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Reinventing the default database

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It's really only a thought at the moment, but I've been toying with the idea of going into the default database and using the renders etc to create a whole new one - companies, fighters, TV stations, PPV Carriers, the whole nine yards.

On top of that, there are several excellent render packs out there that would add to the universe, in particular the Bantamweight/Flyweight divisions.


Now, the main reason I've not done it before now is that it's a monstrous amount of work. With >1100 fighters in the main database (not even taking into account extra additions), if it took 5 minutes to do a single fighter, it would take nearly 5 days solid, working 24 hours a day to do all of them. :p


So I'd probably need a fair bit of help. Obviously as we have the renders already, you don't need any graphics skill, but the ability to put together a decent bio for a fighter as well as creating a nice (realistic) skillset would be useful.



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Well there's been a reboot of the WMMA universe, as well as Eyeball's packs and the Flyweight/Bantamweight packs, also there's the Weidtverse available to import.


I, myself have imported everybody over from Weidt's WMMA 2 FSC universe (minus the characters who had renders that were then used in WMMA3, those I deleted) and everyone from the Weidtverse. Everyone from the Weidtverse has a custom silhouette render (both male and female) whilst everybody else has a real render. There's enough fighters in all divisions thanks to the Weidtverse which is an incredible amount of work, plus London has been working on renders for Weidtverse fighters in the render thread so the list continue to build.

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Guest Asaemon

You could help expanding the C-verse, by contributing to the GFS expansion.


Or why not do a C-verse mod, that starts in another year. Maybe the year that the original WMMA has, and using all fight and title histories that in it.


I would rather see more C-verse mods, than a completely new mod that are using the same renders.

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Ah, thank you for alerting me to the existence of those two.


The main reason for looking to start over with the existing renders was that I've been playing the default database for a while now, and am too used to the database's fighters, so even with the additions, it kind of feels the same, and whilst ideally you'd start afresh with new renders and all, that's just not going to be a realistic option if you want the same depth as the default, so the best remaining option is to use the existing ones.


I'll have a look at the two you've suggested and see if either of those tickles my fancy. :)

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