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Sex, Drugs and Steroids: The WWF's Rise from Cult

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Sex, Drugs and Steroids

Disc One

Chapter One



"There were ten of us that day. Ten of us that stood up for the company whenever Shane came in and said "Dads going to prison, mom doesn't want anything to do with the company, our Pay Per View provider has pulled the the plugged, sponsors have dropped us and a lot of the major arenas don't want the stigma of being attached to the "Steroid" company". Shane was 25 years old and a kid. Vince had been trying to "get the boy ready" to take over the company for a while. Shane was refereeing, talking to Road Agents, sitting in on creative meetings and Vince just wanted him to form an opinion on the business. But he was still just a kid who was being handed over the reigns of a Multi-Million Dollar Entertainment franchise. To say he wasn't ready would be a gross understatement.


We knew Vince could end up in jail. He was on trial for the 80s Steroid Scandal but the trial date kept getting pushed back and back farther and farther. Mid-June 1995 though... they convicted him. It was on a Wednesday Morning. We were doing a house show in South Dakota. Shane walked in with the news. The internet wasn't around back then and cell phones were kind of unheard of. We all sat there stunned. Then Shane told all of us "The Arena doesn't want us hear tonight now...Most of our live event dates have been cancelled, USA is taking us off the air until early September in which we will be allowed back on a strict probation and our Pay Per View deal is gone. I am going to have to release all of you from your current deals with my father as there is no way I can pay all of them. I will offer each and every single one of you a new deal at a lowered rate and as things pick back up we can make your pay more and more closer to the original deal you had with dad. I am sorry if this puts any of you in a bind but I have to do what is right for my fathers business and the future of it".


We all sat there in total shock. Shane told us we would not be allowed to do RAW that night and said he was going to be in the office down the hall for anyone wanting to sign a new contract and help him rebuild the World Wrestling Federation. Shawn and most of his boys got up and left. It wasn't a secret they could go make big money in Atlanta. One by one guys left the building with a line of 10 wrestlers and some of the backstage help waiting to sign new deals. I stood in line and said to myself "These are the men that will save the World Wrestling Federation". I can name each and every one of them one by one pretty easily...


You had Mark or The Undertaker as you know him. He was the first to go to the line of Shane's office. It was no secret... Mark was a company man through and through. He loved Vince, The WWF and everything they had done for him. He also knew the only other option was to go back to Atlanta... that wasn't about to happen.


Owen was next. Owen at times didn't have his head in the game as much as some of the other guys with all the pranks and such but he to loved the company. Owen had been talking about wanting his dates reduced anyway because he was starting his family. This kind of just worked out for him... I bet he would have stayed though... family or not.


Hunter was the next guy beside Owen. Hunter kind of lost a lot of his friends that day. Sean, Scott, Kevin and Shawn were all leaving and Hunter told them no money in the world could get him back to Turner's company. Hunter knew what he needed to do to advance his career. Even if a paycut was involved.


Billy Gunn was in line behind him. Gunn was a hell of a hard worker but still pretty green. Bart was leaving but Billy told him he was going to tough it out with Shane. It was commendable as Billy had no idea where his career would go without his long time tag team partner but Billy knew he could trust Shane.


Bob Holly stood there waiting patiently as well. Bob had started to evolve into a good wrestler but he still had that goofy racecar gimmick. If anyone had the right to walk out that day it was Bob. Did everything possible for the company just to be saddled with the worst gimmick ever. Bob however was like all of us. A company man. He knew that in order to make money... sometimes you gotta lose money.


Glen Jacobs was behind him. Glen was playing Isaac Yankem DDS on TV and it was horrible. He was a monster of a man and there had been talks of repacking him into a proper gimmick. Glen could have easily packed his bags and made some money in Atlanta with his size, power and agility but he stayed. Glen knew that the grass wasn't greener.


Chris Candido was there. Candido had been saddled with a goofy gimmick just like Bob Holly. Half of the locker room thought they could bang Tammy behind Chris's back. Chris was a good hand though and one hell of a work horse wrestler. If anyone was going to be given some new chances it had to be Chris. Chris didn't know where Tammy was and had asked a few of us if they had seen her but Chris stood in line waiting to get his new job either way. Chris knew what it took to be able to seize an opportunity.


Shane Douglas stood two spots ahead of me. Shane had just left ECW for us and been honestly for a lack of better terms screwed over by the Shawn and his boys. Shane had plenty of talent but it seemed like management were scared to pull the trigger on him. Shane knew if there was a time to get an oppurtunity it was that day.


Dustin Rhodes was behind him. I think Dustin didn't really have anywhere to go. His exit from WCW wasn't the best and he wasn't even on speaking terms with Dusty. Although Dustin wasn't comfortable being Golddust he was a hell of a talent.


I stood behind Dustin. He told me out of everyone that walked out today that I could make the most money down south. Everyone in WCW loved watching me work. None of that mattered to me though. Vince McMahon paid for my house, Vince McMahon paid for my car and Vince McMahon made me millions of dollars. It was time to repay that favor. There were ten of us that day. None of us knew what was going to happen next..."

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Shane Douglas on "Black Wednesday"

Disc One

Chapter Two


"I'd be lying if I told you "The meeting was fine". I had been under contract doing this stupid "Dean" gimmick while on the indys I had revolutionized a company just from being a version of me with the volume cranked up. I sat across from Shane McMahon and told him "I don't think I am the most valuable guy to you out of the ten that decided to sign". I informed him that he had never done me wrong and nor had his father but my latest run in the company had been anything but enjoyable. The Kliq was trying to make my life a living hell and quite frankly I was ready to quit that night either way. I saw Shawn, Kid, Hall and Nash quit though. I knew if there was a time to be able to make myself a star then it was then and there.


I sat across from Shane and gave him my case "I may not be the most valuable but I know for damn sure you could use a man like me. You are needing a new era for this company. The cartoon that your father has put out for the past few years will not work on the level you are going to go down to. You will still outdraw some of the indys but listen to me Shane. You are going to be in front of crowds ranging from 500-2000 people for a little while. These crowds want hard-hitting, high flying and in your face action. I know how to produce that. You don't have to like ECW but you might want to jot down notes from them"


Shane was intrigued by this. Shane had been watching the WWF Product and you could tell he was bored by it. He was a 25 year old man. You think a 25 year old man gives a damn about a Fitness Freak, Racecar Driver and a Dean? Hell no. Behind Vince's back I had slowly been giving Shane some ECW Tapes here and there to watch to try and see what he thought about that style. Shane told me it intrigued him and he liked what he saw but wanted to keep some tradition to the product.


Me and Shane talked for a good while that day.We sat there and talked about where the company should go and if I knew anyone who wanted a job/fit the job that he needed. Shane knew he'd need new talent and he'd need them fast. I agreed to my new contract and the push he had told me I'd be getting from day one was good enough for me. It wasn't a "Heres our belt run with it" deal but I knew if I was given the ball I could run with it"

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Ron Simmons as "The Eleventh Man"

Disc One

Chapter Three


I had gotten some calls from a few of my friends who were on the show that day. I was sitting at home waiting to hear what was next for me in the WWF from Vince/Shane/Cornette/anyone. Tony (Ahmed Johnson) called me and was like "Ron... they can't pay us no more"... He just kept talking about how Shane can't pay anyone and Shane is going to sink the ship and how we were all fired. I am pissed off of course because I had agreed to a nice contract when I signed on with the WWF.


I called Shane on Thursday morning when he was back in Stamford. I asked Shane what the hell was going on. Shane explained to me the situation and told me he can't honor the contract that me and Vince had originally agreed upon. I was pretty livid about it at the time but Shane said he would fly me to Stamford on Friday morning to talk with him.


I got to Stamford and was taken to Shane's house. Shane told me he thinks he is doing what is right by the company and taking a few weeks off to reformat the shows/figure out what direction everyones character was going in. I asked Shane if I signed what he needed from me. Shane told me "Ron... what do you need to do for me? What can you do for my show on Monday Nights that is going to make people tune in? Is it Faaroq Asaad? Or is it something a little more realistic".


Apparently Shane had this talk with Billy Gunn, Candido, Dustin Rhodes and Shane Douglas. I told him "Shane we have to get rid of this stupid gladiator helmet". "I am the first black world champion ever and you have me dressing like a damn fool every week on television". Shanes eyes kind of lit up "go on Ron"... "Well Shane. You have the first black world champion ever dressing like a Gladiator. My name is Ron Simmons I am a retired football standout and a World Champion caliber athelte. I ain't no damn Roman!"


Shane slid a contract across the table to me. He told me if I signed it as business picked up I would be paid more and more. Shane explained he wants a more passionate/real product from all of his guys and he feels like me and a few others could bring a new element to that if I was willing to push the envelope a little bit. Shane shook my hand that day and said "My eleventh man" as he dropped me off at the airport.

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The Hardy Boys in the right place at the right time

Disc One

Chapter Four


Matt: Me and Jeff got to the arena after the ring crew had started tearing everything down and Shane was about to leave his office. We were doing a bunch of enhancement work for them back then and we didn't need to be there for quite a while as we were just going to be putting over some of the guys in job matches, collecting a payday and going home. We ran into Shane as he was about to leave the building.


Jeff: Shane looked pretty worried. I mean let's be real here. Almost all of the locker room walked out on him. It didn't matter to them that Shane's dad had built them all a very nice lifestyle with good pay and them being on national tv every week. They had made so much less on the indys and in the territories but that didn't matter. All anyone could think about was "well let's go to Atlanta then. They can pay us more than Shane or Vince ever would anyway.". I walked up to Shane and said "Hey man are you alright? What is going on here? Where is everyone?"


Matt: Shane said "Matt... Jeff"... He knew us by name at this point as we had done quit a bit of jobs... "Dad got convicted. Mom has given me the right to the company and I am not sure what I am really doing. I have a roster of about 10 guys right now. The rest have packed there bags and left us high and dry. I really wish I knew what to tell you guys but heres your paychecks for the day. The show has been cancelled and we won't be running again until September."


Jeff: Shane started to walk off and I asked him "Shane are you going to need us in September? Is this the last time we can work for you?". Shane kind of perked up and said yeah I'd love to have you guys back out. We stood there and talked in the highway for a while and Shane offered us both contracts just based on the fact that we were ready to work whenever and wherever we were needed. Shane said to kind of repackage ourselves for December and to show up "looking like stars" instead of enhancement guys. We did what we could and it definitely helped launch our career. Right place right time kind of deal you know.

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like how this is going....Realy would like to have seen how big Shane Douglas could have been. Given the chance to be the real loose cannon and not some crappy gimmick. Will be keeping an eye on this one...Good luck with it....:D


Thanks man!


I am trying to attempt my posts in the style of a WWE Documentary DVD. Sometimes will have to veer from that when I post "Show results" and such.


I love Shane! Let's just say he won't be a Main Event from the start but the threat of it happening is very real and he will definitely play a big role in the start up of Shane McMahon's WWF!

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Also very interested in this. Mid 90's WWF was where I have the most memories from as a kid so I always follow these. I've seen a handful of other diaries in this style, but I believe this is the first real world one. Good story, good group of guys. Definitely interested to see who the user/player is. I'm not sure it's Bret Hart, although it would make sense and he'd work great with every single guy on the roster. Also, can u give a brief list of non-talent/staff workers-just curious.Keep it coming!
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Barry Windham back in the saddle!

Disc One

Chapter Five

I had been at home for a little over a year and a half. I did the gig where I came in and put Flair over in Atlanta but I had just kind of dissappeared after that. I needed some time off. I had spent a lot of time going back and forth from Vince to Crockett to Turner to Vince and all over the place. I was burned out.


I'd gotten news that Shane had been put in a bind by a lot of the boys. I was ready to come back to work at the time and I thought "WWF has a limited schedule now and the rebuilding process could be a challenge". I knew if I went back to World Championship Wrestling that I'd be put in a midcard storyline or never done anything with. They had Hogan, Flair, Savage and were about to have an influx of a LOT of WWF guys.


I made a phone call to Shane Douglas who was apparently on good terms with Shane McMahon and asked if he thought McMahon would be interested in me. He told me yeah he'd definitely be interested because they are hurting for star power right now. He passed Shane's number onto me. I left him a voicemail expressing interest and the next day he had called me back with a job offer. Guess it was time to go to work up North again...

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Bret Hart... The Tenth Man

Disc One

Chapter Six


I stood in line behind the 9 other guys that day. Nobody was worried about paychecks or about Television time or about "who's trying to ruin my push". It was 10 guys on the roster who knew for a fact that they could put aside all the petty things in the wrestling business and stand united as brothers. I didn't know Shane Douglas, Chris Candido or Dustin Rhodes very well at all. They however stood with the company and with me, my brother and the men who had helped build the company.


I stepped into Shane's office and it was a tense situation. I told Shane things may get worse before they get any easier. He said he knew. We talked for a while that day and he promised me "More money" when it became available. I told Shane not to worry about it. His dad had made me more than enough money since I signed my first WWF Contract back in the 80s. Shane slid me a contract and without looking at it... I signed it. We didn't discuss much from there as he was clearly busy and trying to get things taken care of but he told me "First Monday in September is the next RAW is War. I'll have you a list of dates I need you for". I told him yes sir, shook his hand and went about business.

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Main Eventer:




Barry Windham: Longtime wrestling veteran that has agreed to a contract under Shane McMahon's WWF after eyeballing a return to the wrestling business. Although not exactly in his "prime" Windham has proved time and time again he is one of the best workers in the history of the business and is a huge assett to the WWF.


"The Hitman" Bret Hart: THE FACE of the WWF in every sense of the word. "The Hitman" Bret Hart who has just started his best years in the wrestling business. Many have touted him as the man who will lead the WWF out of the dark ages.


"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka: Superfly was given a new contract fairly quickly after Shane's takeover of the WWF. Many believe it is just to have a "WWF Legend" on the roster. Superfly is up there in age and many people believe he may just have a short run to estabilish someone else's credibility.


Ron Simmons: Football standout and the first African American World Heavyweight Champion. Simmons was the "eleventh" man as Shane would refer to him. Previously doing a "Gladiator" gimmick, Simmons is now believed to be the leader of a group of young African American wrestlers in what could end up being one of the WWF's more contraversial storylines.


The Undertaker: Without a doubt the number two star in the World Wrestling Federation. His war against the fake Undertaker has ceased but many people believe a new threat is on the horizon. A much more dangerous threat that may hit a little closer to.... home.



Billy Gunn: Formerly one half of the Smoking Gunns. Gunn is a reliable hand and isn't a slouch in the ring. Gunn is said to be dropping the Cowboy schtick in order to restart his career in the WWF.


????: WCW Wrestler who has recently signed on after figuring out a way out of his contract. While his identity remains unknown it is believed his presence will be felt by the end of Episode 1.


Dustin Rhodes: The man formerly known as Goldust has remained with the Federation. After a meeting with Shane he has dropped the Goldust monicker in order to return to his Dustin Rhodes name... it is however believed to still have a twist in the gimmick though.


Jesse James Armstrong:Formerly Jeff Jarrett's roadie. Jesse James of the Armstrong Boys agreed to a contract after Shane had called him inquiring if he was interested in work. Jesse agreed to it only if his brother Brad could have a deal as well.


Owen Hart: Owen was one of the ten men who stayed with Shane on that Monday. Had a recent "flirt" with a Main Event run, is young and can have good matches with just about anyone. It is believed Owen will be elevated into the Top Five of the WWF as soon as possible.




Father Devon: Devon is a young indepedent wrestler from the Florida scene that Ron Simmons recommended to Shane McMahon. Undergoing the guise of a "Priest with a Purpose". Not much else is known about Devon.


"No Gimmicks Needed" Chris Candido: The man formerly known as "Skip" has ditched the workout equipment and put on some more muscle! Candido has kept his girlfriend Sunny and is certainly ready to make a statement as soon as RAW Episode 1!


Bob Holly: Bob Holly has found new purpose since having a few months off. Getting rid of the "Spark Plug" persona it is believed that Holly will be tried out in a few tag team roles that might suit him.


Glen Jacobs:Formerly the Dentist of Jerry Lawler will be getting a BIG makeover and be ready for a re-debut as soon as possible.


"The Franchise" Shane Douglas: Douglas is a guy to watch out for in the re-launch of the WWF Brand. The Franchise as he refers to himself is ready to make it known that he can teach fans a thing or to without the stigma of the "Dean" name.


"The Next" Michael Lee: Lee is a young man who had impressed WWF Officials after his work in Japan. After a recommendation from Hulk Hogan himself to Shane McMahon... the rest as they say is history.


Hunter Helmsley: Hunter (One of the ten) is another future star. Although it hasn't been made clear what he will be doing on the Re-launch of RAW it has to be said that Hunter is one of the young studs of the WWF.


Lower Midcarder


Brad Armstrong: Technical wrestling expert and brother of Jesse James Armstrong.


Ken Shamrock: Signed to a unique deal by Shane McMahon. The Mixed Martial Arts standout has not quit the UFC but is reportedly going to juggle his UFC Matches with his WWF Dates. It is believed he will not be required to work on the House Show loop once it is back in effect.


Norman Smiley: 30 year old Smiley is a world traveled wrestler that has showed up in the World Wrestling Federation after a good word was put in for him by Head Announcer Jim Ross.


Rocky Maivia: A little bit more of a "shock factor" signing. Maivia has only had 2 weeks of training. It is believed Shane has signed Maivia due to the two of them growing up around the wrestling business together. Although definitely a man that "looks" like a wrestler and could potentially end up a star thanks to his familys background.




Matt Hardy: Former WWF Enhancement talents that were signed to new deals. It is believed both men have been working on some new stuff to throw into there repotoire to wow the crowds and get a few notes in the win column!


Jeff Hardy: Former WWF Enhancement talents that were signed to new deals. It is believed both men have been working on some new stuff to throw into there repotoire to wow the crowds and get a few notes in the win column!


Sexton Hardcastle: Canadian Independant wrestler who was signed to the WWF after Bret Hart had scouted out talent at a local independant show.


Christian Cage: Canadian Independant wrestler who was signed to the WWF after Bret Hart had scouted out talent at a local independant show.


Enhancement Talent:


Blitzkreig: Signed to a deal after strong showings in California indys.





Dawn Marie: Female independant talent signed to a contract. Looking to sign a stable of young wrestlers to guide to the top.


Jim Cornette: Formerly the manager of wrestlers like Owen Hart and Yokozuna. Hart and Cornette have since parted ways but it is believed Cornette will be scouting for new talent to coach and sign into Camp Cornette.


Paul Bearer: The manager of the Undertaker


Sunny: The girlfriend of Chris Candido.


Commentary Team

Jim Ross: The lead announcer and also the man believed to be helping Shane McMahon with scouting talent/booking the shows.


Ted Dibiase: Trying his hand at Colour Commentary is The "Million Dolloar Man". One would hope that Ted can be unbiased and impartial!



Earl Hebner: WWF's Senior Referee

Jack Doan: WWF's Junior Referee



Shane McMahon: The Owner of the WWF. At just 25 years of age many people believe that Shane may be in over his head. While that could be true... it can't be argued that Shane Mcmahon has constructed a solid roster.

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Chris Candido on RAW Relaunch

Disc One

Chapter Seven


"Me, Shane and Tammy (Sunny) were going to have one opportunity to prove to the boss that we could provide good Television. We had talked to the boss about dropping our Skip and Dean gimmicks in favor of something more realistic. We sat in the crowd... second row. I'll never forget it. When it came time to do the deed... we both looked at each other and said "This will be a big deal". And at first I don't think they knew what to think but it definitely was the launching point of me and Shane..."


Monday Night RAW: Relaunch


Week 1 September 1995

Mid-Hudson Civic Center (Poughkeepsie, New York)


Monday Night RAW relaunches after a summer vacation! Familar faces and new names will flood the Mid-Hudson Civic Center as we kick off the Autumn Season!


In our Main Event Bret "The Hitman" Hart will be facing off one on one with young arrogant talent Hunter Hearst Helmsley in what will surely be a wrestling classic. Although Hart has the experience factor over young Helmsley... it can not be denied that Helmsley is going to be a major threat in a few years!


Barry Windham makes his return against a new face in the WWF... Father Devon! Devon has claimed he is a "Pastor with a Purpose" and is here to cleanse the WWF of all the sins the company has committed! Will Windham's World Championship experience be able to overcome a man of the cloth?!


In Tag-Team action we have WWF Superstars Billy Gunn and Bob Holly teaming up for the very first time to take on the team of Sexton Hardcastle and Christian Cage or as they prefer to be called "The Suicide Blondes". The Blondes are one of the Canadian Minor Leagues' best tag teams and a certain threat... but will they be able to handle the team of Billy Gunn and Bob Holly?


Also see Owen Hart, The Undertaker and the return of Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka!!!


Match Picks:

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Bret Hart

Barry Windham vs. Father Devon

Sexton Hardcastle and Christian Cage vs. Billy Gunn and Bob Holly

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I really like this idea, along with the writing style. Has me pulled in and interested. Just curious, what changes did you make to the federation besides the workers and owner?


Great start and I hope it keeps up for a while. I eagerly await your first show.




Hunter -v- Bret Hart

Bret Hart, sure to be a decent match as well as give Hunter some experience.

Barry Windham -v- Father Devon

Windham, I see him being the main face of the company for some reason. Regardless I have always been a fan of his so he is my choice.

Hardcastle/Cage -v- Gunn and Holly

Gunn and Holly - random guess as this is the first show and I do not really have an opinion on either team as of yet.

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Match Picks:

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Bret Hart

Barry Windham vs. Father Devon

Sexton Hardcastle and Christian Cage vs. Billy Gunn and Bob Holly


E&C/Hardys are obviously the future, but Gunn and Holly could carry the tag belts right now. I think they would have made for a very solid team in real life at this point.


Also, I'd love to see the Triple Threat formed, maybe even with Hunter as the 3rd man. Can't wait for the potential Kane storyline. And pretty cool to see ex-WCW guys like Simmons, Rhodes, and Windham get a chance to shine. I like that you challenged yourself and I think the dynamic combination of real world events with a fantasy twist make for an interesting overall storyline. Very unique starting point and will be intrested to see how things play out not just for WWF, but for WCW, and to a lesser extent-ECW, now that you've taken some of their young guys and are moving past the gimmcky phase. Still holding out hope for a Marty Jannetty return, btw

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I want a more detail to the angle based presentation style. Any match notes needed I will write up. Any suggestions/feedback on write-ups is always welcome.


Monday Night RAW

September Week 1 1995

Mid-Hudson Civic Center (Poughkeepsie, NY)

2,000 People Attendance (130 people turned away at door)


Shane McMahon opens the show with a promo. McMahon explains that he is the son of the real owner of the "World Wrestling Federation" his father Vince McMahon. *The crowd boos knowing the actions of Shane's father*. Shance tells the crowd that they can dislike his father all they want but now that Shane has complete control of the World Wrestling Federation and there is nothing left to lose... he will run it the way he wants to and not the way his father wanted it ran. No more cartoons or plumbers. He wants sex, violence and contraversial television! Shane informs the crowd he has complete control of what will be happening in the company and that he is the man who will be making all of the decisions from now on.


Before McMahon can continue his speech any further... a man jumps the guard rail and heads to the ring... security attempts to secure the man but he fights them off momentarily before making it to Jim Ross's microphone on the announce table "Shane-O my boy. You just think you are the one in control here but you see I am the one in control and my name is..." before he can finish the sentence security has tackled him to the ground. It is clear the man is wearing clothes to hide his identity with a hat covering his face for the most part. The camera work also prevent him from being seen for more than a few seconds. Shane is heard very clearly yelling "get him out of here... cut to commercial!"


Bob Holly and Billy Gunn defeated The Suicide Blondes in 7:33 after Holly lifted Cage up for a backdrop while Gunn hit the ropes and nailed him with a Neckbreaker on the way down.


Post-match Sexton Hardcastle leaves the ring helping his partner Christian Cage to the back. Gunn and Holly celebrate in the ring and thank the "great WWF Fans" for coming out to the event. Before to much more can be said "Perfect Strangers" by Deep Purple plays over the loud speaker. Dean Douglas, Skip and Hunter Hearst Helmsley come the ring with Sunny. Holly and Gunn look confused as to what is happening. Each man is wearing a shirt with there gimmick name on it.


Before long Douglas grabs a microphone. Douglas explains today is the dawn of a new era in the sport of Professional Wrestling. Douglas explains that each man has had enough of the "Sports Entertainment" crap that just sent the company down the toilet for 3 months straight. Douglas explains that this school teacher, fitness freak and Conneticut snob were bullshit facades they have been putting on for a sick old man who wanted to kill the business of professional wrestling. Shane rips off his shirt and underneath it is a shirt that says "The Threat". "My name is the Franchise Shane Douglas!" says Shane. Skip grabs the microphone and explains that him and his girlfriend Sunny have been treated like crap since they arrived in the World Wrestling Federation but they don't have to worry about that anymore because "My name is Chris Candido. I don't need no gimmicks. This is my wife Tammy Lynn Sytch. She is the meanest bitch in the world of wrestling". Before long Hunter grabs the microphone and explains "My name is indeed Hunter Hearst Helmsley. I wasn't raised in a rich snob neighborhood. I am from the working class. I was trained by a certified badass named Killer Kowalski. I have been taught to pick people apart limb by limb. Go ahead and start calling me Triple H. You won't have time to pronounce my full name anyway."


At this point Candido, Triple H, Douglas and Sytch all have ripped the shirts off of there previous gimmicks and are wearing shirts that just simply say "The Threat". Holly grabs a microphone "What the hell does that have to do with us? Billy ain't really a cowboy. Me and him have matching gear on and we came out here and whooped some ass. You boys think its special you can get matching T-Shirts made, say some curse words and try to "expose business". Douglas grabs the microphone "Bob... you and Gunn just had one hell of a tag team match. I know you and him got tired of the old ways. Shit you showed up in new gear tonight. No explanation of where Bart Gunn was and no explanation of why Bob decided to shave his mullet and quit being a racecar driver. So here is the deal. We like it. We have an offer for you. Join our threat. Help us take down the old ways of this business. Help us take down the old guard. Guys like Bret Hart... guys like the Undertaker... guys like Barry Windham. One by one we will pick them apart. Night by night we will grow in pow..."


Before much else can be said Billy Gunn grabs a microphone "Douglas... You don't know what the hell you are talking about... me and Bob aren't about to join up with four crybabys like yo..."... Douglas cuts off Gunn with a boot to the gut and a DDT. Holly charges Douglas but is met by Chris Candido who has tackled him to the outside of the ring. Before the situation gets any more out of control... BRET THE HITMAN HART HAS COME OUT FROM THE BACK. Hart runs to the ring to fight off The Threat but they have bailed.

Triple H has grabbed a microphone "If it isn't the Shitman himself. Bert Hart. You ran all of my friends out of this company. That's ok though because you learn who your real friends are. The Four of us are about to put you out of a job Bret. We are the future of this business. You use to be the best wrestler in the world but now all you care about is handing your glasses to some little kid in the crowd or making your TV Appearances. Therefore we will make you obsolete. I am glad that I am booked in the first RAW Main Event tonight against you because picking apart the Old Guard just became a lot easier when we take out King of the Mountain first." The situation starts to get even more heated when Shane McMahon is heard talking from the entrance stage.


"You see boys this is what I want on my Television show! Hart vs. Triple H in the Main Event tonight! I love it. The Threat!? More like The Future! In the interest of fairness though... you guys like picking fights with people? I have a tag team in the back that is all about fighting. They weren't originally booked tonight but I think they will make an exception. In my Semi-Main Event match I have Chris Candido and Shane Douglas accompanied by the beautiful Tammy Lynn Sytch facing off with Brad and Jesse James Armstrong... The Fightin' Armstrong Family!"


Ken Shamrock defeated Norman Smiley in 5:28 after he locked in an Ankle Lock on Smiley


After the commercial break Jimmy Snuka has shown up in the ring. The fans have erupted and are going crazy for Snuka. Before he can say anything Ron Simmons and Clarence Mason have made the way to the ring. Simmons begins to talk but eventually just says "Forget it... You'll know in good time what my Nation can bring to this company"... Simmons then blasts Snuka with a microphone and raises his fist up with Clarence Mason before joining commentary for the next match.


Barry Windham defeated Father Devon in 10:26 after a Top Rope Superplex. Post-match Simmons handed Devon a note before walking to the back.


Backstage Dustin Rhodes is preparing for his match. Rocky Maivia spots him, walks up and begins to talk "Dustin man I am really excited to see you wrestle tonight. Both of our dads were wrestlers and I am really pumped to get to learn from another second generation guy like you. I hope that we can be fri...." Dustin cuts him off "Greenhorn, whats your name? I've never seen you in the back before? I think I know who your dad was and he didn't ever really amount to anything. I'll tell you this. I don't have time for greenhorns or kids who couldn't cut it in football and then decide to "Rassle like daddy" so lets do this. Next week I am going to teach you the lesson of a lifetime in that ring boy. Go ahead and watch my match tonight and take notes.. you'll need them"


Dustin Rhodes defeated Blitzkreig after a Reverse DDT in 3:41

Owen Hart comes down to ringside and explains that he has cut ties with Jim Cornette. He appreciates everything that Jim has done for him and there was no bad blood between him and Cornette. Owen explains that he needs some time alone so he can prove he can win the big one by himself.


The Threat (Candido and Douglas) over on Fightin' Armstrong Family in 10:23 after Candido hit Jesse James Armstrong with a Powerbomb


After a commercial break Jim Cornette comes down to the ring. Cornette explains he is rebuilding "Camp Cornette" and wants to recruit the biggest, baddest and best men in the World Wrestling Federation. He calls The Undertaker down to the ring and says "he wants Undertaker to be the first signing of his Camp". Undertaker comes to the ring (Without Paul Bearer) and looks at Cornette. Cornette says "Big man just shake my hand I promise we can be the best of friends. I will take you higher and farther than that old man Bearer ever took you!"... Undertaker looks at him and shakes his head "no"... Cornette says "Very well then" and slaps Undertaker! Taker looks enraged and starts to chase after Cornette backstage. Cornette goes through the entryway with cameras following him... Undertaker is closely behind... before he can make it all the way through he is met by a clothesline from "The Gladiator" Michael Lee! Lee begins to beatdown Undertaker with Undertaker attempting to fight back. They fight through the entranceway with Undertaker starting to get the upper-hand on Lee. Cornette comes out and low blows the Undertaker before he can do to much damage to Lee. This allows Lee to pick up Undertaker and LAUNCH him down the entrance ramp with a HUGE POWERBOMB! Lee and Cornette smile and leave as officials, referees and road agents tend to the fallen Undertaker.


Bret Hart defeated Triple H in 14:41 after a Victory Roll. Post-match Triple H looks livid as RAW goes off the air!

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Triple H recalls the first night of Shane McMahon's RAW


You know it was odd. Shane was wanting to do things a lot differently. A part of me said "yeah this kid wants to save his dad's business" and then a part of me said "Yeah this kid wants to put out a show he would be entertained to watch if he was at the bar with his frat buddys." That's ok though because in ways it worked. Nitro's rating was 4.81 that night... ours was .25. There first show did over 16 times the ratings of our relaunch. There were definite problems with Shane's show but he did a lot of things right. He really pushed the envelope in a time where doing that might not be the smartest thing to do. The live crowd ate it up.


Shane (McMahon) called me into his office that night. Douglas and Candido were sitting in there. Shane Douglas looked at me and said "Hunter... as far as me and Chris know there are no big plans for you right now. We had someone ready to be the third guy in the group with us but McMahon wants to hold off on him for a little while. We do need a third guy to denounce whatever he is doing and come side with us". I sat there and listened to Douglas pitch me joining his group and was like "What in the hell?". It wasn't any secret that my friends Shawn, Scott and Kevin were trying to make him and Candido's lives living hell before they walked on the company. I told Shane all of it sounded good and I'd love to join the group. The three of us left McMahon's office and I asked Douglas why he went to bat for me.


"Hunter, You're a good worker. I know you are friends with Shawn... I am friends with Chris. This is about to be a dog eat dog time in the Federation here. We didn't just offer you the spot because you have good matches. We offered it because we feel like one of the three of us is going to be a champion in this company here soon. The Threat is more than just a gimmick brother. This is a lifestyle. It's like being a Horseman. We haven't quite figured out who Flair, Arn, Tully or Ole here is in our little group but I guarantee you that in a few months we are going to be the 90s equivalent to the Horsemen."

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