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World Level Wrestling or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

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Tsurayuki Kamachi vs. Americana vs. Acid vs. Nichiren Amagawa

I like Nichiren even through he's a douche backstage.


Greg Gauge vs. Yosuke Narita

Unless you have pacts with NOTBPW or TCW he will get snapped up.


WLW Tag Team Titles

Samoan Destruction Inc.© vs. Above & Below

The Samoans are too dominant and well defined team to lose even to a All Star team.


Magnum Kobe and Silver Shark vs. Unity Two vs. Black House

Silver Shark is Kobe's lackey and Black House could use some building up.



Extra Question: How do you see the fan reaction to Kobe and his overall character?


I don't know if you watch WWE but he seems to me to be very similar to Dolph Ziggler at the moment. Cocky and a heel but loved by most fans due to his ability to put great matches all the time.

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Extra Question: How do you see the fan reaction to Kobe and his overall character?


I don't know if you watch WWE but he seems to me to be very similar to Dolph Ziggler at the moment. Cocky and a heel but loved by most fans due to his ability to put great matches all the time.


This got away from me; I was figuring out how to word things while walking the dog however many days ago, but I've since forgotten it. Here goes winging my thoughts...




I haven't watched the WWE in awhile due to not having cable, so what I know of Ziggler is what the IWC says. Namely, he sells like a truck and is totally the next HBK. Or Jericho. :rolleyes: And he's with Vickie, right? So that shouldn't happen either? Whatever, unimportant. Cocky heel that puts on great matches is the archetype, so here we go.


Kobe is supposed to be arrogant. Arrogant is an excellent word for the Kobe in my head; cocky's like...cocky has a slight flavor of joking around to it. Arrogant's just straight-up saying I'm better than you. Granted, I'm probably leaning Kobe more toward being "cocky" what with his constant anti-pandering to Angel and company, but in my mind, his whole shtick is that he's young, he's multi-faceted, and he's the champion-as it should be.


I do think the fans would like him for his wrestling-though, as I learned, him and Angel can't quite call in the ring with no penalty yet. His matches, when he chooses to execute, (again, cocky guys would under-perform against weaker opponents, while arrogant ones would squash them) are excellent. He's capable in any way that a fan would want-which, I imagine, is why he was quite successful previously as a face.


Kobe probably wouldn't mind getting cheered, but I don't think he'd care, particularly. Not because the fans don't matter, but because it's more of an axiomatic truth (loljericho) that Kobe should be the champion. He's inarguably (in actuality, quite arguable) the best young lion in the company. He's unmasked Yosuke Narita. He killed off the most dominant figure in the company's entire history. So who cares about his age? That's the guy that gets the belt. The man who won the midcard triple crown deserves a shot, certainly, at the main title; with someone so one-dimensional as Angel, Kobe's going to win.


His arechetypical promo [again, I'm saying this in my head, not what I'm producing] mentions the fact that he's nigh-unbeatable due to doing something better than his opponent. Angel's got him beat flying, but not mat wrestling. Hisato lacks a brawling game. Same with Ishibashi. And so on. So he mentions his all-around talent, he mentions winning the triple crown, (by beating Stone Cold and The Rock in one night ._.) then he talks about his opponent-or choosing them for the next PPV. Relaxed, confident in his position. He might lose once, but not the rematch. He's too talented for that to statistically hold any weight.




So yeah, assuming Ziggler is channeling anything like Jericho, apparently, then it's a fairly apt comparison. Except Kobi is posting some of the best matches for any card he's on, while Ziggler probably doesn't.

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We are displeased to report that Nichiren Amagawa did in fact get into an altercation with a fan before the show. It was not a physical confrontation, but the verbal attacks could easily be construed as implying a desire to proceed to such action. We apologize to the fan involve, and we will be handling the issue internally. No charges have been filed.
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<p>WLW Praise to the King</p><p>

Sunday 4, January, 2010</p><p>

525 people in Shimonoseki Hall, Chugoku</p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>The three-team match opens the show. It's an excellent bout, leading some people to wonder why it's the "dark match". Kobe and Shark doen't have the advantage of experience that their foes do, yet their skill allows them to just slip by with the win after 16 minutes.<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

~</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The former owner and booker of the company walk out to greet the crowd, still a bit weary after their match.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Koki:</strong> It has been a rewarding month. Excellent matches, excellent shows, and I think I can rest easy having let another man take over my business duties.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Koji:</strong> However, we understand the concerns of our fans, and we still have much apprehension as to the reign of Magnum Kobe.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Koki:</strong> As yet, Red Guild has not been overly offensive toward the running of this company. Much talk, yes, but quite little action.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Koji:</strong> So long as he continues merely to execute his skills aptly in the ring, and no farther, we are content to let him remain champion.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Koki:</strong> Know this: while we are not still in power, we surely continue to have the ability to inhibit anyone from actions we dislike.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>They return backstage as the first true match starts.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Tsurayuki Kamachi must look the underdog of the match, while either Americana or Acid, due to their allegiance in The 505, appear the favorites. Amagawa, the champion, merely tries to pick his spot to win the match.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

However, Amagawa is immediately thrown from the ring and powerbombed by Kamachi, all but knocking him out. This allows a more seluded, three-man affair to commence. Kamachi fights valiantly, and Americana almost gets a submission, but Acid hits an Acid Rain Bomb a few minutes later to get the pin.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Greg Gauge, an excellent youth, takes on Yosuke Narita, an excellent veteran. Narita's been on poor form recently, with three straight losses leading him into a difficult match. Greg's been more even, but the early part of the match sees him showboat against a man who knows far too many ways to beat someone down.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

A Neutral Plex is blocked midway through the match; interestingly, Narita's one of the few people in the company who might have taken the original move before. For his merit, Greg scrambles away from a Thunder Shock, shades of a past star that won wrestler of the year.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

In the waning minutes, Greg tries for the Proton Lock, but Narita rolls through, then catches Gauge with the Thunder Shock for the win.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

More of the same from Kobe and Angel, who rage again with each other backstage. The feud has, as noted previously, turned far more personal, with Angel despising the fact that, somehow, Kobe was recently voted the Best High Flier in the world.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Tag match main event tonight; the champions against the team of mixed stables. Above & Below haven't team recently, but the opening springboard blockbuster proves they still have plenty of experience.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

As has been noted before, the tag champions are a dangerous team for a high flying strategy. Angel gets slammed more than his moves hit, and his back aches visibly when he hits the hot tag on Hell Monkey. His partner is far more well-rounded, and his puroresu skills cause much trouble for the champions. Rhino Umaga is staggered after a blaze of strikes, and it's only Samoan Machine spearing a charging Monkey that stops the Hellfire Clothesline from getting the upset.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With Angel in a dangerous state and Hell Monkey dizzied, Samoan Machine gets the tag and snaps an Unbreakable Sleeper on Hell Monkey. It is not broken.</em></p><p> </p><p>

~</p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>As is, apparently, tradition, the post-show features a 15-man battle royal. Ketsueki Karasu, Stuart Ferdinand, and UK Dragon are the final four, minus The Great Hisato who is the eventual winner.<br /></li></ul><p></p>

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<p>Sadly, this diary has come to an end. I lost $40,000 my first month, which affirms my suspicion that I was not going to make money running all those tours with my high-dollar contracts. I'd be able to squeak by our first quarter, but I'd be far in debt by the end of the year.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">dammit</span></p><p>

As a consolation-and, more importantly, because I had some two year plans-I'll be going over the overarching stories and specific details of the next two years.</p><p> </p><p>

Feel free to ask about a specific wrestler/stable/whatever, of course, and I'll start there or get to that point soon.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">List of topics (not necessarily in order)</span></p><p>

</p><ul><li>Who dethrones Kobe?<br /></li><li>Ketsueki Karasu and The New Circle of Blood<br /></li><li>Yosuke Narita out on top<br /></li><li>Who dethrones Samoan Destruction Inc.?<br /></li><li>Black House Rising<br /></li><li>Takayuki turncoat<br /></li><li>The next triple crown champion (and subsequent Universal championship shot)<br /></li><li>Def Realm returns to form<br /></li></ul><p></p>

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