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MLW: The 8 Pillars

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History of Major League Wrestling


-Early 2002: Television/film writer and producer and lifelong wrestling fan Court Bauer announces the formation of Major League Wrestling. Bauer fills his staff with many ex ECW staff members including Joey Styles, Andy Vineberg, Ron Buffone and others.


-Late June 2002: MLW holds it's first card in the ECW Arena. The show, taped for DVD, is hailed by many as a great success. The show features a mix of former ECW talent along with top indy and international names. The show is highlighted by Shane Douglas winning the first MLW World Heavyweight Title in a triple threat match against Vampiro and All Japan star Taiyo Kea.


-August 2002: Douglas leaves MLW to join TNA, thusly vacating the MLW World Title. MLW is set to move it's home base to NYC and announces the signing of Steve Corino.


-September 2002: MLW holds it's first event in NYC. The show is again deemed a success, highlighted by All Japan star Satoshi Kojima defeating Steve Corino, Sabu and Tayio Kea in a four corners match to win the MLW World Heavyweight Title.


-October 2002: MLW is forced to cancel it's November show in NYC. MLW again moves it's home base to Florida.


-December 2002: MLW's move to Florida is a huge success, selling out the War Memorial Auditorium. The show features several debuts but is highlighted by the formation of The Extreme Horsemen.


-February 2003: MLW announces it's intent to become a full time monthly promotion. MLW's major next event would be held in May. At month's end, MLW announces they will produce a weekly one hour television show "Underground TV". The show's setup is very similar to ECW's "Hardcore TV".


-May 2003: MLW's return relaunches it's entire company, creating World Tag Titles (eventually won by Extreme Horsemen members CW Anderson and Simon Diamond), announcing a now set roster of wrestlers not appearing in one off appearances, and setting up it's new top feuds, led by Corino and the Extreme Horsemen vs. Terry Funk and his hardcore allies Sandman and Sabu. The night would also see the first encounter between Raven and CM Punk.


-June 2003: Satoshi Kojima loses the MLW Title to Mike Awesome in Fort Lauderdale. However, Awesome loses the title minutes later to Steve Corino in an impromptu challenge.


-August 2003: Despite acclaimed shows, the Florida shows do not make a tremendous amount of money as they are flying in many high priced indy names. Rumors fly that September's show could be their last. Joey Styles also leaves MLW


-September 2003: MLW holds "War Games/Super J Cup", highlighted by War Games as The Funkin Army defeated The Extreme Horsemen. the Super J Cup tournament for the MLW Junior Heavyweight title, won by Sonjay Dutt.


-October-December 2003: MLW goes on hiatus. The company stays in Florida but financial problems force major changes all over the promotion. Many members of the roster leave as a result. Underground TV continues to air, only showing matches from previous events.


-January 2004: MLW returns after about 2 months of hype for it's "Reloaded Tour" of 4 shows, 2 in Fort Lauderdale and 2 in Orlando. The shows are filled with alot of young talent (Chris Hero, Matt Striker, M-Dogg 20) but the addition of Teddy Hart, fresh off a controversial appearance in Ring Of Honor, does little to please the locker room, which forces CM Punk, Samoa Joe and several others who work for ROH to walk out of the show. This along with very low ticket sales and building problems in Orlando force the tour to cancel it's second show. MLW proceeds to hype a show in Tampa in March.


-February 2004: MLW ceases operations. The MLW website redirects to H2 Wrestling, a new venture between Bauer and Teddy Hart. H2 essentially brought in MLW's younger stars along with hand selected talent by Hart like Jack Evans, Jay Lethal and the Stampede Bulldogs. However Hart's financial assists would be limited and the promotion wouldn't even run a show before closing.


-May 2005: MLW is back in the news as Bauer announces he has sold the rights to MLW to Japanese investor group WGO Properties (it was later found out Bauer had sold the rights to MLW to an unknown promoter so he could be hired by the WWE). Bauer is then hired by WWE as a writer where he stayed until 2007.


-March 2010: In a post at a well known Northeastern wrestling board, it is said that MLW may be on the verge of a comeback.


-May 2010: Court Bauer reopens the MLW website and opens MLW facebook and Twitter pages.


-July 2010: @MLW tweets "We're Back". The MLW website announces MLW would make it's return in November live on iPPV.


-August 2010: In a press conference in New York City, MLW owner Court Bauer announces "MLW Hybrid Wrestling" a weekly iPPV product, similar to the early days of TNA. Bauer announces the start of the MLW Youtube page, and unveils it's new marketing campaign "The 8 Pillars". Bauer also introduces MLW's new lead announcer former Strikeforce commentator Mauro Ranallo. He also introduces the two "marquee" signings of MLW in the form of Carlito Colon and Japanese wrestling icon Keiji Mutoh. The two then do a stare down before having to be restrained.


-September 2010: In a "special report" on MLW.com, Mauro Ranallo announces that the first edition of "MLW Hybrid Wrestling" would see the opening matches of "The 8 Pillars Tournament" to decide the new MLW World Champion. Ranallo goes on to say "The 8 Pillars" signify the 8 styles of wrestling which will be on display prominently in MLW. Each of the 8 wrestlers involved in the tournament will represent a specific style. He announces the first 2 combatants in the form of Keiji Mutoh (Japanese Puroresu) and Carlito Colon (Sports Entertainment)






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The 8 Pillars






The style of puroresu is what many refer to the Japanese style of professional wrestling in which wrestling is treated as a sport and a stiffer strike and hold based style is dominant. Many credit the legendary Rikidozan as the "father" of wrestling in Japan, but soon enough men like Antonio Inoki and Giant Baba would redefine the style. Inoki's New Japan Pro Wrestling would champion a style of puroresu known as "strong style" where submissions and hard martial arts strikes would be dominant. Baba's All Japan Pro Wrestling would travel on "King's Road" which focused on more of a brawling, submissions and storytelling based style. As the years went on, both styles would blend more and more and would lead to the style popular now. One man which is a perfect example of the power and greatness of puroresu is Keiji Mutoh. Mutoh is considered to be an icon, an innovator and one of the best of all time in the world of Japanese wrestling. Mutoh, the former president of AJPW, a former WCW champion and one of the rare few men to hold the heavyweight title of both NJPW and AJPW, is universally known as one of the best in the business ever. And this is why Mutoh makes his return to American shores for the first time in nearly 10 years to compete in the MLW 8 Pillars World Title Tournament. Will "The Wrestling Genius" add another piece of gold to his already vast title catalog?



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The 8 Pillars




Sports Entertainment


For many wrestling fans, sports entertainment has become a dirty word, but has become arguably the most well known style of wrestling out there. The term refers to a style in which athletics take a back seat and storytelling and the entertainment aspects are the main ingredient. This style was coined by the World Wrestling Federation and Vince McMahon in the 1980's and has produced such legendary wrestlers and media celebrities like Hulk Hogan, The Rock, and Triple H. Over time, sports entertainment has added components of many other styles to fit in with the times and the ever evolving sport. One man which exemplifies this modern variation of sports entertainment is Carlito Colon. While he was raised in one of the great wrestling families, Carlito's game change when he left his native Puerto Rico and came to the US, where he was a top star in the WWE for several years. In that time he defeated men like Ric Flair, John Cena and numerous other major stars. But in that time, the one thing that alluded him was a World title. And this is why the ever arrogant Colon is coming to MLW and the 8 Pillars Tournament. Can "The Cool One" bring it all together and take home the title?



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The 8 Pillars




Lucha Libra


In the early to mid 1990'a, the United States wrestling scene got it's first real peak at lucha libre and has been hooked ever since. Lucha libre is the Mexican based style of pro wrestling where masks, high flying aerial moves, and multiple man matches are it's cornerstones. Lucha libre can be traced back to Salvador Lutteroth, who founded the first national Mexican promotion. Soon enough lucha had it's first major star in El Santo, who would go on to be a pop culture icon in Mexico. Lucha's use and tradition of masked stars is easily it's most noticeable trait, and to the point when matches where a star's mask was on the line would be a match of massive importance. Over the years, lucha libre has produced many great stars who would have worldwide success like Mil Mascaras, Konnan, and Rey Mysterio. One of the top stars in Mexico right now is Perro Aguayo Jr. . Aguayo's father Perro Aguayo, was one of the biggest stars in lucha libre history, and Perro Jr. is quickly reaching his father's level. A top star in every promotion he's wrestled in, Aguayo is the leader of Mexico's biggest stable Los Perros Del Mar, which has also become it's own promotion. The controversial Aguayo will make his long awaited US debut when he enters the MLW 8 Pillars tournament. Can Aguayo bring the MLW title back to Mexico?




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British Lancashire


In the last decade, a style which has become popular in the US is the British Lancashire style. The style itself is considered to be one of the more violent styles in it's core, as it combines styles of pro, amateur, and European catch submission/groundwork style wrestling. This style was very much popular in England, where it originated. Many consider the greatest practitioner of this style to be Johnny Saint, who in recent years has seen a great resurgence of popularity all over the world, especially in the United States who only recently began to see his handiwork during his hay day in the 70's and 80's. Saint has taught his vast knowledge of the style to many top US stars like Chris Hero, Mike Quackenbush, and others. One man who Saint taught and emulates him very much is Colt Cabana. Cabana is considered by many to be one of the top independent wrestlers out there today. Cabana's comedic personality has also made him a bit of a cult hero, with his comedy shows regularly selling out and his "Art Of Wrestling" podcast becoming the top wrestling podcast on iTunes. But don't let his exterior fool you. Cabana has incorporated his comedic style into a very solid Lancashire game which has made him a hot commodity all over the world. Cabana promises win lose or draw, when he competes in the MLW 8 Pillars tournament, his love for pro wrestling will get him 2 things: a good time and a title.



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The way the Muta bio was written made it seem like Muta was WCW World Champ at one point and I was like "wwhhhaa? No way" and then I had to go make sure I wasn't just remembering something wrong. He was only a tag champ. I guess technically that's still a WCW Champion, but still :p


Digging the writing style though. Excited for more.

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The 8 Pillars




Extreme/Hardcore Wrestling


In the last 20 years, a style which has carved quite a niche out for itself in the wrestling world is extreme/hardcore wrestling. Extreme wrestling is a style known for it's use of weapons and massive bloodshed. The style began to form years ago because of the work of such notorious brawlers like Bruiser Brody, The Sheik. Abdullah The Butcher, and Terry Funk. However in the mid 1990's, Philadelphia's Extreme Championship Wrestling made extreme/hardcore wrestling one of it's main focuses and it thusly became one of the most popular aspects of the renegade promotion. When ECW closed, promotions like Combat Zone Wrestling and IWA Mid South took up the mantle of extreme wrestling and would create new stars. One of the more prominent new extreme wrestling stars is Necro Butcher. Necro's expert weapon use, high tolerance of pain, hard strikes and willingness to bleed buckets has made him arguably the face of hardcore wrestling of the new millennium. Necro's reputation is worldwide and even got him worldwide acclaim as he played himself in the film "The Wrestler". Necro wants to be recognized as the baddest and best in the world and will be bringing his bags of tricks to the MLW 8 Pillars tournament. Will the king of hardcore become the king of wrestling?




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Street Fighting


An enigmatic style, street fighting can be traced back to the beginnings of the sport. Here maneuvers and holds aren't as important as strikes, fighting techniques and the mindset to win over all else. Many of the great brawlers in wrestling history fall under this category. But recently one talent has seemingly brought back this street fighting style and attitude, and he has put himself into an elite position in the world of wrestling. That man is Jon Moxley. The man referred to as a "street dog" has acted with the characteristics of that nickname, being ruthless, vicious and doing whatever it takes to win or survive, both in and out of the ring. The young veteran from the streets of Cincinnati, Ohio, Moxley has taken the world by storm, capturing world titles in CZW, FIP, IWA Mid South, JAPW and Dragon Gate USA. Moxley's unique personality has given him hefty comparisons to names like Brian Pillman, Roddy Piper, Jake Roberts and even Heath Ledger's Joker. Moxley knows how good he is and knows he's always a favorite to win. Will MLW become another territory for Moxley to reign over?




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American Strong Style


A style that is still evolving, American strong style is also commonly referred to as American indy style. Blending both the puroresu and lucha libre styles has made this style a particular favorite of many fans. This style came into it's own in the early 2000's. Wrestlers like CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels are among the men who popularized and continue to refine the style. Another innovator of this style is Low Ki. Long time considered to be one of the best wrestlers in the world, Low Ki has used his martial arts and amazing technical skills to truly earn his nickname "The World Warrior" as he held titles on 3 separate continents at once. Fresh of his release from the WWE, the former Kaval looks to get back right where he left off; as a champion.




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The 8 Pillars




Old School


The final of the 8 Pillars isn't so much of a style but as a mindset. The idea of "old school" wrestling brings one back to days before wrestling was a spectacle, but considered more of a sport. Straight, basic mat wrestling, hard nose brawlers and a no thrills out to hurt someone mentality are the key characteristics of this style. One man which exemplifies this style and mentality is Dave Finlay. Finlay, a man with over 36 years of in ring experience, has a solid reputation as one of the last true old school bruisers left in pro wrestling. Finlay has held titles and raised hell in every promotion he's been in, including his most recent stint in the WWE. Will the Irishman's long and impressive road continue in MLW?




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MLW Announces Line Up For First Edition of "MLW Hybrid Wrestling" on iPPV


This coming Saturday live on iPPV on GoFightLive.TV, Major League Wrestling returns as it presents the first edition of MLW Hybrid Wrestling from a sold out Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City.


In the night's special double main event, we will see two opening round matches of the MLW 8 Pillars tournament to determine a new MLW World Champion. First we will see a true styles clash as lucha libre takes on British Lancashire as the man referred to by many as the new face of Mexican wrestling, Perro Aguayo Jr. takes on "the clown prince of wrestling", the man himself Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana.


And then we will see an international dream match, as two of the best in the world compete against each other for the first time. In one corner, former champion all over the world, the man representing American Strong Style, in the form of Low Ki. In the other corner, one of the all time greats in pro wrestling history, a true innovator, and a man considered to be one of the legit best wrestlers of all time, the Japanese icon Keiji Mutoh. What will happen when these two men collide for the first time?


We will also see a battle of two of MLW's Young Lions as Cuban star Rocky Romero returns to iPPV to take on youngster Sami Callihan. All this and much much more live on GoFightLive.TV for 2 hours of exciting wrestling action on MLW Hybrid Wrestling.


Confirmed Matches

Sami Callihan vs. Rocky Romero

MLW 8 Pillars Tournament Match: Perro Aguayo Jr. vs. Colt Cabana

MLW 8 Pillars Tournament Match: Keiji Mutoh vs. Low Ki

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MLW Hybrid Wrestling


After a pretty generic opening video, we cut to a mostly filled Hammerstein Ballroom as chants of "MLDub" are loudly audible. Our announcer Mauro Ranallo is in center ring and welcomes us to MLW. He hypes the show and MLW's history and what MLW is all about. He then introduces the man who will be helping him call the action. Some familiar music hits.and the crowd goes wild as...




Diamond Dallas Page makes his way to the ring. Huge "DDP" chant starts as Page salutes the crowd, does the Diamond Cutter signal and shakes Mauro's hand. DDP cuts a brief promo putting over MLW and how he's excited to see this new era of pro wrestling. Mauro and DDP take their seat as they then hype our show, the main events and then our opening contest by showing a brief video intoducing the fans to the combatants.


In our opening contest, Sami Callihan defeated Rocky Romero in 10:54 after nailing Romero with the Jobber Clobber downturn lariat to Romero's head. Callihan, looked quite deshelved, talked to hiself as he celebrated as he looked on the fallen Romero in disgust.


Pre recorded promo with Jon Moxley filmed in an alley way. Mox spoke of his reputation in wrestling today. He talks about how people all over the business are saying Jon Moxley is the man to beat in every promotion he's in. He talks about how high his stock is. He then goes into his reputation as a kid, as a homeless kid, as a drug dealer, as someone who has fought for their entire life to survive. He says the reason his wrestling stock is so high is because he lives off making those who doubted him and those who shit on him eat their words. He says MLW is a place which stock is high as well and it's only natural that he and MLW would collide. He claims that MLW may be the talk of the town but it isn't ready for a star like him and he'll show them what he means when he leaves as the MLW World Champion.


Before the first of our two main events, salsa music hit and out walks a familiar face...




Armando Estrada enters the ring to a mixed reaction. He does his old WWE routine before claiming he has come to MLW to start a new, and unlike his time up north, he had used his vast financial fortune to buy the best talent on earth. He then introduces his new client Perro Aguayo Jr. and our first 8 Pillars title bout is underway


In an opening round contest in the MLW 8 Pillars tournament, Colt Cabana defeated Perro Aguayo Jr. in 19:41 after locking Aguayo in the Billy Goat's Curse in an excellent battle. After the match, Estrada attempted to bum rush Cabana but Cabana leveled him with a bionic elbow. Cabana celebrated with the fans as Aguayo and Estrada fumed in the ring.


Mauro and DDP hyped next week's show which would include the final 2 first round 8 Pillars matches, we would also see one of the top tag teams in wrestling The Young Bucks make their MLW debut and much more. Suddenly some unfamiliar music his and out walks..




Phil Shatter and Mikal Judas, also known as The Devil's Rejects make their way to the ring to a not so good reaction. Shatter picked up a mic and informed the fans just who they are and proceeded to call out any two men. After a few awkward minutes came the unlikley duo of Arik Cannon and Mexico's Extreme Tiger. Shatter and Judas smirk before savagely attacking Cannon/Tiger and the match is on.


Phil Shatter and Mikal Judas defeat Extreme Tiger and Arik Cannon in 4:16 after nailing the Decapitation Elbow on Cannon. After the match, Shatter and Judas continued their attack on Tiger and Cannon, ending with Tiger and Cannon getting simultaneously powerbombed to the outside of the ring. Judas and Shatter smiled at each other as they surveyed the damage, as medics tended to Cannon and Tiger.


Another prerecorded promo with Carlito Colon. Colon talks about the long list of men he's defeated in the WWE and his long list of accomplishments. He talks about how he's never won a World title in the US and how that's why he's in MLW. His arrogant demeanor changes into a much more serious one, as claims MLW management however didn't think Carlito could be the champion he knew he could be so they brought Keiji Mutoh in. He claims the title is his destiny and will win and he just hopes Mutoh will be in his way.


Main event time, Mauro and DDP show a quick promo video hyping our main event. Then we have our ring intros and away we go...


In the night's main event and in an opening round match in the 8 Pillars, Keiji Mutoh defeated Low Ki in 38:12 after rolling out of the way of a Warrior's Way, then nailing Ki with 2 Shinning Wizards and then nailing a huge moonsault for the win. Mutoh and Ki shook hands and embraced after the match. As Mutoh celebrated, out strolled Carlito who stood in the entrance way as he slowly clapped for Mutoh. Mauro and DDP hyped next week's show as we exit on Mutoh celebrating to a loud reaction.




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"MLW Hybrid Wrestling" on iPPV Preview


This coming Saturday live on iPPV on GoFightLive.TV, Major League Wrestling presents a new episode of "MLW Hybrid Wrestling" and we will see the final two matches of the opening round of the8 Pillars tournament for the MLW World Title.


In the night's double main event we will see the field of 8 get narrowed down to 4. In the first tournament bout we will see the man known as "The King of The Deathmatch" Necro Butcher take on easily one of the hottest young stars in pro wrestling in Jon Moxley.


In the second tournament bout, it will be a battle of two world wide superstars, as the former WWE Intercontinental, US and Tag Team Champion Carlito Colon takes on the legendary Irish bruiser Dave Finlay.


We will also see the MLW debut of the most sought after tag team in pro wrestling, The Young Bucks, as they take on the duo of James Curtis and Travis Murdoch. All this and much much more live on GoFightLive.TV for 2 hours of exciting wrestling action on MLW Hybrid Wrestling.


Confirmed Matches

The Young Bucks vs. James Curtis and Travis Murdoch

MLW 8 Pillars Tournament Match: Necro Butcher vs. Jon Moxley

MLW 8 Pillars Tournament Match: Dave Finlay vs. Carlito Colon

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MLW Hybrid Wrestling


The show begins with a quick recap of the events of last week. We then go to Mauro and DDP who hype the show. However they are cut off by a debuting Tyson Dux. Dux grabs a mic and puts himself over as the best wrestler in MLW and more importantly Canada, and calls MLW racist for not having a Canadian in the 8 Pillars tournament. He defies anyone to prove him wrong. Suddenly some unfamiliar music hits...




Petey Williams walk out to a big pop. Dux applauds Petey and puts him over as a fellow great Canadian athlete. Williams grabs a mic and says Dux is why people hate Canada, he's a douche. Dux sells like he's shocked. And out comes a ref and we are underway.


In our opener, Petey Williams defeated Tyson Dux in 9:41 after nailing the Canadian Destroyer in a very good contest. After the match Petey celebrated as Mauro hyped MLW now has arguably the most dominating and exciting move in al of pro wrestling in the form of Petey's Canadian Destroyer.


Static cut in and what appears to be an old TV test pattern. It clicks in and out a few times before a figure is seen walking away from the camera. It then cuts back to the pattern again, which has a 3 weeks sprayed over it. Back to Mauro and DDP, who are in the middle of hyping our next match between Nelson Creed and TJ Perkins. The two lock up and begin the match. But suddenly loud roar comes from the crowd as an unknown figure jumps the guardrail and rolls into the ring. The crowd pops huge when they recognize the man...




Kevin Steen immediately attacks both men, overpowering both and nailing them both with Package Piledrivers. Steen then goes to the outside and grabs a chair and blasts both men with it. Steen notices Creed is busted open, he rubs his blood on his face as the crowd is shocked. Steen manically makes a Christ like pose as security and officials storm the ring and send Steen out of the building. Mauro and DDP hype how Steen is the most dangerous man in wrestling and how he's not affiliated with MLW and was recently fired from ROH for his savage actions. DDP claims Steen has something in his eyes he's never seen, he's like a demon or something. They imminently go backstage as order needs to be restored.


Backstage we go where we see a zoomed in shot of the old MLW World Jr. Heavyweight Title. The camera pans out to see Sonjay Dutt holding the belt. Sonjay introduces himself as the best high flyer in the world. He claims he knows this because he is the reigning MLW World Jr. Heavyweight Champion. He refreshes the fans on how he won the title in 2003 in a one night tournament where he defeated Christopher Daniels and Primo Colon to win the title. He hypes he's the longest reigning champion in pro wrestling. He hypes how he's defended the title on every continent and in every country (not true). He says he's the best Jr Heavyweight in the world and that belt proves it. he then says MLW brass will be unveiling a new title for him in next week. He says to watch this space to see the most dominating champion in pro wrestling finally return home. Mauro and DDP hype the arrogance of Dutt, but quickly turn to our first tournament match. We have a brief hype video and intros and we are off.


In an opening round contest in the MLW 8 Pillars tournament, Jon Moxley defeated Necro Butcher in 17:34 after hitting the Hook and Ladder in a very bloody and chaotic bout, which saw "relaxed" rules and a few chairs being used. Following the match, a busted open Moxley shouted at DDP and Mauro about if he's the favorite yet. DDP mentioned he sees a lot of potential in Mox, but his attitude and behavior is what's going to hold him back.


Hype for next week's show, which will see the semi finials of the 8 Pillars tournament, as Colt Cabana will now take on Jon Moxley, and Keiji Mutoh will face the winner of out main event. We will also see a special 6 man Young Lions tag match, as the team of Petey Williams, Arik Cannon and Extreme Tiger will take on the team of Tyson Dux, Sami Callihan and the debuting Japanese star SAWA. Back ringside for our next contest.


The Young Bucks defeated James Curtis and Travis Murdoch (Trevor) in 12:14 after hitting More Bang For Your Buck on Curtis in an OK match. Curtis and Murdoch got a good reaction in a very similar team setup to Cade and Murdoch. After the match DDP and Mauro hyped The Bucks as the team to beat in MLW.


Main event time, Mauro and DDP show a quick promo video hyping our main event. Then we have our ring intros and away we go...


In the night's main event and in the final opening round match in the 8 Pillars, Carlito Colon defeated Dave Finlay in 21:45 after hitting a rope assisted Backcracker after beating Finlay back into the ring during a countout situation. During the pin Colon put both feet on the ropes for extra leverage but the referee did not see this. An angry Finlay yelled at the ref as Carlito ran backstage. Finlay then laid out the referee before bowing to the crowd and exiting.


Mauro and DDP thank us for tuning in, but as they do Mauro claims something just happened backstage and cameras were rushing over there now. Mutoh and Carlito are yelling at each other backstage as security holds them back. Mutoh's Japanese sounds quite angry as Carlito warns Mutoh he has a BIG surprise for him next week. Suddenly our main camera is seemingly pulled by someones and drags them to a hallway. The cameraman regains his bearings and we see that Kevin Steen has stolen the cameraman. Still covered in the blood of Nelson Creed, Steen devilishly ends MLW Hybrid Wrestling with a very ominous message.





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