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NWA- yesterdays past...Is todays future.

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The Year is 2003 and What was once such a powerful wrestling company is now ,nothing more than just some good ol memories.....The NWA was a worldwide wrestling company that sold out arenas in America,Europe,Canada,Japan ,basically world wide.In the late 80's the National Wrestling Alliance would eventually be on the brink of bankruptcy and was sold to Ted Turner.The only thing that came out of it was WCW....And through the years it also died leaving WWF the only major wrestling promotion.The NWA did try to revive itself by running a few promotions in different territories across the United States, but that soon started to fade and it seemed once again that what once was the biggest wrestling promotion was about to fade away permantly,until one guy ,Robert Torbich (The last acting NWA President) decided to call an emergency meeting with the other board of executives of the National Wrestling Alliance.






From the National Wrestling Alliance meeting at it's NWA Headquarters in Atlanta,Ga.



Robert Torbich:: If I could have everyone's attention please.I would like to thank each and everyone for attending this meeting.I know this meeting was giving on such a short notice,and again I thank all of you and especially those of you who had to fly out here on such a short notice. It has come to my attention that the wrestling business has a hole and is missing something. Some of you may ask what's that something. That some thing is the National Wrestling Alliance.Yes the glory days may be gone,but the stars just don't belong to the sky.There is a lot of up and coming talent that are diamonds in the rough.Plus I want to give the people what they want and been wanting and that's some good wrestling not this entertainment crap that is being pushed down our throats.


NWA Board Member #1:: That sounds good and all,but we don't even have enough guys(wrestlers).We barley have a few territorial promotions.


NWA Board Member #2:: Plus we don't have any TV deals


Robert Torbich:: Board members,even God didn't build the world in a day.I know some of you think this is a long shot,but it is worth it.As far as signing wrestlers,The NWA will run under one banner,That's right no more subbing out to different parts of the U.S. I know we don't have a TV deal and you may think in this day and age how can we make money without a TV deal? We will bring in some of the best guys we can and run some good house shows until we can start marketing the NWA the right way,trust me we bring wrestling back,not what the people up in Stanford are giving the people. We will be offering the wrestling fans a choice an alternative,everything won't happen overnight,We do this right and all the cards will fall in place.


The meeting ends as Torbich tells the board members he has a few calls to make and will be in touch with them in regards to the NWA's future

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From the officially NWA Web site

The National Wrestling Alliance is proud to announce it's first card Uprising. Uprising will be live at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium. There will be a new NWA Worlds champion crowned along with some great wrestling action already signed for the card are stars such as former ECW worlds champion "The Franchise" Shane Douglas....former NWA and Smokey Mountain tag team champions The Rock n Roll Express....."The Hardcore Legend" and former NWA champion Terry Funk....Marty Jannetty...Disco Inferno.....more names to be named soon.

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From the officially NWA Web site

The NWA brings you live wrestling action this Saturday night at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium. Doors open at 6:00 pm and bell time starts at 7:30 pm. The following matches for Uprising have been announced.


"Main Event"

12 man battle royal to crown a new NWA Champion


other matches


"The Franchise Shane Douglas vs Terry Funk


Too Cold Scorpio vs Jerry Lynn



Old school vs New school tag team match

The Rock N Roll Express vs AJ Styles and Air Paris


Marty Jannetty vs Disco Inferno


The Barbarian vs "The American Male"Scotty Riggs



all comments and predicitons are welcomed

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"The Franchise Shane Douglas vs Terry Funk

rebirth of the NWA with Shane Douglas on the card -- that's mixing nitro with glycerin.

surely there will be some retribution for him throwing down the NWA title the last time to kick off ECW in 1994. And Terry Funk is just the kind of guy to dish out that whipping


Too Cold Scorpio vs Jerry Lynn

If Jerry Lynn doesn't win, someone on this board will riot. just giving fair warning. lol


Old school vs New school tag team match

The Rock N Roll Express vs AJ Styles and Air Paris

Air Raid can be the new the face of tag team wrestling as the Express was in the 80's. R&R can make them look great and turn them into national superstars here.


Marty Jannetty vs Disco Inferno

maybe Barbarian hasn't had enough yet and attacks Marty for the DQ - not sure what kind of tag team Marty and Riggs might make fun would give them a short early storyline


The Barbarian vs "The American Male"Scotty Riggs

Barbabian can be built up as your monster heel

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"The Franchise Shane Douglas vs Terry Funk


Too Cold Scorpio vs Jerry Lynn

I'd riot if he lost :p


Old school vs New school tag team match

The Rock N Roll Express vs AJ Styles and Air Paris


Marty Jannetty vs Disco Inferno

The Barbarian vs "The American Male"Scotty Riggs

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Shane Douglas vs. Terry Funk

Gotta go with the legendary old man in this one!


2 Cold Scorpio vs. Jerry Lynn

Lynn wins the best match on the show.


Marty Jannetty vs. Disco Inferno

Jannetty starts down the road to singles' glory!


Barbarian vs. Scotty Riggs

I smell a squash here!

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The National Wrestling Alliance Presents


Live at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium





As the fans gather into the Knoxville Civic Auditorium. The announce team of Tony Schavoni and Magnum T.A welcome everyone to tonight's show and go over the card with the crowd.After Schavoni and Magnum make a few announcements everyone is asked to stand for the Star Spangled Banner





The Barbarian vs "The American Male"Scotty Riggs

The Barbarian makes his way down to the ring. He plays the heel role to the T as he ignores a few fans who try to get an autograph. On to the "American Male" Scotty Riggs who does the exact opposite plays the excellent baby face signing autographs....high fiving the kids and really playing to the female fans.The match begins with the barbarian attacking Riggs before he can get his ring gear off. Scotty does manage to get a few licks in and even gets a close pin fall,but like most baby faces he goes to the well one to many times as they say and ends up face first with a face ,,,full of boot. 1...2..3 it's over the Barbarian wins this one.


After Match

Riggs sales the defeat and plays to the female fans again as he walks back to the back



Marty Jannetty vs Disco Inferno

Marty Jannetty makes his way down to the ring and is being interviewed by Magnum T.A. Marty tells Magnum and the fans that he is glad to be in the NWA and glad to be in Knoxville,but Disco's entrance interrupts the interview as he (disco) comes down and runs down Jannety and talks about how bad the fans and the city of Knoxville stink. Jannetty slaps Disco, which sends disco retreating out of the ring. Disco plays the excellent villian/coward in this match as he does the usual cheating when the ref isn't looking routine. After about 12 minutes into the match, Marty gets the upper hand when he(marty) catches a dazed Disco with the old rocker dropper to win this one.


After Match

Disco acts like a spoiled kid in the ring,by pouting to the ref.




It Will Be A Cold Day In Hell

Next Tony Schavoni gets the crowd going by calling Terry Funk out for an interview. Terry comes out and says it good to be back in the NWA and reminds Shane Douglass about how he (Shane) had a chance to take the NWA in A new direction,but when he threw down the NWA title and spit on it,he spit in the faces of Ric Flair.....Dusty Rhodes.....Lou Thez.....Terry and Dory Funk...Jack Brisco.....Harley Race...and mostly he spit in the faces of all these fans and tonight it is revenge time and it will be a cold day in hell before he let's Shane Douglas get another chance to disgrace the NWA and the legends before him. Funk ends the interview by telling the fans that Shane's ass kicking starts tonight.



Rock N Roll Express vs Air Raid

Next match we have the Rock N Roll Express,(former NWA tag team champions,not to mention numerous regional tag team titles they have held,probably the most popular tag teams in the 80's and one of the best tag teams ever) Then we have Air Raid a up and coming young tag team of AJ Styles and Air Paris. On paper you would think a win for the Rock n Roll Express, but Air Raid have a point to prove. A lot of high flying action by Air Raid and a lot of quick fast pace moves going back and forth by both teams.The Rock n Roll Express get several close pin falls but AJ and Air Paris just will not give up. After about 15 min. of great back and forth tag team action Air Raid surprise not only the Rock N Roll Express,the fans but mostly themselves as AJ reverses a small package on Robert Gibson for the pin and upset over the Rock N Roll Express.

After Match

With the I can't believe this just happened look on their faces, Ricky and Robert extend their hands out to offer good sportsman ship to AJ and Air Paris. Both teams shake hands and Ricky and Robert congratulate Air Raid on their victory.Aj and Air Paris stick around and for a quick interview and tell thank the fans for their support and thank the Rock n Roll Express for giving them a match.


Too Cold Scorpio vs Jerry Lynn

With no doubt in mind,the fans are gonna be treated to an awesome match hear. Both wrestlers who can be both high flyers and great technical wrestlers. A main event in any Ppv or on any wrestling card. Both wrestler really give it their all in this match. A lot of back and forth wrestling and close pin falls for both guys. As both guys were nearly scoring pin falls the 20 min time limit had expired. The fans who started chanting 5 more minutes, cheered both wrestlers out of respect and started thank you chants for both Lynn and Scorpio.

After Match

As the fans continued the thank you chants, Lynn and Scorpio showed mutual respect to each other by A handshake and a hug.


"The Franchise"Shane Douglas vs "The Hardcore Legend" Terry Funk

Douglas comes to the ring first and ask for a microphone. Douglas runs down the fans......The whole state of Tennessee, The NWA again and says not only will he win the NWA worlds title tonight to piss off everyone but he gets to destroy Terry Funk for once and for all. Funk makes his way down to the ring and Douglas attacks Funk before he can even make it all the way to ringside. Not much action in the ring ,mostly a brawl outside the ring and all around the Knoxville Coliseum. Funk who is busted open early is like the duracell rabbit he keeps on going and going. Finally after both wrestlers who have thrown the rule book out the window, the ref has had enough and calls for the bell, the match may have ended in a double DQ but funk and Douglas continue brawling until they fade away brawling up the entrance ramp and into the back.


Battle Royal:Winner becomes the new NWA Worlds Champion

All wrestlers make their way back down to the ring except for Douglas and Funk (God only knows where those two are) a lot of back and forth action. This is anyone's match to win tonight. As some of the wrestlers start to be eliminated A bloodied Shane Douglas staggers to the ring only to be attacked by a bloodied bandaged Terry Funk. Both Funk and Douglas continue to battle outside the ring. Jerry Lynn who is one of the last guys in the ring sees his chance as Douglas and Funk finally get back in the ring,but are to busy brawling with each other. Douglas who manages to throw Funk over the top rope, forgets about Lynn who drop kicks Douglas over the top rope and wins the battle royal,but mostly the NWA Worlds Title.

After Match

As Douglas and Funk continue their brawling to the back, An emotional Jerry Lynn Cant believe he has just won the Worlds Title, As he thanks the fans some of the guys from the Locker room come back out and congratulate Lynn on his victory

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it was a pretty easy read. Just enough details to tell the story -- definite old school feel to the match results which of course fits the bill.


Funk-Douglas DDQ was the perfect booked ending - you can have them headline (or co-main event) cards for several months (singles, tags, etc). I like being able to keep 2 of your biggest name stars out of the title picture, yet keep them relevant in a big feud like this.


and Jerry Lynn winning the title will at least keep Jaysin from rioting - for now. :D

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