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Wrexham Warzone April 2012 Report


Wrexham Warzone – April 2012 (Att: 114)



Sharks vs Tigers


Corporal Punishment defeats Chuck Frisby 33/E+

Punishment really is coming along nicely, beating a veteran like Frisby. Frisby started by mocking his young opponent but the corporal lived up to his name and slapped Frisby all over the ring. The only downside is his total lack of charisma but his wrestling skills are developing nicely. 1-0 to the Tigers


Angle: Hall speaks to crowd 38/D-


Rave defeats Inky the Squid Boy 28/E

Inky is the replacement for Turtle and I think he is not the man for the job. Already he showing signs that he is several years over the hill at 34 as well. Bring back the turtle! 1-1


Angle: Evans shoot T-Shirts 57/C-


Trance defeats Cannonball Logan 25/E

Logan really is a jobber, isn’t he? 2-1 to the Sharks


Angle: Evans does sexy dance 57/C-


Martin Heath defeats El Jefe Militar 21/E-

Heath is looking more and more like a tag team specialist. A good win over Jefe but a very poor grade. 2-2


Angle: Evans wins Bikini Contest 41/D-


Thea Davis defeats Nina the PB to retain the She Dragon title 44/D

Thea is going on a good run but I am not sure she is the right person to have the title. Wonder if Principessa will be coming free soon? 3-2 to the Tigers



Main Event: Johnny Highspot defeated Glen Ward 2-0 36/D-

Ward may have a good all round game but Highspot showed why he commands such respect at this level with a clinic of fundamental wrestling skills. The basics, the selling, the flashiness, Highspot comes across as a nearly man of british wrestling. 2-0 with some flawless basic techniques.


Tigers 4 Sharks 2



Overall: 39/D-



$6,000 profit this month to take the balance to $26,000. Hopefully we will be shifting to a second show on alternate months.

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Newport Nightmare May 2012 card


Newport Nightmares 2012 (to be resolved Friday 6pm BST)


Devils vs Eagles


Red Dragon vs Draco Macbeth for the Dragon King Title

Miss Information vs Geena the WP

Menace vs William Macbeth in a table match

Stefan Raynor vs Nigel Svensson

Liam Lutz vs Kalu Osuwu

Axl Grease vs Bali Daljit

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Red Dragon vs Draco Macbeth for the Dragon King Title

Miss Information vs Geena the WP

Menace vs William Macbeth in a table match

Stefan Raynor vs Nigel Svensson

Liam Lutz vs Kalu Osuwu

Axl Grease vs Bali Daljit

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Newport Nightmare May 2012 Report


Newport Nightmares 2012 (Att: 137)


Devils vs Eagles


http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/Menace_alt.jpg v http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/SuicideAgent.jpg


Menace defeated William Macbeth 32/E+

Menace wins again, but he just does not deliver the big matches, other than against Svensson. 1-0 to the Devils.


http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/AxlGrease.jpg vs http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/BaliDaljit.jpg

Axl Grease defeats Bali Daljit 32/E+

Battle of the jobbers with the slightly better one getting a rare win. 2-0 to the Devils



Angle: Aurora wins Bikini contest 43/D

Give the RDW fans what they want...


http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/KaluOwusu.jpg vs http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/LiamLutz.jpg

Kalu Osuwu defeats Liam Lutz 20/E+

A mystery solved, why is Osuwu getting such bad grades? The answer is that for some reason he was sent out as a heel on a face team with a face gimmick. That will be fixed shortly. Eagles pull one back, but still 2-1 to the Devils



Angle: Evans shoots T-shirts 59/C-

Good old Double D’s, sorry Double E...


http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/NigelSvensson.jpg vshttp://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/StefanRaynor.jpg

Nigel Svensson defeats Stefan Raynor 43/D

A comfortable win for Svensson , but the two of them put on a well received match. They have GOOD chemistry together (Nigel’s second against heel opposition, third if you include Norman Gates). Excellent news, this could be a very good mid ranking feud. 2-2 now


http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/MissInformation.jpg vshttp://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/GeenaPrincess.jpg

Miss Information defeats Geena the WP in a diva match 49/D+

The ladies are showing the blokes how to do it. 3-2 to the Devils!



Angle: Miss Info does a victory dance 61/C

Best.Angle. Evah!


http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/RedDragon_alt.jpg v http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg567/Portlius/Single%20Wrestlers/GenocideAgent.jpg

Main Event: Red Dragon defeats Draco Macbeth to retain the Dragon King title 40/D-

A tad disappointing given the presence of the title and their good chemistry. But Dragon still knows how to pull out a good frog splash when he needs it. 4-2 to the Devils



Angle: Emma does a dance 54/C-


Devils 4 Eagles 2


Overall: 43/D



Devils 2 wins (7 points)

Eagles 1 win (6 pts)

Tigers 1 win (6 pts)

Sharks 0 win (3 pts)



And another $7,000 to bring cash up to $33,000. In the WWL, pre-season favourites Devils look certain to be the heel team in the grand final in November.


Next month, two events:

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June 2012 doubleheader cards


June Doubleheader! Both events to be resolved Monday 6pm BST


Swansea Beachslam June (wk 2) 2012


Glen Ward vs Nigel Svensson for the young Dragon title

Thea Davis vs Miss Information for the she Dragon title

Menace vs Johnny Highspot

Red Dragon vs William Macbeth

Dartmoor vs Insurgents (Lutz and Jefe)

Stefan Raynor vs Kalu Osuwu


Powys Punchup June (wk 4) 2012


Nigel Svensson vs Menace in a Cage Match *

Johnny Highspot vs Rave in a Ladder match for the new RDW lightweight title

Glen Ward vs Josh Jones *

Dartmoor vs Grease Monkeys (Grease & Jefe)

Draco Macbeth vs Stefan Raynor


* - The winner of the Svensson-Ward match at Swansea will defend the young dragon title

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Glen Ward vs Nigel Svensson for the young Dragon title

Thea Davis vs Miss Information for the she Dragon title

Menace vs Johnny Highspot

Red Dragon vs William Macbeth

Dartmoor vs Insurgents (Lutz and Jefe)

Stefan Raynor vs Kalu Osuwu


Nigel Svensson vs Menace in a Cage Match *

Johnny Highspot vs Rave in a Ladder match for the new RDW lightweight title

Glen Ward vs Josh Jones *

Dartmoor vs Grease Monkeys (Grease & Jefe)

Draco Macbeth vs Stefan Raynor

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Confidential Memo for Dunton Hall


For all holders of Dunton Hall Cards, lots of contracts expire in October. And more importantly, Mr Hall's requirement for a minimum Psychology of 35 lapses in early November. If anybody wishes to propose a hire, feel free



From: Corporal Punishment- Head Booker of RDW

To: Dunton Hall


RDW Personnel requirements - Getting to Regional Size 2012-13



Plans for Faces


Nigel Svensson – Mainstay. With two good chemistries against high level heels I want to keep him as long as possible. One possible development is to pair him with Josh Jones to create an awesomely technical tag team.


Corporal Punishment- Keep giving him good matches. Still developing nicely, will mainly use in tag ranks. Will try him out with Josh Jones in case they have chemistry.


Martin Heath – Use solely as CP’s tag partner unless something comes up.


Draco & William Macbeth – Solid solo workers and an experienced tag team. Keep for at least a few years.


Johnny Highspot- Poor chemistry with Red Dragon is bad news. Will probably hold lightweight title for long time. Use as a trainer for young heels mainly. Not sure if we should renew his contract.


Josh Jones- “Sensei”. While we will try and develop him, chances are he will help train up his peers in performance skills. Could be a brilliant tag partner for somebody.


Kalu Osuwu- Too old to have much future, will be in firing line.


Bali Daljit & Cannonball Logan- Jobbers, will also be in firing line



Coming in- Arthur Turtle. Worrying resilience but great chemistry With Glen Ward cannot be ignored.




Plans for Heels


Red Dragon – Mainstay. Good chemistry with BOTH Macbeths and the company is named after him. Against that three or four years past best and poor with Johnny Highspot. Love his gambler gimmick.


Glen Ward- Mainstay. Good chemistry with Svensson and Great with Turtle, plus the angry egomaniac is a joy to write for.


Menace- Not sure. He is overpriced and just does not deliver good matches. Will keep him for a while but want to see more from him.


Chuck Frisby – Solid midcarder plus big locker room presence. Does not like to be pushed too far, so will keep him on as main comedy worker. Will use him as a charisma trainer and jobber to the stars.


Stefan Raynor – starting to deliver. Good chemistry with Svensson is very nice but has also put some good matches together, especially with Josh Jones. Solid midcarder, would love to find him a decent tag partner, but he may well become a mainstay at the small/regional level.


Axl Grease & Liam Lutz- Jobbers. Love Lutz’s positive attitude, goes out every night and gets jobbed and does not blink an eyelid.


El Jefe Militar – improving rapidly now he is getting regular matches. Has just been signed by Ollie. Might lose him if he improves well but until then an exciting prospect.


Rave and Trance – Midcarders & solid tag team. Suspect they will be on chopping block.



Rehires- Vic Walker and the du Ponts – Great chemistry with one pairing, great experience with another pair and brotherly love adding to the harmony. They will be back.

Norman Gates has great chemistry with Nigel Svensson



Women’s Division


Miss Information is a bargain. Good wrestler, great sex appeal, positive in locker room and strong friends with Manny Morhan.


Nina has many good qualities but poor chemistry with Geena hurts, and she is three years past her best. Geena makes a great opponent for Miss Info. Thea is young but very good.


In all four cases holding on to them is going to be tough, but boy do they deliver in both matches and angles for a small promotion. Ideally a heel replacement for Nina if we can find one.





Eva Berlin brought in as road agent to replace Mike Peterson. Positive attitude a bonus.

Fink Finkleton brought in as a very good value CC to replace Guy McKenna.

Manny Morhan fantastic value for what he does. Positive influence AND strong friendship with Miss Info.

Tyler Baker improves all the time as a ref.


The four WWL franchise owners (Greeves/Garcia/Etchinson/Smertin) will leave as their contracts expire.

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June 2012 Reports


Swansea Beachslam June (wk 2) 2012 (Att:107)


Red Dragon defeated William Macbeth D-

These two have good chemistry so another potentially good feud on the horizon...


Angle: Aurora wins Bikini contest D+


Dartmoor defeated Insurgents E+

A decent effort from the new pair but Dartmoor’s on the job training continues


Johnny Highspot defeats Menace E

A frankly shocking match between the two highest paid guys on the roster


Angle: Emma shoots T-shirts C-


Stefan Raynor defeats Kalu Osuwu D-

A pretty good match between two midcarders. Both worked the crowd pretty well.


Angle: Emma does a dance C-


Miss Information defeats Thea Davis in an evening gown match to win the She Dragon title D+ (record)

These two can be relied upon to produce a high quality match. It might be demeaning to these lovely young ladies but RDW fans obviously like the female form. Miss Information pulls a veteran move with a small package followed by ripping the gown off Thea.


Angle: Miss Information does a victory dance C+ (record)


Main Event: Glen Ward vs Nigel Svensson in a submission match for the young Dragon title D

The two mainstays put on their usual solid hand. Ward shows his usual determination but this is not a belt he cares about and some suspicion that he did not try too hard to kick out of the hyperextension armlock, but tapped quickly. Victory to the Wigan hard man Svensson.


Overall Result: D



Powys Punchup June (wk 4) 2012 (Att: 223)


Draco Macbeth defeats Stefan Raynor D-

A really good match between these two. Draco wins but Raynor seems to be involved in a lot of decent matches and he is growing on me.


Angle: Hall beaten down by Menace E-

Hall confronts the brooding giant and tells him bluntly that he needs to be spending less time on the poker table and more time in the ring honing his skills, because frankly he is not worth his contract.

At the mention of cutting his pay Menace snaps and batters Hall to the ground before stomping out of the ring. Menace joins Red Dragon in Gamblers not-so anonymous and Dunton Hall successfully completes a turn to face.


Dartmoor vs Grease Monkeys (Grease & Jefe) D-

Highest ever rated tag match, and that is involving a rookie tag team. Dartmoor look like being mainstays of the tag scene for years to come but they need some credible heel opponents.


Angle: Evans wins yet another bikini contest D+


Glen Ward defeats Josh Jones D

The angry man wins by submission but both learn from the other as they warm the crowd up nicely. Ward gets a boost in his performance skills but Jones improves his already impressive Mat and Submission ratings. I suspect there will be a couple of submission matches down the line between these two. This gives me an idea for a new tournament belt...


Angle: Evans fires out T-shirts D+


Johnny Highspot defeats Rave in a Ladder match for the new RDW lightweight title E+

Half the male roster are lightweights, and Johnny Highspot had a mid level title run in his contract, so a new belt seemed reasonable. Rave put up a surprisingly good effort but the crafty veteran let Rave get to nearly the top of the ladder before kicking it away, then exploiting the dazed state of the young party animal.

Still Highspot is becoming the face equivalent of Menace, both are on $800 and both rarely put on a good match.....


Angle: Evans does sexy dance D+


Main Event: Nigel Svensson vs Menace in a Cage Match for young dragon title D-

Both competitors were not really on form, which given their high consistency ratings are really surprising. Menace just has no momentum at all and Svensson is emerging from a mini slump. Nigel outclimbs the big man and wins by escape to retain the title.


Overall: D-



$5,000 loss (down to $28k) but two events put on and 1.2 popularity gained to put RDW on 21 pop in UK South. At this rate we will soon be packing out those mighty 300 seat arenas. For next few months RDW will be putting on second shows in alternate months to really push for regional status.

One extra bit of good news: on the eve of Swansea Beachslam announcer Manny Morhan was interviewed on local radio. He mentioned what a pleasure it was to work with Miss Information and the two of them now have a STRONG friendship.

By my reckoning RDW should hit regional in about 12 months, and we are lucky that HIW have yet to appear and drag us into regional battles. So really pushing for popularity while conditions are good.

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July 2012 Card


Caerphilly Cheesefest 2012 to be resolved 6pm Wednesday BST



Devils vs Tigers


Red Dragon vs Martin Heath

Liam Lutz vs Cannonball Logan

Stefan Raynor vs Johnny Highspot

Axl Grease vs Josh Jones

Menace vs Corporal Punishment in a table match

Main Event: Miss Information vs Thea Davis in an evening gown match

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Caerphilly Cheesefest 2012


Red Dragon vs Martin Heath

Heath isn't at the same level


Liam Lutz vs Cannonball Logan

Logan is less of a jobber


Stefan Raynor vs Johnny Highspot

Highspot's main event, right?


Axl Grease vs Josh Jones

No faith in Axl at all


Menace vs Corporal Punishment in a table match

Probably wrong, but if he's disappointing you then job him out!


Main Event: Miss Information vs Thea Davis in an evening gown match

A guess really

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July 2012 Report


Caerphilly Cheesefest 2012 (Att:228)


Devils vs Tigers


Red Dragon defeats Martin Heath D-

A rare singles outing by Heath and against the reigning champion he was always going to come off second best. However a good opening match and 1-0 to Devils


Liam Lutz defeats Cannonball Logan E-

Lutz rarely wins matches so boy does he celebrate when he gets a victory! A poor match, but who cares, Lutz wins. 2-0 to the Devils


Angle: Evans win Bikini contest D


Johnny Highspot defeats Stefan Raynor D-

Once again, he may be the loser but Raynor involved in a another good match. I feel he will be rewarded with a young dragon title shot soon. 2-1 to the Devils


Axl Grease defeats Josh Jones D-

Both workers warm the crowd up nicely. Axl may have won but Josh Jones is looking an absolute bargain for a small performance based promotion like RDW. 3-1 to the Devils


Angle: Evans does sexy dance C-


Corporal Punishment defeats Menace in a table match E+

The one constant in the history of RDW is this: Menace wins table matches. Well not anymore! Punishment’s improvement in both Power and ringcraft meant he could match the flamboyant giant blow for blow, and eventually a succession of bodyslams weakened Menace to the point where the young soldier could pick the heel up and powerbomb him through the table. 3-2 to the Devils


Angle: Evans shoot T-shirts D+


Main Event: Miss Information defeats Thea Davis in a lingerie match to retain the She Dragon title D+

It just feels wrong to have an eye candy based match as the main event but the perverts, sorry fans, of RDW just lap it up. As Hall would say, “Give the fans what they want, they pay our wages”. 4-2 to the Devils


Devils 4 Tigers 2 (Devils qualify for WWL grand final as heel representative)



Overall: 48/D+ (record)



£10,000 profit to bring the coffers to 38k, as befits the best ever RDW event.

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August 2012 doubleheader


Aberystwyth Abattoir Card


William Macbeth vs Chuck Frisby

Kalu Osuwu vs Trance

Geena the WP & Bali Daljit vs Nina the PB

Dartmoor vs Menace 2 Society (Menace & Raynor)

Nigel Svensson vs Rave

Draco Macbeth vs Glen Ward



Bristol Bash Card


Red Dragon vs Josh Jones

Johnny Highspot vs Axl Grease

Dartmoor vs Party Animals for RDW title

Kalu Osuwu vs Menace

Nigel Svensson vs Stefan Raynor for Young Dragon title

Miss Information vs Geena the WP for she Dragon title

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Aberystwyth Abattoir 2012 (Att:206)


Sharks vs Eagles



Angle: Hall addresses the crowd C-

Hall hypes the forthcoming WWL final in November, and publicly chews out Red Dragon and Menace, calling upon them to gamble less and train more...


William Macbeth defeats Chuck Frisby E

No surprises here. Frisby is solid but is never going to be more than a glorified jobber. Not a great match but it was never expected to be. 1-0 to Eagles


Angle: Evans wins Bikini contest D


Trance defeated Kalu Osuwu E+

A bit more surprising here: Osuwu has never really got going and he is now been signed to tour Japan with GCG for the next two months. Trance has more momentum and gets the pin against an off-form Osuwu. 1-1


Angle: Evans does sexy dance D+


Geena and Bali defeat Nina E+

El Jefe is off with OLLIE so a rare handicap match but to be fair Geena did not really need Bali. 2-1 to Eagles


Dartmoor defeated Menace 2 society (Menace and Stefan Raynor) E+

Menace continues to disappoint. He gets paired with promising newcomer Stefan Raynor and the two of them have POOR chemistry together. Still at least Dartmoor gain more experience.


Angle: Evans shoots T-shirts D+


Nigel Svensson defeats Rave D

A pretty good effort. By far Rave’s best outing as a singles wrestler. This could well become a regular match at the semi ME level. Svensson wins to make it 3-1 to Eagles


Main Event: Glen Ward defeats Draco Macbeth E+

Normally I like a decent write up for a main event, but this was a really poor match to headline the card. Eagles win 3-2. Sharks rue the the absence of El Jefe Militar after such a close match.


Sharks 2 Eagles 3



Overall: D-

Poor booking here, got the two main matches the wrong way round and cost me a grade.





Devils 3 wins 11 points

Eagles 2 wins 9 points

Tigers 1 win 8 points

Sharks 0 wins 5 points




Bristol Bash Card 2012 (Att:225)



Red Dragon defeats Josh Jones for the Dragon King Title D

A win for the aging high flier but Jones continue to impress with his solid fundamentals and he made Red Dragon look good.


Angle: Osuwu beaten down by Red Dragon F+

Rectifying a hiring error, Osuwu turned to the Face he was meant to be


Johnny Highspot defeats Axl Grease D-

Highspot wins against the jobber but I would have hoped for slightly better.


Angle: Miss Info wins bikini contest D+

Dartmoor defeats Party Animals for RDW title D-

Dartmoor look like having a long title run unless I can find a heel team to seriously challenge them


Menace defeats Kalu Osuwu D

First match in a while where Menace lives up to his potential. Maybe there is hope for the big drama queen.


Angle: Evans does sexy dance D+


Nigel Svensson vs Stefan Raynor for Young Dragon title D+

The good chemistry between these two is evident and they put on a real clinic of fast paced wrestling. Svensson went for the armlock once too often and Raynor countered with a beautiful rollthrough before nailing Nigel with an outstanding drop kick and pin. Raynor wins his first title in the RDW!


Miss Information defeats Geena the WP to retain the She Dragon title D+

Another fine lingerie match between these two amazons.


Angle: Miss Information does victory dance C



Overall: D+



$5000 loss on the month but 1.2 popularity gained so well worth it. Josh Jones and Cannonball Logan strike up a friendship.

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Dunton Hall and Corporal Punishment have their monthly strategy meeting in the RDW's office in a back street in Splott, a rundown area of Cardiff. Dunton likes to run a fast meeting and Punishment does well to keep up with the genius.


"Firstly, Flanagan's thugs" barked out the owner "We may have got rid of their leader but Red Dragon and Menace are still betting on anything that moves."


"It is worse than that" replied Punishment "Vladimir Smertin and his shyster lawyers having been putting ideas in their heads. Menace is claiming that we are discriminatory about giving him title shots and the last thing we need is allegations of homophobia. And Dragon claims that every time we use the name Red Dragon wrestling we owe him money..."


Hall looked annoyed:

"I don't like it, but we better give the drama queen a couple of shots at the Dragon King title, assuming of course he can put a decent match together"


"As for Red Dragon, I think I can make him an offer he might not be able to refuse..."

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The meeting continues


Hall is not finished yet:


"My sources inform me that the British wrestling scene could be shaken up in the next few months. 21st Century are still losing money damnit, I sank a million dollars in there as a silent partner and they keep losing about $50k a month.


"Added to that whispers are coming back to me that someone is trying to put together a new local promotion called HIW.


"How many wrestlers do you have on the roster?" he enquired


"20" replied the Corporal, "There are a lot or rookies, has beens and overseas workers out there desperate for a job, but precious little quality"


Hall does some calculations "20 is enough for a regional promotion but we will need more like 30 if we go for a brand split. Keep looking for bargain hires or overseas guys that look like they might be a decent gamble. I will take the restriction off you about only hiring the unemployed once we hit Regional because we will need to bring in some stars at both the face and heel positions"


Hall checks the balance sheets out and a happy smile breaks out for once

"Well we can easily afford to run three medium shows every two months at the moment. And once we hit regional size we may be able to avoid three medium shows a month.

"If 21st century go under next year this will give us a golden opportunity to be come the UK King of the regionals. So go for growth and see if we can find workers who can give us C graded matches and angles!"


Punishment likes the way Hall is planning ahead: "Yessir! And how about a permanent home for RDW?"


"Maybe someday Corporal, but not just yet I feel. Meeting adjourned!"

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Siege of Carnarvon 2012 (Att:202)



Tigers vs Sharks


Johnny Highspot defeats El Jefe Militar D-

Easy win for Highspot but a good match and Jefe got on the job training in performance skills. 1-0 to the Tigers


Angle: Evans wins Bikini Contest D+


Chuck Frisby defeats Martin Heath E+

These two have poor chemistry so not bad considering everything. Veteran joker beats young tag team specialist. 1-1


Party Animals defeat Cannonball Jones & Inky the Squid Boy D-

Complete mismatch. 2-1 to Sharks


Angle: Evans fires off T-shirts D+


William Macbeth defeated Stefan Raynor E+

A filler match for the card and a tad disappointing.


Glen Ward defeated Corporal Punishment E+

Punishment’s skills continue to improve nicely but once again Ward takes him to school once he has the young brawler down on the mat. 3-1 to Sharks and that means the Tigers are out of the WWL picture.


Thea Davis defeats Nina the PB in a lingerie match D+

Another T&A match, another D+ performance from the girls


Sharks 3 Tigers 2


Overall: D



$6000 profit to make $38k. The wrestling industry is now falling, and Cannonball Logan and Josh Jones are now friends. Inky the Squid Boy released from the company as he is a hasbeen piece of ****.

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Rhondda Rebellion October 2012 (Week 2)


Rhondda Rebellion October 2012 (Att:230)


Eagles vs Devils


Geena injured, Kalu on tour with GCG, so the Eagles team are pretty decimated. Fortunately it is a dead match as both sides are already through to the final.



Draco Macbeth defeated Menace D-

Good win for Draco. Has Menace reached his sell by date? 1-0 to Eagles


Axl Grease defeated Bali Daljit E+

Not a bad match for a jobber v jobber match. 1-1


Angle: Hall rants at workers C-


Dartmoor defeat Insurgents for the RDW Tag title E+

Dartmoor produce another successful performance


Angle: Evans wins Bikini contest D


Red Dragon defeats William Macbeth for the dragon king title E+

A disappointing match given that they have good chemistry. 2-1 to Devils


Angle: Hall rants at workers D+


Stefan Raynor defeats Nigel Svensson for the young dragon title D

Stefan proves it was no fluke with a second straight win over the Wigan warrior. And more importantly it makes it 3-1 to the Devils.


Miss Information defeats Thea Davis and Nina the PB for the she dragon title D+

Geena is injured so a three way diva match to headline and the girls do not disappoint


Devils 3 Eagles 1


Overall: D



Final WWL Table


Devils 4 wins 14 points

Eagles 2 wins 10 points

Tigers 1 win 10 points

Sharks 1 win 8 points

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October 2012 Week 4


South Coast Slaughter 2012 (Att: 208)


Menace defeats Josh Jones D-

At last a decent effort from Menace, though I think Josh Jones might have had a lot to do with it.


Angle: Evans wins Bikini contest C-


Dartmoor defeat the Party animals to win the RDW tag title D

An increasingly polished performance by Dartmoor but could really do with finding some more tag teams to train up


Lightray (Lutz & Raynor) vs BeeBall (Bali & Logan) E+

A tryout for some new tag teams. A good score but no sign of that elusive tag team chemistry


Angle: Evans does sexy dance D+


Miss Information defeats Thea Davis in Bra & Panties match D+


Angle: Miss Information does victory dance C


Main Event: Four way elimination match between Red Dragon, Glen Ward, Johnny Highspot and William Macbeth D

The match started relatively slowly and all four were handing out the pain. However Red Dragon and Johnny Highspot found themselves scrapping out of the ring and Ward used a vicious judo sleeper hold to submit Macbeth.

Dragon and Ward then started to double team Highspot and Johnny was soon lying battered in a corner. When Ward went for the finishing move though he made the mistake of turning his back on Red Dragon. A vicious low blow from the welshman incapacitated the angry man and the pin soon followed.

Red Dragon was left with just the crumpled Highspot to beat and he climbed the rope ready to win with the frog splash. Dragon hit it perfectly and surely it is over. But wait! Ward had yet to leave the ring and he clubs Dragon on the back of the head before skedaddling.

Highspot has just enough to fling an arm out and secure the pin on Dragon and capture the Dragon King title!


Overall: D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Look Back in Bangor November 2012


Look Back in Bangor November 2012 (Att:415)



Grand Final of Welsh Wrestling League

Devils defeat Eagles in a five on five elimination match D


Angle: Miss Information wins Bikini Contest D+


Dartmoor defeat Party Animals to retain RDW Tag team title D-


Angle: Hall rants at workers C-


Josh Jones defeats Chuck Frisby D-


Angle: Hall rants at workers D+


Miss Information defeats Geena the WP to retain the She Dragon title D+


Johnny Highspot defeats Glen Ward in a Cage Modern Match to retain Dragon King title D


Overall Rating: D

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Night of Champions III 2012


Night of Champions III (Att: 300)


Menace defeats Johnny Highspot, Keith Adams and Glen Ward for the Dragon King title D


Dartmoor defeats Grease Monkeys to retain RDW Tag team title D-


Angle: Hall rants at workers C-


Party Animals defeat Job Lot D-


Angle: Hall rants at workers D+


Stefan Raynor defeats Nigel Svensson to retain young dragon title D+


Angle: Evans wins Bikini contest D+


Miss Info defeats Geena the WP to retain She Dragon title D+


Overall: 50/D+ (record)

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London Calling Dec 2012 (week 4)


[i am blitzing the last six or seven events to get through to Regional Size]



London Calling 2012



Special Teams (Josh Jones & Corporal Punishment) defeat p***ed off (Ward & Jefe Militar) D

A training match where Josh gives the others on the job training in ring skills. Decent match rating.


Johnny Highspot defeats Stefan Raynor in a ladder match to retain the RDW lightweight title D-

A disappointing match but Highspot looks pretty close to unbeatable in the lightweights.


Elimination Agents defeat Party Animals E+

Terrible grade considering both are experienced teams.


Thea Davis defeats Nina the PB in yet another bra and panties match D+

As long as the fans want some flesh, RDW will provide it


Menace defeats Nigel Svensson in a cage match to retain the Dragon King title 52/D+

Just when you feel like giving up on Menace he produces the best ever male match in the RDW. Menace's power and Svensson's toughness and technical prowess made for a classic. Menace finally grabbed the advantage by an eye gouge and throwing Nigel off the top rope before almost falling through the cage door.


Overall: 50/D+ (record)

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