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SWF: You Know You Want To Give It One Star a.k.a. the Ballad of Big Smack Scott

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It's funny 'cause the WWE does that almost every time they run out of ideas, too, and people like to crap on them for it. I guess playing a long-term, grind-it-out game gives you (well, in this case, me) new-found respect for what the bookers have to go through.


WWE and TNA are the only wrestling companies that I ever watched so it´s no big suprise that my booking style is similar than theirs. That´s why my suggestions should always be taken with grain of salt. :p

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Supreme Uprising Episode 8:




Location: Corpus Christi, Texas

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.46

Overall Show Rating: 65




[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]


[The show begins with Richard Eisen standing in the center of the ring and the fans are booing him heavily.]




Richard Eisen: Tuesday night I told Marc DuBois that there would be consequences if he was unable to beat Christian Faith. Unfortunately for Marc, he was unable to defeat Christian and therefore Christian is one step closer to being allowed to take part in the Supreme Proving Ground at Welcome to the Jungle.


Now Marc, I know you are in the back and I want to make something perfectly clear to you. I am not mad that you did not defeat Christian. After all Christian might be an old broken down shell of his former self, but when he is backed into a corner he can become the Christian Faith of ten years ago. Therefore, like I said, I am not mad at you Marc. No…I’m disappointed in you.


For the past couple of months, you have been complaining about how you never get any television time. How the SWF management is against you. All of that stuff that you say is simply not true. I am SWF management and I do want to see you succeeded. I recognize the fact that you are a cut above a lot of the younger talent here in the SWF. I agree with you when you say you are going to be a future SWF World Heavyweight Champion.


It pains me to say this, but that is all you are right now Marc someone for the future, in the present…or should I say recent past…you have done nothing but disappoint me. That is why tonight you will be facing off against the Moscow Mauler Marat Khoklov!


You knew going into your match with Christian that failure was not an option and yet you failed to beat him. Your match with Marat is the punishment that we talked about, I hope you have fun tonight Marc…




[After Richard is done speaking we head over the announcer’s desk where Jerry Eisen and Alex Braun are seated. The two of them give us a rundown of the matches that will take place on tonight’s show.]


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BrettBiggz.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Jessie.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RunawayTrain.jpg


Brett Biggz with Jessie vs. Runaway Train




Runaway Train defeated Brett Biggz, after Train nailed Brett with a Train Wreck.


Time: 8:55

Match Rating: 60




The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz




The Amazing Bumfholes defeated The Samoan Wildboyz, after Zimmy brought Kid Toma down with a Bumfhole In One.


Time: 7:18

Match Rating: 68


[John Greed is walking down a stairway in the backstage area of the arena. He is muttering to himself and is not paying attention to his surroundings. John is clutching a book to his chest and when he gets to the bottom of the stairs he runs right into Knuckles of Death Row. Standing directly behind Knuckles is his tag team partner Shady K.


John looks up at Knuckles and smiles at him, he then tries to maneuver his way around Knuckles but Knuckles will not allow it. Instead, Knuckles puts his hand on John’s chest which causes John to stop moving.]




Knuckles: Hey Johnny, you ain’t goin anywhere. Me and Shady want a word with you son…


[John smiles at Knuckles as he clutches to his book.]




John Greed: I am so happy to hear you call me son brother Knuckles. It makes me so happy that you have been shown the light and that have accepted his help as well.


[Knuckles turns and looks at Shady K for a moment before looking back at John. Knuckles the shoves John against a wall and presses his forearm against John’ throat.]




Knuckles: Look man I ain’t in the mood to talk about being saved or any of that bull. What I wanna know from you is why you felt the need to cost us our six-man match last week.


[John smiles at Knuckles and nods his head the best he can. Knuckles remove his forearm from John’s throat and John massages his Adam’s apple for a moment before he speaks.]




John Greed: Oh yes brother Knuckles, I now understand why you want to speak to me. Trust me brother Knuckles…brother Shady K… there is no reason to have any animosity or hostility towards me. I was merely preaching the words of my savior.


You see last week you had a sinner in your midst, your tag team partner Frederique Garcia. My savior spoke to me and told me I must protest every match that Mister Garcia has until Mister Garcia sees the light.


In fact Mister Garcia is scheduled to have a match later on tonight, a match which I will once again be protesting. You two gentlemen are more than welcomed to join in on the protest and show my savior that you have solidarity for his message and you are willing to become warriors of the light.


[At this point Shady steps forward and gets right in John’s face.]




Shady K.: Son, we ain’t gonna protest nuttin and we suggest you don’t do it either. Cuz Frederique might annoy us but we promised him we would have his back. And me and Knuckles might be scumbags but we’re scumbags that keep our word.


Got it?


[John nods his head in agreement.]




John Greed: Fair enough gentlemen but I do have a right to free speech and I do intend to practice said right tonight. I would kindly ask the two of you to allow me the right to exercise said right and not do anything that would infringe on said right.




Shady K.: Whatever bro, just know this…you can bring your sign down to the ring. You can shout whatever crap you want while Freddie is in the ring. But if you lay a hand on Freddie…well then you’re gonna have to answer to us.


Come on Knuckles lets bounce we got a match in a few minutes…


[John cautiously watches as Knuckles and Shady K walk away. When the members of Death Row are out of air shot John mutters to himself in disgust.]




John Greed: Philistines!


<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=MikeyJames.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/MikeyJames.jpg" border="0" alt="MikeyJames"></a>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FrankiePerez.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Knuckles_alt.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ShadyK.jpg


The SoCal Express vs. Death Row




Death Row defeated The SoCal Express, after Shady K took James Michael down via the Death Sentence.


Time: 6:32

Match Rating: 56


[The cameras now take us to the dressing room of Runaway Train. Train is dressed in his street clothes and he is rummaging around his gym bag looking for something when his daughter enters the room. Train looks up at his daughter and smiles at her.]




Runaway Train: Hello kitten, do you want something?


[Lisa stares coldly at her father and then takes in and lets out a deep calming breath before she begins to speak.]




Lisa Bowen: Dad, I am pleading with you…please stop attacking Gregory…


[Train has a sadistic smile on his face, almost as if he is enjoying his daughter’s misery.]




Runaway Train: Oh so you are talking to me this week Lisa. Nice to know you are willing to talk to me when it is convenient for you. What happened to the whole thing were you said you would never speak to me again?


[Lisa puts her hands on her hips, almost as if that is helping her to contain the rage she feels towards her father.]




Lisa Bowen: Look dad, if me talking to you means that you will stop attacking my boyfriend…well then I will talk to you every day. I just want you to stop hurting the man I love…




Runaway Train: That’s simply not going to happen kitten.


You see in this world of wrestling I am a man who demands respect from others. I’ve fought too hard and for too long to have people think I am soft now that I have entered the twilight of my career.


When I tell someone not to do something, I expect them not to do it. I expect them to cower in fear before me.


What I don’t expect, is for somebody to show me complete and utter lack of respect. Gregory has been here long enough to know that and he is paying the price because he continues to disrespect me. If he backs off from you…he and I ain’t got any animosity towards each other but if he keeps on doing what he is doing…well then I’m gonna keep on doing what I’m doing.


[Lisa does not look pleased about what her father just said to her. She goes to leave the dressing room but as she gets to the doorway of the dressing room she turns around and shoots her father a rather cold look.]




Lisa Bowen: You know mom said you were someone that could not be reasoned with, no wonder why she left your ass…


[As Lisa leaves the room the camera pans over to Train who just sits in his locker room chair with a stunned look on his face. Shocked that his daughter would say something like that to him.]




Jungle Lord vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia


[Prior to the start of the match John Greed kept his word and came down to ringside with a sign that said, “Sinners repent, for he shall soon be here!”]




Jungle Lord defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia, F.A. Garcia was once again distracted by the presence of John Greed at ringside, Jungle Lord used this fact to his advantage and put Garcia down with a Jungle Jack-Jammer. It should be noted that Garcia and Jungle Lord do not click at all in the ring.


Time: 9:03

Match Rating: 59


[it is now time to head to the backstage area where The Samoan Wildboyz are viewed talking about their loss earlier tonight.]




Kid Toma: I can’t believe we lost another match! We ain’t ever going to get a shot at those tag team belts again if we continue losing.




Akima Brave:Yeah it has been what…three years since we were champions. I am sick of this losing crap…


[Just then, almost as if on cue, a well-dressed young man approaches the Wildboyz.]




Acee L. Lou: What’s up my brothers? The name is Acee L. Lou and it is my pleasure to meet such fine athletes as yourselves.


[Acee hands Akima and Toma business cards which both men look at in a disinterested manner.]




Acee L. Lou: I couldn’t help but overhear the two of you talking about your recent failures. I must say it hurts my soul to hear two great young athletes voice their displeasure over their careers.


I want the two of you to understand that your recent string of losses and your lack of upward mobility here in the SWF is not your fault. No my brothers, the reason why is because you are intentionally being setup for failure due to the fact that you are minorities.


Do you think the SWF marketing team wants to market two Samoans as their tag team champions? Do you really think that is the image they want to project to middle America?


The answers to those questions are no. You are being held back by the man because of your heritage. They do not care about your ability or your star factor. To the powers that be you are just two guys that they cannot sell to their audience.


Well I for one am sick of seeing all of these lily white faces being pushed to the moon here in the SWF. It is high time that we see new faces of a different color getting some advantages. Akima, Toma…if you let me I will take you to the promise land. All you have to do is give me a shot, let me prove to you that I can use the system to get you what you want…no…what you need.


Now y’all don’t have to say anything to me right now. Just give me the chance to prove myself and then let that guide you to a decision.


[Acee walks away and Akima looks over at Toma who just shrugs his shoulders as if to say he is not sure what to make of Acee.]


For the SWF World Tag Team Championships:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Valiant.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Everest.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Aristocrat.jpg


Electric Law © with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. Everest & Paul Huntingdon




Electric Law defeated Everest & Paul Huntingdon, after Jack took Paul down via his finisher Crashing Down.


Time: 7:57

Match Rating: 63


[After the match is over with, Electric Law takes a moment to bask in the cheers of their fans. The tag team champions are so wrapped up in their fans cheering for them, that they do not see Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee coming running into the ring. Kurt goes nails Valiant from behind with a low blow. When Jack turns to see what the commotion is, Big Smack Scott nails him with a vicious clothesline that nearly takes his head off. The Pain Alliance then being to curb stomp the tag team champions for about a minute before they leave the ring.


Upon leaving the ring Scott requests a microphone, which the very scared ring attendant hands him.]




Big Smack Scott: Last week I was humiliated in my match against Marat bro. When someone humiliates Big Smack Scott, Big Smack Scott feels the need to take his rage out on someone. Jack, Valiant youz twos were just lucky enough to be in da ring when me and Kurt decided to brain some fools…


[scott hands the microphone over to Kurt who has an angry look on his face.]




Kurt Laramee: Yeah fools you just got brained!


[Kurt and Scott head up the ramp-way that leads to the backstage area. Meanwhile in the ring we see medics attending to the tag team champions.]


For the SWF North American Championship:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FordGumble.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Cowboy Roy Hickok vs. Brandon James © with Emma Chase




Brandon James defeated Cowboy Roy Hickok, after Brandon put Roy down with a Big Money Move.


Time: 8:40

Match Rating: 74


[After the match is done, Brandon rolls out of the ring and snatches the microphone from the SWF ring announcer. He then reenters the ring and looks directly at Alex Braun.]




Brandon James: Hey Ice Man, I thought you had a buddy that was going to show up this week and kick my ass.


[brandon climbs to the top rope and puts his right hand above his eyes making it seem like he is searching for someone.]




Brandon James: Nope…I don’t see anyone coming for me. Well Alex last week you promised me a fight and since you…friend hasn’t shown up I guess I will have to do some damage to someone and that someone is Cowboy Roy…


[brandon climbs down and goes directly after Cowboy Roy, who was just getting up after being on the receiving end of a Big Money Move. Brandon once again takes Roy down with a devastating Big Money Move. A huge smile crosses Brandon’s face as he stares down at Roy, on the outside of the ring Emma Chase is seen clapping her hands in support of her client.


Brandon looks over at Alex and shouts, “Watch this!” He then proceeds to kick Roy right in the stomach. At this point a man comes running down to the ring dressed in camouflage pants, Emma warns Brandon of the man before the man can enter the ring.


Brandon turns and sees this newcomer and automatically recognizes him as Sargent Barrowman, one of his fiercest rivals in DAVE. Brandon, wanting no part of Sgt. Barrowman, hightails it out of the ring, as Sgt. Barrowman enters the ring.


Sgt. Barrowman picks up the microphone that Brandon was using earlier and he begins to talk.]




Sgt. Barrowman: Hey Brandon, I thought you wanted to fight! The more things change, the more things stay the same. You are still that same loud mouth punk that you were back in the day. Oh and if there is any confusion Big Cat, I am Alex’s friend and I have come here to the SWF for the sole purpose of taking that shiny North American Title away from you.


[brandon yells, “No!” at Sgt. Barrowman as he and Emma flee through the curtain that leads to the backstage area. Sgt. Barrowman goes over and checks on the condition of Roy as we head into the final commercial break of the evening.]




Marc DuBois vs. Marat Khoklov




Marat Khoklov defeated Marc DuBois, after Marat hit Marc with a vicious Moscow Lariat.


Time: 6:16

Match Rating: 71




Post-Show Thoughts:


1. I will post Acee L. Lou's photo as soon as Photobucket allows me to upload said photo. Photobucket has been such a huge pain in the ass since I got my new computer. Crap like this always seems to happen to me.



I run into this problem quite often with my bookings and I have found that tag matches that mix two differend feuds work well for those filler main events. For example you could have Bruce teaming up with Vengeance agains Gilmore and Money or maybe Eisen will put Faith into tag match with Vengeance against say Brandon James and Remo and then have Gilmore to distract Vengeance. I found that this kind of booking has two advantages: first, it gets good rating without wasting any matches for future feuds since main event feuds tend to be 1 vs. 1 affairs for the most part and secondly it advances two feuds in one match giving other members of the roster more time elsewhere on the card.


That is what I usually end up doing as well but the thing is I always have a problem trying to think how, logically, those matches come about. I am not a huge fan of booking long opening segments to start the show but that is the only way that I can think of to set-up those matches. I guess I will just have to keep on doing it that way.


It's funny 'cause the WWE does that almost every time they run out of ideas, too, and people like to crap on them for it. I guess playing a long-term, grind-it-out game gives you (well, in this case, me) new-found respect for what the bookers have to go through.


Very true, when I was doing the RIPW Diary I thought doing a big promotion would be so much easier to book because I had more workers and I had four shows to build up to the pay-per-view. Boy was I wrong about that, I think my booking has gotten worst since I started doing this SWF diary not better.:o

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-Nice bit of word play with Acee L. Lou, man. Had me cracking up... also reminds me of AW, too :D


-I like the storyline between John Greed and F.A. Garcia, hopefully it continues for a while :p


-It's not anyone's fault but every time I see that picture of Lisa Bowen, it makes me think she has a black eye (before I realize she's just wearing her crappy shades) :o


Good show, and hopefully Doo Boys bounces back from this burial soon :D

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  • 2 weeks later...



Supreme TV Episode 16




Location: Boise, Idaho

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 5.59

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.56

Overall Show Rating: 81



[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.]


[We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. The show begins with SWF Owner Richard Eisen standing in the center of the, he wipes sweat off his forehead before he begins to speak in his trademark booming voice.]




Richard Eisen: Welcome to Supreme TV!


[The crowd cheers for a brief moment before the cheering turns into booing, which is aimed directly at the Chairman of the SWF. Richard smiles as soon as the booing begins.]




Richard Eisen: It has been brought to my attention through my subordinates that some of you fans feel that I am giving my son an unfair advantage by not having him wrestle over the past two weeks. My answer to that accusation is…um…duh…of course I am giving my son an unfair advantage. That is one of the perks of being the boss; you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want.


Since December, my son has been a fighting champion, he deserves some time off so that he can heal any nagging injuries that he might have. That is why he has not been in a match for the previous two weeks.


Unfortunately, this is a business and as much as I hate to have to listen to the fans…I know I must. Therefore, tonight I have decided to put an end to my son’s little hiatus. Tonight my son will be facing off against Robbie Retro in a non-title match.


[There is a lukewarm response from the fans, as nobody in the building really expects Robbie to have a chance against Eric.]




Richard Eisen: Last week Jack Bruce won the right to challenge my son for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at Welcome to the Jungle. Now because I want Jack to be battle tested in preparation for his match against my son, I have decided that tonight he will face off against Marat Khoklov in tonight’s main event.


[The crowd goes nuts over this announcement.]




Richard Eisen: Lastly, I would like to address who will be facing off against Christian Faith this week. I have put a lot of thought into my choice this week. My previous two choices did not pan out the way I wanted them to but tonight I am bringing in someone that I know can get the job done. Call him my Mariano Rivera, he is a man that I am calling upon to put an end to Christian’s hope of taking part in the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal.


Tonight Christian Faith is going to be taking on a man who has shown great loyalty to the Eisen family; tonight Christian Faith will face Enforcer Roberts! Now I think you have had enough of me talking, let’s start the show!




[The voice of Peter Michaels is heard welcoming us to Boise, Idaho for Supreme TV, we then go right to the announcer’s table were Supreme TV’s commentary team of Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Anna Garcia who are sitting at the announcer’s desk near ringside. The three of them discuss the matches that we shall see tonight. It is now time to head down to the ring for the first match of the evening.]




Lobster Warrior vs. Squeeky McClean






  • Before the match began, Squeeky demanded that both Referee Shane Stones and Lobster Warrior (LW) squirt some hand sanitizer on their hands.
  • Shockingly enough LW complied with Squeeky’s request, which caused the fans to burst out into laughter as LW was the first ever wrestler to agree to Squeeky’s pre-match demand.
  • LW was briefly in control of the match during the opening moments of the match, this all changed after Squeeky intentionally poked LW in his right eye while Referee Ric Young was out of position to see it.
  • For the next few minutes Squeeky dominated the match and he even came close to winning the match twice, but he just could not keep LW down long enough to pick up a victory.
  • A chant of, “Here we Lobby, here we go!” began to ring out throughout the arena and that served as a rallying cry for LW to mount his comeback.
  • LW soon put Squeeky down via the Lobster Trap and that was all she wrote for the SWF’s favorite germaphobe.


Winner: Lobster Warrior

Time: 9:24

Match Rating: 73


[After the match ended Joe Sexy entered the ring and began brawling with Squeeky. Squeeky quickly fled the ring after getting hit a few times.


Joe then got a microphone from one of the ring attendants and smiled as he watched Squeeky running up the aisle towards the ramp that leads to the backstage.]




Joe Sexy: What’s the matter Squeeky…you don’t like a taste of your own medicine? That’s right runaway like the little punk that you are. I’m putting you on warning right now, if you continue to jump me from behind, I’m going to do the same to you.


I’m sick and tired of wondering when you are going to attack me, so now it is time for me to go on the offensive and rise to the occasion…and I don’t need any purple pills to rise to this occasion…


[squeeky did not like that last remark and he yells something inaudible at Joe. The crowd also did not seem to like that last remark either as there was a collective groan that came from the crowd after he made the remark. Joe just smiled and shrugged his shoulders as the show went into commercial break.]


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that we were going to hype that fact that Jack Bruce was the number one trending topic on Twitter? We then realized that it was not our Jack Bruce, instead it was the former front man of Cream. Talk about disappointment…]


The following match is a non-title match:


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RobbieRetro.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EricEisen_alt5.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EnforcerRoberts.jpg


Robbie Retro vs. Eric Eisen © with Enforcer Roberts


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=SWF-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SWF-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>




  • Robbie was in control of this match right out of the gate, throwing a barrage of offensive moves at the SWF World Champion.
  • Eric soon had enough of being on the receiving end of all this punishment and so he left the ring after ducking under a Robbie clothesline.
  • Eric walked around the ringside area muttering something to himself about being the champion.
  • Robbie exited the ring and went after Eric and the two men briefly brawled at ringside.
  • The crowd was really into this match at this point as it was apparent that Robbie and Eric had great chemistry while fighting each other.
  • Eric got back into the ring first and he was able to attack Robbie as soon as Robbie tried to reenter the ring.
  • Robbie soon mounted a comeback, but the comeback was very short lived as Enforcer Roberts got Referee Ric Young’s attention causing Ric to turn his back from the two combatants in the ring.
  • Eric went into his tights and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles while the referee was being distracted, Eric proceeded to put said brass knuckles onto his right hand.
  • While this was going on Robbie was trying to get Referee Ric Young to pay attention to the match and not Enforcer Roberts.
  • This was futile as Enforcer Roberts kept yelling at the referee which meant that Ric was still paying attention to Roberts and not the match that he was supposed to be officiating.
  • Robbie went headed back over to where Eric was and he grabbed Eric and spun Eric around so that Eric would be facing him.
  • As soon as Eric was facing Robbie, Eric nailed Robbie in the face with a solid right hook.
  • This caused Robbie to fall down; Eric then lifted Robbie back up and finished Robbie off with his finishing move the Supremacy.


Winner: Eric Eisen

Time: 11:28

Match Rating: 82




Joe Sexy vs. Angry Gilmore






  • The match begins with both men standing in the center of the ring; Gilmore said something to Joe and Joe laughed at Gilmore which caused Gilmore to shove Joe.
  • Gilmore once again got into Joe’s face and said something, this time Joe punched Gilmore in the face, this caused Gilmore to back up into the ropes.
  • Joe then ran directly at Gilmore and nailed him with a clothesline, sending Gilmore over the top rope and onto the arena floor.
  • Gilmore tried to collect himself while he staggered to his feet on the arena floor but Joe was not about to let him rest.
  • Joe joined Gilmore and the two began to brawl at ringside.
  • Gilmore gains the upper hand in this brawl and when both men finally get back into the ring, Gilmore begins to dominate on offense.
  • After that, Joe tries to mount a comeback but he is never able to get momentum back in his corner.
  • The match came to an end after Gilmore finished Joe off with an Anger Management.


Winner: Angry Gilmore

Time: 11:01

Match Rating: 74


[After the match is over with Angry Gilmore yells at the ring attendant to fetch him a microphone. He begins to speak once he gets the microphone.]




Angry Gilmore: Vengeance I want to make it perfectly clear to you that I do not fear you…at all. I have heard all of the talk on the internet aboot how I was so afraid of you, that I got myself intentionally disqualified in our match at the World is Watching.


That is just simply not the case. After all why would I, the best wrestler in the world, be afraid of the SWF’s version of Bozo the Clown?


You can talk about dragging my body to hell and feeding it to hellhounds and whatever other nonsense you want to talk about. At the end of the day you are just another deranged mental patient who likes paint his face and try to scare people.


Well I have news for you Vengeance, I am not afraid of you because you are the ultimate cartoon character here in the SWF. Because of that factor you have fallen firmly in my crosshairs and I will take you out. Because I am sick and tired of people like you making a mockery out of the business that I love…hey…


[The lights in the arena go out and the only lights one can see are the lights coming from lighters and cell phones in the crowd. After a few moments of darkness, the arena lights come back on and now standing directly in front of Gilmore is Vengeance who is staring at Gilmore with his head titled to one side.


Gilmore looks absolutely terrified and slowly begins to back up and head towards the ring ropes. Just then Vengeance grabs Gilmore by the throat with his left hand and the lights once again go out. While the lights are off there is a loud slam in the ring and when the lights come back on Gilmore is lying in the ring on his back and there is no sight of Vengeance.]


[it is now time to go to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with Christian Faith.]




Jerry Eisen: Christian, in a few minutes you are going to be facing off against Enforcer Roberts, someone who you have had plenty of battles with in the past. Are you at all nervous about losing tonight and thus ending your chances at taking part in the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal at Welcome to the Jungle?




Christian Faith: Jerry as ya know I’ve been doing this for a long time and I’ll be honest each and every time I step into that ring out there, there is a little piece of me that is nervous. I don’t matter that I’ve wrestled thousands of matches, cuz in the back of my mind I know on any given night anybody in the SWF can beat anybody else.


That is where my faith comes into play, faith in my skills, faith in my ability to come out victorious no matter how much the deck is stacked against me. Enforcer Roberts, we’ve fought against each other so many times in the past that I couldn’t even tell ya how many times we’ve faced off against each other.


Now son, I ain’t got no beef with you, but tonight Ima gonna have to beat you, cuz you’re just another obstacle that was put in my way by the Eisen family. What I do to ya tonight Roberts is not personal…it’s strictly business. You wanna be the personal lackey for the Eisen family…well that’s fine by me.


Just know this, when you lose tonight…and you are gonna lose tonight, Dick ain’t gonna be happy with ya and ya gonna get punished just like Marc Doo Boys and Big Smack Scott did. I’m not saying that Ima gonna beat ya cuz I’m cocky. Nah son, Ima saying it cuz I have faith, faith in my ability to succeed and walk outta that ring tonight with another victory under my belt.




Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts


[Prior to the start of the match SWF World Heavyweight Champion replaced Duane Fry on commentary.]




  • This match was a back and forth affair for the first five minutes or so.
  • Roberts gained the upper hand in the match after he clipped Christian’s left knee the knee which everyone of Christian’s opponents over the last three weeks have worked on.
  • From that point forward Roberts continued to focus on Christian’s weakened left knee, by ramming it continuously into the mat and at one point he managed to ram Christian’s knee into one of the ring posts.
  • This slowed Christian down considerably as he was not able to put much weight on the keen and therefore he was not able to execute many offensive moves.
  • After working on Christian’s left knee for a considerable period of time, Roberts locked Christian’s left leg into a figure four leglock.
  • Referee Ric Young repeatedly asked Christian if he wanted to give up but Christian refused to give up each time he was asked.
  • Through sheer force of will, Christian was able to reverse the figure four but had to quickly let it go because he was not able to keep Roberts locked up due to the damage done to his leg thus far.
  • Roberts then quickly locked Christian into his finisher the R.C.T. and it looked like Christian was going to tap out but before he did; he managed to grab the bottom ring rope with his right hand which meant that Roberts had to let Christian out of the hold.
  • The normally stoic, was upset over the fact that no matter what he tried to do to Christian he just could not put him away.
  • Soon a chant of, “Faith! Faith! Faith!” could be heard throughout the arena.
  • This chant seemed to motivate the hobbled Christian and he began to mount a comeback.
  • Christian threw everything that he could possibly muster at Roberts and he was finally able to take down Eric Eisen’s henchman.
  • Christian then looked towards the corner, and then he looked out into the crowd as if to ask the fans if he should take the risk and finish Roberts off with a Leap of Faith.
  • The majority of the fans implored him to not do something so risky, but there was a vocal minority that cheered Christian on.
  • Christian only heard what he wanted to hear and because of that he slowly climbed the ring ropes, his face wincing with pain every step he took.
  • Finally, he got to the top rope and he jumped off the top rope and onto Roberts nailing Roberts with a Leap of Faith.
  • Christian then covered Roberts for the pinfall and one three count later he picked up a victory against one of his longtime foes.


Winner: Christian Faith

Time: 15:54

Match Rating: 88


[Our cameras take us to the backstage interview area where Jack Bruce is standing by.]




Jack Bruce: What is up Boise!


[Jack pauses as he hears the crowd in the arena going nuts.]




Jack Bruce: Tonight I’ve got a match against one of the most formidable opponents that I have ever faced in my entire career. If I am being honest, I am not sure how I am going to go about beating Marat. The dude just does not seem to have any exploitable weaknesses.


Marat, tonight my match against you is going to be a lot like David versus Goliath. You are truly a giant who has no weakness. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be beat because you are a man…a big, scary, Russian psychopath, but a man nevertheless. And every man can be beaten and Marat I fully intend on beating you tonight.


I fully understand why Richard Eisen put you in the ring against me tonight. He hopes that you can weaken me so that when I face Eric Eisen at Welcome to the Jungle I will not be at one hundred percent. Well that is just not going to happen tonight Marat.


Now before I head down to the ring I just have one little question that I would like to ask. Boise, Idaho are you ready to rock?


[The crowd answers back overwhelmingly with a yes, which causes Jack to have a huge smile on his face.]




Jack Bruce: Well then let’s rock!




Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov






  • The match began with Marat challenging Jack to a test of strength, Jack looked out at the crowd to see if he should engage Marat in this challenge.
  • The crowd overwhelmingly responded no, but Jack did not heed their advice and within a matter of seconds he was on his knees grimacing in pain at the strength of Marat who squeezed Jack’s hands with all his might while smiling sadistically.
  • Marat then released his grip on Jack’s hands and forced Jack to lie on his stomach after Marat clobbered Jack with a crushing fist to the back.
  • Marat continued to dominate Jack for most of the match, Jack mounted some comebacks but he was not able to do much of significance against the Moscow Mauler.
  • It was clear as day that Marat’s objective in this match was not to obtain a victory; his objective was to destroy Jack.
  • This became evident when he started to pin Jack with his foot on Jack’s chest, only to remove his foot before Referee Shane Stones could make the three count.
  • At this point the fans began chanting, “Let’s rock!”
  • This chant seemed to breathe a new life into Jack, as he began to fight back.
  • Jack managed to back Marat up against the ring ropes, Jack then nailed Marat with a clothesline which caused the big man to fall over the top rope and onto the arena floor.
  • Jack quickly followed Marat to the outside of the ring and the two men began to brawl at ringside.
  • Neither man was able to get back into the ring before Referee Shane Stones counted to ten and so Shane had no choice but to rule this match a draw, due to it ending in a double count out.


Winner: None, the match was ruled a draw due to it ending in a double count out.

Time: 8:03

Match Rating: 76


[Marat and Jack continue to brawl at ringside despite the fact that the match has been ruled a draw. Jack actually begins to stagger the big man but this stops rather quickly as Rich Money nails Jack in the back of the head with his forearm.


The Moscow Mauler and Rich Money then begin double teaming Jack, beating him to a bloody mess. It is at this point that Bruce the Giant comes lumbering down to the ringside area (What did you think Bruce the Giant could run? Not on those knees.) to aid his friend. Bruce the Giant nails Rich with a powerful right hand which causes Rich to stagger back.


Bruce the Giant then turns his attention towards Marat. The two big men begin to brawl at ringside, but the advantage soon goes to Marat as Rich was able to recover and join in on the fight. Rich and Marat then begin to beatdown Bruce the Giant. It was at this point that an army of SWF backstage officials come down to ringside and they manage to get Marat and Rich to back away from Jack and Bruce the Giant.


Marat then walks over to the ring announcer and asks for a microphone. He then begins to speak in English with a heavy Russian accent!]




Marat Khoklov: Bruce the Giant, I, Mart Khoklov would love nothing else but to meet you in mutual combat at Welcome to the Jungle. Much like the Republic of Georgia, you will know what it is like to have the full force of Russia brought down upon you.


[As the show goes off the air we see paramedics looking at the bloodied Jack Bruce and we hear Duane Fry yell out:]




Duane Fry: Wait….what? He can speak English!




Post-Show Thoughts:


1. Well first off I would like to apologize to Zergon for not thanking him for nominating me for DOTM last month. I had been meaning to do so but I really did not want to bump this for the sake of bumping this. So thank you Zergon and I am sorry for not thanking you sooner.


2. Sorry for the lack of posting in this diary, to be honest with you I was in no rush to write this show because I was having a hard time coming up with the main event for the next Supreme TV show. The way I was looking at things was the longer I stalled with this show, the more time I would have to come up with a main event for the next Supreme TV show.


Now that I have come up with a main event I wrote five segments of this show in the span of about an hour or so. Plus I really wanted to get this show out before tomorrow because there is a chance I might lose power due to hurricane Sandy.


3. I am not really pleased with how the Joe Sexy dialogue went but I just could not think of something for him to say. Funny I was talking to michgcs about this, I sometimes book segments and then when I go to write them I have no idea why I booked them in the first place. This was the case for the Joe Sexy segment.


4. Why did Marat speak English? Well he speaks English in the game now, so I do not see a reason for him not to speak it in the diary. I am trying to base him on the Russian guy in Saints Row the 3rd, I am not sure if I did a good job or not.



-Nice bit of word play with Acee L. Lou, man. Had me cracking up... also reminds me of AW, too :D


-I like the storyline between John Greed and F.A. Garcia, hopefully it continues for a while :p


-It's not anyone's fault but every time I see that picture of Lisa Bowen, it makes me think she has a black eye (before I realize she's just wearing her crappy shades) :o


Good show, and hopefully Doo Boys bounces back from this burial soon :D

I am glad you liked Acee L. Lou. I was basing him off of Clarence Mason from the mid-1990's WWF. I am not sure if he came off that way or not.

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-Well I wasn't watching mid-90's WWF, so I can't answer that :o


-Good show, as it helped roll things along. I particularly enjoyed the Gilmore-Vengeance segment, and I think the Joe Sexy promo wasn't as bad as you made it out to be :p


-Too bad about your Main Event grade, though. Stupid Double DQs and non-finishes really hurt :rolleyes:


-Stay safe out there, buddy. You and every other East Coast-er who's expecting a visit from that stupid storm :D

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Enjoyed the arrival of Vengeance (wish i was there in person ... :))

Never seen Saints Row the 3rd but i thought it was great having Marat speak English, the perfect surprise to end out a show. I like a Sports Entertainment show with a surprise ending .. Hard to keep coming up with them though isn't it!?

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Supreme Uprising Episode 09:




Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.48

Overall Show Rating: 68




[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]


[The show begins with footage from earlier in the day. We know this because there is text at bottom of the screen that tells us this.


The following footage is footage of a meeting that Marc DuBois had with Richard Eisen earlier in the day in Richard’s office.]




Marc DuBois: Mister Eisen, I want to apologize once a-gain to you. I know you put your faith behind me in my match a-gainst Christian Faith and I was unable to seal the deal. For the last two weeks I have felt like crap because I let you down.


That is why I am here right now…I…I want to prove to you that I can beat the best the SWF has to offer. I want to prove to you why SWF.com called me the future of the SWF. I want to prove to you that I am worthy of the nickname the prodigy. I…


[Richard Eisen raises his right hand as if to tell Marc that he has heard enough of his sales pitch.]




Richard Eisen: Look Marc, I really respect the fact that you took your medicine like a man last week and actually got into the ring with Marat. You took one hell of a beating kid but here you are a week later and you are ready to go again.


I must say I am very impressed with your ambition and because of that I have decided to once again put you into the ring with a member of the SWF elite. Tonight I am going to have you face-off against… Vengeance!


[Richard Eisen pauses for a moment to let the match announcement register in Marc’s mind. Marc nods his head as he looks a little scared over the prospect of having to fight Vengeance.]




Marc DuBois: Um…o…okay…that’s um…fine.


[Richard smiles at Marc and then rubs his hands together.]




Richard Eisen: Well you said you wanted a match against a member of the SWF elite and I so I gave you said match. Now all you have to do is go out there and find a way to beat Vengeance. Good luck with that…




[The footage ends and we are taken to the announcer’s desk where Jerry Eisen and Alex Braun are seated. The two of them give us a rundown of the matches that will take place on tonight’s show.]




American Machine vs. Angry Gilmore




Angry Gilmore defeated American Machine by pinfall after Gilmore downed Am-Machine with his finisher Anger Management.


Time: 10:06

Match Rating: 82


[We now go to the back where we see Acee L. Lou and THE Samoan Wildboyz having a conversation. The fact that there is a cameraman and a sound guy does not seem to faze them in the least bit.]




Akima the Brave: Last week you asked us for a chance so that you could prove to us that you are a worthy manager. Well me and the Kid, we did some talking and we would like to know what exactly it is that you feel you can do for us.




Acee L. Lou: Before I begin, let me just say that it is an honor that the two of you are willing to seek my guidance. For far too long the SWF has had its champions have nothing but lily white faces.


The SWF knows full well that they cannot market you to Middle America because you are not the stereotypical Samoans. No the two of you do not speak gibberish; the two of you are very well spoken. The two of you do not come down to the ring wearing skirts made out of grass; instead you are two very well dressed men. The two of you are not mindless savages and that is why the SWF will always impose a glass ceiling over you. Because the two of you do not fit the mold of the stereotypical Samoans and therefore the SWF marketing machine is unable to sell you to the general public.




Kid Toma: Look man can you just tell us what it is you can do for us; there is no need to fill our heads up with tales of discrimination. We just want to know if you can give us any kind of advantage here.




Acee L. Lou: Well Kid I think you should be open to hearing about how the SWF higher-ups have seen fit to discriminate against you. However, you are right perhaps now is not the time or the place to discuss such matters.


As for how I can help the two of you…well as the Romans used to say, Carpe diem my brothers. The two of you need to seize the day. Now if the two of you will follow me, I will tell you exactly how I think you should go about seizing the day.


For the SWF World Tag Team Championships:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Valiant.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Knuckles_alt.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ShadyK.jpg


Electric Law with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. Death Row




Electric Law defeated Death Row, after Jack took Shady K down via his finishing move Crashing On.


Time: 7:04

Match Rating: 73


[After the match is over Valiant requests a microphone from one of the ring attendants. Upon getting the microphone from the ring attendant he begins to speak.]




Valiant: Big Smack Scott, Kurt Laramee what you two did to us last week was not cool brahs. Jumping us from behind was a totally unrighteous thing and you really harshed my mellow dudes. I mean here me and Jack were winning yet another match against two very tough opponents and then you two goons jump us. That was not cool brahs…not cool at all!


[Valiant hands the microphone over to Jack Giedroyc.]




Jack Giedroyc: When I was a lad growin up in Leeds me dad always told me that a man doesn’t attack people from behind. No a man fights people head on. Big Smack Scott, Kurt Laramee I understand the two of you are nothing but overgrown laddish fellows but that doesn’t mean you cannot man-up and fight us like men. Valiant and I are sick of cowards like the two of you and so we want to put the two of you on notice…


[before Jack can finish that thought Akima the Brave nails Jack in the back with a steel chair. As a scared Cheerleader Melissa runs off, Kid Toma then goes after Valiant who is trying to come to the aid of his partner. While this is going on Acee L. Lou keeps yelling out, “Carpe diem my brothers!” over and over again.


Soon both members of Electric Law have been taken down and it is at this point that the Pain Alliance enters the fray. Scott goes over to where Kid Toma is and shoves Toma out of the way, Scott then proceeds to lay the boots down on Valiant as a pissed off Toma comes back over to Scott and shoves him.


Scott picks up the microphone that Jack was holding earlier and begins to speak.]




Big Smack Scott: Hey bro, we appreci what you and Akima did but now it is time for you two children to leave and let the real men take care of these bums.


[scott hands the microphone over to Kurt who then has to get his dig in.]




Kurt Laramee: Yeah kids, don’t make us brain you!


[Akima looks over at Toma who returns the gaze of his tag team partner. They nod their heads at each other and then seconds later they go at Scott and Kurt.


Jack and Valiant have time to recover as the Pain Alliance and the Wildboyz are now brawling and when they do recover they join in on the brawl as well. It is at this point that SWF backstage officials and members of the SWF security team come rushing down to the ring to break up this huge brawl. The fans are heard chanting, “Let them fight!” as the show heads into a commercial.]


[upon returning from commercial break, we are taken to the backstage interview area where Hannah is standing by with John Greed.]




Hannah: John Greed in recent weeks you have come out…


[John holds up his hand in order to stop Hannah from further speaking.]




John Greed: I have not come out of anywhere; I do not have any reason to come out of anything.


[Hannah looks a little confused over this response.]




Hannah: Okay…um…moving on, you have recently been protesting the matches of Frederique Garcia, why is it that you have chosen him to be the target of your protest?




John Greed: Why is the sky blue? The reason why I have protested Brother Frederique’s matches is because he my savior told me to do so. He told me that Frederique’s alternative lifestyle is against his teaching.


Well what do we have here?


[F.A. Garcia, who is wearing a tight belly shirt that reads “Freddie Says Relax”, enters the interview area and he smiles at John Greed.]




F.A. Garcia: Girl you need to stop getting up in my bizness you heard me?




John Greed: Brother Frederique, I am but a mere humble servant of my savior. I am just a messenger delivering a message that must be heard. I have no ill will towards you; it is just that my savior feels like you have the potential to do great things…yet you squander your opportunity because of you alternative lifestyle.


I you will just let my savior save you, you will see the error of your ways and you will live a normal life. That is all that my master and I are trying to show you, the errors of your ways. All you need to do is be open to conversion and all will be good.




F.A. Garcia: Girl, there is nothing wrong with the life I live and I sure the hell don’t want your sugar daddy telling me how to live my life better. You want to protest my matches, that’s fine with me but don’t try to be forcing anything on me because I am one fierce bitch and I’ll claw your eyes out. You feel me?


[John shakes his head in disappointment.]




John Greed: No I do not feel you Brother Frederique and I will never want to feel you. I must admit that I am disappointed that you do not have an open mind to what I am saying to you. You do not have to live the way you do and yet you choose to do say. I cannot help those that do not want to be saved and it seems that you do not want to be saved.


This saddens me deeply and my savior will not be pleased with you not wanting to be saved. Now if you will excuse me I have to inform my savior of what you have said to me. Farewell brother Frederique and Sister Hannah.


[John Greed walks off camera and F.A. Garcia looks at Hannah and rolls his eyes. He then smiles at Hannah for a moment.]




F.A. Garcia: Girl you should wear jean skirts more often, you are looking fierce in that skirt girlfriend.


[Hannah, who seems to be trying to keep a straight face, looks directly into the camera and says:]




Hannah: Back to you Jerry…




James Michael vs. Runaway Train




Runaway Train defeated James Michael, after Train whipped James into a corner and nailed him with a Train Wreck.


Time: 6:55

Match Rating: 69


[After Train picks up the victory, members in the audience begin to chant, “Greg Black!” this chant causes Train to attack James Michael in a blind rage. Train once again flings James into the corner and nails him with a Train Wreck.


The “Greg Black” chants grow louder, which causes Train to get even more pissed off. Train picks James Michael up and once again sets him up in a corner, this time Train has to take James’ arms and drape them over the ring rope, just to get James to standup. Train then charges directly at James again and nails him with yet another Train Wreck.


It was at this point that Gregory Black comes running into the ring and he and Train begin to trade punches in the center of the ring. The crowd is going nuts as it looked like Gregory was actually doing damage to Train but the fight was quickly broken up after members of the SWF security team came down to the ring and separated the two men.]


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where SWF Uprising’s backstage correspondent Hannah is standing by with “The Prodigy” Marc DuBois.]




Hannah: Marc, in tonight’s main event you are going to be taking on Vengeance. Are you at all nervous to be in a match against one of the most fearsome men on the SWF roster?


[Marc looks dismissively at Hannah for a moment before he turns and looks directly into the camera with a smile on his face.]




Marc DuBois: I do not get nervous, nervousness is a sign of weakness and I am anything but weak. After all, Vengeance is nothing more than a man who has weaknesses that I can exploit to my advantage.


Hannah, I want you and all the fans to mark this day on your calendars, because tonight is the night that I ascend to the top of the SWF mountaintop. After my match with Vengeance ends with my hand being raised in victory, the whole world will know for certain why I am thee Prodigy, tonight you and everyone else will bear witness to my greatness and I will show everyone just why I am the future of the SWF.


<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=Guide_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Guide_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Guide_alt1"></a>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JamieAtherton.jpg


Sgt. Barrowman vs. Dylan Palmer




In a match where both men were really off their game, Sgt. Barrowman defeated Dylan Palmer, after he hit Dylan with finisher the Guided Missile.


Time: 5:43

Match Rating: 56


[After the match is done Brandon James comes running down to the ring, Sgt. Barrowman sees him but is not ready to defend himself by the time Brandon enters the ring. Instead, Barrowman eats a spear from Brandon and once Brandon has Barrowman on the mat he unleashes some of his vicious ground and pound. Barrowman tries to fight back but it is to no avail as Barrowman seems to be useless when fighting off his back.


After the North American Champion feels like he has done enough damage to Sgt. Barrowman, Brandon hops out of the ring and grabs a microphone from the ring announcer.]




Brandon James: So you wanted to come here…you wanted to come to my place of work. You wanted to threaten me in my playground…well Thom how did things turn of for you?


This isn’t some Bingo Hall and this certainly ain’t the West Coast. No, here in the SWF I am the big man on campus and there is no way some weekend warrior is going to come to my house and take away my North American Championship! Too bad you had to find out the hard way Tommy boy.


[brandon then drops the microphone and reenters the ring. Upon reentering the ring, he decides to add insult to injury and he goes over to where Sgt. Barrowman is and slaps him in the face.]


<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=LobsterWarrior.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpg


Lobster Warrior vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia


[Prior to the start of the match, John Greed joined Alex and Jerry on commentary. He said he was sent out her by his savior to help F.A. Garcia see the light.]




Lobster Warrior defeated F.A. Garcia, Garcia was distracted by John Greed this momentary distraction helped Lobster Warrior to bring Garcia down via the Lobster Trap.


Time: 10:31

Match Rating: 78




Vengeance vs. Marc DuBois




Vengeance defeated Marc DuBois, after Vengeance took Marc out with a Skull Krusher.


Time: 9:48

Match Rating: 73


[After the match is done, Vengeance stands in the center of the ring and he seems to be completely oblivious to the fact that Angry Gilmore has just entered the ring with Vengeance’s chain in his right hand.


Gilmore slowly creeps towards Vengeance, as to not alert him to the fact that he is in the ring. Gilmore is almost on top of Vengeance and is about to hit Vengeance in the back of his head with the chain, when Vengeance slowly turns around and faces Gilmore, it goes without saying that Vengeance’s head is tilted to the side as he looks at Gilmore.


Once Vengeance turns around, Gilmore makes a beeline out of the ring and runs up the aisle way that leads to the backstage area. As soon as Gilmore is a fair distance away from Vengeance, he turns around and looks back at the ring. Vengeance is still standing in the center of the ring, head cocked to one side, staring at Gilmore.


The show ends with Gilmore standing in the aisle way tapping his right index finger against his head, while yelling out to Vengeance, “I’m too smart for you!”]





Post-Show Thoughts:


1. I was not happy with the John Greed/F.A. segment. It was one of those segments that I had an idea for it a couple of weeks back when I booked it in the actual game but when it came time to write it I had no clue what I wanted to do. So it eneded up being that crap segment above.


2. With TEW13 coming out next month I highly doubt I will be getting to my goal of writing a Supreme Challenge. Which is not really that bad of a thing because the thought of booking and writing a four hour PPV is not something I was really looking forward to doing.


I may still continue this diary until I get to that point but by the time I get to that point this diary section will look like a ghost town.

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1. I was not happy with the John Greed/F.A. segment. It was one of those segments that I had an idea for it a couple of weeks back when I booked it in the actual game but when it came time to write it I had no clue what I wanted to do. So it eneded up being that crap segment above.


2. With TEW13 coming out next month I highly doubt I will be getting to my goal of writing a Supreme Challenge. Which is not really that bad of a thing because the thought of booking and writing a four hour PPV is not something I was really looking forward to doing.


I may still continue this diary until I get to that point but by the time I get to that point this diary section will look like a ghost town.


1. I thought it was fine LOL although I don't know what you had in mind... it still got the message across, I think.


2. I know exactly how you feel :o Hopefully writing for "ghosts" (does that make me a ghost writer? :rolleyes: ) doesn't get too boring :p

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Supreme TV Episode 17




Location: Sacramento, California

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 5.74

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.58

Overall Show Rating: 88


[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.]




[We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. Peter Michaels welcomes us to Supreme TV which is emanating live from Sacramento, California. We now see Peter Michaels who is sitting at the announcer’s table with the rest of the Supreme TV commentary team (Duane Fry and Anna Garcia). The three of them begin to discuss some of the matches that we shall see tonight, but that talk is soon interrupted by the O’ Jays’ song For the Love of Money.


Moments after the song began playing over the arena’s loud speaker the owner of the SWF, Richard Eisen, appears from behind the backstage curtain. He is showered with boos, and the occasional piece of garbage, as he walks down to the ring.


Upon entering the ring he asks the SWF ring announcer to give him a microphone. Once he gets a microphone he begins to speak in his trademark booming voice.]




Richard Eisen: Hello Sacramento and welcome to Supreme TV!


[There is a mixture of cheers and jeers over Richard Eisen’s first remarks of the night. Cheers because he mentioned Sacramento, jeers because he is Richard Eisen and the fans love to boo Richard Eisen. Richard could care less if he was cheered or booed; he just stood in the center of the ring with a broad smile on his face happy that he got any kind of reaction out of the fans.]




Richard Eisen: Last week I caved into the desires of the fans and made my son wrestle in a match. Well Sacramento that will not be the case tonight. You see, in just four short days my son is scheduled to defend his SWF World Heavyweight Championship against Jack Bruce at Welcome to the Jungle. Plus I really do not think a cow town dump like Sacramento should be allowed to see my son, who is a top notch athlete.


Therefore, I have decided not to risk him getting injured and so I have decided to give him the night off once again so that he will be as close to one hundred percent as possible when he defends his World Title at Welcome to the Jungle. After all I do have the Eisen legacy to protect…


[Deafening boos can be heard from the crowd in regards to Richard’s last comment.]




Richard Eisen: As for my son’s opponent at Welcome to the Jungle…well after the way Supreme TV ended last week, I have decided to put Jack into a tag match, you know just to get Jack ready to face my son and all. His tag team partner will be Bruce the Giant and they will be taking on the team of Marat Khoklov and Enforcer Roberts!


Now I know most of you fans would probably like to see Rich Money inserted into that match instead of Enforcer Roberts due to the fact that Rich took part in the beatdown of Jack Bruce last week. Well it give me great pleasure to tell you fans, you can’t always get what you want.


I know I usually pander to you the fans, because I truly hate to have my customers mad at me but I have other plans for Mister Money tonight. Therefore, he will not be participating in tonight’s tag team match. I am not going to discuss my plans for Rich just yet and you the fans will find out just who Rich will be facing later on.


Now without further ado, let’s get this show started!




Vengeance vs. Everest






  • To say that there was no selling go on in this match would be like saying the day sky is mostly blue.
  • Everest actually had the advantage during the opening minutes of the match; he even managed to get in a near fall on Vengeance.
  • It was apparent that the increasingly tired Everest was growing frustrated after every time Vengeance would kick out of a pin.
  • Everest lifted Vengeance up and slammed him onto the mat; he then nailed Vengeance with a Tidal Wave Splash.
  • After connecting with the Tidal Wave Splash it looked like that was going to be all she wrote for Vengeance as Everest pinned the man who hails from the Seventh Circle of Hell.
  • An Everest victory was not meant to be as Vengeance once again kicked out of the Everest pin.
  • Everest then stood up and started to admonish Referee Shane Stones for not counting quickly enough.
  • While Everest was talking to the referee, Vengeance sat directly up like Michael Meyers would do in a Halloween movie.
  • Everest did not see Vengeance get to his feet and so when he turned around to go after what he thought would be a Vengeance who was still lying down on the mat; he was shocked to have his throat grabbed by Vengeance.
  • Vengeance then lifted Everest up and choked slammed him down onto the mat.
  • After slamming Everest down to the mat Vengeance was able to pick him and pick him up, he did struggle, and finish Everest off with a Skull Krusher.


Winner: Vengeance

Time: 11:23

Match Rating: 68


[Vengeance’s music is blaring over the arena’s sound system as he stands in the center of the ring. It is at this point that Angry Gilmore enters the ring carrying a steel chair.


Gilmore sneaks up behind Vengeance and looks out at the crowd for a moment with a grin on his face. This momentary taunting of the crowd was a mistake on his part as Vengeance has now become aware of his presence and he grabs the chair that is in Gilmore’s hands.


The two men struggle with the chair for a moment before Vengeance is able to take the chair away from Gilmore. Now that Vengeance had the chair in his hands, he looked at Gilmore with his head titled to one side as Gilmore quickly started backing up towards the ropes. Gilmore looked like he was going to crap his pants as Vengeance slowly walked towards him.


Vengeance went to swing the chair at Gilmore but he missed him as Gilmore was able to get out of the ring before the chair could hit him. Gilmore then heads up the aisle way and when he gets halfway up the aisle he turns around and looks at Vengeance. He shouts out to Vengeance, “I am a real wrestler, I am no cartoon joke.”


After Gilmore finishes speaking the lights in the arena go out and for a few moments all one can see are the lights illuminating from various cellphone screens and the lit lighters in the crowd. When the lights come back on we see Vengeance with his right hand on Gilmore’s throat. Vengeance hoists Gilmore up and then choke slams him onto the cold hard arena floor.


The lights once again go out and when they come back on Vengeance is nowhere to be found. As the show heads into a commercial break, we see Gilmore lying on the arena floor as a team of medics rush to him to check on his condition.]


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that Marat Khoklov once beat an Orangutan by disqualification in a wrestling match that took place at the Moscow Zoo. The Orangutan was disqualified by the referee for throwing its poop at Marat.]


[After the Fun Fact graphic goes down we are taken to the office of SWF Owner Richard Eisen who is talking to Rich Money.]




Rich Money: You said earlier tonight that you had plans for me, I am kind of curious as to what exactly those plans entail.


[Richard gives Rich a broad smile and then pats Rich on his left shoulder.]




Richard Eisen: Well let me sate your curiosity Mister Money. I am sure you are probably well aware of the little hoops I have Christian Faith running through in order to earn the right to take part in the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal at Welcome to the Jungle…


[Rich nods his head yes.]




Richard Eisen: Well then I am sure that you are well aware of the fact that Christian has somehow, against all odd, been able to defeat everyone that I have put in his path. Obviously this has been a very distressing turn of events for no only myself but my son as well.


My plan for you tonight is I want you to take on Christian Faith in the main event. I want you to be the man who stops Christian dead in his tracks. I want you to beat him…I want him to be stopped. I want his soul crushed into a million pieces.


Under no circumstances do I want Christian Faith to pick up a victory tonight; I do not want him to take part in the Supreme Proving Ground. After all, I am well aware of the fact that he is the only person in the history of the Supreme Proving Ground to enter into the battle royal at number one and go onto win the entire thing.


Granted that was back in 1996 and he was much younger then, but I do know what just a little motivation can do for Christian and if he somehow makes it into that battle royal, I have a feeling that he will feed off of that motivation and that is not something I want to have happen…




Rich Money: You do not have to worry about a thing Mister Eisen; I shall put an end to him. There is no way he is going to earn the right to take part in the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal…and that is something that you can bank on.




Richard Eisen: Good, good…but I think I should give you a little extra motivation. If you are able to defeat Christian tonight I will allow you to enter into the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal at number thirty.


However, if you fail to beat him tonight and he, by some miracle, is able to beat you…well then that means you are going to be the second entrant in the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal…which I am sure is not a position you want to be in because entering the contest at number two is just as tough as entering in at number one. Don’t let me down Rich; I’m counting on you to stop him tonight.


[Rich just shakes his head in agreement as we head back to the ring for the next match of the evening.]




Captain Atomic vs. Remo






  • Remo dominated the early minutes of this match, using his overwhelming power to halt any offense that Captain Atomic threw at him.
  • This caused Remo to get very cocky and he soon started to toy with the Captain, instead of trying to put him away.
  • At one point Remo spent a couple of seconds just slapping Captain in the back of the head while the Captain laid face first on the mat.
  • Remo even broke up his own pin attempts in order to dish out more punishment to the Captain.
  • This overconfidence was not smart on the part of Remo as the Captain was somehow able to fight back and he even turned the tables on Remo.
  • With the momentum fully swinging the Captain’s way, Remo looked like he might actually lose this one.
  • Looks can be deceiving as Remo was soon able to regain control of the match and after Remo nailed Captain with a Destroyer that was all she wrote for the man from Three Mile Island.


Winner: Remo

Time: 11:18

Match Rating: 74


[it is now time to go to the backstage interview area where Supreme TV backstage correspondent Jerry Eisen is standing by with Bruce the Giant and Jack Bruce.]




Jerry Eisen: Jack last week Rich Money and Marat Khoklov brutally attacked you after your match against Marat, leaving you a bloody mess. Are you viewing tonight as your chance to get a measure of revenge against one of your assailants?




Jack Bruce: There is an old saying that goes a little something like this, before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. Well Marat I done dug two already and tonight I plan on getting some revenge against you.


I understand why you and Rich jumped me last week; Mister Eisen must have asked you to do so and by doing so I bet he was hoping you would weaken me so that I would not have a chance against his son at Welcome to the Jungle. Honestly Marat I do not begrudge you for doing that, you were only acting on orders.


I’m not saying that I am not pissed off about it, I’m not saying that Bruce and I aren’t going to go down to that ring tonight a beat the crap out of you and Enforcer Roberts…no I am just saying I understand why you did what you did. Tonight you will have to answer for it, ain’t that right Bruce…




Bruce the Giant: Marat, I truly feel bad for ya mate. You are just the world’s largest pawn; I mean your sole purpose here in the SWF is to hurt Eric Eisen’s opponents. It is almost as if ya don’t have any other meaning in life.


Well mate tonight we’re gonna have a good old fashion fight, but tonight is just gonna be that mate a fight…a skirmish if ya will. Sunday is when we’re going to have our real war and mate I can’t wait to prove to you and the rest of the SWF exactly who is the toughest giant in the SWF.




Jack Bruce: Jerry, Bruce…Sacramento…I just have one question for all of you. Are you ready to rock?


[bruce and Jerry shout out yes along with the fans in the arena. Jack smiles and nods his head in approval of them being ready to rock.]




Jack Bruce: Well then Sacramento, let’s rock!




Jack Bruce & Bruce the Giant vs. Marat Khoklov & Enforcer Roberts






  • From a technical standpoint this match had a lot to be desired, but that hardly mattered to the fans as they were into this match just based on who was in the ring.
  • The match started on the outside of the ring with Bruce the Giant and Marat brawling on one side of the ring and Jack and Roberts brawling on the other side of the ring.
  • Referee Ric Young tried to enforce some order but none of the four men in the match paid attention to him.
  • After a few minutes on the outside of the ring, Jack and Roberts made their way into the ring thus becoming the legal men in the match.
  • Jack was quickly on the offensive and it looked like it was going to be a rather quick victory for him and Bruce the Giant.
  • Looks can be deceiving however and that proved to be the case tonight because Jack found himself in the heels corner and that led to Marat and Roberts double teaming Jack.
  • The heels kept Jack in their corner for the next few minutes and it looked like all was lost for the former SWF World Heavyweight Champion as he seemed to have lost his will to fight back.
  • That was until the fans began chanting, “Let’s rock!”
  • Jack fed off the positive energy of the crowd and he began fighting back and he soon managed to fight his way out of the heels’ corner.
  • It was at this point that Jack tagged in the big man from Australia.
  • Bruce the Giant immediately threw the charging Enforcer Roberts out of his way.
  • It was at this point that Bruce the Giant allowed Roberts to tag Marat into the match.
  • The crowd went nuts as these two foreign behemoths tangled in the center of the ring.
  • Much like earlier in the match, the action spilled out onto the arena floor with all four men brawling at ringside.
  • Referee Ric Young began to slowly make his ten count and when nobody reentered the ring to break up said ten count, Ric had no other choice but to rule this match a double count-out as the four men continued to brawl at ringside.


Winners: None, Referee Ric Young ruled this match a double count-out.

Time: 11:30

Match Rating: 73


[Christian Faith is walking down a corridor in the backstage area, a man, perhaps a show producer, is heard asking Christian how he feels about his match tonight against Rich Money.]




Christian Faith: Rich Money, you and I have had our conflicts in the past. You’ve won some, I’ve won some. Tonight…well tonight’s gonna be a little different son. Cuz tonight you are the final obstacle in my way. If I beat you tonight son, I get a chance to take part in the Supreme Proving Ground.


Yeah I know I will be the first person going into that match, which means I’m gonna have to go through twenty-nine other men and last over sixty minutes in the match. But if it means I get another crack at the SWF World Title…well that is all the motivation I need to get through that match.


First things first though, tonight Rich I gotta go through you in order to earn my spot and that is exactly what I intend on doing. Cuz I have Faith in my ability to beat you and that is what I’m gonna to do tonight.


[Christian continues down the hallway as the show heads into a commercial break.]




Christian Faith vs. Rich Money






  • Rich Money went right after Christian, who was looking out at the crowd, before the bell even rang, pounding Christian’s in the back with his fists.
  • This helped Rich take control of the match early.
  • As all of his opponents over the past month have done, Rich went to work on Christian’s left knee.
  • Rich was relentless on his attack of Christian’s left knee as he knew that by doing damage to Christian’s knee, it would keep Christian grounded and therefore less likely to attempt a Leap of Faith.
  • Christian would have short bursts of time where it looked like he was going to go on the offensive but those short bursts were quickly shot down because he simply did not have a lot of power in his left leg to even stand for any length of time.
  • Rich kept on going back to attacking Christian’s left knee every chance that he could, knowing that if he were to let up for even a second Christian would somehow find a way to make a comeback.
  • Rich covered Christian for his first pin attempt of the night and Christian kicked out before Referee Darren Smith could count to three.
  • A pissed off Rich stood up and yelled at Christian, “Why won’t you just give up!”
  • Rich then proceeded to kick Christian in the ribs repeatedly, just out of a combination of sheer anger and frustration.
  • The fans begin to chant, “Faith! Faith! Faith!”
  • The fans’ chanting causes Rich to get even more violent on Christian’s knee, as he drags Christian over to a corner, he then takes Christian’s left leg and proceeds to ram it into the ring post a couple of times.
  • This causes Christian to cry out in agony, which causes Rich to smile.
  • The fans soon begin to alternate between chanting, “Faith! Faith! Faith!” and “Here we go Christian, her we go.”
  • Once the fans begin the alternating chants the hobbled Christian begins to mount a comeback.
  • Somehow, someway Christian is able to fight back and he is now on the offense despite having only one leg to stand on.
  • It is at this point that Christian sends Rich into the ropes and when Rich come back towards Christian, Christian nails Rich with a cross body block which knocks Rich down onto the mat.
  • Christian then gingerly stands up and looks at the corner of the ring, the majority of the fans can be heard yelling “No” at Christian as they are fully aware of what he is thinking of doing.
  • Christian very slowly climbs up the top rope as Rich still lies on the mat motionless.
  • Upon getting to the top rope, Christian yells out, “Eric I’m coming for you son!”
  • Christian then proceeds to jump off the top rope and nail Rich with a Leap of Faith.
  • He then covers Rich for the pin and the victory!


Winner: Christian Faith

Time: 22:30

Match Rating: 94


[After the match is done, Christian slowly rises to his feet as Referee Darren Smith raises Christian’s hand in victory. The crowd soon begins chanting, “Faith! Faith! Faith!” and we see a little girl in the audience holding up a sign that says, “I still have Faith!”


Christian limps over to where one of the ring attendants is standing and he asks her for a microphone, once he gets the microphone he begins to speak.]




Christian Faith: I just want to thank every and every one of you fans out there for sticking by me cuz I couldn’t have done it without all y’all. This just ain’t a win for me…nah…this is a win for us all. Now I’m gonna just have to go to Welcome to the Jungle and kick the ass of twenty-nine other men, but I’ve been there, done that…after all there is a reason why they call me the Iron Man…


[before Christian can finish speaking, Rich Money nails Christian in the back with a vicious forearm. He then kicks Christian in the left knee which causes Christian to fall to the mat in pain. Rich then begins to lay the boots to Christian and moments later Marat Khoklov and Enforce Roberts join Rich in the assault.


This three on one advantage only lasts for a few seconds as Jack Bruce and Bruce the Giant come down to the ring to aid their friend. The SWF World Champion Eric Eisen walks out onto the ramp where the wrester’s come out from the backstage area. He stands at the center of the ramp with a huge smile on his face while this massive brawl is going on in the ring.


He looks directly into the camera and says, “I am loving this! 2010 is truly the year of Eric Eisen!” He then pats his world title, which is slung over his right shoulder, as the show fades to black.]





2. I know exactly how you feel :o Hopefully writing for "ghosts" (does that make me a ghost writer? :rolleyes: ) doesn't get too boring :p


I assume when TEW13 comes out Adam will offer us the chance to take our diaries over to that section, he did it when TEW10 came out. So you could always bring it over there once it opens up.


Never seen Saints Row the 3rd but i thought it was great having Marat speak English, the perfect surprise to end out a show. I like a Sports Entertainment show with a surprise ending .. Hard to keep coming up with them though isn't it!?


Saints Row the 3rd is a pretty decent video game for X-Box 360 and I think the PS3 (I only have the 360 so I do not pay attention to what does and does not come out on PS3.). I enjoy the second game of the Saints Row series much more than the third one but the third one is still pretty good. It is more or less a clone of GTA but it is much more cartoonish than GTA.




Post-Show Thoughts:


1. I did not realize that the SWF Referee's name is Darren Smith. For some odd reason I had him down as Darren Williams and so I have been calling him that for probably this entire diary. Oh well just another stupid mistake (One of many.) on my part...


2. It amazes me just how much of an impact a good main event can have over the entire show. I mean the lowercard matches on this show had dog crap ratings. I thought for sure the tag match would rate out higher due to who was in the match but it simply was not the case.


Some of the angles rated out pretty good as well, which hardly ever happens. I usually get the bad angle note at the end of every show. For this show there is no question the main event saved it and if this was a non-diary game I would be spamming the hell out of that main event.:D


3. Now that we know that Christian Faith is going to be the first man to enter into the Supreme Proving Ground battle royal and Rich Money is going to be the second man to enter, I was thinking about letting you the readers decide who was going to be coming into the match from the third spot till the tenth spot (Wow that does not read well, I just hope people get what I am trying to say here.).


Anyway, I will be posting a poll on here in the next couple of days and I will give you the name of ten wrestlers who will be in the battle royal. You the readers will then choose when eight out of those ten wrestlers will enter the battle royal.


This is a purely cosmetic move on my part as we cannot decide the order and even if we could I have already simulated the show. Anyway, I have one more Uprising show to right before Welcome to the Jungle so I will stick the poll up sometime over the next couple of days and whoever wants to vote can.


4. One more thing while I am thinking about it, I would just like everyone for helping this get to the 20,000 view mark. Every time I do a diary that is always one of my personal goals to reach, I know that might sound lame but it is the truth. So thank you to everyone who has read this and yes that means the spambots as well, Undunk rules.

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Post-Show Thoughts:


1. I did not realize that the SWF Referee's name is Darren Smith. For some odd reason I had him down as Darren Williams and so I have been calling him that for probably this entire diary. Oh well just another stupid mistake (One of many.) on my part...


2. if this was a non-diary game I would be spamming the hell out of that main event.:D


3. This is a purley cosmetic move on my part as we cannot decided the order and even if we could I have already simulated the show.


1. Well you can always say you changed his name :p


2. Was that the highest you've ever gotten in SWF? I know RIPW sucks balls, so I didn't bother asking :rolleyes:


3. LOL at the typo and the entire sentence :D


4. I like the feuds you have-- the lower card with the crazy gimmicks, and the main event with the more realistic and straightforward stories.

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Well this is sort of a cheap bump but my diary was on top and I decided to make the poll now while I was thinking about it. So here it is and remember not everyone will get picked in this poll.


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1. Well you can always say you changed his name :p


2. Was that the highest you've ever gotten in SWF? I know RIPW sucks balls, so I didn't bother asking :rolleyes:


3. LOL at the typo and the entire sentence :D


4. I like the feuds you have-- the lower card with the crazy gimmicks, and the main event with the more realistic and straightforward stories.


Yeah I made a ton of typos in that last post. I have fixed some of them but knowing me I am sure there are a lot more that need to be fixed. I do know how to spell wrestler...I think...:o:p


As far as the highest rating I ever got, well remember this is a two save diary and I do not have the original save because my old computer died. If you want to know what kind of ratings I got during the previous save you would have to check out the first five or six shows in this diary.


As far as this save is concerned my user stats tab is telling me it was the last main event between Rich Money and Christian Faith which got a 94. It just beat out the Eric Eisen/Jack Bruce match at Nothing to Lose (which received a 93 rating.).

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Ah, well then, highest TV match? :p 'Cause I remember like low 80's and high 70's for most of your early matches :D


BTW, there are ten wrestlers and only 8 spots, so I didn't include Squeeky McClean and Joe Sexy (although I guess it doesn't matter)


EDIT: and is it really a cheap 'bump' if your diary was still on the top? :rolleyes:

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Ah, well then, highest TV match? :p 'Cause I remember like low 80's and high 70's for most of your early matches :D


BTW, there are ten wrestlers and only 8 spots, so I didn't include Squeeky McClean and Joe Sexy (although I guess it doesn't matter)


EDIT: and is it really a cheap 'bump' if your diary was still on the top? :rolleyes:


The highest TV match was the Money/Faith match I just held on the last show.


As far as the eight spots, I wrote this previously:


Anyway, I will be posting a poll on here in the next couple of days and I will give you the names of ten wrestlers who will be in the battle royal. You the readers will then choose when eight out of those ten wrestlers will enter the battle royal.


The reason for this is I wanted to give people the more options to pick from, therefore there will be two guys that do not get picked.


Well this post is a cheap bump of sorts I suppose but the previous one was not. However, it could have been when I posted it because I had no clue if someone had posted by the time I had posted.:p

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Supreme Uprising Episode 10




Location: Stockton, California

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.46

Overall Show Rating: 64




[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]




[We start the show off at the announcer’s desk where Jerry Eisen and Alex Braun are seated. The two of them give us a rundown of the matches that will take place on tonight’s show.]


[before Jerry and Alex can finish their introduction they are interrupted by the owner of the SWF Richard Eisen who has just entered the ring.]




Richard Eisen: I’ve come out here tonight to address what is happening in our tag team division. Currently there are two teams who think it is their right to challenge our champions for the gold. The first team got their asses handed to them last month by the tag team champions at last month’s pay-per-view. I am not sure if I feel right allowing them to fight for the titles once again because they have had their chance.


Now the second team has a manager…or whatever the hell he is supposed to be…let’s just call him a manager. The second team has a manager who has accused me and the rest of my staff of being racists. I have been called a lot of things in my life and most of the time people are right to refer to me with derogatory names.


However, I have never been called a racist in my entire life and frankly I am pissed off about being called one. I do not appreciate someone trying to bait me into doing something for them.


In my opinion, neither of these two teams are worthy enough to challenge for the titles. In fact, I was content with not having the championships defended at all at Welcome to the Jungle.


However, after last week’s brawl I have changed my mind and it was mostly because Valiant and Jack have demanded retribution against the two teams that attacked them last week. I have decided to have the tag team champions Electric Law defend their tittles against the Pain Alliance and the Samoan Wildboyz at Welcome to the Jungle.


To get all six men ready for this match I have decided that tonight Kid Toma, Jack Giedroyc, and Big Smack Scott will face-off against each other in one elimination match and in a second elimination match will see Kurt Laramee, Akima Brave, and Valiant face-off against each other. I say if these six want at each other so badly…well then they are more than welcome to beat the ever living crap out of each other.




Sgt. Barrowman vs. Paul Huntingdon




Sgt. Barrowman defeated Paul Huntingdon by disqualification when Brandon James attacked Sgt. Barrowman in front of Referee Darren Smith.


Time: 4:04

Match Rating: 54


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Valiant.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AkimaBrave.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Streetz.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KurtLaramee.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Valiant with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. Akima Brave with Acee L. Lou vs. Kurt Laramee with Emma Chase




Kurt Laramee defeated Akima Brave and Valiant. Akima was the first to be eliminated in the match after Valiant put him away with his finisher the V-Split. Kurt picked up the victory after he eliminated Valiant by slamming him to the mat with a Switchblade Powerslam.


Time: 12:25

Match Rating: 66


[As Jerry and Alex discuss our next match of the evening, Jerry gets word that Brandon James and Sgt. Barrowman are brawling in the back. Jerry informs us that we are going to go to the back to see what is going on.


The brawl is already in full swing and Sgt. Barrowman is bleeding from a cut on his forehead. Brandon takes Barrowman and shoves him into a soda machine. Brandon then repeatedly rams Barrowman’s head into said soda machine. A quick elbow by Barrowman, to Brandon’s gut, causes Brandon to back away from Barrowman.


Barrowman then goes on the offensive as he now tosses Brandon into the soda machine. Both men continue this brawl for a few more minutes until a team of SWF Security separates them. They do not stay separated for long as Barrowman manages to break free and he then charges directly at the North American Champion. Finally, the SWF Security force is able to get these two away from each other as we head into the next commercial break.]


[it is now time to go to the backstage interview area where Supreme Uprising’s backstage correspondent Hannah is standing y with Runaway Train and Everest.]




Hannah: Runaway Train tonight you and Everest are going to be taken on your daughter’s boyfriend Gregory Black and American Machine. Do you have any sort of trepidations over stepping into to the ring with your daughter’s boyfriend?


[Train shoots Hannah a menacing look before he beings to speak.]




Runaway Train: Greg Black, last week you had the nerve to come at me in the ring. You had to play the hero and save poor little James Michael. There was a time when nobody would even think about coming down to the ring to attack me and you see that is why I have a huge problem with you.


Yes I don’t think your good enough to be with my daughter but then no man is good enough for my kitten. The real problem between me and you is your total lack of respect towards me. I am a former SWF World Heavyweight Champion, it used to be that when people heard my name they would run in the opposite direction.


However, now that I am a bit older young punks like you do not think that they have to respect me. You and your generation think I am some sort of relic. Well Gregory Black tonight I am just going to have to beat the respect into you and I brought along a friend to help me inflict pain on you.




Everest: That’s right Train, it is about time these young pups know that the big dogs are still running this block and that we should be respected. Tonight Greg Black and American Machine are going to learn that it is in their best interest to respect their elders.




Cowboy Roy Hickok vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia


[Prior to the start of the match John Greed came down to ringside with a sign that read, “I still believe you can be saved but only if you let me try.”]




F.A. Garcia defeated Cowboy Roy Hickok, after F.A. took Roy down with his finisher Romeo is Bleeding.


Time: 8:22

Match Rating: 64


[Once the match was done John Greed entered the ring and cracked Frederique in the back with his protest sign. He then continued to hit Frederique with the sign until Death Row (Knuckles and Shady K) came running down to the ring to save Frederique. John, realizing that he could not take on Death Row even if he was wielding a weapon, jumped out of the ring and ran to the backstage area as Knuckles and Shady K checked on the condition of Frederique.]


[upon returning from the commercial break, we are taken to Richard Eisen’s office. Richard is talking to Marc DuBois.]




Marc DuBois: Mister Eisen, as you know I have the utmost respect for you. I must say that I am very happy that you have given me the opportunity to have some high profile matches over the past couple of weeks. I have asked you to challenge me and you have delivered…


[Richard smiles at Marc and nods his head, before interrupting him.]




Richard Eisen: Look Marc, here in the SWF flattery will get you everywhere. That being said, although I appreciate what you are saying about me…I am less appreciative of the fact that you have not won any of your matches in the last three weeks.


I am a businessman Marc and it is my job to market you…my product. However, you have not been the most marketable product on my roster over the last few weeks. You said you were ready to hang with the elite of the SWF and so I put you into matches against Vengeance, Christian Faith, and Marat.


Yet you did not even come close to beating any of them. Marc…I going to be blunt with you right now I just do not think you are ready for the primetime. You have all of the potential in the world but right now you still need to show me that you are ready to take that next step and so far all you have done is hype yourself. You have yet to deliver on that hype.


One cannot live on potential for the rest of their career. There comes a point in one’s career where they either make it or they do not. You are rapidly approaching that point in your career Marc and quite frankly I am just not sure if you are going to make it…


[Marc does not like Richard’s assessment of his career and he looks bitterly at his boss.]




Marc DuBois: I assure you Mister Eisen, I am the future of your company and tonight I aim to prove it. I am willing to face anyone that you want tonight, just to prove why I am the Prodigy of the SWF.


[Richard stands silent for a moment as he thinks of a suitable opponent for Marc to face tonight.]




Richard Eisen: Okay you want to fight someone tonight…how about you face off against Joe Sexy.


[Marc smiles and nods his head yes.]




Marc DuBois: It will be my pleasure to take on and beat Joe Sexy tonight Mister Eisen. I just want you and the fans to watch closely because tonight a star will be born here in the SWF.


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigSmackScott.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KidToma.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Streetz.jpg


Jack Giedroyc with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. Big Smack Scott with Emma Chase vs. Kid Toma with Acee L. Lou




Jack Giedroyc defeated Kid Toma and Big Smack Scott. Kid Toma was the first eliminated from the match after Jack brought him down via his finishing move Crashing On. Jack then went on to secure the victory after he took Scott down via his finishing move Crashing On, he then pinned Scott for the victory.


Time: 9:44

Match Rating: 59


[it is now once again time to head to the backstage area where SWF Uprising backstage correspondent Hannah is standing by with Marc DuBois.]




Hannah: Marc Doo Boys, you have recently been on a mini losing streak. Do you think you will be able to snap that losing streak tonight when you face off against Joe Sexy?


[Marc shoots Hannah a dirty look; he then rolls his eyes as he begins to speak.]




Marc DuBois: I am not even sure if I should bother answering your question if you cannot be bothered to correctly learn how to pronounce my last name. My last name is pronounced DooBwah not Doo Boys. It amazes me how someone as stupid as you is able to keep your job. You must be…friendly with someone in the front office…


[Hannah coldly stares at Marc for a moment before she yells at him.]




Hannah: Screw you…I don’t have to take your sexist crap…


[Hannah then shoves the microphone into Marc’s hands and she walks out of the interview area. Marc smiles at the camera before he continues to speak.]




Marc DuBois: Stupid Americans, they are always getting offended by the smallest of slights. Anyway, now that, that twit is gone I can address why I am here.


Joe Sexy you are nothing but a washed up bum who stands no chance of defeating me tonight. I have had a bit of a rough patch in recent weeks and Mister Eisen says that he thinks I am nothing but a guy who will not live up to the abilities I was born with.


Well tonight I will prove to Mister Eisen that I am the future of this company. I will show him why in the near future I will be headlining every Supreme Challenge for the next decade. Tonight I will prove why I am a legend in the making…a future SWF World Heavyweight Champion.


Tonight I shall prove why I am the Prodigy!


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AmericanMachine_alt.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/GrouchoBling-1.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/LisaBowen.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Everest.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RunawayTrain.jpg


American Machine & Gregory Black with Lisa Bowen vs. Everest & Runaway Train




The match between these two teams ended in a double count out after neither team was able to return to the ring before Referee Ric Young counted to ten.

Time: 6:56

Match Rating: 55




Joe Sexy vs. Marc DuBois




In a match where there was a definite lack of psychology on display, Joe Sexy defeated Marc DuBois, after Joe put Marc down via the One Night Stand.


Time: 10:12

Match Rating: 74





Post-Show Thoughts:


1. I just want to thank everyone who has voted in the Supreme Proving Ground poll. Speaking of which, I know I made a typo in the thing...but I am too lazy to fix it.


2. I really wish photobucket would work better for me. It would not take me an hour to post my shows if photobucket would actually not freeze when I was on there. It does it every time, I am not sure if it is my computer or what but it is highly annoying.


3. The next show might be the last show for this diary. I am not sure if that is the case or not. Part of me wants to finish one game year in the SWF but I have no clue how long that will take me to do.


One of the main reasons for not wanting to kill this diary is because it gets a high view count. Neither one of my wrestling diaries before this ever saw the numbers that this diary has pulled in and while the view count could be high due to spambots, I would like to think that part of that number is due to it having a decent following.


I know that when TEW10 came out Adam offered to transfer any diary from TEW08 over to the TEW10 diary section. If he does that again, I might consider trying to finish the year out.


I am not sure if I will do a diary for TEW13 or not, simply because I find the urge to be on this site not as strong as it once was. I used to be on here a lot because of the Mafia games but now that they seem to be on their final leg, there really is not much of a point of me spending a ton of time on here.

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3. The next show might be the last show for this diary. I am not sure if that is the case or not. Part of me wants to finish one game year in the SWF but I have no clue how long that will take me to do.


One of the main reasons for not wanting to kill this diary is because it gets a high view count. Neither one of my wrestling diaries before this ever saw the numbers that this diary has pulled in and while the view count could be high due to spambots, I would like to think that part of that number is due to it having a decent following.


I know that when TEW10 came out Adam offered to transfer any diary from TEW08 over to the TEW10 diary section. If he does that again, I might consider trying to finish the year out.


I am not sure if I will do a diary for TEW13 or not, simply because I find the urge to be on this site not as strong as it once was. I used to be on here a lot because of the Mafia games but now that they seem to be on their final leg, there really is not much of a point of me spending a ton of time on here.


I sincerely hope that this isn't the case. Maybe the writing bug bites you and you go on a spree? (Hey, a guy can hope :D )


I do like your writing style and it seems as if you've got an overall story you still want to tell, and it's a shame if you end it :(

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Post-Show Thoughts:


1. I just want to thank everyone who has voted in the Supreme Proving Ground poll. Speaking of which, I know I made a typo in the thing...but I am too lazy to fix it.


2. I really wish photobucket would work better for me. It would not take me an hour to post my shows if photobucket would actually not freeze when I was on there. It does it every time, I am not sure if it is my computer or what but it is highly annoying.


3. The next show might be the last show for this diary. I am not sure if that is the case or not. Part of me wants to finish one game year in the SWF but I have no clue how long that will take me to do.


One of the main reasons for not wanting to kill this diary is because it gets a high view count. Neither one of my wrestling diaries before this ever saw the numbers that this diary has pulled in and while the view count could be high due to spambots, I would like to think that part of that number is due to it having a decent following.


I know that when TEW10 came out Adam offered to transfer any diary from TEW08 over to the TEW10 diary section. If he does that again, I might consider trying to finish the year out.


I am not sure if I will do a diary for TEW13 or not, simply because I find the urge to be on this site not as strong as it once was. I used to be on here a lot because of the Mafia games but now that they seem to be on their final leg, there really is not much of a point of me spending a ton of time on here.


2. Photobucket sucks, i seem to have a problem with it at times where it doesn't allow me to go page to page for my pics and just jumps back to page 1 everytime (ok so only adds a few seconds but when you think it does that for every pic it adds up and has stopped me having the time posting any shows myself lately - Just haven't got the time).


3. It would be good to see you finish the year but i know if it doesn't get transfered into the TEW13 section you will be writing to a ghost town.


I hope you change your mind, or that you are atleast around to check in on some dynasties etc. I'm not even sure what mafia games are (and i'v been on these forums for years) so if i'v never seen them i can see why they could be dwindling .. What are they?

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Mafia games in their prime were a wonderful display of camaraderie and teamwork. I'm saddened by your words BHK as you were a good person to talk to, and I've always enjoyed your work.

That's interesting, but as a non-mafia-gamer, what is the problem? People don't play them anymore? Or something else is gonig on?

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I sincerely hope that this isn't the case. Maybe the writing bug bites you and you go on a spree? (Hey, a guy can hope :D )


I do like your writing style and it seems as if you've got an overall story you still want to tell, and it's a shame if you end it :(


I really only have a strong idea of what I want to have happen up until Supreme Challenge. After that I am not sure what I want to do, I have an idea of what is going to have happen with the North American and World Titles but other than that I really do not have an overall story that I want to tell.


What's wrong with the Mafia games?


Pretty much what MichganHero said. There are not enough new players down there and the people who do play the games do not actually post much. In order for Mafia games to be fun people actually have to post in them.


2. Photobucket sucks, i seem to have a problem with it at times where it doesn't allow me to go page to page for my pics and just jumps back to page 1 everytime (ok so only adds a few seconds but when you think it does that for every pic it adds up and has stopped me having the time posting any shows myself lately - Just haven't got the time).


3. It would be good to see you finish the year but i know if it doesn't get transfered into the TEW13 section you will be writing to a ghost town.


I hope you change your mind, or that you are atleast around to check in on some dynasties etc. I'm not even sure what mafia games are (and i'v been on these forums for years) so if i'v never seen them i can see why they could be dwindling .. What are they?


Yeah Photobucket does the same to me. What happens to me a lot is when I go to link the photos to this site, the pictures and the code sort of ghost out (The pictures and the code turn white and I am not able to capture the code to put on here.). I find myself leaving that site four or five times over the course of trying to post a show on here.


Well unless I get kicked off the site, I doubt I will ever not come on here to read and pick in diaries. It is just I will probably come on here less often.


The mafia games are located at the very bottom of the site. I think a lot of posters do not know that they are down there which could be a reason why nobody new ever plays down there.:D

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Pretty much what MichganHero said. There are not enough new players down there and the people who do play the games do not actually post much. In order for Mafia games to be fun people actually have to post in them.


Well unless I get kicked off the site, I doubt I will ever not come on here to read and pick in diaries. It is just I will probably come on here less often.


The mafia games are located at the very bottom of the site. I think a lot of posters do not know that they are down there which could be a reason why nobody new ever plays down there.:D

If you ask me, activity in general is slowing down on the boards overall. Haven't you noticed the amount of diaries, especially QUALITY diaries that are updated consistently, have gone down? This isn't because the current batch of newer diarists are bad, but the overall amount of diarists have gone down, especially the more experienced ones.


Besides, I hope the new changes in TEW 2013 will reignite certain veteran diarists' passions to write again. The already announced changes makes certain gameplay styles more viable.

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Supreme Proving Ground History:


The event is based on the traditional Battle Royal, meaning that the competitors in the match must eliminate their opponents by throwing them over the top rope, each participant that goes over the top rope must have both feet hit the ground in order to be considered eliminated from the match.


How the Supreme Proving Ground differs from a traditional Battle Royal, is that the entrants into the Proving Ground do not enter into the match all at once. Instead, the participants in the match are assigned their entry numbers, usually via a lottery, prior to the start of the match. The match begins with the two wrestlers who drew numbers one and two, with the remaining wrestlers in the match entering into the match at regular timed intervals (Usually two minutes), according to their entry number. These rules are credited to former SWF Road Agent Kevin Rogan.


The Supreme Proving Ground Battle Royal first took place on an episode SWF Tuesday Night Fights (The predecessor of Supreme TV.) and featured only twenty combatants. The first winner of the Supreme Proving Ground Battle Royal was Tito Bumfhole. The first and second Supreme Proving Ground Battle Royals featured mainly mid and lower card wrestlers. At the time, it was used as a way to showcase some of the aging veterans and younger prospects on the SWF roster.


The 1988 Proving Ground was the first one to feature members of the SWF main event. Sam Strong picked up an impressive Proving Ground win that year when he eliminated Dread to win the match. In 1990 the Proving Ground Battle Royal was broadcasted as a pay-per-view event for the first time. The event was called The Supreme Proving Ground 1990: This Time it Means Something.


The reason for why the pay-per-view was named this was because this was the first Proving Ground where the winner of the battle royal was granted the right to challenge the SWF World Heavyweight Champion in the main event at the Supreme Challenge. Sam Strong was the first winner to earn that right but he was unable to defeat the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Rip Chord at the Supreme Challenge. Since this stipulation has been in place only Sam Keith in 1997, has won the Proving Ground and then has gone onto win his match at the Supreme Challenge (Thus winning the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.). Therefore, it is hardly viewed upon as a guarantee that the winner of the Proving Ground will walk out of the Supreme Challenge as the SWF World Champion.


In 2000, Richard Eisen decided to change the name of Supreme Proving Ground pay-per-view as he felt the name had gotten stale. The pay-per-view’s name was changed to Welcome to the Jungle.


Facts about the Supreme Proving Ground:













  • Note this history is not canon; it is the history of my SWF Diary. So for the people who like to nitpick over every little detail, please do not because chances are I will not react to your post.
  • I would also like to give credit to Derek B. and the makers of That 70’s Mod for creating the names of some of the above listed characters.
  • Yes I did paraphrase my write-up from the Wikipedia article about the Royal Rumble.
  • To all of my fellow Americans, have a happy Thanksgiving. To all of my international readers, have a happy…Thursday…:D
  • Also, I just wanted to say that I am still working on the pay-per-view but the Proving Ground match is proving to be tough to write. I have spent the last week writing it (A few minutes here a few minutes there.) and I have not even touched the rest of the card yet. So for anyone looking for a timetable as to when the next show will go up, well your guess is as good as mine.
  • Dread should be listed in the final four chart as well but I forgt to do so and that graphic is already saved and I do not feel like going back to just change one thing.
  • Yes I know that there are some odd names on that list. The way I look at it is that they were wrestlers that the SWF was hoping to push and for one reason or another things did not work out for those wrestlers.

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