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Superior Wrestling: A Road to Glory Walk-Through

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eidenhoek" data-cite="Eidenhoek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33390" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's due to popularity on over-use.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, the thing is that in one of my other games I had Tito Santana in the same role as Blackjack is in this game, and he always had a pre-show or show-opening Welcome the Crowd angle. He never once got busted for over-use, and their popularity was about the same (in the 50's). I'm thinking it was due to him being in the Windham match as a manager and then in an angle. We'll all see if that hypothesis is correct with Part 2 which will probably be up very late tonight. If that's true then I won't ever have to worry about it as he's not Windham's manager anymore thanks to the negative chemistry.</p><p> </p><p> However, the more I think about it, the more I think this is due to him finally being put as a Road Agent. So, maybe it is something to do with that? He was much more used when he was CC. I'd hate to have to keep selecting my road agent, but I'm not going to stop using Blackjack because of some over-use penalty. He may end up back in the booth to see if he has chemistry with Jerry Kelly since Stack doesn't have any chemistry with him.</p>
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Ugh...small roster + tag matches + very few UMC and ME workers mean stretching things to fill 2 hours. Hope people love looking at a 10 minute bikini contest. Down Eidenhoek! We don't need anyone to judge the contest.


Superior Wrestling Fireworks

Day 2


Live From Fort Worth with another 1,000 seat sell-out!


We start with Jimmy and Precious in the ring. He says that he has looked far and wide for someone to stand with them in their war against that turncoat Manny and Blackjack who has stolen the Championship title from him for his lapdog Michael Hayes. I've found that person, and Manny, you're going to be sorry for ever turning your back on us. See you later tonight for your a**-kicking.



Lanny Poffo def El Hijo del Diablo

And we kick off the night in horrible fashion. First, we have that sorry angle (Garvin only has 62 overness after all), and now we have Diablo very off his game. Ugh, I am so glad those 2 main event matches are going to carry the show. Well, that and the fact that I don't have to worry about the show grade after last night's show. If WWW beats that 78, I'll root for UofL Saturday night against UK.



Next up are the Midnight Express w/Bruce Pritchard. We are giving you one last chance at these titles tonight you inferior Midnights. If Blackjack would have allowed it, we would have put your rights to use the Midnight name because there is only one quality Midnight team here or anywhere in the world, and that is the Midnight Express. You may have gotten lucky to be the first champions, but these belts are staying with us for a long, long time. We are......*music hits as the color drains from their faces and they bail from the ring*



<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eVcuA4k5A0o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The Rock N Roll Express def Tom Pritchard & Mike Rotundo

Ricky sells like the world trying to make Tom and Mike look like threats, but everyone in the arena is on their feet cheering for RnR. This match ends with Ricky getting the pin on Pritchard after he and Robert nail the double dropkick. Oh, and it looks like Ashley is a good chemistry magnet.:D



Just to show you that overness is everything in angles. Ricky and Robert join Ashley on the mic. Ricky (who only has a 58 Entertainment rating btw) cuts a beautiful promo on how they have come to Superior Wrestling to save the world from the scourge that is the Midnight Express and to collect some more title belts. And in case that chubby, glasses-wearing manager of theirs tries to stop us, we've found someone that looks as good as we do to watch our backs here in Ashley. (Ricky-Catalyst-Entertainment, Robert-Support-Overness, Ashley-Support-SA)



Terry Taylor def Mysterion

Yet another mediocre match from my sub-UMC'ers on the show. Not much to say here other than I'm no longer shocked to not gain any skills from the match. It went back and forth before Taylor put me out for the 1...2...3. Bring on the main event matches to save my show.



Ah, but first, we get to have that aforementioned 10-minute bikini contest. Precious comes out wearing a nice tight black bikini. Next up is Sunshine wearing a dazzling blue number that gets lots of applause. The last contestant is Ashley who drops the trench-coat to reveal a star-spangled bikini as the crowd goes wild. Stack declares her the winner of the contest. I thank God that there is only one other angle left to wreck my show grade while trying to figure out how it got this bad of a grade. A 68 is what I expected.



The Midnight Express def The Midnight Rockers to retain the Tag Team Titles

The best news out of this match is that the Express finally have enough tag experience to give a bonus to the match. Shawn and Marty fight valiantly, and they even have their chances towards the end of the match, but that chubby, glasses-wearing manager of theirs grabs Marty's ankle when he's on the top rope crocheting him allowing Eaton a chance to recover, throw him off the top rope, and pin him for the win even putting the feet on the bottom rope for good measure.



The Express decide to take things up a notch by beating on Shawn and Marty some more taunting them while they do it about not getting another shot at the belts when that music hits again. This time Bobby and Stan don't bail but beg for RnR to come get them. Ricky and Robert oblige them as the crowd goes wild. They fight them off saving the Midnight Rockers from further beatings. And I have no idea how the commentary could be that screwed up. RnR were Calvary, Rockers were Victims, and Express as Attackers all on Overness which is why it stunk as only RnR have over 60's.



The Garvins def Manny Fernandez & Curt Hennig via table break

I have absolutely no idea why this goes as an elimination match as that clearly isn't listed as being such so ignore that. This was a slugfest except when Curt was in the ring hitting some really good wrestling moves on both Garvins. Sticking with the theme of the night, Precious passes some brass knuckles to Ron who pops Curt right between the eyes. Jimmy grabs the out-on-his-feet Hennig and bodyslams him right through the table to win the match as Ron pitches the knuckles back out to Precious as Manny and the fans yell at the ref who sees nothing, of course. Oh, and it looks like we had dueling motivations as Curt seems to not like his debut match while Ron loves his so I'm not that concerned with Curt being off his game. That should be over with now.



And we have the 7-8 point poor angle hit, but we still put on #2 show (3 guesses on which was the #1 show) in our history so I don't care. I managed to lose $22,000 on the two shows which isn't all that bad though I might have to re-think the brand split based on the angles as all my menacing wrestlers are on Day 1 and my looks-based angles aren't going to cut it anymore with the mid-80's main events. Oh well, if I get a TV show quicker, it will all be worth it.

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Breaking News!!!! TEW hates my guts!!!!!!!


WCW doesn't even have to hit National to sign everyone they want to Written deals so basically I signed everyone last month for utterly no reason at all. Oh well, time for the jobbing out of everyone of a lifetime. Ron, Barry, and Arn along with Rotundo are leaving. I'm sure Tully, Jimmy, and Manny will bail on me soon too whenever their contracts come up. Can you tell that I'm ticked off?:mad: Guess I'm going to have to raid AWA for top-notch talent though I'm sure I'll be screwed when they hit $7 million too. They're at $6.4 million now. Never before have I seen a Cult fed ever sign someone to a Written deal other than one of the DeColts in my TCW game. Fitting as everything else has gone wrong in this game compared to all of my others.

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Deep in the woods a meeting of the Haihyra delegation where deep discussions are under way...(sure the Ballad of the Blue Cyclone is wrestling based but this Ray Stevens song fit better)


Mysterion, you have got to calm down. Don't you understand what this is going to do to us if we do this?


Yeah, it's going to say that anyone who f***s with us can kiss his popularity good-bye. We're growing Steve. We're going places, and then this bu*****t happens to us. Did you see the look on (Ken)Mantell's when he saw the ratings of those last two shows? We never had to worry about them about WWW again.


Look, I understand where you're coming from, but I'm not sure this is such a good idea. I'm not thrilled with my role in this either. Blackjack has been a good person to all 3 of us, and he's going to be livid when this goes down.


Hey, he was such a huge help in keeping Barry and Mike here wasn't he? I've gotten calls from several other very qualified road agents that can step in for him if he gets all huffy and leaves. Mark, this is going to greatly help your career and put it back on track somewhat. I'm going to build up Mick as well. I reward loyalty, and this last batch of hiring, while I understand taking Billionaire Ted's money and guaranteed contracts, turned their backs on us. Steve, if you don't want to take the heat on this, that's fine. Dump it all on me. I'm a man. I'm 19. We're going to keep this crap from ever happening to us again. And Mark, don't do anything that will seriously injure Barry. Just enough to get the point across that you don't cross SW!


Mysterion, I'm not taking part in this. I have too much respect for Arn to attempt to injure him. I'm giving you this one chance because I'm not very happy about this either, and something needs to be done about it. However, none of this must ever leave this room as a war with WCW and Billionaire Ted would be the end of us.


Don't worry about it Steve. I know that should WCW declare war on us that we'll be done as a promotion. You do have your friends from up north coming to watch the show, right? I've gotten the contracts drawn up complete with the new buy-out clause that will keep them from leaving. Gentlemen, these two shows are going to make history, and make us legends in the wrestling business.


So, it is clear that I'm executing Plan P which stands for pissed off. As these two shows have basically no storyline implications, I'm just going to put up the screenshots of the shows with some added post-show commentary. If I can't have them, there is going to be a steep price to pay. Now I know how Vince felt in Montreal....

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<p>Here's the card for Day 1:</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/859644/9721415" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8515354689.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Here are the results for Day 1:</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/859659/6972946" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8515432329.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Here's the card for Day 2:</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/862012/4529138" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8606295693.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Here are the results for Day 2:</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/862025/4264675" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/orig/3/8606373121-orig.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Okay, first I'm going to talk about the good news. I finally discovered good announcer chemistry. It's between Jerry and Sunshine who I just threw in the 3rd chair for the main event tag match on Day 1. That match also produced a totally unexpected tag chemistry between Hayes and Sting. Have no idea how I'm going to benefit from that one. Oh, and Owen and Eddie have become loyal to each other (well Owen to Eddie) which came from one of those pre-show bonding notes. In not so good news, Mil took Diablo under his wing as a protege which took Diablo from extremely good to just good backstage. For the record, that only affects their personalities not their skills. That's why everyone should pray for someone to take Jay Chord as a protege in the CV.</p><p> </p><p>

See that Foley vs Arn post-show match? That's why you shouldn't use post-show matches unless you're fishing for tag chemistry. They get hit severely with the "no one took this match seriously due to it being a post-show match" note. That match could have easily been in the 70's on the main card. Plus, I forgot that I bumped Arn up to Main Eventer then didn't lengthen the match so it got dinged for that too.</p><p> </p><p>

No, I didn't injure Barry Windham which was such a shame given his real-life injury history. That was an impromptu steel cage match with The Undertaker. Blackjack had to be held back by Hayes and myself when the cell dropped from the ceiling. He was as livid as I thought he would be. Taker left Barry a bloody mess but unharmed. I had Curt do the majority of the road agenting for Day 2 to simulate Blackjack storming out.</p><p> </p><p>

Now, to the $5 question as in I'll try and send someone $5 if I can get a legit answer to this picture.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/862018/9554041" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8606352672.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

This game is seriously pissing me off. They both have 70 psych ratings <strong>AND HAVE NEVER HAD A PSYCH PENALTY IN ANY MATCH IN SW!</strong>. There is absolutely no reason for that note. That combined with my very fun 1995 ECW (at Cult) game being ruined with insane lack of psychology notes between wrestlers with 84 and 79 psych not even in the main event slot btw have me seriously questioning why anyone should ever play this game. Arbitrary cut-offs are one thing (that 85 at high-global being completely absurd and so very, very wrong that ended my TCW game), but when you don't even follow those arbitrary cut-offs is another thing entirely.</p><p> </p><p>

So, as I said, if anyone can give me a thoughtful/insightful explanation/rationale other than "Adam is a god and don't you question him" or "That's just how the game goes." I will give them $5. I look forward to your answers. Oh Adam, that includes you too. Love to hear it.</p>

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Maybe it has something to do with the match length. Also, general realism too. Ever seen the Iron Man Match between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart? I mean, its a relationship thing too, but its not like its unprecedented for someone to forget to work out some spots beforehand where they go after the leg and the match loses steam, or if they go after the leg and then forget the leg was went after while building to the finish. Even the best wrestlers make mistakes like that.


On a whole other note, do you have any advice as to what stamina = number of minutes you can use a wrestler without him blowing up.

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Off the top of my head, I do remember booking notes affecting the psychology requirements for some of my matches. As in, giving me a psych trouble note when usually I wouldn't get one. So... it could be the length, call-in-ring or slow build - or a combination of those things.


This is a pure guess, but if badstreet brawl is brawl based, it could also be due to that (*a speciality match type being harder to call), but I'm not basing that off any of my own gameplay.


On a side note, I still don't understand why you get so riled up about requiring world class psychology to main event in a global level promotion... especially when it's possible (if harder) to get strong grades even with that note.

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Maybe it has something to do with the match length. Also, general realism too. Ever seen the Iron Man Match between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart? I mean, its a relationship thing too, but its not like its unprecedented for someone to forget to work out some spots beforehand where they go after the leg and the match loses steam, or if they go after the leg and then forget the leg was went after while building to the finish. Even the best wrestlers make mistakes like that.


On a whole other note, do you have any advice as to what stamina = number of minutes you can use a wrestler without him blowing up.


It depends on what road agent notes you are using. Obviously, you can go longer if you slow build it vs all out. Typically, you need C- to slow build (16 minutes) a singles match (which is what I'm guessing you're asking about as tags allow you to go longer). You can probably squeeze that same C- worker into a 12 minute all out match with 14 being a little bit of a stretch. You need a B to slow build a 30 minute match and an A to do anything 45 minutes or longer. Those are very rough estimates. Again, tag matches can have wrestlers go longer as obviously they aren't wrestling all of the match. I'm sure that the precise answer is in the Small questions thread if you want specifics. I don't run into too many blow-up moments as I tend to not hire low-stamina wrestlers or use them if I start with them.


Off the top of my head, I do remember booking notes affecting the psychology requirements for some of my matches. As in, giving me a psych trouble note when usually I wouldn't get one. So... it could be the length, call-in-ring or slow build - or a combination of those things.


This is a pure guess, but if badstreet brawl is brawl based, it could also be due to that (*a speciality match type being harder to call), but I'm not basing that off any of my own gameplay.


On a side note, I still don't understand why you get so riled up about requiring world class psychology to main event in a global level promotion... especially when it's possible (if harder) to get strong grades even with that note.


Blake, my harping on that is simply due to the fact that Adam chose a line in the sand that meant that there were fewer than 15 people in North America could Call in the Ring a Main Event match at High-Global in his own creation, the Cornell-Verse. Again, I understand that he engineered the game to benefit Sports Entertainment feds, but a game should not tie you up in knots like that. If I had more than 6 people (oh and they're all old and I have a hard brand split) to choose from to main event a freaking TV match (oh I have 2 of those per week), I wouldn't have been bitching about it for months now.


I loved that game, and I'd probably be in year 10 or 15 with TCW if not for that ruining 90% of my enjoyment of the game. It's like going through 30 levels of a shooter, then all of a sudden your gun jams 90% of the time and head shots stop working. Yeah sure, you can still win the game, but why bother?


Oh, and I just want to pass this on since you aren't the only one to think this. If you get that lack of psychology note, there is nothing you can do to eliminate that note other than to script the match. Hell, I've gotten that note even after scripting the match. Not very often but it has happened.


Also, Garvin and Manny have been in lots of Brawl matches with me without getting that note so I doubt that that was it. Interesting thought though as 2 of those ECW matches were Brawl based too though again I have no idea why an 84 vs 79 in a Cult fed would get that note when I've never seen that before even at National or International.


If you play your excellent diary game with NOTBPW to where they hit Global, you'll see what I'm talking about. Well, unless you take Option B where you happily accept a crappy squash match as your main event match so you have about a 90 rated show (84ish + 6 from having awesome angles which might be tough with some of your guys). I just don't like doing that as it is unrealistic to score that well imo.

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<p>Yeah, but there IS a middle ground between Call in Ring and Script. Like I mentioned above, it's possible to cause yourself to get the 'psychology drifting' penalty when you otherwise wouldn't by misusing the Call in Ring note. I've had matches which are perfectly fine with no notes, but get the psychology penalty if I try to get them to call it - because their psychology isn't THAT good. I know and acknowledge that if they get the note just regularly than it's not going to be completely mitigated through use of script, but Call in Ring is specifically stated to be for elite workers, and that bar gets raised even higher in performance-biased promotions (as it should be, imo)</p><p> </p><p>

Anyway, I'm just saying that it might be because of that. I've had the note pop up unexpectedly before too, but my ratings have never drastically suffered for it. I mean, I've netted high Bs in main events with the psychology drifting penalty (Chance Fortune vs Steven Parker), and considering the workers involved and my size, I called that a pretty good grade. (especially when Chance has the nerves with push personal chemistry, which hits every single segment he's ever in) Negatives aren't the end of the world is all. Recently-ish I posted a match where two guys with bad chemistry managed a 98, and that's with one of them having full yellow body condition. The psychology penalty is heavier, but it's surmountable.</p>

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Yikes, this dropped to Page 3 on the list. Time for an update.


1. I'm dropping back down to 1 show per month so I'm returning to the original brand split (me, Sting, Taker, and the downsiders on the used brand with everyone else on the might be used brand). I might change my mind again if I don't make enough money off the one show but it will be more like my Summer Showcase-type of show aka the type of show you should be running at Regional.


2. The show is going up to 3 hours to compensate for that so I'm actually dropping 1 hour. Also, I'm going to go up to 90% on the match ratio so I'll only have 3 6-minute angles. Hopefully, this will mitigate any stupid "ur anglez bloweth chunkz compared to the main event match" penalty. That makes it a max 6 points (2 points per angle) hit to the show rating.


ATTENTION!!!!! NEVER use a 90% match ratio for your product. There is only one time you can successfully use the 90% ratio, and that is if you know you can run an angle that will easily beat your main event because it has to when you choose that level. The 90% match ratio just doesn't work well in the game. The best thing is that you always have a 10% lee-way in both directions. So, if you want to run very few angles without worrying about them all getting crapped on by the crowd, set it to 80% and book the show like it is 90%. Just make doubly sure that you meet the 90% ratio or go for 88% as that lack of angles penalty is pretty rough. That's why I'm going to run those 3 6-minute angles, and I might even throw in a useless Diva Getting Ready 1-minute minor angle for good measure.


3. Now for some good news. Manny and Stan Lane have both had their contracts extended by WCW, and they are still PPA deals meaning I'm going to get to keep the Midnight Express around for a long time. (Eaton won't sign a Written deal if Stan didn't as they both have no friends or relatives). So, it looks like WCW is following the Cult Written rules--$7 million+ in the bank and a friend or relative on the roster. This of course means that Jimmy Garvin will be gone when his contract comes up (it expires in 128 days so 5 more shows maybe). Also, I can probably kiss the Rock N Roll Express gone when their contracts come up (best friends with each other) which is 129 for Morton and 153 for Gibson. Maybe I can ride this group to a TV deal. Oh, and Tully only has one friendship (Steve Stack) so I get to keep him!!!!:D


4. I'm 99% sure when they leave that I'm not going to replace them. Looks and sees Adrian Adonis and Bob Backlund both available I'm 90% sure I'm not going to replace them when they leave. Also, I'm going to go without an Authority Figure for awhile since Blackjack "stormed out" on us (I just fired him after Barry and Rotundo left). Here is the list of my replacements for the WCW 4 as I'll refer to them.


Frank Dusek--$350/Heel/Road Agent--He's got a 70 Road Agent rating and a 72 Personality rating meaning he could become my Authority Figure if not for his woeful 25 pop in Mid South.


Buddy Roberts--$1,500/Face/Upper Midcarder--Ah, one more Freebird has landed in SW! Yes, he's very old (43), but he can carry himself on the mic and brawl with the best of them (68) with a solid psych (72) whatever that matters. Just have to keep him away from poor sellers as that's his only bad stat (58). Oh well, it would be a good use of the Overbook note if I had Roberts vs Taker which is a distinct possibility.


Rip Rogers--$1,000/Heel/Midcarder--He's a white Ricky Santana. That is really a perfect comparison. Middleweight with good performance row skills and nothing above a 50 (Brawling) on the top row (56 Flash which is just low enough to not get the bonus) and can't talk (put Bruce Pritchard with him). Really one of the last good options left at the sub-$1,500 price range that can call in the ring (maybe). A tag team with Tom would be great.


Ron Bass--$1,000/Heel/Midcarder--A poor man's Dutch Mantell. He's a better brawler than Dutch, but not as good on the mic or on the performance row without Dutch's menace either (72 vs 60 or SQ 74 vs 54) plus the 4 year age difference (42 for Bass; 38 for Dutch). Thus why Dutch is an Upper Mid and Bass is Midcard. Though in a funny turn of events Bass is 5th on the old fogy list and is just on the decline while Dutch has the 3 or 4 years past his best note at #4.


Steven Regal--$400/Heel/Opener--Yes, that Steven Regal as I had to look overseas for talent. He can't call in the ring yet (54), but he's 20 so that will only get better. It's always a good idea to sign a couple of jobbers that don't really fit with the rest of your roster. That way they can train up the rest of your roster with those skills. Curt, Regal, and Malenko are very technical minded wrestlers which clearly don't fit the brawl-heavy roster I've assembled, but they'll learn to brawl while some of the others will get better technical-wise.


Also, Owen, Pillman, & Douglas all re-signed with Superior Wrestling this month, and all for a substantial discount from their previous contracts (got to love the dismal economy).


Here is the Top 10 list of Popularity in Mid South area. It's pretty shocking.


1. Sting--77!!!! Holy crap that shot up. He can just talk now and do well.

2. Tully--70

3. Taker-67

3. Hayes-67

5. Eaton/Garvin/Gibson-63

8. Morton/Foley-62

10. Roberts/Fernandez-61


So, that means Sting can pull off a solid angle by himself while the rest probably can't unless I use Taker's or Foley's Menace that won't kill the show.


Here's the non-finalized card for Last Chance


Sting vs Tully Blanchard--Hayes says Tully has to go through Sting to get another title shot. Considering Sting chased off his buddy Arn, he's down with that.

Rock n Roll Express vs Midnight Express (Tag Team Title Match)--Since RnR aren't sticking around, might as well start this epic feud pronto.

Michael Hayes vs Ron Bass (Superior Wrestling Championship)--This is going to be a bloody brawl as two of the best brawlers in SW! meet for the #1 title in SW!

Manny Fernandez vs Jimmy Garvin--This was an utter mess last month, and I'm resigned to it being an utter mess this month too. This is the last match between them so who's coming out on top?

Buddy Roberts vs The Undertaker--Hayes has called in a Freebird for assistance in removing the ominous threat that The Undertaker represents. Can this old hand stop the monster who is coming off his biggest victory of his career?

Curt Hennig vs Dutch Mantell (Superior Jr. Heavyweight Title)--Curt faces a wily veteran in his first title defense. Can a technical wrestler out-wrestle a brute brawler?

Mil Mascaras vs Ricky Santana (Superior Cruiserweight Title)--Mil finally got the title away from Keirn, and now he faces a surging Santana who is on a winning streak. Can this creaky old veteran stop the youngster's charge and keep the title?


The 2 shows per month did accomplish one goal for me as I'm up to D-/36.0 pop which means another $2/ticket each month so I'll make $14,000 for the show in ticket money. Next up is hitting 40 and getting on TV. I only gained 2.7 for both shows which must mean the law of diminishing returns kicked in as I got 1.5 for the first show then 1.2 for the 2nd show. The show will probably be up Sunday as anyone who watches sports knows what is going on in Kentucky Saturday night. Might crank it out sooner.


Oh, and a quick shout-out to Hive who has released his 1994 mod. I love his 1995 mod (ECW will rule the world...by 2004 maybe) so this one should be equally well-done and enjoyable.

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Okay, first the massive huge ginormous news. Adam perfectly explained why that Manny vs Garvin match got that poor psychology note that killed the match. Basically, the higher rated psychology wrestler sets the cap for the match. As Adam put it:


The "segment rating was penalized for lack of psychology" penalty note is incurred simply if the highest psychology rating present in the match is less than 90% of the match rating at that point in the calculation (i.e. not the final rating that you see on-screen, but whatever level it is at when penalties are being calculated).


So, in other words that Manny vs Garvin match is rarely going to put on a match that is better than a 78 which is good to know. Also, Adam just confirmed my suspicion that even scripting the match won't stop that negative from happening. I'll do the math for you.


Highest rated pysch in match--Best that you can expect from the match (in an equal fed as you move towards pop based you could get higher due to massive pop)

60--66 (67 if 60.3)

65--72 (78 if 65.7)

70--77 (78 if 70.2)

75--83 (84 if 75.6)

80--88 (89 if 80.1)

85--94 (95 if 85.5)


Again, if you have way more pop than their psych level, you will still get that note, but you could easily beat that rating by a few points. However, that pretty much explains why my TCW game drove me nuts. All of my Main Eventers stayed above 87 pop, and very few of them were named Keith, Cornell, or Vessey. That's why my International title was "cursed" as it was being fought between a bunch of 75-80 psych wrestlers with too much pop giving me that note all of the time and low-80 matches. So, basically, your best bet is to keep your top people's pop down in the mid-80's or get that note all of the freaking time, or run a much more pop fed, get everyone's pop above 90 (not that hard btw) and don't sweat that note as the match is going to be so high that a few negatives won't dent it.


Also, it is Diary of the Month time again. Voting is open for a limited time so go vote for the diaries you enjoy reading and are well done. There are lots and lots of them on here which doesn't describe mine. So go vote!


I'm making two changes to my diary. First, I'm really enjoying the minimalist diaries on here so no more sponsorship by Upload Screenshot. Second, I'm breaking out an angle that some people aren't going to particularly like. However, there is a serious flaw in the game, and it has to do with managers. They don't gain pop much at all which just doesn't make sense and renders them almost useless barring Sex Appeal or positive chemistry which isn't all that big of a positive. So, I don't consider it cheating or wrong, and the other option is to just periodically jump their pop in the editor.


Superior Wrestling Last Chance

Fort Worth Cowtown Arena

Attendance: 1,968


Why oh why would Dinsmore and Stack like Swedish cinema or even have access to it in Texas? Oh well, chalk up another loyalty to boost the backstage environment



Sting Hypes Up Precious, Sunshine, Bruce Pritchard, and Ashley Cartier as the best managers in the world. (Sting-Ent, 4 Managers all Not Rated but on screen) 79


Owen Hart def Jerry Lynn

Just another match to get Lynn adjusted to life in SW! Hoping Owen would train him a little bit. That was a big success as Owen upped his Rumble while Lynn upped his Performance skills. 62


Main Show


Sting comes back to the ring. He says that one horseman is gone from Superior Wrestling, and tonight he's going to run the last one off. Tully comes out and says that if he's sooooo sure about that, that he'll put his #1 Contendership spot on the line. Sting says that will be fine, but just to make sure there isn't any funny business going on it will be a 30 minute Iron Man match!! Tully looks displeased but says that he isn't going anywhere, and he's going to get the title from that no-good Freebird. 80 Sting better performance skills; Tully improved charisma


Mil Mascaras def Ricky Santana to retain Cruiserweight Title

These two went at each other hard for the full 10 minutes, but in the end, the veteran taught Santana a few new tricks as he held onto the title. 64 Santana improves Tech skills


Michael Hayes is in the ring saying how good it is to be back in Texas [cheap pop]. He's heard that a low-down, dirty s.o.b is coming for my title tonight, but he's a Freebird which means he can go on and on and on (oops, that's the song:D). Evidently, Taker decided that Hayes was talking about him as he comes out to the ring putting the evil eye to Hayes. Michael says he wasn't talking about you you undead s.o.b. Taker knocks the taste out of Hayes' mouth with a right cross that staggered Michael. Taker catches him on the rebound with a powerslam when the crowd goes nuts. It's Buddy Roberts!!!! He catches Taker completely unawares and sends him over the top rope. Taker does his normal flip to land on his feet as he goes over and smacks the ring before deciding 2-on-1 aren't good odds and leaves. 78 Taker improves performance and charisma; Buddy improves performance skills and has my first bad gimmick:mad: I must not have changed his gimmick.


Curt Henning retains the Junior Hwyweight Title as Dutch Mantell gets DQ'd

This was only a wrestling match when Curt was in control. Dutch did his best to turn it into a brawl which included not listening to Dinsmore. This caused him to not break a 5 count leading to the DQ. 70 Dutch improves his tech skills


We have a quick video showing Ashley Cartier getting ready which burns a minute and increases drink sales as the men all slobber for that minute. 64 This was a minor angle so it really doesn't matter.


Manny Fernandez def Jimmy Garvin in a Falls Count Anywhere Match

These two went all over the arena (even though this is a regular match) beating the hell out of each other. Precious can't take it anymore and calls for help. Taker pops out from the back and tries to spear Manny, but he moved leaving Jimmy to take the full force of that spear leading to Manny winning the match. 77 Manny improves tech skills It looks like my removing the open match note and/or making it a regular match worked as it clocked in at 77 so it didn't get that penalty.


Mick Foley def Steven Regal

Another teaching match with Regal making his debut in SW! 61 Ugh, this one got the psych penalty note. Keep forgetting Regal isn't that good yet.


Tully comes back out and insults Sting saying that he got lucky against Arn because we took you and Hayes lightly last month. That most certainly isn't going to be the case tonight. Sting, you made a big mistake in making this a 30-minute Iron Man match because I'm more of a man than you and more importantly, I'm the best wrestler in the world. You can't hang with me in this ring, Sting. Hayes, I'm coming for you next month. 73 Stack underperformed, and I think that might hurt my show rating as I'm expecting big things from the tag match.


The Undertaker def Buddy Roberts with some help in Badstreet Brawl

Brawl says it all as there was very little wrestling in the match. These two showed very little desire in doing anything but maiming the other. Unfortunately for Buddy, Hayes is busy getting ready for his title match while Taker's buddy (financial only) was done with his. Jimmy snuck up behind Buddy and nailed him with a chair leading to a Tombstone on the floor. 64 Whoops, guess who forgot to put the overbook note in the match? So, I got the lack of selling note which surprises no one. If Buddy was 30, I'd really care, but since he isn't, I'm not that torn up about it.


Michael Hayes def Ron Bass to retain Superior Wrestling Championship in Cage Classic Match

This was a pretty standard paint-by-numbers match. Hayes let Bass get in just enough offense to make it look credible, but Hayes was never in any real threat of losing the title. Bass was upgraded to Main Event for the match so it could go 16 minutes. 75


Lanny Poffo def Mysterion

Your typical cool the crowd down and give the concession workers a chance to sell stuff (the last 2 matches are both Iron Mans so get your food and drinks now!). Plus, it gets me on the card. 58 Pretty good chemistry plus following that good of a match helped tremendously though that's too low a match rating as it will give me a cold crowd. Obviously no skill improvement for me.:(


Tully Blanchard def Sting for #1 Contendership

Yet another example of faces completely forgetting that you have to worry about the heel cheating at just the right time to steal the win. They traded pinfalls and a quick submission on Tully for the first 20 minutes leaving it 2-2. The last 8 minutes with several near-falls as momentum went back and forth. Sting went for the Stinger splash...and got Dinsmore flush. Tully slid out and grabbed a chair which was promptly used on Sting's noggin. As the announcer counts down from 30, Tully gets Bob up, and the count is made with 5 seconds left! 83 Sigh, evidently this match was going to kill it as I got the lack of psych penalty. Considering Tully's 83 psych that means it had to be a 93. Yikes that's a harsh penalty.


Rock n Roll Express def The Midnight Express for Tag Team Titles in 30-minute Iron Man Match

A very similar match to the last one in that it was very even for the first 20 minutes though it was only 1-1 with plenty of near-falls. After Ashley distracted Eaton keeping the match even, Pritchard had had enough. He popped up on the apron and got the refs attention. While he was gabbing with the ref, he threw in a chain to who he thought was Lane, but it was actually Morton. Ricky looked at the chain, then Pritchard, then Lane. Much to the crowd's sheer delight he pops Stan right between the eyes. The last two minutes saw the Express do everything they could to even things back up, but they couldn't get it done. 73 Okay, these lack of psychology notes are running rampant as this one killed my main event. Eaton being off his game didn't help either.


Show Grade: 75


Thank God WWW only got a 71 for their show. I only lost $8,458 on the show thanks to the near sell-out of the 2,000 seat arena which got me more ticket money from the one show than last month's two shows. So, I think I'm going run the one show for now. I did only gain 1.2 pop though.:(

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I'm curious as to whether you're checking Mysterion's skills manually? I'm almost certain that you don't get the 'X is improving in Y skills' message every single time anyone ever improves, and with as bad as Mysterion is starting, there should be no way he isn't getting better just by wrestling.
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I'm curious as to whether you're checking Mysterion's skills manually? I'm almost certain that you don't get the 'X is improving in Y skills' message every single time anyone ever improves, and with as bad as Mysterion is starting, there should be no way he isn't getting better just by wrestling.


Oh, I am, but he's barely gaining anything which makes no sense to me other than Murphy's Law kicking my butt again. I've never had this much trouble developing a UC ever. If I hadn't made sure that he had Excellent potential, I'd think I screwed that up. Right now, I'm going to have to consistently hit skill rolls or change to a much more pop fed to have any hope of main eventing anything.


Just to add, Blake you're not one of the 4 I referenced elsewhere.

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