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Japanese Wrestling Federation (c-verse rock hard setting)

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I should not play TEW before i wake up as i accidently deleted my dynasty game while i was "cleaning up" a bunch of saves i have not played and didn't think i was going to get back to.


This game I am going to go back to my "normal" game rockhard setting non wrestling avatar except i am going to do it in Japan. The worker loyalty thing is really nice and I am alot less familar with the workers. If i am the biggest

company I can't just overpay to get the best workers either.


The roster

Avatar - Road Agent, Announcer and Color till we can fill other spots

Referee- Tatsui Saji there are better options but he works for 250 a show


The Faces:


Tsurayoki Kamachi

Chikafusa Tadeshi

Kiemon Yoshimatsu


The Heels


Eiichi Umehara

Lion Genji



the reason for these guys are i think these are the cheapest group of 3 heels

and 3 faces that will also be loyal. I may have made a mistake but cost wise

it is just a little over 2k to run a show and that should be covered by my sponsers i hope.


The product is key on mainstream and comedy I find this easiest to book for.

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In the creative meeting:

I don't have any Next Big Things


Chikafusa Tadeshi and Tsurayuki Kamachi are Hot Prospects


Nobody listed for anything else.


I try to set up working agreements for options down the road

GCG and BHOTWG reject the idea

WLW, PGHW, WEXXV, and Hintoe Dojo accept


JWF: January 2010 attendance 49


Chikafusa Tadeshi and Lion Genji argue 26

Chikafusa Tadeshi over Lion Genji 15

Kiemon Yoshimatsu and Musashi argue 26

Kiemon Toshimastsu over Musashi 25

Tsurayuki Kamachi and Eiichi Umehara argue 26

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Eiichi Umehara 33


Final Rating 30


not spectacular but a solid start

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your in a rush for ratings you can pillage some of the young

wrestlers who will become loyal to you i think( Matthew Keith

etc). I want to focus on home grown talent but i will probally

bring in KC Glenn and Josh Jones when they debut.


We made 1500 that month so we sign Omezo Shikitei he is

just debuting into wrestling and is a decent talent lacks charimsa

and star quality but is more over than most of my roster and is

a main eventer from an autopush. 500 bucks a month isnt too bad.


JWF: February attendance 48


Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 36

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Musashi and Eiichi Umehara 23

Omezo Shikitei over Chikafusa Tadeshi 21

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi face off 23

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Lion Genji 27

Tsurayuki Kamachi and Omezo Shikitei brawl 20


Final Rating 27


our 2 main eventers feuding didn't work out as well i had hoped

will have to keep at it and get them over. We lack menace and

mic skills. I like the argue segment it seems to be the best way

to improve mic skills with semi decent ratings. We made a profit

of 700 that month so that is good.

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JWF: March 2010 attendance 41


Tsurayuki Kamachi and Omezo Shikitei argue 34

Chikafusa Tadeshi over Lion Genji and Eiichi Umehara 21

Omezo Shikitei over Kiemon Yoshimatsu 33

Tsurayuki Kamachi swears vengeance on Omezo Shikitei 32

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Musashi 29

Tsurayuki Kamachi and Omezo Shikitei brawl 25


Final Rating 30


we cleared over 1k that month


JWF: April 2010 attendance 40


Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 34

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Lion Genji and Musashi 28

Omezo Shikitei over Chikafusa Tadeshi 24

Tsurayuki Kamachi interview 38

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Eiichi Umehara 30

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 27


Final Rating 30


EXODUS 2010 open and they are bigger than us :-(


our merchandise sales nosedived and we only made 400 this month


JWF: May 2010 attendance 40


Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 37

Chikafusa Tadeshi over Eiichi Umehara and Lion Genji 20

Omezo Shikitei over Kiemon Yoshimatsu 35

Tsurayuki Kamachi interview 37

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Musashi 32

Tsurayuki Kamachi and Omezo Shikitei brawl 33


Final Rating 32


Finally some noticeable improvements rating wise and we are

offically small in size now

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You only get loyalty if the worker is both unemployed and 24 or under, so you won't get loyalty from the Matt Keiths etc unless they've been let go.


Can I say something? I'm truthfully not really sure why you're making a diary out of this. It's an interesting exercise in booking to a formula, but I don't really see the point. You don't build a roster of any appreciable size, and every show it's just the same layout over and over and over again. Argument-Match-Match-Interview (or faceoff) -Match-Brawl (or beatdown). I'm not trying to put you down, I'm just saying... I don't get it, I guess.

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Blake Trask - mostly to show newer players how to build something out of nothing. It is a choice of personal taste but for myself infinity's coastal zone was a diary i always looked forward to and his was a no frills type diary.

I also give my thoughts here and there. I am not expecting to wow anyone

or anything. Some people may like seeing how things come along and may

wonder if Lion Genji can become world champion or Chikafusa Tadeshi can actually learn how to wrestle at some point. Right now my roster size is limited by funding but if you read my other diaries then you know i like to focus things on the guys I am using at the PPV event. I don't do write ups

for the "job squad" who lose every match unless they get good enough to

make it to the ppv. Thank you for the comment and reading anyway.


JWF: June 2010 attendance 43


Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 37

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Eiichi Umehara and Musashi 28

Omezo Shiktei over Chikafusa Tadeshi 25

Tsurayuki Kamachi interview 35

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Lion Genji 34

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 34


Final Rating 32


of course we got smoked in the regional battle and fell to local again never getting the extra money.

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JWF: August 2010 attendance 34


Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 49

Mashashi Urogataya over Lion Genji 38

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Eiichi Umehara 28

Omezo Shikitei over Chikafusa Tadeshi 31

Tsurayuki Kamachi and Omezo Shikitei argue 46

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Musashi 44

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 48


Final Rating 41


We signed Mashashi Urogataya and turned Lion Genji face


We signed KC Glenn to add to our roster


JWF: September 2010 attendance 36

Omezo Shikitei rant 54

Mashahi Urogataya over KC Glenn 42

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Musashi 36

Omezo Shikitei over Lion Genji and Chikafusa Tadeshi 43

Tsurayuki Kamachi rant 51

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Eiichi Umehara 47

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 52


Final Rating 47


We are still finishing last in the regional battles but we are improving

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JWF: October 2010 attendance 66


Omezo Shikitei interview 60

Mashashi Urogataya over Lion Genji 52

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Eiichi Umehara 36

Omezo Shikitei over Chikafusa Tadeshi and KC Glenn 50

Tsurayuki Kamachi interview 58

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Musashi 53

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 61


Final Rating 53


We sign Sozen Ishinomori he can't wrestle but has 90 menace


JWF: November 2010 attendance 65


Omezo Shikitei interview 59

Mashashi Urogataya over KC Glenn 56

Omezo Shikitei over Kiemon Yoshimatsu 55

Tsurayuki Kamachi interview 64

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Musashi 58

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 71


Final Rating 59


I took our top 6 guys performance wise and put them together

I will try to get their popularity up and see what we can do from



We managed to beat Exodus 2010 although WLW beat us


We did offer Exodus 2010 a working argeement but they turned us down.


JWF: December 2010 attendance 202


Omezo Shikitei interview 75

Mashashi Urogataya over Kiemon Yoshimatsu 60

Omezo Shikitei over KC Glenn 64

Tsurayuki Kamachi interview 70

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Sozen Ishinomori 67 (title match)

Omezo Shiktei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 80


Final Rating 67


I am very happy with how things went year one.

Shikitei and Kamachi are now listed under talk the talk

Urogataya and Glenn improve our performance


we are shut out of the year end awards

none of our guys snuck into the top 100 this year

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  • 2 weeks later...

had an issue with the save restarted pretty much the same thing for year one with the exception of Mashashi Urogataya who was signed by PGHW.


We did sign 2 gens. Just as filler guys but one of them Yakumo Miyake has found a regular spot.


We brought in road agent Gesshin Nishihara who is solid.


We still need to fill in some blanks as far as our roster goes.


depending on signings our next 6 months looks to feature



Tsuaryuki Kamanchi (current champ)

Kiemon Yoshimatsu

KC Glenn

Chikafusa Tadeshi



Omezo Shikitei

Yakumo Miyake

Eiichi Umehara

Sozen Ishinomori


we will still be looking to make a big 12 at some point with Lion Genji and Musashi currently on the heel side and Tomaki Takasu on the face side but right now its more a big 6 with the others jobbing.

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JWF: January 2011 attendance 1674


Omezo Shikitei and Tsuaryuki Kamanchi argue 100

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Eiichi Umehara 69

Omezo Shikitei over KC Glenn 83

Meet and Greet 100 (the work on entertainment skills angle)

Tsuaryuki Kamanchi over Yakumo Miyake 73 (title match)

Omezo Shikitei and Tsuaryuki Kamanchi brawl 100


Final Rating 79

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Right now the only holding me back from pushing KC Glenn

is the language barrier. Once he learns Japanese he will be

given the reigns to carry the company as far as it can go. He

is without a doubt our best worker.


JWF February 2011 attendance 2000


Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 100

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Yakumo Miyake 83

KC Glenn over Sozen Ishinomori 79

Meet and Greet 100

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Eiichi Umehara 72 (title match)

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 100


Final Rating 79


In less than shocking news i tried to sign The Black Cobra

(Duane Stone) but he extended his deal with BHOTWG


Just a side note Eiichi Umehara is listed under hot prospects

and states: although he is unlikely to ever amount to much in

terms of in-ring performance, he undoubtedly has a certain star

potential in him (i dont always pay close attention to the messages

it is kinda back handed complement)


We sign Kadonomaro Kamisaka looking at gimmicks for him we

were going to give him MMA bad ass but he doesn't qualify for it

we do see he qualifies for a cowboy gimmick and decide to go

and give him the alter ego of Texas K. He is also 2nd on the hot

prospect list behind Sozen Ishinomori.

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JWF: March 2011 attendance 2,000


Omexo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 100

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Eiichi Umehara 88

Omezo Shikitei over KC Glenn 83

Meet and Greet 100

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Yakumo Miyake 72 (title match)

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 100


Final Rating 81


For some reason Enforcer Roberts didn't want to turn down

an extension from global SWF to work in Japan for regional



I have a shortlist of wrestlers who i would love to bring into JWF.


Angry Gilmore, Brent Hill, Bryan Holmes, Byran Vessey

Dan Stone jr, Dark Angel, Dark Eagle, Duane Stone,

Enforcer Roberts, Joel Bryant, John Maverick, Masayuki

Shiga, Nobuatsu Tatsuko, Sam Keith, Tadiyuki Kikkaawa,

Tommy Cornell, Yoshimi Mushahibo and Youke Naita.


In an ideal world my big 12 would consist of those guys above.

I don't count on ever bringing in any of them though.


I am not happy with the ratings Kamachi is getting he normally

has the worst match(part of that is title prestige) I think I will

have him drop the belt to Shikitei (our other main eventer) and

see how he does with the title.


With over spillover popularity we held a show in Kinki in front of 300

people. Not in any rush to get to cult or national but it is something

we will try to do at some point.


KC Glenn now speaks passable Japanese.

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JWF: April 2011 attendance 4,981


Tsurayuki Kamachi and Omezo Shikitei argue 100

KC Glenn over Texas K 79

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Yakumo Miyake 88

Meet and Greet 100

Omezo Shikitei over Tsurayuki Kamachi 86 (title match)

Tsurayuki Kamachi and Omezo Shikitei brawl 100


Final Rating 90


Our best show ever. We hope Shikitei can give us some good

title matches.


Got an all eyes on Texas K report nice to see.


I am not sure the exact popularity cut off point for regional sized

companys. Just to be on the safe side i think we will get to cult.


I decieded to exapand my roster a little bit. We sign rookie worker

Tanyu Toshusai who steps in as our 2nd best worker behind KC Glenn

Along with him we sign veteran workers Hidekazu and Washichi Inao

They are solid workers who should be able to help shape up our roster

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Right now when we autopush the roster


Main Eventers

Omezo Shikitei - heel

Kiemon Yoshimatsu - face

Tsurayuki Kamachi - face


Upper midcard

Chikafusa Tadeshi - face

Yakumo Miyake - face

Sozen Ishinomori - heel



Tanyu Toshusai - face

Eiichi Umehara - heel

Hidekazu - heel

KC Glenn - face


Lower Midcard

Tomoaki Takasu-face

Washichi Inao -face



Texas K - heel

Lion Genji - heel


Enchancement Talent

Musashi - heel


technically we have enough workers to hold a ppv but in reality we have 9 open spots to fill

and it will probally become 11 as if we get Hidekazu and Washichi Inao noticed by the bigger

companies they will leave.


I like to have 24 man 12 heel 12 face roster works perfect with 9 shows a month schedule you have 6 jobber heels and 6 jobber faces that lose to the top 6 heels and faces who then square off at the monthly events.


the performance value of the workers


1-KC Glenn (88)

2-Hidekazu (79)

3-Washichi Inao (76)

4-Tanyu Toshusai (75)

5-Omezo Shikitei (75)

6-Kiemon Yoshimatsu (75)

7-Yakumo Miyake (75)

8-Tsurayuki Kamachi (73)

9-Lion Genji (69)

10-Eiichi Umehara (68)

11-Texas K (67)

12-Musashi (63)

13-Tomoaki Takasu (61)

14-Sozen Ishinomori (58)

15-Chickafusa Tadeshi (58)


Ideally i like my most popular guys to be my best workers but that is not the case here.When i started Kamachi was number 1 and he has been surpassed by Omezo Shikitei and Kiemon Yoshimatsu and Yakumo Miyake. It will be interesting to see where these guys are in 6 months and 1 year 2 years etc (at least for me)

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Just to gauge the potential of our workers i made all the main eventers and uppermidcarders

midcarders to see what the next big things and hot prospect list look like well the next big thing list is empty


the hot prospect list

1-Sozen Ishnomori

2-Tanyu Toshusai

3-Yakumo Miyake

4-Texas K

5-Tomoaki Takasu


I was surprised to not see KC Glenn on this list (probally doesn't have a high destiny stat this game).

I highly doubt that Sozen Ishnomori will become a better worker than KC Glenn though.


I tried to get a TV show but they rejected my approch.


JWF May 2011 attendance 4,734


Tsurayuki Kamachi and Omezo Shikitei argue 100

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Sozen Ishinomori 74

Kieomon Yoshimatsu over Eiichi Umehara 89

Meet and Greet 100

Omezo Shikitei over KC Glenn 81 (title match)

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 100


Final Rating 87

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Strange things can happen in a month. We reached cult sized.

On a whim i tried to get a PPV deal with Jade and we got it.

It is only a couple days away from our event and it just went

from a 1 hour small show to a 2 hour ppv. Its a good things

our popularity is less than 30 thru most of Japan so there is no

real pressure to put on a good show at this point. Here is the

catch though. Our workers are going to get too popular to want

to resign with us with the national exposure. We start to try to

extend all our deals to our workers to give us as much time as

possible to reach national. I think i will need to crank out shows

rated 88 or better. It is possible with this roster.(we had a 90 show)

If i am not national sized this time next year I will be losing

multiple workers due to not being big enough. I have no idea how

well the show will be recieved as i am putting in workers before

I had planned on it.


JWF: June 2011 attendance 15,000


Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 100

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Hidekazu 82

Yakumo Miyake over Washichi Inao 72

Chikafusa Tadeshi over Texas K 66

Sozen Ishinomori over Tanyu Toshusai 71

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Eiichi Umehara 76

Fan Interaction segment 100

Omezo Shikitei over KC Glenn 83 (title match)

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 100


Final Rating 85


that went better than i thought it would

the fan interaction segment is just a custom angle to help

raise entertainment skills

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JWF: July 2011 attendance 15,000


Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 100

Tsurayuki Kamanchi over Eiichi Umehara 85

Chikafusa Tadeshi over Lion Genji 65

Hidekazu over Washichi Inao 61

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Texas K 74

Sozen Ishinomori over KC Glenn 79

Fan Interaction 100

Omezo Shikitei over Tanyu Toshusai 80 (title match)

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 100


Final Rating 84


We brought in Sterling Whitlock into the job squad he doesn't show

on the hot prospect list though so his destiny may not be very good.


Was surprised that Kamachi Umehara was the match of the night

I expected Tanyu Omezo and Sozen and KC Glenn to do better

although only a couple points. Tatsui Saji (our ref) is quietly becoming

a solid member of our staff (up to 76 already) hopefully we don't lose

him or Geeshin who has an 86 road agent rating.

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We bring in SATO and he is listed as our #1 hot prospect.


JWF: August 2011 attendance 15,000


Tsurayuki Kamachi and Omezo Shikitei argue 100

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Lion Genji 76

Hidekazu over Washichi Inao 61

Chikafusa Tadeshi over Texas K 73

Sozen Ishinomori over Tanyu Toshusai 78

Keimon Yoshimatsu over Eiichi Umehara 89

Fan Interaction segment 100

Omezo Shikitei over KC Glenn 79 (title match)

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 100


Final Rating 85


The main event didnt go as well as i would have liked

For some reason it seems Eiichi Umehara steals the show often

To be honest i normally dont do that much with him due to

him being a psychopath style and didnt think he fit the product.

He has no special top row skills his intensity is 56 stiffness 38

nothing outstanding on the performance stats, 39 sex appeal 22

star quality 26 menace 34 athleticism 30 power. On paper this

guy is our 12th man but he out performs them putting over our

main eventers at the ppv (he is an upper midcarder) he may be

our current mvp and i dont have a clue why. He has an Acolyte

gimmick which is rated 76 and his momentuem is 79 neither are

that great compared to some others.

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We have been making some serious money so i figured we would

spend some of that money. We built a dojo, a 25,000 seat arena

and Development company named Kanto Wrestling.


Kuemon Hotta takes control of Kanto Wrestling a 31 year old

limited high flyer.


Washichi Inao signed a written deal with WLW.


Just cause i thought it was a funny option i made Sozen

Ishinomori my head trainer (he can't wrestle)


Chikafusa Tadeshi holds a press conferance to announce a change

in his fighting philosophy as he had decided to introuduce a new

Entertainer style in order to make himself even more dangerous. He

spoke of this as a true 'evolution' from his old regular wrestler style

of fighter (lol)


JWF: September 2011 attendance 25,000


Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 100

Tsuryiki Kamachi over Musashi 88

Eiichi Umehara over SATO 77

Chikafusa Tadeshi over Hidekazu 75

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Lion Genji 90

Sozen Ishinomori over KC Glenn 76

Face off Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi 100

Omezo Shikitei over Tanyu Toshusai 82 (title match)

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi brawl 100


Final Rating 86


Bryan Holmes contract is up we try to set something up but highly

doubt anything will come from that. I checked and we are close to

national but i think he may be loyal and he is the head booker and

he rejects our approach. .

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Things have slowed down in the dynasty I apologize some of it is due to me

trying to put on "best" shows trying to get to national and ulitizing pre and

post match time to better effect.(also being distracted by fifa manager)


JWF has risen to National and entered the warming up period.


We went from Local to National in just under 2 years and on the backs

of Tsuaryuki Kamachi and Omezo Shikitei. KC Glenn is our best worker

but he is not at the carry stage yet. On paper we are probally the 5th

best collection of workers in Japan (we are better than Warrior Engine

and Exodus i think). We are also young and improving.


For those of you who are interested here is my booking "notes"


based on autopush



1-Tsurayuki Kamachi

2-Kiemon Yoshimatsu

3-Chikafusa Tadeshi

4-KC Glenn

5-Tanyu Toshusai

6-Sterling Whitlock




1-Omezo Shikitei

2-Sozen Ishinomori

3-Eiichi Umehara

4-Lion Genji


6-Texas K (Kadonomaro Kamisaka)




face 1 vs heel 4

face 3 vs heel 6

heel 3 vs face 6

face 2 vs heel 5

heel 2 vs face 5

heel 1 vs face 4



face 1 vs heel 5

face 3 vs heel 7

heel 3 vs face 7

face 2 vs heel 4

heel 2 vs face 4

heel 1 vs face 5


its not very creative but it gives our top 3 faces and heels wins and try to

have them against the best quality oppenents as possible


Our weekly shows consist of SATO, Sterling Whitlock, and Tomoaki

Takasu putting over heels or Texas K, Hidekazu, and Yakumo Miyake

putting over faces.


It is by design that 2 of our best workers KC Glenn and Tanyu Toshusai

are jobbing two most popular heels Shikitei isnt a bad worker and getting

better but Sozen Ishinomori needs to improve as he can still pull out the

worst match of the night but with his menace and charisma he gain

popuarlity easier than anyone on the roster but he has improved alot and

is our head trainer.


We are looking to expand our roster we make offers to Jared Johnson

Pavel Vanzycha Sunburst and Armada to add to our job squad.


We make offers to veteran workers Bryan Holmes Dark Eagle (doubt either

will move) but Ed Monton Steve Flash and Soul Taker i think we have a

chance at.

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JWF: October 2011 attendance 25,000


Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 100

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Lion Genji 77

Chikafusa Tadeshi over Texas K 89

Eiichi Umehara over Sterling Whitlock 76

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Musashi 94

Sozen Ishinomori over Tanyu Toshusai 79

Face off with Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi 99

Omezo Shikitei over KC Glenn 79 (title match)

Sozen Ishinormori and Kiemon Yoshimatsu brawl 100


Final Rating 84


We are now being seen on PPV in North America on Public

Access Select. We secured the services of Jared Johnson

Armada Pavel Vanzycha and Sunburst.


More importantly we signed Steve Flash Ed Monton and Soul

Taker. These 3 guys have great skills to pass on to our workers.

Finally someone who can show KC Glenn something. It is too

bad that Steve Flash and Ed Monton are in terminal decline. They

both can be road agents with us though.


I did sign our road agent and ref to written contracts so make sure

they dont leave without notice.


Soul Taker doesnt speak the langue and his supernatural gimmick

flopped with a 40 rating. That being said i will change his gimmick

down the road and i see title reigns in his future as long as his

backstage antics don't get him fired.

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JWF: November 2011 attendance 22,600


Tsurayuki Kamachi and Omezo Shiktei argue 100

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Soul Taker 87

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Eiichi Umehara 93

Tanyu Toshusai over Lion Genji 80

KC Glenn over Musashi 85

Sozen Ishinomori over Ed Monton 86

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi face off 100

Omezo Shikitei over Steve Flash 79 (title match)

Sozen Ishinomori and Kiemon Yoshimatsu brawl 100


Final Rating 86


not a bad show reshuffled the deck with all the new talent

The title match was disapointing but Kiemon and Eiichi stole the show

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National battle results







we bring in Stealth Z actually had a bidding war with WLW for him.

Hopefully destiny is good to him.


El Medico is 3rd listed under hidden gems I have used him quite a

few times when i am just starting out but never have had him achieve



We need to get Flash, Monton and Soul Taker over as much as

possible to win the National battle.


Sozen was listed as our best propest and it is showing he has

shown the most improvement of anyone on the roster and is

actually kinda good sorta


Putting my 3 non Japanese speaking workers in angles got them

to learn passable Japanese in less than 2 months which is faster

than just waiting for them to pick it up.(course the angles took a hit)


We try to enter the bidding for the services of Sam Keith. He

rejects our approach.


We also try to land Dark Angel


JWF: December 2011 attendance 24,484


Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi argue 100

Kiemon Yoshimatsu over Soul Taker 97 (they have chemistry)

Tsurayuki Kamachi over Eiichi Umehara 81

Tanyu Toshusai over Musashi 80

KC Glenn over Lion Genji 91 (still got a psychology ding)

Sozen Ishinomori over Steve Flash 84

Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi face off 100

Omezo Shikitei over Ed Monton 87 (title match)

Sozen Ishinomori and Kiemon Yoshimatsu brawl 100


Final Rating 92

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We won the national battle for December


Dark Angel rejects our approach


Musashi won young wrestler of the year!


We also got show of the year for a gig we did in December


Top 100

4-Kiemon Yoshimatsu

5-Soul Taker

13-Tsurayuki Kamachi

15-Eiichi Umehara


36-Lion Genji

41-KC Glenn

45-Omezo Shikitei

51-Ed Monton

56-Sozen Ishinomori

61-Steve Flash


wow Tanyu Toshusai doesn't make the list and he is one of our best workers


Looking things over planning for the next year our big 12 our the guys

listed in the top 100 and Tanyu and they are my 12 best workers.

If we lose Steve Flash currently Chikafusa will step in and if we lose

Ed Monton as well it will probally be SATO although Texas K or Jared

Johsnon could probally step in with a turn.


GCG fall to Cult


PGHW have a solid 7 point cushion and currently there w

BHOTWG have a 7 point cushion as well

JWF: only has a 2 point cushion


We are global (behind SWF TCW and NOTBPW) in Japan we are 3rd

behind BHOTWG adn PGHW because they have not branched out as

aggressively as we did. South of the Border Wrestling is closest

to going National CGC and USPW have a ways to go. I guess

technically 21CW could go national but i dont think i have ever seen it.

They have a long way to go for that though.

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