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Moe Moe Overdose- A Japanese Trip


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Friday 27th April (Mikuru)


I get up around 8, and decide that I really can’t be bothered with the Buffet Breakfast. I actually bought some Honey Stick Cake, at Fuji Q- but the box got a bit damaged, so I thought rather than take it home- why not just eat it here- well turns out it is more like separate sponge fingers with a honey flavour, so it was nothing special in the end anyway- but they did for a light breakfast.


Now my intention for the day was to walk in the direction of the nearby Tokyo Tower- but the awful weather I endured in Nikko, had made it’s way down to Tokyo for the day, so I ditched that plan-rather quickly. It was pissing it down so much, that I made the decision to dash into a coffee shop near Shimbashi Station- where I ordered a Mocha and a Chocolate Bagel.


With the rain not letting up, I had to think what to do- because I couldn’t really return to the hotel room; and that would be really lame anyway. There was always the option of going to a museum- but a) it’s trying to find them-once you get out of the subway station and b) I’m not really one for looking round museums, for the sake of looking round museums.


The Manga museum in Kyoto was great, because it’s something I’m actually interested in and the Hiroshima Museum was more interesting and emotive than I expected. But just looking at old artefacts or an art gallery- I wasn't really feeling it. So I decided against the museum idea, and like a moth to a flame, I head back to the ‘holy land’ Akihabara. Besides I still had a burning desire to try and find the Mikuru Asahina 'Battle Waitress' Figma.


After dashing between the rain, the first store I head into is the huge Yodobashi Camera. I immediately head for the floor that says Games and Toys and that means anime merchandise.


I spot some anime themed puzzles- and there was a 1000 piece Haruhi puzzle- that looked great….. but I know it wouldn't fit in my case plus I had to be concious about the weight I would be adding to the case- the fact that space in my case is at a premium and the airline has weight restrictions, held me back from blowing even more cash on anime merchandise. I did however still settle for a 300 piece K-On! Puzzle and a small 108 piece Haruhi Puzzle (which may or may not be deemed suggestive).... You be the judge ;)




I then continued to dash in and out of various anime/manga shops, between the depressingly heavy rain- in order to try and find the holy grail that is the Mikuru ‘Battle Waitress’ Figma, but I soon came to the conclusion, that this figure is not one readily available in the shops anymore and it looks like I’ll have to pay the premium price on ebay, to get a hold of her.



Maybe one day....


I then went into a Japanese Book and music store, and there is actually a real band I’m trying to find called Stereopony, they did the theme tune to the second season of Darker Than Black, and are an all girl Indie-rock style band. I had checked out some of their other stuff as well, and was quite impressed. Admittedly it also doesn't hurt that I think the lead singer/guitarist Aimi is pretty hot.




Problem is to the western tourist like me, these Japanese music stores, can be confusing...it's not like the CD's in the Anime store where you can recognise what anime they are the soundtrack to by looking at the picture on the CD.


But I wasn't going to give up , so I asked the assistant ….the one I asked seemed a bit confused (apparently not really knowing of Stereopony, I was aware they weren't HUGE in Japan but their stuff has managed to make it onto the Oricon charts). However when he asked his fellow staff member, she knew where their CD's were and produced two of their albums for me.


These turned out to be their first two albums A Hydrangea Blooms and Over the Border. Since getting back home and playing these, I must say I've really fallen in love with Stereopony. There probably hasn't been a band, I've really got into this much...since Sleater-Kinney broke up and that was over five years ago.


Here's a few live clips of Stereopony from their recent performance at Sakura-Con in Seattle last month, I so want them to tour the UK someday.


Latest single, Stand By Me:


One of their most popular songs, Hitohira no Hanabira:


After that I then dashed into one more Anime shop, where I spotted an original school uniform version of a Mikuru Asahina figma. Admittedly a much more common sight than the Battle Waitress version, but I had long given up hope of finding that and with the feeling I could squeeze one more Figma into my case, I decided to purchase original version Mikuru.




Ok it's not Battle Waitress Mikuru- But how could I be disappointed with this purchase?- Any form of Mikuru is delightful



I then decided to get something for lunch, and settled for a Burger and Sandwich place, Beckers. Japanese ‘western style’ is an experience in itself…. because not only did I get the regular Burger, Fries and Coke….my set meal also came with a noodle soup. The assistant who served me, was also noticeably cute and polite, a pleasant change from the half asleep spotty youth that normally serves you in a fast food joint back home. It’s like no matter how mundane and soul destroying job they are doing- many Japanese still seem to have this ‘Ganbatte’- Do Your Best! attitude.


I then decided that I should head back to the hotel for a bit, as this awful weather wasn’t letting up and my feet were becoming tired. At the start of these kind of holidays, you always feel you can get the most out of each day, but then half way through- your body starts to show it’s limitations- especially the feet- which end up taking a right pounding. And as good as the new shoes had been to me, unfortunately an annoying blister had started to emerge between my big and index toe on my left foot.


In terms of my physical limitations, I had unfortunately by this stage of the holiday reached a sort of breaking point. As much as I love Japan, I had come to the stage where I felt like I was ready to go home. It was a good thing therefore that the big Baseball game between the Yomiuri Giants and Hanshin Tigers would be tomorrow, something that would surely lift my spirits - plus it would be under a roof, so no chance of it being somewhat ruined if the awful weather I had been enduring were to continue. Something along with the limitations of my body that was also bringing my mood down on this day.


Anyway back to the day itself- when departing Beckers after I had finished my Burger/soup combo, it suddenly occured to me that I had only picked up one of the shopping bags I had carried into the shop....in that suddenly occured to me I had left Mikuru behind!! Luckily I came to this epiphany only a few yards down the road- of course I needn't of worried about her not being there. But clearly this was also a sign that what I simply needed more than anything else right now was rest.


After a period of rest, I then re-jigged my luggage- again! – Three Hours had gone past in the hotel room, but now growing somewhat bored again, I felt like I needed to do something else- so at around 4 pm I decided to head on the Yurikome line from Shiodome to Daiba.


Inside Japan were going to give me some entertainment pass for there, but unfortunately the main attraction of the Sega Joypolis is closed for refurbishment until July- so they revoked the pass. Still the area was an easy access from Shiodome station, and it’s not somewhere I had been to, and besides I still wanted to see the Rainbow Bridge.


When I got over to Daiba, I saw the replica statue of liberty, and then headed into the Aqua City shopping centre. I then decided with dinner time approaching, I should find somewhere to eat, but with the idea to keep some money back for gifts from the airport, I felt like I needed to find somewhere reasonably cheap. I really didn't want to make another trip to the cash point, if I could help it.


That ruled out the cheesy Pirate themed restaurant wasn’t an option, with it's inflated prices But some young Japanese guy- did want me to take a photo of him-outside this truly cheesy establishment- though he too must have looked at the prices and showed no interest either of actually going in.


I did settled for a place that did a sort of rice gratin cooked in a pot….I thought it was something a bit different and with main courses around the 1000 yen mark, it was as cheap as I was going to get . I ending up settling on the squid option and the dish did turn out to be quite tasty- though as you could probably guess right now....I'm hardly the most difficult person to please when it comes to food.


It has also started to turn dark when I got outside, so I hoped to see the Rainbow Bridge lit up- but disappointingly it wasn’t- perhaps the bridge no longer gets lit up, or maybe it only ever got lit up on special occasions.


Having come to the conclusion, there really wasn’t much else to Daiba, I then headed back to the hotel relatively early. Now I wouldn’t have called it an entirely fruitless day, I did pick up the original version Mikuru Figma, the anime puzzles and the Stereopony CD’s after all, but that says alot when the highlight of the day was the shopping purchases that I made.

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Somehow I doubt it was Sanji's Pirate restaurant but it's still a chance to show this cool pic.




The bridge used to light up every night. I knew after the quake they had quit doing that. Maybe now that the reactors are set to come back online the power crunch will ease.


I'll have to check out Stereopony, I've never heard of them. In the meantime I'll highly recommend the fun pop-punkiness of

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For those still interested- probably Miko and maybe about 5 others :p, the final two entries of the diary will be up soon(ish) just caught a bit of man-flu at the moment....the kind of strain that is not enough to keep me off work, but enough to zap me of the mental energy to post stuff on here, apart from something like this rambling excuse.
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For those still interested- probably Miko and maybe about 5 others :p, the final two entries of the diary will be up soon(ish) just caught a bit of man-flu at the moment....the kind of strain that is not enough to keep me off work, but enough to zap me of the mental energy to post stuff on here, apart from something like this rambling excuse.


I know its a day late, but I do hope you feel better. I've been reading, and it's great. I'm not much of an anime fan, but it's nice to learn about. Plus your style is always great. If I ever went, it be a much shorter story and would involve only bits on wrestling and my hatred for the local food :D


Take your time, the flu sucks. Even worse in the summer.

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I know its a day late, but I do hope you feel better. I've been reading, and it's great. I'm not much of an anime fan, but it's nice to learn about. Plus your style is always great. If I ever went, it be a much shorter story and would involve only bits on wrestling and my hatred for the local food :D


Take your time, the flu sucks. Even worse in the summer.


Well it wasn't full blown flu, it was man-flu (aka the common cold) but anyway it was making me feel run-down. I'm coming out the other side of it though, still not 100% but I'm over the worst of it.


What's wrong with Japanese cuisine?! Personally I love it, then again as I said in the diary, I'm hardly the hardest person to please when it comes to food.

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Saturday 28th April (Big Game Finale)


I got up around 8- which is when I set the alarm for, and after a wash- did decide to go down for the buffet breakfast. Though it was still round the conference tables, breakfast time was at least quieter at the later time, and I did not have to end up sitting on top of someone. I settled for some soup, rice, egg cake, a few bits of mackerel and a couple of croissants.


The weather had thankfully turned warmer again and yesterday’s horrendous rain had passed, so I decided that I would give another shot at locating the Tokyo Tower. But before that I stumbled across the Kyu-Shiba-Rikyu Gardens and decided to take a brief stroll round them. I ended up conversing with a Japanese medical student, and he asked me if I like soccer and knew of any Japanese players. I said that I know of Shinji Kagawa, an excellent attacking midfielder for the German team Borussia Dortmund. He said that the Japanese people are very proud of what Kagawa has achieved as a player in Europe (he's currently being linked with a move to Manchester United this summer).


Beyond that the student, who spoke good English- asked me what my impressions were of Japan and I also mentioned that I would be going to the Giants-Tigers baseball game later- he perhaps was, with me being English and not American, perhaps a little surprised that I also like baseball. The student then wished me a good trip, even though I did mention the trip was nearly over.


I then headed towards the Tokyo Tower but came across the Zojoji Buddhist Temple, and with the Tower towering over it, I asked an American couple, to take a photo with of me, with the Temple and Tokyo Tower behind, after witnessing them do the same thing. I decided not to go into the Temple it-self, as after a while it does become one of those seen one temple, you’ve seen them all scenarios. I suppose the same could be said for anime shops- but you’ve got to be a Buddhist to get the most of a Buddhist temple and an Otaku to get the most out of an anime shop.


I then got a few more photos of the Eiffel Tower like structure, that is the Tokyo Tower and then headed towards the nearby Akabanebashi station on the Oedo Line- which meant I could theoretically head back to Shiodome station, right near my hotel; but it was only 11 am and I knew my room wouldn’t be ready, so headed two stops in the opposite direction to the fashionable Roppongi District.


I headed into a shopping centre there, that was full of designer boutique stores, not really my thing and also worked out that eating in any of the restaurants there, would probably be a costly experience (I did after all, wanted to save as much as I could of the funds I had obtained earlier for last minute gifts).I did head into a coffee shop whilst there, and I ordered myself a Mango Milk drink, that did turn out to be quite refreshing- before deciding to head back to Shiodome. In truth the fact that I was just randomnly going to districts, I ain't been to before, just before I ain't been to them before was a sure sign that I was in killing time for the sake of killing time mode.


It was still however probably a little too early to head back to my room, and I ended up going for lunch at a nearby Italian restaurant in the same skyscraper that my hotel was based in. The Seafood spaghetti, I had was quite nice but it had to be said that service in the place was quite slow, but I fortunately I did have time to spare. The meal with a glass of coke on top, came to just over 1000 yen, but annoyingly the only notes I had left were of the 10,000 variety. After the ‘Italian’ meal, I then headed back to the hotel, and with my room ready, I did as yesterday and decided on a couple of hours rest, before heading out later in the afternoon- my destination being the Tokyo Dome for the baseball game.





It's like Japan's Yankees vs Red-Sox


When I got to the stadium, the place was absolutely buzzing with not only Yomiuri Giants fans, but also a strong contingent of the visiting Hanshin Tigers. You could tell this was a big game, a complete contrast to the first game I attended between the Orix Buffaloes and the Nippon Ham Fighters. I did think about getting some food to take in from the nearby Lawson's convenience store.....but the queues at the checkouts were ridiculously long, so I scrapped that idea and decided to settle for the ballpark food (really I should have thought of that plan earlier).


I got in to the Tokyo Dome itself about an hour before the game actually started..... I was on the upper tier on the first base side....admittedly the spot wasn't great for taking photos - as the players etc looked like game sprites...but I could see all the action pan out and besides it's not just about seeing the action, it's also about feeling the atmosphere.


The seats next to me though were a bit empty for a while, and I was wondering if Inside Japan had booked me the 'Billy No Mates' Special Row or something. About twenty minutes before first pitch though, a young Japanese giants fan in a Bandana did pitch up next to me. His English was terrible, but he still introduced himself and seem genuinely excited by my gaijin prescence.


It was at that point I also got myself a ballpark hot-dog.....which turned out to be the worst hot-dog ever! Yes even I could not be easy to please with such a low quality effort , which made me curse even more not to have more forward planning with getting some food for the game earlier. Clearly the low quality of the ballpark food, is another reason why so many bring their own food into the game.


Thankfully there were the beer girls on hand to offer up some refreshment. Bandana-san called over the Asahi girl that he had spotted, and I decided that I would get one too....Bandana-san respected the fact that I was getting myself a cold one.....Kampaii!!


One more thing I must point out about the beer girls in Japan...they are really cute. I swear that whenever I've attended games in America, the beer vendors are usually some old duffer. Now I don't know about anyone else, but I know who I'd rather have serving me my beer. Though I do feel for the poor girls, that their delicate frames have to constantly lug around a backpack full of beer.




I know which one I prefer


Just before the game started, a group of young Japanese of College age (two boys and a girl) sat down on the opposite side of me. They spoke better English than Bandana-san, in fact the one I mainly ended up conversing with spoke impeccable English, which may have been to do with the fact that he was in fact an American of a Japanese background.

American Japanese ended up conversing with me a fair bit and sharing some of their food with me.


They asked me the rather tricky question of who I support in Japan. Now last year I went to see a Hanshin Tigers game and since then they've kind of me been my team....but here they were the away team, and they were the away team of their most fierciest rivals and though it wouldn't have resulted to anything, I was still amongst Giants fans and thought it would be disrespectful to come out and say I support the Tigers. So I came out with the cop-out answer of ' Don't really have a team as such yet , I just support whoever the home team is of the stadium I'm visiting'.


When the game got started, the Tigers got on the board with a run in the first inning, but of course I was in Giants territory, so I had to look all disappointed by this development. However that was as good as it got for the Tigers, as the rest of the game was all one way traffic the other way...with the Giants knocking in 7 runs. Of course the run that was cheered the most was a solo home run from outfielder Hisayoshi Chono- forcing me to really hide my Tigers support, as I ended up high fiving American-Japanese and Bandana-san over Chono's trip around the bases. The Tigers did threaten a rally late on, getting in another run and loading the bases in the ninth, but it came to nought and the Giants saw the game out.



Hisayoshi Chono- Responsible for the loudest pop of the game


Even though the team I really wanted to win lost, I still had a great time at the game (besides on this night I totally forgot I was really supporting the Tigers after a while) and after a couple of days where I felt the holiday was kind of running out of steam, it gave me a real pick me up at the end of the holiday. In fact I was buzzing so much, that I was now disappoined to be going home. But in truth, it was best that the holiday ended with a bang and not a whimper.


One thing I was disappointed though with the Giants game, is that they didn't really do anything during the 7th inning stretch. Both at Hanshin Tigers and at the Orix Buffaloes home games I attended, they do the thing where they release balloons. Maybe that's just a Kansai thing.


When I got back to the hotel, I did the final bit of packing I needed to do before quickly heading for the sack. I set the alarm for 5 am, as I needed to be up early, my airport limousine bus transfer was set to pick me up from the nearby Conrad at 7 am.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I'd better get this wrapped up, with the final post. The previous entries, I had written up a draft on the laptop whilst I was there, where as with this entry, the day of flying home post, I'm doing this from memory. I guess as well it's taken me some time to write the final post, as it's not really all that exciting but I thought I'd better write it to bring this trip diary to a proper conclusion and to those who have read and enjoyed this...thanks for reading.......


Sunday 29th April (The Crappy Entry)


I wake up anyway at around 5, before the alarm even goes off....I think sometimes your body clock subconciously does that, at least mine does when i'm anxious about getting up on time.


After washing myself and sorting out the very final bit of my packing, making sure everything was in order....I then had something for 'breakfast' it was too early for the buffet breakfast...that didn't start till 7 and as the limousine bus transfer was round that time anyway, there was no way I could afford to wait for that.


Luckily enough I had a couple of those 'Honey stick cakes' saved and some water from the night before left over....Not a great breakfast, but at least it was something. It was just after 6 and to be honest too early to go but I wasn't quite sure where the actual pick up point was for this Limousine Bus Transfer and I decided there and then to check out of the hotel.


I dragged my case across to the Conrad, and spoke to the concierge there. He was like a Japanese (actually he might not have even been Japanese at all) Lloyd Grossman, he had a generally oriental look but he his accent, it was just weird...all strangled vowels and it had to be said his general demeanour also had an air of 'camp' about it.


'Slightly Camp Grossman-san' confirmed that I was booked for the 7.05 bus, but that I was too early, so I went back to the Hotel Villa Fontaine and sat around in the lobby are there..... time seemed to stand still.


Finally the clock got to around ten to, and I sauntered back to the Conrad and 'Slightly Camp Grossman-san' who got some lackey to take my case to load onto the Limousine Bus. Ten minutes later it arrived and I stepped onto the bus......


We then did a tour of just about every hotel in the area, wondering if we were actually going to get out of Tokyo. Eventually we did, the Inside Japan tour book, said there would be some great views on the way out, and that I should have my camera ready.


For a while, I was wondering what they were on about, but eventually there was some nice views overlooking the Sumida River, but you would had to been super quick to get a decent shot and the camera I took was useless at taking moving pictures anyway...something I'd learned when I tried to get some decent shots of the wrestling and all I got was lots of blurry pictures.


Another thing Inside Japan told me, that as we got to the airport, there would be a security check on the bus, as we pulled up to the hotel and to have your passport ready. That was no problem for me and most of the passengers on board, except for some idiot (who appeared to be of Middle Eastern origin).....He had not brought his passport.....

'I did not know you needed passport.......I'm not flying out....I'm only going to meet up with girlfriend.....'


Luckily for him the authorities were in a lenient mood and let him get away with a warning, convinced that his bumbling protest was genuine. To be honest, I wouldn't have taken him as a threat either, he did genuinely just seem to be an idiot. But I was wondering why would he use the Limousine Bus Transfer, if all he was doing was meet his girlfriend and not use the train. I mean yeah this was good and all, if you have luggage but if I just wanted to go to the airport without luggage, I would booked a seat on the Narita Express.


When we got past security, 'Mr No Passport Jack-Ass' wouldn't let it lie though, as he argued with the driver, as we pulled up to the first drop off point....that wasn't my drop off point, and I was hoping this idiot would shut up soon, so I actually get to my drop-off point at the airport.

I needn't have worried as I was still early for check in time anyway.


Now because the portable weighing scale thing I took with me, was no longer working....I was worried about the weight of my case. So I was anxious to see what it was when I checked in, hoping I was under the 23 Kg..........


16 Kg, 16 friggin' kilograms.....instead of being overjoyed about getting under, I was no peeved that I was way under and I was hauling around too much in my hand luggage. Thing is everything was locked down, so it wasn't like I could a quick transfer and besides it's not really the thing to do anyway with a whole queue of people waiting behind you. But I really was cursing the crappy portable weighing scale for 'dying' out on me.


After checking in, I then made my way to security, where I was met with a horrifically long queue.... But in the end it wasn't as bad as I first feared, it was long but we moved along efficiently and soon enough I was over on the 'other side'


I didn't have anything to hide, but it's always a relief to make it past security, there's always that slightly paranoid fear...you accidently packed something the scanner finds suspicious.


First things first I needed some breakfast, I thought at first I would have to settle for McDonalds but then noticed there was a Japanese place too, that did Noodles and what not. I ordered a bowl of Udon Noodle....which in the end was probably too much, but I was starving at this stage and it certainly filled a hole, besides it was surely better than a McMuffin.

I then went round the duty free shops, blowing what I had left of my money on snacks to take home and stuff.


Then it was time to board the plane and my second trip to Japan was about to come to an end......


Probably not next year or even the year after that but I hope one day I will be able to return.

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