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TCW: Money Is Everything

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TCW All Action Title Match, Ladder Match: Edd Stone defends vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Harry Allen vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Chance Fortune



Eddie Peak vs. Bryan Vessey (vs. Rick Law vs. Koshiro Ino)



Troy Tornado and Sammy Bach vs. Benny Benson and Danny Fonzarelli



Billy Russell vs. Timothy Hawk



TCW World Tag Team Titles Match: The New Wave defend vs. The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins and Tommy Cornell)



No DQ Match: Joey Minnesota vs. Ricky Dale Johnson



TCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Rocky Golden defends vs. Sam Keith




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Sunday Week 4 January 2010

Location: Nevada State Armoury (South West)

Attendance: 27,276

Overall Rating: C

PPV Buyrate: 1.60




[TCW Malice In Wonderland begins inside the parking garage of the Nevada State Armoury where the focus is on the arrival of a long black limousine. The driver gets out and walks down to the end of the limo and opens the door. Out comes Sam Keith, Greg Keith and Matthew Keith. Keith nods to the driver and then heads toward the arena door with his two sons behind him. He will be facing Rocky Golden for the TCW World title tonight!]






[We remain in the backstage area but this time in a locker room area. TCW All Action Champion Edd Stone and Charlie Thatcher are discussing strategy for Stone's match tonight against five other competitors. Thatcher says that he has Stone's back tonight and will make sure the title remains around Stone's waist. Stone says that tonight they will be celebrating another victory.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/EddStone_Self6.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/CharlieThatcher1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/FumihiroOta-1_JSilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/HarryAllen_Self1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/AaronAndrews.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/ChanceFortuneALT1.jpg


TCW All Action Title Match

Ladder Match

Edd Stone defends vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Harry Allen vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Chance Fortune


[Our opening contest is the six way ladder match for the TCW All Action title. The opening match is filled with high spots by all six men, including a spear from Huggins to Ota as Ota was climbing the ladder, keeping the match going. This definitely shows that it's every man for himself in this environment. There was no time for the audience to breathe as something was always going on within this match, that included three different ladders. Laura Huggins proves a distraction at ringside that keeps Harry Allen from climbing the ladder and getting the belt. All six men were climbing the ladders toward the end of the match. Brawls ensued at the top of each ladder and Charlie Thatcher entered the ring. Thatcher yanks Andrews off the ladder with Edd Stone and Stone grabs the belt, dropping to the mat but with a victory.]


Winner: Edd Stone (Via Title Retrieval @ 9:47; Edd Stone retains the TCW All Action title)

Match Rating: B-




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/EddiePeak_jhd1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/BryanVessey.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/RickLaw_JS.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg

Eddie Peak vs. Bryan Vessey (vs. Rick Law vs. Koshiro Ino)


[Our second match got a bit of a mixed reaction from the crowd. They were apparently expecting only an Eddie Peak vs. Bryan Vessey match and got Rick Law and Koshiro Ino thrown into the contest to make it a four way match. The match itself was actually a brilliant back and forth, open encounter with all four men getting in some offense. The match breaks down during the middle and all four men are in the ring. Law and Ino are battling inside the ring and Peak and Vessey battle outside the ring. The crowd is surprised as the lights begin to flash and then go off completely. A few lighters are raised in the audience but the lights come back on and Bryan Vessey is laid out in the center of the ring with an 'X' across his chest in red tape. Koshiro Ino moves into the ring and tosses Eddie Peak over the top rope to the floor. Ino picks up Vessey -- Roll Inverted DDT -- Kobra's Bite! Ino makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Koshiro Ino (Via Pinfall @ 16:02)

Match Rating: B+






[We head backstage at this point and Jasmine Saunders is in the interview area with The Flying Menace Timothy Hawk. Saunders asks Hawk about Tommy Cornell's choice of hand-picked opponent for him: Billy Russell. Hawk begins by talking about Russell's impressive MMA performances but that only gets him ready for what happens inside the squared circle. Hawk says that tonight Russell is not going to be able to get him on the mat because they don't call him The Flying Menace for nothing.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/TroyTornado_alt11.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/SammyBach_alt31.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/KarenKiller_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/BennyBenson1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/DannyFonzarelliALT1.jpg

Troy Tornado and Sammy Bach vs. Benny Benson and Danny Fonzarelli


[Our third match of the evening here as Troy Tornado teams with Sammy Bach to face off with Benny Benson and Danny Fonzarelli. Benson and Fonzarelli are seemingly unlikely tag team partners but they work well here together this evening with Benson substituting for Giant Tana here tonight. Tornado and Bach definitely seem more likely to team together and here tonight they show that off with double teams on both Benson and Fonzarelli. During the middle of the match, the fans are surprised to see three men come out to ringside: Randall Hopkirk, Billy Jack Shearer and Man Mountain Cahill. The three men stand in the corner of Tornado and Bach. When the referee's attention is diverted, Hopkirk catches Fonzarelli with a clothesline! Shearer and Cahill yank Benson off the apron and throw him against the guardrail. Inside the ring, Tornado catches Fonzarelli with a Star Maker! The crowd boos as Tornado makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Troy Tornado and Sammy Bach (Via Pinfall @ 14:05)

Match Rating: B-






[We are taken backstage once again where Jasmine Saunders is standing by with TCW World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden. Saunders asks Golden about his match tonight with Sam Keith. Golden begins by talking about the experience that Keith brings to the table. Sam Keith is a long-time veteran of the ring and Golden says that he respects that. But he has the youth on his side. He also has some experience because he beat Tommy Cornell for the title. Golden says that at the end of the night he is going to be the same way that he has always been: Golden.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/BillyRussell.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/TimothyHawk_jhd.jpg

Billy Russell vs. Timothy Hawk


[Our next match is a definite above-average encounter as the former MMA standout, 'The Tap Out Artist' Billy Russell takes on the man who loves to fly, 'The Flying Menace' Timothy Hawk. In the beginning of the match, Russell charges Hawk and tries to catch him with a knee strike but Hawk moves out of the way. Hawk tries to keep a fast pace within the match, while Russell wants to slow things down and bring Hawk to the mat. Russell very nearly picks up the win following the use of the Puerto Rican Punt but Hawk kicks out at two. Hawk comes back, using the crowd support. He catches Russell with a triple backbreaker and lays him out near the turnbuckles. Hawk heads to the top -- 450 Splash! Hawk makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Timothy Hawk (Via Pinfall @ 10:35)

Match Rating: C+






[We head backstage to a locker room area where The Syndicate are talking about their strategy for tonight. Tommy Cornell says that at the end of the night, they are going to be rid of Ricky Dale Johnson and hold the TCW World Tag Team titles for the first time in HIS company. He says that he is the one who holds all the power and now he is going to be the one to hold all the gold, planning to become the next great wrestler to hold every single belt in the promotion. Joey Minnesota says that he is going to make sure that Cornell's guarantee comes true tonight against his former partner, his former best friend.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/Scout_Self1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/TommyCornellALT1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt11.jpg


TCW World Tag Team Titles Match

The New Wave defend vs. The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins and Tommy Cornell)


[The TCW World Tag Team title match shows some definite talent in this division, though most people would not consider The Syndicate to be part of the tag team division. But Tommy Cornell and his protege Wolf Hawkins work together as a finely skilled unit. However, they do not have the experience teaming together that The New Wave do. This experience definitely plays a part in the match. The New Wave make a strong start in this match, using fast-paced double team moves on both Cornell and Hawkins, showing that the Syndicate is not simply going to run over the champs. Guide gets a two count on Hawkins following a knee drop off the top turnbuckle. The momentum shifted when Hawkins made the tag to Cornell. The TCW owner brings down both Guide and Scout with clotheslines and then isolates Guide in the corner of The Syndicate. Quick tags are made in and out by Cornell and Hawkins as they both attack Guide. They draw several near falls but can't seem to put him away. Guide catches Hawkins in a small package that nearly gets the upset win for the champs but it's broken up by Cornell. Tags are made on both sides. Scout comes in, running clotheslines and body slams on The Syndicate. All four men get in the ring and do battle. Scout heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps -- Cornell moves! Scout hits the ground, missing the flying body press. Cornell moves in quickly behind Scout -- Guilt Trip! Cornell squeezes, dropping down to the mat. Hawkins keeps Guide from interfering and Scout taps out. We have new TCW World Tag Team Champions!]


Winners: The Syndicate (Via Submission @ 17:25; The Syndicate won the TCW World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: B






[We head backstage once again with Jasmine Saunders. Saunders is standing by with Ricky Dale Johnson. The two begin talking about RDJ's upcoming match with his former partner Joey Minnesota. He says that all the backstage politics in the world are not going to keep Minnesota from suffering in this match. He is going to make sure that Minnesota feels his pain. He promises a Texas sized butt whooping of Minnesota before walking off.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt1-11.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg

No DQ Match

Joey Minnesota vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


[This no disqualification match doesn't even start in the ring. It starts in the backstage area where Joey Minnesota blindsides RDJ. Minnesota rams RDJ against a wall and then tosses him against a soda machine. Minnesota pulls out a bill and sticks it in the machine, hitting a button for a soda but RDJ comes back, firing punches away against Minnesota! RDJ picks up the can of soda and slams it against the face of Minnesota! The brawl goes back and forth in the backstage area, evenly matched as both men know each other so well. The two men finally spill out into the entrance ramp. RDJ rams Minnesota's head against the guardrail but he gets assaulted from behind by Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins!]


[The crowd boos the interference by the other Syndicate members but there's nothing the referee can do about this. RDJ is rammed against the steel steps at ringside and then against the ring post before he is sent inside the ring. Minnesota joins him inside the ring and begins stomping away on him. The next few minutes are spent with Minnesota in complete control on a busted open RDJ. The blood is flowing like wine as Minnesota sends RDJ into a corner and catches him with a splash in the corner! Minnesota pushes RDJ to the mat and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Minnesota plays to the crowd for a few moments and then turns his attention back to RDJ -- LOW BLOW! RDJ catches Minnesota between the legs and Minnesota goes down. RDJ wipes at his eyes, catching some of the blood there from his crimson mask. Tommy Cornell enters the ring and gets taken down with a clothesline. Wolf Hawkins charges in -- body slam by RDJ! RDJ picks up one of the tag team title belts from The Syndicate and charges Minnesota -- belt shot right between the eyes! RDJ drops to his knees and hits Minnesota again and again, busting his opponent open.]


[RDJ picks up Minnesota and presses him against the ropes -- Madman Clothesline! Both men go spilling outside the ring to the floor. Cornell and Hawkins both exit the ring and check on Minnesota and then Cornell picks up a chair. He slams the chair against RDJ's head and RDJ wears it like a noose around his neck! Hawkins helps Minnesota to his feet and Minnesota grabs RDJ. All three men carry RDJ to the top of the stage and prepare to throw him off! Referee Sam Sparrow tries to step in and stop them from throwing RDJ off but he gets shoved back and off goes RDJ! RDJ goes throw a table about fifteen feet to the concrete floor! His body lies mangled and twisted below and referee Sam Sparrow calls for the bell. He is stopping the match.]


Winner: Joey Minnesota (Via Referee Stoppage @ 28:01)

Match Rating: B+




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/RockyGolden_alt31.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/SamKeithalt-11.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/GregGauge1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/MatthewKeith1.jpg


TCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Rocky Golden defends vs. Sam Keith


[The Nevada State Armoury was taken aback by what happened to Ricky Dale Johnson tonight and some were complaining throughout the card about not having a singles match between Eddie Peak and Bryan Vessey but here we are at our main event. Sam Keith comes out first alongside his sons Matthew and Greg Keith. All three enter the ring and Sam motions for his sons to stand at ringside as out comes the TCW World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden. Golden pauses in front of a sign that reads: 'The Golden Age of TCW!' Then he walks down to the ring and steps inside, looking across toward his opponent. The belt is handed to referee Eugene Williams and Williams sets it at ringside before calling for the bell.]


[sam Keith is one of the best known wrestlers from the 1990's, specifically from his time spent in SWF and now here in TCW. Rocky Golden is a wrestler that is working on earning the respect of the fans. This match definitely goes a very long way toward Golden earning that respect as this was the match of the night, competing with the Minnesota/RDJ match for that honor. Keith definitely has the skill to make a match of the night and Golden is coming a very long way toward gaining that skill, especially competing in matches against men like Sam Keith.]


[The match begins with a test of strength between the two wrestlers and Rocky Golden shows his power as he pushes Keith down to his knees on the mat. He tugs Keith up and shoves him back against the turnbuckle! Golden looks across toward Keith, who talks briefly with his sons and then steps forward again. The match is definitely an open match as it moves forward, with both men gaining momentum and then losing it through one way or another. Keith's experience edge allows him to hold his momentum longer as he knows how to pace himself and the match, expecting a longer encounter here. Golden had to take bigger risks as the match goes forward and an attempt at a neckbreaker was broken by Keith. Keith brings down Golden with several variations on the suplex until he catches him with the Neutron Plex! The crowd raise on their feet as that is usually the set up for the Proton Lock. Keith plays to the crowd gor a moment, feeling the momentum on his side. He moves in, grabbing the legs of Golden -- small package by Golden: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[The youthful energy of the TCW World Heavyweight Champion definitely plays a part when he begins his comeback against his challenger. Golden strikes back at Keith with moves like a full nelson bomb, side suplex and backbreaker. The crowd seems to be split evenly on who they want to win the bout, which is not a huge surprise given that Golden is a divisive wrestler. Golden looks to the crowd for a moment and then signals for The Rack! Golden bends down and picks up Keith, yanking him up on his shoulders -- The Rack! The hold is locked in tight and Keith is crying out in pain! Keith is struggling, though, refusing to submit! Into the ring comes Matthew Keith but Golden sees him. He drops Sam and grabs Matthew by the head, tossing him over the top rope to the floor! Golden asks the referee not to disqualify his opponent but while he is doing that his back is turned to the entering Greg Keith. Greg strikes Golden from behind with a double sledge, causing the referee to call for the bell.]


Winner: Rocky Golden (Via Disqualification @ 29:46; Rocky Golden retains the TCW World Heavyweight title)

Match Rating: B+


[The crowd boos as the finish comes in our main event but the night is not over. Greg Keith continues an assault on Rocky Golden. Sam Keith and Matthew Keith join in on the assault, stomping away on Golden and then Sam lifts him up -- Neutron Plex! He makes a motion and Matthew grabs the legs of Golden -- Proton Lock! Matthew hooks on his father's finisher and Golden cries out in pain! Sam and Greg get in kicks to the ribs of Golden over and over. Matthew finally breaks the hold and both sons raise their father's arms in victory. Though Sam Keith is NOT the TCW World Heavyweight Champion tonight. We'll see you Tuesday for TCW Presents Total Wrestling!]

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Welcome to the TCW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


No perfect scores on the pay-per-view. We did have someone get 5/7 correct, though. Congratulations to Charasmatic Enigma!


1. Emark=3 Wins

Charasmatic Enigma=3 Wins

3. pennyone=2 Wins

Midnightnick=2 Wins

Astil=2 Wins

6. ChrisKid=1 Win

Tigerkinney=1 Win

Rayelek=1 Win

Nathers7=1 Win

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[Things began going downhill during the TCW Malice In Wonderland show. Apparently there had been a lot of advertising for a hardcore match between Eddie Peak and Bryan Vessey. This match, obviously, did not take place in favor of a four way encounter, adding in Rick Law and Koshiro Ino. A lot of fans within the arena were upset about the bait and switch. I could hear the chants throughout the show as I sat within the back and even during my match with Billy Russell. As the show ended, I sat back and relaxed in my chair in my office when a knock came at the door.]


Timothy Hawk

"Come in."


[In walks Jennifer Cornell. I have to admit that a smile came to my lips when she walked into the room and closed the door behind her. She walked over and began rubbing my shoulders and I listened to her sweet nothings in my ear with her gorgeous accent. Then things became worse and chaotic as a knock came at the door and in walks her husband Tommy Cornell. Tommy looks at the scene between myself and his wife and everything seemed to go in slow motion. Jennifer moved out of the way and I barely had time to brace myself as Tommy pounced and began throwing punches. I covered up quickly so that I could absorb the hits as best as I can without throwing a solid shot back. I know when I am in the wrong and this is definitely something I am in the wrong about. Wrestlers came spilling in and worked to break things up, pulling Tommy from me and I knew that I was suffering a broken nose. I looked up from the floor where the wrestlers were holding Tommy back.]


Tommy Cornell

"I'll kill you! You hear me?!?! I will rip your throat out! I do't care how much money you have. You can shove that money up your arse! We're done! We're through!"


[As Tommy spoke, I knew that I had just removed my shot at TCW. Oh well, there will always be another for a man like me.]


OOC NOTE: Yes, this is the end. The honest truth is that the characters stopped speaking to me. They stopped becoming so vivid within my head and each seemed more generic than the last. Thank you to those who have made your predictions and been reading. I hope you will continue to follow me in the future.

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