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NWA Moving Into The 90's

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National Wrestling Alliance September, 1989:


Style: Sports Entertainment

Size: Cult

Location: South East (USA)

Shows: World Championship Wrestling, Saturdays, Prime Time on TBS

NWA Power Hour, Fridays, Late Night on TBS


Promotion Pacts:

All Japan Pro-Wrestling: Working Agreement

Continental Wrestling Federation: Working Agreement

World Class Championship Wrestling: Working Agreement

World Wrestling Federation: Hostile


Owner: Ted Turner

Head Booker: The Grand Avatar


Road Agent:

Magnum T.A.



Announcers: Bob Caudle, Gary Michael Cappetta, Gordon Solie, Jim Ross

Colour Commentators: James E. Cornette



Bill Alfonso

Nick Patrick

Randy Anderson


Main Event:

Junkyard Dog

Ric Flair

Road Warrior Animal



'Cowboy' Bob Orton

Lex Luger

Michael 'P.S.' Hayes

Sid Vicious

Terry Funk


Upper Midcard:

Rick Steiner

Road Warrior Hawk

Scott Steiner

Stan Lane



Bam Bam Bigelow

Doom II

Kevin Sullivan

Mike Rotundo



Beautiful Bobby Eaton

'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert

Ole Anderson

Steve Williams


Al Perez

Buzz Sawyer

Cactus Jack

Dan Spivey

Dick Slater

Doom I

Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin

Norman The Lunatic

The Iron Sheik


Lower Midcard:

Flyin' Brian

Shane Douglas

Tommy Rich



Rip Morgan


The Great Muta



Johnny Ace


Bill Irwin

Scott Hall

The Dragonmaster


Enhancement Talent:

Jason Knight





Missy Hyatt


Gary Hart

Paul E. Dangerously

Paul Ellering

Teddy Long



Current Champions:

NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Ric Flair

NWA United States Champion: Lex Luger

NWA Television Champion: Sting

NWA Tag Team Champions: The Fabulous Freebirds

NWA United States Tag Team Titles: Vacant


State of National Wrestling Alliance as of September, 1989:


-The National Wrestling Alliance name was recently purchased by media mogul Ted Turner.

-The new NWA maintains close working agreements with World Class Championship Wrestling, Continental Wrestling Federation and All Japan Pro-Wrestling

-The new NWA holds a hostile relationship with the World Wrestling Federation. The WWF, as they are known, has been buying out most of the old territories but the new NWA is a definite hold-out from that era.

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Friday, week 1, September 1989


Taped from The Venue, San Antonio, TX.

NWA presents...

NWA Power Hour!


Match 1

Steve Williams p. Bill Irwin following an Oklahoma Stampede.=C


Gordon Solie Interviews Ric Flair as we are less than a week away from the Clash of the Champions: Fall Brawl event where Ric will team with Sting against Dick Slater and The Great Muta. A fairly standard interview for Ric to hype the match.


Match 2

The Great Muta p. Flying Brian after a Moonsault Press.=C


Road Warriors and Samoan Swat Team are caught backstage brawling. Neither team gains a clear upper hand in this tough brawl. It is broken up by officials in the back before it gets too deadly.


Match 3

The Steiners p. The Iron Sheik and Rip Morgan following a Top Rope Bulldog.=B-


Terry Funk holds his Terry Funk's Grill segment with the Fabulous Freebirds. The Freebirds will be defending their NWA Tag Team Titles against The Steiners at Clash of the Champions: Fall Brawl. Michael 'P.S.' Hayes guarantees a victory.


Match 4

Kerry Von Erich b. Al Perez by submission with an Iron Claw.=C+


Overall: B-

Attendance: 1,000 (Sellout)

Notes: There were some very good segments on this show. Kerry Von Erich has come in on a three appearance deal with WCCW. As a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion, he definitely brings a lot of credibility to his matches. Paul E. Dangerously seemed to be in the way of both Samu and Fatu during the backstage brawl segment. He may not remain as their manager following Fall Brawl. Back to the drawing board on that one, huh?

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Live this Saturday night from the Fort Worth Convention Center in Fort Worth, TX. Broadcast via TBS on Saturday in Prime Time...

NWA presents...

World Championship Wrestling...


Main Event


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair© v. 'Cowboy' Bob Orton





Michael 'P.S.' Hayes w/Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin v. 'The Modern Day Warrior' Kerry Von Erich



The Iron Sheik and Rip Morgan v. Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering



The Dragonmaster w/Gary Hart v. Sting



Non Title:

'The Total Package' Lex Luger v. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert w/Missy Hyatt



'Iron' Mike Rotundo w/Kevin Sullivan v. 'The Rock' Ole Anderson





Gordon Solie interviews Ric Flair and Sting as we head toward Clash of the Champions: Fall Brawl. We get the thoughts of two of the more popular wrestlers going into their big tag team match.


Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!

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Saturday, week 1, September 1989


Live from the Fort Worth Convention Center, Fort Worth, TX.

Broadcast via TBS at Prime Time...

NWA presents...


The show opens at the NWA podium where Gordon Solie is standing by to conduct an interview with Ric Flair and Sting.

Gordon Solie: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to what promises to be an exciting evening of wrestling action as we are just days away from the Clash of the Champions: Fall Brawl. Now at Fall Brawl we are going to see some great matches, including a match that pits the team of Ric Flair and Sting against the J-Tex Corporation members Dick Slater and The Great Muta. In regards to that match, I would like to introduce the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair and the NWA Television Champion Sting. Gentlemen, I would like to hear your comments regarding your upcoming match."

Ric Flair: "Gordon Solie, the Dean of Professional Wrestling, you and I have known each other for a very long time, right? You have come to master the sport from your end and I am the master of the sport from my end. I have proven this by the fact that I wear this NWA World Heavyweight title around my waist. It is the symbol of excellence in this business and no one in this world knows that better than Ric Flair. But there are a lot of people who don't appreciate the fact that I am the champion. It's the old adage that you like to hear that someone is doing pretty good but you don't like to hear that they're doing better than you. My whole career I've always done better than everyone else. I'm Ric Flair and this man standing beside me is the second best wrestler in the world. This man is my friend the Stinger. Together we are unstoppable. Which means that in a few days time when we face off with Dick Slater and The Great Muta? Whoooooo We're going to show the world why we're the best. Right Stinger?"

Sting: "That's right, Ric. Muta, you have attacked me from behind again and again but you never come right to my face. This Tuesday at the Clash? You and I are going to come face to face in this tag team match and it's going to be showtime."

Gordon Solie: "Excuse me for interrupting, Sting, however I am getting some news within my earpiece here. As a sworn representative of the National Wrestling Alliance, I am being told that I need to do something that I don't like doing. Due to the last title match between you and the Great Muta, the NWA board has decided to hold up the Television title. Unfortunately, I have to ask that you relinquish the belt to me this evening."

Sting looks toward Gordon Solie for a few moments and then releases the belt from around his waist. He hands the title over to Gordon Solie and then turns and walks away to the back. Ric Flair leaves the podium as well as Gordon Solie looks down at the title.


Match 1

'Iron' Mike Rotundo w/Kevin Sullivan v. 'The Rock' Ole Anderson

This match was definitely a conflict of styles as the technical ability of Mike Rotundo is played against the tough, no-nonsense brawling of Ole Anderson. Anderson dominates Rotundo early on with the Varsity Club member leaving the ring several times to converse with Kevin Sullivan. Rotundo shows he is not above cheating when he rakes the eyes of Ole. When Rotundo got the advantage it became a bit of a one-sided affair between these two wrestlers. 'The Rock' got rolled by the member of the Varsity Club. Rotundo lifts Anderson on his shoulders and spins around, giving Anderson the airplane spin and then slamming him down. Rotundo falls across the chest of Anderson: one, two, three.

Mike Rotundo p. Ole Anderson=B



Tommy Rich walks over to where Gordon Solie is standing at the podium. Tommy clears his throat and then is handed a microphone.

Tommy Rich: "First of all, Gordon, it's an honor to be out here in front of the greatest fans in the world. These NWA fans truly know what they are talking about when it comes to professional wrestling. Someone who doesn't seem to know about how much the fans mean is our United States champion Lex Luger. Lex, you and I go back for awhile. There was a time when you and I were friends going up and down the road together. But now you and I are facing off with one another. At the end of the day I am going to prove to you that having these fans on your side means everything."

Tommy Rich pats Gordon Solie on the shoulder, giving him a nod before he turns and walks off.


Match 2: Non Title

'The Total Package' Lex Luger v. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert w/Missy Hyatt

This contest is extremely short but it was very competitive. Throughout the contest, Eddie Gilbert plays the hero-in-peril role with Luger looking very dominant. Missy Hyatt looks extremely disappointed at ringside until the crowd gets Eddie a second wind. He begins making a comeback, stifling Luger's attempts again and again. Some miscommunication between Eddie and Missy Hyatt, though, brings the advantage back to the Total Package. Luger finally puts away Gilbert with the Running Forearm.

Lex Luger p. Eddie Gilbert=B


Not Finished Yet...Yes You Are

Even though the match is over, Lex Luger is not done with his attack on Eddie Gilbert. Luger puts the boots to the fallen 'Hotstuff' and then signals for the Human Torture Rack. The crowd boos as the United States champion raises Gilbert to his feet. Then he shoves Gilbert forward when Tommy Rich enters the ring. Gilbert slams into Rich and Luger clotheslines both of them down at the same time! Luger mounts on top of Tommy Rich and begins throwing punches. Missy Hyatt reaches in the ring and grabs Eddie Gilbert, sliding him out of the ring to protect her man. The Total Package signals for the Human Torture Rack again but before he can lift Rich someone else comes running down to the ring.




The crowd is stunned when we see the return of Ricky Steamboat! The former NWA World Heavyweight champion enters the ring and catches Lex with chops to that hard, granite chest. Ricky clotheslines Lex over the top rope and poses in the ring to cheers from the crowd. Ricky picks Rich up and the two men stand side by side in the ring.


Doom Is Coming

We move from the ring and ringside area to a video clip that features the woman formerly known as Robin Green standing in front of a very generic background.

Woman: "So many people have been coming to me and asking just how I could turn on Rick Steiner. The real question people should have been asking is how Rick Steiner got me in the first place. I wanted to get into professional wrestling. So when I decided to come into this business I needed to find the most ignorant man who would allow me to take advantage of him and get into this company. That man is a Dogfaced Gremlin. But now I am finished with him in that capacity. However, I feel the need to warn him and his meddling brother. Doom is coming for them both. And the world will never be the same."


Match 3

The Dragonmaster w/Gary Hart v. Sting

Another extremely short match but that is because Sting was not in the mood to take it easy on anyone. It is obvious that he is still upset about having to vacate the NWA Television title earlier in the evening. He takes that out on The Dragonmaster with quick tempoed aggression. Sting catches The Dragonmaster with a dropkick that sends him back into a corner. A few seconds later and Sting puts away The Dragonmaster following a Stinger Splash in the corner.

Sting p. The Dragonmaster=B


Z-Man Is Coming

We head to a video which shows a white sports car being driven quickly around the city streets of Atlanta with rock music playing in the background. The car zooms by the camera again and again. After a few minutes of watching the car, it slows down and we get a good look at the Z-Man sitting in the front seat. Z-Man will be making his NWA debut at the Clash of the Champions!


Match 4

The Iron Sheik and Rip Morgan v. Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering

As is usual with a match featuring the Road Warriors this was straight ahead aggression against both The Iron Sheik and Rip Morgan. Iron Sheik was tossed out of the ring before even the bell rang and Rip Morgan was the focus of the Road Warriors attack. Animal's power is on display when lifts Rip into the air and presses him up and down three times before slamming him down on the mat. Rip is caught with a double shoulderblock by the Road Warriors and then Animal signals for the Doomsday Device. He tags in Hawk and then lifts Rip Morgan onto his shoulders. Hawk comes flying with the clothesline, the Doomsday Device! Hawk slides on top of Morgan, pressing his hands on the chest of Rip: one, two, three!

Road Warriors p. The Iron Sheik and Rip Morgan=C


Road Warriors

'Precious' Paul Ellering leads the Road Warriors from the ring and ringside area over to the podium. The size of the Road Warriors blocks Gordon Solie out from even being visible on the screen. Paul snatches the microphone from Gordon and wipes it off with a handkerchief, beginning to speak.

Paul Ellering: "I don't normally make a practice out of listening to the lower class of people. However, I have heard Paul E. Dangerously talking about how his Samoan Swat Team are going to demolish my Road Warriors. That made me put down my Wall Street Journal and pay attention because I obviously have a vested interest in the match this Tuesday at the Clash of the Champions. Now it's quite obvious that the SST don't have the talent that my Road Warriors have. We have Animal, who has all the power and Hawk, who has all the speed and agility. Do you really think that you can walk away from this match unscathed against my Road Warriors? Think again! I can already tell you that the outcome of this match has already been determined. It's been bought and paid for courtesy of Precious Paul."


Match 5

Michael 'P.S.' Hayes w/Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin v. 'The Modern Day Warrior' Kerry Von Erich

These two men have been embroiled in a feud here in Texas since 1982 and the fans were definitely hyped to be a part of this next chapter. Both men definitely know the other very well and this leads to a very open style of match as we are met hold for counterhold. There were a few restholds in this match, especially when Hayes was in control. But the last three minutes were very intense as they traded punches with Von Erich striking Hayes with a discus punch. Von Erich makes the cover: one, two, three, four, five, six.


There was no referee count because he was distracted by the presence of Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin on the apron. Garvin is yelling at the official and Kerry climbs to his feet, walking over to where Jimmy Jam is standing. Kerry grabs Jimmy by the hair and the crowd cheers. Behind Kerry, though, Michael Hayes releases a chain from his boot. He wraps it around his fist. He walks over to Kerry and grabs his fist as Kerry looked to punch Jimmy. Kerry turns around and gets cold-cocked by Michael Hayes! The man known as 'Purely Sexy' hooks The Modern Day Warrior with a DDT! He slides on top of his opponent: one, two, three.

Michael Hayes p. Kerry Von Erich=B


Blood Is Thicker Than Doom

We move from the ringside area once again to a promo shot earlier today. In this promo stand both Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner, The Steiners along with their manager Missy Hyatt

Scott Steiner: "Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin in just a few short days you will be stepping inside the ring with what is going to be the greatest tag team of all time in myself and my brother, Rick. It will be our first ever title match as a tag team. Now some people say that we should be worried about the arrival of Doom as Woman stated. But we are the two best wrestlers from the University of Michigan so really we have nothing to worry about, right, Rick?"


Rick Steiner: "Woof! Woof! Woof! Robin, Woman, my brother and I have never been scared of anything in our lives. This Doom you're bringing in doesn't make me afraid either. But we need to focus on our title match against the Fabulous Freebirds. Freebirds, you may have more experience but that just means we have other advantages. And at the end of the night the Steiners are going to walk away with the titles in hand."


Unbeatable Tag Team?

A video begins to play next focusing on another tag team. This tag team is the team of Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey: The Skyscrapers along with their manager Teddy Long. The Skyscrapers are shown manhandling team after team here in the NWA. They are also shown at the Great American Bash this year winning the two ring King of the Hill Battle Royal. What team can stop this tag team in the future?




Match 6: NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair© v. 'Cowboy' Bob Orton

Our main event encounter is a rare NWA World title defense as the champion Ric Flair steps into the ring with Bob Orton. Of course most people are familiar with the history between Bob Orton and Ric Flair. These two men were close friends at one point until a Harley Race bounty caused Bob to turn on Ric back in 1983. The match was one of your typical face/heel encounters where Ric had the advantage in the early goings but then Bob Orton, Jr. cheated his way into control and really held the pace of the match as the crowd tried to work Ric Flair back into things. As Bob Orton locked Ric Flair in the reverse chinlock, several people came down to ringside.


Jim Ross: "Oh no. What are these guys doing down here? The Great Muta and Dick Slater have no business being at ringside."


Their presence was a distraction for both Ric Flair and also for Bob Orton, who obviously had not been consulted prior to this contest. The crowd helps give Ric a second wind and he rises to his feet, bringing Bob down to the mat following a shin breaker. Ric focuses his attacks on the leg and knee of the Cowboy but he also provides some of those classic Ric Flair moments, including the flip over the turnbuckles, knife edge chops to the chest and the running kneedrop. Ric drags Bob to the center of the ring and yanks on the leg before leaning down and hooking on the Figure Four Leglock! The crowd goes wild as Bob Orton struggles in the hold for about thirty seconds before he is forced to submit.

Ric Flair b. Bob Orton, Jr.=A


Clash of the Champions Preview?

The bell sounded with the submission of Bob Orton, Jr., however Ric Flair was not done in the ring. The Great Muta and Dick Slater enter the ring along with their manager Gary Hart. The assault brings Ric down to his knees and then he is kicked over onto his back by Dick Slater. Dick mounts Ric and begins punching away at him as Ric tries to cover up the best that he can.


The crowd cheers as Sting comes running in from the back! The high flyer comes into the ring via the top rope and a top rope clothesline to bring down The Great Muta! Sting meets Dick Slater with punches and then ducks as green mist comes flying toward him. The mist catches Dick Slater in the eyes! Slater scratches at his eyes as he is blinded by the mist. Sting sends The Great Muta over the top rope with a clothesline and Ric Flair comes back to toss Dick Slater through the ropes. World Championship Wrestling goes off the air with Ric Flair and Sting standing in the ring and glaring at The Great Muta, Dick Slater and Gary Hart. We'll see you at the Clash!



Announcers: Gordon Solie and Jim Ross

Color Commentator: None

Attendance: 10,000 (sellout)

TV Rating: 2.28

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Live this Tuesday night from the Colonial Center in Columbia, SC. Broadcast via Pay-Per-View on Tuesday in Prime Time...

NWA presents...

Clash of the Champions VIII: Fall Brawl '89...


Main Event


Grudge Match:

'Dirty' Dick Slater and 'The Pearl Of The Orient' The Great Muta w/Gary Hart v. 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair and Sting





NWA United States Title Match:

'The Total Package' Lex Luger© v. 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich



'Dr. Death' Steve Williams v. 'Iron' Mike Rotundo w/Kevin Sullivan



NWA Tag Team Titles Match:

The Fabulous Freebirds© v. The Steiners w/Missy Hyatt



Dynamic Dudes v. The Skyscrapers w/Teddy Long



'Mad Dog' Buzz Sawyer w/Gary Hart v. Z-Man



The Samoan Swat Team w/Paul E. Dangerously v. 'The Legion Of Doom' The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering





Terry Funk gives an interview from the hospital with Gordon Solie following the assault by Ric Flair a couple of weeks ago.


Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!

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I am following and enjoying for the most part. Keep up the good work buddy


Johnny Ace for NWA World Heavyweight Champion!


I am reading it as well, I really like the format that you are going with. I am not a fan of huge match write-ups, so what you are doing here is just perfect for me. They are long enough to get what you need to get across but not too long where it is just one big wall of text.


Thanks guys! I am glad to have some readers. If you feel like predicting for the Clash feel free. :p

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