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Release: Organic Picture Pack

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Here is my latest picture pack, organic for the 1990s. I prefer this style now to pre-cut so I will no longer be cutting anything on any of the other backgrounds.


Here are some samples of the work






The pack is designed to be used with mods from the 90s. I will release follow up packs as I work on them. I haven't had a chance to look at Hive's mod yet to make sure this syncs. After I download it and get a chance to mess around with it I will start trying to add to this to fill out for that mod. This pack was originally made for 1996. I've gone through and fixed it to where it should load correctly for 1994 and be playable through to about 1999-2001. As you get later it will start to trail off in quantity for people outside of WWF/WCW/ECW/JAPAN.


All pictures should be high quality and you should get good coverage for ECW/WCW/WWF/AJPW/FMW/NJPW/some mexico and some joshi.


Quick note: Glenn Jacobs is listed as Glenn Jacobs and Kane. The Rock is listed as Rocky Maivia and The Rock. Every now and then you'll find guys listed by gimmick and original name, shouldn't happen too often though.

Download Links: Updated to 1.1 + Patch #2 for the Original Files

Organic 90s A-J 1.1

Organic 90s K-Z 1.1

Organics 90s Update Patch #2

Organics 90s Update Patch #3


Some Instructions when using with Hive's Mod: I attempt to name my pictures to be plug and play with Hive's 94 mod. It is not always possible. My suggestion is to load Hive's default picture pack first, and then place my pictures over them, replacing any that it prompts you to. After that, use the editor filter to narrow down only to those without pictures and mass edit them to use the "name.jpg" option. This will pick up some of the pics I have that Hive didn't. After that, you will want to manually edit the following workers:

Ron & Don Harris- they default in Hive's database to use a twin picture. I have them as both Ron and Don Harris and as Jacob and Eli Blue.

Headhunter A and Headhunter B- same as above. They are under Headhunter A and Headhunter B now

I also have pictures under the names Marcus Laurinaitis (sp?) and Al Green which are listed as alter egos in Hive's default. I think he has them as Wrecking Crew Rage and Fury

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I've been playing around with Hive's mod and found a lot of my default pictures are the wrong era. I've fixed a lot of them. I'll upload a fix patch either tonight or tomorrow morning for those who have already downloaded the original release as well as updating the full download links.


Example: Rikishi Fatu.jpg was showing a picture from 2002 I think. I renumbered all the Rikishi pics and cut a few pics from 93-95 to add in there. The fix patch will include all the Rikish pics renumbered so you can simply drop the patch into the folder and it will fix everything.

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Any chance you may work on similar pic packs with current wrestlers, or even ones for the 80s? Just a personal preference, but I dig these pictures better than the KYKY ones.


I'm glad you enjoy them. This will sound awfully emo of me, but I grew tired of the uniformity of it all. :)


I do have one of the 80s actually that is more expansive than this one. I will upload it when I can. As for current day, not a chance, sorry. I don't enjoy current day wrestling enough for working on something for this era to hold my attention.


I will add though, that this is by far the easiest type of cuts you will ever make.


As for the 94 patch, it will be in the morning when I get back to my PC. Look for it around 9AM CST.

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So you download the first two links and that gets you all the pics except for what's in the patch. Then you download the patch and drop those pics into your folder. It will override a lot of pics (make sure you tell it yes) and then add some as well.


I have not fixed the first two links yet, but will eventually so you don't need the patch. I'm working on patch #2 right now to get all the referees in the game as well as about 60 missing workers. My 3rd patch will be to get future workers.


If you are using this for 1994 (I assume most are) I'd still go ahead and use Hive's pictures in combination with these so the mod fills out. His pics work fine with this pack. (NO KYKY!)

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Sorry, I just noticed Kensuke Sasaki's Power Warrior picture is in there.


Haha heck yeah a Power Warrior fan!


I have tons of Sasaki pics on my computer.


Whenever I get around to playing this game I'll probably run the Roadwarriors freebird style in WCW.

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Haha heck yeah a Power Warrior fan!


I have tons of Sasaki pics on my computer.


Whenever I get around to playing this game I'll probably run the Roadwarriors freebird style in WCW.


His green Road Warrior gear was some of the coolest stuff I've ever seen. Animal starts out in the 94 mod as "injured", but I'm pretty sure it's a temporary retirement. I didn't realize that until after I signed Hawk and I was like "Well...what do I do?". So I signed Kensuke Sasaki and have the Hell Raisers dominating my tag team. Sasaski shows up as a Next Big Thing for me too, so that's even more awesome.

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Will have a significantly large update#2 to post tonight with more fixes to names and such. If anyone has any workers they've caught so far that need to be fixed, please post here and I will do so. I want this to be as plug and play as possible for Hive's mod.
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Main post updated with links to patch #2. If you downloaded the original files you can just download patch#2 and drop into your picture folder.


I've also updated the main files now so you can of course opt to download those only. They include patch# 2 and are set to synchronize with the version of the mod I plopped into Hive's thread. I still recommend you use Hive's default picture pack and download my files and drop on top of his to get all the pics.


It will be at least a week before I updated anymore pictures.

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