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World Championship Wrestling

In January of 2001 ECW and WCW were in the worst rough patch ever seen in professional wrestling, everything number wise was down from ratings to PPV buys the only thing going up was the increasing debt for both companies, meanwhile the WWF were in midst of their greatest era yet, the attitude era was thriving with everything going well for the WWF and heading into the biggest Wrestlemania of all time many believed it wouldn’t be long until we saw the fans dream of a WCW/ECW invasion vs the WWF, until…..


Ted Turner had been slowly squeezed out of WCW and it was left to Brad Siegel, Siegel decided it was now or never for WCW, he contacted Paul Heyman and convinced him to shut up shop and close down ECW and join WCW, Heyman was given full control over everything.


His first acts were to drop WCW Thunder show and to temporarily cut Nitro down to 1 hour of programming a week, hoping it will make PPV’s seem more special and increase buyrates.


He also tied ways with Vince Russo, Mike Tenay and Tony Schiavone but decided to keep Eric Bischoff as he felt he still had something to offer the company as an authority figure. He decided he would commentate alongside former ECW commentator Joey Styles.


He terminated some contracts including Buff Bagwell, Sid Viscous, Dustin Rhodes and Lex Luger cutting millions off the wage bill. Unfortunately he was unable to end contracts such as DDP, Kevin Nash, Flair and Sting whom all are being paid over 250,000 a month due to they’re contracts costing too much to end.


Hoping to fill some of the gaps left by major stars he signed several former ECW talents including Rob Van Dam and Rhino.


Before the first episode Nitro under Heyman, he decided to vacate all of the titles to make it a clean slate for the promotion.



Size: National

Location: South East

Prestige: 80

Momentum: 20



Key Features: Traditional, Mainstream

Medium Features: Cult, Risqué

Match Intensity: 20%

Match Danger: 40%

Face/Heel Divide: Medium




Current Cash: $-100,000

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Main Event-


Scott Steiner

Ric Flair


Diamond Dallas Page


Kevin Nash


Upper Midcard-


Jeff Jarrett


Shane Douglas

Sean o’haire

Rick Steiner


Road Warrior Animal

Booker T (currently injued)



Chuck Palumbo

Lance Storm

Alex Wright


Rey Mysterio

Norman Smiley

Brian Adams

Brian Clarke


Mike Awesome

Ernest Miller

Lower Midcard-


Mark Jindrak

Fit Finlay


Billy Kidman

Hugh Morris

Rob Van Dam




Shannon Moore

Shane Helms


Chavo Guerrero

Jamie Noble

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Week: 1

Due to being in debt WCW Nitro was forced to be held at The Birmingham Jefferson theatre which has a capacity of only 1,000.

WCW Monday Nitro Live!

. The General Manager of Nitro, Eric Bischoff starts of the show by welcoming the fans to the ‘new’ WCW, and thanks them for their continued support. He also announces the beginning of a cruiserweight tournament to crown a new cruiserweight champion, the first match of the tournament begins right now.

. (Cruiserweight tournament first round match) Rey Mysterio beat Shane Helms in 7:18 with the Misteriorranna.

. Goldberg is seen freaking out backstage, hearing voices and getting very angry before getting up and walking to the ring for his match.

. Goldberg beat Mark Jindrak in 3:17 with the Spear.

. Kevin Nash is seen leaving the locker room and heading toward the ring before being violently attacked by the debuting Shane Douglas.

. Scott Steiner bursts into Eric Bischoff’s office and is furious that Heyman vacated the World title after he just won it and demands that he is awarded the title, Bischoff tells Steiner that he can’t award him the title but that he will be one of the two competitors fighting for the title at WCW Sin, the other will be decided next week on Nitro.

. DDP beat Jeff Jarrett in 13:28 with the Diamond Cutter.

. Before the show ends a Symbol of a scorpion appears on screen, hyping the return of Sting next week on Nitro.


Other News

.WWF Raw is War was held in front of 19,000 people, the show was rated 88, in the main event Chris Jericho beat The Rock in a match that was rated 99.

. Smackdown, had an attendance of 18,000, the show was rated 85, Chris Jericho beat Kurt Angle in the main event.

. WCW received a ratings warning from TBS.

Raw got a 21.10 TV rating with over million viewers

Smackdown got a 14.67 TV Rating with around 700,000 viewers

Nitro got a TV rating of 3.39 with roughly 160,000 viewers

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Week 2:

Due to being in debt WCW Nitro was forced to be held at The Birmingham Jefferson theatre which has a capacity of only 1,000.

WCW Monday Nitro Live!

. The General Manager of Nitro, Eric Bischoff starts of the show by informing the fans that tonight he will decide who will face Scott Steiner at Sin for the World Title, and also that there will be new tag team champions tonight.

. (Cruiserweight tournament first round match) Alex Wright beat Chavo Guerrero in 4:54 with a STF.

. A replay video of Shane Douglas attacking Kevin Nash last week is shown, Douglas then appear on screen and explains that he was the franchise of ECW and now he’s going to be the franchise of WCW so he attacked the biggest fish to make a statement.

. Lance Storm is in the interview area and he cuts a promo stating that he is going to personally make sure that this WCW doesn’t turn into the joke it was before; he begins taunting Hugh Morris about his previous gimmicks and states he is the biggest joke in WCW history, Hugh comes out and challenges Lance to prove that he is better than him.

. Hugh Morris beat Lance Storm in 3:41 with a powerbomb.

. Chuck Palumbo & Sean O’Haire beat KroniK (Bryan Clarke + Brian Adams) to win the World Tag Team Championships in 5:54 with the Torture rack, during the match the debuting Rhino came to ringside and gored both members of KroniK.

. Eric Bischoff announces that the main event will be the returning Sting against DDP to see who will face Scott Steiner for the World Title at Sin.

. DDP beat Sting in 6:51 with the Diamond Cutter.


Other News

.WWF Raw is War was held in front of 20,000 people, the show was rated 86, in the main event The Rock beat Kurt Angle.

. Smackdown had an attendance of 16,000, the show was rated 89, Big Show beat Steve Austin in the main event.

Raw got a 26.08 TV rating with over 1.25 million viewers

Smackdown got an 18.14 TV Rating with around 900,000 viewers

Nitro got a TV rating of 4.00 with roughly 200,000 viewers

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