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Allison Sarel in SWF: Rise and Fall

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In late 2009, SWF head booker Peter Michaels began a reltaionship with a young woman named Allison Sarel. After being told of his job, she took an interest in it and eventually was brought onto the booking staff. Seeing her potential after Michaels potentially retired, Richard Eisen chose to give her more power and beginning in 2010, Sarel was the primary booker for SWF shows, with Michaels having the final say. This is the story of her 8 months as head booker of SWF. This is SWF: Rise and Fall.




OOC: This is my SWF game that I was playing. I made a huge mistake (we'll get there) and fell to Cult and it pretty much ruined everything I was working on, so I resigned and sim'd out the year. I'm hoping to kinda make it like Phantom Stranger's awesome TCW and PPPW diaries in that he talks about what was going on like it was in the past. The show write-ups will be on the minimal side, especially since I didn't take any notes while I was playing the game. On rare occasion, something will get a bigger write-up. There were a couple of segments that I really enjoyed booking and can't wait to write up. Hopefully you'll all enjoy the story as much as I do.


Credit to the render thread for the Allison Sarel render, pretty sure it was a Self freebie but I gotta double check to be sure.


EDIT: Yup, render is by Self. His freebies are awesome for user characters.

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Allison actually did have a great mind for the business. The biggest problem was that she didn't know anything, so trying to go from pure outsider to pure insider, she tried to learn everything. Any tape in our libraries, any wrestling on television, old, new, big companies and independents. The amount we spent in the first few months on relocating guys just to throw them in developmental, I'm surprised Richard didn't lose it.




Yeah, we were paying a lot in relocation expenses, but Peter assured me that there were plans for all of them once they matured. Some of them didn't want to go into development and some went straight to the main roster, but most were sent down either to Nero or to the new company.




I guess I can see why Richard Eisen put me in charge of his new developmental territory. A veteran, an over guy in Mexico, and not a shabby worker if I do say so myself. Giving me a guy like Luis Montero to help train the youngsters was a stroke of genius though, I wouldn't have expected him to work with SWF, but he was there from the beginning for New Era and it helped some guys really come along.




I really do think Allison landed a coup when she brought in Luis Montero to train the youngsters down in Mexico. The man's a Mexican legend and it brought some legitimacy to the company down there, as well as helping them put on some phenomenal shows. They hit "Regional" status on the internet by the end of the year, which was one thing Richard was pretty proud of.




I wasn't sure about a lot of the guys they sent me in the beginning. Many of them just needed a bit of seasoning, but more than that, needed exposure. It wasn't something they were gonna get in Rhode Island, but I don't think someone up there knew that. Knowing now that Allison was in charge explains it a little more.


SWF Developmental Signings January 2010

Australians: (L-R) The Next Big Things (Nicky Gilbert & Rod Sullivan), Rahmel Goode



Mexicans: (L-R) Los Monteros (Gino & Luis Jr), El Orgulloso



Europeans: (L-R) Beast Bantom, Hugh de Aske



Americans: (L-R) Precision (Bryan "Raphael" Fletcher & Kirk Jameson), Regular Joe, Xavier Reckless, James "Mainstream" Hernandez


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The first Supreme TV under the regime of Allison Sarel was a moderately successful one as the storylines started by Peter Michaels continued to boil over. In fact, of the January episodes of Supreme TV, 3 were rated among the top 10 SWF shows of the year. The core SWF roster delivered as expected, before any signings had been made. For the sake of this retrospective, we'll be providing the cards before displaying each show, in order to maintain some suspense for the viewer and allow you to predict if you wish.


SWF Supreme TV January 2010 Week 1

SWF North American Championship

Brandon James © vs. Jungle Lord

Runaway Train vs. Captain Atomic

Marc DuBois vs. Steve Frehley

Angry Gilmore vs. Rich Money

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Like the development signings, especially the Next Big Things.


SWF North American Championship

Brandon James © vs. Jungle Lord

Runaway Train vs. Captain Atomic

Marc DuBois vs. Steve Frehley

Angry Gilmore vs. Rich Money

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good news and bad news for this.


Bad news

I haven't posted in this in a while.


Good news

It's not dead.


Bad News

I'm under quarantine at home due to risk of whooping cough


Good News

Plenty of time to write, which I intend to do. So hopefully we'll get a small show buffer up. I have the previews for the first month of shows already typed up and most of the in-between backstage segments, just not the shows.


Show should be up before the end of the day if people want to predict.

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SWF Supreme TV

Tuesday Week 1, January 2010





The big, orient trained brawler Jungle Lord keeps Brandon James off his game early on in the match with some different tactics, but finally the cerebral North American Champion comes back and finishes the match with a violent Big Money Move.


Winner: "Big Money" Brandon James




Christian Faith begins to head to the ring to address the fans, but he doesn't even make it out to the ring as Marat Khoklov comes from behind and assaults Faith. After tossing the SWF legend around the ringside area, Marat gives Faith a moment to get to his feet and levels him with the dreaded Moscow Lariat, leaving Faith lying in the ring.




Runaway Train dominates here, fending off the valiant efforts of Captain Atomic and destroying him with a Train Wreck to finish off the squash match.


Winner: Runaway Train




Next we go backstage to former SWF World Champion Jack Bruce who talks about his plans to defeat Eric Eisen. He brings up how Eisen may have finally gotten one by him, but he doesn't fall for the same trick twice. He was the "Man Under Pressure" and he's going to become the "Champion Under Pressure" again at When Hell Freezes Over.




Steve Frehley really gets a chance to shine in this match, using his power to throw DuBois around the ring. DuBois was able to take control for a bit with technical wrestling, trying to keep The Dark Destroyer grounded and wear down the bigger man, but Frehley powered out of a Chin Lock and Frehley's Comet finished the match soon after.


Winner: Steve Frehley




After the match, Frehley doesn't get much time to celebrate as the lights go out in the arena and when they come back up, Vengance is in the ring with The Dark Destroyer in his grip. A devastating Two-Handed Chokeslam drives Frehley into the mat, a violent statement from The Reaper, Vengeance.




A huge main event which really helped to legitimize Gilmore, as he went toe-to-toe with the World Title contender in Rich Money. A true back-and-forth match, both men put in great showings and after a huge Exploder Suplex, Money seemed to be in a position to put Gilmore away, going up to the top rope except...




The SWF Champion Eric Eisen ran down and shoved Money off of the top rope as Glimore distracted the referee. Money took a big spill and hit the barricade outside the ring and as Eisen stood back and professed his innocence, Gilmore went to work on the back and neck of Money. However, Rich was able to fight back and after elbowing out of the Anger Management, the Bank Roll followed for the pinfall.


Winner: Rich Money




After the match however, Eisen wasn't happy and he slid into the ring and quickly assaulted the weakened Rich Money, with The Supremacy connecting right off the bat, followed by a series of chair shots leaving the challenger down in the ring.


SWF Supreme TV Quick Results With Ratings

Brandon James © d. Jungle Lord to retain the North American Championship.....77

ANGLE: Marat Khoklov Destroys Christian Faith.....86

Runaway Train d. Captain Atomic.....52

ANGLE: Jack Bruce Promos About Eric Eisen.....92

Steve Frehley d. Marc DuBois.....72

ANGLE: Vengance Post-Match Attack on Steve Frehley.....91

Rich Money d. Angry Gilmore.....90

ANGLE: Eric Eisen Post-Match Attack on Rich Money.....96

Overall Show.....86

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The final Supreme TV heading into When Hell Freezes Over is touted as the best during the tenure of Allison Sarel, and featured a number of great matches, including one which would kickstart a feud that would hugely shape the landscape of SWF for the next few months.


SWF Supreme TV January 2010 Week 2

Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Rich Money

Vengeance & Marat Khoklov vs. Steve Frehley & Christian Faith

SWF North American Championship

Brandon James © vs. ??? (a member of the default SWF roster)

Remo vs. Gregory Black

Jack Bruce vs. Angry Gilmore


Nice debut show. Quickly establishing who the major players are right out of the gate.


Thanks for the kind words, glad to have readers on board after (more than) a few screw-ups over the time of writing stuff on here.

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SWF Supreme TV January 2010 Week 2

Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Rich Money

Vengeance & Marat Khoklov vs. Steve Frehley & Christian Faith

SWF North American Championship

Brandon James © vs. ??? (a member of the default SWF roster)

Remo vs. Gregory Black

Jack Bruce vs. Angry Gilmore

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