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4C: The Story of a Midget and the One-Eyed Booker

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A rather busy month. A day after the show I managed to talk to Jason Thunder and lock him up for a 18 month deal. I had no reason to believe he wouldn't sign, but it is still nice for negotiations to go smoothely. He must like his current spot on the roster because he even took a small pay cut.


The sad day was the second day after the show. Frankie Dee said his farewells and gave us one hell of a match for his final appearance. North of the Border is getting a good, young talent and I only wish him the best. If he ever ends up leaving the company I told him he is always welcome back.


Me and Troy did some wheeling and dealing as well with a few other promotions. ACPW and FCW both entered a working agreement with us so I will be bringing over some of their talents to use. Shall be nice to see if I can find someone that would be useful for us to bring in full time. New faces just might help keep the fans interested as well.


Ted Ross was also let go about a week before our next show. His contract was coming up, and when we tried to have a discussion he just balked at the offer and was asking for too much. Streetz is more than capable handling the colour on his own, but I also hired someone that has interested me in my travels. Tim Weightman agreed to join us and we got him to a nice 16 month deal for about a third of the price that Ross wanted.

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30 Minute Iron Man Match for the 4C Championship


Davis Wayne Newton vs Art Reed


Ten Man Battle Royal!


TJ Bailey vs E.Z. Ryder vs Patrick Pinkerton vs Leftie Wilkes vs Big Problem vs Canadian Crusher vs Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Hardcore Killah vs Biff the Bruiser vs Antonio Del Veccio


4C Hardcore Championship Match!


Slim V vs Joe Gilbert




Rajah vs Jacob Jett


Jesse Gilbert vs Bob Casey


Sayeed Ali vs Too Hot


Thunder and Lightning vs Sky Kin and Jamie Atherton of ACPW


Duberry Excess vs Kirk Jameson of FCW

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30 Minute Iron Man Match for the 4C Championship


Davis Wayne Newton vs Art Reed


Ten Man Battle Royal!


TJ Bailey vs E.Z. Ryder vs Patrick Pinkerton vs Leftie Wilkes vs Big Problem vs Canadian Crusher vs Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Hardcore Killah vs Biff the Bruiser vs Antonio Del Veccio


4C Hardcore Championship Match!


Slim V vs Joe Gilbert




Rajah vs Jacob Jett


Jesse Gilbert vs Bob Casey


Sayeed Ali vs Too Hot


Thunder and Lightning vs Sky Kin and Jamie Atherton of ACPW


Duberry Excess vs Kirk Jameson of FCW

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Ontario: Twin Elm Park


Attendence: 700




Bob Casey vs Jesse Gilbert


Two guys that got left out of the battle royal get to start us out tonight. A good enough match to get the crowd going and in the mood for the action to come. Jesse gets most of the offense in and one half of the tag champs gets a singles victory as he nails Bob with the Slap Shot and gets the pin


Winner: Jesse Gilbert


Rating: 42




Main Show


10 Man Battle Royal


With the main event taking up a good amount of time I figured it would be good to do a rumble match just to give people something to do and also give the crowd something different. This isn't exactly something I like running, but in this case it was a good option. Being involved in it as well reminded me how chaotic it can be at times. Biff got to be the big guy of the match and he even got to elimate Canadian Crusher and The Big Problem at the same time. The final four came down to Antonio Del Veccio, myself, Biff and E.Z. Ryder. Ryder was the first to go and me and Antonio teamed up to take on Biff and manage to get him. It came down to it me and Antonio had a small bit of action before he finally got me up and over to get himself the win.


Winner: Antonio Del Veccio


Rating: 40




Sayeed Ali vs Too Hot


With the fans being treated to most of the mid and lower card in the last match, they get a pretty good contest to follow it up involving two of the upper reaches of our card. Sayeed and Too Hot got in a good clash and helped excite the crowd again after many didn't seem too into the battle royal itself. This allows Too Hot to also have a long match with one of our big names to see how well he will do. Both did a good job and in the end I am pleased. Sayeed really has been on a roll since I signed on and despite losing the tag titles he gets back in the win column in this one.


Winner: Sayeed Ali


Rating: 47




Davis Wayne Newton comes out and he gives Sayeed plenty of room to pass by him. He does take time to mock Too Hot when given a chance on his way to the ring. With a mic in hand it seems that he has something to say about the main event tonight.


DWN: Art Reed, you come in here and get two title shots in a row? Some of us have to earn our shots and you probably think you are so special because you were involved with DAVE and you wrestled in Japan. Well I will show tonight that you aren't really a champion. I am the one that deserves it. The fans know it and you know it. And tonight after our match I will take what is mine.


With that being said he posed a bit to the booing fans then leaves the ring.


Rating: 56




Rajah vs Jacob Jett


Jacob almost took a swing at Davis in passing, but Newton jumped back right as Jacob cocked back his fist and scurried on in back while Jacob went to the ring and away Rajah. This was much like Sayeed and Too Hot in a way Rajah was given time with one of our big name players and he did well too. This match might have been a bit better if the wrestlers showed more psychology in this match, but really the fans still ate this up pretty well. By no means was this a mess. Rajah tried to use his underhanded tactics to pick up the win, but Jett was able to counter them all and win via Jett Take Off.


Winner: Jacob Jett


Rating: 47




Duberry Excess vs Kirk Jameson


Kirk is an interesting talent. He is pretty much unknown to most Canadian fans, but people seemed to what they saw. It could be the curiousity of who would be taking on one of 4C's bigger names and if he could hang with a person like Duberry. The result says he can and both worked pretty well together. And seeing what he can do I might have to invite Kirk back sometime. He got a bit too cocky in the end and it led to him being locked into the Excess Force and having to tap.


Winner: Duberry Excess


Rating: 43




Thunder and Lightning vs Jamie Atherton and Sky King


This match once again was just showing some new faces and letting me get a close look to see if they might work well with our product. Jamie I see alot of upside in. Perhaps a bit more than Kirk from before. While he might need some more work in the ring he already has the bags of charisma to make it in this business. ACPW are lucky to have him and I won't be surprised if the likes of North of the Border come calling to him next time they look to expand their roster. Sky King is a good veteran hand to keep this match flowing properly and while I like him, I am not sure how good of a fit he would be. He is a solid ring worker and those are always nice to have so I will keep him on the radar. The match was fast paced and somewhat short, but good enough to let the fans see what the new guys could do as Thunder and Lightning get the win.


Winner: Thunder and Lightning


Rating: 38




4C Hardcore Championship Match: Slim V vs Joe Gilbert


Now Joe might be trying to be a bit greedy here. One belt is enough, right? Even so he still probably has a vendetta against the 187 so he goes all out in trying to take out Slim here. Slim just seems better and one step ahead most of the bout. Perhaps the emotions of Joe were causing him to mess up. Slim seemed much more in his element which allowed him to get a win after hitting Joe with a Murder One.


Winner: Slim V


Rating: 45




4C Championship Iron Man Match: Art Reed vs Davis Wayne Newton


These two had a really good match. Close to the ladder match that Art and Dee had last month. Both worked well together and Art had to work hard to keep his title. Davis Wayne Newton picked up the first pinfall and tried to play keepaway afterwards to run down time. It is very hard to keep running for so long and Art finally did catch him. He knots it up at one pinfall each at about the halfway point and they start going at it again. Both showed good stamina out there too and they didn't look like the long match was affecting them too much. Things got a bit hectic near the end as both men tried to get that pinfall needed and with under a minute left Art managed to pin Newton again and win the match two falls to one.


Winner: Art Reed


Rating: 71




Art didn't get much time to celebrate and while he was being handed his title he is blindsided by Sayeed Ali who had ran down the aisle like a bat out of hell. He just goes to town on the tired Reed who really can't defend himself and he is taken out by a G.B.H Driver. Sayeed picks up the title and holds it up high before dropping it onto the fallen Art Reed. 'Yo bitch ass is mine!'


Rating: 62




Another really good show for us and a main event that did well in following up the ladder match classic that was put up last month. Everyone did well and the fans went home happy. This was a much more wrestling heavy show as well, but it didn't seem to garner any complaints probably because most of the match quality was good. Might bring Jamie back in the near future as well. I like his style and he could be a good fit for us.


Final Rating: 63


OOC: Also I am of the derp and I forgot to set the show size to medium, hence the low attendance and also contradicted myself from earlier when I had Patrick say shows were going to be bigger from now on.

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<p>Another month and a somewhat quiet time for us. Not a bad thing. It just means everything is going smoothely for the entire company. Everyone is happy and it has made for a great atmosphere. That is the one thing that makes working for a place like this better than the big leagues. Not as many egos clashing from what I understand. Of course there is alot less pressure on guys to deliver which might help also.</p><p> </p><p>

Art is going back to Japan, but only for a tour this time. BHOTG asked him to come along and he agreed. No scheduling problems from this either which is always a plus. Rather not have to call another audible on our main title so soon.</p><p> </p><p>

Katie Cameron and Joy Dewitt both had to be resigned. They are locked up for awhile. Katie is always good to have on the mic and Joy is starting to look improved. A few more years and she can make a pretty good career for herself I think. Also resigned Leftie Wilkes. He is fine with his role and understands he needs more seasoning. Once he starts to where I can move him on the card maybe he and Duberry can start tagging together.</p><p> </p><p>

We also had a new graduate come up from the 4C Combat Academy. Too Hot had been training the kid for a bit over a year and felt he was ready. After seeing what this kid could do I agreed we have a place for him. Another good, young talent to mold is never a bad thing. Morgan Malone is his name and we shall see how he does in front of a crowd at the next show.</p>

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<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>MONDAY, WEEK 4, AUGUST</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>4C Presents...ONE NIGHT ONLY!</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Four Way for the 4C Championship</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sayeed Ali vs Art Reed vs Davis Wayne Newton vs Jacob Jett</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Four Way for 4C Hardcore Championship</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Slim V vs Patrick Pinkerton vs Too Hot vs Nathaniel Ca$ino</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Four Way for the 4C Tag Team Championship</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Gilbert Brothers vs Problem Crushers vs Thunder and Lightning vs Rajah and Chris Flynn</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Also on the Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Biff the Bruiser vs TJ Bailey</p><p> </p><p>

E.Z. Ryder vs Duberry Excess</p><p> </p><p>

Morgan Malone vs Antonio Del Veccio</p><p> </p><p>

Bob Casey vs Hardcore Killah vs Leftie Wilkes</p>

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Four Way for the 4C Championship


Sayeed Ali vs Art Reed vs Davis Wayne Newton vs Jacob Jett


Four Way for 4C Hardcore Championship


Slim V vs Patrick Pinkerton vs Too Hot vs Nathaniel Ca$ino


Four Way for the 4C Tag Team Championship


The Gilbert Brothers vs Problem Crushers vs Thunder and Lightning vs Rajah and Chris Flynn


Also on the Card


Biff the Bruiser vs TJ Bailey


E.Z. Ryder vs Duberry Excess


Morgan Malone vs Antonio Del Veccio


Bob Casey vs Hardcore Killah vs Leftie Wilkes

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