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4C: The Story of a Midget and the One-Eyed Booker

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OOC: So you saw an EWA one started not so long ago by a friend of mine. This is part of the deal that I would do one as well. Been fiddling with the game for a few years now, but this is my first attempt at a diary. I am also not near as fancy as my Euro-running counterpart, but I hope people enjoy!


The Start of it All


So yeah, I'm a young guy. One that probably doesn't deserve the sort of luck I had, but I have busted my hump enough to say I earned the phone call that I got from a certain Troy Winner one Sunday afternoon when I was gearing up to help run an indy show. That night I was jobbing to Mammoth. The next day I was in a meeting with the mighty midget mastermind behind 4C.


I knew Troy somewhat. I have done shows with him in the past. Mostly little pre show matches where I wrestled other talent he had thought of bringing in or jobbing to an occasional bigger name. It had been well over a year since I last worked for the man. Always seemed like a cool guy really. Stayed out of the way and let everyone else run the show.


I guess he had heard I have had some mild success as a booker over the past two or so years on a small scale level. It was fun and just something I enjoyed doing. I never really considered I would ever do anything major with it. That is why I was surprised when Troy asked if I would want to take over the duties from Jason Evans. He had only taken over last year, but he hasn't really enjoyed the job itself. Instead he seems to prefer being a performer instead of worrying about booking.


It was something I mulled over. Was I really ready for such a thing? I am a pretty young guy and I had only been in the business for seven years. I started early and I never even signed with a 'name' type of promotion and now suddenly I was being offered a booker position with one? It took me a week before I finally got back to Troy. I thought he might be mad I took so long, but when I told him yes things just seemed to become a whirlwind. Now here I am getting to know everyone and preparing for my first show with the boys. I can only hope I do not disappoint Mr. Winner.

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Eventers</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sayeed Ali </strong>: He's a baaaad man. A legit tough guy I would want to have my back if I got into a real fight. He's the leader of the dangerous group The 187s along with the tag team Thug Life and they are not a group to mess with. The dude has talent and a good mix of styles that is perfect for this promotion. My worry is one day one of the bigger boys here in Canada or even TCW or SWF realize this guy is gold. It will be a sad day when we lose Sayeed.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jacob Jett</strong>: Wow. That was the first thing that I said after watching Jacob perform a few years back at a show. Nowadays he is even more impressive and continues to improve. He might be the best on the mic out of anyone here which just makes him a star in the making. He has talked about perhaps going to Japan one day too. Not soon after I started CGC signed up to a small deal. He still works for us, but if he performs there as well as he does with us we will be saying goodbye to him soon one day.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duberry Excess</strong>: This is perhaps someone I hope to get into the ring with the most. Like me Dutch Simms is a good technician. He broke into the business after me and despite having less experience I would say he is on par with me in the ring and as a technician if not better. He has been spending time down in Mexico improving too. Of our current main guys he might be the one that I can see staying with us the longest.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frankie Dee</strong>: The current champ. The guy has a good look and gimmick going on. The down side is I think perhaps he might be the weakest of our main eventers. Oh he is young so he will improve like the rest of us. Just right now I am not sure he is champ material given some of the other guys. Maybe I am wrong. Time will tell.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Upper Midcard</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gilbert Brothers</strong>: Jesse and Joe are some interesting guys. They have been around both the US and Canda for a few years and have been champs for CZCW even in the past. They even had some time in CGC before coming here. The fans seem to love their style and I think that is why the remain so high. They can perform well too so there is no arguement from me about their position. They are the current tag champs as well.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong>: Where Jacob Jett might be better on the mic I believe Davis Wayne Newton is the best person in the ring that works for us right now. The dude is a stud and I am not sure why no one else has picked him up yet. You can tell Rip Chord worked hard in helping this guy learn all the tricks of the trade. I hope he sticks with us for awhile, but I won't be surprised if he gets snagged up. He is too damn good to be at this level.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Too Hot</strong>: The guy I took the booking position from. A entertaining guy with a emphasis on being a high flier. He knows his way around the ring, but in a promotion where people love a good brawl it is surprising he does so well. He has that kinda personality, though. People just like him. To me he is the locker room leader that keeps moral up.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Midcard</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Antonio Del Veccio</strong>: Our current Hardcore Champion and another man trained by Rip Chord. This means he is good in the ring and pretty well rounded. Unlike Davis Wayne Newton he lacks a bit in the charisma department and he isn't as good on the mic. I think in a few years this guy will be in our main event. For now I think he is in a good place.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Thug Life</strong>: Hardcore Killah and Slim V. These two are some bad boys too. Hardcore Killah is the old man of this locker room and a good steady hand in the ring. Despite being past 40 you couldn't tell. He doesn't show any sort of ring rust to me. Slim V is a good brawler too that reminds me of a mini Sayeed in ways. This is not a bad thing by far because it means the trio work well together and there is a reason why The 187s are feared.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Thunder and Lightning</strong>: Another tag team that has been around 4C for some time. These guys tend to get overlooked, but are fairly good wrestlers overall. That being said I think they are in a good place. They need a manager perhaps to help them because both aren't very good on the mic. Maybe I am fond of the pair because they lean more on technical skills like I do.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rajah</strong>: One fun guy to be around. Let me tell you. People eat up his rapper gimmick and really he is good enough he could be higher on the card. He has experience and he is a good high flier that knows his way around the ring. I see him being with us for a good long time and if some of the guys move on I can see him being one of the backbones of this company.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Patrick Pinkerton</strong>: Yeah, don't call me Pinky. Been wrestling since I was sixteen through the US mostly until the past few years. Most thought I would have stopped when I was nineteen because I lost an eye in a hardcore match. I recovered and I just changed my style more. I learned more chain wrestling and submission than being a brawler. This is where I plan to stay or perhaps move down. I am not here to be a star unless Troy wants me to be. I am here to help the others out. Maybe that is why he liked me enough to offer this job.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Lower Midcard</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Canadian Crusher</strong>: Woof, this guy needs to learn something about ring psychology. A shame he is so bad there, because I can see this guy being a star if he can improve in that aspect. He is pretty solid and I think if he had a good manager to rub off on him he can become better on the mic and maybe even handle himself. Over my first few weeks here it seems him and Davis Wayne Newton have become good friends. Maybe I can ask Davis to help this poor guy out!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Flynn</strong>: The first graduate of the 4C academy produced. This guy is pretty good. He is still paying his dues, but I think he can go somewhere. Like Antonio I see this guy being able to one day go to the upper reaches of the card and carry the load. Right now he just needs to improve and keep his cool. His day will come.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TJ Bailey</strong>: The guy has a bit of an attitude, but overall not a bad guy. Perhaps he feels he should be higher on the card? I am not sure. He isn't bad in the ring, but really he seems to lack something that might make it hard for him ever to make it past the midcard. Maybe if he dropped the attitude and worked harder he could prove people wrong.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Opener</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eric Blackley</strong>: I don't know what to think of this one. Nice guy and all, but I don't understand a guy that wants to try and be both a heel and an underdog. His skills need some work, but he does some decent high flying moves. Maybe once I see him in action I will get a better idea of what to do.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Enhancement Talent</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nathaniel Ca$ino</strong>: A pretty interesting fellow I ran into in the past in the indies. He is a pretty good on the mic and good in the ring as well. He makes people look good at least. I see him one day moving up too. I think with the right booking he could become a reliable midcarder.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Leftie Wilkes</span></strong>: The younger brother of Duberry Excess and a pretty good talent too. He is pretty raw and has a long time to go before he starts to crawl up the card. Once he improves perhaps we will reveal the relationship and have the brothers team. I am going to give him a workout on the upcoming show.</p>

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<p><span style="font-size:18px;">The Staff</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Troy Winner</strong>: The mighty midget and owner of this fine company. He likes to hang back and watch the show and doesn't really interfere. He has given me quite a bit of leeway on what to do. Right now he doesn't plan on appearing at shows other than to just be another fan.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Andy Gordy</strong>: The referee and a pretty good one. He has been around for a few years so it is always nice to have someone with decent experience. He does a fine job and that is all that matters.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Grant Truman</strong>: The road agent that has been helping me get everything in check for the upcoming show. Pretty cool guy and sad to see he already had to retire. The guy is only thirty-two! Even so he seems to enjoy what he does and he does well.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joy DeWitt</strong>: Young manager that is a pretty nice girl. She needs some work to be more than just a valet. She is currently with Antonio right now. For now she will stay there while I try to decide if there is something else that can be done. At least she has a pretty awesome personality and keeps the locker room in good spirits.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Katie Cameron</strong>: Va va voom. Katie is what I would like to see Joy become. Not only is she good looking, but she knows how to talk. Right now she hasn't been paired with anyone, but that will change. I already have some ideas forming in my head. And no, they are not perverted ideas!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ted Ross</strong>: Our resident colour guy. Ted isn't too bad at all and seems to work well enough with his counterpart. Really he ain't too bad of a manager either I bet. Maybe one day I will explore that option. For now he is too valuable and will be kept where he is.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Terry Smith</strong>: The announcer of our crew and a pretty solid one at that. He seems a bit stuck on himself, but it doesn't cause any trouble so I won't really hold it against him. Right now he is our play by play for the forseeable future.</p><p> </p><p>

New Hires</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Streetz</strong>: I saw this guy at an indy show I worked and loved his work. He is young and bursting with charisma. For now I am putting him into a colour role as well as I decide where to go with him. Putting him with the 187s almost seems too natural, but I think I might have another idea. Him and Ted should have fun times playing off one another.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>EZ Rider</strong>: This might be a surprise, but I thought we could use another veteran talent that is a good brawler. I have had a few matches with the man more know as Wiley Steinway after he and his partner left NYCW. At 41 he still can put on a good brawl and knows his way around the ring. He is a nice guy too and it is always good to have a veteran presence that is willing to help out the young guys like me.</p>

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<p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MONDAY! WEEK 4 OF JANUARY! 4C PRESENTS CAGE RAGE!</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Event - Cage Match</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Too Hot vs Frankie Dee</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tag Action</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Eric Blackley and Rajah vs Thunder and Lightning</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Special Pre-Show Bout!</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Canadian Crusher vs TJ Bailey</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Singles Action</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Duberry Excess vs Hardcore Killah</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Title Match!</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Antonio Del Veccio vs Slim V</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tag Champs in Action (Non-Title)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Gilbert Brothers vs Nathaniel Ca$ino and E.Z. Rider</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Singles Action</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jacob Jett vs Davis Wayne Newton</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The One Eyed Wonder</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Patrick Pinkerton vs Leftie Wilkes</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Mastermind of the 187s</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sayeed Ali vs Chris Flynn</p>

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<p>Can't remember many 4C dynasties here - looking forward to this one! Cool roster round-up - nice and short and to the point. I like your first two hires, as well.</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event - Cage Match</p><p> </p><p>

Too Hot vs <strong>Frankie Dee </strong> - TH is a solid hand but Dee's a class above.</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Action</p><p> </p><p>

Eric Blackley and Rajah vs <strong>Thunder and Lightning</strong> - Named team should have way too much for two singles wrestlers - especially when Blackley's one of them.</p><p> </p><p>

Special Pre-Show Bout!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Canadian Crusher</strong> vs TJ Bailey - Guy with bad attitude or guy who's friendly with your next bona fide superstar? Hmm...</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Action</p><p> </p><p>

Duberry Excess vs <strong>Hardcore Killah</strong> - For the name, alone.</p><p> </p><p>

Hardcore Title Match!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Antonio Del Veccio </strong>vs Slim V - Del Veccio isn't that familiar to me, but can't see him dropping the belt to a tag guy.</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Champs in Action (Non-Title)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Gilbert Brothers</strong> vs Nathaniel Ca$ino and E.Z. Ryder - Tag champs got no reason to lose this one, even if it IS non-title.</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Action</p><p> </p><p>

Jacob Jett vs <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong> - Slightly brighter future, although they're both awesome.</p><p> </p><p>

The One Eyed Wonder</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Patrick Pinkerton</strong> vs Leftie Wilkes - You can't lose to Duberry Excess Jr!</p><p> </p><p>

The Mastermind of the 187s</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sayeed Ali</strong> vs Chris Flynn - I like Flynn, but Ali's way too good for him.</p>

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<p>Yesssss! One of us, one of us! Like you with my diary, I get a bit of a headstart here thanks to our excited chatter but... I don't think you've given everything away, so here goes:</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event - Cage Match</p><p> </p><p>

Too Hot vs <strong>Frankie Dee</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Nothing against the Hotty, but Dee is a beast and needs to look good.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Tag Action</p><p> </p><p>

Eric Blackley and Rajah vs <strong>Thunder and Lightning</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The real team get a rub, since they might be champions one day!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Special Pre-Show Bout!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Canadian Crusher</strong> vs TJ Bailey</p><p> </p><p>

<em>What the hell - he'll be a solid talent for you one day.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Singles Action</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duberry Excess</strong> vs Hardcore Killah</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tha' Dub. One of the strongest future workers you have, most likely!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Hardcore Title Match!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Antonio Del Veccio</strong> vs Slim V</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Even if this was his twentieth defence, Slim isn't the man to take him down.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Tag Champs in Action (Non-Title)</p><p> </p><p>

The Gilbert Brothers vs <strong>Nathaniel Ca$ino and E.Z. Ryder</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>A strong start for the veteran debut, and Casino's awesome. The Gilberts are gold but they can make up for this later. If you get positive chem, anything could happen down the line!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Singles Action</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jacob Jett</strong> vs Davis Wayne Newton</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Let's go for the guy you might keep for more than five minutes, eh?</em></p><p> </p><p>

The One Eyed Wonder</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Patrick Pinkerton</strong> vs Leftie Wilkes</p><p> </p><p>

<em>User chars rarely win, but Leftie gets something out of this either way!</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Mastermind of the 187s</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sayeed Ali</strong> vs Chris Flynn</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Do I even need to explain this? Haha.</em></p>

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<p>Main Event - Cage Match</p><p> </p><p>

Too Hot vs <strong>Frankie Dee</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tag Action</p><p> </p><p>

Eric Blackley and Rajah vs <strong>Thunder and Lightning</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Special Pre-Show Bout!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Canadian Crusher </strong>vs TJ Bailey</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Action</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duberry Excess</strong> vs Hardcore Killah</p><p> </p><p>

Hardcore Title Match!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Antonio Del Veccio</strong> vs Slim V</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Champs in Action (Non-Title)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Gilbert Brothers</strong> vs Nathaniel Ca$ino and E.Z. Ryder</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Action</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jacob Jett</strong> vs Davis Wayne Newton</p><p> </p><p>

The One Eyed Wonder</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Patrick Pinkerton</strong> vs Leftie Wilkes</p><p> </p><p>

The Mastermind of the 187s</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sayeed Ali</strong> vs Chris Flynn</p>

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<p>Main Event - Cage Match</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Too Hot</strong> vs Frankie Dee</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Action</p><p> </p><p>

Eric Blackley and Rajah vs <strong>Thunder and Lightning</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Special Pre-Show Bout!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Canadian Crusher</strong> vs TJ Bailey</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Action</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duberry Excess</strong> vs Hardcore Killah</p><p> </p><p>

Hardcore Title Match!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Antonio Del Veccio</strong> vs Slim V</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Champs in Action (Non-Title)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Gilbert Brothers</strong> vs Nathaniel Ca$ino and E.Z. Ryder</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Action</p><p> </p><p>

Jacob Jett vs <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The One Eyed Wonder</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Patrick Pinkerton</strong> vs Leftie Wilkes</p><p> </p><p>

The Mastermind of the 187s</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sayeed Ali </strong>vs Chris Flynn</p>

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4C Presents...Cage Rage!


Ontario: Twin Elm Park


Attendence: 511


Me and Gary are rallying up the troops right now. Fans are starting to filter in. I can feel some goosebumps just for the fact I am used to wrestling in front of groups under one hundred fans. They are guessing over five hundred tonight! As people filter in we got ourselves a pre-show match that will be included on the DVD when released.




Canadian Crusher vs TJ Bailey


Poor Canadian Crusher. Those fans that were here really gave the guy hell. He did well on ignoring it and just did what he had to do. His psychology is still atrocious, but TJ helped him as best he could. He did well at selling the power moves of Crusher and even got some offense in at times. He tried to play cat and mouse, but Crusher finally caught TJ and put him down and out for the win at after about seven and a half minutes.


Winner: Canadian Crusher


Rating: 21


Not a great match, but it wasn't really for the main show. The crowd wasn't into it at all. Let us hope we can fix that with the main show. NOW HERE WE GO!


The Gilbert Brothers vs E.Z. Rider and Nathaniel Ca$ino


The Gilberts are really good working together. Of course they should be given they have known one another their whole life and have been wrestling together for ages. Rider looked somewhat comfortable despite not working with his usual partner. Nathaniel seemed a bit lost just because tag action isn't his style. He and Rider weren't bad, though. They got some good offense in and actually looked like they could win a few times. Almost seven minutes in the Gilberts managed to dispose of Rider and Jesse nailed Ca$ino with the Slap Shot.


Winner: The Gilbert Brothers


Rating: 36


The ring is soon clear and out comes Katie Cameron. She hasn't been managing someone as of late and they expect her to be making an announcement tonight. She stops near the entrance area and motions for someone to come out. Chris Flynn soon steps out to stand next to her and give a smile. The crowd seems pretty luke warm to all this as the pair come to the ring where Katie grabs the mic.


Katie: Chris, I know you are looking to show everyone that you are the future and I believe you. I want to see you get to the top and I want to be by your side. I am honored you asked me to be your manager.


With that Chris himself takes the mic and nods. He seems all smiles, but for a face he actually gets a few boos? Perhaps some people are jealous.


Chris: Tonight is a good night to be me. Every good man needs a strong woman to stand beside him. Tonight I feel like I can take on the world! I am ready to begin my climb tonight!


Rating: 42


With that being said the next match seems to be getting ready to happen Method Man's 'Bring The Pain' starts up and Sayeed Ali comes out.


Chris Flynn with Katie Cameron vs Sayeed Ali


The crowd just wasn't really behind Chris. A bit confusing to me since I think he plays the part of a face rather well. His climb to the top couldn't have started against a tougher opponent, though. Sayeed beat Chris from one side of the ring to the other for the first part of the bout. Chris started to make a comeback, but a badly timed strike left him open for a powerful kick by Sayeed followed by the G.B.H. Driver for the win.


Winner: Sayeed Ali


Rating: 43


Duberry Excess vs Hardcore Killah


From Sayeed to Killah. It seems the 187s are going in back to back and Slim V is still set for action later in a title bout. Duberry did well playing the smaller face in peril alot of the match. I think I am starting to see why Killah usually sticks to tag matches. This was a bit under ten minutes and near the end he looked to be getting tired. He got most of the offense in, but Duberry manages to reverse a powerslam attempt and slip behind to apply Excess Force and get Killah to tap out.


Winner: Duberry Excess


Rating: 37


Once the ring is clear Jacob Jett comes out to a pretty big pop. He is all smiles as he gets into the ring and is given a microphone.


Jett: Tonight Too Hot gets a shot at Frankie Dee. The guy is deserving and I wish him the best, but Frankie. I just want you to know something. You are bad man and all that, but if you survive the cage and come out of that match the winner. I am coming after you. There is no escap-


Jett never gets to finish what he is saying because of a loud interruption with someone else on the mic shouting 'HOLD IT!' Out comes Davis Wayne Newton with a bit of a smug smile on his face as he walks towards the ring.


Davis: Oh just shut up already. Aren't you forgetting you already have more important matters? Tonight you are going to have to face the best that this company has. It isn't that nerd Duberry. It isn't that gangster wannabe Sayeed. It's me, the future of this company. So instead of worrying about Frankie Dee kicking your ass just worry about me.


By the time he finishes he is in the ring and the smug look is met with a bit of a smirk from Jett.


Jett: Future of this company? You might be good, man, but you aren't the first to claim this. You sure as hell won't be the last. I guess maybe I was overlooking you.....not now.


That expression gets serious as he steps closer, his gaze looking rather intense as Davis actually takes a step back.


Jett: You want me serious. Well you got it. Tonight in the ring I will show you how dangerous of a request that is.


He fakes as if he is going to strike and Davis is quick to bail. It just makes him frustrated at seeing that he fell for such a tactic and he tosses the mic away as he stomps to the back. Jett just stays in the ring and stares the man down before exiting the ring himself to the cheers of the fans.


Rating: 54


Leftie Wilkes vs Patrick Pinkerton


Oh man. I am going against Duberry's younger brother, but I still got chills at just hearing the first beats of my song start up. To go out and perform in front of this many people? Amazing. Leftie and me went over things a bit earlier so hopefully things come off looking all right. It was a face against face at this point. It might have hurt because it was also a bit of David against Goliath match as well. The fans still had fun, but I think in the future I will try to avoid booking something like this again. Leftie did his best, but in the end he fell victim to the Package Piledriver and was down for the count.


Winner: Patrick Pinkerton


Rating: 34


The fans ended up getting a bit of a surprise. The match for the Hardcore Title was switched up a bit to help Antonio out. He is a capable brawler, but when it comes to a hardcore match he isn't so good. For that we announced the match was a First Blood Match.


First Blood Match for the 4C Hardcore Championship


Antonio del Veccio with Joy Dewitt vs Slim V


This ended up being a good idea. Antonio looked more comfortable and Slim V seemed off tonight for some reason. Was it perhaps nerves? It came out as pretty brutal too which that is what the fans were hoping for. About half way in Sayeed stalked out to watch his fellow stable mate. It was distracting to Antonio, but he managed to keep his focus on the man in the ring. A few minutes pass and a big power move leaves V staggering and he grasps for the referee. That is when Sayeed goes for Joy and Antonio goes for the save. As he moves to get between Sayeed and Joy is when things go south. Sayeed blasts him in the face with some brass knuckles that bust him open and he quickly tosses Antonio back in as he moves away to slink backstage. V stops distracting the ref allowing him to see Antonio bloodied and he calls the match.


Winner and new Champion: Slim V


Rating: 37


Jacob Jett vs Davis Wayne Newton


These two just went out and showed us why they are two of the top talents on the roster. They got the crowd hot and were all over the place. There was technical wrestling, there was brawling. There was everything for any sort of fan really. It was just a solid match and really it might put some pressure on Dee and Too Hot because these two just set the bar pretty high. After a good sixteen minutes or so Jett managed to finally get the upper hand and win with the Jett Take Off.


Winner: Jacob Jett


Rating: 56


Rajah and Eric Blackley vs Thunder and Lightning


Eric seemed to get the same kind of static from the crowd that Chris did. In this case I think it is because he is supposed to be booed, but he plays the gimmick of an underdog. He was certainly that because Rajah seemed uninterested in helping him and let Thunder and Lightning beat up on Eric most of the match while Rajah just mocked the crowd and had a good time. That is until Eric got a surprise tag and Rajah found himself fighting for his life. A botched double team saw Lomas go over the top rope when Rajah pulled down on it and then he tossed Thunder into Eric to daze him enough to roll Jason up and grab some tights to get the pin.


Afterwards he smacked Eric in the face and left on his own declaring he doesn't need any help to win a match.


Winner: Rajah and Eric Blackley


Rating: 30


During the match Streetz had disappeared and a camera man was dispatched to try and track him down. He was found in back talking to Canadian Crusher without either seeming to notice they were being watched.


Streetz: All I am saying is they boo you because they are jealous. You just need some proper guidance, right? Just think about that sort of thing. The places you can go. Hell, son. You got left off the main show? What kinda shit is that?


Crusher seems about to say anything, but he sees the camera man as looks rather annoyed. Streetz turns to look as well and he goes abit wide eyed as he rushes the camera man to chase him off.


Streetz: Hey get the hell out of here. Can't some men talk in peace!?


Rating: 31




Too Hot vs Frankie Dee


I wonder if the pressure of the earlier Jett vs Newton match put some pressure on these two. Too Hot kinda looked lost at times and just wasn't his usual self. Even worse the pair had several awkward moments where both seemed to forget what they were supposed to do. I think really I might refrain from letting these two wrestle again for some time. The fans still had fun, but a few of us in back felt this could have gone off so much better. Frankie Dee hits his Shinanju Kick out of nowhere and gets the victory and keeps his title for now.


Winner and Still Champion: Frankie Dee


Rating: 38


The crowd seemed happy enough when all was said and done. I think a few matches could have turned out better, but I will learn from my mistakes. Jett and Davis really put on the performance of the night and I wish the momentum would have kept up. Dee and Too Hot tried, but things just fell apart at the end.


Overall rating: 38

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OOC: A few rough spots on the show and glad to surprise a few people on matches. Will be working on some posts for the next show and such to be up later on. Too Hot and Frankie Dee got awful chemistry which probably got this show lower rated than it should. The rest got about what I expected.


Results on Guesses:


Jaded: 5/9


terrybgoode: 6/9


Hyde Hill: 7/9


Midnightnick: 6/9

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The first show for me had come and gone. I sat down with Grant Truman afterwards to discuss things. What we liked and what we didn't. Crusher is going to just get booed for awhile. That is fine since he is a heel. Hopefully he just doesn't get so much hate we have to let him go. Right now we can handle what is going on.


Streetz trying to find someone to mesh with will be fun. His segment was a bit rough given it was with Crusher, but I think he will do better with other people.


Jett and Davis Wayne Newton are great together. Both can talk well and are good in the ring. This is only the start of their feud. I got some plans for this.


Eric Blackley.....poor guy. After a few days debate I had to tell him he is being let go. I think some time in the indies will help him and we left on good terms. We may welcome him back one day. He is young and has plenty of time to get better.


To fill that void I did hire someone I have had the pleasure of working with. Bob Casey will be around to help out people in the ring. The guy is nice as can be and is fine with being a jobber. For now he will be playing an annoying heel that people will enjoy to see get beaten up.


I have one more hire, but that is a surprise. Only me and Grant know who it is, but he will be showing up the night of our next show. Right now we are working on the card and getting ready to present it to the boss.

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I have one more hire, but that is a surprise. Only me and Grant know who it is, but he will be showing up the night of our next show. Right now we are working on the card and getting ready to present it to the boss.


Biff the Bruiser!! Clap clap clap Biff the Bruiser!! Clap clap clap.


Seriously dude deserves more love and fits excellently in the hardcore division.


Btw change the product any? I always lower comedy one level and put angles at 80 percent.

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Frankie Dee vs Duberry Excess




Davis Wayne Newton vs Jacob Jett




Antonio Del Veccio vs Hardcore Killah


Thunder and Lightning vs Sayeed Ali and Slim V


E.Z. Rider vs Joe Gilbert


Too Hot vs Rajah


Canadian Crusher vs Leftie Wilkes


Jesse Gilbert vs TJ Bailey




Chris Flynn and Patrick Pinkerton vs Bob Casey and Nathaniel Ca$ino

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Frankie Dee vs Duberry Excess - Duberry isn't champ material.




Davis Wayne Newton vs Jacob Jett - Can't lose twice in a row to the same guy.




Antonio Del Veccio vs Hardcore Killah - Looks like ADV is feuding with the stable so needs a win.


Thunder and Lightning vs Sayeed Ali and Slim V - Keep them strong as they seem to be in a storyline with ADV.


E.Z. Rider vs Joe Gilbert - Gilbert's not great solo, to say the least.


Too Hot vs Rajah - Not going from the main event to jobbing to Rajah.


Canadian Crusher vs Leftie Wilkes - Wilkes is sucky at the moment.


Jesse Gilbert vs TJ Bailey - See EZR vs JG reasoning.




Chris Flynn and Patrick Pinkerton vs Bob Casey and Nathaniel Ca$ino - Time for your UC to do the job.

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Frankie Dee vs Duberry Excess




Davis Wayne Newton vs Jacob Jett




Antonio Del Veccio vs Hardcore Killah


Thunder and Lightning vs Sayeed Ali and Slim V


E.Z. Rider vs Joe Gilbert


Too Hot vs Rajah


Canadian Crusher vs Leftie Wilkes


Jesse Gilbert vs TJ Bailey




Chris Flynn and Patrick Pinkerton vs Bob Casey and Nathaniel Ca$ino

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Frankie Dee vs Duberry Excess


This is almost certainly going to go somewhere, but Frankie for now!




Davis Wayne Newton vs Jacob Jett


It's not a 'feud' if you kill it within two matches! Could be a tie, but pfft. Ties.




Antonio Del Veccio vs Hardcore Killah


But with a post-match beatdown!


Thunder and Lightning vs Sayeed Ali and Slim V




E.Z. Rider vs Joe Gilbert


Rider-- punch!!


Too Hot vs Rajah


Too Hot to lose.


Canadian Crusher vs Leftie Wilkes


Canadian CRUSH!


Jesse Gilbert vs TJ Bailey


One of them gets it because, uh, HOCKEY!?




Chris Flynn and Patrick Pinkerton vs Bob Casey and Nathaniel Ca$ino


Because I'm not sure Bob Casey knows what 'winning' is!?

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Frankie Dee vs Duberry Excess




Davis Wayne Newton vs Jacob Jett




Antonio Del Veccio vs Hardcore Killah


Thunder and Lightning vs Sayeed Ali and Slim V


E.Z. Rider vs Joe Gilbert


Too Hot vs Rajah


Canadian Crusher vs Leftie Wilkes


Jesse Gilbert vs TJ Bailey




Chris Flynn and Patrick Pinkerton vs Bob Casey and Nathaniel Ca$ino

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4C Presents...X-Factor!


Ontario: Twin Elm Park


Attendance: 551






Chris Flynn and Patrick Pinkerton vs Nathaniel Ca$ino and Bob Casey


This match ended up being more about Nathaniel and Chris than anything else. Me and Bob were around to help both come out looking good. Still a few boos for Chris, but it seemed less than last show. It might be in part Katie was helping serve as a good distraction to the vocal fans. Chris and Nathaniel did good against one another as well. I think I will have to put them in singles action down the road to see what come of it. The end came when Ca$ino took me out with a plancha when I was out of the ring, but couldn't recover in time to keep Chris from nailing Bob with a sick DDT and getting the pin.


Winner: Chris Flynn and Patrick Pinkerton


Rating: 36


Main Show


The show opens with Davis Wayne Newton coming to the ring. Despite his loss that happened last show he looks rather confident when stepping into the ring and asking for a microphone.


Davis: Oh Jacob. Beat me once shame on you. Beat me again...well shame on me. I still know I am better and if you are such a man of integrity I believe you will give me a rematch tonight. What do you have to lose other than the respect of your peers if you say no?


There is several minutes of silence and Davis rolls his eyes. He is about ready to speak again when Jacob Jett finally emerges with a microphone as well. He stays at the top of the ramp and looks to contemplate.


Jett: I give you this. I figured you would just pretend that match didn't happen. You want me again you get it. I am surprised you are so eager to do it.


Davis: Then it is settled. I will make sure this is a night you and the fans won't soon forget.


There is just a grin on Davis Wayne Newton's face as the music picks back up and Jett leaves. He just stands there looking pleased for a moment longer and soon leaves the ring as well to allow the first match to happen.


Rating: 56


E.Z. Ryder vs Joe Gilbert


I am sad to say both these guys didn't look like their usual selves. Maybe because they are both more used to dealing with tag matches and they just felt lost without a partner. It could have been alot worse at least. They didn't botch anything too glaring like Too Hot and Frankie D did. It just seemed a bit sloppy. E.Z. Ryder picks up the win when Joe is caught by surprise by the E.Z. Highway.


Winner: E.Z. Ryder


Rating: 34


Rajah vs Too Hot


Too Hot looked alot better this time around. Maybe he was just uncomfortable in a cage. Either way I am glad he is doing better and that he and Rajah could put on a pretty good match. Rajah has been playing up his gimmick really well these past two shows too. Have to be careful with what to do with him because the fans seem to be somewhat behind him despite him being an obvious heel. It is just the way he carries himself perhaps. Too Hot had control for a good amount of the match, but an attempted sunset flip turned into Rajah reversing it and getting a handful of tights that Andy Gordy didn't see. He is quick to exit the ring while Too Hot tries to explain what happened. Rajah just laughs and mocks him while moving back up the ramp.


Winner: Rajah


Rating: 43


Canadian Crusher vs Leftie Wilkes


The domination of the Crusher continues, but so do the boos. The guy needs ring time to improve, but while it happens it might be a painful few months for him. He seems to deal with it well. Leftie wasn't such a good choice of opponent either. He wasn't able to really cordinate things well enough to cover for Crusher's weaknesses. For awhile his matches might be the low point of the night.


Winner: Canadian Crusher


Rating: 16


Once the ring is clear there is the sound of Sayeed Ali's voice on the mic as he and the other members of the 187s step out with him. They strut to the ring and pose a bit once inside. Killah and Slim V both remain silent and just let their mugs do the talking. Sayeed himself has little to say while just making himself look like the mean son of a bitch he is.


Sayeed Ali: Apparently all the people in the back forget who rules this place. It isn't Frankie D. It ain't Jacob Jett. It sure as hell ain't that punk Antonio Del Veccio. So it seems like last week was a good way to remind people that they should never forget us. Who knows. Maybe now that Slim here has himself a title me and Killah will go get us some gold. Or maybe I will just make that punk Frankie Dee give me the title. Everybody gonna get beat by the one eight seven. Bring out the punks that we are going to whip the ass of


He tosses the mic aside as Killah remains at ringside while Thunder and Lightning come to the ring.


Rating: 62


Thunder and Lightning vs Slim V and Sayeed Ali


Sayeed was the one that shined this match. Thunder and Lightning have been on a bit of a losing streak, but they aren't being utterly dominated. They are still looking like they can win. Killah managed to behave around ringside, but he still served as a distraction. Thunder and Lightning had to keep their eyes on him as well which is why Jason Thunder fell victim to Sayeed and his G.B.H. Driver while Lomas was kept at bay by Slim V. After the match the trio celebrated and then Killah stayed in the ring while V and Sayeed slipped out and remained at ringside for their friend's match.


Winner: Sayeed Ali and Slim V


Rating: 40


Antonio Del Veccio with Joy Dewitt vs Hardcore Killah


Antonio didn't seem too happy about the fact all three men were there, but he got into the ring after telling Joy to be careful. He and hardcore started brawling about the ring and at least at the start Sayeed and V behaved. That all changed about six minutes in when Slim V started to make his way towards Joy. Andy Gordy moved to stop him which allowed Sayeed to slip into the ring. He went to blast Antonio with his brass knuckles again, but Antonio manages to get out of the way and Sayeed busts Killah right in the face before getting tossed out of the ring by Antonio. A quick DDT to be sure he is down and Gordy slips into the ring to get t he three count as Slim V tries to figure out what the hell happened. Antonio dives out of the ring and backs up the ramp as an upset Slim V and Sayeed Ali climb into the ring and check on their comrade.


Winner: Antonio Del Veccio


Rating: 29


Jesse Gilbert vs TJ Bailey


Admittedly this was a filler match just to make sure the guys got some ring time. TJ is never going to improve if I leave him off a card. For now he is going to continue to be a bit of a jobber and this time it is to Jesse Gilbert. At least one of the brothers gets a win as TJ is taken out with a Slap Shot.


Winner: Jesse Gilbert


Rating: 33


Jacob Jett vs Davis Wayne Newton


The crowd was hot for this match once again. Alot of the fans probably were here for the last one and knew they were in for a good show. Both men continue to show they are the best we have right now in terms of ring work and I could seriously watch them all day. Davis Wayne Newton managed to take a bump that took Andy Gordy out with him. While Jacob was trying to wake up Andy that is when a massive man ran out to attack him. Several in the crowd shout 'BIFF!' when they realize the man that decimates Jacob Jett is Biff the Bruiser. He hits a few powerful blows and then a power slam before getting out of the ring. Davis Wayne Newton had gotten up during the assault and he was just all smiles. He moves in for the kill as Andy Gordy recovers and he locks in a STF. Jacob was already out cold from the assault so the ref calls for the bell.


Winner: Davis Wayne Newton


Rating: 62


After the match Biff comes back in as Davis Wayne Newton pushes the ref away. It allows the big man to maul Jacob Jett further before holding him up for Newton. Davis just smiles as he paintbrushes Jacob's face with a few small slaps and insults him. Biff drops Jett after another moment and he starts to go to the back as Davis Wayne Newton walks along with him and continues to be all smiles.


Rating: 48




Frankie Dee vs Duberry Excess


Frankie looked a bit better this time around much like Too Hot. I still think he can perform better in the long run. Maybe I just need to find the right person to match him with. Jett is busy for now so he might not have a true challenger for the forseeable future. Duberry did look like a legitimate threat during this match at least. He did some nice spots that had the fans cheering for him. Both men were playing it up as if they were on their last legs when Frankie Dee avoided a wild strike from Duberry and nailed him with a Shinanju Kick out of nowhere and got the pin.


Winner: Frankie Dee


Rating: 48




I think this came out alot better than the previous show despite Crusher and Leftie having a pretty bad match. The fans don't like alot of angles, but the ones we delivered they seemed to enjoy quite a bit. They bought into the mic work of Jacob and Newton as well as how dangerous looking the 187s come off as. I hope we can keep up this momentum with the next show.

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Biff was one of the first people I looked into working into a story the moment I saw that I could hire him. In the past usually stupid goals make it a problem to get him, but I kinda got lucky that Troy ended up giving me easy ones to work around. I really do want to try and use some people that usually don't get much love and not let the roster grow too bloated. For now I made one more hire that will debute next show and then I am done hiring unless I sign 4C graduates.
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Frankie Dee and Davis Wayne Newton vs Antonio Del Veccio and Jacob Jett




The Gilbert Brothers vs Hardcore Killah and Sayeed Ali




Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Jason Thunder




Biff the Bruiser vs Leftie Wilkes


Bob Casey vs Too Hot


Chris Flynn vs E.Z. Ryder


Slim V vs Lightning Lomas


Duberry Excess vs Rajah


TJ Bailey and Patrick Pinkerton vs Canadian Crusher and ???

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Nothing too much has changed overall over the past while. Biff seems to be pretty popular in the locker room and I am glad veterans such as him and E.Z. Ryder are around to keep the young guys in good spirits. I got a new signing that I am trying to keep hush hush. I hope it will help Crusher in the long run by giving him a tag partner to work with.


Talked to Grant during the time as well. His contract was coming to an end and I wanted him to stick around. I think the two of us work well together and I want to keep him around to help me handle things in the back during shows. He is around for a good while now which lets me have a sigh of relief. Now it is just time for us to focus on the show in March and see if we we can top our last show. For now I think I am also done with hiring because for our size we have a good amount of guys to give ring time. If some of the boys leave in the future than I will look into getting some new blood.

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