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My anime reviews- would anyone read them?


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Before I went on my latest trip to Japan....I would post my friends at work, reviews of the anime I had just watched (despite the fact I'm the only one fanatically into this stuff).....


At first I was just testing to see how long I could actually get away with posting them my reviews, before they told me to stop spamming their inbox. But despite not being anime otaku, they actually said they genuinely enjoyed my reviews.......


But since I've got back, I've been wondering if I should perhaps post them up here instead. Though I don't want to start a thread, if say only one person were to be interested in reading them.


So I'm just testing the water, to see if anyone would be interested in reading my anime reviews, were I to post them up on here. Just reply if you would be, if I get around 10 replys...I'll probably go ahead and start an anime review thread.

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If they were of anime movies, I would read them. If they were of series, I would be less inclined.


It will mostly be series, though there will be a few movies in there. Though I tend to stay away from the series that just go on and on and on and on, and have about a zillion episodes such as Bleach, Naruto, Gundam, One Piece.

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Well 2 positive responses, and 1 semi positive and 157 views on this thread in the last 2 or so days. I wouldn't say it's that encouraging thus far....


Yet despite the lack of interest, I still have this urge to post some of them up anyway. I suppose I can take heart from the fact that someone gave this thread 5 stars :D

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It will mostly be series, though there will be a few movies in there. Though I tend to stay away from the series that just go on and on and on and on, and have about a zillion episodes such as Bleach, Naruto, Gundam, One Piece.


Yeah, I'll probably give your reviews a look but I'm just not an anime fan as such (ie those guys who watch things BECAUSE they are anime), I'm a fan of good film/tv that is open to seeing more anime if it sounds like I would enjoy it. I am way more likely to check out a shorter series than a long one.

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It will mostly be series, though there will be a few movies in there. Though I tend to stay away from the series that just go on and on and on and on, and have about a zillion episodes such as Bleach, Naruto, Gundam, One Piece.


Yeah, I'll probably give your reviews a look but I'm just not an anime fan as such (ie those guys who watch things BECAUSE they are anime), I'm a fan of good film/tv that is open to seeing more anime if it sounds like I would enjoy it. I am way more likely to check out a shorter series than a long one, or something that is based on a good story or creative elements rather than lots of big robots and cute girls.


Hopefully you'll put me onto something.

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