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December Week 4 2009


SWF News

By Simon Says


After last night's SWF Supreme TV it has been confirmed that all the matches for January's PPV, When Hell Freezes over have been announced and finalized.


The Moral Majority over Giedroyc & Valiant ©

For the SWF World Tag Team titles


Angry Gilmore and Squeaky McClean came together as The Moral Majority right before Christmas Clash making the statement that they were going to fix the moral compass of SWF. The two were snubbed when approached by SWF Tag Team champions Jack Giedroyc and Valiant, who weren't fond of the duo's aggressive methods. Gilmore and McClean managed to finagle not only a title shot against the champs but they convinced Eric Eisen who's been making matches since his return to force Giedroyc and Valiant to join their cause if they lose.


Remo and Runaway Train vs Gregory Black and Lobster Warrior


Lobster Warrior has failed to save "civilians" from the destructive forces of both Remo and Runaway Train. In his encounters with both monsters over the past two months Lobby has actually need rescuing himself, which came in the form of Gregory Black each time. Black has made some attempts to convince Lobby that his alter ego, Chris Morrisette, whom Black came up with in Canada, is the real hero with all the tools to defeat Remo and Train. Black petitioned for and received a tag match against Remo and Runaway with Lobster Warrior as his tag team partner.


Brandon James © vs Vengeance vs Joe Sexy vs Steve Frehley

For the SWF North American title


This match brings together two feuds that have been heating up and are no crashing head long into each other. Joe Sexy has continued his attempts to win the heart of ice woman Emma Chase. Even the repeated beatings by Brandon James haven't seemed to deter Sexy's advances. Looking for a more permanent solution Emma has convinced Vengeance of Sexy's wrong doing causing the wrathful spirit to attempt to take out Emma suitor.


After a failed attempt to take out Sexy, Vengeance's subsequent attacks were thwarted by Steve Frehley, who had been trying to stop Vengeance for weeks to no avail. This led to an all-out brawl with Frehley and Sexy standing toe to toe with Vengeance and James. The brawl was broken up by Eric Eisen who made a four way match for James title at When Hell Freezes over. This dismayed Chase and James who threw a destructive tantrum over this development.


Marat Khoklov vs. Christian Faith


Since coming to SWF Khoklov has had a monstrous undefeated streak. He's taken on everyone the lowliest jobber toJack Bruce, on orders from Eric Eisen, and has won every single match. One of the few people the Russian monster has never faced is Christian Faith. Over the past few months Faith has been working on stopping Khoklov's murderous rampages, which has caused him to become more violent as his prey is taken from him. After Khoklov's win over Jack Bruce at December's Christmas Clash he was granted a match at When Hell Freezes over to settle the score at With the SWF stalwart.


Eric Eisen © vs Jack Bruce

For the SWF World Heavyweight title


Although the reveal of Eric Eisen as the mastermind behind all of the current woes of Jack Bruce and Eisen’s subsequent win over Jack for the title deemed to be the pinnacle of the now famed “Man Under Pressure” storyline, it certainly wasn’t the end. Jack had been hounding Eric for his shot at rematch but all he kept getting was attacked by every big man Eisen could throw at him. Jack won some and lost some but each one took its toll on his body at Christmas Clash Jack was forced to face off against Marat Khoklov and took a big loss and an even bigger beating leaving him with a separated shoulder and ul in his calf muscle.


After his beating at the Supreme TV on the night after the PPV, Eisen agreed to Jack’s rematch at When Hell Freezes over. So far hasn’t given Jack time to heal putting him in matches on both of the last two show in December and will presumably keep this up until the PPV/ The odds are stacked against Jack as much as ever and Eric seems to be holding all the cards.




The card as a whole seems pretty solid although we have at the PWLantern a fear that the Khoklov vs Faith match will over shadow the SWF World Heavyweight title main event. Even though everyone here agrees the aftermath of the “Man Under Pressure” story has had a better build, Christian Faith has a knack for pulling off great matches with almost any opponent.


And that’s our review of the coming SWF PPV, When Hell Freezes Over. AS always we look forward to your comments, predictions, rants and all the other stuff that makes our PWLantern readers the best wrestling fans in the world.


Remo and Runaway Train vs Gregory black and Lobster Warrior


Brandon James © vs Vengeance vs Joe Sexy vs Steve Frehley

For the SWF North American title


The Moral Majority vs Giedroyc & Valiant ©

For the SWF World Tag Team titles


Marat Khoklov vs Christian Faith


Eric Eisen © vs Jack Bruce

For the SWF World Heavyweight title

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Monday January Week 1 2010


SWF News

By Simon Says


Breaking SWF news, head of creative Peter Michaels has stepped down. After the smashing success of the Jack Bruce driven story and the reveal of Eric Eisen there had been rumors of burnout on behalf of the story’s mastermind. These rumors were confirmed during a press conference earlier today where Michaels had this to say.


“Although the past year has been a lot of fun and I am pleased at our success, the rigors of traveling, announcing and booking have taken their toll. I’ve been burning the proverbial candle at both ends and to be honest I’m getting a little old for that.”


When asked about who was taking over spot as creative director for SWF, he was a bit less forth coming.


“As in all things there is a new day in professional wrestling, which means new audiences and new fads. Not that I feel I’m totally behind the times, we’re just looking for a fresh voice. At this time SWF management; Richard Eisen, The Board and myself, believe we shouldn’t subject this new talent to the scrutiny of media attention. So for now the new creative director for SWF will remain unnamed. Suffice to say he has the full confidence and support of all SWF staff from the top down.”


Mystery booker certainly seems to be a page right out of Michaels’ storylines. A rash of movement in the SWF legal department signal the filing of new contracts has made it impossible to determine who the new head booker might be. It’s unknown whether this person will be on air talent, in-ring talent or even if it’s a he or a she. The only thing Michaels could confirm was that this person would be continuing all current SWF stories, most of which began in November or December. Michaels also intimated that the new creative director would be putting his own spin on these stories and adding a few others as time went on.

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Tuesday January Week 1 2010


SWF News

By Simon Says


In a shocking development close to 150 contracts were sent out last night from SWF headquarters. Apparently the Pro Wrestling giant is looking to grab up almost any worker that isn’t tied down in the world of wrestling. 150 new SWF employees sounded ridiculous to us here at the PWLantern until we got this second piece of news.


Deals have been struck with both CZCW and MAW making them two other feeder leagues for the future stars of supreme wrestling. Although MAW did seem like a logical choice, CZCW seemed a bit anathema to the SWF way of life, until we had this thought. The recruitment of CZCW by SWF could mean the rebirth of the shooting star division and its title bringing some of the high flying moves indy fans love to SWF TV. We had this thought and we were please. How about you?

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Tuesday January Week 1 2010


SWF Results

By Simon Says




SWF were in their home region of New England where they sold out the Mayor Street Arena.


Dark Matches


Robbie Retro over John Greed - 65


For a match with no build this had some solid in ring action and Retro pinned John Greed after the Murder On The Dance Floor to take the win in almost 8 and ½ minutes


The Bumfholes over Wild America, The Pain Alliance and The Samoan Wildboyz – 56


Another match with no heat but decent ring action saw four tag team come out to no fanfare or pyros and have a quick 8 minute one fall match. Both Kurt Laramee and Kid Toma seemed to be phoning it in and the crowd was actively booing BSS and not just cause he’s a heel. BJ O’Neil who came down with American Machine kept the fans into the match especially with her interaction with her former clients The Samoan Wildboyz. Akima Brave ate the Bumfhole Boster and took the pin from Randy Bumfhole.



Video Hype Events Leading Up To Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen at Next PPV - 83


The Titantron showed a short hype video showing Eric’s defeat of Jack taking advantage of his last win over Rich Money which left Money and Bruce down and Eric snuck in with a ref for the pin. It also showed Bruce’s attacks and some of the match highlights with every big man in SWF. Including his loss to Marat Khoklov which caused his current injuries.


Old School, New School, a Giant and a Weasel - 86


Christian Faith came out to rail against Marat Khoklov saying that the monster was a beast that needed to be put down. Even if Khoklov’s English insn’t that great he knew enough to realize he was being insulted and ran down to the ring to attack Faith. Faith stood his ground for a bit but the rage of the Russian giant was just too much. Khoklv didn’t do to much damage as Jack Bruce hit the ring )limping I might add) with a chair and drove him to the outside. Eisen strolled out like the king chicken and told Bruce if he’s well enough to defend Faith he’s well enough to wrestle and tonight Faith and Bruce would be facing one of SWF upand coming new tag teams The Next Big Thing.


The Morals of Violence 68


Jack Giedroyc and Valiant are in the back talking to some crew men about the difference between doing what’s right just because its right and doing what’s right because some is forcing you too when they are blindsided by Angry Gilmore and Squeaky McClean who lay in a heavy beating on them.


Gregory Black and Lobster Warrior over Roberts & Huntington – 80


Going into their match against Remo and Runaway Train, Gregory Black and Lobster Warrior take a strong win against Paul Huntington and his newly acquired bodyguard Enforcer Roberts. The match went about 11 and ¾ minutes and had some really great action, including some much noticed improvement by Paul Huntington. Black showed Lobby how it was done hitting Fade To Black and pinning Huntington at the end.


Riot and Rampage - 85


Remo and Runaway Train were shown watching the match on some screens in the back and upon seeing the win the two monsters went on a romp through the backstage area. The Biggz Boyz, Captain Atomic and his new sidekick Cheetah Boy as well as Masked Patriot and the new comer Lobo all took a beating as Remo and Train vented their rage.


Hype Video Remo and Train vs Black and Warrior - 77


A video package showed the Black and Warrior win and the Remo and Train rampage as we returned from the commercial break.


Brandon James over Cheetah Boy - 63


Brandon James looked like a superstar totally destroying Cheetah Boy in less than 6 minutes with the Big Money Move. Emma as always lit up the ring apron with her “presence” and a little distraction here and there didn’t hurt either.


Evil Plans - 88


The camera starts with just Eric Eisen in a very close up talking about how he can’t let Jack Bruce or Christian Faith or really anyone stand against him. He starts talking about taking them out and making them pay but as his rant start working up the camera pans out until you can see that Marat Khoklov is standing behind him in all his monstrous glory. Eric turns the chair around and you can hear a chuckle as he says here’s what we do, and the camera goes black.


Flower or maybe big boyfriends are a girls best friend- 68


Joe Sexy is standing outside Emma and Brandon’s prvate locker room when the two show up. Sexy holds the door open for Emma, letting it swing back to hit Brandon as he enters. James opens the door and Emma is dumfounded as the room is filled with flowers. Brandon James is pissed and turns around and attacks Sexy and the camera fades away as the two continue to brawl.


Hype video Frehley vs Vengeance - 86


Just a video rehash of all the battles Frehley and Vengeance have been fighting since Frehley took it upon himself to stop the spirit of wrath. All the last few weeks even are highlight at the end showing how they were sucked into the Brandon James, Joe Sey feud and put in the four way match.

Steve Frehley over Angry Gilmore -82


The crowd was finally rady to see some stuff feelingthe build from previous attacks by The Moral Majority and the Frehley Vengeance hype they were totally into this match. The action over all was great and when Frehley quashed the McClean attack the crowd went nuts. In the end Gilmore fell to Frehley’s comet andSteve got the pin.


Threats From The Nether - 86


As the crowd was celebrating Frehley’s win the lights went out and Vengance appeared on the screen. The dark spirit threatened Frehley saying that the title they were to face off against didn’t matter only that Frehley has kept him from his righteous prey. Vengeance promised to end Frehley by ay means necessary so that his mission may continue. The lights went up and Frehley was laying knocked out on the ground.


Two Is The Magic Number - 86


Jack Bruce and Christian Faith are shown in the locker room getting ready and psyching each other up.


Jack Bruce and Christian Faith over The Next Big Thing - 79


Christian Faith who has a reputation from dragging near any match he’s up still managed to let this match be over shadowed by the Frehley versus Gilmore co-main event. Still the crowd was really into it and it showed a lot of great ring action. Marc DuBois and Frederique Antonio Garcia seemed more to be attempting to hurt Bruce and Faith and not trying to win the match. Even after some underhanded and painful moves by The Next Big Ting, Christian Faith managed to get the Leap Of Faith off the ground and onto Garcia for the 1,2, 3.


Plan In Action - 99


Bruce and Faith took a hell of a beating especially the injured former chap. The ref tried to raise th duo’s hands when Marat Khoklov came running out. Khoklov destroyed both men as Eric Eisen made his way onto the stage. Eric just looked on and smiled, his plan seemingly working. Let DuBoid and Garcia injure Faith ad Bruce and then let Khoklov attack them


Overall Rating: 76


There was a feeling that some of the angles used did not reach the Standards set by the in-ring action. I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.

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Wednesday January Week 1 2010


SWF News

By Simon Says


Apparently Kurt Laramee doesn’t really like his job at SWF as he was heard to be spreading rumors about the owners son, and SWF World heavyweight champion, Eric Eisen. Eisen was said to have had no comment on the sect letting it slide off his back, but Laramee was taken into a closed door meeting where he was, sources say, read the riot act for his behavior.

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Tuesday January Week 2 2010


SWF News

By Simon Says


We waited till just before show time to share some news from the past week. SWF have received answers to a fair number of the contracts they had sent out. According to an inside source 94 contracts have been signed and those workers will start to report to one of the SWF feeder leagues over the next week. According to the same source about a dozen workers had turned down contracts with the wrestling giant including SOTBPW super star Champagne Lover, Japanese youngster Tsurayuki Kamachi, RIPW filler Justin Sensitive and CZCW’s Mikey James (who’s tag partner Frankie Perez is one of the 94 signings). All four workers had the same complaint, being uncomfortable with some of the more risqué story arcs the company has used in the past.

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Reading. Good start, I like the way your focussing on the storylines and backstage news ahead of say ring write-ups.

I've booked the initial transition period at the gamestart many times and its been similar to the way you have with this so I'm envisioning this well so far.

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Reading. Good start, I like the way your focussing on the storylines and backstage news ahead of say ring write-ups.

I've booked the initial transition period at the gamestart many times and its been similar to the way you have with this so I'm envisioning this well so far.


Thanks. Yeah I'm trying something new. If you've seen any of my previous diaries they've been... um wordy. The PPV write-ups may be longer but I'm not sure yet.

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Tuesday January Week 2 2010


SWF Results

By Simon Says




SWF sold out Evanovich Riverside in the Tri State area.


Dark Matches


Paul Huntington over Cheetah Boy – 53


Solid but not spectacular ring action and a crowd that just didn’t care that much made for a less the exciting match. Enforcer Roberts got involved for a second causing just enough of a distraction for Paul Huntington to hit the High Society and pin Cheetah Boy. The poke-a-dot covered side kick wasn’t really having his best match either and it was pretty obvious.


The Next Big Thing over The Biggz Boys, Death Row and Patriot & Lobo - 55


This match was a hot mess for the most part. Brett Biggz and Sahdy K both seemed to be a step behind everyone else. The crowd was less than thrilled to see the new comer Lobo wrestle and had no problem vocalizing it. Lobo and Patriot didn’t click together at all in the ring they couldn’t find their timing even with three other teams to hide this flaw it was obvious.


On the plus side Jessie did a great job keeping the crowd interested in her team, The Biggz Boyz. Also Marc DuBois came out of the match looking quite good, especially having force Brett to submit to the Model Solution to end the match.




Too Many Cooks In The Kitchen - 83


Jack Bruce and Christian Faith opened up the night in the ring much to the pleasure of the crowd. They call out Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov and give them a piece of their mind. Nothing mind blowing but the point got across that they weren’t taking anymore of Eric’s shenanigans any more. There was a retort and a wicked grin from Eisen before Remo and Runaway Train came running our from the back to attack Faith and Bruce. What no one noticed was that Eisen had been slowly maneuvering the two so their backs were to the entrance ramp.


A four on two brawl ensued for a bit until Remo and Trains opponents at When Hell Freezes over ran out. Lobster Warrior and Gregory Black came flying into the ring fending off the attackers just long enough for Bruce and Faith to get on their feet. The odds now evened Eisen had enough and slid out of the ring. Eric, mic still in hand, said if Black and Lobby wanted to poke their noses were they didn’t belong then tonight it would be a four on four fight, Faith, Bruce, Black and Lobby versus Remo, Train, Khoklov and Himself.


All in all a great way to start the show. The crowd popped for the segment even though Black seemed a little flat next to all the other participants.


Video hype Bruce vs Eisen for the title - 84


A short but simple video compilation of events leading up to the title match at When Hell Freezes Over. Pretty much the same video from last week with some of last week’s event actually added to it.


Never Say Never - 70


Joe Sexy is a man who never knows when to quit, if he wasn’t such a nice guy you might even call him a stalker. Sexy was putting the moves on Emma Chase once again. The Ice queen of course was having none of it and was apparently just bidding time until Brandon James could arrive, behind Sexy, to lay the boots to him for his continued attempts to woo his manager.


The Moral Majority over The Amazing Bumfholes -79


Action that rivaled even some main events lately showed how The Moral Majority will do anything to win. A fairly even match up that ended at almost 12 minutes when Gilmore rolled Randy Bumfhole up and used the ropes to give him the leverage to keep the pin. I can honestly say the crowd was on their feet for the whole match.


Hype video Moral Majority vs Giedroyc & Valiant - 71


A video package showing the recent interaction between the two teams and a graphic hyping up their match at When Hell Freezes over.


The Man With The Plan - 86


Eric Eisen is in his office with Marat Khoklov, Remo and Runaway Train going over his strategy with them. It mostly consist of everyone being in the ring with some one who isn’t used to their moves and if possible isolate their weakest link. Eric claims that with his injuries Jack Brucce is the obvious candidate for this strategy.


Vengeance over Captain Atomic - 68


Vengeance ran over Captain Atomic in about 5 and ½ minutes totally dominating the hero. Six Feet Under is what put the Captain away and won the match for the angry spirit.


Two For The Price Of One - 89


Beating Captain Atomic was not enough for Vengeance he picked the atomic hero up and started to beat him even more senseless. Cheetah Boy who was at ringside runs in and gets his ass handed to ohim as well. The beating lasts only a few moments as Steve Frehley runs in and start to fend of Vengeance until he finally makes him retreat, The cameras fade out with Frehley helping up the dynamic duo.


Hype video Khoklov vs Faith -82


Before the commercial break we get a package showing the numerous encounters between Khoklov and Faith. When Hell Freezes Over being their first match together it mostly consists of Faith receiving a beat down or stopping Khoklov from beating down someone else.


Pull apart Faith and Khoklov - 100


On the return from break we are treated to Khoklov and Faith going at it backstage. Both men are throwing punches and trying their best to rip each other apart. You can here staff members yelling for help over and over again. The cavalry finally arrives and Robbie Retro, Ameircan Machien and Jungle Lord try and hold back Faith, while Big Smack Scott, Kurt Laramee and Everest use all their might to pull back Khoklov. Both men escape at least once but things are finally brought back under control as the two scrappers are pulled very much away from each other.


Steve Frehley over Enforcer Roberts- 77


Great action and an increasingly hot crowd made this match up pretty damn fun to watch. The crowd was certainly into it although everyone caught the big no sell from Frehley after having his legs taken apart by Roberts. Although the match was a pretty even affair no one was shocked when Frehley’s Comet put Roberts out for the count a little over 22 minutes.


Hype video Frehley vs Vengeance - 84


This video was short and not quite action packed. It consisted of mostly shots of Vengeance and Frehley staring at each other and cut to another state down just as the violence started to pick up, over and over again.


The Walk Of Champions - 84


The camera followed Jack Bruce, Christian Faith, Gregory Black and Lobster Warrior as the walked to the ring. All four men seemed to be smiling and laughing as if they had a deep sense that they would be coming out victoriously.


Faith, Black, Warrior and Bruce draw Eisen, Khoklov, Remo and Train - 91


This was the match of the night by far and although it’s not saying much yet so far the best match of 2010. The four men each had their time in the ring and build the match to a fever pitch. True to the plan Eisen and crew ended up isolating Bruce for a big portion of the match. Eisen was about to put away Bruce when Jack reversed the move and they both went down. Faith and Khoklov took the hot tag and ran in swinging. The two ended up falling to the outside and then everyone got involved in the fight. The ref started the count but no one noticed and he called for the bell when neither man came in after the ten count.


Eight Man Brawl - 98


The match may have ended and the bell may have been called but the brawl didn’t stop. It continued for a good many minutes and even as staff and refs were sent out to stop them they were pushed aside. The brawl was totally out of control and the show ended with everyone still fighting.

Overall Rating: 87


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Thursday January Week 2 2010


SWF News

By Simon Says


At all comes down tonight. When Hell Freezes Over is but a few hours away and after the last two shows we've seen these battles heat up. Big wins from both tag teams vying for the titles and some dominant performances from Vengeance and Frehley. Also a four on four battle that led to an all out brawl showing the heart of a number of competitors. I'll be live at When Hell Freezes Over but you still have just a little more time to leave your comments on tonight's matches.


Remo and Runaway Train vs Gregory black and Lobster Warrior


Brandon James © vs Vengeance vs Joe Sexy vs Steve Frehley

For the SWF North American title


The Moral Majority vs Giedroyc & Valiant ©

For the SWF World Tag Team titles


Marat Khoklov vs Christian Faith


Eric Eisen © vs Jack Bruce

For the SWF World Heavyweight title


(OOC: Probably a day or so before the write up is ready so still time to predict if you feel the need.)

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Thursday January Week 2 2012




SWF Results

By Simon Says


*Live Stream*


I’m here at the Manhattan National Center and we’re at a capacity crowd. Fans are still milling about but it looks like the dark match is about to start


First match is over 20 Men came down for the battle royal almost the entire undercard except Lobo, Masked Patriot and Everest. Dark match so they all just filed down no timed entrances. The Pain Alliance came out together and Big Smack Scoot almost got booed back to the locker room


Match was decent as far as lower card battle royals go. Last four men were Bart Biggz, Enforcer Roberts, Frederique Antonio Garcia and Kurt Laramee. Enforcer Roberts and Kurt Laramee were the last two and they just keet throwing blows. Roberts proved the smart of the two men. Laramee went in for a charge, Roberts ducked and pulled the rope down and Laramee went out over the rope propelled by his own momentum.


Enforcer Roberts wins 20 Man Battle Royal - 66


Show started with the lights down pyros went off and it was a spectacle like all SWF events


Christian Faith’s music hit and the crowd popped huge, everyone loves the SWF veteran. Faith is ran down Khoklov said he’s prepared to take out the giant once and for all. He talked about all the beatings that he’s taken from the Giant and how they’re no different from the beatings he’s taken before and always gotten back up. He raised his hands and promised to win that match and for everyone to “Keep The Faith”. Crowd popped huge again at tag line and as Faith left the ring.


Christian Faith hypes vs Marat Khoklov - 85


Just had a short video segment hyping the events leading to Remo and Train vs Black and Lobby. Lots of Warrior getting his ass kicked and Black saving him.


Hype video Remo and Runaway Train vs Gregory Black and Lobster Warrior - 80


The tag team grudge match was damn good with a lot of great action going on. Black and Remo started and Gregory did a good job using hit and run tactics showing his part showing his partner how it’s done. Lobby obviously didn’t learn his lesson as he tried to stand toe to toe with the big man and failed. When Remo tagged in Train the costumed crustacean finally found an exit. There was a bit of back and forth until Lobby got stranded in the monster’s corner.


Lobster warrior took a huge beating for a good couple of minutes missing a few tags to Gregory Black as he gets cut off. Warrior ducked and hit a desperation dropkick on train and then both men were down to the count of eight. The hot tag came and Gregory black cleared house laying out Remo and train really building up some momentum. Remo was dazed and Black tagged Lobby back in. Warrior had Remo dead to rights but went for his superhero pose and tried to out power the monster with his “super strength”. Remo turned it around and hit the Destroyer on Lobby and got the clean pin.


Remo and Runaway Train over Gregory Black and Lobster Warrior - 79


We got a short hype video showing the Joe Sexy vs Brandon James feud and the Vengeance vs Steve Frehley Feud. Then it gets up to where the two stories intertwine and shows Eric Eisen making the four way match up.


Hype video Brandon James vs Joe Sexy vs Streve Frehley vs Vengeance - 82


This four way match was definitely hot with the crowd. Between the two cross over feuds everyone had something to look forward too. Personally vengeance vs Frehley was what I was looking for and it didn’t disappoint in that regard. With all four men in the ring chaos ensued from the beginning with fued partners switching off every now and again. The end of the match came with Frehley and Vengeance brawling on the outside to preoccupied with themselves to see what was going on. Sexy had the upper hand and was about to put james away when Emma got up on the ring and bewl a kiss to Joe who got distracted and then caught in the Big Money Move and got pinned.


Brandon James over Joe Sexy, Steve Frehley and Vengeance -71

To retain the SWF North American Title


The hype video for the Tag Team title match was short and sweet showing all the crucial moments in the feud as few as they were being the only non-main event feud on any of the previous Supreme TV cards.


Hype video Giedroyc & Valiant vs The Moral Majority – 67


Some of the best actual wrestling I’ve seen all night and a match that had the crowd off their feet the entire time. I don’t know if anyone noticed this before but Giedroyc and Valiant have pretty horrible chemistry as a tag team, although they still put on a good match. Everything seemed pretty even in terms of offence and it looked like it could go the way of the Moral Majority but Squeeky McClean apparently didn’t see it htat way and came in to hit Jack Giedroyc in the head with one of the tag titles and got caught by the ref and disqualified.


Giedroyc & Valiant over The Moral Majority - 80

To retain the SWF World Tag Team titles


A video played showing jack Bruce versus Rich Money a few of the matches and hypes until the November show when we see Eric Eisen reveal himself and win the title. It continues a bit until they show Eric giving the injured Bruce the rematch and his evil grin lingers on the titantron.


Hype Video The Fall of Bruce - 85


For a Main Event match up this was severly lacking which is why the crowd and even myself were pleasantly surprised when it came on as the main event instead of the main event. I would think if Peter Michaels were running the show the title match would be number one regardless, maybe this is a sign for the new creative directors reign.


The match up saw a lot of good back and forth, with Eric constantly cheating to regain the upper hand. After a ref bump Eric hit Jack with the title before waking the ref to make him count the three count. Eric got the under handed win and rubbed it in to the fallen Jack Bruce.


Eric Eisen over Jack Bruce - 78


Eric Eisen started to lay boots into a fallen Jack Bruce taunting him heavily while he attacked the fallen former champ. The beating went on a good few minutes and then from the rowd a figure came running into the ring. The unknown party through back his hoodie to reveal Rich Money. Eric and Rich exchanged smiles and the Rich kicked Eric in the guy. Money assaulted the man who used him for months and beat him to within an inch of his life. With Eric down Rich helped Jack Bruce up and got him still only half conscious back stage and too the medical staff before walking off.


Rich Money saves Jack Bruce from Eric Eisen - 100


A video played showing all the attacks that Marat Khoklov made againt esser opponents in which Christi Faith made the save. It then goes on to show Khoklov’s attacks direct attacks against Faith and a few of Faith’s verbal responses to those attacks. The final shots are of Eric Eisen granting Khoklov his match against Faith and the staredown between the giant and the veteran that followed.


Hype video Marat Khoklov vs Christian Faith - 86


The main event did not disappoint. If you didn’t get ot watch it tonight you missed out on something special. Marat did a good job of seeming like an unstoppable monster by Faith still did his best to take the battle to the Giant. Faith seemed to stand up to the equal to Khoklov but he never looked like he could beat the giant and when the Moscow Lariat came out and put Faith on his back no one was really surprised Khoklov got the pin, but they were all disappointed.


Marat Khoklov over Christian Faith - 91


There was a feeling that some of the angles used did not reach the Standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating - 84

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Tuesday January Week 3 2010


SWF News

By Simon Says


Another week and five more signings for SWF. The limited number let us get a good look at who's coming in. Jamie Atheron a relative unknown from Canada who was working for ACPW up there. Rahmel Goode an Australian worker who also has no following here in the states. Chess Maniac from MPWF, we've seen his work and its impressive, a good add if as we suspect SWF will be adding a cruiser or lightweight division soon. Riley McManus from MAW an young talent who seems to have some potential. And lastly total unknown Aleksander Knyazev. We here Knyazev is a high caliber kick boxer who got into wrestling in the Czech Republic but we know next to nothing about his work.


But again not everyone is willing to give up their moral hihg ground as Jacob Jett turned down an offer to join the SWF roster. He told us here at the PW Lantern that he just wasn't comfortable with some of the things they were doing and if that meant he was stuck on the indy scene for awhile longer so be it.


The last bit of news out of the SWF camp this week is that they inked another PPV. Although they already had TV out in the UK, the European market did not get the SWF PPVs. A deal with Premier Pay UK-TV has remedied this over sight and will start by showing SWF's February PPV Nothing To Lose.

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Tuesday January Week 3 2010


SWF Results

By Simon Says




This week Supreme TV sold out the 10,000 seat Virginia Park Fields in the Mid Atlantic


Hype Video When Heel Freezes Over, World Heavyweight title match and Aftermath - 89


A video package showed the highlights of the Eric Eisen versus Jack Bruce title match at When Hell Freezes Over. It shows all the big moves and then a slow motion with a color wash of the title shot to the head over and over a few times. The gloating Eisen and the attack on the fallen Bruce. Color comes back into the video and it goes regular speed as Rich Money runs in for the save driving off Eisen and it ends with him standing over the body of Bruce staring at the entrance ramp.


Never Ignore The Little Man - 98


Jack Bruce is in the ring when the video promo is over and he already has a mic. The fans are obviously waiting for him to call out Eric Eisen but he instead asks for Rich Money to co me out and explain himself. Money comes out and Bruce questions his motives. Rich tells Jack they don’t have to be friends, they don’t even have to like each other. What he did last night wasn’t about saving Jack it was about paying back Eric. Money says he was used by Eisen and now he’s his own man one way or another. Jack looks a little confused but says nothing.


While the two men are just standing in the ring Eric Eisen comes out to the top of the entrance ramp and he looks furious. He yells and screams about Money being nothing but a dog who needs to get back into place, and how he beat Bruce and the title is his now period. Bruce and Money try and retort but Eisen cuts them off and gives them both matches for the night. Jack Bruce will Face Angry Gilmore and in the main event Rich Money will face Brandon James.


Squeeky McClean over Valiant - 61


The Geidroyc & Valiant versus The Moral Majority feud continues in this match up. McClean resorted to under handed tactics often and early showing clearly that although he believes himself to be morally superior, he’s really just not. Valiant almost had the whole thing tied up when McClean bumped ino the ref “by accident” and the ref turn to confront him missing Gilmore grab Valiant’s leg as he tried to run across the ring for his finisher. Squeaky instantly “recovered” from his misstep and hit the Stain Removal for a quick pin before running off with Gilmore, not even bothering to get his hand raised.


Man Goes In The Cage- 87


Eric Eisen is backstage in his office when the camera comes in. He invites in the camera manw that Jack Bruce his failed to regain the SWF World Heavyweight title he needs a new contender. To find the next opponent for his title, at Nothing To Lose in February there will be a six-man steel cell match to determine the number one contender. He then shoos the cameraman off without divulging who will be in the match.


Rock And A Hard Place - 84


Lobster Warrior is in the locker room adjusting his costume and singing his super hero theme song when the door to the room burst open revealing Remo. Lobby turns to head out the back way when the other door flies open showing Runaway Train blocking his exit. The poor hero is attacked from both sides and makes a valiant effort of defending himself but his “super strength” doesn’t seem to be working. After a few long moments the door opens again and Gregory Black comes in. He seems to have arrived late as he drops his gym bag and bounds over to the scuffle and starts fighting back in his street clothes. Train and Remo have done the damage they want so the back off using the door Train came through. Black quickly sees to his partner as the camera fades out


Questions Without Answers - 84


Jack Bruce and Christian Faith are just hanging around backstage talking. Bruce is asking Faith about the return of Rich Money. Faith says he doesn’t know but he’s of the opinion that Money deserves the benefit of the doubt. Jack is much less convinced of Rich’s good intentions and says he intends to keep one eye open around his old rival


Hype video Marat Khoklov vs Christian Faith at PPV - 86


They showed a very short video segment that highlighted about a total of two minutes of the thirty minute match between Kholov and Faith at the PPV. Highlighting Marat’s win and showing the Moscow Lariat and Faith hitting the canvas about five times in a row at the end.


Marat Khoklov over Heroes Unlimited -65


Khoklov wrecked both workers in slightly less than six minutes, neither man got a lick of offense in and Cheetah Boy went down had to the Russian Legend Powerbomb


Hero to Heroes - 92


Marat Khoklov was nowhere near done with Captain Atomic and Cheetah boy at the ref didn’t even try and stop his continued assault on the two heroes for fear of his own wellbeing. Khoklov looked about ready ti out and out kill the dynamic duo when Christian Faith came running out from the back. Faith assault on Khoklov was enough to send the beast reeling. Seeing he no longer had easy prey, Marat left the ring slowly eyeing Faith all the way up the ramp. Once Khoklov was gone, Christian saw to Atomic and Cheetah Boy and the cameras went out.


The No Losers Rule - 70


Joe Sexy corners Emma Chase without her client/bodyguard, Brandon James around. He asks her why she doesn’t even give him a chance. She sneers at him and out right tells him flowers and candy mean nothing to a woman of her stature. She doesn’t date losers and Sexy is a loser seeing as he hasn’t got a title belt around his waist. At this point James shows up and pushes Sexy out of the way, he gives Emma his arm and they walk off as Joe gets the look of a man with an idea in his head.


Jack Bruce over Angry Gilmore - 91


A phenomenal match up which would have been better if there weren’t the occasional visible signs that Bruce and Gilmore had awkward chemistry. Gilmore showed that he had more than enough talent to stand with a main event worker like Jack Bruce and a few two counts showed he could even win. Twenty-two and a quarer minutes was the time on the clock when Jack Bruce caught Gilmore going high risk but instead falling right into the New York Minute and the subsequent pin.


Eye Of The Tiger - 82


Steve Frehley is walking down the hall when he turns the corner and coming toward him is Vengeance. Both men have an obvious smoldering rage in their hearts and the two stare a hole through each other. It looks for long moments like it might end in violence but instead they circle each other a few times and then go their separate was never taking their eyes off each other until they disappear from each other’s view.


Having A Little Faith -86


Rich Money is walking to the ring for his match but before he quite gets to the lead in for the stage he runs into Christian Faith. Faith stands there for a few moments looking Money up and down but never moving out of his way. Finally Faith extends his hand. Money looks at the invitation to shake for half a second before taking Faith’s gesture of friendship and returning it. The two shakes saying nothing more and then Faith moves out of the way so Money can get to his match.


Rich Money over Brandon James - 95


The main event was the definition of a great match up. Money and James both brought their all and it showed. They built slowly and by the last seven or eight minutes of the twenty-two minute match up the crowd were on their feet. Excellent in-ring action and the heat for the bout was intense. Money took the win in the end hitting Dollars From Heaven to finish off James.


Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right. But They Do Make A Match - 97


Rich Money was making the laps of the ring post to the cheering crowd when Brandon James got back on his feet. It looked like James was about to get to Money when Jack Bruce hit the ring with a chair in hand laying out James. When Money turned around all he was James still down and Bruce with a chair and automatically went into defense mode and attack Jack.


The two brawled for a good few minutes neither man getting the upper hand. Suddenly laughter came over the loud speaker and Eric Eisen made his way out onto the entrance way. He basically called Money and Bruce idiots and said if they wanted to fight then they would be the first two contestants in the Steel Cell at Nothing To Lose. Rich and Bruce glared at Eric and then glared at each other and the show ended with a three way staring contest.


Overall Rating - 87


There was a feeling that some of the angles used did not reach the Standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Surprised you relegated Eisen v Bruce to semi-main at ppv... still good going though. Your respecting the initial swf set-up well and I'm interested to see what direction this goes.


I kinda want that to be obvious just because I came in as new booker and promised to leave stories intact doesn't mean I'd follow all their wish. I let the dirt sheet make the comment that Faith and Khoklov would be a better match to me while Michaels still had it the other way and then I switched it when it came to PPV time. New guy makes change gets results.

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Tuesday January Week 4 2010


SWF News

By Simon Says


The big news out of SWF this week was the signing of another PPV deal. PPV Japan has agreed to air the SWF PPVs all across Japan opening a new market to the growing entertainment giant.although Puro is still the dominant style of wrestling Sport Entertainment has begin to gain a wider acceptance among the Japanese public. Public relation from SWF released a statement saying they were overjoyed to finally be able to show their in the land of the rising sun and look forward to one day being able to broadcast their weekly shows their as well.


Although James Prudence has been sent back down to development, unsurprisingly to now SWF affiliated CZCW where he came from, sources say he will be groomed for a big run in SWF. Sources say that Prudence asked for his girlfriend RIta Cahrles to be brought in as his manager as she was in CZCW and as of this past Sunday she is now a paid employee of SWF.


Its been three weeks so far since the mystery booker took over the reigns of SWF and although he hadd a rocky start with his/her first show the next three shows which included a PPV that had an impressive 4.11 buy rate have shown the SWF were right to put their faith in this unknown talent. Word behind the scenes is that he changed the PPV main event from Eisen/Bruce last minute to Khoklov/Faith and as fan NWO4until01 noted "I was surprised you relegated Eisen v Bruce to semi-main at ppv... still good going though."


And lastly the first match has been announced for February's Nothing To Lose PPV. We may only have two of the competitors set for it but we know there will be four more. Six Man Steel Cell match for the #1 Contender spot for the SWF World Heavyweight title.


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ???

Steel Cell Match

For the SWF World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender Spot

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Tuesday January Week 4 2010


SWF Results

By Simon Says




11,420 fans packed into the Dust Bowl in the South East region of the US for this weeks Supreme TV


Dark Matches


The Pain Alliance over Heroes Unlimited, Lobo & Patriot and The Samoan Wildboyz - 49


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Pain Alliance defeated Heroes Unlimited, Patriot & Lobo and The Samoan Wildboyz in 7:40 when Kurt Laramee defeated Cheetah Boy by pinfall with a Switchblade Powerslam. This match had all sorts of things going against it; The poor chemistry of Lobo & Patriot, both of the same workers also not being on point for the evening, the fans hating on Lobo, and the even more so on Big Smack Scott who go booed until he finally left the ring.


RObbie Retro and Wild America over John Greed and Death Row - 57


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Robbie Retro and Wild America defeated John Greed and Death Row in 6:55 when Robbie Retro defeated Shady K by pinfall with a Murder On The Dancefloor. BJ O’Neil was also a big help at ringside helping keep the fans cheering for the faces especially American Machine.




Hype Video Steel Cage Match Announcement And Participants - 85


The opening was a short video showing the announcement of the six man steel cage match by Eric Eisen. Then there was a cut to Jack Bruce saying he didn’t trust Rich Money to Christian Faith. Then some footage from the end of the night when Bruce hit Brandon James and then Money mistakes it for an attempt on him and a brawl breaks out. Finally the words of Eric Eisen adding them to the match which ring out by a reverberation effect on the video.


Behind Door Number One - 92


Rich Money comes out to open the show dressed in his street clothes. He calls out Jack Bruce and asks why he tried to attack him lat night. Jack tries to explain that he didn’t but neither person is too calm and it start to grow into a heated argument. It looks for the moment that it might come to blows again when Eric Eisen comes out and wanders down to ringside. He stands by the announce table opposite the entrance ramp and takes a microphone. Eisen shakes his head and calls Bruce and Money children and he says he’s going to let the cat out of the bag as to who the third entrant is. He pauses for a moment and then says Marat Khoklov. Who the camera pans out to show is in the ring behind Jack and Rich and The Russian monster proceeds to beat the tar out of them.


Khoklov destroys both men and leaves them lying in the ring. As Khoklo leaves Eric gets in their faces and tells them tonight they will join Christian Faith in six man tag against three other monsters, Remo, Runaway Train and Vengeance. Then it goes to commercial.


Giedroyc & Valiant over Roberts & Huntington - 74


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Giedroyc & Valiant defeated Roberts & Huntington in 11:37 when Valiant defeated Paul Huntingdon by pinfall with a V-Split. The champs come out looking good and Huntington complains to Roberts about not properly protecting him as they leave the ring.


Video Hype Vengeance versus Frehley - 85


They play a hype video that shows the brawl between Vengeance and Frehley which had them both out of the ring during the PPV match that allowed James to get the pin and retain his title. And then it shows the meeting in the hall and staredown on last week’s Supreme TV.


Hero No More - 85


Gregory Black is in the locker room with a despondent Lobster Warrior. Warrior is complaining about his loss of powers during the attack last week. Black keeps trying to tell him he’s not a super hero. He tries to get his old friend Chris Morrisette to come back out, but Lobby keeps denying Morrisette exists. Black seems to be sadden by the loss of his old friend and Lobby seems oblivious to the fact that Black was serious.


Marat Khoklov over The Biggz Boyz – 69


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Marat Khoklov defeated The Biggz Boyz in 6:04 when Marat Khoklov defeated Brett Biggz by submission with a Russian Giant Bear Hug. Jessie did a good job being the threatened damsel although no sells on both sides ad Khoklov and Brett not being all their detracted from the match. Khoklov looked great in his dominant win actually getting both of the Biggz’s into the the Russian Giant Bear Hug


The Biggz Find Faith – 91


Khoklov follows this week’s domination of a tag team with his same action as last week’s and he begins to lay in heavily on both Biggz brothers. Jessie starts screaming uncontrollably which brings Christian Faith running from the back. He made it much earlier this time and it gave a chance for the Biggz Boyz to roll out of the ring to safety. Khoklov lets out a might roar and charges but misses a ducking Christian Faith. Their little dance goes on for a second as Jessie helps her boys up the ramp and the pass by Eric Eisen who stops at the entrance ramp and calls for order. Esein has a mic and he says if these two want each other so bad then he’s going to add Christian Faith to the steel cage match at Nothing To Lose. The fans cheer loudly for the addition and then it goes to commercial.


When World Collide - 88


The camera comes in on a wild brawl already in progress. Vengeance and Frehley fight their al across the backstage area, knocking over shipping containers, catering tables and even some unsuspecting crew members. The brawl last minutes and minutes until they brawl their way outside. The camera loses them as they actually brawl their way up the street away from the arena


Gregory Black and Lobster Warrior over The Moral Majority - 78


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Gregory Black and Lobster Warrior defeated The Moral Majority in 14:46 when Gregory Black defeated Squeeky McClean by pinfall with a Fade To Black. Lobster Warrior seemed to be out of during the match not responding to a tag on quite a few occasions. It basically amounted to a two on one match with the the Gregory Black spent in the ring. Black still came out on top though getting the pin.


Interrupted By Love - 78


Brandon James and Emma Chase are out in the ring and Emma has the mic telling the audience how Brandon James is the most dominant SWF North American title holder ever. Brandon James takes his turn yelling about how he will never be beat for his title. Half way through a sentence James is interrupts as a slow James comes over the loud speaker and the titantron begins to show pictures all having to do with love, Hearts, Flowers, the word love flashing across the screen. Finally a big heary that says’ Joe and Emma with an arrow through it appears on the screen and just won’t go away. Pissed of Brandon James goes running up the ramp and too the back quickly followed by Emma Chase.


Square Peg, Round Hole - 87


In the locker room we are show Christian Faith, Jack Bruce and Rich Money. Bruce and Money are arguing continually over who hit who first. Jack throws a number of things Rich did while they were feuding last year in his face. Finally Faith steps between the two and yells for a halt in the hostilities. He explains that Eric is trying to divide and conquer and that in tonight’s match-up they have to work together. Faith looks at both men hard and then asks if they’re going to be on the same page. The two reluctantly nod in agreement.


Faith, Bruce and Money over Remo, Train and Vengeance - 92


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Christian Faith, Jack Bruce and Rich Money defeated Remo, Runaway Train and Vengeance in 29:51 when Rich Money defeated Runaway Train by pinfall with a Bank Roll. A great main event ven with a few no sells by the big men but nothing that wasn’t to be expected. There were reluctant tags between Money and Bruce who mostly used Faith as a buffer between having to tag each other in.


Monster Mash - 100


After the match Rich Money and Christian Faith play to the crowd hitting the corners and celebrating, while Jack Bruce rolls out of the ring and heads to the back. It takes them a few minutes to realize Bruce is gone but Faith and Money stop in the center of the ring and shake hands. While they’re shaking Marat Khoklov runs into the ring leaping over the top rope and mows down both men quickly. He lays in a a severe beating as Eric Eisen comes down to the ring side to watch two of the competitors forth e#1 Contender spot get beaten within an inch of their life. After Khoklov destroys the two men leaving them lying on the floor Eisen slides into the ring to look them over and gloat and then the camera fades out ending the show.


Overall Rating: 90


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Wednesday January Week 4 2010


SWF News

By Simon Says


Not much in the way of SWF news except for the addition of marat Khoklov and then Christian Faith to the six man steel cell match. Only two more competitors to be added to the Main Event for Nothing To Lose and the field is pretty wide open as to whom they could be.


SWF Nothing To Lose

Thursday Week 2 March 2010


Marat Khoklov vs. Christian Faith vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money vs. ??? vs. ???

Steel Cell Match

For the SWF World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender Spot

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Saturday January Week 4 2010




MAW Results

By Simon Says


MAW held their first show as a feeder league for SWF last night selling out the 300 seat Stanley Hall. They held their fifth annual Rip Chord Invitation and had the eight man tournament we've come to love from this particular show.


Oleg Dorosklov over Eddie Howard (51)

Mean Jean Cattley hype himself as the winner of the tournament (43)

Mean Jean Cattley over Riley McManus (43)

Rip Chord spoke with Lisa Bowen about the history of the tournament (67)

Kirk Jameson over Huey Cannonball (39)

Eddie Howard congratulated Jameson on his win, Matthew Keith calls them both losers (40)

Matthew Keith over Regular Joe (45)

Mean Jean Cattley over Oleg Dorosklov (57)

Matthew Keith over Kirk Jameson (56)

Matthew Keith over Mean Jan Cattley (62)

For the Rip Chord Invitational Trophy


Overall 59

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Monday February Week 1 2010




RIPW Results

By Simon Says


RIPW held its Caged Ambition event last night and with Lassana Makutsi's move to the MAW development territory there was a title match for the RIPW. Biker's paradise sold out for the event with what can only be described as a rowdy crowd.


Steel over Skyscraper (16)

Roger Monterio over Giant Bordy (15)

Running Wolf over Oda Yakuta (15)

Bear Bekowski over Luke Steele (14)

Hell's Bouncer over Bradford Peverell (43)

Primus Allen over marshal Dillon (29)

For the RIPW Championship title


Overall 30

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Tuesday February Week 1 2010




CZCW Results

By Simon Says


The Snake Pit held the first CZCW event under the auspices of SWF and Vendetta was a smashing sell out success.


Jason Thunder over Luna Clara (20)

Raphael over Masked Cougar (49)

Dean Waldorf over Mimic (36)

Axxis Jr. and Stretch the Chicken Boy went to a no contest (49)

Frankie Perez over Mainstream Hernandez (59)

James Prudence over Insane Machine and Donnie J (65)

Fox Mask over Remmy Skye (66)

For retain the Coastal Zone Championship title


Overall 63

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Tuesday February Week 1 2010


SWF Results

By Simon Says




Supreme TV went to the Minnesota Coliseum in the mid west were 9,962 lucky fans got to see the SWF stars put it all on the line.


Dark Matches


Wild America over Heroes Unlimited, Lobo & Patriot and Death Row - 52


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Wild America defeated Heroes Unlimited, Patriot & Lobo and Death Row in 6:07 when American Machine defeated Lobo by pinfall with an Old Glory. Lobo was off his came and the crowd booed him for that as well as look amateur compared to the other workers. BJ O’Neil again did a great job keeping the fans into the match and


Robbie Retro and The Biggz Boyz over Everest and The Samoan Wildboyz - 62


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Robbie Retro and The Biggz Boyz defeated Everest and The Samoan Wildboyz in 8:03 when Robbie Retro defeated Kid Toma by pinfall with a Murder On The Dancefloor. Jessie was a welcome presence at ringside though out the match, playing her usual damsel in distress role as the heels come after her outside the ring. And Everest was lucky he was in a tag match because you could visibly seeing him blowing from the little time he was in the ring.




Hype video Main Event and Aftermath of Supreme TV - 88


The show opens with a short video package showing the six man tag match or at least the highlights of it, mostly the high spots and the finish. We see Jack Bruce leaving the ring, the hand shake between Christian Faith and Rich Money and then the attack by Marat Khoklov. We see shot after shot of Faith and Money getting hit and then slowing to really show them going down. And finally we see Eric Eisen getting in their faces taunting them although the audio doesn’t really pick up what he says just shows his head shaking and his mouth moving.


Bringing People Together - 90


Christian Faith is in the ring talking about the attack by Marat Khoklov from last week and calls the giant a coward for having to attack them from behind. Fait calls out Khoklov saying he wants to face him right here right now. Khoklov comes down and Faith gets in his face only to be popped in the jaw. It turns quickly into a brawl and then even more rapidly into a beat down.


Faith takes the beating for a good few minutes occasionally making it back to his feet to defend himself. Suddenly from the back Jack Bruce Rich Money and Steve Frehley come rushing out from the back and they all attack Khoklov beating him until he has to retreat. Money helps Faith up and Frehley and Bruce watch Khoklov who paces on the outside of the ring.


Eric Eisen appears at the top o the ramp and says if the boys think a four on one is fair they have another thing coming. Tonight those for will face Roberts& Huntington and The Next Big Thing in the main event. The four faces seem to think they can take what Eisen has to dish out as they all in their own way tell him to bring it. Eisen and Khoklov walk off together and then Faith, Bruce, Money and Frehley make their way out of the ring.


Hype video Khoklov vs Faith - 88


On the return from the commercial break there is a video package of the last two months of the marat Khoklov versus Christian Faith feud which is mostly just beat downs of faith or Faith saving others from beat downs. And then we see the match from When Hell Freezes Over and Faith taking the clean loss to the Russian Giant.


The Moral Majority over The Amazing Bumfholes - 72


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Moral Majority defeated The Amazing Bumfholes in 11:40 when Angry Gilmore defeated Randy Bumfhole by pinfall after using a brass knuckles hidden in his tights. The Bumfholes stood tall against The Moral Majority but the youngster just didn’t have enough experience to see the dirty tactics coming. Gilmore and McClean took the win and then took a powder before anyone could say anything.


Announce Moral Majority Rematch - 71


A quick graphic and the announcers hype up a rematch for the SWF World Tag Team titles at Nothing To Lose between The Moral Majority and Giedroyc & Valiant.


North American Sexy - 62

Joe Sexy is backstage being interviewed and he seems really happy. He tells the interviewer that he’s found a way to win the love of Emma Chase and that’s to win the North American title from Brandon James. He explains that he put in a call and the match has already been booked for Nothing To Lose in to weeks.


Remo and Runaway Train over Giedroyc & Valiant - 75


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Remo and Runaway Train defeated Giedroyc & Valiant in 16:01 when Remo defeated Valiant by pinfall with The Destroyer. The tag team champions manage to put on a good showing but the monstrous team of Remo and Train are just too much for them. Remo overpowers Valiant and hits him with a seemingly even more devastating Destroyer the usual and gets the clean pin.


Three For The Price Of Two - 84


Remo and Train aren’t quite done with the tag team champions nad they start to lay into them heavily. Valiant and Giedroyc put up a good effort but start to lose ground pretty quickly. Lobster Warrior comes running from the back and tries to attack one then the other of the giants. Remo and Train fight Lobby off and then start laying inot him hard. In the long run Lobby goes down with the tag champs and Remo and Train leave all three laying in the ring.


Pardon The Interruption – 91


Brandon James is in Eric Eisen’s office, Emma Chase is seated next to him and Marat Khoklov stands protectively behind Eisen. James is railing against his scheduled match up against Joe Sexy at nothing to lose. Emma is batting her eyelashes and trying to convince Eric to do something about the predicament her client is in. Suddenly the door bursts open and Frehley and vengeance spill into the room beating the holy hell out of each other. It takes a few moments for everyone to realize what’s going on and in that time Frehley and Vengeance level have the room. Khoklov and James finally move into action and get them separated. Eisen looks back and forth between the two and says if they like fighting in tight spaces that they are the last two Entrants into the Steel Cell match. The camera fades out to commercial.


Marat Khoklov and Eric Eisen over Gregory Black and Lobster Warrior - 80


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov defeated Gregory Black and Lobster Warrior in 11:56 when Eric Eisen defeated Lobster Warrior by pinfall with The Supremacy after a low blow. Black and Lobby stand their ground but through out the match Warrior tries to use his “super powers” and Khoklov and fails painfully. The one person Lobster warrior can stand up to is Eric Eisen, but the SWF World Heavyweight champion is a devious man. A tainted win is still a win and Eisen celebrates.


Proof Is In The Pudding - 86


As Black and lobby leave followed by Khoklov, Eisen gets a mic and starts gloating. He says how this match proved he could beat anyone and that no matter wich person one the #1 Contender match the title would be his forever more. He claimed that not a single competitor was worth his time and effort but he’d defend his title anyway and win.


Hype video Eisen, Bruce and Money - 86


A video packaged played showing the fall of Jack Bruce as champion with Eisen’s reveal and underhand win for the title. It then shows Bruce’s loss at When Hell Freezes over, the return of Rich Money and the few altercations between Rich and Jack. It finally shows Eric’s announcement of the six man Steel Cel match and Jack and Rich added as the first two competitors.


The Four Amigos -97


Each of the four faces in the match, Christian faith, Jack Bruce, Ric Money and Steve Frehley, get their long entrances and then spend some time hyping themselves up. The crowd eats it up as they get to see their heroes talk direct to them about being able to perform just for them.


Faith, Bruce, Money and Frehley over Roberts & Huntington and The Next Big Thing - 82


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money and Steve Frehley defeated Roberts & Huntington and The Next Big Thing in 21:37 when Rich Money defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia by pinfall with a Money In The Bank. Although the match was great the two heel teams just weren’t over enough with the crowd to get the best out of this match up. All in all though the crowd still cheered but the win by the faces wasn’t a shocker.


Overall Rating: 83


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Wednesday January Week 4 2010


SWF News

By Simon Says


Last nights Supreme TV rounded out the card for Nothing To Lose which will proadcast on PPV next week. Although an insider source tells us this is not the full card and there will be at least one more match on for the PPV. the Steel Cell match was rounded out and both of the other SWF titles will be on the line. Once any other matches are added on next weeks show PWLantern will have a full review of the card.


SWF Nothing To Lose

Thursday Week 2 March 2010


Brandon James vs. Rich Money

For the SWF North American title


The Moral Majority vs. Giedroyc & Valiant

For the SWF World Tag Team titles


Marat Khoklov vs. Vengeance vs. Christian Faith vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money vs. Steve Frehley

Steel Cell Match

For the SWF World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender Spot

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Wednesday January Week 4 2010


SWF News

By Simon Says


SWF has penned a deal with C.A.N.N. for a new show. Sources say this show will be called SWF Uprising and will be used as a B show to showcase a lot of their lowercard talent. With such great lowercard guys like The Samoan Wildboyz, The Biggz Brothers and Heroes Unlimited this is great news for fans of wrestling. The show will be taped on Friday nights but will air late night on Saturdays.

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Tuesday February Week 2 2010


SWF Results

By Simon Says




The V. Thomas Arena on the South West held 9,418 fans who all got to see the go home show for the Nothing To Lose PPV


Dark Matches


The Next Big Thing over The Biggz Boyz -75


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Next Big Thing defeated The Biggz Boyz in 10:05 when Marc DuBois defeated Brett Biggz by submission with a Model Solution using the ropes for leverage.


The Pain Alliance over Heroes Unlimited, Lobo & Patriot and Everest & Greed - 44


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Pain Alliance defeated Patriot & Lobo, Heroes Unlimited and John Greed and Everest in 6:15 when Kurt Laramee defeated Masked Patriot by pinfall with a Switchblade Powerslam. Big Smack Scott once again booed from start to finish unlike his partner who not only took the win but looked damn good doing it. Lobo got a little heat from the crowd as well but it seems to have been dying down from the previous weeks. John Greed and Everest however had a great time tagging and it showed in the chemistry and flow on their end.




Video Hype Six-Man Steel Cell PPV Main Event - 90


The show opens with a video segment that shows some best of clips of east of the six competitors in the match followed by a number of scenes of other Steel Cell matches. A narrator talks about how dangerous the cell is calling it the most lethal structure on the face of the planet.


Getting Your Hands Dirty – 92


The live show comes up and Jack Bruces music hits and he comes to the ring to the screams and chant of the crowd. He starts by talking about the match at the PPV and how he’s going to win the right to fight for a title he never should have lost in the first place. Christian Faith’s music hits an d he comes out to join Bruce. They shake exchange quick comedic barbs but Faith says no matter how good a guy Jack is, in the cage he’s just another opponent. Suddenly Vengeance comes running down to the ring and he starts attacking Faith and Bruce until Frehley runs out and backs him down. Frehley and Vengeance exchange menacing grunt at each other when Marat Khoklov lumbers to the ring. He doesn’t so much say anything as make his presence known. Marat’s entrance silenced the crowd which gave Rich Money the perfect opportunity to join in with his two cents on why he wants the title worse than anyone else in the ring.


With all the competitors in the ring Eric Eisen’s music hits and the silver spoon champion comes out with his title. He says how it doesn’t matter who will win its all-academic as he’ll retain the title at Awesome Impact. He says to show how sure he is of himself he’s going to make two matches the first will be tonight’s co-main event which will be Marat Khoklov and himself versus Jack Bruce and Rich Money. He says the Main Event he’ll announce later. Eric Eisen walks off and every starts to argue again and the camera goes to commercial.


Gregory Black & Lobster Warrior and Giedroyc & Valiant over Roberts & Hunting and The Samoan Wildboyz - 75


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Gregory Black, Lobster Warrior and Giedroyc & Valiant defeated Roberts & Huntington and The Samoan Wildboyz in 12:07 when Gregory Black defeated Paul Huntingdon by pinfall with a Fade To Black. This was a great opening match that got the crowd on their feet right from the start. All eight men gave it their all and Gregory Black showed his partner how you take a win,


Be Careful What You Hit For – 87


Joe Sexy has Emma Chase cornered again and he’s using his A-game telling her how when he has he title their first date will be a romantic dinner for two. Brandon James comes around the corner and finds Joe and immediately launches into an assault. Sexy taken by surprise cannot mount his own offense fast enough and he goes down pretty quickly. Christian Faith comes around a corner sees what’s going on, drops his donut and rushes to Sexy’s aide. Faith stand toe to toe with James until a shrill voice yells for everyone to stop it. Eric Eisen had apparently come across the scene and he tells them now he knows that the main event is. If Faith and James want to fight so much they can do it in the ring.


The Moral Majority and Remo & Runaway Train over Wild America and The Amazing Bumfholes - 72


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Moral Majority, Remo and Runaway Train defeated Wild America and The Amazing Bumfholes in 14:36 when Remo defeated Zimmy Bumfhole by pinfall with The Destroyer. The match was good but could have been great if not for the inconsistency of half of the competitors, Train, Machine and Randy all looking less than in top shape. Although Gilmore and McClean resorted to dirty tactics when they were in the ring, Remo put Zimmy Bumfhole away clean with the Destroyer.


Announce Remo vs Lobster Warrior - 84


Announce Runaway Train vs Gregory Black - 76


When the commercial break is over a graphic and the announcers let it be known that two singles matches have been added to the Nothing To Lose Card. Remo will take on Lobster Warrior and Runaway Train will face off against Gregory Black


Storm Before The Storm - 89


Gregory Black and Lobster Warrior are backstage talking about the announcement they just heard. They both seem excited about the match ups, with Lobby claiming it will be a chance to regain his honor. Black tries to convince his friend that he should leave the suit behind and face Remo as Chris Morrisette. Lobby didn’t even had time to object as Remo and Runaway Train attack the two men from behind laying in a heavy beat down before leaving their future opponents lying motionless on the floor


Jack Bruce and Rich Money draw Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov - 88


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Jack Bruce and Rich Money drew with Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov in 19:46 following a double disqualification. The match itself wasn’t bad although Khoklov’s no sells were pretty obvious. The end of the match came with Bruce and Eisen in the ring exchanging blows over and over and when the ref came in to break it up after they wouldn’t stop on their own they both hit him causing the ref to disqualify both teams.


Meeting Of The Muscle - 86


Anytime Vengeance and Frehley get within five feet of they start laying into each other we tune into a battle in progress which seems to go the length and breadth of the arena. The segment is short and the camera fades out with the two monstrous competitors fighting each other tooth and nail in the parking lot.


Christian Faith over Brandon James - 92


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Christian Faith defeated Brandon James in 23:09 when Brandon James was disqualified when Emma Chase handed him a chair and he hit Christian Faith. Even if James left a little to be desired in selling department the fact that he and Faith had pretty good ring chemistry more than made up for it.


Always Hit A Good Man When He’s Down -100

Brandon James laid Christian Faith out good with the chair shot but he wanted nothing to do with the veteran after. AS he walked out of the ring we saw someone who did and Marat Khoklov made his way down to the ring and over the top rope as Faith staggered up. Taking advantage of his nemesis’ dazed state he begins to beat the holy hell out of faith. Khoklov beats Faith until every ref, tech and security person comes and pulls him off. The end of the show is faith laying in the center of the ring with his lip bust open and bloody.


Overall Rating - 92


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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