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WWE 12 - Where it all begins again...

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This is my first attempt at diary with TEW 2010, (and only the secon overall on GDS) so my ultimate goal here is to learn how to do a good diary. I intend to please my readers as much as i can, but at the same time, not forfeiting my principles. So...here it comes, let the hype begin!



Shawn Michaels 82 Proudly Presents: WWE 2012..where it all begins again!



Chapter 1: Where we meet Andy Ray, a young man that might be a lot more than he looks like.


The year...2011...July 15, the place...some bar in Las Vegas.


"I never thought i'd comeback...not with that guy running the company...not with those roid pricks like Cena having the main spots. That's why i left in the first place.... And now...he just asks me to come back??? Like nothing happened? What an idiot! I really should think about this proposal...I mean...do i really have anything better to do? Sure, i love writing books...but wrestling...oh GOD!!! I love that business. I guess i need to sleep over it. But damn...i miss those days, don't i? The wrestling days...I really need to sleep about this..."


10 years earlier:


- Oh my god...he may just do it...he may just do it again! The Heartless is preparing to fly!

- Oh my God king! Do you feel the faith???

- Yes, yes...he's going to the turnbuckle!!! And there it is..."Leap of Faith!" The Heartless does it again! He's the champion, He's the champion again! The youngest world champion ever in the WWF has done it again! Amazing!



Back to July 15:


"Can i really do this??? I mean...i know i can but...hell, i gotta go call Stephie. Or meet her! She always knows what to say."

And our hero, (whom by now you must have realized it's the Andy Ray mentioned on chapter 1) storms out of the bar and enters his car. He knows he has a decision to make...but it is one that could change Sports Entertainement as we know it! The future of the business may be on his hands....what can he do?


(Chapter 1 will continue soon...real soon, on a theater near you! :D )

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Chapter 1: Where we meet Andy Ray, a young man that might be a lot more than he looks like. - Part 2



July 15 2011, later taht night - Stephanie McMahon's house.


Andy Ray: Hey sis, how you doing?


Stephie: I sure as hell miss you. What have you been doing? I haven't seen you since last wrestlemania.


Andy Ray: Look, baby, let's cut the crap, i need to know! Whas this your idea, Vinces, or Hunter's?


Stephie: It's his idea...my dad's. And i'm pretty sure he just wants to let bygones be bygones. Afterall, you're like the sone he never had....er... you're like a son to him! He always love you.


Andy Ray: Jesus Christ! And you still wonder why Shane left? Dear God! Look...anyway... i need some time. It's been a long time since he and i talked about business...almost a freakin' decade...and he suddenly calls me out of the blue to run the company? After the way i left back in 2004? I know he holds a grudge on that one...even if he sees me as a son.


Stephie: Baby...i just think he want you back in the company....he misses working with you, seeing you every day... Like i said, you're like a son to him. The man practically raised you. To me, you're my brother. I don't think daddy sees it any other way. I think you should at least here what he has to say, Andy.


Andy Ray: Sure, sis. Easier said than done! But i guess you're right...as always! So, you, Hunter, Shawn, Rebecca, me and Trish still stand for next week?


Stephie: Sure. And i think you don't need to call Paul by his ring name... YOu guys are always doing that to each other. You, him, Shawn! Damn!


Andy Ray: You know how it works, you were raised in this business! You shouldn't even be surprised by now. Look, thanks for your advice, even if it was a short one, cause i got to go... Maybe i'll talk to him soon.... And...hey! If i do accept the job...first thing i will do is....firing you!


Andy Ray and Stephie laugh for a while, and after a few hugs and kisses, (brotherly style, of course) our hero leaves... He is still not certain of what he will do. But he's pretty sure that it was that damn radio interview that brought all of this on him. But is the "all of this" good or bad? He was close to an answer. More close than he could ever imagine! Okay...maybe not that close! :D

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Raw SuperShow Roster:


Main Eventers:


Face: CM Punk; John Cena; The Rock.


Heel: Alberto Del Rio; Dolph Ziggler (Managed by Vickie Guerrero); Kane; R-Truth; The Miz; Chris Jericho.



Upper Midcarders:


Face: Alex Riley; Kofi Kingston; Santino Marella; The Big Show.


Heel: David Otunga.





Face: Evan Bourne; Mason Ryan; Michael McGillicutty.


Heel: Drew McIntyre; Jack Swagger (By Vickie Guerrero); Primo (By Rosa Mendes).



Lower Midcarders:

Face: Currently None.


Heel: Epico (Manage by Rosa Mendes).





Face: Currently None.


Heel: Skip Sheffield.



Enhancement Talent:


Face: Currently None.


Heel: Currently None.



General Manager: John Laurinaitis.

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Smackdown! Roster:


Main Eventers:


Face: Sheamus; Undertaker; Zack Ryder.


Heel: None currently.



Upper Midcarders:


Face: Daniel Bryan.


Heel: Cody Rhodes; Heath Slater; Mark Henry; Wade Barrett.





Face: Ezekiel Jackson; Justin Gabriel; Ted Dibiase; Trent Baretta.


Heel: Hunico (Managed by Camacho); Jinder Mahal; Tyson Kidd.



Lower Midcarders:


Face: Currently None.


Heel: Brodus Clay.





Face: Currently None.

Heel: Currently None.



Enhancement Talent:


Face: Currently None.


Heel: Camacho.


General Manager: Theodore Long.

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NXT & Womens's Division.






Face: Currently None.


Heel: Darren Young:



Lower Midcarders:


Face: Derrick Bateman; Jey Uso; Jimmy Uso.


Heel: Johnny Curtis; Tyler Reks.




Face: Percy Watson; Titus O’Neill; Yoshi Tatsu.


Heel: Curt Hawkins;



Enhancement Talent:


Face: Currently None.


Heel: JTG (By Tamina).



Women's Division:


Face: AJ (SD!); Alicia Fox (SD!); Eve (Raw); Kaitlyn (SD!); Kelly Kelly (RAW).


Heel: Beth Phoenix (RAW); Brie Bella & Nikki Bella (RAW); Natalya Neidhart (SD!) Rosa Mendes (Manages Primo & Epico – Raw); Tamina (Manages JTG -NXT).


(The brands associated with each women are the brands to where each is originally assigned.)

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WWE Champion: CM Punk


WWE US Champion: Jack Swagger






World Heavyweight CHampion: Daniel Bryan


WWE Intercontinental Champion: Cody Rhodes





WWE World Tag Team Champions: Air Boom (Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston)


WWE Diva's Champion: Beth Phoenix








Christian - 21 days (Available for Angles) - Injured foot.


Randy Orton - 5 months (Available for surgery) Spinal Disc in back.


Kharma - Pregnancy - 5 months.


Layla - 3 months - Thorn ACL


Rey Mysterio - 4 months - Shattered Knee.


Sin Cara - 6 months - Thorn Quadriceps

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Feel free to give your comments and opinions so far.


SOme of my questions are:


1: What did you think of the concept?

2: Does it look interesting enough to be worth reading again?

3: Does this whole mistery and secrecy and flashbacks and such is helping to involve you in the sentiment of the storyline, or not really?

4: Do you plan (or imagine yourself) on following this diary based in the concept i presented so far? If so, why? If not, why not?


Thanks in advance for all the answers.

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Ok, so i reserved those post because i might need them, though i'm not sure yet how they will be used. I have some plans. But for now...let's continue our tour...


Chapter 2: Epic Proportions!




King: Oh My God! Did you see that, J.R.? Triple H just ripped off his head with that clothesline...By God, The Heartless is on the floor....


JR: But here comes Michaels, going offensive, and look at him going! Inverted atomic drop, and the scoop slam...Triple H is down! We all know what's coming next!


King: Oh yeah! Michaels is at the turnbuckle...there's a big elbow drop on the way! He's gonna do it, J.R. Shaw Michaels may be moments away to secure the most coveted prize in sports entertainement...he might be seconds away....


JR: Wait...The Heartless is back on, and down goes Michaels, pushed down by the heartless! Michaels is down! Michaels is down! And Tripe H is getting back on his feet! This match has turned into caos!


King: And what a match!!!



December 22, 2011:


"I can still remember that night...what a night! Me, Hunter, Shawn... We made one hell of a Wrestlemania 20 main event...but what was the point? After all said and done....it didn't really change the aftermath of it all..."


As our hero arrives to a restaurant, he quickly forgets about his past glory days, and soon focus his attention on the person he's going to ahve dinner with...Vincent Kennedy McMahon...

After a few minutes, they quickly start talking about what matters...


VKM: So...are you good with my most recent offer?


Andy Ray: Byte me, Vince. We've been discussing this since the summer...we did it through the fall...and now look; it's winter, and we're still at it. When you said you would give me full control, i immediately knew you couldn't be serious...


VKM: I said full creative control. But it's still my company. I still need to make sure that some objectives are met. We don't want to see the WWE falling, or failling? Do we?


Andy Ray: Oh Really? What happened to your "strategy"? Push the big guys, go with the bland storylines.... How did that work out for you?


VKM: Oh hell...i guess we can blame the current situation on the economic crisis and...


Andy Ray: Damn right you can, Vince! Wrestling isn't hip right now, and guess who we can blame for that? You ****ed up Vince, big time. And now you want my help! This not about letting bygones be bygones...this just you, beeing to proud to admit you were wrong, but humble enough to ask for my help! Why don't you call the Batistas and all the other roid freaks to headline again? Put them in a match with Cena and you should be safe. People should buy that. What other option do they have? Now? None! But things could have been so different.


VKM: Oh really???


Andy Ray: YES! Do you remember, Vince? Do you remember 2004?


VKM: How could i forget???




JR: Oh my God! All hell has broken...


King: Michaels hits the sweet chin music! He did it! We might have a new champ!!!! Triple H is down and he's going for the pin!


(The crowd starts counting: 1....2....)


JR: The Heartless breaks the count....in the last possible moment! The audience is on their feet. They can't sit down....this has been a roller coaster! Michaels and The Heartless are now brawlling and....OH MY! Michaels just knocked down his opponent...he goes for the turnbuckle...both of his opponets are on the floor....he just has to chose! he's going for the moonsault!


King: But who's gonna be his victim???


Shawn Michaels jumps and conects a moonsault on The Heartless. But right after that, when he is at that place where he doesn't really know where he is (yes, Michaels is great at selling that) and he's barely on his feet.... he takes a Pedigree!


JR: Pedigree! Pedigree! Triple H is going for the cover!!! Oh no...The Heartless breaks up...this match is far from over!!!





VKM: Oh yeah...how could i forget??


Andy Ray: Yeah...and how could i forget what happened after that Wrestlemania? You lied to me Vince....right on my face! And i will not let you do it again! If you want me....it will be on my terms! So think about that and we'll talk when you have something i can really call an offer. You know what i want! Nad i'd hurry if i were you! Every single promotion out there has already made me offers. Good ones! Including TNA. But you already know that, don't you?


"Ironically we ended up signing the deal on that same night! almost 8 years later...i was back at the WWE. There were obviously old issues to settle...but they would have to wait! I was back in the game....and this time i could really take it to the next level. I was finally at the helm of the greatest wrestling promotion ever...the WWE!"

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Chapter 2: Epic Proportions - Part 2


"Wrestlemania....where it all begins again. The biggest stage of them all...you know the drill. Cliches aside. Wrestlemania is an event of Epic Proportions; it is larger than life, it is legendary, it is the biggest of dreams in the making. Epic proportions...now that i think about it, that's the best way to tell the story of my life...with two words: "Epic Proportions!"

I have wrestled for more promotions than anybody i can remember - and by promotions i mean real promotions, not those shows booked in a local gym by a fat idiot with a cigar on his mouth, a ridiculous hat and one of those stupid silly smirks on his face. i mean REAL WRESTLING COMPANIES! - I won more gold than anyone i have ever encountered... and i retired with an epic match against a legend. And i even had the privilege, during my career, of booking the biggest event there is...once. yes, i mean Wrestlemania! I booked it once, and it was unforgettable! Oh...and i did it all before the age of 30. That's right, epic proportions...."


March 2012, Sunday, week 4...that's right, the Wrestlemania Night...


*Knock Knock*


Andy Ray: Come in.


Mark Calaway steps into my office, already on his wrestling attire, and starts looking at me. I'm at my desk, on my laptop, and i look at him for a second, then i look at the laptop again right before i start talking:


Andy Ray: You wouldn't believe the crap they write on the Internet! God, just give someone a computer and an Internet connection, and you have something far worst then a tabloid! God damn! I'm sorry...did you want something, Mark?


Mark Calaway: Yeah...i wanted to know if you're ok, man. you've gotta be nervous...It's the second Wrestlemania you've booked in your life, and the first in eight years....i mean...there's always the possibility it fails and you become a one hit wonder!


Andy Ray: Jesus, Mark!!! Is that your f****** way of cheering me up? Shawn was here, Hunter was here, Vince was here, Dwayne was here ...Damn it! Even Stephie was were telling me the same bs you're saying now. Is that your idea of a joke? Seriously man, i'm ok. I'm not that nervous. If you guys all do what i told you to do, this one is going to be legendary. I know you all care about me, but i'm fine. And since you're here, it would help if you could walk into the ring instead of being carried around by your wife, you know, like she does all the time when you guys are at home.


*Mark laughs for a few seconds*


Mark Calaway: You were always the funny one, weren't you? And then again...


We start laughing for a while and then the silence is eventually broken...


MC: So...what did they write in the Internet that has so much of your attention right now?


AR: Oh...nothing that special....just Wrestlemania predictions. I mean...results. The event hasn't even started yet and they are predicting it like they knew 100% sure what is gonna happen. Each one more wrong than the other. I especially like this particular site.


I turn the laptop to Mark so that he can see.


AR: You see? They call these predictions, and then they say what's going to happen to the last detail...like if they knew. And they're wrong.


MC: Oh! Wait, that guy is not that wrong, look at his prediction for my match!


AR: Yeah...great prediction...he says, and i quote: "The Undertaker will either win his match and ride into the sunset or lose, shocking everyone in the process, and putting one lucky man massively over. Either way, the swan song can be heard upon the dead man." He can't even decide if you win or lose. You call that a prediction???


MC: No, man! I mean the part where he tells it's my last match. Sure, it's easy to guess at this point, but we haven't even formally announced it. But he's right, it's my last dance, my swan song, blah, blah!


AR: Yeah...just make sure you end it on a high note. It's really hard to overcome what you did with Shawn in 09, and i need you to do even better.


MC: Sure...And i'm really glad you were the one booking my last match. You know...in these recent years, I always envisioned things ending this way. It's going to be a blast. I'm actually proud of the way i'm going out. With one hell of a match. I really like those moves you planned. And you made an excellent build up, with a good story. I'm hyped...and i can't remember the last time i got excited at a Wrestlemania... Hmmm, don't tell that last part to anyone.


AR: Sure...it will be our secret.


We bot laugh.


AR: Well...i guess it's almost time. I need to make some calls before i head out backstage. I'll see you later.


MC: Sure. Good luck with that.


As Mark goes out, i pick up the phone and i start talking to someone you all know very well...


AR: Shawn! He just left! Are you next to our boy right now? You are? Awesome! It's time to tell him he's about to become part of the very first screw-job in the WWE history!


(Yeah...That's right, i said the first one! Bret Hart was kept in the loop, back in 97. Deal with it! I know! I was there! Anyway...back to my phone call...


HBK (whispering): Sure. I can do that. But are you sure he has the guts to do this? I mean...he's wrestling The Undertaker, not Bret Hart. Speaking of wich, i can't believe people still think Bret was screwed and...


AR: Shawn!!! Focus!


HBK: Sure, sure! He's right here, i mean...not right here, or he would be listening to what i'm saying but....


AR: Dude! Just tell him! Better yet, put him on the phone, i'll tell him, And thanks for the favour. If i can trust anyone to help me with a screw-job, it's you.


HBK: Sure...But you owe me! Again! By the way, have you talked to the ref, already?


AR: No, Shawn, for the 50th time, No! Just tell our boy there the details of my plan and i'll talk to the referee. But i'll do it right before the match!



"Yeah...that's right... Mark Calaway had no idea...but he was about to be screwed. Big time!!!


Oh...wait a minute, you want to know how it all came to this??? Oh sure, why didn't you guys said before? Yes, i'm talking to you, GDS readers. Fear no more, i'll tell you my story...i'll tell my whole story! And it's one hell of a story...one with epic proportions!"

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Chapter 3: We land on our feet, or we do not land at all...


"A wise man once said: "We land on our feet, or we do not land at all." He said it to me every single day he trained me...and some other times after that. I confess that the first times i heard that sentence i laughed. I mean...i was a child, and some guy that wasn't even that known as a wrestler, kept saying it to me. I thought it had no logic...what did it even mean? We always have to land...in our feet or not. Gravity always does it's thing...right? Wrong! His sentence had nothing to do with gravity, or landing or...well, we'll come to that later.

Time told me that guy was very right; time taught me that the guy was actually completely right! That guy, that wise man, was Shawn Michaels, and he thought me a lot of what i know about wrestling. Maybe almost everything..."





Vince McMahon: I want you to run the company full time after this years Wrestlemania. With full creative control and even some financial power.


Andy Ray: Well...That's something i always wanted to do. I never said otherwise, never needed to hide it, don't even want to. Everyone knows i love booking as much as i love wrestling. But...what about Shane? And Stephie?


VM: I always find it funny how you're the only one who gets away with calling her that. She's not too fond of nicknames, and short names, and all that stuff. And that proves it right there.


AR: I'm sorry, I'm not getting your point...


VM: Stephanie adores you, so does Shane. They see you as a brother. Hell, you were practically raised with them. They will not have a problem with you booking the whole thing. Hell, they'll gladly help you with it. Like they help me! Shane can keep his position, and Stephanie can help you just like she helps me right now!


AR: Your little princess, daddy's little princess not running the family business? And being ok with it? Yeah... Why would normally disagree, but you're right, the girl loves me. But are you sure you really want to do this? Cause i will accept in in a heartbeat! But i want full creative control.


VM: You got it!


AR: Oh really? So you'll be OK when i interrupt those idiotic pushes you're giving to Dave and John?


VM: Well, it's not my way of doing things, but i would live with that! It's your call. I'm handing you the reigns. You know...if this Wrestlemania goes well. You've done an excellent build up so far. You've been doing a great job as a Booker lately. You might as well run the whole ship. When i leave this business i will need someone like me to run this...and you're that guy.


AR: Come on, Vince! I am nothing like you!


VM: Well, not exactly like me! We have different ideas, sure! But you have that same passion that i do. If i know anyone capable of being such a visionary as i was in the first 'Mania, that someone is you! And that's why i want running WWE.


AR: Ok, so to be clear...you won't mess up with my decisions? You won't question my authority me, you won't be trying to call the shots...you'll let me work, right? i can kill the whole trend of pushing the big guys?


VM: Son, you can do whatever you want.


"But we all know i didn't... I mean...we all remember John Cena winning his first of many world championships, just like Batista, the next year. Why? Don't over think it. It wasn't that long of a story or that big of a drama... Oh it's true, it's damn true!"


2004: Wrestlemania 20's main event - Triple H © Vs. Shawn Michaels Vs. The Heartless


"I remember when Hunter pedigreed Shawn into the mat. We were in the middle of that climatic moment where all the participants of a match exchange finishers. Michaels was supposed to hit me with a SCM not that much later after that pedigree...in fact he was supposed to hit Hunter too. Not that much later after that pedigree he was planned to do a miraculous comeback, kick the hell out of our chins and become the WWE champion one last time. But it wasn't meant to be, i guess... When Hunter hit him with that pedigree, i saw he fell wrong, i saw he wasn't OK... And though he landed with his face turned to the ground, as it is done in the pedigree, it was obvious his back was hurting him.


I'm not a doctor, but I'm sure that any fall can threaten any body part, even if it seems unlikely. The body is complex, and the back is a very sensitive area. A bad fall is enough, even if a guy doesn't land on his back. I feared it was the casket match with Taker situation all over again. Shawn was not good. It could be serious, it could be nothing. We weren't sure... And there he was...rolling on the ring, in deep pain. Suddenly our match plan was...well, broken, and i saw Hunter was lost not knowing what to do. I'm pretty sure an experienced guy like him would improvise well, but he expected me to lead; after all i was his boss, the head Booker. And i was there, right there.


Someone made a sign to the medics...they came rushing down the ramp... I remember looking at Shawn and being able to read him. he had no intention of being carried out on a stretcher. I could tell. He was trying hard to get back on his feet, i just had to decide if he was good enough to become the champion. If not, i had to chose between me and Hunter...I exited the ring and, i kid you not, attacked the medics. They did not see it coming, it was not a work, but they didn't got hurt, i knew how to hit them. I got back to the ring and Hunter finally woke up from his transe. He came at me, and i gave him "The Shocker", one of my finishers. Basically it was a super kick. But i did not pinned him. Instead i fell after that kick...and started selling pain, as we wrestlers do after a finisher to remain on the floor with our opponent...God knows why. I distinctly heard Shawn whisper: "Go for it, man. I'll owe you." And i answered: "No, man. I'll owe you!" And i raised him, i beat the crap out of him and eventually gave him a moonsault and i became a world champion. Triple H still tried to interfere, but i knocked him out too. And there it was...my plans were ruined, i was the WH champion instead of Shawn Michaels, and we still did a hell of a match with a hell of an ending. We later found out that Shawn's injury wasn't serious, and it all seemed to end well enough. Life was good, i was ready to take over the creative control of the company. But we all know it didn't quite turned out that way, don't we?"

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Chapter 3: We land on our feet, or we do not land at all... - Part 2



""We land on our feet, or we don't land at all." Yes, i heard it a million times, and still took me years and years to fully understand those words. I think the first time i truly understood them was at that night...the Wrestlemania 20 night...But i guess you're sick and tired of my flashbacks, and flash forwards, right? You want to see some wrestling, right? I dig that. So I'll finally tell you some information, in order to advance to what you guys want.


Fractions...that's all i can remember when i think about life, my career, my wrestling heydays... Maybe that's why I've been presenting with with fractions, it's how i see it. Time goes by so quickly and all we got left is memories, fractions...

My name is Mikael Andrews Forsell. I was born in Portugal, in 1982, son of an American mother and a Finish father. Yeah, that's a hell of a mix, right? My father was Mike "The High Flyer" Forsell. he was a second generation wrestler who eventually made it into the big leagues. In 1984 he signed with the WWF, and began a successful push that would lead him to face Hulk Hogan in Wrestlemania II and win. He was the world champion...and wasn't able to celebrate for more than a few hours. On that same night, when going home, his car was hit by a truck and he was paralyzed. Though he regained the use of his legs in a couple of year, in what was called a miraculous recovery, he was never able to wrestle again.

Sure, he was glad to walk again,especially when he was told he would never do so again, glad not to be in a wheel chair...but that man loved wrestling, and from that day on, he lost him smile, as Shawn would say. :D (Yeah, that was where he got the inspiration to that whole lost my smile crap)


After the accident, my mother asked some of my dad's friends to take me on the road with them. She didn't want me to see how my father was after the accident. Kind of like Tom Cruise in Born on the 4th of July before his mother send him to Mexico. Wasted, angry and torn apart.


So, i started touring with those guys. It didn't took long before Vince McMahon took an interest in me. i was 4 years old and i already had the passion in me...this was 1986. And Vince McMahon was the first to notice. And i can guarantee it wasn't hard to realize my joy for wrestling at that time, because i was pretty shocked with what happened to my dad. Maybe Vince was feeling guilty, (though he had no reason to feel that way) and that helped him to read me faster...or maybe he was a genius and was able to see all my love for the business. I'm pretty sure it was the second one.


I soon became a sort of mascot on the WWF's locker room. Everyone loved me, everyone had something to teach me...everyone told me stories about the business. And Vince McMhanon was my main teacher at the time. he saw me like a son. Hell, i was raised with his sons, as i spent a lot of time in his work and his home. Vince taught me everything there is to know about wrestling as a business. The in ring part would come later, with Shawn.


I had my first match at the age of 6, in some local backyard promotion, located in some small town where WWF was touring that week, fighting a kid two years older than me. I won. yeah...if you're with Vince McMahon, you win. I head a lot of people teaching me in my first two years, 86-88, but when Shawn arrived at the company, he took me under his wing. He said to me:


"You know, i used to watch your dad wrestle, even before the WWF. I was on the attendance when he became NWA champion for the first time. He was my inspiration. I mean...we don't see that kind of agility and flying skills on American wrestling every day. I'm going to training, you wanna watch?"


And that was it. My training started right there without a warning. A few years later i started wrestling in dark matches. I started on the first RAW, at the age of 10, beating some midget in RAW's dark match #1, and that was the beginning of my wrestling career. I don't even remember the guy's name!


Shawn kept training me and everyday he told me: "Kid, remember what i tell you. In this business we land on out feet, or we do not land at all."


He was absolutely right. As i would eventually find out..."


(End of Part two...)


Yes, there will be a part 3.

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Chapter 3: We land on our feet, or we do not land at all... - Part 3


"A few years later, there i was, finally making my first appearance on Monday Night Raw. It was 1996, the Spice Girls were HOT, Lara Croft was rising to fame with her first video game, Germany won the UEFA EURO 1996 and i was finally on Monday Night Raw, at the age of 14, defeating some local jobber on my premiere. Oh they call them enhancement talent these days? Sure...they're jobbers, period. I should know, i did a lot of jobs between 93 and 96.


People were shocked when a teenager started a winning streak, and it wasn't supposed to last long, as i was just a kid; but it got so controversial that Vince decided to further aggravate things...by eventually making me WWE Champion in 1997. I as 15 years old. Between 97 and 2000 i represented ECW and WCW after my first argument with McMahon. You see, i wanted to lose more times. I didn't want to be pushed down anybodies throat...like that guy we all know. Ironically, i went to ECW and WCW to end up collecting world championships. People told me i was a natural... Sure, i had a few more losses, but success seemed to be my middle name.


In 2000 i resolved my differences with Vince and opted not to renew with WCW, though they were paying me pretty much. I returned home (WWE) to collect a few more world championships. In that second stint with the WWE, i started booking some shows, occasionally. My talent was well known in the backstage, and Vince ended up agreeing. The results were so good that he decided to let me book the build up to Wrestlemania 20, starting in January, to allow me to decide a Rumble winner. I originally chose Chris Benoit, but he got injured before the Rumble and was unable to compete for a few weeks. I took his place, but decided to give the title to Shawn Michaels. A last hurrah to my mentor, before Benoit was good enough to resume his push.

As you all know, i ended up with the title...and, in the following day, i wished - on my official website - WWE the best on it's future endeavours. Meaning i quit. Can you imagine Vince O'Mac being future endeavoured by his world champ the day after Wrestlemania? Ouch, he did not forgive me for years...eight years, to be more accurate.


I then proceeded to wrestle in the Indy circuit, representing the likes of ROH, CZW, TNA and others, and even going as far as winning gold in Japan and Mexico. Heck, i won the main title of every promotion i fought for. In 2005 i signed a lucrative written deal with TNA, which still allowed me to wrestle for some other promotions, but far more limited than before. Yeah...life was good, i was the "IWC's boy", a legend even before my mid twenties...and i had no intentions to stop. In those glory days, my dad had regained his smile. Since my Monday night debut in 1996, the man had regained his smile, as if he was living a new career through me. And i was glad to see him smile again. But all good things must come to an end. And my amazing career was coming to an end..."


End of part 3. (To Be Continued...)

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Chapter 3: We land on our feet, or we do not land at all... - Part 4


"Patricia Anne Stratigias was a fitness model i met in 1999. I was 17 and the nature of my relationship with her was strictly professional. I saw some castings she did between 97 and 99, before finally meeting her in 1999. I liked her acting skills and thought to myself "Well, i guess if she sucks on the ring, she can always be a good manager." She dated her high-school sweetheart and i was a kid, so trust me when i say, it was strictly professional. I recommend her to stephie, although i was in WCW at the time, because...well, WCW sucked by then, and i wasn't planning on staying there fore long. Talk about bad backstage environment. I competed in EWC from 1997 to 1998, and when i got to WCW, in 1998, it was still a good place, no matter what people might say. In one year only, it turned into a big pile of...a mess!

Patricia went on to become a hit on the WWE, as Trish Stratus, and we eventually became a couple. We married in 2006, and we're still happy to this day.


I remember the day i met her, because i was thinking about a new in-ring persona. You see, since 1996 i was known as The Heartless, a character copyrighted by myself. It was kind of Rey Mysterio meats Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, and Bret Hart, all together with a suit and a mask. I continued to be The Heartless after i left the WWE. Actually, i used that gimmick during my whole professional career. But as far as i 1999 i had thoughts about using a new gimmick. So i created Andy Ray. A gimmick that would allow me to finally show my face and to start with a clean slate. No titles, no past victories, no golden boy monikers or nicknames, (yes, they called me the golden boy) and the complete freedom to explore a new path.


But i was in WCW...so i decided not to waste a good new persona with them, and i remained as The Heartless. Why Andy Ray? Andy came from the Andrews on my name, and Ray...well, i like watching Everybofy loves Raymond. So sue me!


Anyway...getting back to track, i continued to use The Heartless gimmick after WCW. I thought (at one time) to adopt the whole "Mike The High Flyer Forsell 2" gimmick, but i didn't want people to see me as simply Mike's son, and i didn't want to ruin his legacy; something i would always do, regardless or being better, worst, or as good as him.


The month was November, the year was 2006. My newly wed wife (married for two months, so it was all still new) and me were walking down the L.A. streets, after i did a successful defense of my TNA world championship. We had an argument about the fact we didn't have a decent honeymoon, due to her appearing in Armed & Famous and my schedules with TNA. As we were crossing about to cross the road, she began sulking, then pouting, then having a full temper tantrum and she crossed before me. I went after her,but never even looked at both sides before crossing... I remember her shouting "ANDY!!!" (that's what she calls me) But it was too late. i has hit by a car travelling at 100 km/h. I guess something like 50 mph, or so.


I remember flying across the air, and not in a good way, before landing flat on my back. Suddenly, life was not good anymore....i forfeited my TNA championship the day after. i mean...TNA did. I was in the hospital for a few weeks. Strangely i had no broken bones, or no injuries whatsoever, but my back muscles were traumatized. I think the doctor used fancier words, but i can't remember them. This meant that my back (as well as the rest of the body, but especially the back) would cause me pain permanently. Especially if i tried to put effort on my body. You know, if i did things like carrying weights, driving for too long, doing extenuating physical activities like sports and...yes, professional Wrestling. So...my career was over. But i refuse to accept it and returned to the ring in late December, being eventually hospitalized the next month. I returned again to TNA in February. I refused to accept it was over... And it wasn't sad, i wasn't dragging myself in the ring. I was still at my prime, i could still steal the show...but the price to pay for it was high. Fatigue, excruciating pain, and sometimes, being unable to walk without a cane for days or weeks. i was again hospitalized in February after a brutal match with Sting. I returned in one-off matches in March and April, before deciding it was time to do a farewell tour. This meaning that i would do a final run before retiring. I finally accepted it was over and returned to the ring in May,beginning a legendary feud with Sting and Kurt angle. It lasted for five months, and gave me two more World Championships. In October 2007, i officially retired after defeating Sting and Kurt Angle at bound for Glory.


i decided that i was retiring, period. No goodbyes on television, no dragging the thing. I retired on PPV. I never set foot on a wrestling ring again after that PPV to this day. And it's been more than 4 years. I wanted to lose the match, but everybody was against me on that decision. Everyone said to me that a career like mine should end with a victory. Even Angle and Sting. So it did. Those last 5 months were epic...especially the final match...but i would feel the effects of all that effort (which included using a wheelchair for a few weeks) for the next 2 years or so, before returning to my normal post-accident state of pain. In that October night, my dad lost his smile again. He tried to hide it, but i could tell...


The following night, i gave an interview to a well known TV Station. I talked about how i was moving on from professional wrestling. I was retiring from the ring, from the backstage and i would focus my attentions in writing. Which was something i was doing with some success, to an extent, since 2002. If i was already a successful published author, i wanted to continue. I love writing, and i planned on pursuing that. After some deserved vacations, and a honeymoon with my wife. As i said to my interviewer, i was sure that i would return to wrestling one day. Hardly as a wrestler, but definitely on the backstage. i was smart enough to never say never, because my love for wrestling wasn't over, and i knew i would want to return one day. After all, i still had to fulfill my long time dream of becoming a Booker.


I went on to publish 2 more books, since 2007. One in 2008, and one in late 2010. Both were best-sellers. I also wrote some stuff for TV and Film Studios. I was successful at everything i did...like if i was blessed. But eventually, the wrestling calling would be too high for me to ignore it...and in 2011, in July 15, i ended up telling, on a radio interview that i was ready to come back. I said that i was far from that moment in 2007 where i saw myself away from wrestling. I actually missed wrestling, i saw myself returning to it eventually, and i saw myself doing it in very different ways. Writer, Booker, owner, and so on. But i still didn't saw myself as a wrestler again. And i added i probably wouldn't again.

When the interviewer asked me if i was accepting propositions, or if the interview itself was an announcement of my availability to the world of professional wrestling, i answered the truth:


"It is neither. You asked me how i feel about pro wrestling and i answered. To be totally honest, i had never dedicated time to thinking about it this deeply. I'm not desperate to return, i just feel ready, and will do so, if i can find a good project. I won't go into that business i love just to drag myself. If i eventually do it, i have to do it right! It has to feel right, like everything i did before in my life."


That same night, i got a phone call from someone i haven't talked in almost eight years...Vince McMahon. Sure, i continued to attend Christmas and other family reunions in his house, as i was considered a member of the family, but we never spoke during those years. Until that night... Vince wanted me back...he had heard my interview, and he wanted me back... How could he? How dared he?"


End of part 4. (To Be Continued...)

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Chapter 3: We land on our feet, or we do not land at all... - Part 5


"Vince McMaHon called me as soon as he finished listening to my interview. I could not believe my ears when i answered that phone and he was on the other side. He wanted me to run the company, he wanted to give me control. I refused, i immediately refused, insulting him in the process! But Vince wouldn't let that get on his way. He laughed and told me to call him if i changed my mind. He said he would call me if i took to long. he seemed serious, he wanted me back. I just wasn't sure if that was a good thing, or a bad one. So i went to a bar and i had a few drinks, to think it over. I was in Vegas that night, and i really don't know if that's the best place to make decisions.


I never thought I'd comeback...not with that guy running the company...not with those roid pricks like Cena having the main spots. That's why i left in the first place.... And now...he just asks me to come back??? Like nothing happened? What an idiot! I really should think about this proposal...I mean...do i really have anything better to do? Sure, i love writing books...but wrestling...oh GOD!!! I love that business. I guess i need to sleep over it. But damn...i miss those days, don't i? The wrestling days...I really need to sleep about this...


Well, i didn't immediately slept on the subject. I took a plane, went to Stephie's and talked to her, as you all must remember.


My closest friends called me Andy, from my middle name, Andrews. None of them had ever heard about the Andy Ray persona i once planned, but ended up never using... The only person that eventually learned about it was Patricia, but she was my wife, so that's natural.


And that persona was on my mind on July 16Th, the day after Vince's call. That persona represented a fresh start, a new opportunity; a chance to reboot my career, without - to a certain point, at least - having to face comparisons about my former heydays, with all the good and bad about them. Heck, this new generation never even saw me without my mask. To them i was nothing but Trish Stratus husband, a successful writer. They heard about my past as a wrestling, but these new fans could even identify me as The Heartless if their life depended on it. Heck, i bet that the ones who could, IWC veterans, old times fans, wouldn't even mind to see me trying something new. I knew that if took of that mask, i could really try and built a new path. i could try to begin all over again.


And i had the chance to do it at home, at the WWE, why not? Sure, Vince wasn't to be trusted, but...i can handle him. Or at least i had to try. So i called him and we eventually began discussing the terms of my comeback. It was hard, Vince refused to let me take over a lot of things. Hell, we were disagreeing in every possible way. And so the negotiations dragged, and dragged, until December.


I was about to re-sign with TNA as a head Booker/authority figure, when i got a call from none other than VKM. The day was December 22, the winter was upon us, and i was tired of the endless negotiations with my "second father", so i decided to go back to TNA, a house i also knew well. But it wasn't meant to be. Vince called me, said he had made a reservation in some fancy restaurant, and he wanted to do a final offer. One that i couldn't refuse. So i accepted. After All, i hadn't announced my intentions of signing with TNA to Dixie, yet, so i thought: "Oh what the hell, why not?"



As i arrived to the restaurant, i quickly forgot about my past glory days, and soon focused my attention on the person i was going to have dinner with...Vincent Kennedy McMahon...

After a few minutes, we quickly started talking about what mattered..."


VKM: So...are you good with my most recent offer?


Andy Ray: Byte me, Vince. We've been discussing this since the summer...we did it through the fall...and now look; it's winter, and we're still at it. When you said you would give me full control, i immediately knew you couldn't be serious...


VKM: I said full creative control. But it's still my company. I still need to make sure that some objectives are met. We don't want to see the WWE falling, or failing? Do we?


Andy Ray: Oh Really? What happened to your "strategy"? Push the big guys, go with the bland story lines.... How did that work out for you?


VKM: Oh hell...i guess we can blame the current situation on the economic crisis and...


Andy Ray: Damn right you can, Vince! Wrestling isn't hip right now, and guess who we can blame for that? You ****ed up Vince, big time. And now you want my help! This not about letting bygones be bygones...this just you, being to proud to admit you were wrong, but humble enough to ask for my help! Why don't you call the Batistas and all the other roid freaks to headline again? Put them in a match with Cena and you should be safe. People should buy that. What other option do they have? Now? None! But things could have been so different.


VKM: Oh really???


Andy Ray: YES! Do you remember, Vince? Do you remember 2004?


VKM: Oh yeah...how could i forget??


Andy Ray: Yeah...and how could i forget what happened after that Wrestlemania? You lied to me Vince....right on my face! And i will not let you do it again! If you want me....it will be on my terms! So think about that and we'll talk when you have something i can really call an offer. You know what i want! And I'd hurry if i were you! Every single promotion out there has already made me offers. Good ones! Including TNA. But you already know that, don't you?


VKM: Yeah, i know TNA made an excellent offer. You're probably about to accept it, right?


(What could i say? The man knew me!)


AR: Unless you can finally present something decent to me.


VKM: Look sun, i admit that we have some healing to do between us, and that what i did back in 2004 was wrong...so, with that in mind, i took the liberty of drafting a contract that i think you will sign with no objections.


AR: A contract? Really? Why didn't i asked a detailed one back in 2004? Oh right, i trusted you, old fart! You know what, if you're ready to give me FULL CONTROL over the company, good. That's the only thing i accept.


VKM: I thought you'd say that...so i drafted a contract that says exactly that. I also took the liberty to add some owner goals, some guidelines you have to follow. After All, it is still my company.


I started reading and i verified that the contract did indeed gave me full control over the company. I was also a lawyer, so i wouldn't need one to read the small print.


AR: You know...this actually looks reasonable. Though i don't like some of these so called owner goals, i actually think it makes sense. it's your business, it is nothing but fair that you have something to say. If you remembered that almost 8 years ago, we probably wouldn't be here right now, and all would be different.


VKM: Well i remembered now! i know that some of these owner goals will not be exactly what you dream of, but I'm giving you more power than i ever game to any other living person. More than i ever game even to my sons!


"You know...Once a McMahon, always a God damn McMahon. And i knew i would probably regret - to some extent, at least - if i signed that contract. Was it really time for me to come back to the WWE? Were we really ready to let bygones be bygones on all our differences? And then i remembered... "We land on our feet, or we do not land at all..."


I remembered that sentence for a few seconds...seconds that seemed an eternity...The destiny of Pro Wrestling was on my hands..."


End of Part 5. (To Be Continued...)

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Chapter 3: We land on our feet, or we do not land at all... - Part 6


"I started reading and i verified that the contract did indeed gave me full control over the company. I was also a lawyer, so i wouldn't need one to read the small print."


AR: You know...this actually looks reasonable. Though i don't like some of these so called owner goals, i actually think it makes sense. it's your business, it is nothing but fair that you have something to say. If you remembered that almost 8 years ago, we probably wouldn't be here right now, and all would be different.


VKM: Well i remembered now! i know that some of these owner goals will not be exactly what you dream of, but I'm giving you more power than i ever game to any other living person. More than i ever game even to my sons!


"You know...Once a McMahon, always a God damn McMahon. And i knew i would probably regret - to some extent, at least - if i signed that contract. Was it really time for me to come back to the WWE? Were we really ready to let bygones be bygones on all our differences? And then i remembered... "We land on our feet, or we do not land at all..."


I remembered that sentence for a few seconds...seconds that seemed an eternity...The destiny of Pro Wrestling was on my hands..."





I walked up the ramp and finally disappear under the curtain, after celebrating my WHC victory at that night's Wrestlemania 20 with the audience. I went to the locker rooms, where i showered and changed clothes. Life seemed good. One hell of a Wrestlemania, one hell of a main event. I could really become a hit as a Booker...

Those and other thoughts were running through my mind as i walked into the offices. I was going to talk to Vince and collect on what he had said before Wrestlemania. It was time for me to run the company. But what i saw when i entered his office...was far from anything i could imagine.


I was shocked to see Vince, Laurinaitis, some road agents, writers, and other parts of the creative teem, planning the next months. They were even planning as much ahead as Wrestlemania 21. I was hearing names like Cena and Batista being set up for major pushes, before finally someone noticed i was on the office and greeted me.


Shawn, Stephie, Hunter and Undertaker were all behind me. They followed me to the office (which by the way, had the door wide open) and saw the same as i saw. After telling everyone that i would run the company, after making it public, Vince was already planning ahead. He lied to me...


This had humiliation written all over...if i stayed and accepted this, i would never be able to look myself at the mirror. Vince didn't even tried to explain himself...he just smiled and said:


VKM: Hey, here's our champ!


But i knew i could never be the WWE's champ. If i didn't do something, i would become a laughing stock all over the world. Today a head Booker, tomorrow a mere pawn in Vince's plans of pushing roid freaks to the moon? How would i explain that to everyone? He lied to me...he looked into my face and lied to me, before that WM20. And he told that lie to everyone in the WWE, to the newspapers, to the TV Stations...


I was furious, closing my fist, ready to attack him, but then i thought... Why not give him some of his own medicine? I walked up to Vince and gave him my WHC belt. I literally threw it into his lap and got the hell out of that office. He knew... At that moment, he knew that i was leaving and never coming back.


As i walked through those corridors, i had one last look at guys like Calaway, Hunter, and others that were supporting me and wishing me luck. Some guys even asked me to stay and reconsider. But the expression that told me the most was Shawn Michaels'.


As i looked at that brave warrior, still in pain, but walking tall, i finally understood what he meant with "We land on our feet, or we do not land at all." That night, Shawn had chosen to lose, walking from the ring by his own, instead of trying to win, and risk exiting the ring on a stretcher. he gave everything he had...and he never stopped thinking about what was best for the company! Not even for a second. In that night, Shawn Michaels landed on his feet.


And then it struck me...in wrestling, we land on our feet or we do not land at all. Because in this business today's absolute truths, are tomorrow's undeniable lies. In this business there are no grey areas, no middle terms... There is nothing in between. We are face or heel, truthful or liars, good or bad, heroes or villains; we are ready to take the impact or not. In wrestling we land on our feet, or we do not land at all. And on that night, i chose to land on my feet.


I left the arena without looking back. And the next day, i saw that Vince was announcing that i would defend my title against someone on RAW. I knew that he knew i wasn't coming back...but I'm pretty sure that he really believed that kind of pressure would work! It didn't. I went to my official website and announced i was dropping the WWE, and wished them the best in their future endeavours. This move became one of the most controversial moves ever, embarrassing Vince McMahon, making the Chris Benoit push a reality, and ending my stint with the company where i had grown, where i had learned everything there is to learn about wrestling. I ended up having a cult following for years, cementing my status as the IWC darling. And i never looked back. In that night...i landed on my feet."



December 22, 2011:


"You know...Once a McMahon, always a God damn McMahon. And i knew i would probably regret - to some extent, at least - if i signed that contract. Was it really time for me to come back to the WWE? Were we really ready to let bygones be bygones on all our differences? And then i remembered... "We land on our feet, or we do not land at all..."


I remembered that sentence for a few seconds...seconds that seemed an eternity...The destiny of Pro Wrestling was on my hands...


I picked up a pen and i signed the contract, knowing that this time it was all written, there was no possible way for VInce to turn back. I was also aware that Vince will always be...well...Vince, and that my fight was just starting. After signing the contract, i threw the pen into the table and said:"


Andy Ray: Game on!


"Almost 8 years later...i was back at the WWE. There were obviously old issues to settle...but they would have to wait! I was back in the game....and this time i could really take it to the next level. I was finally at the helm of the greatest wrestling promotion ever...the WWE! It was really the best of moments to say...Game On!"



End of Chapter 3; End of Hype!

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Shawn Michaels 82 proudly presents: Where it all begins again...


Season 1: The Road To Wrestlemania!



Chapter 4: Bring in the big guns... - Part 1


"Professional Wrestling legend Bret Hart, one of my mentors when i was growing up in the WWE, once said to me:"


"Kid, have you ever heard that expression:" If it ain't wrong, don't fix it?" Well, i guess it's as good of a philosophy as any other, so you should really stick with that. Trust me, it will come in handy in this business. But remember...if the time comes when you really have to fix it...do it big time!"


"That wasn't Bret's way of saying that we should land on our feet or don't land at all, no not at all. I mean, i admit that the sentence would fit here, but what Bret really meant was to enlighten me with a much more simple and direct approach. He basically meant what he said...if i came to a situation where i really needed to fix things...i should really fix them big time! And you know what? Bret was right! The guy was complicated in the ring, in a very good way - as we all remember - but he was, and still is, simple with words. Not because he's dumb, trust me, he's definitely not, but because he likes to go to the point!"


December 23, 2011 - WWE's L.A. office.


Andy Ray: Damn, it Vince! I should have known that things wouldn't be easy, or you wouldn't ask me to comeback like you did.


Vince McMahon: What the hell do you mean? You have your piece of paper giving you the powers you wanted to run the ship, don't you? Isn't that enough for you to match or top Wrestlemania 20?


Andy Ray: Dude, really, you should think before you talk. Back then we had one hell of a roster. And now...well now, we basically have CM Punk, who's pretty over, and a bunch of other guys who don't really come close to his league when it comes to overness. This new generation should have started to be pushed sooner. Jesus Vince, you really f****d that up, didn't you?


"I looked at some sheets i had with me that detailed the WWE roster and i kept explaining to Vince that aside the likes of Taker and HHH, who were practically retired, it would be hard to pull off a decent rated match from most of the roster. Not because they sucked in the ring, but because one needs time to put someone really over...properly over, you know...legend style. A* style! And then Vince O'Mac gave me the most truthful of the answers he could chose to give me:"


VM: I guess it's your job to put them over, huh? You know, you're right! If things were easy, i wouldn't have brought in the big guns - and i mean you - right? I guess you have to find the way to take things up to the next level, right?


"As i listened to Vince's answer, my eyes came across a box of DVD's that was laying around my new office, at least my new office in the L.A. branch. I approached it, and took one. I started reading the cover."


VM: Oh, the staff must have forgotten that when they were cleaning the office for you. Well, the office will be ready when you start working, don't worry. And that...that's just a DVD that we were gonna release after WM, you know, to help boost sales a little...We have more copies aside that whole box, in case you're wondering. It's the best of the 90's, a collection of the best moments, matches, and superstars from the 90's. We don't really have to release it if you don't want to...you know...since it's your call now and all...


AR: So...exactly how many copies of this do you have?


VM: Enough to release it yesterday, if i wanted to.


"As i looked at that DVD's cover, and thought on what Vince said when i stumbled at that box, i couldn't help remembering Bret Hart's words...and then i smiled and said:"


AR: Bring in the big guns, you said? I'll be damned if you're not a big f****** genius, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Genius, i say!


VM: Say what?? - Asked McMahon, with a dazzled look on his face - What the hell did i say? What the hell are you talking about? What the hell are you gonna do?


AR: I'm sorry Vince, you have to go now. I have to make a few phone calls to plan my comeback show, the January 1st Raw. I know that my contract only starts officially on the first day of January, but I'm sure you won't mind if i kick you out of my soon to be office so i can do some early work, right?


VM: Well i...i would feel better if you told me...


AR: Out, Vince! Today? Thank you! And don't forget to tip the staff. They did one hell of a job with the office!


"Those last words of mine were said as i pushed VKM out of the office.


As soon as he left, i started thinking about the new plans being created in my mind. As The Hitman would say...it was time to fix things...Big Time!!!"


(End of Part 1! To Be Continued...)



Raw & SD! rosters updated on page 1!



Disclaimer: I'm using the Captain Charisma January 2012 Mod (More details of the game options on later posts), which means that if you have a problem with some of the original pushes (like Zack Ryder being a Main Eventer), you should talk to him, as these pushes published so far, are the original content of the Mod, which i decided to use for a start. I particularly chose this mod, because it is the biggest RW mod out there. (Though it is no secret that MCD's mods are my favourite to play, i also like and play this mod since he was doing them to TEW 2005 with TheWho87.)


The only minor changes i did (not posted so far) was to give some non regular wrestlers, or non wrestlers a push (as they were not assigned, or assigned at a unrealistic way), but i did not changed pushes that directly get decided through overness, as it is the case of the regular wrestlers. So, you now know that decisions like having Zack Ryder (Woo, woo, woo...you know it!) as a Main Eventer weren't my call. Please don't bother mentioning that! :D Also, the rest of the workers, including NXT, women's division, and non wrestlers and such, will be posted after future entries, don't worry.


PS: Show 1 will be posted in chapter 4, in case you are wondering, so stay tuned in this chapter.

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December 25, 2011:


WWE.COM Headline of the day:


In This 2011 Christmas Day, the WWE is proud to announce that we will give our fans a special present this year..."The Best of the 90's!" An amazing DVD that tells the story of one the most controversial decades of wrestling.


- The matches!


- The moments!


- The superstars!


- The unforgettable hours of wrestling that will forever be part of wrestling's history!


"WWE: The Best of the 90's!" Be the first to relive a season of amazing moments, with special features such as previously unreleased footage, interviews, and special commentaries by legends such as Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Mick Foley and many others.


Be the first to enjoy this WWE production. For more details, click on the WWE shop icon or check more on the WWE programming in the upcoming weeks.

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PWINSIDER reports: December 26, 2011


As of today, WWE.COM announced the cancellation of Superstars. NXT will be taking in the slots left open by Superstars, starting on January week 1. This means that Superstars will not be airing in 2012, (at least no plans are made for it to air right now) a decision obviously made by the new WWE head Booker, Mikael "Mike" Forsell, (Known to GDS readers as Andy Ray, his never debuted gimmick) best known as The Heartless. Forsell was announced recently as the new head Booker for the WWE, (starting in 2012) and since then, the company seems to be preparing massive changes at his request, that will take effect when he starts his new job.


Another news posted by WWE.COM is that the January 1st RAW SuperShow will be a New Year's special edition, which will lead to a one night only reunion of King and J.R. at the announcing table. There is also confirmation of a 3rd person at the table, but his/her identity remains a mystery and it is one of the surprises for the January 1st show. Also confirmed is the presence of Vince McMahon, who will be making an announcement.


PWinsider also reports that the news we broke a few days ago - that stated that WWE's new head Booker seems to have no plans to future endeavour anyone at the moment, but is interested in bloating the roster a bit - seems to be accurate, as confirmed by a source within the WWE. Any eventual release it never out of the table, but there seems to be no policy prepared for massive firings. The interest seems to center around having a large roster, despite the wrestling industry's falling tendency at the moment.

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NXT roster, women's division & Injuries updated on page 1. At this point i see no point in posting all the non wrestling guys in the company, as it would burn me out. Will post any if needed.


Edit: Also, i really don't remember exactly where the feuds were in January 1st. Don't recall what exactly had happened and not happened by then. So i'll start my own way and if i replicate by now any event that only happened later on real life, it was no mistake, it was just because i decided to start my own way, in order to launch the feuds and use the existing ones in the most easy way possible.

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WWE.COM presents...RAW Preview:


As Raw heads into the new year, we kick 2012 live from an already sold out Madison Square Garden where we already confirmed that Mr. McMahon will be returning after a few months away. Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Edge and The Rock are also confirmed for tonight's edition.




The Tag Challenge...


We can confirm that Evan Bourne will be facing Primo on a singles match. After some weeks of Primo and Epico constantly trying to embarace and upset the Tag Champions, Air Boom, out of the ring, Primo will have the chance to prove if he will back his walking with some...talking.



Ryder has to defend championship:


Zack Ryder seemed to defie the odds, when he finally became the U.S. champion, but right now, he has fo focus on keeping the belt, as he will face The All-American...American, Jack Swagger. Who will prevail, in this epic championship battle?


The Aristocrat returns...


In last week's Smackdown we saw that WH champion, Daniel Bryan and WWE champion, CM Punk, wanted to give the fans the dream match they always wanted to see...in a champion vs. champion match. However, Mr. Laurinaitis has refused to do so, and instead announced that Bryan would face the returning Alberto Del Rio, tonight on Raw. As Bryan is from SD, Teddy Long ensured that the match would be a non title match. Can Bryan outcome the former WWE champion? Or will Del Rio return with an upset that could put him in the road for a world title shot?


A sign of things to come...


Vince McMahon not only announced that he would be back, he also delivered the news that WWE Champion CM Punk would be putting his title on the line versus an opponent of Mr. McMahons choice... Will Punk continue his crusade as the champion, or can a mistery opponent kick off the year by ending the most controversial ever WWE superstar's title reign?




Confirmed matches:


- Primo vs. Evan Bourne


- Zack Ryder © vs. Jack Swagger ( for the United States Championship)


- WH Champion Danyel Bryan vs. Alberto Del Rio (Non Title match)


- CM Punk © vs. ? (for the WWE Championship)


(Predictions are welcome.)

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Chapter 4: Bring in the big guns... - Part 2


"December 27...with only a few days to work on the show, and as i looked at my available roster, i thought what everybody would of, in my place at least. And that was: "This show is so gonna bomb!" It was pretty obvious. Especially because i had to pick up from where Vince started, with some storylines that i really didn't want to have to use, but had no choice, and with very little (to none) time to actually plan the show. And, although my contracted officially would only start at the day of the show itself, i had to plan things ahead. At least as much as i could. I phoned some guys and arranged for a creative meeting at Stamford, where i was now, after finally leaving L.A., where i had been for the last few days."



The meeting:


"Now...let's see. I know everyone wants to know how some decisions are made, and what people actually say during these meetings...i can't really say it all, or my book (yes, this is a book I'm writing, in case you haven't noticed. Or why the hell would i bother telling this in the first place?) would anticipate future chapters right now, but i can let you have a little glance."


- At the start of the meeting:


Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Stephie, Vince, John Laurinaitis, Kevin Dunn, Mark Calaway, Dwayne Johnson, Michael Hayes and Arn Anderson. Yes...we can see i called some of these guys just because i needed a good head count... (Dunn, Hayes, Anderson) because if they had it their way, things would be the same. But hey, the more heads we have in a meeting, the more ideas are likely to appear.


Vince McMahon: So...i was thinking about the next Wrestlemania card, and...


Andy Ray: Yeah, let me stop you right there, Vince! I couldn't care less of discussing the WM card atm. I already have the main matches planned, but first we have to end some of these feuds you started and get some new ones going. Also, we need to revamp this PPV list. This idea with the gimmick ppv's is the most ridiculous idea i have ever seen and the guy who actually planned this is a major jack-ass!


Michael Hayes: Oh, it was Vince's idea!


Vince McMahon: Do you want to be fired?


Andy Ray: Actually, I'm starting to think he grows on us slowly. He's dumb like a prick, but he's dumb enough to make me laugh at your expenses, Vince. I like him. He's not going anywhere. And Hayes...we all know it was Vince's idea. Just saying...


Shawn Michaels: Well...I'll byte the bait. What do you have in mind for the ppv's?


Andy Ray: I'm glad you asked, Shawn. Nothing too fancy. Just putting some old names back. If anyone can come up with new names that sounds well, I'll go with those too. But mostly old names back. Now...as for the order, i really don't care if the old ppv A used to be held in may. Just get some old names and put them instead of the new ones. Couldn't care less about the order, with the exception for the big 4. And Backlash, and Vengeance (which i want in June). Oh, and the 13 th PPV.


Vince McMahon: The 13th???


Andy Ray: Yeah...I'm adding another one. 13 a year. I have to solve the mess you created somehow. Better make some money while at it!


Triple: Ah! Ah! Vince is getting his ass kicked! Ah Ah! Well, to add something to the creative side of things...I see myself wrestling...


Andy Ray: Off course you do, Hunter. But you know what, we can talk about that later, you know, when decisions aren't actually being made! And who knows...if i have some time left at the end of the card, maybe I'll let you play for a while.


Triple H makes an angry face, but shuts up without even complaining.


Vince McMahon: Don't see you laughing now, Paul!


Andy Ray: This is all my fault! I called you here and you guys assumed you would help me book something, right? I wouldn't even let some of you guys book FCW in a slow day. I called you here to tell you what I have in mind, what I want from you, and what I decided! Damn, i get it now Vince, it feels good to be an arrogant SOB! So, what i want is for you Vince to clear your schedule for a while, as I'm done with the whole "Hunter COO angle." At least for now. Shawn, I'm gonna need you next Monday. I will also be needing you Dwayne. i have some plans for a segment with you guys, and a few other old timers.


The Rock: Are you calling The Rock an old timer?


Andy Ray: Well...The Rock is not exactly getting younger, you know what i mean?


Dwayne laughs and Vince, who looks more pissed, every second that goes by, asks:


Vince McMahon: Are we at least keeping the match between The Rock and John Cena at Wrestlemania???



(End of part 2! To Be Continued...)

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