are behind you, an 80’s jobber who somehow thought he had a chance to beat me because he has spent the last twenty years fighting in bingo halls.


[The fans begin to chant, “DAVE! DAVE! DAVE!” which causes Brandon to look out towards the crowd with an angry look on his face. At this point Alex stands up and raises his hands up and smiles at the crowd.]




Brandon James: That’s right play to the crowd old man. They can chant whatever they want, it still does not change the fact that I am an athlete in his prime, my glory days have not even begun to happen yet. You’re nothing but a crappy color commentator who should never step into a wrestling ring again.




Alex Braun: Brandon, you are right I am getting long in the tooth. You are right I probably shouldn’t have gotten into the ring with you. The thing in Brandon, that I am still a man who has pride and because of that I cannot just stand here a let you talk to me like I am some sort of chump.


[brandon points at Alex and starts to laugh.]




Brandon James: What are you going to do Ice Man…are you going to break a hip? Get the Life Alert ready because I think someone is about to fall and not get up.




Alex Braun: What am I going to do Brandon? I am going to do absolutely nothing right now. Like I said, I am no longer a wrestler. I am a color commentator and so I have no intentions of facing off with you again.


But there is a friend of mine who you have dealt with many times in the past, who has decided to come to the SWF and help me out with you. Let me just say that I have guided him here and he will act as my proxy when dealing with you from here on out.


[brandon looks confused for a moment.]




Brandon James: So what you are saying is that you are no longer man enough to fight your own battles. You have to bring in a friend to help you…




Alex Braun: Well first of all I am not an active competitor; my match with you was a one night only deal. I am not officially and legally just a color commentator. Secondly, I would like to say that I know my limitations and I know that I simply can no longer compete as an active competitor. So because of those two factors, I have asked a friend to come here and help me deal with you.


Trust me when I say this, I would love to kick your ass but I am just not able to do it anymore and so I have decided to hang up my boots and focus on being the best color commentator in the business.


[brandon looks at Alex with complete disgust, he then shakes his head.]




Brandon James: Is this really what you have come to Ice Man? Are you really going to hide behind an announcer’s desk and not man up? You are even more pathetic than I thought you were.


Okay bring in your little friend next week and I will dispose of him just like I disposed of you.


[brandon then drops his microphone and begins walking back to the backstage area as the show heads into a commercial break.]


[As we return from the commercial break, we see Gregory Black walking down a hallway in the backstage area. He turns a blind corner and runs right into Runaway Train. Train just stands there staring at Gregory with a menacing look on his face.]




Runaway Train: So I’ve heard that you were looking for me. Well you’ve found me so what do you have to say.


[Gregory looks at Train for a moment, almost as if to gather the courage to say what he wants to say.]




Gregory Black: Look sir, I want you to know that I do not have any animosity towards you over what you did to me two weeks ago. Part of me understands why you did it and so I really can’t blame you for it.


I know you felt that I disrespected you sir and trust me when I say this, it was not my intentions to show you any disrespect of any kind. Even you must realize that you cannot help who you fall in love with.


The bottom line is I love your daughter sir and I plan on making her happy. Isn’t that all a father could ask for, a guy who will treat their daughter like gold.


You and I are going to be in each other lives and so we can either make the best of it or we can have nothing to do with each other and go along our merry way. I just do not see the point of causing harm to one another when the only person we are truly hurting is the one person we both love.


If you do not like me or if you are against me dating your daughter, well that is fine by me. We do not have to like each other, but we do have to exist alongside each other.


[Runaway Train stands stoically for a moment as he looks at Gregory Black. He then strokes the stubble on his chin for a moment.]




Runaway Train: Son you and I don’t have to exist alongside each other. In fact you don’t have to exist at all. I will say that I do have a little respect for you because you have the stones to come and talk to me like a man.


Because I have that little bit of respect for you, I’m gonna let you walk away from me right now unscathed. But if I see you anywhere near my little girl…well let me just say that I won’t be so accommodating then.


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RobbieRetro.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BartBiggz.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BrettBiggz.jpg with <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=Jessie.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Jessie.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ShadyK.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Knuckles_alt.jpg


Robbie Retro & The Biggz Boyz with Jessie vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia & Death Row


[Prior to the start of the match John Greed came down to ringside holding up a sign that said, “I looked to him and he saved my life.”]




The Biggz Boyz and Robbie Retro defeated Death Row & F.A. Garcia, this happened after F.A. Garcia was distracted by John Greed, who was still parading around ringside with his sign. Robbie took full advantage this and hit F.A. Garcia with his finisher Murder on the Dancefloor.


Time: 10:19

Match Rating: 56


[Jerry and Alex talk about the previous match. As they talk the live feed cuts away to a black screen, soon a message appears on the screen written in red letters. It reads: The future is coming, the future is here now.


We then return to the announce table were Alex and Jerry are still talking about his match and neither man acknowledged the graphic.]


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/GrouchoBling-1.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/LisaBowen.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KidToma.jpg


Gregory Black with Lisa Bowen vs. Kid Toma


[before the match began Lisa gave Gregory a good luck kiss on the lips.]




Gregory Black defeated Kid Toma by Disqualification after Runaway Train attacked Gregory while the match was still going on.


Time: 7:45

Match Rating: 72


[Runaway Train continues his attack on Gregory but he is soon forced to stop as Lisa enters the ring and cries out to her father to stop. Train looks at what he has done to Gregory for a moment and then turns his gaze over to his daughter. He then slowly leaves the ring as Lisa goes over and checks on Gregory’s condition.]


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Marat Khoklov vs. Big Smack Scott with Emma Chase




Marat Khoklov defeated Big Smack Scott in a match that suffered due to poor psychology (Which caused the match to be a disjointed mess.) and lack of selling. Marat nailed Scott with a Moscow Lariat and then pinned him for the victory. It should be noted that Marat and Scott have great chemistry when facing off against each other.


Time: 8:53

Match Rating: 59




Post-Show Thoughts:


1. First off I would like to thank shipshirt for allowing me to use his rerender of Gregory Black. I was never a fan of the original because I felt it was too cartoonish so I am glad that shipshirt allowed me to use his version.


2. I had this show ready to post last night and had most of the graphics put into it but for some odd reason my computer froze and by the time it came back I was timed out of the site. I was beyond annoyed over that and so I just decided not to redo it until just now.


3. There really is not much to say about this show, it was basically used to get people work who normally are only in my pre-show matches or my post-show battle royal (I run a post-show battle royal on every show.). That is why Enforcer Roberts, Marat, and Robbie Retro were put on this show, so I could give them some actual wins on TV.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Supreme TV Episode 15




Location: San Antonio, Texas

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 5.57

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.56

Overall Show Rating: 84



[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.


We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. The voice of Peter Michaels is heard welcoming us to San Antonio, Texas for Supreme TV.]




[instead of having a long opening segment in the ring to start the show off, we go right to the announcer’s table were Supreme TV’s commentary team of Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Anna Garcia who are sitting at the announcer’s desk near ringside. The three of them discuss the matches that we shall see tonight. It is now time to head down to the ring for the first match of the evening.]




Franklin Chandler vs. Marat Khoklov






  • This was the very definition of a squash match.
  • Marat steamrolled through Franklin in a matter of seconds but he refused to pin him because he wanted to do more damage to him.
  • After Marat had his fun he decided to put an end to the match after he finished Franklin off with a Russian Legend Powerbomb.


Winner: Marat Khoklov

Time: 4:22

Match Rating: 57


[Apparently Marat did not feel as if he had dished out enough punishment because after the match was done he began beating on Franklin once again. As this was going on, Bruce the Giant slowly made his way down to the ring (Hey the guy is seven feet tall and has crappy legs, so of course he is going to slowly make his way down to the ring.). As Bruce began to climb up the stairs to enter into the ring, Marat stepped over the top rope and onto the ring apron. He yelled something at Bruce in Russian but because Bruce does not speak Russian he had no clue as to what was said to him.


Marat stepped off the ring apron and onto the arena floor and stood there menacingly staring at Bruce, as Bruce checked to see if Franklin was all right. Bruce then grabbed a microphone and turned his attention towards Marat.]




Bruce the Giant: Marat mate…I’m not sure how much English ya understand. But I do want to say something to ya mate, why don’t ya pick on someone your own size!


I’ll tell ya what mate, because nothing was settled between me and you at the World is Watching pay-per-view…I think the logical thing for us to do is fight again at Welcome to the Jungle.


So how bout it mate? Do ya wanna do Marat versus Bruce the Giant two at Welcome to the Jungle?


[Marat does not react to Bruce at all; instead he walks up the ramp that heads to the stage where the wrestlers come out. Bruce just stands there in the ring, with a confused look on his face, as we go to the first commercial break of the evening.]


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that Lance Bass’ favorite SWF wrestler is F.A. Garcia?]




Captain Atomic vs. Angry Gilmore






  • Captain Atomic got a good amount of offense in and even managed to pin Gilmore a couple of times.
  • No matter what the Captain did to Gilmore he unable to put Gilmore away.
  • A well placed rake to the eyes put Gilmore in the driver’s seat and from that point forward he was firmly in control of the match.
  • It was all she wrote after Gilmore used his finisher Anger Management on the Captain.


Winner: Angry Gilmore

Time: 7:56

Match Rating: 81


[We now head to Richard Eisen’s office where he is talking with the recently suspended Marc DuBois.]




Richard Eisen: Marc, I thought your recent suspension was a bit…harsh and I want you to know that I had nothing to do with it. Normally I would have my finger on the pulse of everything that is going on here in the SWF. However, at the World is Watching…I was a bit preoccupied with being the special guest referee in my son’s match against Christian Faith.


Therefore, when Marcus McKing informed me of what you did I told him to handle your situation the best way he saw fit to handle it. That was an error on my part, I should have reviewed the tape for myself and I should not have allowed one of my road agents to handle the situation.


After watching the tape of your incident, I realized that Marcus was wrong in what he did to you. I am sorry you had to go through that but I would like to put that matter behind us and focus on the matter at hand.


The reason why I requested that you join me tonight is because I like your moxy. I like how you have the confidence in yourself to say that you are the future of this industry.


You know what?


I agree with your feelings. I see a bright future for you Marc and that is why I have decided to ask you to do something for me.


First and foremost, I have decided to lift your bogus suspension. I will not have you sitting on the shelf just because you were fighting for what you believe in.


Secondly, I would like to ask you if you are interested in fighting Christian Faith tonight. As you may or may not know, last week I gave Christian Faith an ultimatum. I would allow him to take part in the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal at Welcome to the Jungle, only if he was able to defeat four of my hand picked opponents.


Last week he was able to defeat that waste of space Big Smack Scott and with that victory I know Christian’s confidence has to be through the roof. Well tonight I would like for you to be the man who stops Christian from earing a shot to enter the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal.


Normally I would put a match between the two of you on pay-per-view. I would bill it as the past faces off against the future of the SWF. However, I do not have the luxury to do that.


So what do you say Marc, are you the least bit interested in stopping Christian Faith?


[Marc has a broad smile on his face and nods his head yes.]




Marc DuBois: Of course Mister Eisen I would love to have the opportunity to destroy Christian Faith’s chance to get into the Supreme Proving Ground. I am just thrilled that you have the confidence to allow me to compete in such a high profile match. I will not let you down Mister Eisen, because I have something to prove to not only you but to all of the fans.


There is a reason why I am called the prodigy and tonight I will show the world why I have such a nickname.




Richard Eisen: Good, good. Now just so you know, if Christian manages to beat you there will be consequences. Now go out there and make me proud.




Christian Faith vs. Marc DuBois


[Prior to the start of the match the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen replaced Duane Fry on commentary. Eric talked about how great his father was and how his father is allowing him another week off from active competition in the ring.]






  • Peter Michaels talks about how the San Antonio crowd is a hometown crowd for Christian because Christian grew up only thirty-three miles away in New Braunfels, Texas. Peter wonders is that fact will be beneficial for Christian.
  • This was very much the definition of an open match as Marc got in a ton of offense in during the early minutes of the match.
  • While Marc was on offense he worked on Christian’s left knee, the knee that Big Smack Scott focused on during the previous week.
  • Marc even went so far as to rip Christian’s knee brace off and stomp on the exposed knee.
  • Things were not look good for Christian at this point but the fans had faith in him as they began chanting, “Faith! Faith! Faith!”
  • The support from the crowd seemed to breathe new life into the aging veteran and with this second wind Christian began to once again fight back.
  • Soon the veteran proved to be too much for the prodigy to handle and Christian was able to knock Marc down to the mat after hitting him with a vicious clothesline.
  • Christian then gingerly climbed up to the top rope and jumped of said top rope nailing Marc with a Leap of Faith.
  • Christian winced in pain for a moment due to the pain in his left knee, he then covered Marc for the pinfall and the victory.


Winner: Christian Faith

Time: 14:22

Match Rating: 79


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where Supreme TV backstage correspondent Jerry Eisen is standing by with Rich Money.]




Jerry Eisen: Rich Money, tonight in our main event you will face off against Vengeance and Jack Bruce. The winner of the match will challenge the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen at Welcome to the Jungle. How are you feeling going into this match.


[Rich rolls his eyes and then snatches the microphone out of Jerry’s hand.]




Rich Money: Get out of here Jerry with your dumb questions.


[Jerry looks at Rich as if to ask him if he seriously wants Jerry to leave the interview area. Rich dismissively waves his hand at Jerry.]




Rich Money: That’s right shoo; I do not have time to deal with your nonsensical questions.


[Jerry shrugs his shoulders and walks away.]




Rich Money: Vengeance, in my mind going into this match tonight you are a non-factor. This match tonight is about Jack Bruce and me.


Jack I fully understand you are the golden boy of this company. You move the most merchandise out of anyone on this roster, so from a business perspective it only makes sense that you get chance after chance to succeed.


Well Jack I am sick and tired of you always getting put into these high profile matches. I just do not get your appeal, why would the fans cheer for a guy who looks like a reject from an eighties hair band…they should cheer for me because I am a job creator, a member of the one percent. I am an elite American and everybody should strive to be like me.


Tonight I plan to beat both Vengeance and you Jack. Tonight will be a historical night here in the SWF because tonight everyone will witness Rich Money’s accent to the top of the heap here in the SWF. For after my victory tonight, I will go onto win the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at Welcome to the Jungle. And that is something each and every one of you can bank on.




Joe Sexy vs. Remo






  • Joe knew going into this match that we would not be able to match Remo’s power, so Joe tried to remain as elusive as possible during the opening minutes of this match.
  • Joe would hit Remo with a strike and quickly get away before Remo could do any real damage to him.
  • This would have been a very sound strategy for Joe if he was eight years younger but alas he is a man in his late thirties and all of this dancing around tired him out pretty quickly.
  • Remo used this to his advantage, as he simply waited for Joe to tire himself out and then he went and attacked Joe’s right leg so that Joe ended up with even less use of his already rubbery legs.
  • Remo really to full advantage of his strength in this match as he lifted Joe up and slammed him onto the mat various times, seemingly at will.
  • Despite the fact that Remo had beaten Joe down, Joe just did not give up; kicking out of any pin attempt that Remo made.
  • The fans started chanting Joe’s name in the hope that he would somehow be able to fight through the pain and make a comeback.
  • Sadly that was just not the case tonight for Joe, Remo put Joe down with his finisher the Destroyer, that was the end of the line for Joe tonight.


Winner: Remo

Time: 13:01

Match Rating: 76


[Referee Shane Stones helps Joe to his feet after the match is done. While this is happening, the camera cuts to Squeeky McClean who we see out in the crowd. Squeeky, who is carrying a bottle of hand sanitizer, squirts some hand sanitizer onto his hand he then grabs the guardrail and jumps over said guardrail.


A woozy Joe sees his foe approaching him and he readies himself for the attack. When Squeeky realizes that Joe is ready for him this week, he smiles at Joe and shakes his head no. Squeeky then walks over to the ring announcer and asks for the microphone.


The ring announcer hands him the microphone and Squeeky wraps a tissue around said microphone. ]




Squeeky McClean: It looks like you are ready for me Joe. I guess your hedonistic lifestyle has not corrupted your brain like I thought it has. Okay Joe, I will not beat any morality into you tonight but know this…if you refuse to adhere to a moral lifestyle I will destroy you.


I will not have to preach the virtues of your lifestyle to the poor impressionable children in the audience.


[squeeky hands the microphone back to the ring announcer and then hops over the guardrail and leaves through the crowd. Joe looks at Shane as if to say, “What the hell was that all about?”]


[it is now time to go to the backstage interview area, where Jack Bruce is standing by, for the final time of the night.]




Jack Bruce: Rich Money I am sick and tired of hearing you bitch week in and week out about how I have some sort of unfair advantage here in the SWF. You know Rich, unlike you I was not lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Growing up I did not get everything that I wanted…in fact there were many times that I had to go without stuff.


It sucks when your mother tells you there is no heat in the winter because we simply did not have enough money for both heat and food. It sucks when all of your friends have new clothes and you are stuck wearing your older brother’s hand me down clothes.


Rich everything I have gotten in my life, I have earned! Every title match I have been in I have earned the right to be in it. I am not some entitled rich boy who expects to be put into high profile matches simply because I am rich. No that just ain’t me Rich…I am a hard working blue collar son of a gun who, in a few moments, is going to go down to the ring and earn the right to be called the number one contender to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.


But before I do that I just have one question for you San Antonio. San Antonio are you ready to rock?


[The crowd roars back a resounding, “Yes!” which causes Jack to smile and nod his head.]




Jack Bruce: Well then San Antonio, let’s rock!


The following match will decide who will face the SWF World Champion Eric Eisen at the Welcome to the Jungle pay-per-view.




Vengeance vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=SWF-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SWF-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>




  • Before the match even started Vengeance left the ring because Angry Gilmore had come down to the ring.
  • Gilmore and Vengeance began to brawl at ringside while Jack and Rich fought in the ring.
  • Because this match is a Triple Threat Match, there are no count-outs or disqualifications in this match.
  • Therefore, Referee Ric Young could not stop Vengeance and Gilmore from brawling at ringside.
  • With Vengeance seemingly out of the picture at this point, the match was for all intents and purposes a singles match between Rich and Jack.
  • During the earlier portion of the match, Jack was very much in control.
  • Rich was none too happy about this fact and he left the ring for a moment to collect his thoughts.
  • As Rich was busy on the outside of the ring plotting his next move, Jack decided to leave the ring as well and go after Rich.
  • Jack and Rich soon began brawling at ringside.
  • The highlight of said ringside brawl was when Rich tossed Jack into the steel ring steps.
  • Rich picked up Jack and tossed him inside the ring before Ric Young could count them out.
  • Rich then decided to taunt an old guy in the front row of the crowd for a moment before he reentered the ring.
  • That small lapse in judgment is what would end up costing him the match, because while he was busy taunting the old man, Jack was able to get the breather he needed.
  • When Rich finally got back into the ring he went over to Jack, who was playing possum, and picked him up.
  • Rich then tries to set Jack up for his finisher the Bank Roll, but Jack managed to fight his way out of it.
  • Jack then turned the tables on Rich as he brought Rich down with a New York Minute.
  • Jack then covered Rich for the pinfall and the victory.


Winner and new Number One Contender to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Jack Bruce

Time: 16:23

Match Rating: 88




Post-Show Thoughts:


01. The reason why Jack Bruce earned the right to once again face off against Eric Eisen at the Welcome to the Jungle PPV is simple. I feel that, that match will give me one of the best ratings possible as the main event. Going into the PPV I know the Supreme Proving Ground Battle Royal is going to be a stinker. It will probably get a rating in the high seventies, so I had to have a strong match to anchor the card.


Yes an Eric/Rich match would probably get a good rating as well but I really do not want those two facing off. So I went with Jack.


02. I have to say I now wish I would have had the number one contender qualifying matches spread out over the course of three shows and have the match on this show pushed back until the Supreme TV show right before the PPV. The reason being is I am now having a hard time thinking up main event matches leading into the next PPV. I about to book the next Supreme TV show, in game, and for the life of me I cannot think of anything that would be good to put in as the main event and also a match that would make sense. This is just poor booking on my part.

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02. I have to say I now wish I would have had the number one contender qualifying matches spread out over the course of three shows and have the match on this show pushed back until the Supreme TV show right before the PPV. The reason being is I am now having a hard time thinking up main event matches leading into the next PPV. I about to book the next Supreme TV show, in game, and for the life of me I cannot think of anything that would be good to put in as the main event and also a match that would make sense. This is just poor booking on my part.


I run into this problem quite often with my bookings and I have found that tag matches that mix two differend feuds work well for those filler main events. For example you could have Bruce teaming up with Vengeance agains Gilmore and Money or maybe Eisen will put Faith into tag match with Vengeance against say Brandon James and Remo and then have Gilmore to distract Vengeance. I found that this kind of booking has two advantages: first, it gets good rating without wasting any matches for future feuds since main event feuds tend to be 1 vs. 1 affairs for the most part and secondly it advances two feuds in one match giving other members of the roster more time elsewhere on the card.

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I run into this problem quite often with my bookings and I have found that tag matches that mix two differend feuds work well for those filler main events. For example you could have Bruce teaming up with Vengeance agains Gilmore and Money or maybe Eisen will put Faith into tag match with Vengeance against say Brandon James and Remo and then have Gilmore to distract Vengeance. I found that this kind of booking has two advantages: first, it gets good rating without wasting any matches for future feuds since main event feuds tend to be 1 vs. 1 affairs for the most part and secondly it advances two feuds in one match giving other members of the roster more time elsewhere on the card.


It's funny 'cause the WWE does that almost every time they run out of ideas, too, and people like to crap on them for it. I guess playing a long-term, grind-it-out game gives you (well, in this case, me) new-found respect for what the bookers have to go through.

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