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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. 71</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;">

(Part 2)</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Father Dutch vs. Ken Timbs</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(WINNER: FD - Submission - Confessional - 2:26)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(After the match, FD stood over the fallen Timbs, sprinkled holy water on him, blessed him and declared on-mic that Timbs' sins were 'forgiven'. Marshall then i'viewed FD. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>FD:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Two weeks ago, Wahoo McDaniel committed a major sin by knocking over my confessional. It was an act of sinful rebellion on his part and it had to be punished. All sins deserve punishment. The bigger the sin, the bigger the punishment. I hope that punishing Wahoo the way I did made Wahoo re-think the error of his ways. I hope when he was being taken to the hospital Wahoo finally started seeing the light. Wahoo is not totally cleansed of his sins. I still have some work to do on him to achieve that goal. But, as Wahoo sits at home licking his wounds, if he's wise, he will seriously consider repenting of his his sins against me and the Man Upstairs. The road to redemption can be an excruciating one. And Wahoo found that out the hard way. We can only hope when he returns he will be a man in the process of changing. Because if he isn't headed down the pathway of righteousness, then he can expect more harsh punishments from Father Dutch. Wahoo may not like being punished this way. But I'm doing it for his own good. Amen.")</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - June 15 - Orono, ME - Alfon Arena; Sat. - June 16 - Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless Arena; Fri. - June 29 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ.; Sat. - June 30 - Springfield, MA - MassMutual Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari w/ Queen Kong. Tina had the title slung over her shoulder. They were booed coming out. Kong bellowed once in the ring. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Gosh! It's so great being great! But, there is one downside to greatness. Sometimes you can be too great. I've beaten every challenger for my Women's World Championship. There's no one left for me to face here in the UWL. I have nothing more to prove against the likes of Mad Maxine, Luna and Ashley Cartier. They gave it the old college try when they came after my title. But, like it was for them in college, they failed. None of them could pass the course on Trying To Beat Tina 101. The thing is, everyone who has taken that course has failed miserably. (Sigh.) So, now I await my next challenger. Who will she be? Where will she come from? She's obviously not in the UWL right now. The future challenger will wind up just like the rest of them...a loser. But it would be nice to have some competition. Competition keeps you sharp. It also helps me keep this fantastic body of mine in shape. It would have been nice to have an opponent at 'Thunderstruck', but, oh well. Sometimes it just isn't meat to be I guess." Tina and Kong started to leave the ring when Watts came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Tina, I was listening to your interview backstage. You say you want an opponent for 'Thunderstruck'." Tina shook her head 'yes'. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You say there is no one left for you to wrestle in the UWL because you've beaten them all and have nothing left to prove against them." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "That's right." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "But you're wrong, Tina. You're overlooking someone." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Who?" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "She's right there in the ring with you." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Who? Kong? Oh, come on. She's with me. She might have the IQ of George 'The Animal' Steele; but she's on my side." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Well, for one night she's not going to be on your side." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Nope. Not gonna happen." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "At 'Thunderstruck', it's gonna be Tina Ferrari defending the Women's World Title against...Queen Kong!" Fair crowd reaction. Kong's face lit up. Tina looked at Kong and Kong then pointed and grunted at Tina's title and then pointed at herself and made the gesture of having the title around her waist. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Kong, are you that stupid?!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Kong:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Huh?!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Don't be stupid, Kong! You are not wrestling me for the championship! Got it?!" Kong again pointed at the title and then herself and shook her head 'yes'. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"No! I will not allow this match to happen! You're with me, Kong! Do you understand?!" Kong again gestured toward the title and then herself and shook her head 'yes'. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What the hell is wrong with you, you moron?! I brought you into this company you ungrateful beast! Don't take that step! You get me?!" Kong looked confused and shook her head 'no'. Tina slapped Kong hard across the face. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Now do you get me, you Neanderthal?!" Kong still confused. Tina slapped Kong again across the face. Kong now getting pissed. Tina paintbrush slapped Kong and then started pounding Kong in the chest. Kong now angry. Kong looked at Tina as Tina was calling her names. Kong bellowed. Tina looked on angrily at Kong and Kong then blasted Tina with a big punch to the head, whipped Tina into the ropes and Tina came off and Kong ran over Tina. Tina down. Kong hit the ropes and came off and nailed Tina with a diving splash. Crowd popped. Kong got up and stood over the downed Tina and bellowed. Kong then left the ring to more cheers.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the stunning turn of events between Kong and Tina © and Watts making a Women's WT match for 'Thunderstruck' with Tina defending the belt against Kong. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Hogan; Anderson brother vs. Brunzell - If the Anderson brother wins, Gene and Lars get a UWL WTT Title re-match vs. the Bees at 'Thunderstruck'; LaRue vs. Rude; another 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; and more. Said Billy Graham sees action next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3</span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Mike Boyette</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Graham and Grand Wizard came to the ring to loud boos. GW was in his tie-dyed suit, gold turban, sunglasses and white shoes. He was carrying his gold-tipped, black cane. Graham had a 'Hulkamania' t-shirt in his hand. He placed it under the buckle in the corner. Graham attacked Boyette before the bell and it was a one-sided battle. Graham destroyed Boyette. At the end of the match, Billy floored Boyette with his running clothesline. Graham grabbed the Hogan t-shirt and put it on Boyette. Graham then nailed Boyette with the jackhammer. Graham covered Boyette. 1...2... Graham pulled Boyette up at the count of two. Graham nailed Boyette with another jackhammer and covered Boyette again. 1...2... Graham pulled Boyette up once more. Graham then pulverized Boyette with another jackhammer. Graham placed his foot on Boyette's chest for the cover and flexed his muscles. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Graham got out of the ring and pulled a steel chair out from under the ring. Graham got back in the ring with the chair. Ref tried to stop Billy but Billy shoved the ref aside. Billy placed the chair in the center of the ring and grabbed Boyette. Graham hoisted Boyette in the air for another jackhammer , this time on the chair, when Lex Luger hit the ring. Luger kicked the chair out of the way. Graham dropped Boyette to the mat and glared at Luger. Mics picked up Luger and Graham. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Lex:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What are you doing?!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "This has nothing to do with you, Lex! Leave it alone!" The two talked briefly off-mic and then Billy shoved Lex aside and left the ring and headed to the back with GW as the crowd booed loudly. WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Jackhammer - 3:54) </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Graham pulverizing and humiliating Boyette and Luger coming out to confront Graham and Graham blowing Luger off. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Hogan; Anderson Brother vs. Jim Brunzell - If the Anderson brother wins, Gene and Lars get a WTT Title re-match at 'Thunderstruck'; new IWA wrestler Batista will wrestle on the program; and more. Said LaRue vs. Rude was next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired of the Arn and MT's vs. Hall, Rude and Nash situation.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rick Rude vs. Lash LaRue</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Both men came to the ring alone. Lash came out to a fair ovation and Rude came out to a mixed reaction. Lash placed his whip in the corner. Short bout and the two slugged it out. Rude took around 60% of the bout. At the end of the match, LaRue was on the offensive. LaRue whipped Rude into the ropes and caught Rude coming off with a flying forearm shiver to the side of the head. Rude crashed to the mat. LaRue snapped Rude up and tried to nail Rude with the brain buster but Rude twice blocked the move and reversed it into a DDT on LaRue. Rude got to his feet, put his hands behind his head and swiveled his hips at the crowd. Rude pulled LaRue up and went to nail LaRue with the Rude Awakening but LaRue escaped the hold, caught Rude from behind, and nailed Rude with a Russian legsweep. LaRue then picked up Rude and nailed him with the brain buster. LaRue covered Rude. 1...2...3! Crowd popped. Ref called for the bell. Nash and Hall hit the ring. Nash had a whip. Hall attacked LaRue and started beating Lash down. Nash joined in the beatdown. Rude recovered and joined Hall and Nash in the attack. Nash then ordered Hall and Rude to hold LaRue up with LaRue'e back facing Nash. Nash uncoiled the whip. Crowd buzzing. Nash was about to swing the whip at LaRue's back when Arn and Sam hit the ring. Arn grabbed the end of the whip and yanked it out of Nash's hand. Sam grabbed LaRue's whip out of the corner. Arn tossed Nash's whip out on the floor. Hall and Rude let go of Lash and Lash fell against the ropes. It was a stand-off. Sam uncoiled the whip. Nash, Hall and Rude were looking at Arn and Sam as Lash recovered and made it over to where Arn and Sam were. The two sides were sizing each other up. Hall yelled for Sam to put the whip down. Instead, Sam handed the whip to Lash. Security hit the ring and got in between the two hostile factions. Words were exchanged between the parties as security was able to calm the situation down and lead Lash, Sam and Arn out of the ring first while keeping the three Firm members at bay in the ring. WINNER: Lash - Pinfall - Brain Buster - 4:49)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the face-off that just occured. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Hogan; new IWA wrestler Batista is here and sees action; another 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; and more.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: After a commercial break, Co-President Russo was walking around the ring, mic in hand. He had his six bodyguards with him who'd taken their usual positions in the ring and on the floor. Russo was wearing a blue Boise State home football jersey. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "It's nice to be out here on my own and not have to share the spotlight with my so-called Co-President Bill Watts! Bill now knows he needs to stay away from me or he could face a sound thrashing at the hands of my bodyguards six-pack here! Bill, do the right thing for yourself and the company...resign! And do it now! I didn't come out here to talk about what a second-rate wrestling mind Bill Watts is! You already know that! Hugh Morrus is here tonight! And I need Hugh to get his ass out here right now!" Morrus came out to a nice ovation and was in street clothes. He had a mic. He slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Now Hugh, before you say anything, I do want to let everyone know that Rip Oliver is not here tonight! However, we do have Oliver here via sattelite from his home in Oregon! Bring the 'Crippler' up!" Oliver appeared on the JumboTron and was booed. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Rip, it's great to see ya!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rip:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Always a pleasure to talk with you, President Russo. I see the man with the IQ of a lampshade is in the ring with you." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hugh:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Haha, Rip! Say that stuff to my face!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rip:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I certainly will the next time we're in the same arena together." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hugh:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "That's great! Because I would love nothing better than to slap the lips right off your face!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hold on for a minute you two! The reason I've called you guys together is this! In the last few weeks you guys have had two matches here on 'Slam!' where nothing was decided! Both matches ended in double countouts! Well, as the guy who gets to put together half the matches for 'Thunderstruck', I'm ordering a re-match between you two at that show! But it's not going to be your standard wrestling match! Oh no! Nothing seems to get settled by you guys in a regulation bout! So at 'Thunderstruck', it will be Rip Oliver vs. Hugh Morrus...in a Falls Count Anywhere match!" Decent crowd response. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rip:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "President Russo, are you telling me that I can slam Hugh's ass all over the barren concrete floor and not get counted out or disqualified?" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "That's exactly what I'm sayin', Ripper! You can pin your opponent anywhere! That means you can pin them in the ring; on the floor; in the locker room; in the bathroom; in the parking lot of the arena!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rip:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Great. This sounds right up my alley. To be able..." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hugh:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Rip! I'm gonna beat the living hell out of you all over the Oracle Arena and maybe all over Oakland! This kind of match is survival of the fittest at its most raw and brutal! To the most violent will go the spoils!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rip:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hugh, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been anything here in the UWL. I made you a tag team champion for eight months and you cost me those titles on two occasions. You were the weak link in the chain of our team. Talk all you want, man. The fact is I'm a better fighter than you. This match favors me. And I'm gonna batter you like you've never been battered before. Concrete and steel are unforgiving. And I'm gonna slam you into a lot of both at 'Thunderstruck'." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hugh:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "There's another side to that coin, Rip! You treated me like crap when we were tag team partners! It was hell for me! I put up with it for so long because we were the champions! But those days are in the rearview mirror! You're now dealing with a Hugh Morrus who is looking for revenge! Rip, I'm gonna punish you at 'Thunderstruck' for all the garbage you put me through!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rip:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hugh, you were an anchor hung around my neck when we were the tag team champs. I constantly bailed our team out of hot water to retain those belts for as long as we did. Now it's time for me to take the anchor that is Hugh Morrus and bury it for good in a sea of blood, concrete and steel at 'Thunderstruck'." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hugh:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Rip..." Suddenly, the picture went black and they were no longer in communication with Rip. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Awwww, Hugh. Dammit. I was hoping to hear your comeback on Rip. Oh well. Them's the breaks on live TV. You and Oliver. Falls Count Anywhere. 'Thunderstruck'. Bye." Russo left the ring with his six bodyguards in tow as Hugh looked on from the ring.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers talked about Russo making the FCA match between Oliver and Hugh at 'Thunderstruck'. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Hogan; new IWA wrestler Batista wrestles; another 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update. Said Anderson Brother vs. Brunzell was next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 5 (If the Anderson brother wins, Gene & Lars get a WTT Title re-match at 'Thunderstruck'</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Anderson Brother vs. Jim Brunzell (w/ Blair) ©</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Gene and Lars came to the ring together to boos. No Ole. Bees came to the ring to a nice ovation. Gene and Lars talked for a minute in the ring. Ref went over and asked which Anderson brother was going to wrestle. Gene and Lars had words with the ref. Lars then stepped out of the ring meaning Gene was the Anderson wrestling. Short match and both men were cautious. At the end of the match, Gene had the upper hand and had worked Brunzell over a little. Gene whipped Brunzell into the ropes and bent down and looked to catch Brunzell coming off with a backdrop but Brunzell leapfrogged Gene and when Gene turned around Brunzell blasted Gene with an enzuigiri. Gene crashed to the mat. Brunzell went out on the apron and as he started to climb up the buckles, Lars grabbed Jim's leg. Blair came over and grabbed Lars and started blasting Lars with punches on the floor. Brunzell made it to the top buckle as Gene got to his feet. Gene turned in the driection of Gene. Brunzell jumped off and looked to nail Gene with a missle dropkick, but Gene caught Brunzell by the legs and turned it into a sharpshooter on Brunzell. Brunzell struggled briefly and tried to make the ropes but Gene was able to keep Brunzell from making them and Brunzell tapped out. Ref called for the bell. Blair, who had been beating on Lars at ringside, got back in the ring to see what happened. Gene left the ring and a groggy Lars greeted him on the floor. Lars then raised Gene's hand in victory as the two stood in aisle as the fans booed. WINNER: Gene - Submission - Sharpshooter - 3:48)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Gene beating Brunzell and Gene & Lars earning a re-match for a WTT Title shot against the Bees © at 'Thunderstruck'. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Hogan; another 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; and more. Said newly signed IWA wrestler Batista sees action next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>END OF PART 2</strong></span></p>

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(PART 3)


(Video aired of highlights of the press conference two weeks ago announcing the signing of Batista.)


Match 6

Batista vs. Steven Dane

(WINNER: Batista - Pinfall - Batista Bomb - 2:31)


(Batista got a huge ovation coming out.)


(After the match, Marshall i'viewed Batista. Asked about going after the IWA World Title. DB: "I was signed by the IWA for one thing! And that's to bring the IWA World Title back home to the IWA! Ken Patera's held the title hostage long enough! And I have promised IWA owner William Hunter that I will be the man who gets the job done and beats Patera and wins the belt! And when I complete this mission, I'm gonna hand the title to Mr. Hunter and tell him the IWA World Title is now back where it belongs!" This brought out IWA WC Patera. Patera was in street clothes, had the title around his waist and was carrying a mic. He was mainly booed. KP: "Dave Batista, what makes you think you're any different from any of the other IWA wrestlers that William Hunter has sent after me to win this title back for the IWA? The reality is that you're no different from any of those other IWA wrestlers that came before you! Oh, sure! There was a lot of fanfare with you signing with the IWA! The Internet is burning up with talk that Batista's gonna be the man to finally beat Patera and take the championship! They can talk all they want! Until the job is done, Batista, you're just another contender! Another paper champion! Six IWA wrestlers have tried to beat me and win this but none has succeeded! And you won't succeed, either! All that money William Hunter is paying you will go to waste! You're gonna be the biggest bust in sports since JaMarcus Russell!" DB: "I know what it takes to be a World Champion! I've done it before! And I'm gonna do it again, Patera! And the World Title I'm taking is the one that's around your waist!" KP: "I don't think so! Whenever that day comes and we face each other for the IWA gold, I'm gonna walk into that ring the champ and walk out of that ring the champ! And I love the thought of you having to explain to owner Hunter why you didn't get the job done! When the dust clears, William Hunter is going to realize he threw away tons of money and he's going to regret it...big time!" DB: "You talk a lot, Ken. But the day is coming, sooner than you think, and we'll wrestle for the IWA Title and a new champion will usher in a new era for the IWA!" KP: "And when do you think that'll be?!" 'Born In The USA' played and Watts and IWA owner Hunter came out on the entrance stage to a modest ovation. Watts: "Ken Patera, that day is coming much sooner than you think. With me is the owner of the IWA, William Hunter. And I just came out here to inform you, Ken, that we've hammered out a deal. You will be defending the IWA World Title at 'Thunderstruck'!" against Batista!" Crowd cheered. Watts: "Patera, you've had a lot of tough challenges for that title to date! And to your credit, you've repelled every challenger so far! But you've never faced a man like Batista before! I can't tell you who's gonna win the match! But Batista will be a stiff challenge to your reign as IWA World Champion! Patera! Batista! At 'Thunderstruck' get ready to hook 'em up!" Crowd cheered as Patera turned and got in Batista's face and the two had words off-mic and then a brief staredown.)


(Announcers discussed Watts and IWA owner Hunter making a deal for Patera to defend the IWA WT against Batista at 'Thunderstruck'. Hyped still to come: UWL WT MATCH: Valentine © vs. Hogan. Said another 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update was coming up.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Hogan. Hogan was decked out in his wrestling attire. Nelson asked Hulk about his title match tonight. HH: "Well, brother! I can't tell you how jacked up I am for this opportunity! Greg Valentine and that manager of his are two of the dirtiest players in the game and I know I'm in for a tough battle! But with the power of 'Hulkamania' and my legions of 'Hulkamaniacs' behind me pushing me on to victory, we could be looking at a new UWL World Champion tonight!" Luger walked into the interview area. HH: "Lex, brother, I heard some of the things you said earlier about my shot at the title tonight was somehow unfair to you?!" LL: "Hulk, I was disappointed by the news earlier. If you win the title from Valentine tonight, then I don't get a title shot because you'll be defending the belt against Billy Graham at 'Thunderstruck'. But I've had time to think about it and it's OK." HH: "You know me, Lex! I'm not trying to step on anybody's toes, dude!" LL: "I could think of nothing better than Hulk Hogan becoming the new UWL World Champion and 'Hulkamania' running wild again! Go get'em, brother!" The two shook hands and Luger left the area. HH: "I heard the stories when I arrived that you couldn't trust Lex Luger! But from what I've seen, he's one of the most trustworthy guys here! His support in this match tonight means a lot to me!" Nelson asked about Graham and Graham claiming he's the one ripped off for a title shot tonight. HH: "I hear Graham's pretty angry! He thinks everything I've ever earned is because I stole his spotlight and nothing could be further from the truth! Billy Graham inspired me to become the wrestler I am today, brother! But he and I are gonna settle our dispute at 'Thunderstruck'! Tonight, it's all about beating Greg Valetine and capturing the UWL World Title and unleashing the power of 'Hulkamania' on the UWL!" Hogan struck a muscle pose and then walked out of the interview area as Nelson sent it back to ringside.)


(Announcers hyped the UWL WT match coming up in just a few minutes.)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


Hulk Hogan vs. Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) (If Hogan wins the UWL Title tonight, the match will be for the UWL World Title)

Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Lex Luger (If Valentine retains the UWL World Title tonight, the match will be for the UWL World Title)

IWA WORLD TITLE: Ken Patera © vs. Batista

UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE: Killer Bees © vs. Gene & Lars Anderson

UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © vs. Queen Kong

PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: The Great Christopho © vs. Harley Race (w/ JJ Dillon)

FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE: Rip Oliver vs. Hugh Morrus


'Thunderstruck' - Sunday - June 10 - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Cameras showed a split-screen of Valentine © and Hogan walking backstage. Anns. said the UWL WT match was next!)


Match 7 (UWL World Title Match)

Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Hulk Hogan


('Eye of the Tiger' came pouring out of the p.a. system and the fans exploded. Hogan came out on the entrance stage and the place got even louder. Hogan came to the ring and did his t-shirt shredding routine and tossed his shirt and do-rag into the crowd and briefly played to the fans. Valentine and Hart ame to the ring to loud boos. They got in the ring and Valentine took off his robe revealing the World Title around his waist. Ref took the title and walked around the ring holding it up for all to see. Ref then handed the belt off and called both men to the center of the ring. Hogan and Greg stared each other down as the ref laid down the ground rules and patted each man down. Hart was standing behind Valentine. Ref ordered both men to a neutral corner. Hart had a few more words with Greg as the ref called for the bell. Announcers said that FX will stay with the match to its conclusion. Both men came out of their corners and Greg went to punch Hulk but Hulk blocked the punch try and fired away on Greg with punches to the head. Hulk whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a big backdrop. Greg got up and charged at Hogan but Hogan leveled Greg with a clothesline. Greg crashed to the mat and quickly rolled out of the ring to the floor as fans roared. Hogan briefly played to the crowd as Hart talked with Greg on the floor. Greg had words with fans at ringside. Ref counting. Greg got up on the apron as Hulk came over. Greg ordered the ref to move Hulk back. Ref ordered Hulk back as Greg stepped in the ring. Hogan came at Greg and Greg leaned his upper body out between the top and middle ropes to force Hogan to back off. Hart, on the floor, came over and had a word with Greg as Greg was leaned through the ropes. Hogan ignored the ref's orders and grabbed Greg from behind and nailed Greg with an atomic drop. Greg went down to his knees. Hulk pulled Greg up by the hair. Hulk rammed Greg's head repeatedly into the top buckle as fans counted along. Greg spun around in the corner and Hulk mounted the middle buckle and nailed Greg with head shots. Hogan dropped back to the mat as Greg walked out of the corner and fell flat on his face in the ring. Hulk snapped Greg up and went to whip Greg into the buckles but Greg reversed and sent Hogan into the corner. As Greg moved in on Hogan but Hogan charged out of the corner and floored Greg with a big clothesline. Hogan for the cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Hogan then picked up Greg and bodyslammed Greg and then Hogan hit the ropes and came off looking to nail Greg with a running elbow smash but Greg rolled out of the way and Hogan crashed to the mat. Both men got to their feet and Greg kicked Hogan in the gut and then nailed Hogan with a suplex. Greg got up and dropped an elbow across Hulk's chest and went for the cover. 1... Hogan kicked out. Greg caught Hogan in a rear chinlock with his knee firmly planted in Hogan's back. Greg then got up and delivered three straight elbows to the top of Hogan's head. Greg picked Hogan up and nailed Hogan with a back-breaker across the knee. Greg then mounted the middle buckle and came off with a knee across Hogan's chest. Greg shifted Hogan's body and placed his feet on the bottom rope as he went for the cover. 1...2... Hogan got a shoulder up. Greg took his feet off the rope. Greg went for the cover again with his feet on the bottom rope. 1...2... Ref looked over and saw Greg's feet on the bottom rope and ordered a break. Greg pulled Hogan up, whipped Hogan into the ropes and looked to catch Hogan coming off with a backdrop but Hogan instead kicked Greg in the chest. Greg shot up, grabbed his chest and stumbled backwards. Hogan bashed Greg with another big clothesline. Greg crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor. Hogan ignored the ref's orders to stay in the ring and went out and started hammering Greg with punches on the floor. Greg staggered. Hogan slammed Greg's head into the ringside barricade. Hogan then quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. Hart grabbed a chair from next to the timekeeper's table and snuck up behind Hogan, who was working over Greg, and bashed Hogan across the back with the chair. Hogan turned, looked at Hart and pointed his finger at the manager. Hart backed off with chair in hand. Greg came up behind Hogan and drove a knee into Hogan's back. Hogan down next to the ringside barricade. Greg quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. Greg grabbed Hogan and whipped Hogan shoulder first into the ring post. Hogan staggered off. Greg grabbed Hogan and threw Hogan back in the ring. Hogan got to his feet and Greg nailed Hogan with some punches and then whipped Hogan into the buckles. Greg mounted the middle buckle and started punching Hogan in the head. Hogan grabbed Greg around the waist and nailed the champ with an inverted atomic drop. Greg crashed to the mat. Hogan got on top of Greg and nailed Greg with some punches and then whipped Greg into the buckles and followed Greg in with a rapid-fire series of shoulder blocks to the mid-section. Greg limp in the corner. Hogan pulled Greg out of the corner, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a big boot to the face. Greg down. Crowd exploded. Hogan hit the ropes and went to nail Greg with his flying legdrop finisher but Greg rolled out of the way and Hogan crashed to the mat. Greg quickly rolled up Hogan and and tried to pin Hulk and while holding the tights. 1...2... Hogan kicked Greg off. Greg and Hogan to their feet. Greg tackled Hogan around the legs and dropped Hogan back to the mat. Greg immediately went for the figure four but Hogan caught Greg in a small package pin try. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Crowd groaned. Greg snapped Hogan up in a side headlock and Hogan countered with a belly-to-back suplex. Both men to their feet. Greg went to kick Hogan in the gut but Hogan caught Greg's leg. Greg tried to beg off but Hogan nailed Greg with a series of punches. Hogan then yanked Greg's leg out from under him and Greg hit the mat and Hogan placed Greg in the figure four. Crowd popped. Greg struggling not to submit. Greg broke the hold by raking Hogan's eyes. Greg and Hogan up. Greg drove a knee into Hogan's mid-section. Greg backed Hogan against the ropes and leaned Hogan back over the top rope and blasted Hogan with a series of forearm smashes to the chest. Greg then went to whip Hogan into the ropes but Hogan reversed, sent Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a pulverizing clothesline. Greg crashed helplessly to the mat. Hogan ran and hit the ropes and Hart reached in the ring and tripped Hulk up. Hulk went down. Hulk got up and turned and started having words with Hart. Hart turned to say something to a heckler at ringisde and Hogan reached over the top rope and grabbed Hart by the jacket. As Hogan tried to pull Hart up on the apron, Greg snuck up behind Hogan and and nailed Hogan with a kick to the back of the left knee. Hogan let go of Hart and started hobbling around the ring. Greg followed Hogan and kicked him in the back of the left knee again. Hogan hobbling but still up. Greg delivered one more kick to the back of Hogan's knee. Hogan crumpled to the mat. Greg grabbed Hogan's left leg and yanked on it three times and then locked Hogan in the figure four. Crowd buzzing. Hogan struggling not to give up. Luger made his way to ringside. Announcers wondered if Luger was there to support Hogan or possibly cost Hogan the match to make sure his match with Valentine was for the title at 'Thunderstruck'. Luger pounded the apron and urged Hulk on. Hogan fought and was able to reverse the figure four. Greg got his hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Both men got to their feet. Hogan and Greg started exchanging punches but Hogan got the best of Greg, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a military press slam. Greg crashed to the mat and partially rolled out on the apron. Hogan went after Greg but the ref intercepted Hogan and ordered him to get back. Ref and Hogan had words as Hart came over and slipped knux on Greg's hand. Luger charged over to Hart and started pummeling Hart with punches. Crowd roaring. Hogan came over and started pulling Greg up by the hair when...WHAM!...Greg nailed Hogan in the chops with the knux. Hogan crashed to the canvas. Greg dropped to his knees facing the crowd and dropped the knux into his tights while the ref looked over at Hogan. Greg came over and dropped an elbow on Hogan and then covered Hulk. 1...2...2-3/4... Hulk kicked out and Hulked up. Greg stunned. Hogan was on his knees and Greg started pounding away on Hogan with punches that had no effect. Hogan got to his feet. Greg still trying to work Hulk over with punches to no avail. Greg went for another punch that Hulk blocked. Hulk hammered away on Greg with punches. Graham hit ringside and attacked Luger from behind and threw Luger into the ring steps just as Hogan caught Greg coming off the ropes with the boot to the face. Greg laid out in the center of the ring. Hogan hit the ropes, came off and nailed Greg with his flying legdrop finisher. Hogan covered Greg. 1...2... Graham reached into the ring and pulled the ref out to the floor. Graham dropped the ref with a sock to the jaw. Hogan got up and saw Graham. Hogan's eyes bulging. The champ still laid out in the ring. Graham got up on the apron. Hogan went over and started having words with Graham. It was a heated exchange and Graham shoved Hogan and Hogan shoved Graham back and Graham had to grab the top rope to keep from toppling to the floor. This brought out security, who came into the ring and separated Hogan and Graham. The two were having heated words as the program went off the air. RESULT: No Decision Rendered - 12:04)




Dark Match (Cage Match)

Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ) vs. Crusher

(WINNER: Crusher - Pinfall - Bolo Punch - 11:46)

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<p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;">WRESTLINGNARC NEWSLETTER</span></span></em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">UWL RATINGS REMAIN AT NEAR-RECORD HIGHS!!!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling drew a 2+ rating for a record fourth consecutive week, drawing a 2.1 for the third straight week on the 5-29 edition of the program. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Since Hulk Hogan debuted on the 5-8 episode of 'Slam!', the weekly ratings have been as follows: 2.2, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Even though 'Slam!' has done solid ratings since its debut on Jan. 25, 2011, officials at the FX network are said to be very pleased with the upsurge in viewership for 'Slam!' over the last month.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Before Hogan arrived, the average weekly rating for 'Slam!' was 1.6-1.8.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The big question is, will the ratings remain where they are now once Hogan leaves since Hogan was signed to a short, limited 12 appearance deal (10 eps. of 'Slam!' and two PPV's) by the company?</span></p>

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers to this special 'Countdown to Thunderstruck' episode of 'Slam!')


(In-ring: UWL WC Greg Valentine and mgr. Hart came to the ring to loud boos. Both had mics and were in street clothes. Greg had the title slung over his shoulder. The pair soaked in the boos for a moment. Hart: "It is my distinct pleasure to introduce the man who is still the UWL World Champion...Greg Valentine." Crowd booed more as Valentine walked around the ring with belt held high over his head for all to see. Greg: "I am still the UWL World Champion for a reason. And that reason is I'm the best in the sport today! Last week, on extremely short notice, Co-President Bill Watts decided to make defend this title against Hulk Hogan! But Hogan didn't get the job done! I'm still the man in the UWL! And this Sunday, I'm defending the title against Lex Luger at 'Thunderstruck'! Luger, you had no business putting your hands on my manager Gary Hart last week during my match with Hogan! You have just upper the ante' big-time in our World Title match in five days! And I'm gonna make sure to extract that extra pound of flesh from you for hitting my manager, the greatest wrestling mind in the world! And you fans can mark my words right now! I will still be the UWL World Champion after my match with Luger at 'Thunderstruck'! He can join his buddy Hogan as guys who had their shot at the 'Hammer' but couldn't win the big one!" Hart: "I say it all the time, when the gold is on the line Greg Valentine is money. I've managed a lot of wrestlers in my career and none of them were better than this man right here at preparing for championship matches. I've never seen anything like it. It's incredible. This is a big money match. And I have the utmost confidence that there will be no title change happening this Sunday. Lex Luger will enter the ring as a challenger and he will leave as a challenger." Greg: "And Luger, after I beat you, I can turn my attention to other challengers here in the UWL! You're not getting this belt! Two weeks ago, you debased the championship belt by walking around the ring with it on! You didn't win the title, of course! But that's as close as you're ever going to get to being the UWL World Champion!" Luger came out to cheers. He had a mic and was in his ring gear. Luger got in the ring. Lex: "Is that so, Greg? Let's rewind to last week, shall we. Hogan had you beat when Billy Graham interfered in the match and cost Hogan his chance at becoming the new UWL World Champion. And...I gave Gary Hart what he deserved because of his interference in the match. Let's see that picture." Picture appeared on the JumboTron of Hart handing Greg knux late in the match. Lex: "Having seen that little exchange, there was no way I could let it slide. And Gary Hart, I'll knock your lights out again this Sunday if you stick your nose where it doesn't belong." Greg: "You're not seeing the big picture, Lex! I'm still the UWL World Champion! Hanging on to this title is the bottom line in this business! What do you not understand about that?!" Lex: "You are the champion right now! But this Sunday, the chances are you no longer will be! You come out here and talk with all this confidence about how you're not losing the championship to me! But those are just words! While words can be powerful, you'd better be prepared to back them up! Hulk Hogan should have ended your reign last week and you and everybody else knows it! You talk about being the best in wrestling today! Well, right now Valentine, I think you're vulnerable! Real vulnerable! You are ripe for the pickin'! And I intend to be the man who picks the UWL World Title right off of you!" Greg: "Am I really vulnerable, Lex?! I don't think so! You can talk all you want about how my match ended with Hogan last week, but god-dammit, I'm still holding this! Hogan isn't! And you won't be holding this after our match this Sunday, either!" Lex: "I'm tired of talkin'! I'll let my actions speak for me in our match at 'Thunderstruck'!" Two sides engaged in a brief staredown.)


(Announcers ran down the program: THE FINAL CONFRONTATION BEFORE 'THUNDERSTRUCK': Hulk Hogan vs. Billy Graham; Wahoo McDaniel makes an appearance; Harley Race wrestles; Pres. Watts is here with more news on 'Thunderstruck'; IWA wrestler Batista wrestles; Pres. Russo is here; DDP video message; final 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; and more. Said Queen Kong sees action next.)


Match 1

Queen Kong vs. Debbie Combs

(WINNER: Kong - Pinfall - Diving Splash - :27)


(Kong came out to the ring to a fair ovation. After Kong had obliterated Combs, as Kong was having her hand raised in victory, Tina came down and snuck in the ring behind Kong with a steel chair and bashed Kong across the back with the chair. Kong showed no ill effects from the chair shot and turned and glared at Tina. Tina started to back off as Kong bellowed. Tina tossed the chair and bolted the ring and Kong caught her on the apron but Tina was able to break free and get to the floor. Kong left the ring and started walking towards Tina as Tina started backpedaling up in the aisle. Tina fell next to the ramp and Kong kept coming. Tina got to her feet and hauled ass up the ramp to the backstage area. Kong stood on the stage and bellowed to the crowd as fans cheered.)


(Announcers discussed the impressive win by Kong and Tina trying but failing to take Kong out. Hyped still to come: THE FINAL CONFRONTATION: Hogan vs. Graham; Wahoo makes an appearance; DDP video message; final 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; and more. Said Co-Prez Watts is here next!)


(Video aired for the 'Thunderstruck' PPV - This Sunday - June 10 - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW! Or, order on PPV! Cable: $34.95/Satellite: $44.95!)


(In-ring: Watts came out with mic in hand. He got a fair ovation coming to the ring to the strains of 'Born In The USA'. Watts: "I've got a couple of announcements to make and since I know you fans want to see action, I'll be as brief as possible. Tonight, a match I've made for the show is Tully Blanchard vs. Hugh Morrus!" Crowd cheered modestly. Watts: "Also, since we've had problems between these two factions over the last several weeks, at 'Thunderstruck' we're gonna have a six-man tag match! It will be Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Rick Rude vs. The Mighty Texans and Arn Anderson!" That announcement got lots more cheers than the Tully-Hugh match. Watts: "So, let's hook 'em up!" As Watts turned to leave the ring, the UWL Pres. Seal flashed on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "And now...the REAL President of the UWL...Vince Russo!" Crowd booed as the six bodyguards came out on the entrance stage and formed two colums of three. Russo then came out and the boos rose. Russo was wearing a Yankees' gray road jersey and had a mic. Russo and crew made their way to the ring. However, unlike normal protocol, all six bodyguards got in the ring with Russo. Watts looked on. Russo: "Bill, Bill, Bill. Now, don't get near me or you know what will happen. You'll wind up pounded into the mat by my six-pack of bodyguards here." Watts: "What is it, Vince?" Russo: "First of all, I want to be in total control of wrestling operations for the company again. Are you ready to resign?" Watts: "Hardly. I'm not going anywhere." Russo: "Bill, I'm a confident man. And I know that one day you'll be leaving this company. You'll do the right thing. I'm already sick of ya. Because I'm the superior wrestling mind, you'll see the writing on the wall one way or another that it's time for you to go." Watts: "Have you got any other pearls of wisdom for these people out here?" Russo: "Other than they're all idiots, no, I have nothing else to say to these morons. I'm back there listening to you make matches and I decided to come out and tell you the matches I've made for this evening. First, I've decided that Lex Luger should wrestle tonight. And Luger's opponent will be...the Barbarian!" Decent crowd response. Russo: "And, there's another guy heading into 'Thunderstruck' who I think needs to wrestle as well. So, the Warlord will be wrestling. And his opponent will be...Hulk Hogan!" Crowd popped. Russo: "Bill, this is just another example of why I'm a brilliant wrestling mind compared to you! I'm a much better match-maker! You know what, it's written all over your face! You know that I'm the man better suited for the Presidency of the UWL! You need to pontificate on that for a while! For your own mental...and physical health, Bill, you really need to consider riding off into the sunset!" The six bodyguards surrounded Watts. Watts looked around at them. It was an uneasy moment. Russo then called off the dogs and he and his men left the ring as Watts looked on.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - June 15 - Orono, ME - Alfon Arena; Sat. - June 16 - Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless Arena; Fri. - June 29 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ.; Sat. - June 30 - Springfield, MA - MassMutual Center.

TIM HORTON'S PRESENTS: THE UWL 'CANADIAN CRUNCH' TOUR! Mon. - July 16 - Vancouver, BC - Thunderbird Sports Centre; Tue. - July 17 - Calgary, AB - Jack Simpson Gymnasium; Wed. - July 18 - Edmonton, AB - Clare Drake Arena; Thu. - July 19 - Regina, SK - The Brandt Centre; Fri. - July 20 - Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre; Sat. - July 21- Toronto, ONT - Ricoh Coliseum; Sun. - July 22 - Montreal, QUE - Concordia Stadium (Outdoor Show!). More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers discussed Russo and Watts making matches for tonight and Watts making a six-man tag for 'Thunderstruck'. Hyped still to come: THE FINAL CONFRONTATION: Hogan vs. Graham; Barbarian vs. Luger; Hogan vs. Warlord; Tully vs. Hugh; IWA wrestler Batista sees action; a video message from DDP; and more. Said Harley Race sees action next.)


Match 2

Harley Race (w/ JJ Dillon & Holly Madison) vs. Scott Casey

(WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Piledriver - 1:28)


(After the match, JJ got on the mic. JJ: "You're looking at the next President's Champion...Harley Race! That title is coming to JJ Dillon Enterprises this Sunday!" Race: "Great Christopho! Your reign ends in five days at 'Thunderstruck'! And a new era will begin! It will be the era of Harley Race! And it will be a glorious reign!")


(Announcers discussed Harley appearing confident head into the President's Championship match at 'Thunderstruck'. Hyped still to come: THE FINAL CONFRONTATION: Hogan vs. Graham; Luger vs. Barbarian; Hogan vs. Warlord; Tully vs. Hugh; IWA wrestler Batista sees action; and more. Said a special video message from DDP was coming up.)


(Video aired chronicling the Oliver-Morrus feud, Announcers hyped the Oliver-Morrus Falls Count Anywhere match at 'Thunderstruck' this Sunday.)


(Announcers intro'd a video message from DDP.)


(VIDEO: Shot showed a pile of money on a table and then panned back to show DDP in street clothes standing next to the money. DDP: "What you see next to me is a lot of money. $50,000 dollars in assorted bills to be exact. I'm putting up this money, it's my own money, as a bounty on the mask of the Great Christopho! Any wrestler who can unmask the Great Christopho will find themselves $50 grand richer! Just pull that mask off of him and expose him as Daniels and the money is all yours! I'm tired of playing around with this guy! He shouldn't be here! I want Daniels gone from the UWL! And there's no greater motivator in life than cold, hard cash! I know there are a lot of wrestlers out there who would love a quick $50,000 dollar pay day! So, you boys better get to work! First one to rip off the Great Christopho's mask gets every last dollar you see here! Great Christopho, aka, Daniels, you are now a marked man, brother! The clock has started ticking on your time here in the UWL!")


(Announcers discussed the bounty put out by DDP. Hyped still to come: Hogan/Graham confrontation; Luger vs. Barbarian; IWA wrestler Batista sees action; Wahoo is here; and more. Said Warlord vs. Hogan is next.)


Match 3

Hulk Hogan vs. Warlord


(War came out to boos. Hogan came out to a huge ovation. War matched up well against Hogan but in the end Hogan 'Hulked up' and nailed War with the boot to the face and flying legdrop and scored the pinfall victory. WINNER: Hogan - Pinfall - Flying Legdrop - 4:21)


(Announcers discussed the impressive win by Hogan. Hyped still to come: Hogan/Graham confrontation; Luger vs. Barbarian; Tully vs. Hugh; IWA wrestler Batista sees action; the final 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; and more. Said an i'view w/ Wahoo was coming up.)


(Video aired chronicling the Luger-Valentine feud. Announcers hyped the UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Luger at 'Thunderstruck' this Sunday.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Wahoo. As Wahoo came to the ring, video aired from two weeks ago of Father Dutch attacking Wahoo, locking Wahoo in the confessional and Father Dutch knocking over the confessional with his truck. Wahoo seemed to walk a little gingerly coming to the ring. Wahoo was in street clothes and wearing his headdress. Marshall asked how Wahoo was doing. WD: "Well Lee, I'm still pretty sore. I've never had anything like that happen to me in my career. When Father Dutch locked me in that confessional booth and then rammed his truck into it that was attempted homicide as far as I'm concerned. He could have killed me. But fortunately I'm still here. And I may not be 100%, but I'm mad as hell and ready to fight! Father Dutch! I've never dealt with someone like you in my life! You call yourself a man of the Lord, but you are the most evil and demented character I've ever encountered! This issue isn't settled! You did nothing but make me boiling angry! I want vengeance! And I'll act as my own avenging angel! Father Dutch, there's a lot of bloodshed in the Good Book! And there's a lot of bloodshed coming between you and me! I don't know if this matter will ever be truly resolved! But I'm sure gonna try to punsih the hell out of you for the sins you've committed against me! I was told I should press charges regarding this matter! When he rammed me in that confessional with his truck that was a felony! But I don't want Father Dutch in jail! Oh, no! That would be too good for him! I want him in this ring to feel my wrath!" FD walked out on the entrance stage in his priest attire and carrying a mic. FD: "Wahoo McDaniel! I'm not through with you! You still have much sin to be purged from your being! Whether you like it or not, I'm gonna complete my mission! You can't stop it, Wahoo, because He says so! I've been ordered by the Higher Authority to put you on the path of righteousness! I'm glad you're still here with us! Because if you weren't, you would have died in your sins that day and been condemned for eternity! You're my project, Chief! I have to cleanse you of the sin that still lurks within you!" WM: "Father Dutch, you're a disgrace to that collar! You make televangelists look like saints of the highest order! You hide behind religion as an excuse to torture and hurt people! And the Good Book says an 'eye for an eye'! I have every intention of paying you back for what you did to me!" FD: "WAHOO! LISTEN TO ME! Don't make this any harder on you than it needs to be! There's still plenty of pain and hardship you'll have to suffer at my hands before you are totally cleansed of the wickedness that permeates you to the very core! But if you just submit to the suffering then things will be much easier for you! You seem determined to extend your pain and torture by resisting me! That's not good! In the end, rebellious types like you always lose unless they ultimately give themselves over to the righteous ones as the Good Book says! Come on, Wahoo! Let me finish my work!" WM: "To hell with you! You can't read anyone's heart and mind anymore than these religious scam artists out here! But let me tell you this! I'm willing to suffer some more just so I can righteously whip...your...ass!" Crowd popped. 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Watts came out on the stage with mic in hand. Watts: "Father Dutch. I was getting sick standing in the back and listening to you. I wanted to vomit hearing the garbage coming out of your mouth. Like all these people out here, I was outraged when I witnessed what you did to Wahoo McDaniel a couple of weeks ago. You're no man of God in my book. You're just a sick, twisted individual." FD: "One man's lunatic is another man's prophet." Watts: "Well, standing back there and listening to this, Father Dutch, I had a prophetic vision!" FD: "Don't you blaspheme in front of me! The only prophet in the UWL is standing right in front of you!" Watts: "I'm not out here to argue theology! In this vision, I saw a new match for Sunday at 'Thunderstruck'! That's right! I saw it clear as day! It's gonna be Father Dutch vs. Wahoo McDaniel in a Confessional match!" Decent crowd response. Watts: "Let me explain it to both of you! There's gonna be a confessional sitting right in the middle of the aisle! The wrestler who shoves his opponent into the confessional and locks the door behind him will be the winner! No pinfalls! No submissions! It's just gonna be a holy war between you two!" WM: "That sounds great! A-men!" FD: "Wahoo, let me let you and Co-President Watts in on a little something! What the rules mean is that you have to shove your opponent into the confessor's side of the confessional! There's no way I'm being locked in there because I'm not a sinner! You're the sinner here, Wahoo! I listen to sins! I don't confess them because I have no sins to confess! When I found the faith and became a true believer my sins were eviscerated! My job now is to cleanse people like you of their evil ways! Wahoo, you will fail to throw me in the sin bin! It's reserved only for people like you and Co-President Watts here!" WM: "Nice sermon there, Father Dutch! This Sunday, let's meet in the High Church of the Squared Circle and we'll see who's truly blessed in the end!" Crowd cheered.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making the Confessional match between Wahoo and FD at 'Thunderstruck' this Sunday. Hyped still to come: Hogan/Graham confrontation; IWA wrestler Batista wrestles; Tully vs. Hugh; and more. Said Luger vs. Barbarian waas next.)



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(Part 2)


Match 4

Lex Luger vs. Barbarian


(Luger got a strong ovation coming to the ring. Bar got in some offense, but Luger was very impressive in his tune-up match for 'Thunderstruck' and Luger was able to powerslam Bar and get Bar in the rack and Bar submitted. After the match, Valentine, with Hart in tow, hit the ring and attacked Luger. Greg was hammering away on Luger and then Greg went to whip Luger into the ropes but Luger reversed and caught Greg coming off with a forearm smash to the head. Greg crashed to the mat, rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor as Luger stood tall in the squared circle and dared Greg to get back in. Greg angrily glared at Luger and wanted to get back in the ring but Hart stopped him and talked Greg out of it. Greg was picked up on a mic. Greg: "Sunday, Luger!" Greg then made the gesture of breaking something in half with with his hands as Hart led Greg back up the aisle. Greg looked back and yelled at Luger again as Luger gestured for Greg to come back to the ring. Hart and Greg made their way to the back. WINNER: Luger - Submission - Rack - 3:36)


(Announcers discussed Luger's impressive win and Greg attacking Luger but Luger getting the upper hand and driving Greg from the ring. Hyped still to come: Hogan/Graham confrontation; IWA wrestler Batista sees action; and the final 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update. Said Tully vs. Hugh is up next!)


Match 5

Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ & Holly) vs. Hugh Morrus


(Hugh got a nice ovation coming out. Tully and crew were mainly booed but also had a small core of fans in the crowd. Match was a see-saw affair. At the end of the match, JJ's attempted interference on behalf of Tully backfired. Hugh hit Tully with a sideslam and then Hugh went out on the apron and climbed to the top turnbuckle. Tully got up and turned around and Hugh pulverized Tully with a Thesz Press from the top rope. Hugh covered Tully and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Fans cheered as Hugh had his hand raised in victory. Rip Oliver walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. Rip: "Enjoy this victory, Hugh. There aren't going to be anymore, because at 'Thunderstruck' in our Falls Count Anywhere match, I'm gonna splatter you all over the concrete floor." Hugh looked on as Rip sneered and walked off the stage. WINNER: Hugh - Pinfall - Thesz Press from the Top Rope - 5:16)


(Announcers talked about Hugh beating Tully and Oliver coming out and making one last threat against Hugh. Hyped still to come: Hogan/Graham confrontation; and IWA wrestler Batista sees action. Said the final 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update was next.)




Announcers ran down the complete card:


Hulk Hogan vs. Billy Graham

UWL WORLD TITLE: Greg Valentine © (w/ Gary Hart) vs. Lex Luger

FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE: Rip Oliver vs. Hugh Morrus

UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Killer Bees © vs. Gene & Lars Anderson

IWA WORLD TITLE: Ken Patera © vs. Batista

PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Great Christopho © vs. Harley Race (w/ JJ Dillon)

UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © vs. Queen Kong

CONFESSIONAL MATCH: Wahoo McDaniel vs. Father Dutch

6-MAN TAG: The Mighty Texans & Arn Anderson vs. Hall, Nash & Rude


'Thunderstruck' - This Sunday - June 10 - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets still available! - Or, order on PPV! Cable: $34.95/Satellite: $44.95!)


(Announcers said IWA wrestler Batista sees action next!)


(Video chronicling the one-year IWA WT reign of Ken Patera and Patera thwarting every IWA wrestler who's come after the belt so far leading up to Patera facing Batista. Video also showed Batista beating opponents with the Batista Bomb.)


Match 6

Batista vs. Doug Somers


(Batista got a huge ovation coming out. Batista dominated Somers from the get-go. While Batista was working over Somers, IWA WC Patera made his way to the ring in street clothes with the title slung over his shoulder. Patera laid the belt on the apron, climbed in the ring, grabbed the downed Somers and threw him over the top rope down to the floor. Patera went over by the ropes and demanded the mic from r.a. Marshall. Patera took the mic. Ken: "Batista! I notice your finishing move is something called the Batista Bomb! It's an impressive move! But you're never hitting me with that move, buddy! You're not gonna do it Sunday! And you're not gonna do it to me right now!" Patera took off his shirt and tossed it out of the ring. Patera signaled for Batista to fight him. The two moved in on one another and started exchanging punches and Patera got the upper hand with the knee to the gut. Ken laid into Batista with a few more licks and then sent Dave into the ropes and caught Dave coming off with the Russian Hammer that drove Batista to the canvas. Ken yelled for Batista to get up. Batista got to his feet. Ken laid into Batista with more punches and the whipped Batista into the ropes and caught Batista coming off with a double sledge to the chest. Batista back down. As Batista made his way to his feet, Patera caught Dave from behind and tried to lock him in the full nelson. Patera couldn't get his fingers locked and Batista powered out of the hold, spun around and grabbed Patera by the throat. Batista chokeslammed Patera. Crowd popped. Batista snapped Patera up and whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera cooming off with a flying shoulder tackle. Patera down again. Batista grabbed Patera and placed him into position for the Batista Bomb as Hall, Nash and Rude hit the ring. Batista let go of the IWA Champ and bailed out of the ring before the other Firm members could get their hands on him. Batista took the mic as The Firm looked on while also checking on Patera. Batista: "Ken Patera! I'm gonna finish what I just started in that ring this Sunday at 'Thunderstruck'! I am gonna complete that Batista Bomb on you and become the new IWA World Champion!" Batista tossed the mic and walked around the ring past The Firm as they looked on and Patera was seething as fans cheered. RESULT: No Decision Rendered)


(Announcers discussed the showdown between Patera © and Batista. Hyped their IWA WT match this Sunday at 'Thunderstruck'. Said the final confrontation between Graham and Hogan was next!)


(Video aired chronicling the Hogan-Graham feud.)


(In-ring: THE FINAL CONFRONTATION: Announcers wondered what the large object was that was covered by a black cloth in the ring. 'California Dreamin' played and Graham, in street clothes, and the tie-dyed tuxedo-clad Grand Wizard made their way to the ring. GW had his gold-tipped black cane with him. Both had mics. Crowd booed them loudly. After a brief pause, 'Eye of the Tiger' played. Fans exploded. Hogan came out on the entrance stage. He was still in his tights and boots and had a new 'Hulkamania' t-shirt and do-rag on. Hogan had a mic. He had a serious look on his face and didn't slap hands with fans on the way to the ring. Crowd roaring as the two men were now in the ring. Hogan looked intently at the big, black cloth covered object. GW: "Hulk Hogan! This Sunday at 'Thunderstruck' it all ends for you! 'Hulkamania' will be no more!" BG: "Hogan! I have waited for this chance for years! And now it is finally happening! This is it, daddy! 'Hulkamania' will be destroyed and I'm gonna be the man that destroys it!" HH: "You can't destroy 'Hulkamania', 'Superstar'! No one can! Because 'Hulkamania' is the most powerful force in the universe, brother! And what is that?!" Hogan pointed at the covered object. BG: "I'll get to that. You'll see what it is because it's dedicated to you and all your 'Hulkamaniacs', jack! And I beg to differ with you! 'Hulkamania' can be destroyed! You cut the head off the dragon and guess what?! It dies! I'm gonna crush you, Hogan! And when I crush you, 'Hulkamania' will be crushed, too! 'Hulkamania' is all about you! If you're no longer around, then 'Hulkamania' is no longer around!" HH: "I feel like I'm awake in a nightmare! I still can't believe that the man who was always my wrestling hero has turned on me! If there was one person I always thought I could trust in this business it was you, 'Superstar'! Now you've turned you're back, not only on me but also on all these fans out here! I...I..." BG: "To hell with these fans! I don't need them! They've done nothing for me! But for years they've cheered for a thief like you! Hulk, you stole what should have been mine! All these years these fans have cheered for you when they should have been cheering for me! All your titles! All the money you've made since 'Hulkamania' took off, well, that should have been mine!" HH: "I idolized you, man! I would have done anything for you because you were the inspiration for me to become a professional wrestler! I never stole anything from you! I became my own man and have earned everything I've gotten in this business!" BG: "And you got it all by becoming a cheap 'Superstar' Graham knock-off! I can't forgive you for that, Hulk! And this Sunday, you're gonna pay dearly for your theft of the 'Superstar' Billy Graham persona!" HH: "What about last week, dude?! I had Greg Valentine beat! I was about to become the new UWL World Champion and you stole that opportunity from me!" BG: "That should've been my World Title shot last week against Valentine! I wrestled him at 'Spring Mayhem' for the title and took him to the limit! I deserved another chance! And yet you swooped in and stole that from me as well! I was damn sure not going to let you win the title! But this isn't about money and championships between me and you! It's a lot more personal than that! This is about claiming what's rightfully mine!" HH: "Claiming what's righfully yours?!" BG: "That's right! 'Hulkamania' should never have happened! It should've been 'Superstarmania'! And I'm gonna smash you at 'Thunderstruck' and obliterate any and all traces of 'Hulkamania'! It will be like it never existed, daddy! And then, everything will become like it always should have been when 'Superstarmania' replaces the dead and gone 'Hulkamania'! All will be right with the world after that! I will finally get what I deserve!" HH: "'Superstar', you're gonna get what you deserve at 'Thunderstruck' alright! But it's not what you think! You're gonna feel the full might and power of 'Hulkamania' coming down on you, man! I'm gonna put a decisive end to this matter once and for all! You're gonna feel like you've been run over by 100 Mac trucks when me and all my 'Hulkamaniacs' run wild on you, brother!" BG: "Ha! These 'Hulkamaniacs' aren't going to do anything for you! They can't save you from your fate, Hogan! They can yell and scream for you all they want! It won't make a damn bit of difference! I'm killing 'Hulkamania' dead! It's over for you! The scam known as Hulk Hogan and 'Hulkamania' is finished at 'Thunderstruck'! Now, I have something to show you!" HH: "Let me see it!" Graham pulled away the black cloth revealing a headstone. Written on the headstone was: 'Here lies 'Hulkamania'! DIED: June 10, 2012 at 'Thunderstruck'! May it stay buried forever!' Hogan looked at the headstone and then at Graham. Graham pointed at the headstone. BG (in a cryptic voice): "There's your legacy right there, Hulk. Buried and forgotten as it should be." HH: "'Superstar!' I can't believe it's come to this! But if it must come to this, then so be it! You have declared war on me and all the 'Hulkamaniacs' out here! 'Hulkamania' is bigger than just me! It's the ideals and power behind 'Hulkamania' that drive it! That makes it the powerful entity that it is! So you've got your war at 'Thunderstruck', 'Superstar'! And 'Hulkamania' will not be buried! Instead, it will become greater and more powerful than it's ever been! Because I'll feed off the power of the millions of 'Hulkamaniacs' out there and it will be 'Superstar' Billy Graham and his weasel manager the Grand Wizard who will be crushed, defeated and buried under the feet of 'Hulkamania'!" BG (in a cryptic voice): "Nice speech. But it doesn't matter. I'm driving a stake through the heart of 'Hulkamania' this Sunday. I'm killing it...and that's all there is to it." A furious and shaking Hogan looked Graham dead in the eyes as Graham looked on with an eerie calm as the program faded to black.)


(Final video aired for the 'Thunderstruck' PPV - This Sunday - June 10 - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets still available! - Or, order on PPV! Cable: $34.95/Satellite: $44.95!)




Dark Match ($100,000 Battle Royal)

PARTICIPANTS: Wahoo, Luger, Race, Tully, Fr. Dutch, Great Christopho, Crusher, LaRue, Rude, Hall

(WINNER: Wahoo - Eliminated Father Dutch by throwing him over the top rope after a Big Chop - 11:07)

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Ratings for UWL 'Slam!' wrestling continued at their strong pace as the go home show for 'Thunderstruck', featuring the final confrontation between Hulk Hogan and Billy Graham before their PPV match, did a solid 2.2 rating.


The show has drawn 2+ ratings for the last five weeks, all of which featured Hulk Hogan.


The ratings for the last five episodes of 'Slam!' are: 2.2, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1 and 2.2.

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Dark Match

Mulkey Bros. vs. Ding Dongs

(WINNER: Mulkeys - Pinfall - Randy pinned DD2 after a Sunset Flip - 6:28)




(Special video intro aired for the show built around Hogan-Graham and the Valentine © - Luger UWL WT match to the song 'Thunderstruck' by AC/DC.)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers to 'Thunderstruck'. Said the show was taking place before the largest live crowd in UWL history. Discussed the Hogan-Graham match and the UWL WT match between Valentine © and Luger. Also mentioned the Falls Count Anywhere match between Oliver and Morrus; the Confessional match pitting Wahoo against Father Dutch; and the IWA WT match between Patera © and Batista. Then sent it to the ring.)


Match 1 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Killer Bees © vs. Ole & Gene Anderson (w/ Lars)


(Announcers pointed out that Lars Anderson apparently suffered an ankle injury yesterday while training for this match and would not be able to wrestle, so Co-Presidents Watts and Russo gave the OK for Ole to wrestle in his place. Guest ring announcer Gary Michael Capetta announced the information to the crowd. Ole and Gene came to the ring first. Lars was with them. They were mainly booed. Lars was in street clothes and walking on crutches and had his left foot raised off the ground and it was covered by a sock. Lars sat on a chair in his team's corner. Bees came out to a strong ovation. They were wearing the titles. Ref took the belts and held them up for all the fans to see and then handed them to guest r.a. Capetta. Ref called both teams to the center of the ring and laid down the ground rules for the match and patted down all four wrestlers. Both teams went to their respective corners and the ref called for the bell to start the match. It was a back and forth affair with each team holding advantages during the but neither side could put the other away. At the end of the match, the Andersons had taken control. Ole and Gene tagged in and out and worked over Blair. Lars never left his seat during the match. Blair and Gene were now the legal men in the ring. Gene worked over Blair some more and caught Blair in the sharpshooter. Blair started inching towards his corner while locked in the hold. Gene kept a firm grip on the hold as Blair struggled along. Finally, Blair made it to his corner, reached up and tagged in Jim. Crowd popped. Gene did not see the tag. Jim came in and popped Gene with punches and Gene let go of Blair. Jim worked over Gene, whipped Gene into the ropes and caught Gene coming off with a flying dropkick. Gene crashed to the mat. Jim then nailed Gene with an inverted headlock backbreaker and went for the cover. 1...2... Ole hit the ring and stomped on Jim's head to break up the pin try. Jim got up and started pulling Gene to his feet when Gene punched Jim in the gut and then grabbed Jim in a side headlock. Jim countered with a belly-to-back suplex on Gene. Both men to their feet. Jim blasted Gene with an enzuigiri. Gene crashed to the mat. Jim went for the cover again. 1...2... Ole came in and stomped Jim in the upper back to break up the pin try. Ole stomped on Jim a couple of more times when Blair hit the ring and blasted Ole with a codebreaker. Ole crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor. Blair followed Ole to the floor and they continued their fight out there. Ref tried to order Blair and Ole back to the respective corners. Gene grabbed Jim and went to whip Jim into the ropes but Jim reversed and blasted Gene coming off with another flying dropkick. Gene crashed to the mat. Lars, as if a miracle happened, suddenly got up and was moving normally and had one of his crutches. Ref still distracted by the fight on the floor. Jim ran to hit the ropes...WHAM!...Lars clocked Jim in the head with the crutch. Jim lurched forward and crashed face first to the mat. Lars quickly went back over and took his seat. Gene got up and locked Jim in the sharpshooter. Ole gained the upper hand on the floor and sent Blair crashing into the ringside barricade where Blair laid in a crumpled mass of humanity. Ole started back towards his corner and saw Gene had Jim in the sharpshooter. Ole hastily pointed for the ref to turn around. Ref saw Jim locked in the sharpshooter and barely moving. Ref raised Jim's arm and it fell to the mat. Ref raised Jim's arm again and once more it fell to the mat. Ref then raised Jim's hand a third time, held it in the air for second and let it go and it crashed helplessly to the mat a third time. Ref called for the bell. Ole got in the ring and was ecstatic. Gene also celebrating. Lars was now suddenly hurt again and stayed out on the floor but rose to his feet and was applauding his brothers while his crutches held him up. Ref took the belts from guest r.a. Capetta and spoke with Capetta briefly. Ref raised Ole and Gene's hands in victory and handed them the titles. The pair held the belts in the air as the crowd booed. Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 14 minutes, 38 seconds...your winners...and NEW UWL World Tag Team Champions...Ole and Gene Anderson!" More boos as the new champs were announced. Ole and Gene went to the floor and were greeted by their 'injured' brother Lars. The trio made their way back up the aisle as boos rained down upon them. WINNER: Ole & Gene Anderson - Submission - Gene made Brunzell submit to the Sharpshooter - 14:38)


(Announcers talked about Ole & Gene winning the UWL WTT Titles from the Bees thanks to help from the 'injured' Lars. Talked about this being the largest live crowd in UWL history. Said the PC match: Great Christopho © vs. Harley Race was coming up next!)


(Video aired from last week's 'Slam!' of DDP putting a $50 K bounty on the mask of TGC. DDP said any wrestler who can unmask TGC and expose him as Daniels gets the money.)


Match 2 (President's Championship)

Great Christopho © vs. Harley Race (w/ JJ & Holly)


(Race and crew came out to strong boos. TGC came out to a pretty strong ovation. Ref took the title and held it up for all to see and then handed it to guest r.a. Capetta. Ref called the combatants to the center of the ring, laid down the rules and patted down both wrestlers. Ref sent the men to their neutral corners and called for the bell. TGC took the fight to Race early. Race fought back and held serve for a time before the match settled into a see-saw affair. JJ assaulted TGC on the floor with some kicks during the match. TGC got revenge a little later with a tope on JJ that sent JJ crashing to the floor. Race tried to unmask throughout the match but failed to rip the hood off. At one point in the match, TGC nailed Race with a Death Valley Driver. Race down near the ropes. TGC for the cover. 1...2... Holly came over and placed Race's foot on the bottom rope. Ref saw the foot on the rope and ordered a break. At the end of the match,TGC was on the offensive. TGC whipped Race into the ropes and looked to catch Race coming off with a clothesline but Race ducked the move and came back and nailed TGC with a flying headbutt. TGC stumbled backwards, spun and fell with his head and arms hanging out over the middle rope. The headbutt also affected Race and he fell next to the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. JJ came over and was talking to Race. Ref ordered JJ to back off. JJ argued with the ref. While that was happening, Tully Blanchard, in street clothes, came to the ring and punched TGC in the head and then tried to pull the maks off of TGC. Tully had gotten the mask up over the mouth and nose of TGC when The Crusher, also in street clothes, came charging to the ring. Crusher grabbed Tully and started popping Tully with punches. Tully staggered back up the aisle with Crusher giving chase. The two disappeared to the back. TGC, still leaned out over the middle rope, pulled his mask back down on his face. Race to his feet. TGC got up and turned around and was staggered by another Race headbutt. Race whipped TGC into the ropes and caught TGC coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Race then hoisted TGC up and blasted TGC with a piledriver. Race covered TGC and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and went over and took the title and had a few words for guest r.a. Capetta. JJ jumping around in the ring and a happy Holly was in there as well. Ref raised Race's hand in victory and handed Race the title. JJ helped Race put the title on. Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 11 minutes, 12 seconds...your winner...and NEW President's Champion...Harley Race!" JJ, Holly and Race left the ring as elated victors. WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Piledriver - 11:12)


(Announcers discussed Harley winning the PC. Noted it's Harley's first title in the UWL. Hyped the upcoming Hogan-Graham match and the UWL WT match.)


(Announcers then said the next UWL PPV was coming up in August and intro'd a video of it.)


(Video aired for the next PPV - 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobing.com Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, June 23 @ 10am PST!)


(Announcers discussed the upcoming Confessional match between Wahoo and Father Dutch.)


(Video aired chronicling the Wahoo-Father Dutch feud.)


Match 3 (Confessional Match)

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Father Dutch


(Camera locked in on a shot of the confessional sitting in the middle of the entrance aisle. Announcers said that to win the match, you must shove your opponent into the confessor's side of the confessional and close the door and lock it behind them. Gregorian chants filled the arena as Father Dutch, in his priest's attire came down and looked at the confessional as the fans booed loudly. Wahoo didn't wait to be introduced and tore down the aisle and spun FD around and started blasting away on FD with blistering chops that staggered FD. Ref called for the bell to start the match. It was a brutal match with the men fighting in and around the ring and up the aisle. Both men tried to shove each other into the confessional but could not finish the job. FD was busted open during the match when Wahoo clocked FD in the head twice with a steel chair. FD bloodied Wahoo by bashing Wahoo over the head with an 18-inch wooden crucifix that FD had stashed under the ring. At the end of the match, a violent back-and-forth affair, Wahoo went to whip FD into the ropes but FD reversed and caught Wahoo coming off with the flying burrito. Both men down. FD slowly got to his feet just before Wahoo and caught Wahoo in the Confessional (rear naked choke) but couldn't take Wahoo down. FD riding piggyback on Wahoo. Wahoo backed up and slammed FD back first into the buckles. Hold was broken as FD crashed to the mat and Wahoo stumbled forward and went down in the middle of the ring. FD had landed next to the crucifix. FD picked up the crucifix and made it to his feet as Wahoo was getting up and facing away from FD. FD slowly went to hit Wahoo with the crucifix when Wahoo spun around and blasted FD with a football tackle. Crowd exploded. FD dropped the crucifix. Wahoo picked up the holy weapon. FD got to his feet. Wahoo decided against using the holy symbol and tossed it aside. Wahoo blasted FD with more chops, whipped FD into the ropes and caught FD coming off the ropes with a big chop to the chest. FD crashed to the mat. Wahoo pulled FD up and threw him over the top rope to the floor. Wahoo followed FD out. Wahoo picked FD up and hoisted FD over his shoulder and started walking towards the confessional. Just as Wahoo got to the confessional and opened the door, FD started to struggle and got free from Wahoo's grasp. FD started choking Wahoo and FD's face was a crude mask of blood and evil. Wahoo struggled and then kicked FD in the gut loosening FD's grip. Wahoo kicked FD in the gut again and broke FD's grasp around his neck. Wahoo then chopped FD twice until FD was standing right in front of the open door. Wahoo then blasted FD with one last big chop that sent FD slamming into the booth. FD was finished. Wahoo closed the door and locked it. Ref called for the bell and raised the bloodied and battered Wahoo's hand in victory as the crowd ate it up. A worn out Wahoo then made his way to the back as the fans chanted his name. WINNER: Wahoo - Threw FD into the Confessor's Box - 15:56)


(Announcers discussed the grueling match between Wahoo and FD. Said the six-man tag match was next.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - June 15 - Orono, ME - Alfon Arena; Sat. - June 16 - Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless Arena; Fri. - June 29 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ.; Sat. - June 30 - Springfield, MA - MassMutual Center.

TIM HORTON'S PRESENTS: The UWL 'Canadian Crunch' Tour! Mon. - July 16 - Vancouver, BC - Thunderbird Sports Centre; Tue. - July 17 - Calgary, AL - Jack Simpson Gymnasium; Wed. - July 18 - Edmonton, AL - Clare Drake Arena; Thu. - July 19 - Regina, SK - Brandt Centre; Fri. - July 20 - Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre; Sat. - July 21 - Toronto, ONT - Ricoh Coliseum; Sun. - July 22 - Montreal, QUE - Concordia Stadium (Outdoor Show!). More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


Match 4

The Mighty Texans & Arn Anderson vs. Hall, Nash & Rude


(Hall, Nash and Rude came out to a mixed crowd reaction. MT's and Arn came out to a decent ovation. LaRue had his whip and unfurled it and acted like he was gonna swing it in the direction of The Firm trio and The Firm members bailed. Crowd half-assed into the match after being drained emotionally by the previous one. Match settled into a standard 6-man tag and Hall, Nash and Rude took a couple of shortcuts during the match to try and gain an advantage and try and steal the victory. At the end of the match, Hall and Arn were the legal men in the ring. Hall had the advantage and whipped Arn into the ropes and swung at Arn coming off but Arn ducked the move and came back and popped Hall with a left-handed KO punch to the face. Hall stumbled back against the ropes. Arn whipped Hall into the ropes and caught Hall coming off with a spinebuster. Crowd popped. Arn made the throat-slitting gesture across his throat. Arn snapped up Hall and nailed him with the gourdbuster. Arn started to go for the cover when Rude hit the ring and Arn stunned Rude with a spinebuster. Rude hit the mat and rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor and Sam followed Rude out. Nash hit the ring and started fighting with Arn and Lash hit the ring and started fighting with Nash which freed up Arn. Hall recovered. Arn turned around and walked right into a Hallinator. Hall covered Arn just as Nash killed Lash's offense with a kick to the face in the ring. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Rude had fought off Sam and Rude got back in the ring with Hall and Nash. Lash laid out next to the ropes. Hall was looking down at Arn and Nash encouraged Hall to attack Arn again. Sam got in the ring and shoved Hall. Rude came up behind Sam and laid Sam out with the Rude Awakening. Hall then picked up Arn and nailed Arn with another Hallinator. Bodies everywhere in the ring. Hall stomped on the downed Arn a few times and The Firm trio raised their arms in the air victoriously to a mixed reaction. Nash and Rude stomped Sam and Lash a few times before The Firm members left the ring. WINNER: Hall, Nash & Rude - Pinfall - Hall pinned Arn with the Hallinator - 8:33)


(Announcers discussed the win by Hall, Nash and Rude and the trio laying out Arn and the MT's. Hyped Hogan-Graham still to come. Said the IWA WT match was next!)



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'Thunderstruck' PPV


(PART 2)


(Video aired chronicling the one-year IWA WT reign of Patera and IWA owner Hunter's frustration in trying to get the title back and Batista saying he'd lay out Patera with the Batista Bomb and win the IWA belt and bring it home.)


Match 5 (IWA World Title Match)

Ken Patera © vs. Batista


(Camera shot showed IWA owner Hunter and the six IWA wrestlers who'd previously tried but failed to take the title from Patera sitting in the front row. Batista came out to a strong ovation but also got some boos. Batista went over and acknowledged the IWA faction. Patera came to the ring alone to mainly boos but had his supporters in the crowd as well. Ref took the title from Patera and held it up for all to see. He gave the belt to guest r.a. Capetta and then called the two men to the center of the ring and laid down the rules and patted each man down. Ref sent each man to a neutral corner and called for the bell. Patera and Batista slugged it out in a battle for the ages as both men pushed each other to the brink. IWA faction at ringside on an emotional roller coaster ride during the match. At the end of the match, Patera had the upper hand. Patera worked Batista over with some punches that staggered Batista. Patera then bodyslammed Batista into position for a turnbuckle move. Patera mounted the middle buckle and came off with a slingshot splash but Batista got his knees up and Patera slammed into them. Both men down. Batista to his feet first. Batista started pulling Patera up and Patera stunned Batista with an open hand jab to the throat. Batista grabbed at his throat. Patera hoisted Batista across his shoulders and blasted Batista with the wasteland. Patera for the cover. 1...2... Batista kicked out. Patera grabbed Batista and went to whip Batista into the ropes but Batista reversed and looked to catch Patera coming off with a clothesline but Patera ducked the move and came back and caught Batista with a flying crossbody but Batista caught Patera and nailed Patera with a swingside powerslam. Crowd popped. Batista moved into the corner and squatted down. Patera made his way to his feet. Batista charged Patera and Patera yanked the ref into Batista's path and Batista accidentally speared the ref. Ref down. As Batista got to his feet, Patera blasted Batista with a brutal forearm shiver to the side of the head that dropped Batista. Patera grabbed the ref and threw him into the corner. Patera then put the boots to the ref as Batista recovered and was now in the crouched position again. Patera turned around...WHAM!...Batista this time pulverized Patera with the spear. Crowd exploded. IWA faction ecstatic. Rude came charging down the aisle and hit the ring and was greeted with a spear from Batista. Rude rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. All six IWA wrestlers in attendance hopped the railing as Hall came out. The six formed a wall between Hall and the ring. Hall having words with them. Batista checking on the ref. Nash came through the crowd on the opposite side of the arena, hopped the railing and hit the ring behind Batista. Batista turned around...WHAM!...Nash nailed Batista with a boot to the face that dropped Batista. Nash picked Batista up and nailed Batista with a powerbomb. Many in the crowd cheered. Nash then grabbed the ref out of the corner and threw him over by Batista. Nash raised his arms victoriously in the ring when Sid hit the ring behind Nash. Nash turned around and Sid kicked Nash in the gut and then laid out Nash with a powerbomb. Majority of the crowd electrified as Sid yelled and shook in the ring. Nash had rolled out onto the ring apron and Sid kicked him to the floor and followed him out. Baron Von Raschke, Brad Armstrong, Butch Reed and Jim Duggan held Hall at bay as Rude got to his feet on the floor. Rude was about to climb in the ring when Savannah Jack made short work of Rude's interference attempt with a superkick that dropped Rude. Crowd in orbit. Patera crawled over in the ring and shook the ref who was recovering. Patera covered Batista. 1.....2.....2-1/2..... Batista kicked out. The six IWA wrestlers were now standing guard around ringside to keep Hall, Nash and Rude out of the ring. A flustered Patera circled around behind Batista as Batista got to his feet. Patera grabbed Batista and tried to lock him in the full nelson. Patera couldn't lock his fingers as Batista powered out of the hold, spun around and blasted Patera in the head with a series of bionic elbows. Batista then placed Patera's head between his legs. Crowd on its feet. Hall, Nash and Rude helplessly looking on. Batista held Patera there for a couple of seconds and then hoisted Patera up and blasted the champ with the Batista Bomb. Batista covered Patera and hooked the leg. 1.....2.....3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd went nuts. Ref went over and took the belt from guest r.a. Capetta and had a few words for him. Ref handed the belt to Batista and raised his hand in victory. Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 17 minutes, 58 seconds...your winner...and NEW IWA World Champion...Batista!" Crowd kept cheering as the IWA wrestlers got in the ring and celebrated with Batista. IWA owner Hunter got in the ring and shook Batista's hand and the two hugged briefly and Hunter raised Batista's hand in victory. Reed and Jack then hoisted Batista on their shoulders and paraded Batista around the ring as many fans chanted his name. Batista then took the r.a. mic from Capetta. Batista: "The IWA World Title has finally come back home where it belongs!" More cheers. The IWA crew left the ring and headed back up the aisle. On the entrance stage, Batista turned to the fans and hoisted the title up one last time before heading to the back as the fans continued cheering. WINNER: Batista - Pinfall - Batista Bomb - 17:58)


(Announcers discussed Batista beating Patera and becoming the new IWA WC. Pedicino pointed out that so far we've had three title matches on the show and all three titles have changed hands and wondered if the trend would continue in the Women's WT match and the UWL WT match. Said the FCA match was next.)


(Video aired for the: 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' PPV - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobing.com Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, June 23 @ 10am PST!)


Match 6 (Falls Count Anywhere Match - There Must Be A Winner)

Rip Oliver vs. Hugh Morrus


(Oliver came to the ring first to mainly boos. Morrus came to the ring to cheers. Oliver attacked Hugh as Hugh was stepping through the ropes and it was on. Ref called for the bell. Rip and Hugh fought in the ring, around ringside, in the aisleway, on the entrance stage and into the ringside seats where they thrilled fans with their brawling in the third row. At one point, Rip shoved Hugh off the entrance stage onto the concrete floor below but couldn't put Hugh away. At the end of the match, the two combatants were fighting at ringside. Hugh had popped Rip with some punches and went to whip Rip into the ring steps but Rip reversed and sent Hugh crashing into the steps. Hugh down. The top part of the steel steps had separated. Oliver grabbed the top part of the steps and slammed it down on Hugh twice. Rip then grabbed Hugh and threw Hugh back in the ring. Rip got in and stomped on Hugh's head. Rip then whipped Hugh into the buckles and followed Hugh in with a running high knee to the chest. Hugh fell to the mat holding his chest. Rip stomped on Hugh and then yelled at Hugh to get up and then stomped on Hugh some more. Rip backed off. As Hugh got to his feet, Oliver moved in and blasted Hugh with a DDT. Some in the crowd popped. Rip for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Hugh kicked out. Rip left the ring and went to the floor and grabbed an empty chair sitting next to the timekeeper's table. Rip got back in the ring with the chair. Rip turned and looked at the crowd and made the gesture that he was going to bash Hugh with the chair. Hugh started slowly getting to his feet and Rip raised the chair up and prepared to blast Hugh but Hugh superkicked the chair into Rip's face. Oliver dropped the chair and crashed to the mat. Rip knocked senseless. Hugh picked up Rip and bodyslammed Rip into position for a turnbuckle move. Hugh mounted the top turnbuckle and nailed Rip with a moonsault. Hugh covered Rip and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans cheering. Ref raised the exhausted Hugh's hand in victory. Hugh stood over Rip as Rip made it to his knees. Hugh grabbed Rip by the hair and Rip begged Hugh not to hit him. Hugh stood for a moment with his fist raised and then let Rip's hair go and didn't hit Rip. Hugh turned to face the crowd and raised his arms victoriously in the air. Bad move. Rip nailed Hugh from behind with a forearm smash to the groin. Hugh crashed to the mat holding his goods. The exhausted and beaten Rip got to his feet and left the ring. With Hugh still down but looking at Rip, Rip, standing next to the ring, flipped Hugh the bird with a sinister sneer on his face and then made his way to the back. WINNER: Hugh - Pinfall - Moonsault - 12:18)


(Announcers discussed Hugh beating Rip in a wild match. Hyped Hogan-Graham still to come. Said the UWL WT match was next.)


(Video aired chronicling the Valentine-Luger feud.)


Match 7 (UWL World Title Match)

Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Lex Luger


(Luger came out to a strong ovation. Valentine and Hart came to the ring to mainly boos but also 15-20% cheers. Pedicino again pointed out that title matches tonight had all favored the challengers and wondered if the pattern would continue here. Ref took the belt from Valentine and held it up for all to see and then handed the belt off to guest r.a. Capetta. Ref called both men to the center of the ring. Ref laid down the rules and patted each man down as Luger and Valentine stared each other down. Ref sent each man to a neutral corner. Hart had a few more words with the champ. Ref called for the bell. The two men came out and circled one another and Valentine dropped to a knee and took Luger's leg out from under him. Greg went to place Luger in the figure four but Lex caught Greg in a small package. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Greg and Luger got up and Greg kicked Luger in the gut and grabbed Luger in a side headlock. Luger shoved Greg off into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a shoulder block that drove Greg to the canvas. Greg got up and went to punch Luger but Luger blocked the punch try and popped Greg with a series of head shots, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a clothesline. Greg crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron. Greg getting to his feet. Luger came over and Greg leaned through the ropes and caught Lex with a shoulder block to the gut. Greg then tried to suplex Luger out of the ring to the floor. Luger twice blocked Valentine's attempts and Luger instead suplexed Valentine back into the ring. Luger then went to nail Greg with a jumping elbow smash but Greg rolled out of the way and Luger crashed to the mat. Greg rolled up Luger and went for the pin while holding the tights. 1... Luger kicked Greg off. Greg then punched Luger and whipped Luger into the ropes and looked to catch Luger coming off with a clothesline but Luger ducked the move and came back and nailed Greg with a flying shoulder tackle. Greg down. Luger went for the cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Both men up. Luger nailed Greg with a couple of punches, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a forearm smash to the head. Greg crashed to the mat next to the ropes. Luger covered Greg. 1...2... Greg got his foot on the bottom rope forcing a break. Luger pulled Greg up, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a military press slam. Greg crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor. Hart came over to talk to Valentine as Luger stalked around the ring. Greg got up on the apron and got a leg in the ring and then bailed back down to the floor as fans booed. Hart over to talk with Greg again. Ref tried to order Luger to stand back and Luger got into an argument with the ref while standing by the ropes. Greg reached in the ring and pulled Lex's legs out from under him. Greg dragged Lex's legs out so they were partially hanging down on the apron. Greg raised Luger's left leg and slammed it on the apron twice. Luger in pain. Luger scooted back in the ring as Greg got back in the ring. Greg stomped on Luger's left knee three times. Greg then dragged Luger into the corner. Greg left the ring and pulled Luger's legs out around the ring post. Greg slammed Luger's left knee into the post three times. Luger scooted away from the post as Greg got back in the ring. Greg put the boots to the downed Luger. Greg, channeling Ric Flair, yelled: "Now, we go to school!" Greg locked Lex in the figure four. Luger trying hard not to submit. Lex struggling in the hold but refusing to give up. Luger was finally able to reverse the hold. Now Greg hurting. The two untangled their legs. Both men to their feet. Luger bodyslammed Greg and then connected with the jumping elbow smash. Luger for the cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Lex pulled Greg up and Greg kneed Lex in the gut and whipped Lex into the ropes and looked to catch Lex coming off with a backdrop but Luger caught Greg in a sunset flip. Greg struggled not to go over but Lex eventually flipped Greg and went for the pin. 1...2... Greg clapped his legs against the sides of Luger's head and broke the count. Both men up. Greg and Luger exchanged punches when Greg gained the advantage and whipped Lex into the buckles. Greg charged in on Lex and Lex moved and Greg slammed front first into the buckles. Greg staggered backwards out of the corner and Lex caught him in a sleeper hold. Greg trying to fight his way out of the hold. Luger kept the hold firmly on. Greg, in desperation, lunged towards the buckles, dropped down and Luger's head slammed into the top buckle. Luger leaned in on the buckles. Greg got to his feet. Greg slammed Luger's head into the top buckle five times. Luger turned around in the corner and Greg mounted the middle buckle and started popping Luger in the head with punches. Luger grabbed Greg around the waist and nailed Greg with a running inverted atomic drop. Greg crashed to the mat. Luger grabbed Greg's left leg. Luger yelled: "Now, we got to school!" Crowd popped as Luger locked Greg in the figure four. Greg in great pain but not giving up. Greg struggled to inch his way to the ropes and finally made it and got his hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Luger pulled Greg up, whipped Greg into the buckles and followed Greg in with a big clothesline. Greg walked out of the corner and fell flat on this face in the ring. Lex grabbed the downed Greg by the legs, turned Greg over on his back, and catapaulted Greg into the corner. Greg slammed head first into the top buckle. Greg laying weakly against the buckles. Luger grabbed Greg out of the corner and nailed Greg with a belly-to-back suplex. Hart started yelling at Luger from the floor. Luger turned and looked at Hart but immediately turned his attention back to Valentine as Greg was getting to his feet. Luger caught Greg with a pair of forearm smashes to the back and then whipped Greg into the ropes but Greg grabbed the top rope. Luger charged at Greg and attempted to nail him with a running clothesline but Greg dropped down and pulled down the top rope and Luger went flying over it and crashed to the floor. Ref ordered Greg to stand back. Ref started counting as Lex was down on the floor. Greg came over and broke the 10-count and went to go after Lex but the ref turned and ordered him back. Greg distracted the ref and was arguing with him. On the floor, Lex was getting to his feet as Hart came over, reached in his pocket and pulled out a pair of knux and put them on. Hart sucker-punched the unsuspecting Luger with a knux-laden right to the jaw. Luger went down to a knee. Hart grabbed the dazed Luger and threw him back in the ring. Greg stopped arguing with the ref. Luger rolled over on his back and Greg came over and dropped an elbow smash across the chest and went for the cover. 1...2...2-3/4... Luger kicked out. Greg pulled Lex up and blasted Lex with a suplex. Lex got to his knees and Greg circled behind Lex, grabbed Lex by the chin and started pounding Lex in the side of the head with a series of right hands. Greg then caught Lex in a front facelock and nailed Lex with a swinging neckbreaker. Lex down. Greg grabbed Lex and tried to lock Lex in for the Hammerhead finisher. But Greg couldn't lock in the hold and Lex backdropped Greg to the canvas. Greg got up and Luger was on a knee next to the ropes and Greg went over and kicked Lex in the side of the ribs. Greg pulled Luger up and kicked Lex twice in the left knee area and Luger dropped to his knees on the mat and his head and shoulders were hanging out of the ring over the middle rope. Greg backed up and came at Lex and jumped on Lex's back. Greg repeated the move. Greg then went for the move a thrid time and Luger moved and Greg flew through the ropes and crashed to the floor. Hart came over to help Greg up as Luger was getting to his feet in the ring. Greg got on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Luger got up. Luger came over and caught Greg and slammed the champ off the top buckle. Greg got to his knees and was backing off and begging off. Luger getting fired up. Luger grabbed Greg by the hair, pulled Greg to his feet, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a clothesline that dropped Greg. Greg got up and Luger pounded him with another clothesline and Greg went down once again and then got up and was hit with a third Luger clothesline. Greg down once more. Luger started pulling Greg up by the hair when Greg stunned Luger with a jawbreaker to the top of the head. Luger crashed to the mat. Greg grabbed Luger and this time nailed Luger with the Hammerhead. Greg went for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Luger kicked out. Crowd popped. Hart stunned at ringside. Greg pulled Luger up and whipped Luger into the ropes and looked to catch Luger coming off with a clothesline but Luger ducked the move and came back and pulverized Greg with his own clothesline. Greg crashed to the mat. Lex then grabbed at his left knee and was hobbling from the damage done earlier in the match. Greg got to his feet and charged at Luger and Luger stunned Greg by powerslamming the champ. Crowd went nuts. Luger signaled it was time for the rack. Luger fought through the leg pain and hoisted Greg across his shoulders. Just as soon as Luger got Greg in the rack the bell rang. Luger dropped Greg to the mat and Luger started celebrating. Some fans cheering and others pointing at someone. Ref started shaking his head 'no' and waving off the Luger win. Ref tapped Luger on the shoulder and made the same gesture to him. Luger had an animated conversation with the ref and gestured the bell rang. Capetta was now on the apron. Stack and Pedicino said they had a replay of what happened to show the fans at home. The replay showed that just as Luger got Greg in the rack, Hart went over and rang the bell on his own. Greg still down. Ref talked some more with Capetta. Capetta: "Due to the fact that manager Gary Hart rang the bell and Greg Valentine had not submitted to Lex Luger, the referee is ordering this match to continue!" Many in the crowd booed. Capetta: "The match will re-start when Gary Hart leaves the ringside area!" Hart having words with Luger and the ref. Greg still laid out on the mat. Hart exchanged a few more words with the pair then headed back up the aisle to the back. Ref called for the bell to re-start the match. Greg still laying there. Luger bent over to pick Greg up and Greg suprised Luger by catching him in a small package. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Luger on his knees and pissed. Luger angrily slammed his fists into the mat and then got up and looked on as Valentine leaned back against the ropes and had his hand raised in victory by the ref and the belt handed back to him. Greg was laughing. Ref spoke with Capetta. Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 16 minutes, 6 seconds, your winner...and STILL UWL World Champion...Greg Valentine!" Most of the crowd booed as an angry Luger left the ring and started heading back up the aisle. Valentine took the r.a. mic from Capetta. Greg: "Hey, Luger! Haha! In the immortal words of that philosopher king Bugs Bunny...'What a maroon'! Haha! You're the biggest maroon I've ever met, Luger! Look at how I sucked you in at the end of the match! I was brilliant! Haha! That's why I'm still the champion and you're just a challenger!" Luger looked on from the aisle. Greg: "Now, just go on, Luger! Finish your walk of shame back to the locker room! This is my moment and you know why?! Because I'm not a maroon! Hahaha!" Luger looked at Greg for a few more seconds and then continued his walk to the back. Valentine stood with an arrogant pride and held the belt up in the center of the ring and started pointing at himself. Then, something unexpected happened. Bagpipe music came flowing out of the p.a. system. Fans popped. Valentine's arrogance melted into shock. The champ looked at the entrance stage and no one was coming. Greg, then with a concerned look on his face, started looking around the arena. But there was no sign of him. Greg left the ring and when he got on the floor, he scanned the crowd once more to see if he was out there. Greg then walked part-way up the aisle and looked around at that part of the crowd. Again...nothing. Greg made it to the entrance stage and turned and looked out over the crowd. There were no Bad Plaid sightings. But Valentine was definitely shaken up by the bagpipe music as he headed to the back. WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - Hammerhead - 16:06)


(Announcers talked about Gart Hart possibly saving Valentine's title reign and the bagpipe music playing in the arena after the match but no sign of Piper and Valentine becoming very concerned. Said Hogan-Graham was still to come. Said the UWL Women's WT match was next.)


(Video aired for 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobing.com Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, June 23 @ 10am PST!)



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(PART 3)


Match 8 (UWL Women's World Title Match)

Tina Ferrari © vs. Queen Kong


(Kong came to the ring to a modest reaction. Kong bellowed when she got in the ring. Tina came to the ring to a fair amount of boos. Ref took the belt and held it up for all to see and then handed it to guest r.a. Capetta. Ref called the two women to the center of the ring. Tina leery of getting too close to Kong. Ref laid down the ground rules and patted each woman down, sent each woman to a neutral corner and called for the bell. Tina didn't even wait and bailed from the ring and Kong gave chase. Kong chased Tina around the ring twice. Tina slid back into the ring and Kong was sliding back into the ring when Tina came over and stomped away on Kong. Kong got to her feet. Tina stomped on Kong's foot. Kong was then standing in the center of the ring and Tina started running circles around the big gal. Tina stopped looking at Kong as she was running around here and Kong caught Tina by the throat and threw Tina into the corner. Tina slammed into the buckles. Kong came in and raised her right hand high in the air and smashed Tina with a shot to the face. Kong then pulled out the old Andre move and backed ass first into Tina in the corner three straight times. Tina slid down the buckles and was sitting on her ass in the corner. Kong then stink faced Tina. Kong bellowed. Kong pulled Tina up and whipped Tina into the ropes and Kong ran over Tina as Tina came off the ropes. Tina crashed to the mat and rolled over on her stomach and seemed almost drained of life. Kong started pulling Tina up and Tina raked Kong's eyes. Tina hit Kong with some punches and then went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and blasted Kong with a missle dropkick that sent Kong crashing to the mat. Tina went for the cover. 1... Kong threw Tina off. Tina left the ring and grabbed her title off the timekeeper's table. Tina got back in the ring with the belt as Kong was getting up. Ref warning Tina against using the title. Kong up. Tina went to hit Kong with the belt but Kong instead grabbed Tina by the throat. Tina dropped the title. Kong picked up Tina and bodyslammed her. Kong hit the ropes and came off and looked to nail Tina with her diving big splash but Tina rolled out of the way and Kong crashed to the mat. Kong rolled over on her back. Tina got up and grabbed Kong's legs and positioned her for a turnbuckle move. Tina went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a diving splash on Kong. Tina covered Kong. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref grabed the belt and handed it to Tina and raised her hand in victory. WINNER: Tina - Pinfall - Diving Spalsh from the Top Rope - 3:28)


(Announcers discussed Tina retaining the title against Kong. Said Hogan vs. Graham was next!)


(Video aired for 'Slam!' - Tuesdays - 9:30pm E/P - FX)


(Announcers discussed the Hogan-Graham match and intro'd a video chronicling the Hogan-Graham feud. Video aired.)


Match 9

Hulk Hogan vs. Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard)


(Crowd buzzing with anticipation before the match. 'California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system. Crowd booing. Boos got even louder when Graham and Wizard came out. Wizard had his gold-tipped black cane with him. Graham and Wizard got in the ring. Graham mocked Hogan by tearing off his tie-dyed t-shirt and striking a few bodybuilder poses for the crowd. Graham laughed after he did it. There was a pause and the anticipation built. 'Eye of the Tiger' played over the p.a. system. Crowd popped. Hogan came out on the stage and the place exploded. Hogan didn't slap hands with fans on the way to the ring. Hogan got in the ring and tore off his tank top and do-rag and threw them into the crowd. Graham and Wizard were out on the floor. Graham made his way back up on the apron and pointed at Hogan and Hogan came over and he and Graham exchanged words. Graham got back in the ring and the ref called for the bell. The two circled each other and Graham struck some bodybuilder poses and then strutted arrogantly around the ring. Crowd booed. The two then circled each other again and this time Hogan struck a few bodybuilder poses and strutted around the ring as the crowd cheered. Graham came over and got in Hogan's face. The two had words and then Graham shoved Hogan. Hogan then shoved Graham back. Graham charged at Hogan and Hogan caught Graham and bodyslammed Graham. Graham got up and Hogan blasted Graham with a running clothesline that dropped Graham. Graham got up and charged at Hogan again and Hogan backdropped Graham. Graham crashed to the mat and bailed out of the ring as the fans cheered. GW came over to talk to Graham and cool him down. Graham was angry. Hogan gestured for Graham to get back in the ring. Graham got on the apron and pointed at Hogan and had more words for Hulk. Hogan backed up and gestured for Graham to get in the ring. Graham made his way in. Graham moved in and he and Hogan engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Hogan drove Graham into the corner. Graham leaned back and forced a break in the hold. The two circled each other again and went to engage in another collar-and-elbow tie-up only this time Grham kneed Hogan in the gut. Hogan grabbed his gut as Graham blasted Hogan with a couple of big forearms to the upper back. Hogan didn't go down. Graham nailed Hogan with a suplex. Graham pulled up Hogan and nailed him with a second suplex. Graham repeated the move a third time. Hogan down. Graham struck another bodybuilder pose as the fans booed. Graham pulled Hogan up and backed Hogan into the corner and blasted Hogan with a series of chest chops. Hogan wandered out of the corner grabbing at his chest. Graham pounded Hogan with another big forearm smash to the back. Hogan next to the ropes. Graham stepped out on the apron, grabbed Hogan by the head, dropped to the floor and snapped Hogan's neck across the top rope. Hogan snapped back and crashed down in the ring. Graham got in as Hogan got to his hands and knees. Graham went to punt Hogan in the head but Hogan moved and Graham missed. Hogan got to his feet and was nailed by a Graham clothesline. Hogan back down. Graham took Hogan and threw him over the top rope and down to the floor. Ref started counting and Graham came over to leave the ring but the ref stopped him and ordered Graham to stand back. Graham argued with the ref. With the ref distracted, Hogan got to his feet next to the apron. Wizard came over and nailed Hogan twice in the side of the ribs with the gold tip of his cane. Hogan grabbing at his side and walking away. Graham ignored the ref and left the ring. Graham nailed Hogan with a couple of more forearm smashes to the back and then grabbed Hogan's head and nailed Hogan with a headbutt to the back of the head twice. Hogan fell over next to the apron. Graham then slammed Hogan's head into the ringside barricade twice. Stack pointed out the ref is letting things go in this match because the fans want to see a clear winner. Graham then went to ram Hogan's head into the ring post but Hogan got his foot up on the post, blocked the move and instead slammed Graham's head into the post. Graham stunned. Hogan wailed away on Graham with punches. Hogan then slammed Graham's head into the ringside barricade twice. Graham spun around and Hogan peppered Graham with chops. Graham then stunned Hogan with a kick to the gut. Graham grabbed Hogan and went to suplex him on the floor but Hogan twice blocked the move and suplexed Graham on the floor instead. Both men laying there. Hogan got to his feet first as Graham was getting up. Hogan slammed Graham's head into the apron and threw Graham back in the ring. Graham had gotten to his knees and Hogan started pulling Graham up by his head and Graham stunned Hogan with a low-blow. Hogan went down. Announcers pointed out that Graham's goal in the match is to destroy Hulk Hogan and 'Hulkamania' so you won't see too many pin tries during the bout. Graham got up and put the boots to Hogan. Graham then went over and untied a top turnbuckle pad exposing the steel under it. Graham grabbed Hogan as and slammed Hogan's head into the exposed steel. Hogan went down to a knee next to the ropes. Graham choked Hogan by pressing Hogan's throat down across the middle rope. Graham broke the illegal move at the count of four. Graham pulled Hogan up, whipped Hogan into the ropes and caught Hogan coming off with a clothesline. Hogan went down. Graham then bodyslammed Hogan into position for a turnbuckle move and went out on the apron. Graham briefly looked out at the crowd and then climbed to the top buckle. Graham came off the top buckle with a kneedrop attempt on Hogan but Hogan rolled out of the way and Graham crashed to the mat. Both men down. Both men slowly made their way to their feet. Hogan tackled Graham and started popping Graham in the head with punches. Hogan pulled Graham up, hoisted Graham onto his shoulder and nailed Graham with the snake eyes on the exposed steel turnbuckle. Graham crashed to the mat near the ropes and got a leg underneath the bottom rope. Hogan went after Graham but the ref ordered Hogan to stand back. Hogan then went over and pulled up a now bloody Billy Graham. Hogan whipped Graham into the ropes and looked to catch Graham coming off with a clothesline but instead both men clotheslined each other to the mat. Both men laid out. Ref started counting. Graham rolled over on his side facing the crowd. Graham reached into his tights and pulled out a foreign object which he concealed in his hand. Hogan made it to his feet as Graham was on a knee. Hogan started pulling Graham up...WHAM!...Graham blasted Hogan with his foreign object-laden right hand. Hogan dropped like a rock to the mat. As the ref looked over at Hogan, Graham dropped the foreign object back in his tights and left the ring. Graham went over to the announcer's table and unhooked one of the monitors. Hogan just recovering. Graham tossed the monitor in the ring and got back in. A sinister smile crossed Graham's face through his crimson mask. Graham picked up the monitor as Hogan was on his hands and knees and smashed it twice across Hogan's back. Hogan back down. Ref checking on Hogan. Graham tossed the monitor aside. Graham pulled Hogan up, whipped Hogan into the ropes and caught Hogan coming off in a bearhug. Crowd buzzing. Graham tightened up on the vice-like hold. Hogan fighting not to submit. Hogan's arms eventually went limp. Ref raised Hogan's arm once and it dropped to his side. Ref raised Hogan's arm a second time with the same result. Ref raised Hogan's arm a third time and it dropped halfway before Hogan raised the arm in the air. Hogan was able to hit Graham in the head with punches and Graham lost his hold on the bearhug. Hogan blasted Graham with a few more punches and whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a boot to the face. Graham crashed to the mat. Hogan didn't go for the pin. Instead, Hogan went over and grabbed the monitor. Hogan yelling for Graham to get up. Ref begging Hogan not to use the weapon. Graham made his way to his feet and turned around...SLAM!...Hogan bashed Graham in the head with the monitor. Graham stumbled backwards and fell through the top and middle rope to the floor. Hogan chucked the monitor and went after Graham on the floor. Hogan grabbed Graham and slammed Graham's head into the ring steps. Hogan held onto the back of Graham's head and walked him down ringside and slammed Graham's head into the ring post. Graham stumbled forward and crashed to the floor. As Hogan stalked after Graham, Grand Wizard came over behind Hogan and yelled Hogan's name and Hogan turned around and GW threw powder in Hogan's face. Hogan stopped dead in his tracks and was temporarily blinded. Graham made it to his feet. Graham paid Hogan back by slamming Hogan's head into the post. Hogan still having trouble seeing. Announcers re-iterated that the ref is giving these guys great leeway because fans want to see a decisive winner. Graham threw Hogan back in the ring. Graham followed Hogan in and put the boots to the downed Hogan. Graham then stood over Hogan, wiped blood from his brow and flicked it on Hogan. Graham then picked up Hogan and blasted Hogan with a spinning powerslam. In a moment of great arrogance, instead of trying to pin Hogan, Graham did a series of push-ups next to the downed Hulkster. Hulk started moving and slowly making it to his feet. Graham backed up against the ropes. When Hogan got up, Graham blasted Hogan with a running clothesline. Hogan crashed to the mat. Graham then picked up Hogan, hoisted Hogan up in the suplex position and nailed Hogan with the jackhammer. Graham yelled and it was picked up on a mic. BG: "IT'S DEAD!" Graham covered Hogan. 1...2...2-9/10... Hogan kicked out and shot up to his knees. Graham blasted Hogan with some head shots that had no affect. Hogan rose to his feet and pointed at Graham. Graham nailed Hogan with head and body punches to no avail. GW yelled at Graham. Graham turned towards the GW who tossed Graham his cane. Graham went to hit Hogan with it but Hogan blocked the attempt and a struggle ensued over the cane. Hogan kicked Graham in the gut and loosened Graham's grip on the cane. Hogan kicked Graham in the gut again and Graham let go of the cane and Hogan had it. Hogan tossed it aside. Graham threw one last desperate punch at Hogan but Hogan blocked it, nailed Graham with punches, whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a boot to the face. Graham crashed to the mat. Crowd going nuts. Hogan hit the ropes and came off and nailed Graham with the flying legdrop. Hogan covered Graham and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! 'Eye of the Tiger' roared from the p.a. system. Hogan had his hand raised in victory by the ref. A tired Hogan saluted the fans and struck some muscle poses for them as the fans reveled in the moment. Camera caught a defeated Graham and Wizard walking back up the aisle with a bloodied Graham looking back at the ring and pointing at Hogan and saying something to Hogan before heading to the back a beaten man. Hogan was still posing as the announcers wrapped up the program. WINNER: Hogan - Pinfall - Flying Legdrop - 17:36)


(Video aired showing highlights from the show.)




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(Show opened with pics from the 'Thunderstruck' PPV)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: UWL Pres. Seal flashed on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Ladies and Gentlemen! The man who will one day be the ONLY President of the UWL again...Vince Russo!" Crowd booed as the six bodyguards came out on the entrance stage. Crowd boos grew when Russo came out. Russo was wearing a Los Angeles Angels' baseball home baseball jersey. He had a mic. Russo came down to the ring between his security team. Four bodyguards took their positions on the floor around the ring and two got in the ring, one holding the ropes open for Russo. Russo soaked in the boos for a moment. Russo: "Ths countdown is on until the day I once again assume the sole Presidency of the UWL! Co-President Watts' time is growing shorter! He will..." 'Born In The USA' played over the p.a. system and out came Co-Prez Bill Watts. Watts had a mic. Watts got a decent ovation coming out. Watts: "So my days are numbered, huh, Vince?" Russo: "I will one day be in complete control again of the show here in the UWL! I'm getting sick and tired of having to share power with you! This promotion is not big enough for the both of us! Something has got to give! I will not tolerate this arrangement much longer!" Watts: "You won't tolerate this arrangement much longer? You gonna pull a power-play? Because let me tell you, Vince, unless I'm physcially incapable of performing my duties, I'm here for the long haul, mister!" Russo: "The clock is ticking, Bill! One of us has got to go and soon! And the one who will go will be you! I'm tired of having to put my wrestling brilliance on the backburner much of the time so you get your fair shot at running things! We're not equal, Bill! Not at all! I'm the superior wrestling mind standing in this ring right now! That shows through loud and clear and these fans know it! I know the wrestling business better than anybody and I deserve...check that...I'm entitled to have 100% control of the wrestling operations of this company!" Watts: "You wanna arm wrestle for control of the company?! How about that?! Would you fans like to see me arm wrestle Vince Russo for control of the UWL?!" Crowd cheered. Russo: "Not happening! When it comes time for me to make my move and regain what should be completely mine I'll know it...and so will you!" Watts: "Sounds like a threat, Vince! Let me tell you something right now! You are threatening the wrong guy!" Russo: "I'm not threatening you! No, sir! I'd never do that! I'm guaranteeing you that one day I will be the one and only boss of the UWL again! And you really don't want to try anything physical with me, Bill! Look around you! You're outnumbered 7-to-1! The odds are in favor of the insane wrestling genius! You might be tough! But you're not that tough! And you're not mentally tougher than me, either!" Watts: "I don't know what's going through that devious mind of yours, Russo! Make all the implied threats you want and say they're not threats! Just know this! I'm gonna be here for a long time whether you like it or not! Go ahead, sick your goons on me! Because unless they put me out of wrestling for good then Bill Watts will remain a President of the UWL!" Crowd cheered. A couple of the bodyguards moved in the direction of Watts. Russo: "Boys! Hold it! Things will all play out on my time schedule! It's the two-minute warning for you, Bill! You've been warned! Of course, you could just walk away and save yourself the anguish of losing a power struggle to me! How about it?! Just put the mic down and walk out of this building and never return to the UWL!" Watts: "I told you! It's not gonna happen! I'll see how things unfold! You've made your intentions quite clear, Vince! And no matter your plans, I will respond accordingly! So, since we're still Co-Presidents right now, and these people want to see wrestling, then let's tell them what we've got in store for them!" Russo: "You go first, Bill. Since your days are numbered here. Please tell us the matches you've made for this evening." Watts: "Alright. I will. We're gonna have a President's Championship match tonight. I've decided to go ahead and trigger the re-match clause and new President's Champion Harley Race will defend the title against the Great Christopho!" Fans cheered. Watts: "And, we're gonna have a tag team match! The Killer Bees will face Hall and Nash!" More cheers. Russo: "Wow! What primo match-making, Bill. It's good...but it's not genius. Prepare to be blown away by my brilliance once again! Tonight, Diamond Dallas Page will wrestle Hugh Morrus! How about that?! And for my second match...hold on to your seats! It's gonna be Rip Oliver vs. Arn Anderson! That's genius match-making right there, Bill! You could learn a few lessons from ol' Vince!" Watts: "Learn a few lessons from you?! Like what?! How to be a self-serving jacksass blowhard?!" Russo: "Watts! That was completely uncalled for! You don't insult a great mind like that!" The bodyguards started to move on Watts again and Watts threw down his mic. Russo: "Men! It's not worth it right now! Don't touch him! But just know this, Bill! When the day comes and I topple you from your presidential position, I will remember you calling me a self-serving jackass blowhard! And you will suffer a little bit more because of it! We're outta here!" Russo and his crew left as an angry Watts looked on. Crowd booed Russo and crew as they headed back up the aisle.)


(Announcers welcomed viewers, discussed the rising tension between Watts and Russo and ran down the program: PC Re-match: Race © vs. TGC; Hall & Nash vs. Bees; Oliver vs. Anderson; DDP vs. Morrus; Ceremony: New IWA WC Batista and IWA WC Hunter will be here to receive the IWA title; UWL WC Valentine is here; the new WTT Champs the Andersons make an appearance; FD is here; and more.)



Match 1

Lex Luger vs. J.T. Southern

(WINNER: Luger - Submission - Rack - 2:17)


(As Luger came to the ring, pics aired of the controversial finish to his UWL Title match at 'TS'.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Luger. Asked about losing the title match to Valentine Sunday at 'TS'. Lex: "Lee, everyone who saw my match with Valentine at 'Thunderstruck' knows that I should be standing here before you as the new UWL World Champion! I had Greg Valentine in the rack! There was no escape for him! I heard the bell ring and thought Valentine had submitted! Naturally, I let go of him thinking the match was over and I had won the title! Then it turns out that Valentine's snake of a manager, Gary Hart, had walked over and rung the bell on his own! If there was ever a reason for a re-match, that's it! I was seconds away from becoming the champion! And Gary Hart stole it from me! It's two days later and I'm still angry about it! There's no place in our sport for things like that! And Greg Valentine! I know we'll meet again! And if I get you in the rack again, mark my words, there will be no escape for you! Justice will be served and I will become the new UWL World Champion!")


(Announcers discussed the Luger interview. Pedicino: "Steve, if there's one guy who can make a stellar case that he's entitled to a World Title re-match today, it's definitely Lex Luger." Hyped still to come: Oliver vs. Arn; Hall & Nash vs. Bees; PC Re-Match: Race © vs. TGC; Morrus vs. DDP; IWA WT ceremony; UWL WC Valentine is here; and more. Said FD is next.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed FD. As FD came to the ring to boos, pics aired from the Wahoo-FD Confessional match as 'TS'. Announcers said the show was available on PPV replay. Marshall asked FD about the match Sunday at 'TS'. FD: "I have to give the devil his due; and Wahoo is a devil incarnate. Wahoo, you beat me in the Confessional match on the Lord's Day. It was a fight between good and evil. Unfortunately, good lost. But evil sometimes wins in our world. By winning our match, Wahoo, you added more and more layers of sin to your already sin-laden existence. If I had won the Confessional match, I may have been able to finally purge you of all your sins. Since that did not happen, I've now got to work harder to free you from the sinful bondage you're held in. So, for those out there who thought my holy war with Wahoo was over...guess again. The stakes were just raised higher than they've ever been. Wahoo, I can promise you this. Because you're such a rebellious sinner, I'm going to have to go to even more extreme measures to liberate you from your sins. You're my project. Even if I have to follow you to hell to purify you then I will do it.")


(Announcers talked about the FD i'view. Hyped still to come: Rip vs. Arn; Hall and Nash vs. Bees; PC Re-Match; UWL WC Greg Valentine is here; new tag champs the Andersons are here; and more. Said DDP vs. Hugh was next!)


(Video aired for the next PPV. 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, June 23 @ 10am PST!)


Match 2

Hugh Morrus vs. DDP


(DDP came to the ring first carrying his briefcase containing the $50,000 bounty for any wrestler who can unmask TGC. DDP got on the mic. DDP: "I have some good news and bad news. First, the good news. The Great Christopho is no longer the President's Champion! Hooray! We now have a President's Champion who is truly worthy to hold that title in Harley Race! Now, the bad news. Sunday at 'Thunderstruck', Tully Blanchard almost became $50 grand richer when he almost unmasked the Great Christopho and proved once and for all that Christopho is Daniels! But then the Crusher had to meddle in business that wasn't his and we've still got Daniels, aka, Great Christopho with us! So this $50,000 dollars is still up for grabs! And if we're lucky, not only will Harley Race retain the title tonight! But he'll also earn a quick $50 thou by unmasking the Great Christopho and sending Daniels to where he belongs...the unemployment line!" Hugh came out to a nice ovation. Ref took the briefcase and handed it to r.a. Marshall who sat it on the timekeeper's table. Brief, hard-hitting match. At the end of the match, Morrus was on the offensive. Hugh whipped DDP into the ropes and caught DDP coming off with a flying headbutt top to the chest. DDP crashed to the mat. Hugh for the cover. 1...2... DDP kicked out. Hugh pulled DDP up and DDP stunned Hugh with a jumping DDT out of nowhere. Hugh down. DDP left the ring and went over and grabbed his briefcase off the timekeeper's table. DDP clmbed back in the ring with the case. Hugh getting to his feet. DDP raised the case up and moved on Hugh. Hugh stunned DDP with a superkick to the case. Case crashed into DDP's face. DDP crashed to the mat and dropped the case. Hugh bodyslammed DDP into position for a turnbuckle move. Hugh mounted the top buckle and came off and blasted DDP with a moonsault. Hugh covered DDP and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd cheered as Hugh had his hand raised in victory. WINNER: Hugh - Pinfall - Moonsault - 4:48)


(Announcers discussed the impressive win by Morrus. Hyped still to come: Oliver vs. Arn; Nash & Hall vs. Bees; PC Re-match; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine; the new WTT champs the Andersons are here; and more. Said the IWA WT ceremony was next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - June 15 - Orono, ME - Alfon Arena; Sat. - June 16 - Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless Arena; Fri. - June 29 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ.; Sat. - Springfield, MA - MassMutual Center.

TIM HORTON'S PRESENTS: THE UWL 'CANADIAN CRUNCH' TOUR! Mon. - Jul. 16 - Vancouver, BC - Thunderbird Sports Centre; Tue. - Jul. 17 - Calgary, AB - Jack Simpson Gymnasuim; Wed. - Jul. 18 - Edmonton, AB - Clare Drake Arena; Thu. - Jul. 19 - Regina, SK - The Brandt Centre; Fri. - Jul. 20 - Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre; Sat. - Jul. 21 - Toronto, ONT - Ricoh Coliseum; Sun. - Jul. 22 - Montreal, QUE - Concordia Stadium (Outdoor Show!). More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Pics aired of Batista defeating Patera to win the IWA WT at 'TS'. Announcers said the show was available on PPV replay.)


(In-ring: IWA WT Transfer Ceremony. The IWA World Title was sitting on a black stand in the center of the ring. Marshall intro'd IWA owner William Hunter. UWL Prez Watts was already in the ring. Hunter came to the ring in a suit and spartan crowd reaction. Hunter shook hands with Marshall. Marshall then intro'd Batista. Crowd popped as Batista came to the ring in street clothes. Batista saluted the fans. Marshall: "Ladies and Gentlemen. UWL Co-President Bill Watts." Watts took the mic. Crowd tiring of seeing Watts judging by the fan response...or lack thereof. Watts: "Thank you, Lee. William Hunter. Batista. For one year, your promotion's most important asset, the IWA World Title, has resided here in the UWL. Some would say it's been held hostage all that time thanks in large part to the man who refused to come out here for this ceremony. That man is Co-President Vince Russo. Ken Patera, no matter what one may think of him, defended this title against all challengers; whether those challengers were from the IWA, the UWL, or overseas. But, many of us have felt for a long time that this belt deserved to go back to its rightful owners. And I'm happy to say that now it has. Batista, congratulations on a job well done at 'Thunderstruck'. You fought hard and you deserve this championship. William, I know it's been a long time coming for you. The stress. The sleepless nights. Wondering if you'd ever see this belt in the IWA again. Those days are now in the rearview mirror. Congratulations to you two. Batista, I think this is yours." Watts picked the title up off the stand and handed it to Batista. Marshall now had the mic again and i'viewed Batista. Batista: "Before I say anything else there's something I want to do. Mr. Hunter, you've been through an awful lot in the last year trying to re-claim the World Title that is rightfully yours. You showed unwavering faith and support in me to get the job done and bring this title back home to the IWA where it belongs. This man is a true champion. No matter how bad things got he kept on believing that one day the belt would return to it rightful owners. So, Mr. Hunter, this title is yours just as much as it is mine." Batista handed Hunter the belt. Hunter laughed and held the championship belt high in the air like he'd won it and fans cheered politely. Hunter then handed the belt back to Batista and raised Batista's hand victoriously in the air as Batista held the belt up with the other hand. As they were celebrating, Patera and Rude, both in street clothes, made their way to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. Patera was not happy. Marshall: "Ken Patera and Rick Rude. What are you two men doing out here? This is supposed to be a celebra..." Patera ripped the mic from Marshall's hand. KP: "I'll tell you what I'm doing out here! I'll tell all of you what I'm doing out here! Batista! For one year I held the IWA World Title! No one, anywhere in the world could take the title from me! You may have beaten me at 'Thunderstruck', pal! But guess what?! I hate to rain on the little party going on out here! But since I'm the former IWA World Champion, then that means I'm entitled to a re-match for that belt! And I want that re-match...soon! You got me?!" Hunter leaned in towards the mic. WH: "Ken Patera, as much as it pains me to say this, you are correct. You are entitled to an IWA World Title re-match against Batista. And we can talk about details for the re-match in the coming days. But right now, this is our celebration. You will get your re-match. I can promise you that." KP: "I want to talk about it right now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now!" Batista: "You heard the man, Patera, we can set up a re-match over the next few days." KP: "Pardon me. Is your name William Hunter? Do you own the IWA now, Batista? I held that title for a whole year. I'm more than deserving of calling some of the shots here." Batista: "Just leave the ring now, man. The re-match will take place. Just cool your jets there, buddy." KP: "I will not cool my jets! I want a date, a time and a place...now!" Batista: "Not gonna happen at this time, Patera! You'll get your shot and that's final!" Rude then sucker punched Batista and Batista went down and dropped the title. Watts: "Rude and Patera! Vacate this ring right now! That's an order!" Hunter bent down to pick up the title and Rude stepped on Hunter's hand. Patera picked up the belt and looked at it as Batista got to his feet and Watts stepped in before anything else could happen. KP: "Batista, enjoy your title reign! Because it's gonna be short! And I'm regaining that title and bringing it back to the The Firm!" Patera slammed the belt back into Batista's chest. Watts: "Go on! Get out of here!" KP: "I can't wait until the day Russo's running the show on his own again." Patera and Rude left the ring to a mixed reaction as Batista looked at the pair and Watts and Hunter talked.)


(Announcers discussed the IWA WT ceremony being disrupted by Patera and Rude and a re-match for the title in the offing. Hyped still to come: Arn vs. Rip; PC Re-Match; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine; the new IWA tag champs the Andersons are; and more. Said Hall & Nash vs. the Bees was next.)


Match 3

Killer Bees vs. Hall & Nash


(When both teams were in the ring, Hall took the r.a. mic before the match. Hall: "Hey yo! Killer Bees! The Director of The Firm wanted us to let you know that he thinks your gimmick is really cute! Definitely a favorite of the kids, man! You guys come to the ring in your black and yellow jackets and your Bee-like tights and sometimes you where those swell Bees masks and all! But I have to wonder whether or not you guys wanna be wrestlers or star in your own Nasanex commercial!" Nash: "What Scott's trying to ask you guys is, would you two like to join The Firm?! Think of it! Hall, Nash, Rude, Patera and the Honeynut Cheerios guys banding together to take apart the UWL brick-by-brick! Jim and B. Brian! How about it, huh?! Join with us!" Blair and Brunzell huddled briefly and discussed the matter. Blair took the mic from Nash. BB: "Nash, are you serious? The Killer Bees join...The Firm?" Nash: "Serious?! Would I lie to two men wearing Bee outfits?! Of course I'm serious!" BB: "Well...we really don't know..." Nash: "Hey! This will show you how serious The Firm is about bringing the Killer Bees on board!" Nash kicked Brunzell in the face and Hall belted Blair with punches and then dropped Blair with a discus punch. Both Bees rolled out of the ring to the floor to re-gather themselves. Nash picked up the mic. Nash: "I guess we weren't that serious about you two joining The Firm afterall!" The match started and Hall and Nash toook it to the Bees early before the Bees fought back. At the end of the match, Hall and Blair were the legal men in the ring. Hall had the advantage and worked over Blair and then whipped Blair into the ropes and caught Blair in position for the Hallinator but Blair slammed a series of elbows against Hall's head, eescaped the hold and blasted Hall with a codebreaker. Hall crashed to the mat. Nash hit the ring and kicked Blair in the face. Blair crashed to the mat. Brunzell hit the ring and charged at Nash and Nash caught Brunzell, hoisted Brunzell up in the military press position and threw Jim over the top rope down to the floor. Ref ordered Nash to leave the ring. Nash back in his corner. Hall and Blair just recovering. Hall started moving towards his corner. Blair to his feet first but Hall made the tag. Nash got in and Blair walked right into a kick to the gut. Nash then blasted Blair with the jack-knife powerbomb and covered Blair. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Hall and Nash's hands in victory. WINNER: Hall & Nash - Pinfall - Nash pinned Blair with a Powerbomb - 5:14)


(Announcers discussed the win by Hall and Nash. Hyped still to come: Arn vs. Oliver; PC Re-Match; UWL WC Valentine makes an appearance; and more. Said the new WTT champs the Andersons are here in minutes.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed JJ Dillon Enterprises. Holly was there. JJ: "Larry Nelson! Look at it! Look...at....it! The President's Championship! And it's new holder is noneother than JJ Dillon Enterprise member Harley Race! I've struck gold once more! And it feels great! I'm a championship manager once again!" Race: "Great Christopho! Daniels! It doesn't matter who you are! The only thing that matters is that you're now the former President's Champion and I'm the reigning President's Champion! You have your re-match with me for the title tonight! But I feel more than confident that the result of our match will be the same as it was at 'Thunderstruck'! I love being a champion! Being a champion means you're a winner! And Harley Race has been a winner his entire career! And I'm gonna be the President's Champion for a long time to come! And tonight maybe, just maybe, I'll be the man to rip the mask off of the Great Christopho, show the world it's Daniels, and collect $50,000 big ones on top of retaining the President's Championship!" Tully: "Holly, let's give the folks watching something to be jealous about." The two engaged in a brief but deep kiss. Tully: "Harley just brought up the $50,000 dollar bounty offered by Dallas Page to the first wrestler who can unmask the Great Christopho and expose as him as Daniels! At 'Thunderstruck', I had that money all but in my hands! The mask was almost off the Great Christopho! But then the Crusher had to get involved and keep me from earning a $50,000 dollar payday! Crusher, I'm getting sick and tired of having to deal with you! Face it! I got your woman! She's not coming back to you...ever! She's all mine! I've ruined her for all other men! Especially men named Crusher! From now on, Crusher, you stay out of my business and I will stay out of yours! Got me?! Stay wherever it is you are! Cry in all the beer you want! Just keep your distance from Tully Blanchard!")


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed the Andersons. The trio came to the ring in street clothes. Lars was still on crutches. Ole and Gene had the championship belts slung over their shoulders. Crowd mainly booed the group. Ole: "The Andersons are now right where they're supposed to be. And that's as the tag team champions of the world. Killer Bees. You gave it your best. You were the champions for four months. There's no shame in that. But on Sunday at 'Thunderstruck', the fact is you lost to the best tag team wrestlers in the world. Now, I don't say that as an arrogant boast. I'm just pointing out the obvious to those with eyes that see the truth. Now, originally, the match at 'Thunderstruck' was supposed to be the the Killer Bees defending against Gene and Lars. But, Lars suffered an ankle injury while training for the match and I was allowed to replace him. The results of what Gene and I did two days ago are right here on our shoulders. We're no longer the hunters. We will now become the hunted. Being a champion is tough. You're walking around with a big bullseye on your back all the time. When you're a champion, there are guys in the locker room who want what you have. They want to be called champions. But in order to do that they've got to beat us to take these championship belts. This is where things get interesting. You see, the Anderson brothers aren't only the best group of tag team wrestlers in the world; we're also the most revolutionary. Because I am here to publicly declare that since we Anderson brothers are loyal to each other through the good, the bad and the ugly, all three of us will be defending these tag team titles!" Marshall asked Ole what he meant. Ole: "Whenever the titles are on the line, our opponents will never know what two Anderson brothers they'll be facing until match time! Gene and I won the belts! But it could be Gene and Lars or Lars and me defending them! Who knows?! The challengers will never be able to prepare for whichever Anderson brothers they've got a title match with! So we've just added another huge psychological weapon to our arsenal! Keep your opponents off-balance during the match...and leading up to it!" 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out came Watts to virtually nil reaction. Watts had a mic. Watts: "You know what, Ole. Normally, in a situation like this, I would come out here and tell you that having a rotating crop of wrestlers defending the tag team titles was out of the question. You and Gene won them. Then you and Gene would defend them. But I like the idea, Ole, because it suits the Anderson brothers. I'm gonna allow it. But now, let's take a look at this little piece of video from 'Thunderstruck'." Video showed showed the end of the tag title match where 'injured' Lars suddenly got well enough to leave his seat and smash Brunzell in the head with the crutch and cost the Bees the titles. Ole: "What the hell was the purpose of showing that?!" Watts: "As you mentioned earlier, Ole, the match for the tag team titles was supposed to be between the Killer Bees and Lars and Gene. But, because Lars was said to be injured, we went ahead and allowed you to replace him. Well, Lars must have went and visited a faith healer or something during the match because he sure moved fine on that piece of tape we just saw. He was well enough to smash Jim Brunzell over the head with that crutch and help you guys become the new World Tag Team Champs. Now he's back to his gimpy routine. Amazing. Let me say this. I believe in the human element in wrestling. Since the ref didn't see the weapon shot when it happened, I'm going to let the decision stand. You guys are the champions." Ole: "That's all you came out here to tell us?" Watts: "No. I don't believe for a second Lars here is injured." Lars: "Whoa! I've got a bad right ankle, boss! The slightest pressure on the ankle and I almost pass out from the pain!" Watts: "Except when you were able to walk over and bash Jim Brunzell in the head with a crutch to help your team win the belts." Lars: "Exactly. Except when I walked over and smashed Jim Brunzell in the head with my.... HEY! I've got a serious injury, man! I might be on the shelf for a bit!" Ole: "Get...to...the...point, Watts!" Watts: "The point is this. Ole, I know you orchestrated this whole thing. You've said that you want to keep your opponents off-guard by having all three Anderson brothers be able to defend the tag titles. You came up with the plan to have Lars fake an injury so you could take his spot in the match and throw the Bees off their game as they had prepared for Lars and Gene! And, you had Lars sit at ringside and pretend to be injured so he could interfere if you guys got in trouble in the match!" Ole: "You have proof that I 'orchestrated' this plan as you say?" Watts: "One just has to look at the match from 'Thunderstruck' to see that I'm not some tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist on this matter. You and your brothers are all world class wrestlers. But you're clearly the leader, Ole. You are the brains of the Anderson clan." Ole: "Do you have proof that Lars is not really injured?!" Lars: "I'm injured, bro! I am injured!" Watts: "We'll know if it's true next week." Ole: "And how do you intend to do that, Bill? Osmosis?" Gene: "Yeah." Watts: "Lars, you and I are gonna take a little trip...to the doctor's office! And you are gonna have that foot x-rayed!" Lars: "No! Ole..." Ole: "And if he refuses to go to the doctor with you?" Watts: "Oh, he can refuse to go." Lars breathed a sigh of relief. Watts: "And if he refuses to go, he can just stay home because he'll never work for the UWL again!" Lars: "What???!!!" Ole: "He'll go. But what if you don't find whatever it is you're looking for?" Watts: "If Lars gets a clean bill of health, then he returns to action right away. And, in his first match back, he will team with Gene with those titles on the line against the Killer Bees in the match that was supposed to take place at 'Thunderstruck'!" Ole: "Wait a minute! You don't dictate which two Anderson brothers will defend the titles on a given night! You said that all three of us can defend the championships!" Watts: "That's right! But on this one night, these people are getting the tag team title match they were supposed to get at 'Thunderstruck'! And if you don't like it, you Andersons can hand over those titles once you get backstage and just keep on going because you'll all be former UWL employees! Good night, Anderson brothers!" Watts left the ring as a pissed Ole, stone-faced Gene and whining Lars looked on.)


(Announcers discussed Watts confronting the Andersons about the 'injury' to Lars. Hyped still to come: Arn vs. Rip; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine. Said the PC Re-match is next.)


Match 4 (President's Championship)

Harley Race © (w/ JJ and Holly) vs. TGC


(As TGC came to the ring, pics aired of Harley winning the PC at 'TS'. Race came to the ring with JJ and Holly and was wearing the title. They were booed. TGC came out on fire and almost scored the pin early to re-capture the belt but Race escaped. Race tried ripping the mask off of TGC but failed to do so. At the end of the match, TGC was on the offensive and charged Race who was next to the ropes. Race backdropped TGC over the top rope down to the floor. Race wanted to go after TGC but the ref ordered Race back. Race distratced the ref by arguing with him as Tully came down to ringside. As TGC got to his feet, Tully attacked him and tried to rip off the mask. After a brief struggle, Tully ripped the mask off. Tully turned towards the crowd and held the mask high in the air for all to see. Problem was, TGC had another mask on underneath. Tully turned and was suprised to see TGC still standing there with a mask on. Tully resumed his assault on TGC until Crusher came down to the ring and nailed Tully with some punches and Tully headed back up the aisle as Crusher gave chase. Ref came over by the ropes to see what was going on. TGC got on the apron as Race, facing away from the ref, had a foreign object handed to him by JJ Dillon. TGC was on the apron as Race came after him. TGC nailed Race with a shoulder block through the ropes that doubled over Race. TGC then caught Race with a sunset flip attempt. Race fought being flipped over and was able to nail TGC in the head with a foreign object-laden punch. TGC knocked senseless. Race dropped down and covered TGC while concealing the object in his hand next to his leg.. 1...2...3! Ref got up and signaled for the bell to be rung as Race dropped the foreign object in his tights behind the ref's back. Race had his hand raised in victory and was handed the belt. Race kissed the title and held it high in the air as the crowd booed. WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Foreign Object Shot - 5:42)


(Announcers discussed Race retaining the PC over TGC. Hyped still to come: Oliver vs. Arn. Said an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine was next.)


(Video aired of the post-match of Valentine celebrating in the ring after retaining the UWL Title against Luger at 'TS' and Piper's bagpipe music playing and Valentine looking around the arena to see if Pipes was there. Piper never appeared.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL WC Valentine and mgr. Hart. Valentine came to the ring in his robe and had the title slung over his shoulder and Hart was in a suit. They were mainly booed. Hart: "Lex Luger, I heard you out here earlier whining about how you feel you were screwed over in your match with the UWL World Champion at 'Thunderstruck'. Cry me a river, Luger. You had your chances to win and you just couldn't close the deal. Face it. You lost. And wins and losses are the bottom line in wrestling. And on Sunday, your name wound up in the 'L' column. I state it all the time, when the big gold belt is on the line, Greg Valentine is money. Being the World Champion means the biggest payday of all in our sport. It means having a living standard well above the 99%. Yes, being the World Champion has made Greg Valentine, and his manager Gary Hart, one percenters. The best things in life are now at our fingertips. It's a lifestyle we both like. And neither of us intends to give it up." Greg: "Gary, I know I don't want to give up my high standard of living! And being the World Champion keeps me in the tall cotton! I've got a big house on the big side of town! You know why that is?! It's because I'm the best at what I do! I'm in the prime of my career and every time I go out and successfully defend this title it's like coming up all 7's again on the slot machine of life! It's something you in this audience will never achieve in your life! You can't even begin to comprehend the economic bracket that Gary Hart and Greg Valentine are now in! We run with the elite crowd now! The only way you know how to respond to greatness like mine is by envying me! All the men in this audience, they want to be where I am but they know they never will be! And I'm holding onto the UWL World Title for a long time to come! When my reign finally ends, and believe me it's not ending any time soon, I'll be set for five lifetimes! So, tomorrow when all you clock-punching drones get up for work, just know this! I'll still be sleeping or out lounging by my pool that's in the backyard of my big house in a part of town you can only look at and never enter! Lex Luger, you had me up in that rack! You may have forced me to submit! But you didn't force me to submit and that's all there is to it! You took your eye off the ball Sunday and it cost you big-time! When you're the World Champion, you fight however you have to to remain the champion! And here we are on June 12th, 2012, and I'm still the champ! And that's all there is to it! Cry all you want about how you were robbed! I don't care! It's not gonna do you a damn bit of good!" Luger came out on the entrance stage now in street clothes with a mic. He got a decent ovation. Luger: "Valentine! You can talk all you want about how you're still the UWL World Champion! But the reality is that I had you up in that rack and you weren't escaping from it! I was seconds away from becoming the new UWL World Champion and that slimy manager of yours ran over and rang the bell to save your ass! I deserve a re-match and everyone knows it! And the next time we meet, when I get you up in that rack, Valentine, there will be no escape for you! And I'm taking that title!" Greg: "Luger. Who says you're ever getting a re-match? You had your chance and you didn't finish the job. That's why I'm still the UWL World Champion and you're naked around the waist. As for you putting me in the rack, well, you had me in it and didn't make me submit. What makes you think you could get me to scream mercy if you put me in it again, hmmm?" Luger: "I had just put you in the rack when Hart rang the bell! In all the chaos and confusion I thought I'd won so I let you go! That bell isn't rung before the match is actually over then I'm standing here before you with the belt around my waist!" Greg: "Boo hoo hoo. Man...Lex...just move along. Your chance to win the belt has come and gone. Just, just look for other challenges here in the UWL." Luger: "Here's a challenge! How about I come down to that ring right now and put you in the rack!" Crowd cheered. Luger dropped the mic and started power-walking to the ring when security came out and stopped Luger just before he got to ringside. Hart: "Awwww. Look at that would ya?" Luger was yelling at Hart and Greg from ringside with a wall of security around him. Hart: "It's for the best, Lex. Go on your way now. This is a talking segment and not a physical one. Being a bad sport does not look good on you." Luger started fighting with security but they were able to restrain Lex and start leading him back up the aisle as the crowd booed. Greg: "Great job by the security team there! Wonderful job, men! Get Luger out of here before he gets hurt by yours truly!" Luger, still angry, was yelling and pointing at Valtentine as he was led off the entrance stage to the back. Greg: "If Luger would have gotten in this ring then I would have had to bring the pain and maybe ended his career. I don't want to do that to him. I really don't. I beat him Sunday and that's the end of the story between us. The man has a family to feed and needs to think of his future in this business. And it's a future that won't include another Luger-Valentine UWL World Title match! Now, while I didn't want to end the career of Lex Luger, there's one man whose career I wanted to end and I did it! You all remember Roddy Piper don't you? Well, it appears that..." Suddenly, bagpipe music came out over the p.a. system. Crowd popped. Valentine suddenly got a serious look on his face and started looking around the arena and to the entrance stage to see if there was any sign of Piper. Hart was looking around and was concerned as well. Hart and Greg had words with each other in the ring and then the two left and headed back up the aisle as the bagpipe music continued. In the aisle, Valentine looked around. Once on the entrance stage, Valentine turned and looked out towards the crowd again before he and Hart headed towards the back.)


(Announcers discussed the Valentine confrontation with Luger and Piper's bagpipe music playing once again but no sign of Piper anywhere. They then said that next week on 'Slam!': Billy Graham is back and, after being away for several months, it's the return of Bruiser Brody! Said Oliver vs. Arn was coming up next.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Oliver. Rip: "Before I get to what I've got to say about Arn Anderson, I have a message for Hugh Morrus. The Falls Count Anywhere match between you and me at 'Thunderstruck' was not the end of this matter. Not by a longshot. I'll be back, Hugh. And it's not gonna be pretty...for you. Arn Anderson, you're a guy I respected in this business for a long time. But I don't respect you anymore. Your were once an American badass. Now, you're just an American kiss-ass. And tonight, the 'Crippler' is gonna kick your ass. Enough said.")


(Pics aired of the Morrus-Oliver FCA match from 'TS'. Anns. said PPV replays were available.)


Match 5

Rip Oliver vs. Arn Anderson


(Anderson came to the ring first to a strong ovation. Oliver came out to mainly boos but had his fans. Match was a see-saw affair but Rip dished out a beating on Arn. Rip tried to put Arn away during the bout with the Crippler Crucifix Bomb but Arn escaped the hold before it could be applied. At the end of the match, Oliver was on the offensive. Oliver worked over Arn and whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with Arn's own move, the spinebuster. Oliver then backed up and waited for Arn to get to his feet. When Arn got up, Rip went to superkick Arn but Arn moved and Rip missed. Rip turned around and walked right into Arn's left-handed KO punch. Oliver crashed to the mat. Arn pulled Oliver up, whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a spinning spinebuster. Crowd popped. Arn then nailed Rip with the gourdbuster and covered Rip and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd cheered as Arn had his hand raised in victory as the program went off the air. WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Gourdbuster - 7:16)




Dark Match


Ole & Gene Anderson © & Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Lex Luger, Wahoo McDaniel & Hugh Morrus

(WINNER: Luger, Wahoo & Morrus - Pinfall - Hugh pinned Gene after a Moonsault - 12:20)

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The first episode of 'Slam!' minus Hulk Hogan drew a solid 2.1 rating, which means ratings, at least for right now, are remaining at the levels of the five weeks Hogan was on the show.


Since most wrestling fans are casual fans who aren't scouring the Internet and newsletters for insider info, most viewers don't realize that Hogan has a limited appearance deal with the UWL (12 total appearances: 10 on 'Slam!' and 2 PPV's). With that in mind, many fans who tuned in just to see Hogan over the last several weeks will continue to tune in over the next few weeks to see if Hogan comes back soon. If he doesn't, expect viewership to drop, though how far it will drop remains to be seen.


Also, according to our UWL sources, Hogan is rumored to be returning for the 'Heatwave' PPV in August. If that's the case, then Hogan would be back on 'Slam!' within the next 3-4 weeks.

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Fri. - June 15 - Orono, ME - Alfon Arena - ATT: 3,716


Sat. - June 16 - Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless Arena - ATT: 4,003


MATCH RESULTS (Same in both cities)


UWL WORLD TITLE: Greg Valentine © def. Lex Luger via pinfall with the Hammerhead


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Gene & Ole Anderson © def. The Killer Bees via submission when Ole forced Blair to submit to the Cross Armbreaker


Mighty Texans def. Hall & Rude via pinfall when LaRue pinned Hall with the Brain Buster


Arn Anderson def. Ken Patera via pinfall with the Gourdbuster


Great Christopho, Hugh Morrus, Wahoo McDaniel & Crusher def. Tully Blanchard, Harley Race ©, Father Dutch, & Rip Oliver via pinfall when Great Christopho pinned Tully with the Reverse STO


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Luna via submission with the Recliner


DDP def. Scott Casey via pinfall with the Diamond Cutter

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: 'Born In The USA' played over the p.a. system and Bill Watts made his way the ring with mic in hand. He got a fair ovation coming out. Watts slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Watts walked around in the ring. The UWL Pres. Seal appeared on the Jumbo-Tron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "The clock is ticking on your time here, Bill! Ladies and Gentlemen! Introducing your soon-to-be ONLY UWL President...Vince Russo!" The six bodyguards came out on the entrance stage and formed two columns of three. Crowd booed loudly as Russo came out. Russo was wearing a Dodgers home jersey. Russo made his way to the ring. Four bodyguards took their positions on the floor around the ring and two got in the ring and one held the ropes open for Russo. Russo had a mic. Watts: "Nice intro there, Vince. Is that another of your implied threats that you say is not a threat?" Russo: "Bill, face reality. One day I'll be running this whole show on my own again. Those were prophetic words spoken during my ring entrance." Watts: "Do you have you two matches to announce for the show this evening?" Russo: "Maybe? And what if I don't, Bill? What are you gonna do about it? Remember, you're outnumbered here 7-to-1." Watts: "I've just come out here to do my job. However, you feel free to act according to your natural jackass instincts if you wish." Russo: "My natural jackass instincts? Bill, that's another black mark against you in my book. When the day comes and you are removed as Co-President of this company, I will remember that smart-aleck remark. And you will pay just a little bit more for it." Watts: "Here are my two matches for tonight, jackass. Since the Powers of Pain have returned, we're gonna have Powers of Pain battle the Mighty Texans. And, one-on-one, it will be Kevin Nash of The Firm vs. Wahoo McDaniel." Stronger reax for the Wahoo-Nash match. Russo: "You called me jackass again there, Bill. That's another mark against when your day of judgment comes. Well, I've got two matches lined up as well. But I'm gonna make these fans wait a little bit before I announce them. Standing here in your presence, Bill, I feel like I'm standing before an inferior being. Comparing me to you is like comparing a Lamborghini to a Pinto. And I'm the Lambo, of course. I am so superior to you in wrestling intelligence that it's disgusting I have to share anything with you! You make me sick, Watts! And that day draws just a little bit closer when you're forced outta here!" Watts: "Vince, I'm tired of hearing you prattle on about how great you supposedly are! And I know I'm not the only one! So, just get to the matches you've made for tonight!" Russo: "I'll get there! I'll get there! Just hold on to your 10-gallon hat there, Cowboy! You don't want to hear me talk about what a great wrestling mind I am compared to you because you're jealous! There you go! Bill Watts is jealous of Vince Russo! And he hates being reminded of it every week! It's written all over your face, Buckaroo! The eyes are the window to the soul! And your eyes are saying that the truth hurts!" Watts: "Look! You can think whatever you want about yourself! Go on the roof of the arena and shout through a bullhorn about how great you are! Hell, you can jump off the roof of the arena for all I care! Just get to your match-ups for tonight!" Russo: "You've really crossed a line now! You want me to kill myself because you know that's the only way you'll ever be in full control of this company! Bill Watts, you are a dispicable human being! Absolutely dispicable! I'm now officially nauseated being in your presence! I really am!" Watts: "TELL US WHAT YOUR MATCHES ARE, DAMMIT!" Russo: "Easy there, Billy. Man, your blood pressure must be off the charts. Have you thought about getting laid?" Watts (desperately trying to maintain his composure): "I'm trying really hard not to lose it here! Get to your matches!" Russo: "You know what, maybe I don't feel like announcing them right now. How about that?" Watts: "Fine! If you want to be that way...then I'll go ahead and announce two other matches! Also on 'Slam!' tonight, we're gonna have..." Russo: "Hold it right there! I've decided to announce the two matches I've made for tonight." Watts (through gritted teeth): "Then announce them!" Russo: "Bill, you really need to mellow out. Breath deeply. And just start resigning yourself to the fact that you're not gonna be Co-President for much longer." Watts just glaring at Russo. Russo: "The two matches I've made for tonight are...get ready to awed! First, since Arn Anderson was impressive in his win over Rip Oliver last week, this week, the Arnster will be wrestling...are you ready..." Watts: "PLEASE!" Russo: "Now where was I? Oh yeah! Arn Anderson will wrestle Gene Anderson. And Ole Anderson will square off against...The Crusher! How about those two classics, huh?!" Watts: "Thank you for telling us your two matches for tonight, Vince! But I think you're still a jackass!" Russo slapped Watts across the face. Russo was chuckling and daring Watts to respond. And Watts responded. Watts hauled off and slapped the hell out of Russo and Russo crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. The two bodyguards in the ring moved in on Watts and attacked him. Watts fought back and blasted the two bodyguards with a flurry of punches and butted their heads together. One bodyguard went down and the other stumbled back against the ropes, dazed. The other four bodyguards got up on the apron. Watts took off his jacket and was prepared to fight. Crowd buzzing. Russo was now on his feet and had his mic. Russo: "Hold it right there, men! No one else touch this guy! Let it go! Way to prove that you're nothing but the bully I've always said you were, Bill! How dare you strike me! I'm not a wrestler or a former wrestler! Now, you've really done it! The time limit on your Co-Presidency just got a whole lot shorter! You'll be finished sooner than you think, Watts! Let's go!" Russo threw down his mic and stormed out of the ring with his bodyguards in tow. Crowd booed Russo as he and his crew headed back up the aisle as a fired up Watts looked on. Russo turned and yelled something at Watts and Watts dared Russo to come back to the ring. Russo started to walk back to the ring but was grabbed by a couple of his bodyguards who talked to Russo. Russo looked back once more at Watts before heading to the back. Watts stalked angrily around the ring to cheers.)


(Announcers discussed the Watts-Russo confrontation and said things are clearly escalating between the two and they hoped it didn't get too ugly. Hyped on the show: Ole vs. Crusher; Arn vs. Gene; POP vs. MT's; Wahoo vs. Nash; an i'view w/ The Firm; an i'view w/ Billy Graham; Video of Lars Anderson going to the doctor about his 'injury'; an i'view w/ Lex Luger; and more. Said Brody is back and wrestles next!)


Match 1

Bruiser Brody vs. Buddah Khan

(WINNER: Brody - Pinfall - F-5 - 2:38)


(Brody got a strong ovation coming to the ring.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Brody after the match. BB: "It's great to be back here in the UWL. It's been a long time. And I'm back for one reason." Marshall asked what that reason was. BB: "You'll find out in due time." Brody then left the ring.)


(Announcers discussed the return of Brody and wondered what the reason was that he came back. Hyped still to come: Arn vs. Gene; Ole vs. Crusher; MT's vs. POP; Wahoo vs. Nash. Said The Firm is up next!)


(Video aired for the next PPV: 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - Tickets on sale this Saturday, June 23 @ 10am PST!)


(In-ring: The Firm came to the ring to a mixed reaction. All were in street clothes except for Nash. Each had a mic. Hall appeared to be staggering. KP: "This Saturday night on 'IWA Power', it becomes official. I have a contract signing for my re-match with Batista for the IWA World Title. Batista, you're not catching me with that Batista Bomb again. I'm gonna walk out of that ring as the 2-time IWA World Champion. And I'm bringing the belt back into The Firm and the UWL. And if you want the title back, William Hunter, you'll have to come back here to try and get it. But this time, Hunter, I'm gonna make you beg to get even one of your wrestlers a championship match with me. The Director wants the IWA World Title back in the possession of The Firm. And to the Director I'd like to say, consider it done. The IWA Title will be Firm property once again." Nash: "Batista! You just make sure that belt is all nice and shiny the night you face Mr. Patera because we want it to sparkle when Ken walks out here on 'Slam!' after he regains that belt! Wahoo McDaniel! The great Indian wrestler! Chief, tonight it's you and me! It's the big chop vs. the powerbomb! I know you're a tough guy! But you're not Big Sexy and the powerbomb will trump the big chop!" Rude: "The Firm continues it's march to the top of the UWL! I was recently asked why we don't have any championships at the present time if our goal is to own all the gold! Well, after I dropped the guy with a slap upside the head, I peeled him off the ground, held him up against the wall and told him: 'The Firm will begin belt collection in the near future'! And that's all there is to it! The race doesn't go to the swiftest! It goes to the smartest! And you're looking at the four smartest wrestlers around today! The Director is a patient man! He knows his entity know as The Firm is building in a methodical and deliberate manner! So, our day is coming! And we will have all the belts and we will one day shoot for control of this entire company! And then you UWL wrestlers will all work for the Director!" Hall: "Hey yo! I have an announcement to make! I'm back on the sauce! All you ladies out there who wanna hook up with the Bad Guy, just come over to our hotel after the show and get ready to have the time of your life! Hey, Kev! You're facing Wahoo tonight! You know what we talked about, man!" Nash: "What's that, bro?!" Hall: "You know what to do if the Chief whips out the bow and arrow, right?!" Nash: "Of course I know what to do!" Hall: "And what is that, man?!" Nash: "Run! Hahaha! Also, some body backstage needs to make sure Wahoo is kept away from the fire water as well! The last thing I wanna fight is a crazy, drunk Indian with a bow and arrow who gets upset about litter strewn along the highway!" Hall: "For sure, man! For sure! And Ken, you make sure you bring that IWA Title back to The Firm! You gotta do it, man! We're all counting on you! We want that belt back here!" KP: "Don't you guys worry about it. That belt is as good as mine." Nash: "Wait! (Sniffs at the air.) Scott, have you been drinking?" Hall: "Wha... Have I been drinking? Of course I've been drinking, bro! But not much!" Nash: "What have you been drinking?!" Hall: "Just a few shots, man. That's it. I swear." Nash: "How many shots, exactly?" Hall: "Just a few." Nash: "How many is a few?" Hall: "Seven..." Nash: "Seven. Oh, that's OK." Hall: "No, no, no, no. I didn't finish. I had 72 shots." Nash: "72! What the..." Hall: "I called my wife and told her that I only had 72 shots and she's so proud that I've cut back on my drinking." Nash: "Well, it's good to know this story has a happy ending!")


(Announcers discussed the Firm i'view and that it appeared Hall had fallen off the wagon. Pedicino pointed out that Hall should never have gotten back together with Nash because when they're together it spells nothing but trouble. Also discussed the contract signing between Patera and Batista for the IWA WT on 'IWA Power' this Sat. night on TV Land at 10pm E/P. Hyped still to come: Arn vs. Gene; Ole vs. Crusher; Wahoo vs. Nash; an i'view w/ Luger; an i'view w/ Billy Graham; Lars visits the doctor; and more. Said the MT's vs. POP is next.)


(Video aired of a black screen and a silver bar moving into the screen. Bar stopped in the middle of the screen and melted into the name 'Madusa' as a sultry, echoing female voice said her name.)


Match 2

Mighty Texans vs. Powers of Pain


(Short match. POP held serve early but the MT's fought back. At the end of the match, Sam and Bar were the legal men in the ring. Barbarian whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam with a big clothesline that laid Sam out. Bar then attempted to nail Sam with a jumping legdrop but Sam rolled out of the way and Bar crashed to the mat. Both men down. Sam lunged over and tagged Lash as Bar got to his feet facing away from Lash. Lash nailed Bar with a running bulldog. Lash hoisted Bar in the air. Warlord hit the ring and Sam nailed War with a dropkick that drove War back into the corner as Lash blasted Bar with the brain buster. As Lash covered Bar, War came out of the corner to break up the pin but Sam dropped to his hands and knees and War tumbled over him. 1...2...3! Fans cheered as the ref called for the bell. The MT's had a major victory. WINNER: MT's - Pinfall - Lash pinned Bar with a Brain Buster - 3:29)


(Announcers discussed the big win by the MT's over POP. Hyped still to come: Arn vs. Gene; Ole vs. Crusher; Nash vs. Wahoo; an i'view w/ Graham; an i'view w/ Luger; and more. Said video of Lars' trip to the doc to examine his 'injured' ankled was coming up next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - June 29 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ.; Sat. - June 30 - Springfield, MA - MassMutual Center.

TIM HORTON'S PRESENTS: THE UWL 'CANADIAN CRUNCH' TOUR: Mon. - Jul. 16 - Vancouver, BC - Thunderbird Sports Centre; Tue. - Jul. 17 - Calgary, AB - Jack Simpson Gymnasium; Wed. - Jul. 18 - Edmonton, AB - Clare Drake Arena; Thu. - Jul. 19 - Regina, SK - The Brandt Centre; Fri. - Jul. 20 - Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre; Sat. - Jul. 21 - Toronto, ONT - Ricoh Coliseum; Sun. - Montreal, QUE - Concordia Stadium (Outdoor Show). More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers intro'd video that was shot yesterday of Lars Anderson's visit to the doctor.)


(Video: Video opened with a shot of the waiting room of the doctor's office. The entrance door swung open and in walked Lars on crutches, Ole, Gene and Co-President Watts. Bill led Lars over to the receptionist's desk. Recep: "Hello. How can I help you guys?" Watts: "We have an appointment for Lars Anderson here to have his ankle examined." Recep: "OK. Mr. Anderson, I'll need you to fill out this paper work and then give it back to me." Lars was handed the paper work. Lars hobbled over to a chair next to his brothers. Watts sat next to Lars. Lars started filling out the paperwork. Ole: "I can't believe you'd drag us down here for this, Watts. This is completely uncalled for." Watts: "Whatever you say, Ole. If he's really injured then you've got nothing to worry about." Ole: "He is injured. Why can't you just trust us on that one?" Watts: "Because you're the Anderson brothers, that's why." Ole: "Are you saying that we're dishonest?" Watts: "Let me put it this way. I wouldn't by a used car from any of you." Ole: "Unbelievable. We're the best tag team wrestlers around and you think we need to pull some sort of trickery to win." Watts: "It's right there on the tape, Ole. You guys used trickery to beat the Killer Bees and win the tag team titles." Lars: "Hmmm.... This is an interesting question. It says 'sex'. Guess I'll put down 'occasionally' for that question." Watts: "Lars, it's asking if you're male or female." Lars: "Oh! OK." Watts: "Hurry up and finish that paper work. I've got other business to take care of." Ole: "Gee, Bill. You could've gotten that other stuff taken care of already if you weren't determined to prove an injury doesn't exist when it clearly does." Watts: "Lars could have just admitted he was faking the injury and this matter would have been over and done with." Lars: "Are you calling me a liar?" Lars stood up over Bill and showed no signs of an injury. Watts: "Wow, Lars, you sure stood up fast and on both feet there without your crutches." Lars froze for a moment. Lars: "Oh...yeah." Lars sat back down and grabbed at his ankle. Lars: "OWWWWWWW!" Watts just shook his head in disbelief. Ole: "Watts, look at what you just did. He may have injured the ankle even more." Watts: "Ummm-hmmm." Lars: "Right here it asks do I have any allergies. Well, I'm allergic to doctors. So we'd better just call the whole thing off and get out of here." Lars stood up using his crutches this time. Watts stood up next to Lars. Watts: "Sit!" Lars sat back down. Lars finished up the paper work and Watts took it and handed it to the receptionist. Recep: "Thank you. One of the nurses will be out to get you in a minute." Watts went and sat back down. Gene: "Hey, Ole." Ole: "What?" Gene: "There's no nudie magazines to read here." Ole: "Gene, doctor's office waiting rooms don't have nudie mags in them." Gene: "My doctor's does." Recep walked over to Lars. Recep: "Excuse me, Mr. Anderson, I'm going to need your real signature at the bottom here." Watts: "Real signature? Whose name did he sign?" Watts took the paper work from the receptionist and looked at the signature. Watts rolled his eyes. Watts: "Really, Lars. You signed it 'I.P. Nightly'." Lars and Gene started laughing. Ole just looked on. Lars signed his proper name and gave it back to the receptionist. Recep: "Thank you." Gene: "Excuse me, miss. Do you have any 'Playboy's' lying around here somewhere?" Recep: "No, we do not." Gene: "How about 'Swank' or 'Penthouse'?" Recep: "We have no pornography in this office, sir." Gene: "Well, hey, I don't look at the pictures in those magazines. I just like to read the articles. Very thought provoking. Especially what the centerfolds have to say." The recep rolled her eyes and walked off. Watts: "Gene, you've said more sitting in this office in the last few minutes than I've heard you say in the entire time I've been in the UWL." Gene: "Yeah." Nurse came out. Nurse: "Lars Anderson." Lars got up and started moving towards the nurse when Watts got up and followed him. Lars: "You're going with me?" Watts: "Yup. I need to see those results." Lars: "I can just come out and tell you what they are." Watts: "Please! Go on. Get in there." Ole: "If you're going then I'm going. Gene, you coming?" Gene: "No." Ole followed Watts and Lars in. Nurse: "Mr. Anderson, we're going to take you down the hall to x-ray and get some pictures of your ankle and lower leg." Lars: "Why?" Nurse: "So the doctor can see if there's any damage to the area." Lars looked at Ole. Ole: "Go with her, Lars." Lars went with the nurse. Video flashed forward to Lars now sitting on the table in the patient room. Knock on the door and the doctor comes in. Doctor: "Good day, folks. I'm Dr. Van Dyke. Quite a crowd in here." Watts: "I'm the boss that Mr. Anderson answers directly to. I need to know if this man is really injured or not." Doctor: "You and this other gentleman here can wait in the waiting room if you want." Watts: "If you knew the history of the Anderson brothers you'd be begging me to sit in." Lars: "This man is one of the bosses I answer to. The other boss is our real boss as far as we're concerned." Doctor: "Hold it. You have another boss as well?" Lars: "Yeah. His name's Vince Russo." Doctor: "Vince Russo. Thin Italian guy with a beard and slicked back hair. Always wears sports jerseys?" Lars: "You know him?" Doctor: "Unfortunately, I do. He still owes a lot of money on his doctor bills. Biggest deadbeat I ever met in my life." Ole: "We don't like him, either." Doctor: "Oh. Well, let's look at these x-rays, shall we." Doctor typed briefly on a computer and the x-rays came up on a screen in the room. Doctor: "Hmmm..." Ole: "That didn't sound good. So Lars has an injury like we've said all along. Well, that's it. Let's get outta here." Doctor: "No. There's nothing here." Lars: "What do you mean?" Doctor: "There's no damage anywhere. No breaks, nothing. Your foot, ankle and lower leg are all fine." Ole: "Wait a minute. Let me see that." Ole moved in and looked at the x-rays. Doc: "See?" Ole: "What's this right here?" Doc: "I don't see anything." Ole: "Right here. It looks like a hairline fracture in the ankle area." Doctor pulled out a magnifying glass and looked at the ankle x-ray again. Doc: "Oh! I see it now!" Lars: "You do?!" Doc: "Are you talking about right here?" Ole: "Yeah." Doc: "You mean that spot there where you marked on the x-ray with your pen? There's no noticable damage here. None." Mr. Anderson, please lay back on the table." Lars laid back. Doc: "I'm going to need you to close your eyes and turn your head." Lars: "What for?" Doc: "To do a little test." Before the doctor touched Lars' leg, lars screamed. Lars: "OWWWW! OH MY GOD! THE PAIN!" Doc: "I haven't touched you, sir." Lars: "It doesn't matter if you touch it or not. I'm injured." Doc: "Does this hurt?" Doc started spinning Lars' ankle. Lars showed a delayed reaction. Lars: "That hurts! Stop it!" Doctor let out a sigh. Doc: "Does this hurt?" Doc started pushing Lars foot back and forth. Lars showed no reaction. Doc: "Lars, does this hurt?" Lars: "I can't remember where the injury was." Ole: "Lars!" Doctor: "There's nothing wrong with this man's foot, leg or ankle. I'll go ahead and write a clearance for him. What do you do, Lars?" Watts: "Uh, he's a professional wrestler." Doc: "You're all clear to begin wrestling again." Lars: "But I have to wait a while, right? Like a month or something?" Doc: "Nope, you can start back to wrestling immediately." Watts: "Thank you, doc." Doc: "You're welcome. Lars, I'll get that medical clearance for you." Watts had a smirk on his face as he looked down at Lars. Lars (meekly): "I am injured. I swear. I am, I am, I am." Ole: "Let's go, Lars." The three made their way out of the patient room and Lars was still using his crutches. The three made their way into the waiting room where Gene was asleep. Ole: "C'mon, Gene." Gene was still asleep. Ole: "Gene." No response. Ole: "GENE! WE'RE GOING! COME ON!" Gene was stunned awake. Gene: "What happened? Do they know Lars is injured now?" Watts: "No, Gene. Your brother was lying. And let me just tell you right now. Next week on 'Slam!', Lars and Gene Anderson will defend those World Tag Team Titles against the Killer Bees. Which is what the match should have been at 'Thunderstruck'! And give me those crutches!" Watts yanked the crutches away from Lars. Lars stood there on both feet for a minute appearing not to know how to react. Lars suddenly fell to the ground and started screaming. Lars: "My ankle! My precious ankle! OUCH!" Ole: "Give it up, Lars." Ole walked off and left Lars laying there. Lars got up and walked out of the picture as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Lars' injury being exposed as false and Watts making a WTT Title match between Gene & Lars © vs. Bees next week. Hyped still to come: Gene vs. Arn; Ole vs. Crusher; an i'view w/ Luger; and an i'view w/ Graham. Said Nash vs. Wahoo was coming up next.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Wahoo. Asked Wahoo about what FD said last week about their feud continuing. Wahoo: "Father Dutch intends to push this thing past the breaking point! Our Confessional match at 'Thunderstruck' was one of the most brutal matches of my career! It was bloody, violent and took its toll on me mentally and physically! But if Father Dutch is determined to drag this matter between us into the abyss then I am more than willing to follow him there and put an end to this matter once and for all! Tonight, I've got Kevin Nash! He's a giant! 7-feet tall! But I've fought men as big as Kevin Nash before and have held my own against them! Nash and his buddies in The Firm can make all the smarmy comments about me that they want! But know this! Kevin Nash! The bigger they come, the harder they fall! And you might just be felled by the big chop tonight!")


Match 3

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Kevin Nash


(Wahoo came out to a nice ovation. Nash came out alone and to a mixed reaction. Wahoo gave Nash a battle and took the fight to Nash early. Nash then fought back and took control. At the end of the match, it was an even battle. Nash whipped Wahoo into the ropes and charged in but Wahoo moved and Nash slammed front-first into the buckles. Wahoo moved around and rolled Nash up from behind for the pin try. 1...2... Nash kicked out. Wahoo got up and Nash was getting up when Wahoo grabbed Nash by the hair, stood Nash straight up and started blasting Nash with more chest chops. Wahoo whipped Nash into the corner and followed Nash in with a running big splash. Nash staggered out of the corner and was holding the top rope and dropped to a knee. Wahoo yanked Nash up to his feet and peppered Nash with more chest chops and then nailed Nash with a suplex. Nash down. Wahoo went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Nash got to his feet. Nash got up and Wahoo came off the top buckle in an attempt to nail Nash with a chop to the top of the head. WHAM! Nash caught Wahoo coming off the top rope with a kick to the face. Wahoo crumpled to the mat. Nash grabbed Wahoo and nailed the Chief with the jack-knife powerbomb. Nash covered Wahoo and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! WINNER: Nash - Pinfall - 5:19)


(Announcer discussed Nash beating Wahoo. Hyped still to come: Arn vs. Gene; Ole vs. Crusher; and an i'view w/ Billy Graham. Said an i'view w/ Lex Luger was coming up.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Ole Anderson. Gene was there but not Lars. Each man was wearing a tag title. Nelson asked where Lars was. Ole: "The reason that Lars is not here is because of the humiliating trauma he suffered thanks to UWL Co-President Bill Watts forcing him, against his will I might add, to get his ankle examined. But, he will be here next week! And he and Gene are gonna successfully defend these tag team titles in their match with the Killer Bees!" Gene: "Yeah." Ole: "Now, I'm facing the Crusher this evening! Crusher! I think you're a bum! A stinkin', stupid bum! I went to the University of Minnesota and got an education! The Crusher went to the University of Hops and Barley! I'm not gonna question my chances tonight! I'm gonna fight the Crusher and I'm gonna beat him! He's got that big bolo punch that he uses to knock people out! I've got to watch out for it! Me! I've got an arsenal of moves! And I intend to use many of them tonight on the King of the Beer Swillers! Crusher, one thing you can bank on in this match! I'm gonna grab a hold of an arm or a leg! And I'm gonna work it until you beg me for mercy in that alcohol-damaged, gravel voice of yours! And Arn, I haven't said much about you lately! You know the door's still open to come home to your family and re-embrace Anderson Family Values! But since we know that's not gonna change tonight, you can expect a lot of punishment at the hands of Gene here! Gene, you gonna hurt our traitor cousin Arn tonight?!" Gene: "Yeah." Ole: "He just said a mouthful!")


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Luger. As Luger came to the ring, video aired of his confrontation with Valentine last week. Luger came out to a strong ovation and slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. he was in street clothes. Marshall asked about the situation with Valentine. Lex: "Greg Valentine. You know I deserve a re-match against you after what went down at 'Thunderstruck'. You were a beaten man. Everyone knows this. And I am more than determined to get you in the ring with that title on the line again. And next time, if I get you up in that rack, I promise you there will be no escape until I hear you say that you give up!" Valentine and Hart came out on the entrance stage. Both were in suits and Greg had the title slung over his shoulder. Each man had a mic. They were booed as they came to the ring. Hart: "Lex Luger. Let's get one thing straight. You had your chance at 'Thunderstruck'. You blew it. And that's the end of it as far as we're concerned. You just go on now and fight other battles here in the UWL. Your window of opportunity for the World Title has now closed." Greg: "Luger! Be proud of the fight that you put up against me. There's no shame in losing to the best. Now, you're out of the title picture." Lex: "Says who?!" Hart: "The reigning UWL World Champion, that's who." Lex: "I had that title as good as won at 'Thunderstruck' and you, Gary Hart, rang the bell before Greg submitted when I had him in the rack. I can see no greater argument for a re-match than that!" Greg: "Well, Luger, it's like this. You aren't getting a re-match so just suck it up and deal with it!" 'Born In The USA' played over the p.a. system and Bill Watts came to the ring with mic in hand. He got a modest crowd response. Watts: "Gary Hart. Greg Valentine. Who gave you the right to determine who the opponents for the UWL World Champion would be?" Greg: "No one." Watts: "That's right. No one. So, why are out here telling Luger that he's done as a contender?" Hart: "He had his chance. He failed. It's time for him to move on. We're looking at other challengers right now." Watts: "Is Mr. Valentine just gonna cherry-pick his opponents? Hmmm... Gary, I agree with you that Greg needs to look forward to other challengers for his title. I can think of four guys right now who are deserving of a shot at the UWL World Title. And next week, those four wrestlers will face off here on 'Slam!' in a Fatal Four-Way match. And the winner of that match will face Greg Valentine for the UWL World Title next week as well. The four wrestlers who will be in the Fatal Four-Way are: Arn Anderson. President's Champion Harley Race. Kevin Nash. And the fourth wrestler in the match will be...LEX LUGER!" Crowd cheered. Greg: "You think if Luger wins the Four-Way match that I'm afraid he's gonna beat me?! Good luck just getting past the first match, pal!" Lex: "We'll see, Greg! Just get me to the re-match and I'll take care of the rest and become the new UWL World Champion!" Greg: "Keep dreamin', Lex. Because the only way you're ever gonna win this title is in your dreams." Greg and Lex looked at each other briefly before Greg and Gary left the ring to boos and made their way to the back. As Luger looked on from the ring. Greg turned on the entrance stage, smirked and patted the belt on his shoulder before walking off.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making the two matches for next week. Hyped still to come: Ole vs. Crusher; and an i'view w/ Billy Graham. Said Gene vs. Arn was next.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Arn. Asked about tonight's match with cousin Gene. Arn: "I know Gene and how he operates in that ring. He's a solid technical wrestler. But I also know know if there's an opening, he'll look to get in some cheap shots on me. The Andersons live by their code of Anderson Family Values. Since they consider me a black sheep of the family, Gene will look to get his licks in to try and teach me a lesson about their version of family loyalty. But no matter what Gene does or tries to do to me in this match, the bottom line is that I'm going to continue moving along in my own direction here in the UWL. I'm not joining up with my cousins because of some misplaced family loyalty. I can stand on my own. And that's what I'm gonna continue to do.")


Match 4

Arn Anderson vs. Gene Anderson


(Gene came to the ring alone and to loud boos. Arn got a strong ovation coming to the ring. Short match and the two battled each other evenly throughout. At the end of the match, Arn nailed Gene with some punches that sent Gene staggering backwards. Arn then charged at Gene and Gene caught Arn, stepped back and hot shotted Arn across the top rope. Arn snapped back and crashed to the mat. Gen moved in and placed Arn in the sharpshooter. Arn struggled but was able to make it close enough to get his hand on the bottom rope and force a break in the hold. Ref ordered Gene back and Arn got to his feet. Gene kicked Arn in the left leg a couple of times and then went to nail Arn with a punch to the head but Arn blocked the punch and struck back with a couple of punches of his own and then nailed Gene with the gourdbuster. Arn covered Gene and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell. Arn had his hand raised in victory and left the ring. WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Gourdbuster - 6:08)


(Announcers discussed Arn beating cousin Gene. Hyped still to come: Ole vs. Crusher. Said an i'view w/ Graham was next.)


(Pics aired from the Hogan-Graham match at 'Thunderstruck'. Anns. said 'TS' was still available on PPV replay.)




(In-ring: Graham came to the ring in street clothes and was wearing sunglasses. There was no Grand Wizard with him. Graham was loudly booed. He had a mic. Once in the ring, a somber looking Graham soaked in the boos. BG (subdued): "I was wrong. I didn't get the job done. I failed to kill 'Hulkamania' and replace it with 'Superstarmania'. There's really not much else to say on the matter. Hulk Hogan was the better man at 'Thunderstruck'. I have to give the man credit where credit is due. He took everything I threw at him, fought through it and won the match. There's also someone else I need to speak to. Lex Luger, could you please come to the ring." Luger came out to a good crowd response. He had a mic. Lex got in the ring and looked at Graham. BG: "Lex, I'm sure you're wondering why I called you out here." Lex: "You've got that right." BG: "For weeks, you confronted me about why I attacked Hogan and I just blew you off without explaining myself." Lex: "I'd certainly like to know why. We had a strong friendship developing and you just took it and threw it to the wind." BG: "I was blinded with rage towards Hulk Hogan. And I threw everything else aside because I became obsessed with destroying Hogan and everything he stood for. We were becoming great friends, Lex. It used to be I didn't trust you. Now, you have every reason not to trust me after the way I've acted recently. But I want us to be friends again, Lex. I asked you out here to apologize to you for my actions towards you and I hope you can accept my apology. I'm sorry, Lex. I really am." Lex walked around for a moment. Crowd buzzing. Lex: "'Superstar'..." BG: "Please. Call me Billy." Lex: "Billy, we've both had colorful pasts. And it's obvious to me that you, like me, aren't proud of some of the things you've done in this business. At one time, you didn't trust me and we wound up becoming good friends because you saw I had changed. I can certainly accept your apology, brother." Lex entended his hand. BG looked at it briefly and then shook Lex's hand and the two embraced. Fans cheered politely. Graham was getting choked up. BG: "You don't know how much that means to me, man." Lex: "It's great to have you back as a friend, Billy." Lex patted Billy on the back and then turned to walk out of the ring when Graham attacked Lex from behind with a clubbing forearm to the back. Graham nailed Lex with a couple of more forearms and some punches to the head. Graham whipped the stunned Luger into the ropes and caught Lex coming off in a bearhug. Lex trying to escape the hold. Graham, with the bearhug still locked in, rammed Lex back-first into the turnbuckles three times. Graham let go of Lex and Lex fell to the mat grabbing at his back. Out on the entrance stage walked the Grand Wizard in his tie-dyed tux, turban, sunglasses, white shoes and gold-tipped cane. Grand Wizard was applauding Graham's actions. Crowd booed as Graham picked up his mic and stood over the downed Luger. BG: "Luger! You need to choose your friends better, jack!" Graham tossed the mic down and left the ring and headed back up the aisle to more boos as a happy Wizard looked on. The two left and headed to the back. In the ring, Luger had made it to his knees and was feeling at his lower back. Ref said something to Luger and Luger waved the ref off and slowly made it to his feet on his own.)


(Announcers discussed Graham fooling Luger and attacking his old friend. Said Ole vs. Crusher was coming up.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Crusher. Asked Crusher about tonight's match with Ole. Crusher: "Dat Ole Anderson's got a big mouth! Someone needs to shut it and it might as well be da Crusher! I'll do my talkin' in dat ring! And let me tell ya sometin', Ole! You say yer gonna grab one of my body parts and work it over! Well, you'd better be careful what body part you grab if you get my drift, pal! Grab da wrong ting...POW!...right in da kisser!" Nelson asked about Crusher coming to the aid of The Great Christopho at 'Thunderstruck' and last week's 'Slam!' when Tully tried to rip TGC's mask off. Crusher: "Look, when some sack of guts like dat Tully Blanchard tries to rip his mask off and expose his identity, den I'm gonna be der to help him keep his identity congealed!" Nelson: "I think you mean 'concealed'." Crusher: "Yeah! Dat too! You know what dey say! After you congeal, you conceal!" Nelson rolled his eyes. Nelson: "Do you know Great Christopho's real identity?" Crusher: "Yes, I do." Nelson: "Can you tell me who it is?" Crusher leaned in and whispered in Nelson's ear. Nelson got a look on his face like he'd just been had. Nelson: "It's King Kong Bundy, huh?" Crusher: "Dat's my story and I'm stickin' to it!")


Match 5

Crusher vs. Ole Anderson


(Crusher came out to a nice ovation. Ole was mainly booed but had his supporters. Crusher and Ole battled back and forth. Ole got some work in on Crusher's left arm during the bout. At the end of the match, Ole was working over Crusher's left arm some more. Ole turned an arm bar into a wrist lock. Crusher was on one knee. Ole twisted the arm around. Crusher slowly made it to his feet. Ole then drove his shoulder into Crusher's shoulder three times and maintained the wrist lock. Crusher struck back with a series of head shots on Ole and Ole lost his grip on the hold. Crusher pummeled Ole with more punches, whipped Ole into the ropes and caught Ole coming off with a side slam. Ole laid out on the mat. Crowd cheering. Tully, in his ring gear, came down to the ring and hopped up on the apron. Crusher turned and saw Tully. Tully leaned over the top rope and dared Crusher to hit him in the chin. Crusher obliged and went over and blasted Tully with a punch to the chin that sent Tully crashing down to the floor. Crowd popping. Ole made it to his feet behind Crusher. Crusher turned around and walked right into the Divorce Court. Ole then locked Crusher in the cross armbreaker. Crusher struggled briefly in the hold before tapping out. WINNER: Ole - Submission - Cross Armbreaker - 4:34)


(Announcers wrapped up the program. Hyped for next week: Fatal Four-Way with the winner getting a UWL WT shot later in the show; and a UWL WTT Title Match: Gene & Lars Anderson © vs. Killer Bees.)




Dark Match

Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ) vs. TGC & Hugh Morrus

(WINNER: TGC & Morrus - Pinfall - TGC pinned Race with the Reverse STO - 17:48)

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<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><strong>WRESTLINGNARC NEWSLETTER</strong></em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

'SLAM!' RATINGS REMAIN ABOVE NORMAL!!!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

The 6-19 edition of 'Slam!', the second straight episode without Hulk Hogan, did a 2.0 rating. The program has done a 2+ rating for seven straight weeks which is a record for the company. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

Hogan drove the ratings upsurge for the first five weeks of the ratings run. The 2.0 is the lowest rating the company has done since the 5-1 edition of 'Slam!' which was the episode before Hogan debuted.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

It does appear as though a few more casual fans checked out after not seeing Hogan on last week's program. Now, we'll see if the ratings remain above 2 when next week's 'Slam!' rolls around. How many of the newer fans can the UWL retain in the long run? That's the big question. The ratings average for 'Slam!' before Hogan came in was 1.6-1.8. </span></p>

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'Thunderstruck', the UWL PPV held on June 10 which was built around the Hulk Hogan vs. Billy Graham match, shattered the PPV buy record for the company.


The show drew an estimated 139,000 buys. This marks the first time that a UWL PPV has broken the 100,000 buys mark.The previous record number of buys for a UWL PPV was for last year's 'Heatwave' PPV which had an estimated 94,000 buys.


Said one industry insider: "Make no mistake, Hogan drove the buys on 'Thunderstruck'. If he's not there then you can bet they wouldn't have broken the 100,000 buy mark and probably wouldn't have even matched last year's 88,000 buys for the show. Love him or hate him, Hogan means money in this business. And it will be interesting to see the number of buys if Hogan headlines 'Heatwave' in August."


A UWL insider told the WN that some in the company have recommended trying to sign Hogan to a long-term deal but that UWL owner KD Smith has balked at the idea because he doesn't want Hogan overshadowing everything and everyone else and most major plans are already set for the rest of 2012

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and ran down the program: Fatal Four-Way (Winner gets a UWL WT shot later in the show.); UWL WTT Title Match: Gene & Lars Anderson © vs. Killer Bees; Bruiser Brody sees action; Vince Russo will announce his two matches for the program; news about Hulk Hogan; an i'view w/ Women's WC Ferrari; a look at the IWA WT contract signing between Batista © and Patera for the re-match from Saturday's 'IWA Power'; and more. Then sent it to the ring.)


Match 1 (Fatal Four-Way - Winner gets a UWL World Title shot later tonight)

Kevin Nash vs. Lex Luger vs. Harley Race © (w/ JJ) vs. Arn Anderson


(Announcers pointed out all four men were allowed in the ring at one time. No tag outs. Early in the match, Arn ran and hit the ropes and JJ reached in the ring and tripped Arn up and Arn went down and the ref saw it. Ref stopped the match and ordered JJ to leave ringside. JJ was standing on the floor and arguing with the ref. Crusher came down to the ring. Crusher walked towards JJ and JJ saw Crusher and started to back off. Crusher kept coming. JJ took off around the ring and Crusher gave chase. JJ took off back up the aisle and Crusher followed him to the back. Ref ordered the match re-started. Each man had pin tries but none could pull out the victory and some pin attmepts were broken up by third parties in the match. All four men fought hard as they wanted that title shot. At the end of the match, Arn was fighting with Nash on the floor. Luger was battling Harley in the ring. Race whipped Luger into the ropes and looked to catch Luger coming off with a clothesline but Luger ducked the move and came back and blasted Race with a forearm shot to the head. Race crashed to the mat near the ropes. Luger went for the cover. Graham charged down to ringside. Ref counted. 1...2... Graham placed Race's foot on the bottom rope. Lex looked over and saw Graham and scampered out of the ring and went right at Graham. Lex and Billy brawled at ringside. Nash had gotten the advantage on Arn and threw Arn back in the ring. Race made it to his feet. Arn was now outnumbered and backed into the corner as Race and Nash cornered him. Billy and Lex brawled into the aisle. Arn went at Race but Nash hammered Arn with a solid right and Nash and Race started beating on Arn. The pair then whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with a decapitating double clothesline. Nash signaled for Race to hold Arn up. Billy and Lex brawled to the back. Nash charged at Arn and went to kick Arn in the face but Arn moved and Nash blasted Race with the big kick. Race crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Arn low-blowed Nash but Nash didn't go down. Arn whipped Nash into the ropes and caught Nash coming off with a spinebuster. Crowd roaring. Nash rolled out on the apron. Race was getting to his feet. Arn grabbed Race, whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with a lefthanded KO punch. Race spun around on one leg and crashed to the mat. Arn grabbed Race, hoisted Race up, and blasted Race with the gourdbuster. Arn covered Race. 1...2... Nash tried to get back in the ring to break up the pin try and tripped over the middle rope and went down in the ring. ...3! Crowd exploded. Ref called for the bell. Arn got to his feet and had his hand raised in victory by the ref. Arn left the ring to a strong ovation. WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Pinned Race with a Gourdbuster - 12:11)


(Announcers discussed Arn winning the four-way and getting a UWL WT shot later on tonight. They then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Security was keeping Graham and Luger separated from each other. The two were yelling at each other and Luger was trying to break

through security to get to Graham. Security was battling to retain order as the show was returned back to ringside.)


(Announcers talked about the situation with Graham and Luger. Hyped still to come: UWL WT: Valentine © vs. Arn; UWL WTT Title: Gene & Lars Anderson © vs. Killer Bees; Vince Russo will be here to announce his matches for the evening; an i'view w/ Women's WC Ferrari; a look at the IWA WT Re-Match contract signing from 'IWA Power'; and more. Said Bruiser Brody sees action in just minutes.)


(Video aired for the next UWL PPV: 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


Match 2

Bruiser Brody vs. Frank Williams

(WINNER: Brody - Pinfall - F-5 - 2:26)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Brody. Asked Brody if he was ready to tell the fans why he was back. BB: "Like I said last week, I've got my reason for coming back. I'm not going to announce that reason just yet. But you're much closer to finding out why I'm here." Brody then left the ring.)


(Announcers wondered what Brody's reason was for coming back to the UWL. Pedicino said he hopes we'll find out soon because the suspense is killing him. Hyped still to come: UWL WT match; UWL WTT Title match; and news regarding Hullk Hogan. Said Vince Russo is here next!)


(Video aired form the tense confroontation between Russo and Watts last week where Russo slapped Watts and Watts then slapped the crap out of Russo and then beat up two of Russo's bodyguards who had tried to attack him.)


(In-ring: UWL Pres. Seal flashed on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Ladies and Gentlemen! You're not like him because you're not special...UWL President Vince Russo!" Crowd booed as the six bodyguards came out on the entrance stage. Russo then came out in a red Oklahoma football jersey. Fan boos grew. Russo had a mic. Usual drill for the bodyguards. Russo walked around in the ring for a minute and soaked in the boos. Russo: "Thank you! All you Texas turds! For that wonderful and heartwarming respoonse to my being here! Well, my Co-President Bill Watts was supposed to be out here! But as you can see, he can't be bothered to show up! So it looks like this is my time! And in the not too distant future, it will always be only my time when the President of the UWL comes out here to speak to you morons! I think Bill Watts is not out here because he's beginning to face the reality that he is my inferior when it comes to promoting wrestling! And I want to say another thing! Bill Watts, I know you're watching this right now! Listen carefully to my words! If you lay a hand on me again! Or, if you attack any of my bodyguards again, then my security team has been given the green light by me to tear into your ass with a relentless fury that will alter your life...permanently! Do you understand, Billy Boy?! I hope so! You could make things so much easier on yourself, Bill, by just resigning as Co-President of this company! Go ahead and do it before you get seriously maimed! Well, I see that last week Bill decided to overstep his boundaries and make not one, not two, but three matches for tonight's 'Slam!' That's abuse of power! And because of the limited amount of time we have on the air each week it makes it next to impossible for me to be able to make two matches for tonight! So I've decided to make one big match for the program! We're gonna have a Battle Royal and the winner gets $100,000 dollars! The participants will be: The Powers of Pain; the Mighty Texans; Wahoo McDaniel; Father Dutch; Scott Hall; Rick Rude; The Great Christopho; the Mulkeys; and Diamond Dallas Page! Now that's a hell of a match! And it could only come from the brilliant mind of Vincent Russo! Your REAL President! And one day..." 'Born In The USA' played over the p.a. system. Many cheered as a pissed Watts came to the ring with mic in hand. Russo signaled for his four bodyguards on the floor to get in the ring. Russo: "Keep him away from me! Watts! If you come near me..." Watts: "Shut the hell up, Russo! I just arrived here at the building a few minutes ago! You know why I haven't been here up until now?!" Russo: "I couldn't begin to guess." Russo's security team surrounded him. Watts: "I got off my plane at the airport and was stopped by police and airport security! They said they had some questions they needed to ask me?! I asked what this was all about and they said just to come with them! I told them I wouldn't go anywhere with them because I wanted to know what this was about! They called in more cops and hauled me off, against my will, to a private room at the airport! Guess what, Vince! It turns out as I was in the air on my way here, someone called the airline and said that a man was on a plane headed for Corpus Christi and was suspected of being an illegal gun runner! And that illegal gun runner's name was...Bill Watts!" Russo (laughing): "What's your point about all this, Bill?! Better yet, you should be fired from the Co-Presidency of this company if you're knowingly engaging in an illegal activity like gun running! Shame on you, Bill! Shame! Shame! Shame!" Watts: "Russo! I'll tell you what the real shame is! Shame belongs on the person who would call an airline and lie and tell them an illegal weapons runner was on one of their flights named Bill Watts! I spent four hours talking to law enforcement and pleading my case! They finally realized, after tedious questioning and combing through my background, that I was telling the truth and set me free!" Russo: Well ,you're here! Congratulations! Would you like a prize for showing up to do you know...your job!" Watts: "I can't prove it! But I know deep down that you we're behind this, Russo! And I believe your goal was to try and frame me as some sort of criminal to get me fired from my job here in the UWL! You no good bastard..." Russo: "You call me a no good bastard! Man, you're piling up the punishment points, Bill! When the day does come for you to be removed from the Co-Presidency you'll pay back every single one of those points in pain and humiliation! And how dare you accuse me of trying to frame you for gun running without proof! I am a deeply moral man and you should only accuse me if you have solid evidence against me!" Watts: "I know it! As surely as the sun rises in the east, you were the instigator of what happened to me today! Either you made that call to the airline or someone else made that call for you! And I do indeed now think that you and me are real close to reaching a breaking point! Somehing will have to give and one of us may have to go! I don't know if I can suffer a fool like you much longer!" Russo: "You called me a fool! Buddy, you've just accrued more punishment points! And you're right that one of us is gonna have to go soon! This promotion isn't big enough for the both of us! And you're gonna be the one who is g-o-n-e...GONE!" Watts: "Congratulations, Vince! You can spell! Now, see if you can figure out the word I'm spelling for you! Vince Russo, you are a major league a-s-s-h-o-l-e!" Russo thought about it for a minute and then his eyes lit up. Russo: "How dare you call me that! That's more points on the punishment board for you!" Watts turned and left the ring. Russo: "Bill Watts! You listen to me when I'm talking to you!" Watts kept on walking and not looking back. Russo: "You come back here! I am not done talking to you! You're digging your own professional grave, Watts!" Bill disappeared to the back as a furious Russo stalked around the ring.)


(Announcers discussed the heat rising in the Watts-Russo situation. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match; UWL WTT Title Match; $100,000 Battle Royal; and i'view w/ Women's WC Ferrari; news regarding Hulk Hogan. Said a look back at the IWA WT Re-match contract signing from 'IWA Power' was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - June 29 - Orono, ME - Alfon Arena; Sat. - June 30 - Springfield, MA - MassMutual Center.

TIM HORTON'S PRESENTS: THE UWL 'CANADIAN CRUNCH' TOUR: Mon. - July 16 - Vancouver, BC - Thnderbird Sports Centre; Tue. - July 17 - Calgary, AB - Jack Simpson Gymnasium; Wed. - July 18 - Edmonton, AB - Clare Drake Arena; Thu. - July 19 - Regina, SSK - Brandt Centre; Fri. - July 20 - Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre; Sat. - July 21 - Toronto, ONT - Ricoh Coliseum; Sun. - July 22 - Montreal, QUE - Concordia Stadium (Outdoor Show). More info, visit: uwlslam.com!


(Announcers intro'd video highlights of the IWA WT re-match signing that took place between Batista © and Ken Patera on last Saturday's 'IWA Power'.)


(HIGHLIGHTS: A table was set up in the ring at the Center Stage in Atlanta. Patera came to the ring first and was seconded by Hall, Nash and Rude. All were in street clothes. The four were booed as they entered and stood in the ring. Batista © came out to a loud ovation from the crowd. Batista was seconded by Sid Vicious, Butch Reed and Savannah Jack. The two sides stared each other down from across the table. IWA announcer Scott Hudson, IWA owner William Hunter and UWL official Wally Karbo were also standing in the ring. Patera and Batista stood at the table and stared each other down for a moment. Patera took his seat and Batista then followed suit. The two men were staring each other down across the table. Batista sat the title on the table. Hudson sat at the head of the table and briefly talked about the re-match and that it would take place at the Gwinnett Arena in Duluth, GA. Hudson had the contract and slid it over to Patera. Patera looked at the contract and then at Batista and then signed the deal and passed it back to Hudson. Patera glared at Batista. Hudson then slid the contract over to Batista to sign. Batista briefly looked over the contract and signed it and slid it back to Hudson. Both men staring at each other as their seconds looked on. Hudson handed the contract to IWA owner Hunter and he looked at it and nodded in the affiramtive and then handed it to Karbo. Karbo looked at the signatures, nodded in approval and handed the contract back to Hudson. Hudson announced that the IWA WT re-match was now official. Patera and Batista continued to stare down each other. Patera then suddenly reached across the table and tried to grab the title. Batista yanked the title off the table and stood up. Patera then stood up, the two looked at each other briefly and then Patera turned over the table. Batista handed the title off to Hudson. Patera then lunged at Batista and the two started fighting in the middle of the ring. Hunter, Karbo and Hudson bailed. Hall, Nash and Rude and Sid, Jack and Reed moved in and separated the warring parties. Each man was pushed into an opposite corner. They were eyeing each other across the ring when Patera broke away from Hall, Nash and Rude and jumped on Batista and the two fought some more. Again, Patera and Batista were separated by the other six wrestlers in the ring. Patera started yelling at Batista when Batista broke free this time and jumped on Patera. The two fought some more and again were pulled apart by the usual suspects. Both wrestlers were moving around like caged animals as their respective parties tried to cool them down. Nash, Hall and Rude succeeded in getting Patera out of the ring. Batista wanted to go after him but Reed, Jack and Sid held him at bay in the ring. Patera, on the floor was stalking around and managed to get up on the apron. Batista broke free again and started hitting Patera some more before Hall, Nash and Rude pulled Ken down off the apron. Batista and crew looked on from the ring as Patera was being led back up the aisle by his Firm mates. Patera had a few more words for Batista before heading to he back with his partners. Segement ended with an angry Batista looking on.)


(Announcers discussed the contract signing and the fight. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match; $100K Battle Royal; an i'view w/ UWL Women's WC Ferrari; and big news about Hogan. Said the WTT Title match was coming up!)


(Video highlights aired of Lars' visit to the doctor last week that proved Lars had no foot or ankle injury of any kind.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed the Anderson Bros. Ole was in street clothes. Lars and Gene were in their gear and wearing the tag titles. Nelson asked about Lars' injury proven to be false. Lars: "Larry Nelson! Let me tell you something! That trip to the doctor last week proved nothing! Just because the x-ray showed no damage to my ankle and the doctor said in his opinion I was OK to wrestle again, it doesn't mean I wasn't injured! You see, an injury...it's all in the mind of the beholder! I felt I was injured in my mind so I was injured! And that's all that really counts here!" Ole: "Well, Co-President Bill Watts got his wish! Gene and Lars will be defending the UWL World Tag Team Titles tonight against the Killer Bees! Lars said he felt he had an injury and that's good enough for me! The Anderson brothers never lie! Jim Brunzell! B. Brian Blair! Let's just make one thing clear! Despite all that went down last week concerning Lars, the fact is you're still coming into this match as the challengers! You've got to beat Gene or Lars by pinfall or submission to regain the titles! That's a tall order! They don't have to beat you! You've got to beat them! Almost everything favors a champion in a championship match! Me and Gene beat you guys and won the straps at 'Thunderstruck'! And now Gene and Lars are defending them! I don't know what difference Watts thinks that makes! Because you're looking at the three best tag team wrestlers in the game today! The Anderson brothers are interchangable! No matter which pair of us gets thrown into a tag team match, our opposition is always facing the best! And that means the only way the Bees can win this match is to be at their very best! And even if they're at their best, the reality is that still only gives them a slim chance of taking the titles from us tonight! And Greg Valentine! We are behind you all the way in your World Title match against Benedict Arn! Don't just beat Arn to retain the title! No! Beat the living hell out of Arn BEFORE you beat him to retain the title!")


Match 3 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Gene & Lars Anderson © (w/ Ole) vs. Killer Bees


(Bees came out to a strong ovation. Anderson bros. came out to mainly boos. Bees took the fight to the Gene and Lars and took much of the match. During the match, Blair was out on the floor and Ole repeatedly slammed Blair's shoulder into the ring post. At the end of the match, Lars and Blair were the legal men in the ring. Lars was on the offensive and had Blair in the corner. Lars peppered Blair with punches and whipped Blair into the opposite buckles. Lars charged at Blair but Blair came out of the corner, grabbed Lars around the waist, dropped down and sent Lars smashing head first into the top buckle. Lars staggered backwards out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Blair for the cover. 1...2... Lars kicked out. Blair snapped Lars up, whipped Lars into the ropes and caught Lars coming off with a flying dropkick. Lars down again. Blair circled around Lars as Lars got up. Blair moved in and nailed Lars with the codebreaker. Blair for the cover. 1...2... Gene came in and stomped on Blair's head to break up the pin. Jim came in the ring. Ref got Gene to his corner and sent Jim back to his corner. Ref had words with Jim. As Lars got to his feet, Blair ran to hit the ropes but Gene came over and drove a knee into Blair's back behind the ref. Blair went down. Lars put the boots to Blair and dropped an elbow across Blair's back. Lars then started picking Blair up and Ole ran over and grabbed Jim by the leg. Jim kicked Ole off and Ole smashed into the ringside barricade. Lars got Blair up across his shoulders. Lars nailed Blair with the Minnesota Wrecker. Lars covered Blair. Jim started to get into the ring to break up the pin but Ole recovered and grabbed Jim by the leg once more as the ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref handed the belts to Lars and Gene as Jim came in and checked on Blair. Ole waited for his brothers at ringside and the three engaged in a group hug as the crowd booed before heading back up the aisle. WINNER: Gene & Lars - Pinfall - Lars pinned Blair with the Minnesota Wrecker - 7:21)


(Announcers discussed the Anderson bros. retaining the tag titles. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match; $100K Battle Royal; and news about Hulk Hogan. Said an i'view w/ Women's WC Ferrari is next.)


(Video aired of a black screen. A silver bar came into the picture and melted into the word 'Madusa' as a sultry, echoing voice said her name.)




(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Women's WC Ferrari. Ferrari came out to strong boos but also some cheers. Marshall asked Tina what she thought of Madusa coming to the UWL. Tina: "Madusa! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH! I'm so scared! Haha! Madusa's made a name for herself in rings all over the world! But her name will be mud once she steps into the ring with the unbeatabe Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari who's powered by the spirit of Mildred! She'll be another woman wrestler who tries and fails to win the title from me! She's a good athlete! But she's still not Tina Ferrari! Everybody needs to face a fact! I'm unbeatable and that's all there is to it! That big beast Queen Kong found that out at 'Thunderstruck'! Everyone who has tried to take this title from me has met with defeat! Madusa will be no different! When it comes to women's wrestling in the modern era, I'm the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be! That's not a boast! It's just reality! I have no peer in wrestling! And Madusa's not my peer, either! So, Madusa can come on down and take her best shot! It still won't be good enough! When the time comes to wrestle her, it will be the same old song! The ring announcer will say what he always says at the end of my matches! 'Your winner...and still UWL Women's World Champion...Tina Ferrari!' Also, who wants a World Champion who drives monster trucks in her spare time?! That is someone who would certainly not be a good representative as World Champion! A real Women's World Champion likes the finer things in life like I do! Madusa's a grease monkey with breasts! You have to carry yourself a certain way! You have to have some class and dignity! And Madusa doesn't have any of either! Who would want a Women's World Champion who drinks cheap beer, spits and scratches herself like a baseball player?! So, Madusa will never be the Women's World Champion because she has no class, dignity or taste! This belt is reserved for an upper crust woman! And looking at today's women's wrestling landscape, the only one who fits that bill is me! Madusa, show up whenever you feel like! And prepare to join the growing list of losers who can't beat Tina Ferrari!")


(Announcers talked about Ferrari's interview and Madusa who is coming soon to the UWL. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match; and news on Hulk Hogan. Said the $100K Battle Royal was coming up!)


(Announcers intro'd video from last week of Graham pretending to apologize to Luger and then attacking Luger by ramming Luger's back into the buckles multiple times and Graham costing Luger a possible WT shot tonight.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Luger in the locker room. Asked Lex how his back was. Lex: "My back is fine. It was hurting for a few days after Graham drove me repeatedly into those turnbuckles. But the pain is gone now. Billy Graham, you sucked me in. You got me real good! I truly believed you when you said you were sorry last week! I thought to myself, he's gotten the matter with Hulk Hogan out of his system and now he's back to being the Billy Graham I came to know and respect! Instead, he played me for a fool! I let my guard down around a guy I thought I could trust and he took advantage of it! I would love to be in that World Title match tonight against Greg Valentine! And I know that one day I will face Greg Valentine in the ring again! But Billy, I've now got matters to settle with you, my man! You definitely showed me something last week! It's that you are the one who is truly untrustworthy! You're the one people can't turn their backs on! There are contracts out for matches on UWL shows taking place all over North America! Billy, why don't you sign some of those contracts to face me in the ring! With Greg Valentine, if I beat him in one match I could be the UWL World Champion! But I hope Valentine is no longer the champion after tonight! But with you, Billy, it's gonna take more than one match to settle things between us! I can see us going from city-to-city on the UWL Tour and tearing each other apart from one side of the ring to the other! My name's already as good on the those contracts, Billy! Now it's up to you to sign on the dotted line!")


(Announcers discussed the Luger-Graham situation.)


Match 4 ($100,000 Battle Royal)

PARTICIPANTS: POP, MT's, DDP, Hall, Rude, TGC, Wahoo, FD, Mulkeys




1) Bill Mulkey - by Warlord - Thrown over the top rope to the floor - 0:27


2) FD - by Wahoo - Caught FD with a running clothesline by the ropes that drove FD over the top rope to the floor - 1:08


3) Sam Houston - by Barbarian - Military pressed over the top rope to the floor - 1:39


4) Rude - by Lash LaRue - Backdropped over the top rope to the floor - 2:17


5) LaRue - by Scott Hall - Hall came up behind LaRue and dumped him over the top rope to the floor - 2:21


6) Randy Mulkey - by Barbarian - Hip tossed over the top rope to the floor - 3:11


7) DDP - by TGC - DDP threw TGC over the top rope but TGC grabbed the top rope and his feet never hit the ground. DDP turned and made the Diamond sign and then turned back in TGC's direction. TGC skinned the cat, caught DDP in a head scissors and flipped DDP out over the top rope to the floor - 4:00


8) Hall - by Wahoo - Blasted Hall with a series of chops and tossed Hall over the top rope to the floor - 4:23


9) TGC - by Warlord - Warlord tossed TGC over the top rope but TGC landed on the apron. When TGC got up, War nailed him with a forearm shiver to the head that sent TGC to the floor - 4:52


10) Barbarian - by Wahoo - Bar was holding Wahoo and War went to nail Wahoo with a clothesline but Wahoo moved and War blasted Bar. Wahoo chopped away on both men, butted their heads together and threw Bar over the top rope down to the floor - 5:33


11) Warlord - by Wahoo - War worked over Wahoo and planted Wahoo down next to the ropes. Wahoo got to his feet and War charged at Wahoo. Wahoo caught War and dumped War over the top rope to the floor - 6:19


WINNER: Wahoo - 6:19)


(After the match: Russo came to the ring with two of his bodyguards. Russo was carrying a briefcase and a mic. Russo got in the ring. Russo handed the briefcase to one of his bodyguards. Russo: "Wahoo. Here is your $100,000 dollars for winning the Battle Royal." Wahoo: "Let's see it." Russo: "I'm hurt you think I'm trying to screw you over." Russo opened the case and it was full of money. Russo: "There it is, Chief. It's all yours. Count it if you like. I didn't pay you with one of those big checks that Battle Royal winners usually get because I tried to cash one of those things before...the bank won't take 'em." Russo handed the case to Wahoo. Russo: "Wahoo, I would congratulate you on winning...but I don't like you. See ya!" Russo and his bodyguards left the ring as Wahoo raised the case in the air as the fans cheered.)


(Announcers discussed Wahoo winning the Battle Royal.)


(HOGAN NEWS: Announcers then said the Hulk Hogan will be appearing on 'Slam!' next week!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Arn. Asked about getting the WT shot tonight. Arn: "Larry Nelson, the day I became a professional wrestler, my goal was to one day become the World Champion. There's nothing harder to do in pro sports than win the World Title in this sport. It's tough. You've got an extremely high ladder to climb before you can even be seriously considered for a World Title shot. Well, now I've got my shot. And I intend to make the most of it. Greg Valentine, you're one hell of a wrestler. And Gary Hart is one of the most brilliant and crafty managers out there. But this is what I've worked for all these years. The biggest prize in our sport is now within my grasp. World Titles shots don't come along all the time. And I aim to realize my dream tonight. Greg Valentine says he's the best wrestler in the world. And looking at the success he's had since he won the World Title who's to argue with him. They call pro wrestling a game of human chess. The man who makes the best and smartest moves wins. And I intend to checkmate Greg Valentine tonight!")


(Announcers discussed Arn's interview. Said that next week on 'Slam!': Hulk Hogan returns; Bruiser Brody will be wrestling again; and more.)


(Arn was announced and came to the ring to a loud ovation. Announcers then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed UWL WC Valentine and mgr. Hart. Nelson asked about the title defense tonight against Arn. Greg: "Arn Anderson! He's definitely worked hard and has earned this shot at the World Title! But he's dealing with the hottest wrestler in the business right now! I've recently gotten calls from other promotions! They're begging me to bolt the UWL and come to their organization with the UWL World Title in tow! Everyone wants a piece of Greg Valentine! But I'm not going anywhere! It's matches like this one tonight that I live for! I expect a fight from Arn Anderson! He's an excellent technical wrestler in his own right! And, knowing his background, he can one of the best at playing dirty if he has to! I admire that in him! But I didn't become the World Champion by accident! I became the World Champion because greatness always shows through in the big matches! So while Arn is a good wrestler, I'm just that much better! While Arn can be a dirty wrestler! I can be a little dirtier! And that will be the difference in this match tonight!" Nelson asked about the bagpipe music playing when he's been in the ring in recent weeks. Greg: "I don't know if this is some sick prank or if Piper's behind it! I ended Roddy Piper's career! I know I did! Piper! If you're behind this, why not quit playing games and come out and face me like a real man would! What you hope to accomplish here, I don't know! But quit hiding behind your silly little games and just confront me!" Hart: "Roddy Piper. Don't do this to yourself. Don't torutre yourself like this. Greg Valentine terminated your wrestling career. You're never wrestling anywhere ever again. But if you feel you've got to confront Greg in some sort of twisted last hurrah, as Greg said, just do it and let's get it over with. You need to move on, Roddy. Because your time as a wrestler has come and gone.")


Match 5 (UWL World Title Match)

Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Arn Anderson


(Valentine and Hart made their way to the ring to loud boos. Announcers said they will stick with the match to its conclusion. Ref took the belt and held it up for all to see before handing it off to r.a. Marshall. Ref called both men to the center of the ring and explained the rules and patted each man down. Ref sent each man to a neutral corner and called for the bell. Valentine and Arn came out and circled one another. Greg took a swipe at Arn's leg but Arn dodged it. The two then circled each other again and then locked up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Greg drove Arn against the ropes forcing a brreak in the hold. Greg back off. The two men came back out and started to engage in another collar-and-elbow when Greg drove a knee into Arn's gut. Greg whipped Arn into the ropes and looked to catch Arn coming off with a clothesline but Arn ducked the move and came back and floored Greg with a clothesline of his own. Greg started to get up and Arn blasted Greg with a couple of forearms across the upper back. Arn backed Greg into the corner and fired away with punches to Greg's head and body and then laid into the champ with a rapid-fire series of shoulder blocks. Arn pulled Greg out of the corner and suplexed Greg. Arn then hit the ropes and came off and nailed Greg with a fistdrop to the head. Arn covered Greg. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Arn snapped Greg up, whipped Greg into the ropes and looked to catch Greg coming off with a backdrop but Greg caught Arn with a swinging neckbreaker. Arn down. Greg crawled over and covered Arn. 1... Arn kicked out. Arn got in the sit-up position, Greg stood behind Arn, grabbed Arn's chin and nailed him with punches to the side of the head. Greg picked Arn up and bodyslammed him. Greg then went to drop an elbow on Arn but Arn rolled out of he way. Greg crashed to the mat. Both men getting to their feet at the same time. Greg got up and went over to the bent over Arn and nailed Arn with a kneelift to the chest. Arn shot upright and was standing by the ropes. Greg then rubbed Arn's eyes across the top rope. Arn rubbing at his eyes as Greg maneuvered Arn into the corner and started blasting Arn with head and body shots. Greg whipped Arn into the opposite buckles and charged Arn but Arn got a foot up and Greg slammed into it face first. Greg staggered backwards. Arn came out of the corner and tackled Greg to the mat and started nailing Greg with punches. Greg fought back and he and Arn rolled around on the mat fighting. They rolled near the ropes and the champ's leg went out under the bottom rope. Ref ordered a break. Arn got up in the ring and Greg got up out on the apron. Arn came over to Greg and Greg nailed Arn with a shoulder block to the gut through the top and middle rope. Arn then stunned Greg by nailing him with a draping DDT. Arn for the cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Arn pulled Greg up and whipped Greg into the buckles repeatedly. Greg staggered out of the corner and fell on his face in the ring. Arn pulled Greg up by the hair, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with his left-handed KO punch. Greg crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron and dropped to the floor. Hart over to help his charge. Ref started counting. Arn came over and broke up the count and the ref ordered Arn to stand back. A dazed Greg had more words with Hart and made his way back up to the apron. Arn came over and Greg raked Arn's eyes and then grabbed Arn by the head, dropped down to the floor and snapped Arn's throat across the top rope. Arn crashed to the mat. Valentine came in and put the boots to Arn and then dropped an elbow smash across on Arn. Greg pulled Arn up and Arn stunned the champ with a jawbreaker to the top of the head. Greg went down near the ropes. Greg scooted his head and shoulders out on the ring apron. Arn ignored the ref, grabbed Greg by the legs and catapaulted Greg throat-first across the bottom rope. Arn dragged Greg in the ring, held Greg's legs and flipped over on top of Greg for the pin try. 1...2... Greg got a shoulder up. Arn nailed Greg with a couple of punches and pulled Greg up and whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a backdrop. Greg got to his feet and was holding the top rope as Arn moved in for another DDT try but Greg held the top rope and Arn crashed to the mat. Greg went for the cover on Arn and placed his feet on the bottom rope for leverage. 1...2... Arn got a shoulder up. Greg took his feet off the rope just before the ref looked over. Greg went for the pin again and placed his feet on the bottom rope. 1...2... Ref saw Greg's feet on the rope and ordered a break. Greg got to his feet and had words with the ref. Arn was getting up and Greg clubbed Arn with some elbow smashes to the back of Arn's neck. Greg then leaned Arn back against the ropes and blasted Arn with three big forearm smashes to the chest. Arn staggered next to the ropes holding his chest. Greg blasted Arn with a two-fisted backsmash and then locked Arn in position for the Hammerhead but Arn got his arms free and backdropped Greg. Arn dropped to his knees but quickly made it to his feet. Greg got up and charged Arn and Arn nailed the champ with a spinebuster out of nowhere. Crowd popped. Arn went to hoist Greg up for the gourdbuster but Greg twice blocked the move, nailed Arn with some punches to the and stunned Arn with a DDT of his own. Arn laid out. Greg made his way to his feet. Just then, bagpipe music played. Many in the crowd popped. There were three bagpipers, all dressed in traditional Scottish garb, playing their instruments on the entrance stage. Greg left the ring and stood on the apron. Mics picked up Greg. Greg: "C'mon out if you're here, Piper! Show your face!" Greg was looking around facing away from the ring as Hart came over to try and get Greg back in the ring but Greg was still looking around. Greg: "Piper! I'm not playing games! You'd better..." Arn had recovered and came over behind Greg, bent Greg backwards over the top rope and blasted Greg with three big forearm smashes of his own. Music stopped. Greg grabbed his chest. Arn grabbed Greg by the hair and slammed Greg's head into the top buckle. Greg wobbly but hanging on to the top rope. Arn yanked the rope and catapaulted Greg back into the ring. Greg on his knees and begging off. Crowd buzzing. Arn popped Greg with a trio of headshots, pulled Greg up and nailed Greg with a gutwrench suplex. Arn then snapped up Greg and whipped him into the buckles. Arn charged in and looked to nail Greg with a running high knee but Greg moved Arn smashed knee-first into the buckles. Arn turned in the ring and Greg took Arn's legs out from under him. Arn down. Greg wasted no time in locking Arn in the figure four. Greg was near the ropes. As the ref turned his back on Greg to check on Arn, Hart reached his hands through the ropes and clasped Greg's to help Greg apply more pressure to the hold. Greg leg go of Hart's hands just as the ref turned to look at him. When the ref turned back to Arn, Hart and Greg repeated the hand holding. They broke just before the ref saw them holding hands once more. Ref turned back to Arn and this time Greg grabbed the middle rope and was really applying pressure to the hold. Ref turned and saw Greg holding the rope and ordered a break in the hold. Greg got up. Arn in bad shape. Greg snapped up Arn and went to place Arn into position for the Hammerhead but Arn escaped Greg's grasp and instead yanked Greg's legs out from under him and catapaulted Greg into the buckles. Greg's head slammed into the top buckle and he stumbled back and crashed to the mat. Arn went down doing the move, feeling the effects of the figure four. Crowd on its feet urging Arn on. Arn slowly crawled over and covered Greg. 1...2...2-3/4... NO! Greg kicked out. Crowd groaned. Arn got up and started pulling Greg to his feet when Greg pulled his most brilliant move of the night. Greg kicked Arn in the left knee. Arn grabbed at his knee. Greg then nailed Arn with an elbow smash to the head. Arn dropped to a knee. Greg then placed Arn's head between his legs, caught Arn's arms in the double underhook position and nailed Arn with the Hammerhead. Greg covered Arn and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Some in the crowd cheered as the ref handed Greg the title and raised his hand in victory. WINNER: Greg - Pinfall - Hammerhead - 10:48)


(After the match: Co-Prez Watts walked out on the entrance stage, mic in hand. Watts: "Greg Valentine! Congratulations on your victory tonight. What can I say? You got the job done when you had to and beat one tough foe in Arn Anderson. Right now, I want you to take a look at this video from 'Thunderstruck'. I'm sure you and Gary Hart will remember this moment well." Video aired from 'TS' of Luger catching Greg in the rack and Hart ringing the bell leading to all sorts of confusion and Greg coming back to win the match and retain the title. Watts: "We've got another pay-per-view coming up on August 5th. A little thing called 'Heatwave'. And I'm out here right now to announce the first official match for 'Heatwave'. Greg Valentine, you will be defending the UWL World Title against Lex Luger. The match will be 2-out-of-3 falls." Greg and Gary looked on without any real emotion as Watts spoke. Watts: "And...one more thing. Since we don't want a repeat of what happened at 'Thunderstruck' where Gary Hart decided to ring the bell to save your ass, Greg, with the exception of UWL cameramen, the announcers, referee and timekeeper...ALL other UWL employees will be barred from ringside! Yes, that means you too, Gary Hart! You'd better not come within 100 miles of that ring, because if you do I will strip Valentine of the title and award it to Lex Luger!" Many in the crowd cheered the news as Hart and Greg now became very animated and angry. Watts: "Valentine! If you're gonna retain that title at 'Heatwave'...you're gonna do it all on your own!" Show ended with an enraged Valentine and Hart yelling at Watts from the ring.)




Dark Match

The Firm vs. Wahoo, Luger, TGC & Hugh Morrus

(WINNER: Team Wahoo - Pinfall - Hugh pinned Patera with a Moonsault - 12:31)

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June 29 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ. - ATT: 3,754


June 30 - Springfield, MA - MassMutual Center - ATT: 3,209


MATCH RESULTS (Results the same in both cities)


UWL WORLD TITLE: Greg Valentine © def. Lex Luger via pinfall with the Hammerhead


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Ole & Gene Anderson © def. the Mighty Texans via submission when Ole made Sam Houston submit to the Cross Armbreaker


Hugh Morrus def. Rip Oliver via pinfall with the Moonsault


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Harley Race © def. Wahoo McDaniel via pinfall with the Piledriver


Arn Anderson def. Billy Graham via pinfall with the Gourdbuster


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Luna via submission with the Recliner

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(Video aired to open the show showing Hogan during his first run in the UWL. Picture froze with Hogan posing and the caption: ''Hulkamania' returns TONIGHT!')


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: 'Born In The USA' played over the p.a. system and Bill Watts came to the ring in street clothes and carrying a mic. He got a fair ovation coming to the ring. Watts was pissed. Watts: "Vince Russo! Get your ass out to this ring right now, son!" UWL Pres. Seal appeared on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Ladies and Gentlemen..." Watts: "Cut Russo's official ring entrance right now!" Voice's statement stopped. Russo's six bodyguards walked out on the entrance stage. Watts: "C'mon, Vince! No grand entrance! Get down here!" Russo came out and was wearing an orange Oklahoma State football jersey and carrying a mic. He was booed. He made his way to the ring between his bodyguards. Watts irritated. Four bodyguards took their positons around the ring on the floor. Two got in the ring and one held the ropes open for Russo and Russo stepped slowly into the ring. Watts: "Get in the damn ring!" Russo stepped back out on the apron. Russo: "I'll get in when I'm good and ready!" Crowd booing. Russo: "You fans can shove it!" More boos. Watts glaring at Russo as Russo stood looking at Watts for what seemed like an eternity. Russo: "OK. I'm ready to get in the ring now." Russo took his time getting into the ring. Russo: "Bill, why did you short-circuit my usual ring entrance? That's one of the usual highlights of the show." Watts: "Vince, I've called you out here because we've got a very important issue to discuss." Russo: "Oh! You've finally gone and done it! You're resigning your Co-Presidency! You're doing the right thing, Bill! Now you won't get hurt when I regain total control of the wrestling operations here in the UWL!" Watts: "I'm not resigning, Vince! I would never give you the pleasure of seeing me resign from anything!" Russo: "Have it your way, buddy boy! But you could have made things pain-free for yourself! Now, you'll be hurting before you're purged!" Watts: "Vince, last week you made a Battle Royal for the program! Remember that?!" Russo: "Yeah. So?" Watts: "Well, the winner of the Battle Royal got $100,000 dollars." Russo: "So what?" Watts: "We've got a problem. You see, Vince, money paid out in Battle Royals is paid out by the promotion. That means we have to have clearance to get that money to pay to the winner." Russo: "I'm not following you, Bill..." Watts: "It's very simple, Vince! I got a call, and you got one too, from UWL owner KD Smith! And I can tell you in his call to me that I was chewed out big-time because we had no clearance whatsoever to pull that money! I had to explain to our boss that I had nothing to do with making that Battle Royal last week! It was all Russo's idea! He said he got a call from a bank that holds one of the main UWL accounts and someone had made a withdrawal of $100,000 dollars from the account last Tuesday afternoon! You came out here after the Battle Royal last week and paid Wahoo McDaniel $100 grand in cash! It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that you, Vince Russo, pulled that money out! The question is, how did you do it?!" Russo: "First of all, I didn't get any call from owner KD Smith in the last week about this matter!" Watts: "Doesn't he have your cell phone number?! There's no way you can miss a call from our boss!" Russo: "Oh! That explains why I didn't get a call from him! I switched to a new cell phone 10 days ago and forgot to inform everyone in the company!" Watts: "You don't inform anybody of a number change, huh?! How convinient! Then you should have received an e-mail from the man! Vince, you could be looking at felony charges because of this! Does that not sink into that brilliant wrestling mind of yours?!" Russo: "Wait a minute! I never said I pulled that money! And secondly, I also changed my e-mail address 10 days ago and forgot to inform anyone in the comapny of that, too!" Watts: "Did you pull that money?" Russo: "Well...yeah. It's no big deal. It was used to pay off a Battle Royal winner so who cares?" Watts: "Oh ye who rode the short yellow bus to school! It does not matter if you used the money to pay off a Battle Royal winner. You had no permission to pull the money and that's theft. Also, how the hell were you able to pull the cash in the first place?" Russo: "I'm not gonna be charged with any felonies here because Vince Russo doesn't get charged with felonies! As for how I got it, well, that's confidential information between me and the bank!" Watts: "Am I in the real world right now?! I think my head's gonna explode from trying to untangle your twisted logic!" Russo: "If your head's gonna explode, make sure it explodes here in the ring because it will be good for ratings!" Watts: "Vince, you pulled money out of a bank account that's not yours!" Russo: "Any banking transactions I make are between me and the bank and are none of your business!" Watts: "Well, let me tell you this! KD is going to contact me tonight during the show and make a decision about what to do about that money! Plus, tonight, he's also told me to inform you since he couldn't get a hold of you that you're not allowed to make any matches for tonight's program!" Russo: "What?!" Watts: "You heard me!" Russo: "This is an outrage! I'm going backstage and calling Smith right now! What a miscarriage of justice! I think you orchestrated this, Bill! Tonight, you've racked up a ton of new punishment points and when that day comes and you're removed from your position as Co-President here in the UWL, I'm gonna unload all my punishment points...right on your head!" Russo stormed out of the ring with bodyguards in tow as the crowd booed his exit. Watts: "Now that the rabble is gone...on with the show. I've got a great line-up of matches for you fans tonight! Bruiser Brody is here again! And tonight he'll hook 'em up with Lars Anderson! We're gonna have a tag team match! It's gonna be President's Champion Harley Race and Tully Blanchard vs. The Mighty Texans! The Great Christopho will wrestle Rip Oliver! And Lex Luger will square off with Diamond Dallas Page!" Crowd cheered. Watts: "All that! And...Hulk Hogan is back!" Crowd cheered louder.)


(Announcers welcomed viewers. They discussed the escalating situation between Russ and Watts. Hyped for the program: Oliver vs. TGC; Brody vs. Lars; Lex Luger vs. DDP; MT's vs. Race © & Tully; Hulk Hogan is back; an i'view w/ The Firm; a look back at last week where Watts made the UWL WT match between Valentine © and Luger; and more.)


Match 1

Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Sean Royal

(WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Jackhammer - 3:18)


(Graham was heavily booed coming out. After the match, Marshall i'viewed Graham. BG: "Lex Luger. Last week, you challenged me to sign a series of contracts to face you when the UWL goes on tour. Well, we've got seven major shows coming up in Canada this month, daddy. Seven towns in seven nights all across the Great White North. I'm gonna sign those contracts, Luger. And you and the 'Superstar' are gonna fight and spill each other's blood in every province in Canada. The Canadian fans will never forget what they're gonna witness between you and me. And I'll never forget the honor I'm gonna have of thrashing you, Luger, for an entire week.")


(Announcers discussed Graham signing contracts to face Luger on the UWL tour when the promotion swings through Canada on a week long tour later this month. Hyped still to come: Oliver vs. TGC; MT's vs. Race © & Tully; Brody vs. Lars; Luger vs. DDP; Hogan is back; and more. Said an i'view w/ The Firm is next.)


(Video aired for the next UWL PPV: 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(In-ring: The Firm came to the ring. All were in street clothes and each had a mic. Received a mixed crowd reax. KP: "This Saturday night...things return to normal for The Firm and the IWA. That's the night I beat Batista and regain the IWA World Title. And it's also the night that IWA owner William Hunter gets to start going into deep depression and losing sleep once more because he doesn't have his promotion's World Title again. It will once again reside with The Firm here in the UWL. And this time when I win, I'm not gonna lose that title to another IWA wrestler. That company will be World Title-less...forever!" Hall: "Hey yo! Survey time! How many of you out there think that Ken Patera's regaining the IWA World Title this Saturday on 'IWA Power'?!" About half the crowd cheered and half booed. Hall: "The ones who were cheering, I agree with you! The ones who were booing, well, you know where you can go, man! Too bad about Arn Anderson last week, huh?! Arn had his shot at winning the UWL World Title and...FAIL...Arn lost! Arn, face reality, bro! You're never gonna be the World Champion! It's just not in the cards for you, man! But, if you want to continue to get your ass kicked by any members of The Firm, feel free to cross our path at any time! I would love to Hallinate you right through this ring!" Rude: "The Director of The Firm is very confident that Ken Patera will be appearing on 'Slam!' next Tuesday as the 2-time IWA World Champion! Batista, know this, where one member of The Firm is, other members of The Firm will be! You had your moment in the sun at 'Thunderstruck', Batista! It got the fans right here! (Patted his heart.) But the sun is gonna set on your title reign in the IWA's own backyard in Duluth, Georgia at the Gwinnett Arena this Saturday night! You're finished! You had a nice one-month reign as champion, Batista! And there's no shame in losing the title back to a more deserving wrestler and a member of pro wrestling's elite group The Firm!" Nash: "I hear that 'IWA Power' is on TV Land! Pro wrestling is the true made-for-TV sport! So it's fitting that Ken Patera's gonna regain the IWA World Title on a network known as TV Land! This man standing next to me held the IWA World Title for one year! One year! He beat every challenger thrown in his direction! And then Batista had Patera's number at 'Thunderstruck'! Those kinds of things happen in wrestling! You can be a champion for 10 years and then one day, boom, there's that one wrestler who catches one on the reigning champion! Now Batista, you're the champion! You're the hunted one! And what you did to Ken Patera at 'Thunderstruck' is going to be reversed and Patera will now catch one on you! Ken, the Director really wants the IWA World Title back in possession of The Firm! We all have great faith in you, Ken! We're confident you won't let us down!" KP: "Big Sexy. I have never been more prepared for a match in my life. Batista, I'm a determined man. I'm a member of the most elite faction in all of wrestling. And I'm gonna be the IWA World Champion again this Saturday." Hall: "Hey, Kev! Aren't you forgetting something, man?" Nash: "What? Oh yeah! Ken, we wanted to practice the post-match celebration after you beat Batista and re-take the title! Rick! Scott!" Hall and Rude hoisted Patera on their shoulders and paraded Patera around the ring as Patera raised his arms victoriously. Nash: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Here is your winner...and for the second time IWA WorlD Champion...Ken Patera!" A little more parading around as Nash made crowd cheering noises in the mic. Nash: "Ken Patera! I've got to ask you! How does it feel to be the IWA World Champion again?!" KP (mock heavy breathing): "Aw, man. It's the greatest feeling in the world, Kev! I knew coming into this re-match with Batista that I was going to regain the title! He stood no chance tonight! I was too much for him! Also, I want to thank my fellow Firm members and the Director of the Firm for their unwavering support! We propel one another to success! We're the unstoppable force in this sport! And Batista is now a former champion which is how it should be!" Hall and Rude jumped on Patera and were celebrating with him as the crowd now mainly booed the group. They then left the ring, and Hall and Rude hoisted Patera on their shoulders and headed back up the aisle with Nash in tow. Patera was waving his arms in the air in celebration as they headed to the back.)


(Announcers discussed The Firm i'view and hyped the WT re-match for this Sat. night on 'IWA Power' on TV Land @ 10pm E/P. Hyped Hogan's return tonight. Said Brody vs. Lars was coming up!)


(Backstage: Russo was seen pacing in the backstage area dialing his cell phone. Russo placed the phone by his ear. Russo: "Mr. Smith. This is Co-President Vince Russo. How are you sir on this fine evening? (Pause.) I know that, sir. I forgot to inform people in the company that I'd changed my cell phone number. Sorry about that. (Pause.) E-mail. I also forgot to inform anyone that I'd changed my e-mail address as well. My bad. (Pause.) Well, sir, I'm calling about the money I pulled out for last week's Battle Royal. I... (Pause.) I know that now, sir. I just thought it would be OK to pull that money from a UWL bank account to award to the winner. It was... (Pause. Russo pulled his head away from the phone as muffled yelling came through the ear piece. Placed phone back to his ear.) So it wasn't a good idea then, I guess. Well, Mr. Smith, please let me offer my most humble apology. Are you going to do something about this matter, sir? (Pause.) You're still mulling over what to do about it? OK, sir. Also, Bill Watts said I wasn't allowed to make matches tonight for the show. I thought I'd check with you and see if that was true because Watts isn't the most trustworthy... (Pause.) Oh, so Watts was telling the truth regarding that matter. (Pause.) I see. But back to the money used for the Battle Royal. Are you... Hello. Hello. Mr. Smith, are you still there, sir?" Russo looked at the phone and hung up. Russo then looked away and had a suspicious look on his face.)


Match 2

Bruiser Brody vs. Lars Anderson (w/ Ole & Gene) ©


(Brody dominated the short bout. At the end of the match, Brody had blasted Lars with a dropkick that sent Lars crashing next to the ropes. As Lars got to his feet, Brody charged at Lars and Lars backdropped Brody over the top rope down to the floor. Lars distracted the ref in the ring as Ole and Gene came over and beat up Brody with punches and kicks and then threw Brody back in the ring. Lars came over and put the boots to Brody and then whipped Brody into the ropes and caught Brody coming off with a flying lariat. Lars then picked up Brody, hoisted him across his shoulders and blasted Brody with the Minnesota Wrecker. Lars went for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2... Brody kicked out. Brody started to get up and Lars kicked Brody in the ribs and went to whip Brody into the ropes but Brody reversed and sent Lars into the ropes and caught Lars coming off with a boot to the face. Lars crashed to the mat. Brody then nailed Lars with the running knee drop to the chest. As Brody prepared to put Lars in the hold for the F-5, Gene hit the ring. Brody dropped Lars and pulverized Gene to the mat with a brutal clothesline. Ole then came in and went to punch Brody but Brody blocked the punch, blasted Ole with some punches of his own, whipped Ole into the ropes and caught Ole coming off with a big dropkick. Ole crashed to the mat by the ropes. Ole got to his feet and Brody drove him over the top rope to the floor with a big clothesline. Lars recovering in the ring. Gene recovered and went to nail Brody with a double sledge to the back but Brody spun around and nailed Gene with punches. Ole to his feet on the floor. Brody hoisted Gene up in the military press position and threw Gene over the top rope onto Ole. Both crashed to the floor as the crowd popped. Lars nailed Brody with a double sledge to the back. Brody turned and looked at Lars. Lars stood and held up his hands and was begging off. Brody dropped lars with another kick to the face. Brody then grabbed Lars and nailed him with the F-5. Brody covered Lars and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd roared as the ref called for the bell and then raised Brody's hand in victory. WINNER: Brody - Pinfall - F-5 - 5:27)


(After the match, Marshall caught up with Brody at ringside. Marshall asked Brody if he could now tell us why he returned. Brody: "The reason I returned will be revealed later tonight." Brody headed back up the aisle with a puzzled Marshall standing at ringside.)


(Announcers discussed Brody winning and his post-match comments. Hyped still to come: Hogan returns; Oliver vs. TGC; Luger vs. DDP; MT's vs. Race © & Tully; and more.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': TIM HORTON'S PRESENTS: THE UWL 'CANADIAN CRUNCH' TOUR: Mon. - July 16 - Vancouver, BC - Thunderbird Sports Centre; Tues. - July 17 - Calgary, AB - Jack Simpson Gymnasium; Wed. - July 18 - Edmonton, AL - Clare Drake Arena; Thu. - July 19 - Regina, SSK - Brandt Centre; Fri. - July 20 - Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre; Sat. - July 21 - Toronto, ONT - Ricoh Coliseum; Sun. - July 22 - Montreal, QUE - Concordia Stadium (Outdoor Show). More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed JJ Dillon Enterprises w/ Holly. Asked about tonight's match with the Mighty Texans. JJ: "A few weeks ago, the Mighty Texans beat the Powers of Pain. That's a tough task. The Warlord and the Barbarian are two of the most physically imposing and powerful men in this business. But tonight, they're facing two men with a long history of being tag team specialists in their careers in Tully Blanchard and the President's Champion Harley Race! We look at this match as a stepping stone! I want more gold in the stable of JJ Dillon Enterprises! A win over the Mighty Texans would elevate us to the top echelon of the tag team title picture! So while Sam Houston and Lash Larue may be cowboy tough and live by the Code of the West; Tully Blanchard and Harley Race live by a different code! And that's the Code of the Best!" Tully was in the background having an animated conversation with Holly. Race: "I can't begin to explain to the little people out here what being a champion is like because all of them are losers! This belt represents excellence in my chosen profession! The closest any of you will ever get to holding a chamnpionship belt is if you order a cheap replica title off of ebay! Then you can strut around the house in your underwear and pretend you're a winner! You're looking at two men who have had great success as tag team wrestlers! We've each held tag team titles numerous times! And a win tonight over the Mighty Texans catapaults us right into the tag team title picture! We aren't going to let a golden opportunity like this pass us by!" Tully: "Mighty Texans! You're lookin' at another Texan! And this Texan doesn't need to carry a bull whip or six shooter to prove he's a man! My actions in that ring speak much louder than my words ever could! And my actions scream champion! You've got two of the greatest wrestlers in the history of our sport now setting their sights on pro wrestling's biggest tag team prize! And the Mighty Texans are our ticket to contention!" Holly: "I want to know, Tully!" Tully (in a low voice): "You have to bring this up now? Here on national TV?" Holly: "Who do all those phone numbers in your cell phone belong to?" Tully: "I told you, Holly. Those are numbers of friends of mine. I'm not cheating on you, babe. Would I lie to you?" Holly: "You had better be telling the truth, Tully. And those better just be friends and not friends with benefits." Tully: "We'll discuss this later." JJ: "Hey! Holly, don't drag personal issues before the public. You got me? Right now, I need my men completely locked in on their match tonight with the Mighty Texans. So just cool your jets, young lady, and let these men do their work right now." The four left the i'view area as Nelson sent it back to ringisde.)


(Announcers wondered what all that was about with Tully and Holly and could trouble be brewing there. Hyped the return of Hulk Hogan. Said Rip Oliver faces TGC next.)


Match 3

Rip Oliver vs. TGC


(TGC and Oliver fought a back-and-forth fight. Oliver tried to rip TGC's mask off to collect the bounty but failed. At the end of the match, TGC was on the offensive. TGC whipped Oliver into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a leg lariat that drove Rip to the mat. TGC picked Rip up and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. TGC nailed Rip with the split-legged moonsault and went for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Oliver kicked out. TGC grabbed Oliver and whipped him into the ropes and looked to leapfrog Rip coming off but Oliver didn't bend down and wound up headbutting TGC in the groin while TGC was in the air. Both men crashed to the mat. Both men made their way to their feet. TGC got up and stepped towards Oliver. WHAM! Oliver blasted TGC with a superkick out of nowhere. TGC crashed helplessly to the mat. Oliver then hoisted TGC up and blasted him with the Crippler Crucifix Bomb. Oliver covered TGC. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Around 15% of the crowd cheered Rip's win. WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Crippler Crucifix Bomb - 5:03)


(Announcers discussed Oliver winning. Hyped still to come: Hogan's return; MT's vs. Race © & Tully; DDP vs. Luger; said a look back at Watts making the UWL WT match for 'Heatwave' was next!)


(Announcers intro'd video from last week of Valentine beating Arn and Watts coming out and making a 2/3 Falls match with all UWL wrestlers and managers banned from ringside for the UWL WT between Valentine © and Luger at 'HW'. Video aired.)


(Announcers hyped the UWL WT match for 'HW' and said tickets were on sale now! Said the MT's vs. Race © & Tully was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed the MT's. Asked about the tag match tonight. Lash had his whip. Lash: "I heard JJ Dillon out here sayin' that Tully Blanchard and Harley Race wrestle according to something called the Code of the Best! Then this match is gonna be the Code of the West vs. the Code of the Best! We know all about Tully and Harley! We know all their accomplishments in this sport! They're tough customers! We're looking to get into the tag team title picture as well! So tonight's a big match for both teams! I guess it all comes down to one's philosophy! And whoever has the better philosophy in the match tonight will be the winner! You guys don't intimidate us! And Miss Holly! I can tell you that I've seen Tully out at the bars when we're on the road! Let me just say that I don't think the word 'faithful' is in his dictionary! Get the picture, young lady?!" Sam: "I'm not known as 'Slingin' Sam Houston just because I'm fast with a sidearm! I'm also called that because I'm fast with my fists! There's a lot on the line here tonight! And it's not just gonna be a wrestling match! It's gonna be a good, old fashioned barroom brawl! We know we're in for a fight! And it's in a fight that the Code of the West comes into play!" Lash: "JJ Dillon! Don't even think about getting involved in this fight tonight! Because if you do...you could feel the Law of the Lash!")


Match 4

Mighty Texans vs. Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ and Holly)


(JJ and crew came out first to boos. MT's came out to a fair ovation. Lash had his trusty whip with him. He hung it over the top turnbuckle. The two teams battled it out. At one point in the match, Tully and Lash were the legal men in the ring. The action had spilled out onto the floor. Lash chased after Tully and Tully grabbed Holly and pulled her in front of him. Mics picked up Tully. Tully: "You're gonna have to go through her to get to me!" Tully taunted Lash and dared him to take out Holly. Lash stood there looking on but not moving. Sam dropped off the apron and came up behind Tully and spun Tully around and peppered him with punches. Tully staggered. Holly ran over by JJ. Race came over as Lash slammed Tully's head into the apron and threw Tully back into the ring. Sam stood ready to fight Harley. Ref ordered them back to their respective corners. After a brief stand-off, each man went his own way. At the end of the match, Tully and Sam were the legal men in the ring. Sam whipped Tully into the ropes and looked to catch Tully coming off with a clothesline but Tully ducked the move and came back and he and Sam clotheslined each other to the canvas. Both men laying there. Harley climbed into the ring. Lash came and went to go after Harley but the ref stepped between the two to keep them separated. As the distracted ref tried to get Race and Lash back into the their corners, JJ tossed knux in the ring for Tully. Tully picked them up off the canvas and slipped them on as Sam got to his feet. Ref re-stored order. Sam got up and Tully went to nail Sam with the knux but Sam blocked the punch and fired away with a series of punches on Tully and then blasted Tully with the neckbreaker slam. Crowd popped. As Tully got up, Sam nailed Tully with the killswitch. Sam covered Tully and hooked the leg. 1... Harley hit the ring to break it up but Lash came in and drove Race back into his corner and started popping Harley with punches. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd loving it. JJ beside himself at ringside.

As the Texans had their hands raised in victory, Race left the ring and Tully was now out on the apron on his hands and knees. JJ ran over and took the knux from Tully and got in the ring. JJ nailed the unsuspecting Sam with a knux-loaded right to the jaw. Sam went down. JJ was yelling for Sam to get back up and JJ had his fists raised. The stunned Sam started getting to his feet as Lash grabbed his trusty whip, folded it in half and started slapping JJ across the back with it. JJ jumping around the ring. Tully and Race made their way to the apron as JJ bailed. Lash fully uncoiled the whip and dared Tully and Harley to get in the ring. Lash cracked the whip on the canvas. Lash then moved towards the pair with the whip and they bailed to the floor. A hurting JJ and his men made their way back up the aisle as Lash cracked the whip once more for cheering fans. WINNER: MT's - Pinfall - Sam pinned Tully with the Killswitch - 7:41)


(Video aired of a black screen. A steel bar came floating into the picture and melted into the name 'Madusa' as a sultry, echoing voice said her name.)


(Announcers discussed Madusa coming to the UWL. Hyped the return of Hogan coming up in just minutes.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Luger. Asked about the upcoming WT match with Valentine © at 'HW'. Lex: "Greg Valentine! In just five short weeks, I get my chance to finish what was started between us at 'Thunderstruck'! And this time, Gary Hart won't be able to ring the bell when I have you up in the rack! I can't wait for 'Heatwave'! I've been training harder for a match than I ever have in my career! The winner of our match will be the man who deserves to win! There will be no chaos and confusion at the end! I'll either walk out of that ring as the new UWL World Champion or I'll lose because you are the better man that night! And Greg, if I get you up in the rack on August 5th, there will be no escape for you! You won't have your manager to save you again! You will submit! Tonight, I'm facing Diamond Dallas Page! This will be a tough..." DDP walked into the interview area. DDP: "Luger! You're stepping into the ring with the best conditioned athlete in wrestling! And I know, as with most big power wrestlers, you don't have the stamina to keep up with me! So, here's the deal, Lex! If, or should I say when, I wear you down in our match tonight and beat you, I want a re-match! And in that re-match I want the stipulation that if I beat you again I get the UWL World Title shot at 'Heatwave'!" Lex: "Dallas, you're out of your mind if you think I'm giving up the thing I've worked the hardest for in my career! I deserve that UWL World Title re-match! This might be..." DDP: "What's the matter, Lex? Are you saying you don't know if you can beat me?" Lex: "I know I can beat you! That's not the issue here! I'm just not..." DDP: "You're afraid of me, aren't you. Haha! Lex Luger, you're worried you could lose to me not once, but twice! And your World Title shot at 'Heatwave' would go bye-bye! Lex Luger...super chicken!" Lex: "Look. I should be the UWL World Champion today! Those who saw 'Thunderstruck' know it! There's no question I can beat you. If we wrestled each other five times, Dallas, I know could beat you all five times! That's not the point..." DDP: "Well, come on then! If you're so sure you can put the Diamond away, then put your title shot where your mouth is, buddy! Deep down, you're deathly afraid of losing that title match to me! If you were so sure of yourself then you would man up and accept the challenge! C'mon, Lex! (DDP poked Lex in the chest.) Be a man!" Lex: "Alright! You want it! Then it's on! You beat me tonight, Dallas, you get your re-match with my 'Heatwave' World Title match on the line! But guess what?! You're not winning tonight so you're not getting the shot!" DDP: "We'll see about that, Lex! We'll see about that! It's gonna be Diamond Dallas Page challenging for the UWL World Title at 'Heatwave'! Prepare to hand that title shot over!" The two engaged in a staredown as Nelson sent it back to ringside.)


(In-ring: Marshall: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Would you please welcome back to the UWL...Hulk Hogan!" Crowd popped as 'Eye of the Tiger' played. Crowd roars grew even louder when Hogan came out. He was in a sleeveless shirt, blue jeans, tennis shoes and wearing his Hogan do-rag. Hogan cupped his ear while standing on the entrance stage and the fans cheered. Hogan slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Hogan got in the ring and did the ear cupping on all four sides of the ring and saluted the fans. Marshall welcomed Hulk back to the UWL. HH: "Man! It's great to be back in the best wrestling organization in the world, the UWL!" Fans cheered. Marshall asked Hulk about his return. HH: "I just couldn't stay away, brother! This is the place to be in wrestling today! Just to feel the energy from these 'Hulkamaniacs' is all I need to power me upward and onward! The last time I was here several weeks ago, I faced one of the biggest challenges of my career! Billy Graham pushed 'Hulkamania' and all my 'Hulkamaniacs' to the brink of extinction! But it was you guys, my loyal legion of 'Hulkamaniacs', who wouldn't let one of the most powerful forces in the universe die! Me and the 'Superstar' waged a war rarely seen among mortal men! He's such a powerful man himself that he pushed 'Hulkamania' to the edge of the cliff, brother! But I knew I couldn't let my 'Hulkamaniacs' down! I couldn't let Graham kill it! And in my darkest hour, I felt the pleas of the 'Hulkamaniacs' coarse through my body! And that gave me the strength to thwart the evil plans of the 'Superstar' and fight back with every last ounce of strength I had to save 'Hulkamania'! Now, I'm back here and looking for new challenges in the UWL! Look at the wrestling talent here! It's like looking at the greatest constellation of stars ever assembled in the sky, man! I can't wait to get back in this ring and wrestle the best our sport has to offer!" Out came Bruiser Brody. He was in street clothes and carrying a mic. Crowd cheered Brody's appearance. He didn't slap hands with fans on the way to the ring. He got in the ring and now the crowd was buzzing. Hogan looked on at Brody with a quizzical look on his face. Brody did not shake hands. BB: "Hulk Hogan. We finally meet. You know, Hulk, we've both had legendary careers. We've both wrestled and beaten the greats in this business. But, there's one thing missing on both of our wrestling resumes'. We've never wrestled each other. Our careers have been long and successful ones. But our paths have never crossed...until now. And this is why I came back here. Hulk Hogan vs. Bruiser Brody would be one of the biggest matches of all-time in the long and illustrious history of our great sport." HH: "Whoa, brother! Are you insinuating what I think you're insinuating?!" BB: "I'm not insinuating anything. There's nothing ambiguous about what I'm saying. Hulk Hogan. I'm challenging you to the match of a lifetime at 'Heatwave'." Crowd cheered. HH: "Bruiser Brody! I have followed your career! I've gotta admit that I've often wondered what would happen if I ever stepped in the ring with you! And to have this match on a major stage like 'Heatwave' would only elevate it to an immortal status! You call it the match of a lifetime and I couldn't agree more with that sentiment, brother! It's a once in a lifetime event that all wrestling fans would want to see!" BB: "Then Hulk, do you accept my challenge to a match at 'Heatwave'?" HH: "Bruiser Brody! I accept your challenge, brother!" 'Born In The USA' played over the p.a. system and out walked Bill Watts on the entrnace stage with mic in hand. Watts: "Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody. Everybody backstage is in shock over what's just transpired. However, because of the unique nature of this match since it would be the only match-up ever between you two, I'm gonna have to talk with owner KD Smith and the UWL Board of Directors about making this match. I'll let you know next week whether or not this match is gonna take place at 'Heatwave'." Crowd booed. Watts: "I know what I said isn't popular. But the magnitude of this match is something that has never been seen before in the UWL. I wanna see this match. Everyone backstage wants to see this match. And the fans want to see this match. But we've got to go through channels we normally wouldn't have to go through when making a match here because of the historic nature of this potential bout. Again, you will have an answer next week as to whether this match is a go or not." HH: "President Watts! Get in contact with whoever you've got to get in contact with right now, brother! I want this match! And Bruiser Brody wants this match! Just get all the behind-the-scenes stuff taken care of so me and Brody can give these fans what they want! The match of a lifetime!" Crowd cheered. Watts: "I'm gonna be on this issue as soon as possible and, if I have to go without sleep for a week to make this match happen then I will!" Watts walked to the back. Brody and Hogan looked at each other. Brody then extended his hand to Hogan. Hogan shook Brody's hand and then turned to walk away but Brody held wouldn't let go of Hogan's hand. Brody yanked Hogan back towards him and the two were nose-to-nose as the crowd buzzed. After a brief staredown, an expressionless Brody let go of Hogan's hand and then calmly left the ring and headed back up the aisle with Hogan looking on. Brody never slapped hands with fans nor did he look back. Hogan then shown looking down at his hand and looking back up the aisle at Brody as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the stunning turn of events during the Hogan i'view and Brody coming out and challenging Hogan to a match at 'HW'. Said Luger vs. DDP was coming up next.)


Match 5 (If DDP wins, DDP gets a re-match next week against Luger with Luger's UWL WT shot at 'Heatwave' on the line)

Lex Luger vs. DDP


(Announcers pointed out that Co-Pres. Russo had given the OK for the match stip. DDP came out to boos. Luger came out to a strong ovation. Back-and-forth affair with both men having the advantage at times. As the match was going on, UWL WC Valentine, in his ring gear, and mgr. Hart came out on the entance stage to watch Luger wrestle. Luger got distracted when he saw the pair during the match and DDP tried to defeat Luger with a roll-up from behind but Lex escaped the pin try. At the end of the match, Luger had the advantage. Lex whipped DDP into the buckles and chrged in on DDP but DDP moved and Lex slammed front first into the buckles. Luger extricated himself from the buckles, turned around and was blasted with a discus clothesline by DDP. Lex crashed to the mat. DDP gave the Diamond sign and circled around Luger. Luger made it to his feet and turned around. DDP kicked Lex in the gut and nailed Lex with the Diamond Cutter. Luger went down again. DDP went for the cover. 1...2... Lex kicked out. DDP pulled Lex up and whipped Lex into the ropes and looked to catch Lex coming off with an elbow smash to the chest but Lex ducked the move and came back and pulverized DDP with a forearm smash to the head. DDP crashed to the mat. Lex pulled DDP up, whipped DDP into the ropes and caught DDP coming off with a powerslam. Lex signaled it was time for the rack. Crowd popped. Luger hoisted DDP up in the rack and DDP was only in it for a few seconds before submitting. Ref called for the bell. Ref raised Luger's hand in victory. Lex looked over at the entrance stage and Greg and Hart were still there. Luger made a gesture of snapping Greg in half and then signaled for Greg to come to the ring. Greg looked at Lex briefly and then he and Hart exited the stage to the boos of the crowd. WINNER: Luger - Submission - Rack - 4:29)


(Announcers discussed the Luger win and said they'd gotten word that Larry Nelson had some important news so they sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Nelson: "Steve and Joe! Bill Watts has just been on the phone with UWL owner KD Smith and he is going to be coming to the ring in just a minute with major news!")


(Announcers said Watts' announcement was next!)


(In-ring: Back from commercial, Watts was in the ring with Wahoo McDaniel. Watts and Wahoo had mics. Watts: "Before this goes any further, I need my Co-President to come out here. We've only got a few minutes of air-time left so just come on out Russo." Russo came out, he had a mic. He had his six bodyguards with him. Four took their positions around the ring on the floor and two got in the ring and one held the ropes open for Russo. Russo: "What's this about, Bill?" Watts: "Russo, I'll get to you in a minute. Wahoo, last week you won a Battle Royal and were paid $100,000 dollars in cash." Wahoo: "President Watts, I heard what happened earlier and how Co-President Russo paid me with money he pulled from a UWL account without permission. I'm an honorable man. And the only thing to do will be to give back the money." Watts: "Wahoo, I was on the phone with owner KD Smith a few minutes ago. He said that since you won the Battle Royal that you are entitled to the money. He wants you to keep it." Russo: "Well, problem solved then. Bye." Watts: "Hold it right there. You see, Vince, Wahoo gets to keep his winnings. But you still pulled that money without authorization to pay the winner. So, here's what KD told me to tell you. That $100,000 dollars you pulled last week still needs to be paid back." Russo: "What the... He said Wahoo could keep the money, right?" Watts: "He did indeed. But KD wants that $100 grand back. And he's getting it back. Vince Russo, KD Smith said that he's gonna take that money out of your pay!" Crowd cheered. Russo: "No! That's not fair! This bullsh..." Watts: "Whether you like it or not that's the decision that was made. Now, there's one more thing KD wanted me to tell you. Because you pulled that money last week without permission, on top of the $100 grand, you are also being fined $50,000 dollars!" Russo was shocked. Fans cheered more. Russo: " $150,000 dollars! This is an outrage! I protest this decision!" Watts: "Fine. Go protest it to the owner of the company. Good luck in getting it overturned, Vince." Russo: "Watts, I know you orchestrated this! That's more punishment points you've just heaped upon your head! You have moved ever so close to the last straw!" Watts: "Whatever. But your next several paychecks are gonna be a whole lot smaller! Goodnight, Vince!" Watts shook Wahoo's hand and the two then left the ring together as a fuming Russo looked on. As the program ended, announcers reminded viewers to tune in next week to see if the Hogan-Brody match will happen at 'HW'.)




Dark Match (Non-Title Match)

Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Hulk Hogan

(WINNER: Hogan - Pinfall - Flying Legdrop - 8:37)

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Hulk Hogan's return on the 7/3 edition of 'Slam!', where Hogan was confronted by Bruiser Brody and challenged to a match at 'Heatwave', drew a 1.9 rating which is the lowest for an episode of the program on which Hogan has appeared. However, UWL officials look at it as a solid number since it was the day before the July 4th holiday.


Expectations are that the 7/10 edition of 'Slam!' will be in the 2+ ratings range again as the decision is announced by Pres. Bill Watts as to whether or not the Hogan-Brody match will take place at 'Heatwave'.

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(Show opened with video from last week of Brody challenging Hogan to a match at 'HW' and Watts announcing they'd have a decision on tonight's program as to whether or not the match will happen. Pic aired of Hogan and Brody staring at each other with the caption: 'THE DECISION! TONIGHT!')


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: The UWL Pres. Seal played on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Hasten the day he returns as the sole President of the UWL...I present to you...Vince Russo!" Bodyguards came out on the entrance stage and formed two columns of three as the crowd booed. Louder boos as Russo walked out on the entrnace stage with mic in hand. Russo was wearing a gray Yankees' road jersey. Russo and crew made their way to the ring. Usual drill. As Russo and two bodyguards stood in the ring and soaked in the boos, video aired for the viewers at home from last week of Watts announcing that UWL owner KD Smith had decided to deduct the $100K from Russo's pay because of his unauthorized of pulling that amount from a UWL account to pay off a Battle Royal winner two weeks ago and Watts announcing that Smith tacked on a $50K fine for pulling the $100K without permission. Russo: "I have something to say to UWL owner KD Smith! KD, I know you're watching this! I wanted to tell you that I think you're the biggest son-of-a..." 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Watts came to the ring with mic in hand. Watts got a fair response coming out. Watts got in the ring. Watts: "Vince, it would be wise to keep your true personal feelings about KD Smith to yourself if you want to keep your job." Russo: "Keep my job?! In case you've forgotten, Bill, I'm gonna be the only President of the UWL again one day! And that day is a lot sooner than you think, pal! You and KD Smith are both a couple of no-good sons-of-..." Watts: "Russo! We have a show to present to these people tonight! You being forced to repay money that you in essence stole from a UWL bank account and the fine on top of it were more than justified! Get over it! Live with the fact that your wallet is going to be a lot lighter for a while!" Russo: "Oh! I'm over it, Bill! Because I know my time is coming to be back in my rightful position as President of the wrestling operations of the UWL. I can live with the fact that I'm $150,000 dollars poorer because when I do take complete control here again...I'm gonna demand a raise! And, by God, KD Smith better be ready to pony up the big bucks!" Watts: "I'm getting really tired of all your talk, Vince." Russo: "Care to do something about my 'talk'?! Because I'm gonna be talking all the damn time on this show when your ass is gone from the scene because I'll be the only boss again!" Watts: "Do you have your matches made for tonight?" Russo: "Yes, my matches are made for tonight! And here they are! First, I wanna see Billy Graham kick some ass as only he can! So, it's gonna be Billy Graham vs. The Crusher! As for my second match! Heh heh! Oh, you're gonna love this one, Bill! Father Dutch is gonna wrestle...Hulk Hogan!" Crowd popped for the second match announced. Russo: "I loathe Hulk Hogan! And I really hope Father Dutch sends him to Hell this evening! Hulk Hogan and all his stupid 'Hulkamaniacs' deserve to fry as far as I'm concerned!" Watts: "You're all class, Vince. Hogan's a man who has proven on countless occasions that he is more than capable of handling himself in the ring! It could be Father Dutch that winds up getting burned!" Russo: "Way to turn a phrase, Bill. Just tell us your damn matches." Watts: "I'd love to see you without teeth. My two matches for tonight are..." Russo: "You wanna see me toothless! That's more punishment points you've added to you astronomically growing total, Watts! Get ready! Because very soon I'm gonna bring the pain!" Watts: "As I was saying, here are my two matches for tonight's show. We're gonna have a Women's World Title match! Tina Ferrari will be defending against Ashley Cartier!" Not much crowd response. Watts: "And, Harley Race will be defending the President's Championship against...Wahoo McDaniel!" More response for that match. Watts: "And let's not forget! Later tonight! The final decision will be rendered as to whether or not the Hulk Hogan-Bruiser Brody match of a lifetime will take place at 'Heatwave'!" Crowd cheered. Russo: "Do I have any say as to whether or not that match happens?!" Watts: "Vince, you knew we had discussions every day at the UWL offices in Seattle over the last week about this match but, for whatever reason, you couldn't be bothered to show up or even call in to give your opinion on the matter!" Russo: "The reason I didn't show up was since I'm gonna be the only President of the UWL once again very soon, decisons like this should be made only by me! As for my opinion on this matter...no, I wouldn't make a match between Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody because neither man deserves it! They're a couple of egomaniacs who sabotage the careers of others for their own gain! Now, the UWL may put them in possibly the biggest money-making position in this company's history?! It would be like paying a couple of thieves as far as I'm concerned! Hell no! There should be no Hogan vs. Brody match!" Crowd booed. Russo: "Why don't you people just shut up!" Boos grew louder. Watts: "Russo, I think you're the only person on the planet who doesn't want to see this match take place." Russo: "You know what that would mean then?! It would mean I'm right and the rest of the world is wrong! Which is the way it often is, anyway!" Watts just shook his head at Russo. Watts: "You are a psychoanalysts dream." Russo: "Now you're calling me crazy! You just added a boatload more punishment points to your total, buddy! Your days are so numbered here, Watts! I can't wait until you're outta here!" Watts: "All that talk from you and so little action. Face it, Vince. The reality is you're nothing more than a loud barking chihuaha." Watts then left the ring as his entrance music played. Russo: "Hey! Get your ass back in here! Look at me when I'm talking to you, Bill!" Watts made his way back up the aisle without once turning back around to look at Vince. Russo: "Your punishment points are off the charts now, mister! And I'm gonna cash them in a lot sooner than you can ever imagine!" Watts disappeared into the back and Russo was furious in the ring as fans were cheering Russo's meltdown.)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and discussed the escalating Russo-Watts situation and then ran down the program: THE DECISION: Hogan-Brody; Hogan vs. FD; PC: Race © vs. Wahoo; Women's WT: Tina © vs. Cartier; The Firm is here; highlights of the Patera-Batista © IWA WT re-match where Batista retained the belt; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine; an announcement about an upcoming tournament; the first 'HW' PPV Update; and more. Said Graham vs. Crusher is next.)


Match 1

Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Crusher

(WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Jackhammer - 4:13)


(Graham came to the ring to loud boos. Graham feigned like he was gonna slap hands with the fans on the way to the ring but would pull his hand back at the last second. Once in the ring, Graham struck some bodybuilder poses to the boos of the crowd. Crusher gave Graham a fight but Graham emerged the victor. After Graham dispatched Crusher, he and GW made their way back up the aisle as Tully Blanchard, in street clothes, came charging to the ring with a chair. Crusher was still down when Tully hit the ring and put the boots to Crusher and dropped the chair. Tully then snapped up Crusher and laid out Crusher with a slingshot suplex. Tully then positioned Crusher for a turnbuckle move. Tully picked up the chair and went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Tully came off with the chair and smashed the chair into Crusher's face. UWL security came to the ring and Tully bailed. Security checked on Crusher as Tully made his way up the aisle, turning on the stage to look with glee at the damage he'd done to Crusher before heading to the back as the crowd booed.)


(Announcers discussed Graham beating Crusher and Tully attacking Crusher after the match. Hyped still to come: Women's WT: Tina © vs. Ash; PC: Race © vs. Wahoo; THE DECISION: Hogan-Brody; The Firm is here; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; and more. Said Hogan vs. FD is coming up!)


(Video aired for the next UWL PPV: 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Father Dutch. Asked FD about tonight's match with Hogan. FD: "It's fitting that I'm wrestling Hulk Hogan in Las Vegas. This is the place known as 'Sin City'. When I arrived here, I could feel the sin emanating from the sinners all around me. People throwing their money away on gambling. All the drinking and drugging that goes on in this cesspool. And the women. The women. Jezebels! Barely wearing any clothes and letting their private parts hang out! Everywhere you turn in this town there's sinful lust oozing out of these loose ladies! It's disgusting! And like Sodom and Gamorrah, God's anger will burn against Las Vegas! And the good news is when that happens nothing will be left of this city but a smoldering heap! This seems like Hulk Hogan's kind of town. It's a cauldron of depravity! And Hulk Hogan is a sinner! A big sinner! You can see the seven deadly sins rolling around in his eyes like the spinning wheels of a slot machine! Hogan! I'm gonna start you down the path of salvation tonight! It won't be pretty! And it will be quite painful! I was sent to the UWL to correct wayward men like you! But the great news is that through suffering, Hogan will become a better person! And one day he will thank Father Dutch for redeeming him from his sorry state! Amen.")


Match 2

Hulk Hogan vs. Father Dutch


(FD came to the ring to loud boos. He was wearing his priest's attire. He had his black bag with him. Hogan came out to a rousing ovation from the fans. He slapped hands with fans along the way to the ring. Once in the ring, he shredded his t-shirt and threw it into the crowd. He then threw his do-rag in the crowd. Hogan had his back turned and FD attacked him from behind with a series of forearm smashes to the back. Ref called for the bell. FD started nailing Hogan with punches to the face and body and then whipped Hogan into the ropes and looked to catch Hulk coming off with a clothesline but Hogan ducked the move and came back and floored FD with a clothesline of his own. FD got up and Hogan blasted FD with another clothesline. FD bailed from the ring to the floor and fell back against the ringside barricade. Hogan briefly played to the roaring fans. Hulk wanted to go after FD but the ref stepped in and ordered Hulk to step back. FD then dropped to his knees on the floor and started praying. Hogan went to go out after FD and the ref stopped him again. FD appeared to pull something out of his pants. As Hulk had words with the ref, FD made his way back on the apron. Hulk broke away from the ref and grabbed FD on the apron. The ref stepped between them to try and break it up. Hulk grabbed FD. Ref had his head down trying to separate the two. FD then stunned Hulk with a small chain-laden punch to the head. Hulk stunned. FD nailed Hulk with another chain shot to the head the ref didn't see. Hulk staggered back and was grabbing his head. Ref looked at Hulk as FD turned towards the crowd and dropped the small chain slyly back in his pants. FD stepped in the ring as Hulk had turned sideways. FD raked Hulk down the back. Hulk staggering around the ring. FD raked Hulk's back twice more. Hulk wandered and was facing the buckles. FD backed up, charged at Hulk and nailed him with a dropkick to the back that drove Hulk into the buckles. Hulk slammed into the buckles front-first and FD dropped down and rolled Hullk up from behind and held the tights while going for the pin. 1...2... Hulk kicked FD off. As Hulk got to his feet, FD came up behind Hulk and clipped Hulk's left leg out from under him with a shoulder to the back of the knee. Hulk went down. FD then grabbed Hogan's legs and, after a brief struggle, turned Hulk over into the Boston Crab. Crowd chanting 'Hulk! Hulk!' Hulk struggled in the hold briefly but was able to make the ropes and force a break in the hold. FD stomped on Hulk's back and then pulled Hogan up and nailed the big man with a suplex. FD then nailed Hulk with a fist drop to the head and went for the cover. 1... Hogan kicked out. Hulk started getting up and FD grabbed Hulk and whipped Hulk into the buckles. As FD moved in, Hulk charged out of the corner and blasted FD with a massive clothesline. FD crashed to the mat and Hulk dropped to his knees. Both men made their way to their feet at the same time. FD moved in to punch Hulk but Hulk blocked the punch attempt and fired away on FD with punches. Hulk picked FD up and press slammed FD to the mat. Hulk then took a page out of th Dusty Rhodes' play book and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash that connected. Hulk for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... FD got a shoulder up. Hulk pulled FD up and whipped FD into the buckles. Hogan moved in with punches. Hulk then grabbed FD by the hair, spun FD around and started repeatedly slamming FD's head into the top buckle. FD countered by driving the back of his lower leg into Hulk's groin. Hulk stumbled backwards and went down on his ass on the mat. Hogan, in the sit-up position, was then blasted by a low flying dropkick to the chest. Hulk prostrate on the mat. As Hulk started to get up, FD went to lock Hulk in the Confessional. FD had his arms wrapped around Hogan's neck and head and was struggling to get his legs locked in as he took Hulk down. A struggle ensued and Hogan turned over and was on all fours with FD on his back. Hogan fought and FD was trying to get the hold completely locked in and take Hulk back down. Hulk made it to his feet with FD on his back. Hulk ran backwards and slammed FD back first into the buckles. FD's grip looosened. Hulk repeated the move and FD let go and was limp in the corner. Hulk came alive. Crowd popped. Hulk moved in with a series of punches to FD's head, whipped FD into the ropes and caught FD coming off with a big boot to the face. FD crashed to the mat. Hogan hit the ropes and came off and nailed FD with his flying leg drop finisher. Hogan covered FD and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans roaring. Hogan struck a few poses and briefly played to the crowd before heading to the back. WINNER: Hogan - Pinfall - Flying Legdrop - 5:19)


(Announcers discussed Hogan beating FD. Hyped still to come: THE DECISION: Hogan-Brody; PC: Race © vs. Wahoo; Women's WT Match: Tina © vs. Ash; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; the first 'HW' PPV Update and more! Said The Firm is coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': TIM HORTON'S PRESENTS: THE UWL 'CANADIAN CRUNCH' TOUR: Mon. - July 16 - Vancouver, BC - Thunderbird Sports Centre; Tue. - July 17 - Calgary, AB - Jack Simpson Gymnasium; Wed. - July 18 - Edmonton, AB - Clare Drake Arena; Thu. - Jul. 19 - Regina, SSK - The Brandt Centre; Fri. - Jul. 20 - Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre; Sat. - July 21 - Toronto, ONT - Ricoh Coliseum; Sun. - July 22 - Montreal, QUE - Concordia Stadium (Outdoor Show).

Thu. - Aug. 16 - Syracuse, NY - War Memorial Arena @ The OnCenter; Fri. - Aug. 17 - Albany, NY - Washington Avenue Armory Arena; Sat. - Aug. 18 - Uniondale, LI - Nassau Coliseum. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers intro'd highlights of the IWA WT re-match between Batista © and Patera that aired last Sat. on 'IWA Power'. Patera took much of the match. Late in the match, Scot Hall came down to ringside and distracted the ref by getting up on the apron. Batista was working over Patera and was preparing to nail Patera with his Batista Bomb when Rude hit the ring and attacked Batista from behind and blasted Batista with the Rude Awakening. Rude bailed from the ring and headed to the back and Hall suddenly dropped off the apron. Patera got to his feet, snapped up Batista in the full nelson and laid out Batista with the full nelson slam. Crowd rose to its feet. Patera for the cover. 1...2...2-3/4... Batista got a shoulder up. Patera covered Batista again. 1...2... Batista kicked out. Fans going crazy. Patera started pulling batista up and Batista popped Patera in the jaw with an upper cut that stunned Patera. Batitsa started laying into Patera with punches. Batista noticed Hall climbing back on the apron and ran over and clotheslined Hall. Hall crashed to the apron and then to the floor. Crowd roaring. Patera nailed Batista from behind with a two-fisted backsmash. Batista went down to a knee. Patera immediately grabbed Batista in the full nelson position again but couldn't get his fingers locked as Batista, after a struggle, powered out of the hold, spun around, bashed Patera with a couple of punches and whipped Patera into the ropes and obliterated Patera coming off with a spear. Fans nearly blew the roof off the building. Nash charged down the aisle to interfere but was stopped at ringside and blasted with punches by Sid Vicous and then Nash was thrown into the ring steps. Batista nailed Patera with the Batista Bomb, covered Patera, hooked the leg and scored the pinfall victory to the delight of the crowd. WINNER - Batista - Pinfall - Batista Bomb - TOTAL MATCH TIME: 12:46)


(In-ring: The Firm came to the ring. All were in street clothes. All had mics. None were happy; especially Patera. They received a mixed crowd reaction. KP: "I really thought that tonight I would..." Nash: "Hold it right there, Ken. I've got something to say. As the people just saw, you didn't win the IWA World Title back. On Saturday night after that match I got a call from the Director. The Director wasn't happy with what happened. The Director is not a happy person right now. In fact, they're pretty angry. Ken, you held the IWA World Title for one year. That's a pretty impressive run. In this business titles are won and titles are lost. That's just the name of the game. The problem we have here, Ken, is that you should have held the IWA World Title much longer in the Director's opinion. First of all, they don't think you should have lost the title in the first place at 'Thunderstruck'. And secondly, the Director believes that you should have regained the championship in the re-match. They said that not re-gaining the title from Batista was inexcusable. There was no room for error on Saturday night, Ken. But you made a big error when you left that ring without the IWA Championship. Now, the Director realizes that this is a long and protracted war The Firm is fighting here in the UWL. There are gonna be victories and set-backs along the way to winning this war and holding all the championships and ultimately taking over this company. But this was a set-back, a defeat, Ken, that wasn't allowed. You made the biggest mistake of, not just your career, but your life, when you failed to bring that title back into the fold of The Firm. Now, what do you have to say for yourself?" KP: "Kevin, I gave it everything I had in that match. And you're right. I failed to get the job done. I don't know what the Director expects since I was putting that title on the line all the time. As you said, championships are won and they're lost. That's the reality of wrestling. There is no guarantee as to how long one will hold a title. It could be for one day or it could be for 10 years. I understand the Director wanting me to hold onto the IWA World Title longer. But it just didn't happen. And no one's more pissed about it than me." Nash: "I've got some news for you, Ken. All that you just said...means absolutely nothing. You...are absolutely nothing now. You failed! That's all there is to it!" KP: "For one year I was the guy who went out and defended the IWA Title! Me! I had to fight off some great wrestlers to keep that belt for as long as I did! This whole thing seems surreal! And where the hell is your title belt, Kevin?!" Nash: "How dare you insult me! You..." Hall: "Hey yo!" Ken turned to look at Hall and Rude sucker punched Ken in the jaw with a mic-laden fist. Patera went down. The other Firm members put the boots to Patera and Nash ordered Ken held up by Hall and Rude. Nash hammered away on Patera with head and body punches. Nash then grabbed Ken by the hair was saying something right in Ken's face. Nash then told Hall and Rude to whip Patera into the ropes. They whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Ken coming off with a double clothesline. Patera laid out. Crowd buzzing. Hall told Rude to pull Patera up. Rude pulled pulled Ken up, whipped Ken into the ropes and Hall blasted Patera coming off with a Hallinator. Ken now just laying there. Rude snapped Patera up and nailed Ken with a Rude Awakening. Patera all but out of it. Hall and Rude then cheered on Kevin and Kevin grabbed Patera and pulverized Ken with a jack-knife powerbomb. Patera was finished and laid out in a crumpled mass. Nash picked up the mic and stood over Patera. Nash: "Ken Patera! The Director also wanted me to inform you that you are no longer a member of The Firm!" Nash threw the mic down on Ken and Hall and Rude got a few more stomps in on Ken before the three left the ring to more boos than cheers now. The three were all stern-faced when making their way back up the aisle. Shot showed Patera just laying there as they went to a commercial.)


(After the commercials, video aired of a hurting Patera being helped to the back by EMT's. Patera was holding the back of his neck. Announcers discussed the stunning turn of events between Patera and The Firm. Hyped still to come: THE DECISION: Brody-Hogan; PC: Race © vs. Wahoo; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; and more. Said the Women's WT match was next!)


(Video aired of a black screen and a silver bar came into the picture and floated into the middle of the screen and melted into the word 'Madusa' as a sultry voice said her name in a whispering echo as Madusa's face slowly faded into the picture.)


Match 3 (UWL Women's World Title Match)

Tina Ferrari © vs. Ashley Cartier


(Ashley came out to a weak response from the crowd. Tina came to the ring to boos. Short match. Ashley took the match early, stunning Tina with punches. Ashley whipped Tina into the ropes and blasted Tina coming off with a flying dropkick. Tina crashed to the mat. Tina started to get up and Ash caught Tina with a small package. Ash for the pin try. 1...2... Tina kicked out. Ash then blasted Tina with a swinging neckbreaker. Tina down near the ropes. Ash for the cover. 1...2... Tina got her foot on the bottom rope. Ash pulled Tina up and whipped her into the buckles. Ash charged in and Tina moved and Ash slammed front-first into the buckles. Tina pounded on Ash's back with forearms and slammed Ash's head into the top turnbuckle. Tina nailed Ash with a series of Europen uppercuts. Ash staggered out of the corner next to the ropes. Tina whipped Ash into the ropes and caught Ash coming off with a kick to the gut that doubled over Ash. Tina blasted Ash with a DDT. Ash laid out. Tina rolled Ash over on her gut and locked Ash in the recliner. Ash wasn't in the hold long before submitting. Ref called for the bell and got the belt. Ref raised Tina's hand in victory and handed the belt back to her. Tina then asked for the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall. Tina: "Another one bites the dust!" Ash had rolled out onto the apron. Tina: "Get out of my ring, you loser!" Tina went over and pushed Ash off the apron and down to the floor with her foot. Tina: "As everybody knows, Madusa is coming! The Internet has been burning up with chatter that Madusa will be the one to end my undefeated streak here in the UWL and take my title! Not gonna happen, boys and girls! Let's just get Madusa in the company and I'll beat her and she'll just be another one in the growing line of female wrestlers who have tried and failed to defeat me! The spirit of Mildred is walking so tall right now that it doesn't matter who I face! They're all gonna meet the same inglorious fate!" Crowd buzzing as a a woman came through the crowd and jumped the ringside barricade and climbed up on the apron. Stack: "It's Madusa! Madusa's here!" Tina was arrogantly strutting around with the championship belt as Madusa mounted the top buckle. Tina turned in Madusa's direction and...WHAM!...Madusa blasted Tina with a missle dropkick. Tina crashed to the mat and dropped the belt. Fans now cheering. Madusa snapped Tina up, whipped her into the ropes and caught Tina coming off with a spinning heel kick. Tina down again. Madusa grabbed Tina and nailed her with a snap suplex. Madusa grabbed Tina again but Tina broke free and scurried out of the ring to the floor and didn't even look back as she headed back up the aisle as Madusa looked on from the ring as the fans cheered. WINNER: Tina - Submission - Recliner - 1:31)


(Announcers discussed the suprise appearance by Madusa. Hyped still to come: THE DECISION: Hogan-Brody; PC: Race © vs. Wahoo; the first 'HW' PPV Update and more! Said an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Tully Blanchard who was with Holly Madison and JJ Dillon. Holly was not happy. Nelson asked Holly what was wrong. Holly: "I checked those numbers I found on Tully's cellphone last week. They're all women!" Tully: "Holly! I told you! We...will...discuss...this...matter...later!" Holly: "I wanna talk about it now." Tully: "On national TV?! God! Holly, sometimes you can be such a bitch. We'll talk about it later back at the hotel and not on the FX cable network. Get her out of here, JJ." JJ: "Holly, let's go." JJ led a pissed Holly by the arm out of the interview area. Tully: "Now, I'm gonna talk about what I came out here for! Crusher! How did that chair feel when I slammed it into your face from 15 feet in the air?! Haha! The impact might have killed the few non-alcohol saturated brain cells you have left! Crusher, you cost me the chance at $50,000 dollars! I had the Great Christopho's mask all but pulled off at 'Thunderstruck'! I was gonna show the world that Daniels was under that mask! You ruined it for me and you had to pay! And pay you did!" Suddenly, Crusher, wearing a black wrestling mask, charged into the interview area and tackled Tully to the ground and started punching Tully. Tully fought back and the two started rolling around on the floor exchanging punches. JJ Dillon and the Mighty Texans came into the scene and pulled the two fighting parties apart. JJ held Tully at bay while the Mighty Texans contained Crusher. There was yelling and chaos. Crusher wanted to get at Tully again but the MT's held onto Crusher as JJ cooled Tully down. Tully: "Why you wearing that mask, Crusher?! Huh?! Is your face smashed up?!" Lash: "Crusher! Calm down! You'll get him when the time is right!" Crusher: "I'm gonna kill you, Blanchard! Holly! He's scum! Get away from him while you can!" Crusher wanted to back at Tully but the MT's dragged him away. Crusher was yelling at Tully as he disappeared from the screen.)


(Announcers discussed the fight between Tully and Crusher and Holly's issues with Tully. Hyped still to come: PC: Race © vs. Wahoo; THE DECISION: Hogan-Brody; the first 'HW' PPV Update. Said an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine is next.)


(Video montage' aired of Valentine reacting to Piper's music being played in the arena during interviews and matches.)


(In-ring: UWL WC Valentine came to the ring with mgr. Hart. Both were in suits and Greg had the title slung over his shoulder. They were mainly booed. Marshall asked Greg about the possible mind games being played by Roddy Piper. Greg (chuckled): "Lee Marshall. I am not going to discuss this matter regarding Roddy Piper any longer. For weeks now, we've heard Piper's music play when I'm out here doing an interview or wrestling. I've come to the conclusion that this is all just some prank being pulled on me. I know, you know and everyone out here knows that I ended Roddy Piper's career on October 2, 2011 in that Dog Collar and Chain match at 'Helloween'. Piper is done. He's finished. He's never, ever wrestling again. All this stuff that's been happening recently...it's just a big joke. Now, facing Lex Luger with UWL World Title on the line at 'Heatwave' is no joke. Luger, I know you're watching this right now. You may think you've got some sort of advantage in our match on August 5th because all UWL wrestlers and managers, including my manager, are barred from ringside. Well I don't need Gary Hart's help to beat you. I beat you at 'Thunderstruck' and I'll beat you once again at 'Heatwave'. I'm the best in the world right now, Luger. I don't need anyone to help me pin your shoulders to the mat or force you to submit to the figure four. I can do that all on my own thank you very much. And Luger keeps talking about placing me in the torture rack again only this time, he says, I won't escape the hold. Luger, for every hold in wrestling there's a counter-hold. You just keep that in mind as we head into 'Heatwave'. You may hoist me across your shoulders with those big, powerful arms of yours. But I know what it takes to counter the torture rack. You seem to be banking an awful lot on just one move, Luger. Remember, this match is 2-out-of-3 falls, big man. And I'll guarantee it right now; there's no chance you can put me in the rack twice. With that in mind, you'd better have something else up your sleeve. I've been on a helluva roll since I won the World Title last December. And I'm very confident that when the sun rises on the morning of August 6th, I'll still be the UWL World Champion." Hart: "The World Champion just said what needs to be said. Lex Luger, I may not be at ringside for the championship match at 'Heatwave'. But I know this man like I know my own family. And if you're gonna rely on just one finishing move to try and take the title from him in a match where you have to win two falls...then the only thing I can tell you is that you're gonna fail." Piper's bagpipe music blared over the p.a. system again. Crowd buzzed. Greg was laughing and shaking his head and Hart was also amused. Out on the entrance stage came an average sized guy who was dressed as Piper and wearing a Piper rubber mask. The guy came to the ring. As the guy got on the apron he pointed at Valentine. The guy then climbed in the ring. Greg and Hart feigned being scared. Greg (laughing): "What is this?" The man walked around briefly in front of Greg and Hart. The two were still laughing at him. The masked man then waved in Greg's face. Greg again acted scared and started laughing some more. The man then acted like he was laughing as well. Greg turned and looked at Hart and the man pulled a can out of the back of the waistline of his kilt. Greg turned around and was sprayed with...Silly String. Crowd popped. Greg stood there briefly stunned with silly string all over his suit and in his hair and on his face. The masked guy, now next to the ropes, pointed and laughed at Greg. Greg dropped his mic and title and charged the guy but the mystery man was too quick and bailed from the ring to the floor. Greg started to climb through the ropes to go out after him but Hart stopped the now angry champ. On the floor, the masked man pointed and laughed at the Silly-String covered champ. Many in the crowd cheered and laughed. The man then danced a brief little jig and took off back up the aisle. Hart tried to cool down a furious Valentine in the ring.)


(Announcers discussed the 'assault' on Greg with Silly String. Wondered if Piper was indeed behind all this. Hyped still to come: THE DECISION: Hogan-Brody; PC: Race © vs. Wahoo; and the first 'HW' PPV Update.)


(Announcers intro'd a video from UWL official Wally Karbo regarding the creation of a new championship in the UWL.)


(VIDEO: UWL official Wally Karbo was standing with a title cradled in his arm. Karbo: "Hello. I'm Wally Karbo. As you can see, I have a championship belt in my hands. This is the new UWL World TV Title. Beginning next week, we will have an 8-man single elimination tournament to crowd the first-ever UWL World TV Champion. Next week will be the opening round of the tournament. In two weeks, we will have the semi-finals. And the final of the tournament will take place at the 'Heatwave' pay-per-view on August 5th at the Jobingdotcom Arena in Glendale, Arizona. The participants will be announced at the start of next week's edition of 'Slam!' wrestling. See you there.")


(Announcers discussed the creation of the TV Title and an 8-man tournament to crown the first TV champion beginning next week on the program. Said the PC match was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Wahoo. Asked about tonight's PC match. Wahoo: "Larry, this is a big opportunity tonight. I'd love to become a champion again. And while I don't like Harley Race, I've got to admit he's a great wrestler. While the word 'great' is thrown around quite frivilously when describing certain athletes, the word 'great' is fitting for a wrestler of Harley's caliber. He brings out the best in me because he's such a challenge to wrestle. He's tough to wrestle in a match where no titles are on the line. With the President's Championship up for grabs in this match I know he'll be even tougher to wrestle. Add to that he's got his slimey manager JJ Dillon in his corner and it will make winning the President's Championship all that much harder. And while I may not like Harley, I do respect him. As for JJ Dillon, I neither like nor respect him. And Dillon, if you try and interfere in this match and I get a hold of you, mister, I'll show you just how much I disrespect you. It's gonna be a battle. But I'm looking to walk out of that ring tonight as the new President's Champion.")


Match 4 (President's Championship)

Harley Race © (w/ JJ & Holly) vs. Wahoo McDaniel


(Wahoo was cheered coming out. Race and crew were heavily booed but had a small segment of supporters. As expected, match was a back-and-forth affair with some exciting near falls. Race also caught Wahoo in the Indian Death Lock during the match but Wahoo made the ropes and forced a break in the hold. JJ got in a cheap shot once during the match when Wahoo was out on the floor. At the end of the match, Wahoo was on the offensive. Wahoo blasted away on Race with chops and then whipped Race into the buckles. Wahoo then nailed Race with a running big splash. Race went limp in the corner. Wahoo grabbed Race, whipped Race into the ropes and looked to catch Race coming off with his big chop finisher but Race ducked the move and came back and blasted Wahoo with a flying headbutt. Both men crashed to the mat. Race got to his feet as Wahoo got to a knee. Race kicked Wahoo in the ribs and then proceeded to pull Wahoo up by the hair and nail the Chief with some punches to the head. Race whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Race went for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2... Wahoo got a shoulder up. Race nailed Wahoo with some more head shots and then got up and rubbed the sole of his boot across Wahoo's face. Race picked up Wahoo and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the second buckle and came off with a diving headbutt but Wahoo moved and Race slammed head first into the mat. Crowd buzzing. Both men down again. Both men made it to their feet. Race chopped Wahoo and Wahoo fired back with a chop of his own. The two then exchanged chops until Wahoo got the upper hand and peppered Race with a series of undefended chops. Race staggered. Wahoo went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a big chop to the top of Race's head. Race crashed to mat. JJ jumped up on the apron and distracted Wahoo. Ref tried to keep Wahoo away from JJ but Wahoo grabbed JJ by the lapels of his suit jacket and was shaking him. Race got to a knee in the ring. Ref tangled with JJ and Wahoo. In all the chaos, JJ was able to reach into his jacket pocket and brandish knux that he tossed to Race behind the ref's and Wahoo's backs. Race picked up the knux and put them on. As Wahoo maintained his hold on JJ, Race came up behind Wahoo and looked to strike the Chief with the knux but Wahoo moved and Race slammed JJ flush in the head with the knux. JJ crashed to the floor. Crowd popped. Wahoo fired away on Race with chops, whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with the big chop to the chest. Race crashed to the mat. Wahoo covered Race and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd roaring. Ref took the belt from and had a word with r.a. Marshall. Ref raised Wahoo's hand in victory and handed him the President's Championship. Marshall: "Ladies and Gentlemen! In a time of 10 minutes, 14 seconds...your winner...and NEW President's Champion...Chief Wahoo McDaniel!" Wahoo walked around the ring holding the title high in the air before leaving to a nice ovation. Wahoo slapped hands with fans on the way abck up the aisle. WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - Big Chop - 10:14)


(Announcers discussed Wahoo winning the PC in an exciting match. Hyped still to come: THE DECISION: Hogan-Brody. Said the first 'HW' PPV Update was next!)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH (2/3 Falls! All UWL Managers and Wrestlers barred from ringside!): Greg Valentine © vs. Lex Luger




'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers hyped the first round of the UWL TV Title Tourney coming up next week on 'Slam!' Said THE DECISION coming up next!)


(Video footage aired of last week's confrontation between Hogan and Brody where Brody challenged Hogan to a match at 'HW'.)


(In-ring: Coming back from commercial, Co-Pres. Watts was already in the ring with mic in hand. Watts: "This is the moment wrestling fans across the world have all been waiting for. For the last week, we in the UWL have had numerous discussions amongst oursleves and with representatives of both Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody about putting together the match of a lifetime. These talks have been long. It's been a draining week for everyone involved. But we have reached a decision. Right now, I need Bruiser Brody to come to the ring. Brody came out to a strong ovation with some boos mixed in. Brody was in street clothes and carrying a mic. Brody did not slap hands with the fans on the way to the ring. Brody got in the ring and shook hands with Watts but did not acknowledge the crowd reaction. After a brief pause, 'Eye of the Tiger' blared over the p.a. system. Fans popped. Hogan, still in his ring attire and once again wearing a red and yellow tank top and red and yellow do-rag, came out and the crowd exploded. He had a mic. Hogan made his way to the ring and slapped hands with fans along the way. Hogan got in the ring and briefly played to the roaring crowd. Hogan kept all of his attire on. Things settled down and there was a buzz through the crowd. Watts: "Hulk Hogan. Bruiser Brody. This is the moment of truth. We've all been through a lot this week. It's been a roller coaster ride. But, I am pleased to announce that after all the work behind the scenes to get this done...it is official. At 'Heatwave' on Sunday, August 5th, it will happen! It will be the Match of a Lifetime: Hulk Hogan vs. Bruiser Brody!" Crowd in full-throat at the announcement. Watts: "I have to yell you both, that in all my years of promoting wrestling I have never been as excited about a match like I am about this one! We're talking two of the two legendary giants of this sport meeting for the first and probably only time ever! I've said enough. I leave the rest of the talking to you two." Watts walked off into the corner and stood next to the buckles. Brody: "It's been a long week. Wondering whether or not this match was gonna take place was causing me to lose sleep. Hulk Hogan. You and I have careers that are unrivalled. We've had the greatest success of any two wrestlers in the history of this business. We've won enough championships to fill a warehouse. We've beaten other legends from coast-to-coast, continent-to-continent and border-to-border. But the fact is we've never faced each other. And now it's gonna happen in 26 days. I respect what you've done in your career, Hogan. But I've got a legacy. And I intend to protect that legacy by beating you at 'Heatwave'!" HH: "Bruiser Brody! Brother! Like you said we've both had legendary careers! And like you I've got a legacy to protect! I know you're the wildest wrestler in the history of the business! I've seen video of brawls you've been in all over the world! I've seen how crazy a match with you can get! I've seen you and your opponent spill blood in buckets, man! And it's incredible to watch! But at 'Heatwave' you're not only fighting me; you're fighting the power of 'Hulkamania'! I wouldn't think as highly of you as I do if you didn't think you could beat me at 'Heatwave'! But it takes two to tango, dude! And I feel really good that the legacy of Hulk Hogan and 'Hulkamania' are gonna be further cemented when I beat you at 'Heatwave'!" Brody: "Hogan, as I said before, our careers our unrivalled. But, there's one thing that sticks in my craw about you! And that's this! Am I gonna be wrestling Hulk Hogan the man or Hulk Hogan the damned cartoon character?! Can the 'Hulkamania' stuff...brother! This is between Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody! Two of the all-time greats in a one-time match!" HH: "Brody! I'm not a cartoon character! I'm as much of a man as you are, brother! But don't discount the very real power of 'Hulkamania'! It's a great power that effects a lot of lives!" BB: "Let me ask you something, Hulkster. Have you ever seen a Bruiser Brody ice cream bar? How about a Bruiser Brody doll? Or Bruiser Brody baby clothes? You haven't! And you never will! Your image has been on all that stuff! But Bruiser Brody's image will never be on that kind of junk because I'm a real man and not a cartoon character! I admire and respect what Hulk Hogan the man has done in the ring! But I don't care for Hulk Hogan the cartoon character who's image is on every piece of schlock out there and who speaks of the media created 'Hulkamania' and all these manipulated 'Hulkamaniacs' out here!" HH: "Whoa! Brother! 'Hulkamania' is not a media creation! 'Hulkamaniacs' were not created through media manipulation, man! It was purely a grassroots movement! These fans and me connected in a way that a wrestler and the fans have never connected before! It's a genuine relationship! And it's a bond that can't be broken! And you will be facing Hulk Hogan the man and the wrestler at 'Heatwave'! And it's for all these 'Hulkamaniacs' out here who you just disrespected that I fight for, brother!" BB: "Hulk, I'm not disrespecting your fans. You wanna see disrespect? This is disrespect." Brody reached over and ripped Hogan's t-shirt open and yanked off Hulk's do-rag and threw it out of the ring. Hogan stunned. BB: "Now that's disrespect...brother!" Brody got in Hogan's face and the two exchanged words off-mic as the program went off the air.)




Dark Match (UWL WTT Title Match)

Ole & Gene Anderson © (w/ Lars) vs. Mighty Texans

(WINNER: Andersons - Submission - Ole made Sam submit to the Cross Armbreaker - 13:45)

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yeah i agree with you on the landscape of wrestling may have been a little different if Turner would have backed watts. I plan on some suprises and other things. I am going to loose a few guys though,but i will build around them. I already have some plans to go with. anyways good luck with the UWL and I will be keeping a watch on it (UWL)
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