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Rocky Mountain Wrestling (entertainers only)

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Evil Spirit got a job with Warrior Engine hope it works out for him.


We finished 1st in the national battle with TCW in 2nd and SWF 3rd


It looks like i may have to try and steal an announcer as we keep

getting dinged for it on our title match which is the only one we know

wont get dinged for psychology at this point.


RMW: May 2011 attendance 30,000


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100

Genio Verde over Mario Heroic 81

Hells Bouncer over the Tic 80

Ernie Turner over TJ Bailey 81

Handsome Stranger over Leper Messiah 79

Champagne Lover over Kashmir Singh 87

Handsome Stranger and Leper Messiah brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Oscar Ozymandias 92 (title match)

Hells Bouncer destorys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 95


I opened up North West Wrestling and sent The Wizard of Ottawa

and Captin USA who is a retired and works as a manager. Roger

Cage took his spot on our weekly shows. The Owner is Gil Thomas

the booker is Jon Jetson their main eventers are Alex Braun, Donnie

J, Jack Griffith, Lumberjack Jeff(grunt), Puerto Rican Power and

Randall Hopkirk.

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We finished #1 in the national battle again and got our 2nd dojo Graduate Thomas Riggs He has a 26 performance rating decent star power but no charisma we send him down to north west wrestling to see how things go for him there.


This time we are able to secure the rights and sign semi active Bruce the Giant to a 2 year deal at 35k a month. I will take that 85 pyschology.


RMW June 2011 attendance 30,000


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 98

Handsome Stranger over TJ Bailey 82

Hells Bouncer over The Tic 80

Leper Messiah over Ernie Turner 94

Genio Verde over Mario Heroic 82

Champagne Lover over Kashmir Singh 89

Handsome Stranger and Leper Messiah brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Oscar Ozymandias 96 (title match)

Bruce the Giant destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 94

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RMW July 2011 attendance 30,000


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 98

Handsome Stranger over TJ Bailey 81

Hells Bouncer over Mario Heroic 80

Leper Messiah over Ernie Turner 88

Genio Verde over The Tic 90

Champagne Lover over Oscar Ozymandias 88

Leper Messiah and Handsome Stranger brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Kashmir Singh 88 (title match)

Bruce the Giant destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 92


This month we finished first in the national battle with SWF coming

in 2nd and TCW in 3rd and they actually lost popularity. I am

rooting to see TCW fall to cult instead of SWF it would be an

interesting change.


There is a mammoth regen Erik Clark since he is an entertainer

we offer him a deal will send him to North West Wrestling for now.

He has good charisma and star power but cant wrestle.


Going over my 6 month review of the roster there are no new names

in the big 12 but currently TJ Bailey and Leper Messiah have the

worst performance ratings of 75. Roger Cage and Candian Crusher

also have 75 and Sammy the Shark has 74 so we could see some

new blood in 6 months.

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I try to add a B show but they said the market is in decline and

not looking to add another show. Will keep running it off air then.


Runaway Train is up for renewal with SWF if i was in the market

for a monster i would try to bring him in but with Bruce and Bouncer

we are good. Peter Valentine came up but even though i sometimes

enjoy him from an imagination point of view he really would only

be hired to be fired.


I thought Steve Smith was capped at 81 cause it didnt increase

for months i just noticed its now an 83 no big deal i still get

dinged but he may be able to keep his job yet (although

i will still try to pry one of the big 3 away when there contract

comes up although with TCW and SWF both global i may have

no luck at it)


RMW: August 2011 attendance 30,000


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100

Genio Verde over The Tic 95

Handsome Stranger over TJ Bailey 82

Oscar Ozymandias over Ernie Turner 83

Kashmir Singh over Mario Heroic 96

Champagne Lover over Leper Messiah 94

Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Hells Bouncer 92 (title match)

Bruce the Giant destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 92


new storylines having Kashmir Singh in one with Handsome Stranger

Bruce the Giant with Jack Avatar

and keeping Genio Verde with Champagne Lover

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TCW came in 3rd again and lost popularity.


TCW champ Troy Tornado < SWF champ Christian Faith


Vengenace is a guy i like and his contract is up but we are not

going to try to make an offer for a 40 year old it is not fair to

our guys who currently have better performance ratings and

Vengenace is more than just a house show guy.


We tried and failed to bring in Rick Law. Guess we need to reach

global. To be honest i don't have an issue with our roster but I

am worried i may lose some guys when the contracts come up

as long as i keep my big 12 though i am fine. We are waiting for

Kanto to go a few more points to be Global.


RMW: September 2011 attendance 30,000


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100

Oscar Ozymandias over Mario Herioc 92

Handsome Stranger over TJ Bailey 81

Genio Verde over The Tic 91

Kashmir Singh over Ernie Turner 87

Champagne Lover over Leper Messiah 94

Kashmir Singh and Handsome Stranger brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Hells Bouncer 93 (title match)

Bruce the Giant destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 92

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USPW had risen to National but came in 4th in the battle and fell to cult

they are only 2 points away so maybe we will see them again in 6

months. TCW finished 2nd this time with SWF in 3rd . TCW had

Tornado fight Minnesota and ended with a 91 rated show. 86 was

the best SWF managed that month.


Steve Smith fell to an 82 i guess he is maxxed :-(


RMW: October 2011 attendance 30,000


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 98

Oscar Ozymandias over Mario Heroic 88

Handsome Stranger over Hells Bouncer 80

Genio Verde over The Tic 92

Kashmir Singh over Ernie Turner 91

Champagne Lover over Leper Messiah 91

Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Roger Cage 88 (title match)

Bruce the Giant destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 91


Roger Cage popularity isnt as high as other but his performance

ratings keep getting better his has an overall score of 78 now he

deserves a push.

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Peter Michaels contract comes up I don't think I can get him but

its worth a shot.


Christian Faith contract comes up I can dream can't I?


TCW finished 3rd in the battle this month looks like a real fight is on


We miss out on Christian Faith and Peter Michaels


I get rejected for a B show again as the market stinks


RMW: November 2011 attendance 30,000


Champagne Lover and Genio Verde argue 100

Oscar Ozymandias over Mario Heroic 95

Handsome Stranger over Hells Bouncer 79

Genio Verde over The Tic 94

Kashmir Singh over Ernie Turner 94

Champagne Lover over Leper Messiah 91

Handsome Stranger over Kashmir Singh 100

Jack Avatar over Roger Cage 97 (title match)

Bruce the Giant destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 95


I am 1 point from global


Jack Avatar made a TV appearance it went well but unspectacular.


In the National Battle TCW finished 3rd again and are 7 points from cult


A few entertainers entered the world of wrestling i make a bid for

The Notorious FREAK (kinda like a golddust character)

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There was a bidding war for Champagne Lover we won but he now

makes 225,000 a month. Although he is kinda worth it.


Ernie Turner is hurting with chronic knee pain so he will only be in

angles for a while


RMW December 2011 attendance 30,000


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100

Roger Cage over the Tic 93

Genio Verde over Bradford Peverell 81

Kashmir Singh over Handsome Stranger 92

Oscar Ozymandias over Mario Heroic 97

Champagne Lover over Hells Bouncer 96

Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Leper Messiah 90 (title match)

Bruce the Giant destroys Jack Avatar 98


Final Rating 91


not our best effort there

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TCW finished 2nd in the monthly battle this month


We managed to get show of the year we had a 98 rated weekly show


top 100 wrestlers

3-Jack Avatar

6-Roger Cage

8-Leper Messiah

10-Ernie Turner

11-Kashmir Singh

14-Champagne Lover

18-Mario Heroic

19-Oscar Ozymandias

21-Hells Bouncer

28-Genio Verde

33-Bruce the Giant

40-The Tic

90-Handsome Stranger

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<p>We are now Global along with SWF, TCW, and NOTBPW</p><p> </p><p>

Duane Fry contract comes up we are in a bidding war with </p><p>

TCW and SWF but they drop out and we get him for 40k a month</p><p>

I am not sure what they are thinking he has 98 announcing skill</p><p>

he is worth at least as much as a main event worker to me.</p><p>

He will not be available till after this month show but I look</p><p>

forward to not getting dinged in next months matches.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack DeColt decided he wanted to work for a bigger company.</p><p>

I was surprised that NOTBPW, TCW or SWF didn't even get</p><p>

in a bidding war for his services.</p><p> </p><p>

RMW: January 2012 attendance 30,000</p><p> </p><p>

Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100</p><p>

Genio Verde over Mario Heroic 94</p><p>

Handsome Stranger over Roger Cage 92</p><p>

Oscar Ozymandias over Jack DeColt 94</p><p>

Champagne Lover over Leper Messiah 96</p><p>

Kashmir Singh over The Tic 94</p><p>

Kashmir Singh and Handsome Stranger brawl 100</p><p>

Jack Avatar over Hells Bouncer 94 (title match)</p><p>

Bruce the Giant destroys Jack Avatar 96</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 94</p><p> </p><p>

SWF finsihed 2nd in the national battle this month</p><p> </p><p>

falling to cult </p><p>

SWF has a 8 point cushion</p><p>

RMW has a 7 point cushion</p><p>

TCW has a 6 point cushion</p>

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RMW February 2012 attendance 30,000


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100

Kashmir Singh over Handsome Stranger 95

Leper Messiah over Jack DeColt 96

Ernie Turner over Roger Cage 99

Oscar Ozymandias over Mario Heroic 99

Champagne Lover over Genio Verde 99

Kashmir Singh and Handsome Stranger brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Hells Bouncer 99 (title match)

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 99


that is about as good as it gets, not a single ding in the road

agent comments and everyone was riding high momentuem

and popuarity and we had hot storylines.

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TCW came in 3rd place again


RMW March 2012 attendance 30,000


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100

Kashmir Singh over Mario Heroic 95

Roger Cage over Jack DeColt 96

Leper Messiah over Ernie Turner 76

Oscar Ozymandias over Handsome Stranger 99

Champagne Lover over Hells Bouncer 99

Kashmir Singh and Handsome Stranger brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Genio Verde 100 (title match)

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 99


Nice rating even with the Leper Messiah match getting dinged


not going to renew some contracts of guys who i don't see

making any headway


TCW are now 4 point from falling to cult Troy Tornado dropped the

title to Scout ? I could see Vessey Minnesota Keith or Cornell.


Dean Daniels took control of USPW but they are still 2 points away


SWF are 14 points from falling to cult but they had Eric Essien take

the belt from Christian Faith. I would have left it on Faith or given it

to Angry Gilmore or Rich Money.


@White Dolphin thanks for the comment I will probally get a 100 show at

some point as long as i keep improving my workers and keep up the momentuem and popularity.


Psychology breeds Psychology being able to land Bruce the Giant and now

Alex DeColt with Champagne Lover, Jack Avatar, Kashmir Singh and Oscar Ozymandias all 80+ that is 6 matches working to improve other guys they are

my "house" show trainers atm

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There is a Captin USA regen(an entertainer) but no star power or charisma so

I dont sign him there is a Black Hat Bailey regen with both and technical skills

could be a guy to watch if he get some regular work too bad he is a technician.


Josh Jones entered the wrestling world and it feels wierd not to sign him.

KC Glenn is touring with WLW and has a ppa deal with CZCW. Dumb TCW and

SWF. Performance skill = ratings (eventually).


Primus Allen's contract comes up. I am not going to get in a bidding war but if

SWF let him go I will be hard pressed not to try to work the guy in. Just a guy

I like i mean he is the rookie monster.


RMW: April 2012 attendance 30,000


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100

Leper Messiah over Jack DeColt 98

Roger Cage over Ernie Turner 81

Kashmir Sigh over Handsome Stranger 99

Oscar Ozymandias over Mario Heroic 99

Champagne Lover over Genio Verde 98

Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Hells Bouncer 98 (title match)

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 98

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<p>RMW May 2012 attendance 30,000</p><p> </p><p>

Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100</p><p>

Roger Cage over Jack DeColt 98</p><p>

Bruce the Giant over Ernie Turner 96</p><p>

Oscar Ozymandias over Handsome Stranger 99</p><p>

Kashmir Singh over Mario Heroic 99</p><p>

Champagne Lover over Hells Bouncer 96</p><p>

Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh brawl 100</p><p>

Jack Avatar over Genio Verde 99 (tilte match)</p><p>

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 98</p><p> </p><p>

TCW pulled a 2nd place in the national battle but more importantly gained 2 points they had fallen within 4 points of going down now they have a 6 point cushion so they can lose 1 point a month and survive the next 5 months.</p><p> </p><p>

All in All a good show and Bruce the Giant was used to try to avoid a ding</p><p>

as he is one of our best psychology wise but we worry about that selling which he can get dinged for (it is up to 60 now though).</p>

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<p>Lobster Warrior's contract is up for renewal. While I like him as a worker</p><p>

I don't want to get into a bidding war and I like what i have going here.</p><p>

Lepper Messiah is the only one on the time decline list and he is still </p><p>

a couple years till it becomes noticable stage so he can go for a long</p><p>

time yet.</p><p> </p><p>

RMW June 2012 attendance 38,309</p><p> </p><p>

Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100</p><p>

Leper Messiah over Jack DeColt 96</p><p>

Bruce the Giant over Ernie Turner 98</p><p>

Oscar Ozymandias over Mario Heroic 98</p><p>

Kashmir Singh over Handsome Stranger 99</p><p>

Champagne Lover over Genio Verde 99</p><p>

Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh brawl 100</p><p>

Jack Avatar over Hells Bouncer 95 (title match)</p><p>

Hells Bouncer destroyed Jack Avatar 100</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 96</p><p> </p><p>

National Battle in US and Canada TCW finished last</p><p>

TCW best show 89</p><p>

SWF 93</p><p>

NOTBPW 93</p><p> </p><p>

sometimes you get better ratings than you think and sometimes you get worse this month i had spend 2 months loading up for this show and it </p><p>

was less than expected although not bad i mean it is a 96 will try for that</p><p>

100 in 2 more months.</p>

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RMW July 2012 attendance 30,000


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100

Bruce the Giant over Ernie Turner 96

Roger Cage over Jack DeColt 99

Oscar Ozymandias over Handsome Stranger 95

Kashmir Singh over Mario Heroic 100

Champagne Lover over Hells Bouncer 98

Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Genio Verde 96 (title match)

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 97

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RMW August 2012 attendance 38,292


Genio Verde and Champagne Lover argue 100

Leper Messiah over Jack DeColt 94

Bruce the Giant over Ernie Turner 90

Oscar Ozymandias over Mario Heroic 89

Kashmir Singh over Handsome Stranger 100

Champagne Lover over Genio Verde 99

Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Hells Bouncer 99 (title match)

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 98


For the first "big" event that was held outside our home didn't

affect the ratings much most of the guys are regulars on TV so

the popularity isn't that much different 99 v 91 is the largest



Oscar Ozymandias joins Leper Messiah on the time decline list


When Oscar Leper and Bruce retire right now i think Bret Starr,

Philip LeGreiner and Notrious FREAK would get the push

Starr and Le Grenier based on talent FREAK just cause i want to.

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<p>TCW is 4 points from cult (scout still champ)</p><p>

SWF is 8 points from cult (eric essien still champ)</p><p>

RMW is 11 points from cult</p><p> </p><p>

NOTBPW is 9 points from national in USA</p><p>

Steve DeColt is their champion</p><p>

USPW is 1 point from national but they been there for a few months</p><p>

Nickey Champion is their champion</p><p> </p><p>

none of the Japanese compies have penatrated the North American</p><p>

market yet</p><p> </p><p>

RMW: September 2012 attendance 34,483</p><p> </p><p>

Bruce the Giant and Champagne Lover argue 100</p><p>

Bruce the Giant over Ernie Turner 100</p><p>

Jack DeColt over Roger Cage 99</p><p>

Oscar Ozymandias over Handsome Stranger 99</p><p>

Kashmir Singh over Mario Heroic 100</p><p>

Champagne Lover over Hells Bouncer 99</p><p>

Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh brawl 100</p><p>

Jack Avatar over Genio Verde 95 (title match)</p><p>

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 96</p><p> </p><p>

I had forgotten i promised Robbie Retro a title run instead of just giving him a title i decide to let him leave maybe i will bring him back down the road</p>

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<p>Wow never seen this before on the national battle scene</p><p>

in the USA it went RMW TCW SWF</p><p>

in Canada it went RMW SWF TCW NOTBPW</p><p> </p><p>

I guess TCW best show was not seen in Canada?</p><p> </p><p>

Ernie Turner is out injured for the PPV Roger Cage contract is up</p><p>

we want to keep him so lets see what he wants</p><p> </p><p>

RMW: October 2012 attendance 30,000</p><p> </p><p>

Bruce the Giant and Champagne Lover argue 100</p><p>

Bruce the Giant over Jack DeColt 95</p><p>

Roger Cage over Ekuma 94</p><p>

Oscar Ozymandias over Mario Heroic 99</p><p>

Kashmir Singh over Handsome Stranger 98</p><p>

Champagne Lover over Genio Verde 97</p><p>

Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh brawl 100</p><p>

Jack Avatar over Hells Bouncer 99 (title match)</p><p>

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 98</p><p> </p><p>

there is no bidding war for Roger Cage so we get him at a bargin 25k a month</p><p> </p><p>

TCW was on the bottom this month in the National Battle</p><p> </p><p>

NOTBPW have gone global there are currently 4 global companys now</p>

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<p>Valentine and The Wizard of Ottawa contracts are coming up </p><p>

I like both of their characters but they just don't seem to have</p><p>

a nice destiny stat this game so we will part ways.We do extend</p><p>

Ernie Turner without issue.</p><p> </p><p>

RMW: November 2012 attendance 30,000 </p><p> </p><p>

Bruce the Giant and Champagne Lover argue 100</p><p>

Bruce the Giant over Ernie Turner 96</p><p>

Oscar Ozymandias beats up Roger Cage 100 (Complete success)</p><p>

Oscar Ozymandias over Roger Cage 98</p><p>

Lepper Messiah over Jack DeColt 96</p><p>

Kashmir Singh over Mario Heroic 96</p><p>

Champagne Lover over Hells Bouncer 97</p><p>

Kashmir Singh and Mario Heroic brawl 100</p><p>

Jack Avatar over Genio Verde 99 (title match)</p><p>

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 98</p><p> </p><p>

My heels seems to be a little more talented than my faces so</p><p>

I turned Roger Cage and took Handsome Stranger out of the </p><p>

big 12 we have been carrying him he lacks star power and </p><p>


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<p>The national battle results</p><p> </p><p>

in USA RMW SWF then TCW</p><p>

in Canada NOTBPW SWF then TCW</p><p>

in Mexico SWF TCW beat SOTBPW</p><p>

in Japan SWF PGHW and BHOTWG</p><p> </p><p>

TCW are 3 points away from cult now</p><p> </p><p>

RMW: December 2012 attendance 30,000 </p><p> </p><p>

Bruce the Giant and Champagne Lover argue 100</p><p>

Bruce the Giant over Ernie Turner 99</p><p>

Oscar Ozymandias over Jack DeColt 99</p><p>

Kashmir Singh over Roger Cage 99</p><p>

Leper Messiah over Mario Heroic 99</p><p>

Champagne Lover over Genio Verde 98</p><p>

Kashmir Singh and Mario Heroic brawl 100</p><p>

Jack Avatar over Hells Bouncer 96 (title match)</p><p>

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 97</p>

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<p>END OF YEAR AWARDS:</p><p> </p><p>

Wrestler of the Year Jack Avatar </p><p>

Young Wrestler of the Year Matthew Keith</p><p>

Veteran Wrestler of the Year Christian Faith</p><p>

Female Wrestler of the Year Fuyuko Higa</p><p>

Promotion of the Year SWF</p><p>

Most Improved Promotion of the Year SOTBPW</p><p>

Match of the Year Jack Avatar defeated Genio Verde RMW:March 2012</p><p>

Show of the Year RMW Monday Mayham in August</p><p> </p><p>

The top 100</p><p>

1-Jack Avatar</p><p>

2-Leper Messiah</p><p>

3-Champagne Lover</p><p>

4-Ernie Turner</p><p>

5-Kashmir Singh</p><p>

6-Roger Cage</p><p>

7-Genio Verde</p><p>

8-Mario Heroic</p><p>

9-Oscar Ozymandias</p><p>

10-Jack DeColt</p><p>

11-Hells Bouncer</p><p>

18-Bruce the Giant</p><p>

25-Handsome Stranger</p><p> </p><p>

TCW is getting closer to cult Scout is still their champ</p><p> </p><p>

SWF has a nice 10 point cushion from cult Eric Eissen still champ</p><p> </p><p>

RMW we have a 12 gap to cult </p><p> </p><p>

Jeremie Courtney enters wrestling he has been a good jobber for me</p><p>

in other games but don't really need a body right now</p>

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<p>RMW: January 2013 attendance 30,000</p><p> </p><p>

Bruce the Giant and Champagne Lover argue 100</p><p>

Kashmir Singh over Ernie Turner 97</p><p>

Bruce the Giant over Jack DeColt 87</p><p>

Oscar Ozymandias over Mario Heroic 100</p><p>

Leper Messiah over Roger Cage 99</p><p>

Champagne Lover over Hells Bouncer 96</p><p>

Kashmir Singh and Mario Heroic brawl 100</p><p>

Jack Avarar over Genio Verde 100 (title match)</p><p>

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100</p><p> </p><p>

Final Rating 99</p>

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TCW was able to manage a 2nd place finish in the national

battle so that gives them a little more time to avoid falling to

cult. South of the Border Pro Wrestling fell to cult.


Brandon James beat Eric Eisen for the SWF title


RMW: February 2013 attendance 30,000


Bruce the Giant and Champagne Lover argue 100

Bruce the Giant over Ernie Turner 99

Leper Messiah over Roger Cage 99

Oscar Ozymandias over Jack DeColt 99

Kashmir Singh over Mario Heroic 96

Champagne Lover over Genio Verde 100

Kashmir Singh and Mario Heroic brawl 100

Jack Avatar over Hells Bouncer 95 (title match)

Hells Bouncer destroys Jack Avatar 100


Final Rating 96

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