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Next Generation Wrestling (c-verse rockhard setting in Japan)

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Taking a break from trying to take down TCW (American Wrestling Federation Dynasty). I figured i would share my experiences in this game. I don't know how to put fancy pictures and stuff in my posts (i am an old fart) but I have alot of passion for this game and play it way too much.


In Japan it seems almost everybody wants to get paid. Scrub nobody wrestler gimmie 400. Well i come from the school that more than 150 = too much.


After going back and forth I decided to try to go with my smallest roster ever

at least for the first month


Lion Genji 20 year old puroresu going as a mma bad ass gimmick heel

rumble 40

technical 40

flying 11

entertainment 44

performance 53

physical 66

camera 64


he is a postive influence in the locker room


Musashi 18 year old puroresu also with mma bad ass gimmick heel

rumble 43

technical 39

flying 46

performance 50

physical 67

camera 84


Kaii Hanari 19 year old junior wrestler style heel with Cartoon Joker gimmick

rumble 31

technical 39

flying 46

entertainment 57

performance 48

physcial 51

camera 62


these 3 guys were the only ones that would work for 150 bucks a month


trying to get staff was an exercise in frustration we did get our annoucner

Hiranuma Makoto 52 annoucing and 33 colour 33 manager looks like we will

not have any managers for a while.


Akikazu Miyagi is a good referee (76) but he is a drain at 900 a show.


To run our first show we decied to have jack avatar vs the heels show

we will have whoever is not wrestling be a road agent and the other be a



This is just about the cheapest show you can run in Japan to start with

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NGW January 2010 attendance 44


Kaii Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 28

Jack Avatar over Kaii Hanari 35

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 38

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 24

Jack Avatar over Musashi 39

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 27


Final Rating 35


angles did not reach the standards of in ring action

This show can be considered a success, it

should have increased our popularity


It was a success in the money department also

we made over 2k that month


2 new workers that could work for us enter wrestling

we see how much money they want


Omezo Shikitei wanted 500 a show well i dont even offer that

he may accept it


Ichizo Sawamatsu who has no picture wants 350 we will pass

on that also.


I am trying to run a buisness here!

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NGW February 2010 attendance 55


Kaii Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 27

Jack Avatar over Kaii Hanari 40

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 43

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 30

Jack Avatar over Musashi 44

Musasi and Jack Avatar brawl 28


Final Rating 40


more popularity and cheap success

wow we got the message we have risen to small size!


Now we could have some flexibilty in hiring people but

because i wanted to see what they wanted nobody wants

to talk to me for a while.


ARGH! i fell back to local size due to regional battle results !

Still made another 2k though

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NGW March 2010 attendance 59


Kaii Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 27

Jack Avatar over Kaii Hanari 42

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 46

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 34

Jack Avatar over Musashi 47

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 38


Final Rating 44


NGW April 2010 attendance 50


Kaii Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 31

Jack Avatar over Kaii Hanari 46

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 48

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brwal 37

Jack Avatar over Musashi 49

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 41


Final Rating 47


We these guy contracts come up they will want

more money now we are small and have 40k in the



WLW have made an offer to Musashi if he takes it i could be in trouble.

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NGW May 2010 attendance 48


i forgot to change the length of the show so our main event is

a 60 minute match it could get ugly


Kaii Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 33

Jack Avatar over Kaii Hanari 49

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 51

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 40

Jack Avatar over Musashi 51

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 36


Final Rating 47


NGW June 2010 attendance 63


Kaii Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 38

Jack Avatar over Kaii Hanari 50

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 52

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 40

Jack Avatar over Musashi 53

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 44


Final Rating 51


yes this is the least creative booking you will ever see

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I see Americal Elemental, Art Reed and Stone Yoshiami (sp)

get let go and while i would love to bring those guys in I am

thinking long term with this company. I do not know

how much it is going to cost me to keep these guys around

Heck what happens if they decide I am not big enough for them.

I think the "smart thing" to do is just make as much money as I

can the first year then go from there.


NGW July 2010 attendance 58


Kaii Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 40

Jack Avatar over Kaii Hanari 51

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 53

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 41

Jack Avatar over Musashi 53

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 42


Final Rating 49


NGW August 2010 attendance 114 (yippie)


Kaii Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 39

Jack Avatar over Kaii Hanari 50

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 56

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 47

Jack Avatar over Musashi 56

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 46


Final Rating 53


I break my rule as KC Glenn has entered wrestling and can

wrestle in Japan


I decided its time to expand the roster some

will try to get us to 10 wrestlers and even get a road agent

maybe a color person as well we do have over 100k in the bank


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New Additions to the roster:

Chikafusa Tadeshi 20 year old face happy go lucky gimmick

Rumble 10

technical 20

flying 13

entertainment 22

performance 44

physical 35

camera 24


yes he stinks but is good in the locker room has decent selling(79)

even though he is listed as a midcarder he will be jobbing for a while


Goemon Komiya 24 year old face blue collar gimmick

(let go from Saisho)

Rumble 45

technical 41

flying 36

entertainment 42

performance 62

physical 69

camera 46


not bad we will see what happens with him


Haruhiro Tsumemasa 24 year old heel old school heel gimmick

rumble 24

technical 41

flying 41

entertainment 45

performance 48

physical 41

camera 45


nothing exciting here


Ichizo Sawamatsu 18 year old face disco stud gimmick no picture guy

rumble 34

technical 33

flying 33

entertainment 42

performance 55

physical 49

camera 86


KC Glenn 19 year old heel with teen idol gimmick

rumble 64

technical 58

flying 82

entertainment 51

performance 87

physical 76

camera 93


Kokan Shimakage 18 year old announcer staff member gimmick

64 announcing


Nigel Svensson 21 year old face mma bad ass gimmick


rumble 53

technical 65

flying 6

entertainment 28

performance 66

physical 66

camera 48


Scarlet Samurai is a retired wrestler we bring in to be a road agent

75 psychology 70 respect


hopefully this isn't me digging my own grave

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KC Glenn & Nigel Svennson could carry a performance based roster for years. Also, I saw that you posted about not getting Loyalty (in the "What's Going On In Your Game" thread) and the short version is that if you're the first person to sign a young worker (I believe age below 23 but not positive on the number), they will be loyal to your company and snub bigger companies. I'll be reading.
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Pennyone and Rayelek thank you for reading and your comments.


NGW September 2010 attendance 96


Avatar and Hanari brawl 44

Haruhiro Tsumemasa over Goemon Komiya 26

Mussashi over Ichizo Sawamatsu 18

Jack Avatar and Mussashi brawl 48

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 59

Jack Avatar and Lion Genji brawl 52


final rating 47


NGW October 2010 attendance 113

Avatar and Hanari brawl 45

Musashi over Ichizo Sawamatsu 19

Lion Genji over Goemon Komiya 24

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 46

Jack Avatar over Haruhiro Tsumemasa 56

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 49


Final Rating 46


NGW November 2010 attendance 81

Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 42

Musashi over Chikafusa Tadeshi 20

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 58

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 53

Lion Genji over Goemon Komiya 26

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 47


Final Rating 34 (oppsie messed up the match order there)


NGW December 2010 attendance 109

Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 43

Lion Genji over Goemon Komiya 28

Musashi over Ichizo Sawamatsu 22

Jack Avatar and Musashi brawl 48

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 56

Jack Avatar and Lion Genji brawl 46


Final Rating 46

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We get shut out of the awards. SWF promotion of the year

TCW most improved promotion and NOTBPW has show and match

of the year.


my worker costs went from 1600 to over 6000 a show. I still dont

have a color person on the books or a manager. We are still making

money each month. I am going to try to run a weekly "house" show

to try to gain ground in the regional battle which i finish last in

every month. I know it will cost me but hopefully i can gain

popularity and overcome the loses faster in the long run. More

matches for my guys couldn't hurt either.


I almost signed Crusher Von Steinberg who i enjoy booking.

He is 29 and we don't really have money to be throwing around.


I resigned my 3 orignal guys 2 at 150 and Lion Genji who is a

main eventer and our number 1 wrestler according to franchise

players is now getting 400 but he signed a 2 year deal the other

guys only wanted 1 year deals.


I am a beilver in starting with a big 6 of guys to push for the 3 most

important matches


My 3 new storylines are


Lion Genji and Goemen Komiya

Musashi and Nigel Svenssen

KC Glenn and Jack Avatar


Jack Avatar is my most popular worker but at last check he still did

not speak the languge so i am just using brawl angles for now.


There was no really big gains in terms of ability nobody besides

Glenn and Avatar are really special. I manually switch Svenssens

to a lower midcarder so i wont get dinged for using him too much

when he gets to midcard i can use him in an angle and a match.


We are at 18 popularity and have 160k in the bank

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NGW January 2011 attendance 98


Kaii Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 46

Musashi over Nigel Svensson 27

Lion Genji over Goemon Komiya 28

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 55

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 58

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 52


Final Rating 49


Masami Ishida enters wrestling a Japanese non wrestler with

90 charisma i will offer this guy whatever he wants to be our

manger/interviewer/color person. Although it looks like he will

be a pain backstage though.


It also looks like we will need to put on 70+ rated shows to win

the regional battle so we have work to do.


NGW: February 2011 attendance 139


Kaii Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 47

Musashi over Nigel Svensson 34

Lion Genji over Goemon Komiya 32

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 56

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 62

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 58


Final Rating 53


NGW March 2011 attendance 158


Kaii Hanari and Jack Avatar brawl 53

Musashi over Nigel Svensson 39

Lion Genji over Goemon Komiya 38

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 66

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 66

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 66


Final Rating 58


going to 9 shows a month following a big league schedule only lost 9k and now we are drawing 300 fans a show and are regional sized

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NGW: April 2011 attendance 300


KC Glenn and Jack Avatar brawl 69

Musashi over Nigel Svensson 50

Lion Genji over Goemon Komiya 51

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 86

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 80

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 94


Final Rating 76


this should be good enough to win our first regional battle

the highest i have seen from 5ssw is 72 so far this month just 70


Holding 9 shows we were able to make 7k last month


We land a gem although he is asking for 900 bucks a show


Tanyu Toshusai 21 year old puroresu face with fans own gimmick

rumble 59

technical 62

flying 35

entertainment 56

performance 75

physcial 75

camera 85


he is replacing Goemon Komiya in my storylines and he is a postive

influence in the locker room


NGW May 2011 attendance 300


KC Glenn and Jack Avatar brawl 81

Musashi over Nigel Svensson 62

Lion Genji over Tanyu Toshusai 68

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 100

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 83

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 100


Final Rating 82


NGW June 2011 attendance 842


KC Glenn and Jack Avatar brawl 91

Musashi over Nigel Svensson 62

Lion Genji over Tanyu Toshusai 72

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 100

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 81 (title match)

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 100


Final Rating 82


all in all looks like we are on our way now

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NGW July 2011 attendance 1000


Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 100

Nigel Svensson over Kaii Hanari 60

Tanyu Toshusai over Haruhiro Tsumemasa 58

Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 100

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 82 (title match)

KC Glenn and Jack Avatar brawl 100


Final Rating 79


We sign Sato 20 year old puroresu make him a heel with bad ass gimmick

rumble 59

technical 40

entertainment 52

performance 58

physical 70

camera 72


this gives us a total of 12 wrestlers 6 faces and 6 heels

we could have a ppv technically


a few contracts are coming up i already extended nigel and KC

as i am pushing them wanted to get there deals worked out

KC demanded a title run and he won and dropped the belt his first

defense. He is close for us to "not big enough" for him which worries

me. I am doing a monthly show in Kinki so if i have to get to cult

to avoid losing guys i will. Otherwise i am just going to build up

my cash which is currently 300k but we made over 90k last month.


Want to get over 10 million in cash get to cult and build a dojo

would be nice to right of first refusal on a nice prospect.

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NGW August 2011 attendance 1000


Lion Genji and Jack Avatar brawl 100

Lion Genji over Nigel Svensson 72

KC Glenn over Tanyu Toshusai 79

Musashi and Jack Avatar brawl 100

Musashi over Jack Avatar 76 (title match)

Jack Avatar and KC Glenn brawl 100


Final Rating 81


Musashi contract was coming up i tried to extend it to see if i

needed to get to cult to do so. It cost me 2k per show and a title

run but he is on for another year. He is over but he isn't the best


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NGW September 2011 attendance 1000


Musashi and Tanyu Toshusai brawl 100

Tanyu Toshusai over Musashi 75

KC Glenn over Nigel Svensson 86

KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 81 (title match)

Jack Avatar and Lion Genji brawl 100


Final Rating 86


this was the first show that i had all 6 90+ popularity

We bring in a rookie Shun'en Maruyama 21 year old face entertainer.

rumble 68

technical 36

flying 33

entertainment 53

performance 47

physical 18

camera 92


he is a project but has an 83 brawling and 92 star quality

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NGW October 2011 attendance 2000


Nigel Svensson and Musashi brawl 100

Tanyu Toshusai over Musashi 76

KC Glenn over Nigel Svensson 87

Tanyu Toshusai and Lion Genji brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 85 (title match)

Jack Avatar and KC Glenn brawl 100


Final Rating 90


Best show yet we bring in 2 rookies


Sozen Ishinomori 21 year old heel arrogant heel gimmick

rumble 42

technical 17

flying 7

entertainment 74

performance 46

physical 56

camera 89


he has menace and charisma we shall see if he can learn how to



Pavel Vanzycha 20 year old heel martial artist gimmick

rumble 52

technical 66

flying 9

entertainment 30

performance 67

physcial 70

camera 48


basically he is a young body that is not great but not bad either

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Much to my surprise Kaii Hanari a guy who has been with us since

the begining signed a ppv deal with WLW and we are not his 1st

priority. I thought he was loyal to us...


NGW November 2011 attendance 2000


Nigel Svensson and Musashi brawl 100

Tanyu Toshusai over Musashi 78

KC Glenn over Nigel Svensson 85

Lion Genji and Tanyu Toshusai brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 80 (title match)

Jack Avatar and KC Glenn brawl 100


Final Rating 86


We sign Stealth Z 20 year old face patriot gimmick

rumble 27

technical 48

flying 76

entertainment 47

performance 56

physical 63

camera 74


he is a nice young high flyer prospect

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NGW December 2011 attendance 2000


Tanyu Toshusai and Musashi brawl 100

Tanyu Toshusai over Musashi 78

KC Glenn over Nigel Svensson 89

KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Lion Genji 82 (title match)

Jack Avatar and Lion Genji brawl 100


Final Rating 88


Young Wrestler of the Year KC Glenn

Most Improved Promotion of the Year NGW


top 100

49-KC Glenn

55-Jack Avatar

79-Geomon Komiya

80-Haruhiro Tsumemasa


As it stands right now we have Jack Avatar, KC Glenn and a bunch

of guys. I had high hopes for Tanyu Toshusai but he seems to have

capped his Psychology at 69. Goemon Komiya i had less hope for

already has a 71 psychology and i dont think it capped yet. Haruhiro

Tsumemasa has decent top row skills but has 3 performance skills

in the 50's he isn't going to get a push till that changes.


Akikazu Miyagi is up to 98 refereeing

Kokan Shimakage appears to have capped at 69 announcing

Masami Ishida appears to have capped at 95 charisma for his colour

Scarlet Samurai is 75 road agent not sure that is changing much


Avatar, Svensson and Glenn now speak fluent Japanese.


We have a 72 importance in Kanto and 30 in Kinki


We have 1.1 million in the bank.


In Japan we are the 5th dog in the race behind BHOTWG, PGHW,

GCG and WLW in that order. Right now the top 3 are national. WLW

are only 1 point from being a 4th national.


I past 100 shows and added a point to motivating to bring me to 1. I

I started with 10 negotiating and 10 leadership. I normally start

with all 5's then build up negotiating but decided to mix it up,


Overall i would say it was a good year. The one concern i have is

Musahi, Lion Genji and Nigel Svensson 3 of my big 6 workers I am

building around may have capped their psychology under 60.

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NGW January 2012 attendance 2000


Musashi and Nigel Svensson brawl 100

Tanyu Toshusai over Lion Genji 84

KC Glenn over Nigel Svensson 85

Tanyu Toshusai and Lion Genji brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Musashi 89 (title match)

KC Glenn and Jack Avatar brawl 100


Final Rating 93


At this point and time this is about as good a show as i can do


I am not sure if i can get a TV deal yet but i am going to try to

get TV and PPV deals.I dont think i can but i have seen some

regional companys get one.


ARGH my referee signs with WLW. I let Kaii Hanari go as he was

never available anyway. Luckily there are some quality refs in Japan

I bring in Yasuyuki Terakado who already has an 89 rating.


NGW February 2012 attendance 2000


Tanyu Toshusai and Lion Genji brawl 100

Tanyu Toshusai over Lion Genji 85

KC Glenn over Nigel Svensson 83

KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Musashi 87 (title match)

Jack Avatar and Musashi brawl 100


Final Rating 91


WLW hit national so now there are 4 national promotions in Japan

I dont know how its going to play out but looking at recent shows

It looks like GCG is going to be on the losing end of the battle.

PGHW have a 7 point cushion

BHOTWG have a 6 point cushion

GCG have a 2 point cushion

WLW have a 0 point cushion


We don't get a TV show maybe next season.

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NGW March 2012 attendance 2000


Tanyu Toshusai and Lion Genji brawl 100

Tanyu Toshusai over Lion Genji 87

KC Glenn over Nigel Svensson 85

KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Musashi 76 (title match)

Jack Avatar and Musashi brawl 98


Final Rating 84


not sure why the title match bombed hopefully that is low as it can

go on the "random" factor. I do know that our title prestige gives

it a hit but the title prestige is a 91. I know i could throw a bunch

of KC Glenn and Jack Avatar matches to get it to 100 maybe i

should do that.


Josh Jones enters wrestling and i try to get him on board. He could

be our 3rd guy to bring us up a notch. We will probally hit cult this

month when we do i will see if i can get a ppv deal.


We sign Josh Jones and get a PPV with Jade.


NGW April 2012 attendance 15,000


Jack Avatar and Josh Jones argue 52 (that was supposed to be KC Glenn)

Tanyu Toshusai over Lion Genji 77

Sato over Stealth Z 46 (bad chemistry)

Haruhiro Tsumemasa over Chikafusa Tadeshi 53

Goemon Komiya over Sozen Ishinomori 59

KC Glenn over Nigel Svensson 86

Tanyu Toshusai and Lion Genji brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Musashi 84 (title match)

Nigel Svensson and Musashi brawl 96


Final Rating 84


I was a little worried about our finaces with the jump to cult but we

made over 400k with the extra ticket sales.


We make another attempt to get a TV show and fail. The smaller

networks don't think a 2nd show would be good right now.

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NGW May 2012 attendance 15,000


KC Glenn and Jack Avatar argue 98

Lion Genji over Nigel Svensson 73

Sato over Chikafusa Tadeshi 58

Haruhiro Tsumemasa over Stealth Z 60

Goemon Komiya over Sozen Ishinomori 60

Tanyu Toshusai over Musashi 83

Tanyu Toshusai and Musashi brawl 100

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 88 (title match)

Lion Genji and Nigel Svensson brawl 100


Final Rating 90


good show we definatly have the talent to go national

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NGW June 2012 attendance 15,000


KC Glenn and Jack Avatar argue 100

Musahi over Nigel Svensson 70

Sato over Ichizo Sawamatsu 64

Haruhiro Tsumemasa over Stealth Z 69

Geomon Komiya over Sozen Ishinomori 64

Tanyu Toshusai over Lion Genji 85

Tanyu Toshusai and Lion Genji brawl 100

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 87 (title match)

Mushashi and Nigel Svensson brawl 100


Final Rating 90


The Musashi and Svensson match I was expecting better

I normally base people's push off of their performance rating

or more specifically their pyschology. This is something

Musashi, Nigel Svensson and Lion Genji lack Tanyu is 3rd

best with a 69 which isn't anything to write home about.

Komiya is up to an 81 (not sure if capped) and Josh Jones

already has a 74. In a perfect world Komiya would be my #2

face and Josh Jones #3. Outside of KC Glenn none of heels

look worthy to be in the top 3 heels.I have even considered maybe

i should let a couple guys go and bring in a couple rookies

and see what they can become. I am not finished with anyone

but if a rookie comes along that is a can't miss prospect

something will have to be addressed.

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On the hidden gems list we notice Acid II so we sign him up

I could see him and Stealth Z having a feud down the line.


NGW July 2012 attendance 15,000


KC Glenn and Jack Avatar argue 100

Musashi over Nigel Svensson 72

Sato over Chikafusa Tadeshi 60

Haruhiro Tsumemasa over Ichizo Sawamatsu 61

Goemon Komiya over Acid II 61

Tanyu Toshusai over Lion Genji 80

Tanyu Toshusai and Lion Genji brawl 100

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 87 (title match)

Musashi and Nigel Svensson brawl 100


Final Rating 88


we are rejected again for a tv show will keep trying

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NGW August 2012 attendance 15,000


Jack Avatar and KC Glenn argue 100

Musashi over Nigel Svensson 72

Sato over Chikafusa Tadeshi 69

Haruhiro Tsumemasa over Stealth Z 68

Goemon Komiya over Acid II 66

Tanyu Toshusai over Lion Genji 85

Tanyu Toshusai and Lion Genji brawl 100

Jack Avatar over KC Glenn 84 (title match)

Masami Ishida and Nigel Svensson brawl 91 (oopsie)


Final Rating 88

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