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WCW 2001; Fusient buys, but will it survive?

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WCW 2001


December 2000

It's official, WCW was bought out by Fusient Media Group. The media group is set to completely take over WCW operations in January 2001. It is said that WCW programming will remain on TNT and TBS at least until their current contract is completed. Following expiration of the contracts, it is not expected that Time Warner will renew the shows, as such, it is believed WCW programming will be on a different network at the end of their contracts. Former head of WCW Eric Bischoff will once again be in charge of things, however this time it will be quite different, as he does not have the endless pocket of Ted Turner.


December 15, 2000

- Eric Bischoff holds a roster meeting, letting them all know where he stands, and how he doesn't plan on making the same mistakes twice. Not everyone is there, of course. Most notably, Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, and Vince Russo aren't in attendance


Bischoff- I want to thank everyone for meeting with me. I know you all have had a tough year and I won't lie, 2001 will be pretty tough also. We all have a long road ahead of us and we have a lot of work to do. There are a lot of things that need to change and a lot of things that need to be fixed. I've been down this road before, but I haven't faced this kind of uphill challenge. I made a lot of mistakes in the past, but those are mistakes I plan to learn from and not make again. I've got a group of great people funding me and making this possible to get a second chance, and I don't plan on wasting it.


First things first, there are some people who aren't here. That won't be held against them. You all have Starrcade in a few days and I want you all to do your best. I won't sugar coat it....Come January 1st, everything changes. The storylines you all are involved in will be scrapped. Vince Russo has done his fair share of damage and I'm not going to be continuing it. As such, as of January 1, Vince Russo's time in WCW will be ended.


This will be very different. I want you all to do your best because from me, you'll get nothing less. I know some of you may not trust me from past experiences, but as far as I'm concerned, the slate is wiped clean. I know it will take a period of time to rebuild the trust, but that's what I intend to do with each of you. My door will continue to be open and I will listen to any and all suggestions. That said, I will not be manipulated or taken advantage of like before. I will have the final say, and I will do what is good for business, not individuals.


I just wanted to re-introduce myself to everyone familiar with me and introduce myself to those who didn't know me. After we fully get going after the new year, I will be frequently having these types of meetings where I inform everyone on what's going on. If anyone has any other questions, please don't hesitate to call my personal cell.


Needless to say, not everyone was convinced of Bischoff's new-found generosity and "open door" policy. Those who were familiar with Bischoff just figured it to be hot air to try and get on everyone's good side; especially those who he did not have a good relationship with. Others, such as DDP and Ernest Miller, were said to have tried encouraging others after the meeting that EB was sincere. Many people, Dustin Rhodes especially, were delighted to hear that Vince Russo would be getting the ax as soon as Bischoff officially took over. Many wondered how that would affect Starrcade's end product. Many were also concerned about Bischoff's message that he would be discontinuing every current storyline and how that would impact their positions on the roster. The current champions were also left wondering if they would continue to hold the titles. The title's in WCW were already in shambles thanks to Russo. Removing all current holders would again cause their prestige to drop. General Rection was concerned that he would be stripped of the US title, the one he had worked so hard to do. He in particular was not a person Bischoff ever planned on pushing before. He did not have high hopes that he would get any push once Bischoff took control again.


Overall though, the WCW roster was encouraged by the meeting. They would continue to work hard, if only just to show Eric Bischoff that they were of value to WCW once he was in charge. Rumors were circulating that he would be trying to cut costs at every turn, and they did not want to get a pink slip. Others were rumored to just be waiting for their contracts to expire so they could attempt a go at the WWF, such as Ric Flair. Guys like Lance Storm and Sean O'Haire were said to be excited. Before Bischoff was removed in late 2000, O'Haire was said to be Bischoff's next big project. He was hoping that was still the case.



I realize there are tons of other WCW 2001 scenarios. I hope to take this in a different direction. For critics, this is the first Dynasty I've ever done. I'm currently playing the 2001 scenario and the more I've played it, the more I thought it'd be cool to do a Dynasty for the game that I'm having. I'm a few months into the game, and I tossed up the idea of starting where I currently am, or just taking it back to the beginning. I figured to start at the beginning so then people aren't left wondering why one guy might be in a current place.

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seems like you have some good ideals and the back story is realistic also. I will be following this. Good luck....<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<p>WCW Executive Office</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">WCW's Executive Office; Office of Eric Bischoff</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>December 30, 2000</em></span></strong></p><p>

The scene opens up and Eric Bischoff is at his desk. He's got papers all over his desk and he's looking at a piece of paper.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bischoff</strong>; <em>Ok...Starrcade was an epic failure. Cruiserweight match was promising if it wasn't for that stupid stipulation...Lance Storm, ok....Terry Funk, what the hell? Tag team division is a wreck...All the titles are a wreck. **Sigh** What the hell did I do?!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bischoff picks up the phone and dials. He waits for a moment before someone evidently answers.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bischoff</strong>; <em>Kev! It's Eric..</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Yeah, look, I had a meeting with the roster the other day and you weren't th..</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Yea. Yea? How is Scott?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Oh that doesn't sound too good.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Yea...Kev, look, we're real tight as it is on finances, it's not like before. I don't think I'd be able to afford Scott. Besides, I heard he signed on with New Japan anyway.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Look, I wasn't calling about the meeting. It wasn't mandatory, but once I'm official, they will be. I'm calling because you've got a medical appointment the first week of January...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Yeah, look, it's nothing major, it's just a checkup.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Ya, a checkup. It's something that Fusient is wanting to implement and I can't reverse that. Quite frankly, I think it's a good idea considering all the problems the WWF is having with substance issues. But hey, for you it'll be no big deal. It'll take maybe an hour.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Why you? It was just a random draw and you were picked. It's not like the roster's as big as it used to be, ya know?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Ok, well I just wanted to let you know. Make sure you don't miss that appointment. The Group won't like that very much.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Ok big man, catch you later!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bischoff hangs up the phone and resumes going through his big piles of paperwork on his desk.</p>

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<p>Nitro; January Week 1 2001</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">WCW Monday Nitro</span></span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">LIVE from the Hardee's Iceplex Secondary - Chesterfield, Missouri</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">

Crowd - 600 (Sold Out)</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>WCW Monday Nitro Live on TNT resumes on the airwaves. The intro is the same as always with the video and the pyro display. The arena is notably smaller than usual, it's clear that WCW could not afford an expensive arena. Regardless, it is sold out in front of 600 rabid fans.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Tony Shiavone: Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the first WCW Monday Nitro of the new year and we head into 2001 full steam with a great lineup tonight! I'm joined by my colleagues 'The Professor" Mike Tenay and Dusty Rhodes! Mike?</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Mike Tenay: That's right Tony! We head straight into the new year on fire, and under new ownership. As I'm sure you all heard, it's been everywhere you look, in all the papers, Eric Bischoff is once again in control of WCW, this time under the funding of a media group called Fusient Media!</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Dusty Rhodes: Ooooh can ya feel it babaayy?!? Dubya Cee Dubya is on fiiiiiire baby! Eric Bischoff is back in the saddle momma! Everywhere you look, people are talkin', they wanna know what Eric Bischoff has in store for WCW! This...This is the calm before the storm, if you weeill. I think tonight, Tony and Mike, we're gonna see lots of changes comin' our way!</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Tony: I couldn't have said it better, Dusty. One thing I can tell you fans tonight, is that in his first order of business, for the main event tonight, Eric Bischoff has made a #1 contender match for the WCW World Heavyweight title that Scott Steiner holds. Tonight in the main event, we will see the one and only </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Sting</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;">, the Franchise of WCW one on one against....</span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>GOLDBERG!</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Tenay: That's right Tony! A huge match, not only in WCW, not only on Nitro, but in the entire world of professional wrestling! Two of the biggest names in the business going up against one another, and the winner will have a shot at the world title and Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner!</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Tony: We'll have to wait for that later though, because right now we're going straight to the ring as Cruiserweight champion Chavo Guerrero Jr. will take on Rey Mysterio Jr in a non-title match!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF8C00;">Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr.</span></span></strong></p><p>

- After hitting a Springboard Hurricanrana, Rey got the 1,2,3 for the win. The crowd were receptive of the match but Chavo didn't get much response. The two shook hands after the match.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: D+</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#000000;">Bischoff brings back a title!</span></span></strong></p><p>

- Immediately following the match, Eric Bischoff's music hits and he comes walking out with an item in his hands....A title belt.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Tony: Look at that!</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Tenay: That's.....That's the Television title!</span></p><p> </p><p>

- Indeed, he is carrying the TV title. Bischoff gets a decent reaction from the crowd as he's stepping in the ring and grabs a mic.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">Bischoff: Thank you! Thank you everyone! I'll get on with what I originally came out here for in just a minute. First though, I want to thank all of you for your support, and I hope you all continue to support WCW. It's no secret that these next few months will challenge us all and WCW will need every bit of support. But I can promise all of you in this arena, and all of you watching at home, that if you've been able to withstand the last few months of WCW television, you will, without a doubt, be able to stomach what I've got in store!</span></p><p> </p><p>

* The crowd gives a very loud response to that statement and Bischoff continues *</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">Now then...What I've got with me, is something that my predecessor was quick to....Trash....This title has been carried by some of the biggest names in our business. This title used to be one of the most desired titles in all of wrestling! Well starting tonight, we're gonna find out who will be the next man to carry this title! Starting tonight, there will be a tournament for this title....Starting </span><span style="color:#8B0000;"><strong>RIGHT NOW</strong></span><span style="color:#8B0000;"> with Rick Steiner and Lash LeRoux!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Rick Steiner defeated Lash LeRoux in a first-round qualifying match</strong></span></span></p><p>

- Pretty much a squash. Rick Steiner had no trouble demolishing LeRoux.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: D</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Flair confronts Sting backstage</span></strong></span></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Flair: Well look who it is...The WCW Franchise. You must be living pretty high on the cloud right now, huh big man?! You take on Bill Goldberg tonight and if you win, you get a shot at the world title?! Hell, while you've had it easy the last couple months, The Nature Boy's been busting my ass, carrying around a group of no talent punks! Where's my shot at the title!?</span></p><p> </p><p>

- Pretty soon, Flair's commotion is heard by none other than Sting's opponent, <strong>Goldberg</strong>!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Goldberg: Are you serious?! Flair, the only thing you deserve is a first class ticket to a retirement home! You should be lucky that you're not in the match tonight, because if it were you instead of Sting, I'd be permanently ending your career!</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Flair: Is that so?!? Well bring it on big man! I'll have your a--</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Sting: Hey! Hey! Hello?! I'm standing right here! Ric....Nature Boy! I think in your older age, you're getting a tad senile. Ya see, it doesn't matter if it's you, Ric....Bill, it doesn't matter if it's you...One thing's clear, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get the WCW title back! It's been waaaay too long since the Stinger's held it, and it's my time!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">Time?!?! Are you kidding me?!</span></p><p> </p><p>

-As if three people weren't enough, yet another person enters the screen. Double J - Jeff Jarrett.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">Jarrett: It's your time?! You've got to be freakin' kidding me, it's your time! Let me tell ya something, Sting...The only thing that's your time, is it's time for you to retire! Get the hell outta my way because the only thing you're doing is holding down my opportunity! I had to carry your ass back at Halloween Havoc, and I've had to be put down in ridiculous programs while guys like Sid Vicious has been in the world title picture! Goldberg?!? Ya big dummy! You can take your two moves and head back home son! Go do nothing and collect your paychecks while a REAL performer shows you how it's done! Nature Boy, I ain't got nothing against you, hell, you can be my manager when I become the world champion again, but the fact is, Slapnuts, is that the Chosen One is the guy who belongs on top and leads WCW to redemption!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Goldberg: Alright...I've had about enough of the talk. Flair, Jarrett, any time the two of you jokers want to have a go at me...I always welcome a match. As for you Sting, I've got nothing but respect for you. But as far as tonight goes....</span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>YOU'RE NEXT!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Eric Bischoff announces Kevin Nash and DDP are stripped of the WCW Tag Team titles and a tournament will take place for the vacant belts. Rating: D+</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Fit Finlay defeated Reno in Round 1 of the TV title tournament. Rating: E+</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Kidman defeated Shane Helms in an exciting match. Rating: D+</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Kronik defeated the Perfect Event in Round 1 of the Tag Team Title Tournament. Rating: C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SIRENS BLARE</span></strong></span></p><p>

- The unmistakable music of WCW Champion Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner hits. Steiner makes his way out with his top freak Midajah. Sporting the WCW title around his waist, Steiner gets in the ring and poses for all his 'freaks' before getting the mic.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Steiner: Now everybody sittin' at home....I know after just seeing old man Flair and that skinny little bitch Shane Helms on your TV sets, you're thinkin' there must be something wrong with your TV...But don't adjust your television sets, cause I do look this good!</span></p><p> </p><p>

Tony: What???</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Steiner: Ya see, I embody everything a real man should be! I don't give a damn about anything but my Freaks and my peaks....And the WCW World title! I don't give a damn about you Sting, or you Goldberg! So as far as I'm concerned, the two of ya can beat the hell outta each other tonight, and make my job real freakin' easy, not that it wouldn't be anyway! So what I'm sayin' is this! No matter who it is, no matter when, no matter where, there's not one son of a bitch in the back that's gonna take this title from around my waist, and you're all looking at the long-term champion in WCW!</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

So this goes to all my freaks out there! Big Poppa Pump is your hookup!</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

</span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>HOLLA, IF YOU HEAR ME</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Rating: B+</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Jindrak & O'Haire hype their match. Rating: D</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Chavo wants a rematch with Rey. Says he'll defend his title this time. Rating: D-</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Match announced; Lance Storm, Shane Douglas, and Mike Sanders vs Hugh Morrus, Dustin Rhodes, and Mike Awesome</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

The Mamalukes hype their tag tournament match vs Jindrak/O'Haire. Rating: D-</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Jindrak/O'Haire defeat Mamalukes in Round 1 of the Tag Tournament. The crowd really dislike the Mamalukes, considering they're supposed to be faces. Rating: D-</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Storm/Douglas/Sanders defeat Morrus/Rhodes/Awesome after Rhodes turns on Morrus mid-match, blasting him with a chair. Storm then covered the US champ for the win. Rating: C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;"><strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WHY DUSTIN, WHY?!</span></em></strong></span></p><p>

-Mean Gene catches up with Dustin Rhodes following the match to ask why he attacked Hugh Morrus, thus, turning on his team and allowing them to lose.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">Rhodes: You want to know why, Gene? And I suppose all those people out in the arena want to know why?! What about everyone at home? Do all of YOU want to know why I turned my back on Hugh Morrus?! HUGHMORRUS?! That name sounds as pathetic as General Hugh G. Rection and Seven! Haha...You remember that one, don't you Gene? No? Oh, come on! Uncle Fester!! You know, that dumb getup I wore for a few weeks?!</span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;">

Look, it's real simple Gene. I've not been taken seriously for one second in my career! Whether it's because I'm Dusty's son, because I'm playing a freak character, or because I've got to play a cheerleader to all the other champions in the promotion! Well I'll be doing that...NO MORE! Gene...You...You remember when I came back to WCW..When I told Russo and Ferrara to shove that Seven guy up their ass?! When I said they'd never forget the name.....Dustin Rhodes?! Remember?! What happened after that! NOTHING! I've got needs, Gene. I've got desires....One desire, is what Hugh Morrus has. Gene, I won't be getting that desire holding his hand. I'll get that title, Gene. And the rest of WCW can take notice.</span></p><p>

Rating: D</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF8C00;">Sting defeated Goldberg following interference by Scott Steiner to become #1 contender to the WCW World Title. Steiner attacked both men, but Sting was able to cover Goldberg as they both were down for the 3 count.</span></span></strong></p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

-Following the match, Bischoff walks out to the top of the stage smiling and mic in hand. Sting is making his way to his feet and looking at Bischoff.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Bischoff: Sting!! I want to be the first to say....Congratulations. But I'm afraid that's all going to be very short lived, because..Well, look behind you.</span></p><p> </p><p>

-Scott Steiner is standing in wait. As soon as Sting turns, Steiner hooks him and delivers a crushing belly to belly overhead suplex. Having already been beaten, Sting's down. Steiner locks in the Steiner Recliner as Nitro runs its credits and fades to black, with Bischoff smiling and laughing atop the ramp.</p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

Overall show rating; C-</p>

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<p>The Rundown</p><p> </p><p>

** Please bear with me while I get my format to my liking. I will be trying some different methods to see which I prefer. I may end up doing short results to shows and put more behind the scenes updates. It took a pretty long time to do Nitro, so I don't know if I want to continue with that format. **</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW Report</span></strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW World Heavyweight Champion</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Scott Steiner</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">WCW United States Champion</span></span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Hugh Morrus</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">WCW Television Champion</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Vacant</strong></p></div><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>*** Tournament in progress ***</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW Cruiserweight Champion</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Chavo Guerrero Jr.</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW Tag Team Champions</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Vacant</strong></p><p><strong>

*** Tournament in progress ***</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

- Eric Bischoff put out a short press release earlier today stating that effective immediately, the WCW Hardcore Title was retired and would not be defended. Current champion Terry Funk would be stripped of the title. Most of the WCW locker room was not upset by this, as they felt the Hardcore title/division brought nothing to their careers.</p><p> </p><p>

- Just about everyone in the locker room is happy that Bischoff is bringing back the Television title.</p><p> </p><p>

Posted on the WCW website just after midnight on Tuesday that Tylene Buck (Major Gunns) and Vince Russo have been released from their contracts. Russo was expected, however, some were surprised by the release of Buck. Word is that WCW may not be opposed to working with her in the future. She was wished well in her future endeavors, however, nothing of such was stated for Russo's release.</p><p> </p><p>

Booker T (Damaged Shoulder), Disco Inferno (Elbow injury), and Vampiro (Concussion) are all unavailable for work. Booker T and Disco should return within a month or so. Vampiro is said to be out at least until the Spring.</p><p> </p><p>

WCW is scrapping the January PPV "Sin" and replacing it with Clash of the Champions. They are trying to bring back some of the 'old school' aspect to attempt to lure fans in. Clash of the Champions will be in week 2. Some matches have already been announced;</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW Cruiserweight Title match</span></strong></p><p>

Rey Mysterio Jr vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. ©</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW U.S. Title Match</span></strong></p><p>

Lance Storm vs Hugh Morrus ©</p><p> </p><p>

Also, the TV Title tournament and Tag Team Tournament will be decided at Clash of the Champions! More matches will be announced during the shows.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Announced matches for this weeks Thunder</strong></span></p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Round 1 of TV title tournament</span></p><p>

Kwee Wee vs Mike Sanders</p><p>

Konnan vs Alex Wright</p><p> </p><p>

Road Warrior Animal vs Shawn Stasiak</p><p> </p><p>

Lash LeRoux vs Buff Bagwell</p><p> </p><p>

DDP vs Lex Luger</p><p> </p><p>

Sting vs Jeff Jarrett</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW World Title Match</span></strong></p><p>

Kidman vs Scott Steiner ©</p><p> </p><p>

Nitro scored a 4.26</p><p>

RAW scored a 11.83</p>

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<p>Round 1 of TV title tournament</p><p>

Kwee Wee vs <strong>Mike Sanders</strong></p><p>

<strong>Konnan</strong> vs Alex Wright</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Road Warrior Animal</strong> vs Shawn Stasiak</p><p> </p><p>

Lash LeRoux vs <strong>Buff Bagwell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DDP</strong> vs Lex Luger</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> vs Jeff Jarrett</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Title Match</p><p>

Kidman vs <strong>Scott Steiner </strong>©</p>

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<p>I really enjoy this one. I have never read one of these before, so you being the first has made me happy.</p><p> </p><p>

Round 1 of TV title tournament</p><p>

Kwee Wee vs <strong>Mike Sanders</strong></p><p>

<strong>Konnan</strong> vs Alex Wright</p><p> </p><p>

Road Warrior Animal vs <strong>Shawn Stasiak</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Lash LeRoux vs <strong>Buff Bagwell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DDP</strong> vs Lex Luger</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sting </strong>vs Jeff Jarrett</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Title Match</p><p>

Kidman vs <strong>Scott Steiner</strong> ©</p>

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January Week 1 2001 Thunder


Before I get on with the Thunder show, I'm very happy with the replies and the predictions. I hope everyone can remain entertained with this.



Sold Out AL Birmingham-Jefferson Theater; 1,000


Pre-show match; Jindrak and O'Haire vs Jaime Knoble and Evan Karagias

O'Haire and Jindrak won following a Seanton bomb onto Karagias. Nothing spectacular about this match, it was simply used to warm up the crowd.


Thunder begins going straight to the ring


Sting vs Jeff Jarrett

- The two went toe to toe for almost 15 minutes. Scott Steiner got involved in the match attempting to distract Sting to allow Jarrett the advantage. It almost worked, but Sting was just barely able to kick out of a quick roll-up. Sting was able to take control and hit a Death Drop for the win.


Rating: B


Angle Following the match

- No later than Sting got the 3 count, Sid Vicious was in the ring for the assault. 3 Powerbombs later on Sting, Vicious towered over him as Thunder went to their first commercial break.


Rating: B


Backstage segment between Dustin Rhodes and Lance Storm

- Storm tells Rhodes that he's glad he turned on Morrus this past Nitro. Rhodes doesn't look very please though, and tells Storm not to get too comfortable. He attacked Morrus because he wants the US title, not because he wants to be his friend.


Rating: D+


Bischoff is backstage in his office

- Bischoff informs Sting that he's changed his mind about the #1 contendership. He says if Sting wants Steiner at Clash of the Champions, he's got to get past Sid Vicious first on Nitro. Then maybe he'll get a title shot.


Rating: B


TV Title Tournament; Round 1

Mike Sanders vs Kwee Wee

-Sanders came away with the first round win without too much difficulty, hitting a 3.0 for the win.


Rating: D


TV Title Tournament; Round 1

Alex Wright vs Konnan

- In a good matchup, Alex Wright showed potential. It wasn't enough though, as Konnan locked in the Tequila Sunrise for the tapout win, thus advancing in the TV title tournament.


Rating: D+


Road Warrior Animal is backstage

- Animal is interviewed by Gene Okerlund. He says Dustin Rhodes isn't the only one who wants a shot at the US title, but unlike Rhodes, he's going to earn his shot and not stab his teammate in the back. He'll prove it in his upcoming match.


Rating: D


Shawn Stasiak vs Animal

- Animal came away with a dominating performance, nailing a Powerbomb for the win.


Rating: D+


Backstage promo by DDP and Kevin Nash

- DDP and Kevin Nash are backstage in their locker room. They laugh at being stripped of the Tag Team titles and say it was just because no one could beat them. Somewhere in between, they hype up a tournament match against Kronik.


Rating: C+


Buff Bagwell took on Lash LeRoux in the next matchup

- Bagwell gave a pretty lackluster performance while LeRoux was trying to put forth a good effort. Buff hit the Blockbuster for the win.


Rating: D+


Lex Luger went up against DDP

- Probably should have been the main event. This was a pretty impressive matchup seeing both men get in a good offense and highlighted their strong points. The end saw DDP hit a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere for the win.


Rating: B-


Main Event

WCW World Title Match

Kidman vs Scott Steiner ©

- Kidman did his best, but he wasn't a challenge at all for Steiner. Big Poppa Pump used his brute strength to toy with the much smaller Kidman. The finish saw Steiner bring back the Steiner Screwdriver for the finish.


Rating: C


Post-Show angle see's Ric Flair confront Goldberg

- Flair laid down a challenge to Goldberg for Nitro. Goldberg and Flair were face to face for a tense couple of minutes. Goldberg gladly accepted the challenge and finished off with telling Slick Ric that he was NEXT.


Rating: B


Overall show grad: C+


- By the way, I guess I need to get a bit more unpredictable in the matches..You guys nailed them!

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WCW News and Nitro Rundown!


WCW News!


- Thunder was said to be well-reviewed, the match of the night belonging to Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett. Many thought that should have been the main event, following a semi-main event of DDP vs. Lex Luger, which was also a surprisingly good match.


- Speaking of Lex Luger, he upset quite a few people backstage prior to Thunder. Apparently Luger ripped a pretty vicious fart backstage, causing a room to evacuate. Some complained to Eric Bischoff, but he didn't do anything about it. Luger was said to be glad Bischoff didn't overreact to it.


Breaking News!!!

Kevin Nash released by WCW!!

- In extremely shocking news, WCW reported on Friday that Kevin Nash had been released from his contract. It's unconfirmed, but many are stating that Nash had failed a drug test that he took earlier in the week. It's unknown what possible drug Nash tested positive for though.


- Nash was asked about the release on Saturday. He stated that he wasn't upset with WCW management about the release. Nash was actually upbeat and stated that he hopes this shocking release will help him get over his personal issues. It's said that WCW nor Nash are ruling out working together again in the future, but Nash wants to take some time to try and get a grip on his problems. No word if the WWF has contacted Nash about a possible return.


- In a short press release, WCW also announced the release of hardcore legend Terry Funk from his contract. There's no suspected reason other than WCW had nothing planned for him since the demise of the Hardcore title and an attempt at cost cutting. It's also rumored Nash's release was also due in part of cost cutting.


WCW Contract Negotiations

- WCW's offered contracts this week to a few different workers, and also signed the contracts. Ted DiBiase and Ricky Steamboat were signed to non-wrestling roles. They are said to be hired as Road Agents, as WCW are wanting to get more experienced, former wrestlers as agents. It's unknown what type of contract or what amount the contracts are for.


- The contracts of Sharmell and Daffney were also extended. Their contracts are said to be extended for 6 months. Following the extension, Daffney was sent to WCW's developmental promotion NWA: Wildside to improve her skills. Sharmell will remain on the main roster as she's currently managing Kwee Wee and Meng.


- Speaking of Meng, he was also re-signed by WCW. Meng, however, chose to sign a per-appearance deal, as he felt WCW's recent drop in status and popularity did not warrant signing a written contract.


- WCW was also able to successfully sign former WWF and WCW star, The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith to a per-appearance deal. WCW was said to be hopeful to sign him to a long-term contract, however, the two sides could not come to an agreement. They were happy to get him to sign anyway, and some have said WCW has promised a title run for the Bulldog.


- WCW was rumored to have also pursued a former standout WWF and WCW star, however, it's said negotiations fell through when the two sides couldn't come to an agreement. WCW's been very tight-lipped on who it was though.


- Former WCW manager Torrie Wilson was hired this past week. Kidman was said to be ecstatic about it.


- WCW also signed relatively unknown worker Paul London to a development deal.


This Week's Monday Nitro lineup!

A match people are excited to see, which was announced after Thunder went off the air last week;


Ric Flair vs. Goldberg


Kronik was scheduled to wrestle DDP and Kevin Nash in Round 1 of the Tag Team Tournament, however, Nash's unexpected release changes the match. Kronik will face DDP, however, his partner will be former Triad member Kanyon.


Round 2 of the TV title tournament will see Konnan vs. Mike Sanders and Rick Steiner vs. Fit Finlay.


In other action;


Meng vs. Mike Awesome


Lex Luger vs. Norman Smiley


US Title Match

Buff Bagwell vs. Hugh Morrus ©


Rnd 1 Tag Title Tournament

Filthy Animals (Rey & Kidman) vs. Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire



Sid Vicious vs. Sting

- Bischoff stated this past Thunder that Sting must beat Vicious in order to face Scott Steiner for the title at Clash of the Champions.

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I will be tuning in, I am enjoying this 100%


Ric Flair vs. Goldberg


Kronik vs. DDP and Kanyon


Round 2 of the TV title tournament will see Konnan vs. Mike Sanders

and Rick Steiner vs. Fit Finlay.


In other action;


Meng vs. Mike Awesome


Lex Luger vs. Norman Smiley


US Title Match

Buff Bagwell vs. Hugh Morrus ©


Rnd 1 Tag Title Tournament

Filthy Animals (Rey & Kidman) vs. Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire



Sid Vicious vs. Sting

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Nitro January Week 2 2001


Monday Nitro


Sold Out AL Birmingham-Jefferson Theater; 1,000


Following the typical Monday Nitro introduction, we are immediately brought backstage where Lance Storm and Ric Flair are seen walking in together


Flair - And I'm telling ya, you do those things, my man, and you'll nearly be as good as me!


Storm - Well I definitely appreciate the advice, Ric.


Flair - No problem pal! If you want some pointers any other time, you know where to find me. I think you're the next biggest competitor in this sport! In fact, I may be wanting to find a few more like you..


The two go their separate ways, but not before the camera focuses on Flair's million dollar smile. - Rating: C+


Shiavone: Welcome everyone to WCW Monday Nitro!! Fans, what a lineup we've got for you tonight, you sure don't want to touch that dial!!


Rhodes: No doubt about it babayyy! I'm tellin' ya, we got one for the pressure cooker tonight daddy!


Tenay: Indeed we do, Dusty! Tonight we've got Sting up against Sid Vicious, and a win will earn him a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Title and Scott Steiner. In addition, we've got Ric Flair one on one versus the man, Bill Goldberg!


Shiavone: It's going to be an incredible night, but I'm being told we're kicking off this show right away, and it's going to be Kronik against the duo of Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon!


WCW Tag Team title tournament

Kronik vs. DDP & Kanyon

- Kronik enters first and then Kanyon. DDP enters last and Kimberly is not with him. The announcers discuss the former team of DDP and Kevin Nash as the Insiders and how that is the team Kronik was originally due to face before Nash's untimely release. Kanyon tells DDP he needs to start first, this was his mistake. Kanyon continued to mock and taunt DDP. DDP tried his best, but fell to the strength of the two massive opponents. DDP eventually fought back and tried to make the tag to Kanyon, but just as it looked like a tag would be made, Kanyon dropped off the apron, thumbed his nose to DDP, and headed arrogantly to the back. Kronik took hold of the situation, seeing their opportunity to advance in the tag team title tournament. Bryan Clarke hit the Meltdown for the win!


Kronik wins via pinfall on DDP - Rating: D+


Tenay: What a shocking turn of events! Kanyon assured DDP he would be there in his corner like their old Triad days, and he turned on him when he was needed most!


Tony: No doubt Mike. If they worked together, they could have fast been on the way to round 3 of the tournament! Keep in mind, the Insiders were given a first round bye. In any case, Kronik moves on, and DDP is left picking himself up off the mat! Guys, we're turning over a new leaf here in WCW and LIVE on Monday Nitro; We're going to head straight back to the ring for the second round of the WCW Television title tournament!


WCW TV Title Tournament Round 2:

Fit Finlay vs Rick Steiner

- Steiner enters first to boo's from the crowd. The dog faced gremlin just continues to walk to the ring, hid behind his dark sunglasses and mean attitude. Finlay enters to crickets. If any worker in the wrestling world had less momentum than Fit Finlay, you'd be hard pressed to find him. Not much was expected from this match, but the two got rather stiff with one another at various points in the match. After a couple vicious kicks to Steiner, he responded with a very stiff Steinerline followed up with what looked to be legit punches. Steiner hit the Bulldog from the second rope for the pin and to advance to the next round!


Winner by pinfall; Rick Steiner - Rating: D


Following the match, the video screen plays to life showing various battles between Rey Mysterio Jr. and Chavo Guerrero Jr. Footage is pulled from their early days up to current time, with both Rey and Chavo vowing to rejuvenate the cruiserweight division in WCW and saying their battles are a heavy respect to one another.


Rating: D


DDP looks for Kanyon!

- After the video, DDP is seen tearing through the backstage area, holding his head and yelling for Kanyon. Numerous wrestlers hurry out of DDP's way and none other than Bam Bam Bigelow tells DDP where Kanyon was last seen. DDP tears into the dressing room, where a surprised Kanyon is seen. DDP unleashes a vicious assault before it's broken up by several security guards and police officers.


Rating: C-


Hugh Morrus' 'yellow' streak?

Sent to yet another backstage segment, Dustin Rhodes is backstage, talking into the camera.


Dustin; Everyone's wanting in on the hunt for the United States title....Who else is going to go after that belt and Hugh Morrus? Well let me tell you...I'm not going to sit back and let everyone have their chance. People seem to be afraid to make their move, NOT ME! Hugh Morrus is a joke! That's exactly what he is! This...This right here is going to prove it!


The camera zooms out to see Rhodes hiding behind a door. Hugh Morrus just happens to be walking through that door at the right moment carrying the US title. Rhodes attacks and Morrus never sees it coming. Rhodes uses a chair to knock Morrus down and he continues the assault. Rhodes then whips out a can, shaking it and takes off the top. Rhodes paints a yellow streak all down Morrus' back before walking off. Numerous officials run in to check on the United States champ.


Dusty: What a coward!


Shiavone: How can you talk about your own son that way?!


Dusty: I didn't raise no coward! No man to attack somebody who don't see it comin'! I raise MEN, and MEN don't attack nobody from behind, Tony! Let alone paint another man yellow! I might need tuh slap some sense into dat boy!


Tony: Well while you do that Dusty, the rest of us are going to see the second round of the TV title tournament continue. Mike Sanders is making his way out to take on former TV champion Konnan!


Round 2 TV title tournament

Mike Sanders vs Konnan

- Sanders makes his way out to little fan fare. Konnan enters to a lukewarm reception. It seems he just doesn't excite the crowd quite like he used to. Konnan does his usual pre-match schpeal. The crowd goes along, not so much because he's over, but because they've heard the same lines for the last 4 years. This turns out to be a pretty decent match with both men getting in good offense. Sanders, the heel in the match, gets a decent reaction when he hits his patented 3.0 and pins Konnan for the shocking win.


Winner via pinfall - Mike Sanders

Rating: C-


Mike Awesome vs Meng

- Pretty much a throw-away match. The two are pitted together for little reason other than WCW management thought they would put on a good match. They did, actually, and the crowd was rather into it. Both big men used their advantages, and Awesome used his aerial skills to gain an advantage. Awesome hit a huge Awesome-Bomb for the win.


Winner via pin - Mike Awesome

Rating: C


Shiavone: Two great matches back to back Mike!


Tenay: That's right Tony! It goes to show that World Championship Wrestling is just that; Wrestling! WCW and Eric Bischoff seem to be going back to what works, and that's bringing the action right to the ring, and not behind the curtain or 20 minute promo's that's used by some other promotions!


Rhodes: Straight to the action babayy! That's why Dubya Cee Dubya is the best wrasslin' company in the world my man! We're the cock of the walk, the Soup Dejour, if you weeillll!


Shiavone: Folks, we're going to go backstage, where the Nature Boy is standing by and has something to say!


Flair's going for Gold - Berg!

Flair - Goldberg!!!! You think that just because you were on top of the food chain 3 years ago that you can just walk right back into that spot again now! Well let me tell you something pal; The Nature Boy's been on top of the food chain for the last 20 years! While you were trying to get on with the Atlanta Falcons, the Nature Boy had a line of Atlanta Falcon cheerleaders outside my door, just beggin to have a ride on Space Mountain!!! Goldberg?!?! I was winning world titles before you even knew how to put on a jock strap pal!! Tonight!!! LIVE on Monday Nitro, The Nature Boy's gonna resume my climb up the mountain, and I'm gonna knock you down on your ass! You know why?!? Because I'm - WWWWWHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - THE NATURE BOY, AND BECAUSE I'M - WWWWHHOOOOO - THE MAN!!!


Rating: B


Wool over the eyes

- Seek and Destroy blares from the speakers and the screen flashes the entry video for Sting. As a result, the crowd pops as much as it can for a 1,000 seat arena. Sting walks out with a purpose and a microphone already in hand. Sting's dressed in his wrestling gear and seems ready to go. Sting motions for the music to cut off, and it abruptly does so.


Sting: Well well welllllllllllllll............I find it funny how when there are so many changes, there are....So many things that stay the same. WCW; the place where I've spent my entire career, the place I've been given so many opportunities, the place I've literally given EVERYTHING, has been sold and bought out, and yet, I still stare straight into the face of Eric. Bischoff.


-Pause for dramatic effect-


Eric Bischoff, for someone who labels themselves as such a smart businessman, you're not very smart! You allow the World Heavyweight Champion Scott Steiner, the man who's supposed to be the face of WCW, dodge challenges, you set up a #1 contender's match between me and Goldberg last week, only to take that back. It's clear you never intended me or Goldberg to get a title shot...So you give me Sid tonight and say IF I beat him, then I get a title shot. Well Eric, it's not IF I beat him....WHEN I beat him, I'll be done with these silly little games, Eric. And if you continue these games, I can promise you, you will regret it! And Eric, you and I have such the history to know, when the Stinger says something......Or does something, I back it up!


Rating: B+


Norman Smiley vs. Lex Luger

Only fitting that Sting's best friend is up for his match following a promo. Much to the delight of the crowd, Smiley taunts the fans with doing the "Big Wiggle" before Luger comes out. He never does it, but gets the crowd going. All that's for naught though, because Luger quickly cools the mood when he comes out. His depressing music and pre-match pose-down guarantee that. When the bell rings, Luger makes quick work of Smiley, locking in the Torture Rack and Smiley quickly submits.


Winner via submission - Lex Luger

Rating: D+


US Title Match:

Buff Bagwell vs Hugh Morrus ©

- US title match up next. Buff does his usual entrance, but slips climbing up the second rope to taunt the crowd. They end up taunting him instead. During the match, Bagwell seems even worse than he normally is, botching many moves. It gets to the point that Morrus seems legit pissed off and looks as though he hits a few stiff moves on Bagwell. Morrus gets the win with a Moonsault, defending his title in convincing fashion. After the match, Bagwell probably does the best sell-job in his life...Probably because he really did get the crap beat out of him.


Winner by pin and still US champion - Hugh Morrus

Rating: C-


Bischoff tells Sid not to disappoint

- Bischoff is seen walking backstage with Sid. He tells him he better not let him down against Sting tonight, otherwise there could be huge consequences. Vicious doesn't say anything, just walks down the hall with a...Well, Vicious look on his face while water drips down his face.

Rating: C


Round 2 Tag Team Tournament

Filthy Animals vs Mark Jindrak/Sean O'Haire

- Despite two big men in the match, it turns out to be a very fast paced matchup. Rey and Kidman do their best to be a challenge, but it isn't enough as Jindrak and O'Haire are far too strong. Jindrak picks up the win by pinning Kidman and the two youngsters move on in the tournament.


Winners by pinfall - Jindrak/O'Haire

Rating: C


Goldberg in 3 minutes

- A short highlight video is played, hyping up Goldberg. It shows various footage of his streak and dominating WCW. It was well received by the crowd.

Rating: B+


A Storm's Coming

- Lance Storm is backstage being interviewed by Mean Gene. Storm discusses all the other men jumping in the US title scene. Storm tells Gene and everyone watching that he has unfinished business with Hugh Morrus and he remains the #1 contender to the title. He says everyone else can just wait in line.

Rating: D


Ric Flair vs. Goldberg

- Once Flair's music hit, the fans sat up a little straighter in their seats. Goldberg made his typical entrance surrounded by endless guards. Flair looked a little intimidated starting the match. Goldberg brought his power moves full steam ahead, running over Flair. Flair used about the only effective offense; cheapshots, to finally slow down the match some. It doesn't prove enough though, Goldberg hits a Press Slam turned into a powerslam and then stalks Flair for a spear. Goldberg nails the spear and a Jackhammer and 3 count later, Goldberg raises his arm in victory.


Winner by pin - Goldberg

Rating: B



Sting vs. Sid Vicious

- First, World Champion Scott Steiner comes out for guest commentary.

Rating: B-


- Sting's out first, who quickly notices Steiner at ringside. Sid comes out with Eric Bischoff in tow. The two get started and Sid immediately takes charge. He works on wearing down the Stinger as Bischoff directs from the outside. Every time Sting starts to mount a comeback, Bischoff gets a cheap shot or distraction in to get the momentum back to Sid. Eric attempts this too many times though, and thwarts his attempt at interference. Sting decks Bischoff with a hard right hand, which then prompts Scott Steiner to get involved. Sid does a bad job of distracting the referee, giving Steiner time to attack the Stinger, but Sting's got eyes in the back of his head. Sting flips Steiner out of the ring with a clothesline and Sid tries to attack Sting as his back's turned, but Sting's too quick. After multiple kicks and chops to Sid, Sting pushes him back into the corner and whips him in the opposite direction. Sting his a series of Stinger Splashes until Sid staggers out of the corner, totally out on his feet. Sting quickly locks and drops Sid with a Scorpion Death Drop and gets the 3!


Winner by pin - Sting

Rating: B


- Following the match though, Steiner's not done. He slides into the ring as Sid is rolling under the bottom rope. Numerous officials see this coming though and they flood the ring. Mobs are trying to hold back Sting and Steiner from getting to one another and for the most part succeed. Sting and Steiner are each able to break free, but not long enough to do any damage to the other. Nitro fades out while the two attempt to get at one another.

Rating: B+



Once the cameras are off;

- Animal is backstage, talking to a staff member. Out of nowhere, he's blasted by a guitar. The camera zooms out to reveal Jeff Jarrett.


Jarrett: You think you're the only one around here that wants the US title?? I'm the Chosen One b*tch!

Rating: C


Overall show rating: C+

TV ratings;

Nitro: 4.57

RAW: 13.58

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WCW News


WCW Post Nitro news


This past Nitro was well received, and ratings were up from last week. Bischoff was said to be pleased with the show overall.


Some may remember the lackluster performance given by Buff Bagwell against US Champion Hugh Morrus. Bagwell apparently failed a drug test before the show and was told he would be losing the match. Some think prior to this test failure, Bagwell was set to win the US title on Nitro. It's unknown if this was the actual plan, or if it's just rumors.


Speaking of Bagwell, he was released from his contract due to the drug failure.


WCW continues to release quite a few workers, especially well-known names. It's said this is due to their attempts at extreme cost cutting, as well as Bischoff getting the message across that this time around, talent cannot do what they want and get away with it.


Apparently the financial status in WCW is extremely critical. While WCW is expecting quite large crowds for Nitro and Thunder shows, they simply cannot afford to book larger venues, thus, they cannot increase their ticket sales. This past Nitro, WCW officials projected approximately 10,000 fans, however, they could only book the 1,000 seat arena, which quickly sold out.


Chris Kanyon failed a drug test, it's said he tested positive for steroids. We're told he was fined quite heavily and he was not particularly pleased.


WCW reports they have hired former WCW referee Billy Silverman to a contract. Prior to this signing, they only had two referees; Charles Robinson and Nick Patrick.


WCW also signed another worker, one that Lance Storm is very familiar with. Former ECW valet Francine was signed to what we're being told is a pay-per-appearance deal. We expect her to again be paired with Storm.


This week's Thunder card!

Kaz Hayashi vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


Kanyon & Bam Bam Bigelow vs Jindrak & O'Haire


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match

Elix Skipper vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. ©


Kronik vs Mamalukes


WCW United States Title Match

Chuck Palumbo vs Hugh Morrus ©


Main Event

Sting vs. Ric Flair

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Fun to see where you are taking Bischoff, it's cool.


Kaz Hayashi vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


Kanyon & Bam Bam Bigelow vs Jindrak & O'Haire


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match

Elix Skipper vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. ©


Kronik vs Mamalukes


WCW United States Title Match

Chuck Palumbo vs Hugh Morrus ©


Main Event

Sting vs. Ric Flair

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Hugh Morrus gets attacked backstage with a chair. Then, 6 segments (I'm guessing 30 mins or so) later he defends his title by beating up Buff, as if nothing happened and no mention is made of the attack or the yellow streak! Not trying to troll, just an observation. I'm enjoying this so far. It's just funny, cuz it's definitely something that would have and probably did happen often in the last few years of real-life WCW!
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Hugh Morrus gets attacked backstage with a chair. Then, 6 segments (I'm guessing 30 mins or so) later he defends his title by beating up Buff, as if nothing happened and no mention is made of the attack or the yellow streak! Not trying to troll, just an observation. I'm enjoying this so far. It's just funny, cuz it's definitely something that would have and probably did happen often in the last few years of real-life WCW!


LoL...Welcome to WCW! Nice catch.


I'm glad you guys are enjoying this. I'm enjoying posting it and I'm really wanting to put more shows up, but I'm holding back some. I'm quite a few shows ahead and I'm trying to catch the dynasty up, but I also want to give you guys a chance to process everything that's happening. I'm also holding off on how many shows I post until I see how many people are actually following it. I don't want to waste all the time putting up the shows if not many people are reading them. Seeing the responses so far though, it looks like there's at least a few following. I should have another show up tonight.

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Thunder: Jan. Wk2 2001




January Week 2 2001

AL Birmingham-Jefferson Theater: 1,000 (Sold Out)


The opening sequence begins this week for WCW Thunder. It seems the Birmingham-Jefferson Theater in Alabama has become the unofficial home of WCW lately. During the intro, Tony and Dusty hype up what happened on this past Monday Nitro, as well as what can be expected during this edition of Thunder, which is the final show before this Sunday's Clash of the Champions event.


Tony: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's Thunder! Dusty, it's going to be a big night tonight, because this Sunday is Clash of the Champions, and how appropriate that name is, because it truely will be a Clash!


Dusty: No doubt about it Tonay!! It seems like everyone and their momma's going after Hugh Morrus and that United States Heavyweight title, we'll find out who the WCW Tag Team champions are, and we're gonna find out if Sting can get his hands on Big Poppa Pump Scotty Steiner and his World Championship!


Tony: In a nutshell, you are correct Dusty! Don't forget that we will crown a new Television Champion, a title that Eric Bischoff says will regain the prestige it once held.


Dusty: Tony, that title has a long and glorified history, and that title is near and dear to my heart. To see how that title has been tarnished over the past couple of years has upset me greatly! I can't say I agree with everything Eric Bischoff has done since turning over this new leaf, if you weeilll, but I think he's gotten this one right!


Tony: Well-said Dusty! Fans, once again tonight, to kick off a show, we're going straight to the ring to see two men who could possibly make their presence felt in the new TV title division, as Kaz Hayashi and Rey Mysterio Jr. will go at it!


Kaz Hayashi vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

- This was a fun opening matchup as both men used their quickness and acrobatics to warm the crowd up. Rey worked hard to build up his momentum for Sunday's Cruiserweight title shot against Chavo, and Kaz was a good opponent for that. Rey hit a pinning Hurricanrana for the win.


Winner via pin - Rey Mysterio Jr

Rating: C-


US Madness!

Eric Bischoff walks out with a microphone in hand. He says the US Title division is a total cluster right now and he's tired of seeing Jeff Jarrett, Dustin Rhodes, Animal, and Shane Douglas attack one another at each show. He says if they all want a shot at the title, then they all can face each other Sunday at Clash of the Champions. The winner will be #1 contender to the US title.

Rating: C


Bam Bam Bigelow & Kanyon vs. Jindrak & O'Haire

- This match was not very good. No one could really state what made it so poor, but the crowd were not into the match whatsoever. Jindrak got the pinfall on Bigelow.


Winners by pinfall: Jindrak/O'Haire

Rating: D+


Scott Steiner walks out and wastes no time getting down to business. He tells Sting that he can forget about a title shot at Clash of the Champions. He doesn't think Sting's earned a title shot, so he'll face Diamond Dallas Page for the World title at Clash instead!

Rating: B-


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs Elix Skipper

- WCW struck out two matches in a row. This match also completely turned off the crowd. Chavo, like Rey, was trying to build his momentum for what's billed as a "Return" to classic WCW Cruiserweight action. Instead, he's lucky to walk out of this match with his momentum not dropping. Chavo hit a Tornado DDT for the win.


Winner by pinfall and still champion: Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Rating: D+


Space Mountain!

Ric Flair is strutting through the halls and runs across WCW newcomer Francine. In typical Flair style, he asks her out on a date. She says that she'll accept the offer if[/b he beats Sting tonight. Flair assures the win and happily prances off down the hallway.


The Mamalukes vs. Kronik

- The dreadful matches continued with this next gem. Kronik actually remained fairly over. Fans have continued to be vocal on the Mamalukes and their dislike for the team. Anything they tried would not get over with the crowd. While the Mamalukes are supposed to be heels, they were not getting positive heel heat. Kronik caught Johnny the Bull in the High Times for the pinfall.


Winners via pinfall: Kronik

Rating: D+


Feel the Bang!

Mean Gene catches DDP backstage and asks him about Steiner's comments earlier. DDP says it's tough luck for Sting, but there's no way in hell he's passing up a World title shot. He says he could care less if Steiner has any plan, because DDP's plan at the Clash is going to be the next WCW World Heavyweight champion!

Rating: B


Swerved Again

Eric Bischoff is backstage. He tells Sting he still isn't deserving of a world title shot. DDP got his title shot because he's a hard worker and doesn't expect to be handed everything like Sting does. Bischoff says Sting has to prove himself again at Clash against Sid Vicious!

Rating: C+


WCW US Title Match:

Chuck Palumbo vs. Hugh Morrus ©

- A match that again saw the two competitors fail to click and provide a decent match. Morrus retained the title following a Moonsault.


Winner via pinfall and STILL US Champion: Hugh Morrus

Rating: D+


Steiner's Not Done

Scott Steiner's backstage lifting weights and talking about various things. He mentions that Hulk Hogan's retiring because he's afraid to come back to WCW and face him. Steiner says he was the real head of the NWO and Hogan did all he could to avoid Big Poppa Pump. Steiner also issues an open challenge for the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin for no explained reason.

Rating: B



Sting vs. Ric Flair

- Probably the match that saved Thunder. Flair and Sting more than delivered, pulling out all of their classic moves. The match contained perfect psychology and pacing. Sting was clearly upset from the earlier decision of Steiner again dodging him at Clash, and losing a shot at the world title. The match saw Scott Steiner, Sid Vicious, and Eric Bischoff all get involved, but thankfully, none of them affected the ending of the match. Sting managed to fight off all three men before he hit Flair with a pair of Stinger Splashes. Flair, straggling out of the corner, hit his classic Flair flop. With the crowd roaring, Sting locks in the Scorpion Deathlock. Flair screams in sheer agony before tapping out.


Winner via submission: Sting

Rating: A

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Fans have continued to be vocal on the Mamalukes and their dislike for the team. Anything they tried would not get over with the crowd. While the Mamalukes are supposed to be heels, they were not getting positive heel heat.


At one point in a WCW 01 game, I made it my mission to try and get the Mamalukes to a level where the fans will accept one of their matches. 4 months later of using them on practically every show in pre or post show matches, and there was still no luck. Just sayin, man...

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WCW Report


(OOC - The Mamalukes must be set for failure in this mod for some reason. Stay tuned, as they have plans.)


WCW News Report:


- There's nothing really noteworthy about this weeks Thunder aside from one thing. Scott Steiner may have confused a few people in his promo directed towards Hulk Hogan. Steiner said Hogan was retiring because of him. This was a direct result of the mega-star announcing his retirement from wrestling this week. At current time, it's unknown if Hogan will turn to a backstage role, as so many have previously done. Many insiders and people familiar with Hogan think he will try to start his own promotion. He is not expected to go to the WWF.


- This Sunday's Clash of the Champions Pay Per View will be from the Attack Athletics arena in Chicago, IL. Wrestlers and staff are extremely unhappy that it is only a 1,000 seat arena. The reason is that WCW simply cannot afford a larger venue.


- WCW continues to be in extreme financial disarray. Eric Bischoff is said to be increasingly frustrated that he cannot book a larger arena for shows. This is due to Fusient keeping a tight financial hold on the company. Bischoff has continued to argue with them that WCW is continuing to project very large crowds for shows, and if he is allowed to book more expensive venues, WCW would make a larger profit in ticket sales and increase revenue. He has continued to argue that the max 1,000 seat arenas they are only allowed to book is actually causing them to lose money.


- Fusient has continued to pressure Eric Bischoff to end the contracts of several wrestlers, as a result of their expensive contracts. This is partly why WCW has gotten so strict on their drug tests and why so many have already been given a release. It's rumored that Fusient has requested that Bischoff terminate the contracts of Ric Flair and Sting. It's a given that Bischoff refuses to end Sting's deal, but interestingly enough, Bischoff also refuses to release Ric Flair. Bischoff has told many people that Flair is an essential part of WCW if they are to rebuild and regain their success. It's quite possible that Bischoff is learning from his past mistakes.


- Bischoff is said to be in the works of putting together a loan request from Fusient. If it is not approved, Bischoff is said to be very worried about what workers he will be forced to release. To date, the WWF has not signed any workers released by WCW, but Bischoff believes they are only waiting for a couple of names that Vince McMahon sees as inevitable.


Clash of the Champions Card


WCW Television Title Final:

Rick Steiner vs Mike Sanders


The Mamalukes vs The Jung Dragons


WCW Cruiserweight Title:

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Chavo Guerrero Jr ©


WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Finals:

Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire vs Kronik


US Title #1 Contender Match:

Animal vs Jeff Jarrett vs Dustin Rhodes vs Shane Douglas


WCW US Title Match:

Lance Storm vs Hugh Morrus ©


Goldberg vs Lex Luger


Sid Vicious vs Sting


WCW World Heavyweight Title:

Diamond Dallas Page vs Scott Steiner

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Keep up the great work it feels like real WCW in that time and you are taking it your own way, it's indeed AWESOME!


WCW Television Title Final:

Rick Steiner vs Mike Sanders


The Mamalukes vs The Jung Dragons


WCW Cruiserweight Title:

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Chavo Guerrero Jr ©


WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Finals:

Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire vs Kronik

I just really want them to pull this one out.


US Title #1 Contender Match:

Animal vs Jeff Jarrett vs Dustin Rhodes vs Shane Douglas

Always a fan of Jeff.


WCW US Title Match:

Lance Storm vs Hugh Morrus ©


Goldberg vs Lex Luger


Sid Vicious vs Sting


WCW World Heavyweight Title:

Diamond Dallas Page vs Scott Steiner

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Hugh Morrus gets attacked backstage with a chair. Then, 6 segments (I'm guessing 30 mins or so) later he defends his title by beating up Buff, as if nothing happened and no mention is made of the attack or the yellow streak! Not trying to troll, just an observation. I'm enjoying this so far. It's just funny, cuz it's definitely something that would have and probably did happen often in the last few years of real-life WCW!


Well, Buff WAS blowing alot of spots--that'd make me forget about any storyline injuries too LOL

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Clash of the Champions!



Chicago, IL - Attack Athletics Arena

Sell-Out: 1,000


Mike Tenay: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first Pay Per View of the new year, and the first Pay Per View of the new era of WCW - Clash of the Champions!


Dusty Rhodes: Oh how I love it, Mike! Clash of the Champions has always been meaningful to me and I've had some of my biggest matches right here on this stage! I have no doubt in my mind that this will be the starting point for so many wrestlers, just like it was for me!


Tenay: Dusty, tonight every major title here in WCW will be defended, we will see a brand new Television Champion crowned here tonight, and we will see a team claim the vacant Tag Team Championship! We're bringing action like only WCW can, and we're going to get started as we find out who will become the next Television champion!


Dusty: Well Eric Bischoff said the TV title was gonna be desired just like it used to be, and I can't wait! So much history, so much prestige to be had with that title, and I'm glad that Bischoff see's the value in that title, unlike some other people in this business!


WCW Television Title Final:

Rick Steiner vs Mike Sanders

- Both Sanders and Steiner make their entrances to a mediocre response from the crowd. Sanders uses his quickness to his advantage and Steiner uses his raw power and veteran skills to his advantage. Steiner capitalized on numerous Steinerlines, and Sanders did a good job selling every one of them like they might take his head off at any given moment. Sanders shocked everyone when he countered a belly to back suplex, landing on his feet. When Steiner turned around to meet him, Sanders nailed a 3.0 for the shocking win and crowned the new TV champion!


Winner and New TV Champion: Mike Sanders

Rating: D+


- Following the match, Sanders celebrates in the ring with the title, climbing up on the ropes, holding the title up to the crowd while they roar their displeasure.

Rating: D+


The Franchise's Claim

Mean Gene: I'm here with the self-proclaimed "Franchise" Shane Douglas! Tonight, you will go up against 3 other competitors and the winner will be named the #1 contender to the United States title. What strategy do you plan to use tonight against these three men, all of whom have very different styles?


Douglas: Hah! Like I'm going to share my strategy with you, Gene Okerlund! As for your little jab about being a self-proclaimed Franchise, I ought to slap you upside your bald little head! Tonight Gene, and for all of you other pukes out there, tonight is going to be about one thing - And that's me getting back to the rightful place where I belong in WCW! Ya know Gene, a while ago I put together a group called the Revolution! A group that many said was one of the best stables ever in WCW! Competing with the 4 Horsemen and the NWO! All I could do was laugh at that comparison, because the truth is, there is no comparison! I made that group everything it was, and everyone in that group was going straight to the top of WCW because of me! And what happened?!? That group decided to SCREW me and they left and went up North! When that happened Gene, where did Shane Douglas go?! I got shoved back to the undercard and pushed out of the way so guys like Hogan could resume the top spot! If you think for one second I've gotten past that, if you think for one second that I'm gonna sit back and let everyone else reap the glory, you're sadly mistaken my friend! Tonight, Jeff Jarrett, Dustin Rhodes, Animal, you're all gonna get your asses FRANCHISED!

Rating: C-


A short video clip is shown, highlighting the histories of the teams of Jindrak & O'Haire and Kronik. It also goes into their advancements in the WCW tag team tournament.

Rating: C-


Mamalukes vs Jung Dragons

- The fans continue to be extremely vocal against the Mamalukes. And while they continue to be vocal about their dislike for the team, WCW continues to push them down their throats. The Mamalukes went on to win the match when Big Vito got the pin on Yang after a jumping DDT.


Winners via Pinfall: The Mamalukes

Rating: D


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match:

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. ©

- This turned out to be a very fast-paced matchup between two workers who were very familiar with one another. The two men began the match with a handshake. Leading up to the match, both competitors proclaimed their respect for one another and how the two of them wanted to work together to rebuild the Cruiserweight division to the competition and excitement it once held. That all went downhill late in the match though. As Rey began to get an advantage, he whipped Chavo into the ropes. On the rebound, Chavo collapsed to the mat, gripping his knee and screaming in pain. Confused, Rey stops, and leans down to check on his friend Chavo. He yells out that something is hurt and Rey hurriedly yells for help. With Rey's back turned, Chavo quickly gets to his feet and rolls up Rey! With a handfull of tights, Rey tries, but cannot kick out before a 3 count! Chavo ducks out of the ring where he quickly grabs his title and clutches it to his chest, wasting no time running to the back while Rey stands in the ring in complete shock.


Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Rating: D


Ric Flair and Scott Steiner are backstage. It's unknown what they're talking about, as Flair is close in Steiner's ear, but it looks like the two may be forming a plan.

Rating: B+


WCW Tag Team Title Final:

Jindrak & O'Haire vs Kronik

- A pure, old-school, big man brawling match between these two teams. Kronik, being the babyface team, played more to the crowd and they got a decent response. This turned out to be a typical big-man tag team matchup full of many power moves. In a pretty straight-forward win, Jindrak and O'Haire captured to tag team titles after Jindrak hit a beautiful powerslam on Brian Adams.


Winners and NEW tag team champions: Jindrak & O'Haire

Rating: C


The Real Franchise

Mean Gene: Sting, tonight, you again will face Sid, and again, you are told that if you are successful in beating Sid tonight, you will FINALLY get a shot at the WCW Heavyweight title and Scott Steiner!


Sting: You know what Mean Gene?! These games, this charade by Eric Bischoff is nothing new to me. I'm gonna keep this real short and simple Gene. I will go through who I have to, I will fight anyone whenever I need to...I will not be kept from the WCW heavyweight title even if that means...Putting myself in a match.


Gene: Wait a minute! Are you saying you're going to get involved in the World Title match tonight???


Sting: I'm not saying that Gene. What I am saying, is that Scott Steiner, Sid, Diamond Dallas Page, it doesn't matter who I have to go through to get that title back, it doesn't matter who the champion is...I'm going to get it and there's - nothing - that Eric Bischoff can do about it!

Rating: B


4 Corners match for US Title #1 Contender:

Animal vs Dustin Rhodes vs Jeff Jarrett vs Shane Douglas

- The fans were a bit confused in this match because they weren't given much of a choice on who to cheer for, as Animal is technically the only face in the match. Even then, they didn't really support Animal. Dustin Rhodes got most of the babyface cheers from the crowd while they were indifferent to Animal. Douglas and Jarrett got pure heel heat. Each man took turns pairing off with another. While Rhodes and Animal were brawling on the outside, keeping the referee's attention, Jarrett took the opportunity to drill Shane Douglas with his guitar. Completely oblivious to the guitar debris in the ring, the referee counted the 3 and awarded the win to Jeff Jarrett to become the #1 contender.


Winner by pinfall and #1 Contender to the US title: Jeff Jarrett

Rating: C+


A Storm's Coming

Lance Storm is interviewed by Gene backstage before his matchup against Hugh Morrus.


Storm: Gene, if I could be serious for a minute, tonight I get the chance at becoming the United States champion again. I've held that title before Gene, and when I beat Hugh Morrus again tonight for that belt, tomorrow on Nitro I will once again declare that title the Canadian Heavyweight title. Jeff Jarrett just won the #1 contendership to the belt, but that won't deter me from capturing the title and then beating Jeff Jarrett. I have an opportunity in this new era of WCW Gene, and I'm not going to let anyone take it away.

Rating: D


WCW US Title:

Lance Storm vs Hugh Morrus ©

- These two men continued their battles from the previous months, showing they still worked fairly well together. It's thought, though, that the matches are pretty solid due to Storm's exceptional work ability combined with Hugh Morrus' effort. Morrus got what some consider to be an upset, even though he's the champion, following a Moonsault.


Winner and STILL champion: Hugh Morrus

Rating: C


Bill Goldberg vs Lex Luger

- A typical filler match by WCW actually turned out to be a really good match. Luger surprised many by his work effort and his selling. The same couldn't really be said for Goldberg though, who no-sold most of anything Luger did. The match actually lasted close to the 10 minute mark before Goldberg hit a huge spear and a picture-perfect Jackhammer for the win. Many are saying that Luger actually made this match as good as it was.


Winner by pinfall: Goldberg

Rating: C+


Sting vs Sid Vicious

- Showing a complete lack of concern for his own title match later, Scott Steiner came out for guest commentary. Sid came to the ring first, followed by Sting who had a huge crowd reaction. Sting used his quickness and Sid used his pure strength. No surprise to any, Steiner got involved in the match, distracting Sting quite a few times to allow Sid to attack. It backfired the last time though, when Steiner got up on the apron. Sid went for an attack but Sting ducked, causing Sid and Steiner to bash heads. Steiner crashed to the floor while Sid stumbled back, allowing Sting to hook him into a Scorpion Death Drop.


Winner by pinfall: Sting

Rating: B-


- Following the match, Sting celebrated. Steiner recovered quickly and jumped in the ring, attacking Sting from behind. Once Sid recovered himself, he joined in for a 2 on 1 attack. Once they were satisfied with their assault, the two men went to the back.

Rating: B


WCW World Heavyweight Title:

Diamond Dallas Page vs Scott Steiner ©

- A decent match, but not great. Page played to the crowd and did a good job getting them engaged in the match. Steiner played the heel perfectly at key points in the match. The two men used many of their same spots they've used in previous matches, harking back to their mini feud in early 1999. They were very physical and looked to be pretty stiff with one another. The finish saw Steiner retain the title after hitting a belly to belly suplex followed up with a Steiner recliner.


Winner and STILL champion: Scott Steiner

Rating: C+


- The match was over, but the show didn't seem to be. While Steiner retrieved his belt and walked around the ring exhausted, Sting dropped from the rafters. The two looked seconds away from exploding into a huge brawl when the ring flooded with officials to separate the two. Clash of the Champions faded out to Sting and Steiner grasping at one another, mere inches from getting their hands on one another.

Rating: B+


Overall Show Rating: C+


Post Clash news to follow, here's a quick Nitro card;


Pre-Show Match:

Jim Duggan vs Lance Storm


TV Title Match:

Mike Awesome vs Mike Sanders ©


Bigelow & Kanyon vs The Mamalukes


Tag Team Titles:

Jindrak & O'Haire © vs Konnan & Kidman


Goldberg vs Ernest Miller


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Ric Flair


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WCW Monday Nitro

LIVE from Chicago, IL - Attack Athletics Arena

1,000 - SELL OUT!


- Nitro goes through its typical opening with a shot of the packed crowd and their pyro. Tony, Mike, and Dusty each do their intros. Talk quickly turns to the previous nights Clash of the Champions card and the happenings around WCW since then. Many were surprised that no titles changed hands last night. The fans in the arena and those watching at home were treated to a video recap of Clash of the Champions.

Rating: B-


The Stinger Speaks!

- No sooner than the Clash of the Champions video finishes, another video comes to life on the screen; This being Sting's intro video. Sting's music blares through the PA and out comes the Stinger. The crowd roars their approval, and Sting has a determined look on his painted face.


Sting: Eric Bischoff!!!!! I've been playing your little game long enough! I've beaten everyone you've put in front of me, you've tried time and time again to stop me in my tracks; to derail me...But you've been unsuccessful!!! Eric, it's time to stop attempting something you can't control, it's time to stop holding me back from winning the WCW World title! ERICC! It's time to face reality!! And the reality is, the Stinger has lost patience! I. Want. The WCW World Title!


- Bischoff's music plays and he walks out with a microphone in hand. Bischoff climbs warily in the ring, making sure to keep his distance from Sting.


Bischoff: Sting. Stinger. Look, I know that you think you're the biggest name we have in WCW. I know you think you deserve a world title shot. I know you think you can beat Scott Steiner for the title, but you wanna talk reality? I'll be more than happy to. The reality is, Stinger, you can't beat Scott Steiner, and you can't beat him for the World title.


- The crowd boos loudly at Bischoff. He holds up his hand wanting them to quiet, but it doesn't happen.


Bischoff: I know, I know, it's a big pill to swallow. Look at you Sting, you're a 41 year old man who still paints his face up like it's Halloween. Ya see Sting, I have a quota to fill. I got into the mistake the first time I was running WCW to listen to old washed-up stars who wanting nothing more than to grasp at their last few remaining years in the business. Those who wanted to stay at the top of the company to make all the money at whatever expense! They didn't care what they ruined! All that was at my expense, at the fans' expense, at WCW's expense, and even at your expense, Stinger! Well the saying is, everything goes full circle, and here we are Stinger! You're now in the spot of all those other guys! You see your career coming to a close. You're getting up in the years, and you want nothing more than to continue being the top guy in the spotlight! You want the WCW World title! Stinger, I've got so many other guys that I want to put in the top spot here in WCW, and if you stay in that top spot, you'll do nothing but bring down WCW again, and hold back all the young guys who deserve a chance; Just like you were given! I made a promise to the backing group of Fusient media to create new stars, not continue to showcase the old ones! In short, Sting, the answer to you getting a WCW World Heavyweight title shot, is NO.


- Bischoff doesn't even give Sting a chance to respond. His music plays again, and Bischoff turns and exits the ring, only he doesn't get very far. After Bischoff turns, Sting, visibly unhappy, grabs Eric by the hair, bending him backwards. He quickly drops the President with a Scorpion Death Drop. Nitro fades to its first commercial while Sting stares down at a fallen Eric Bischoff.

Rating: B-


WCW TV Title Match:

Mike Awesome vs Mike Sanders ©

- This was a decent beginning matchup and a good first title defense by Mike Sanders. Mike Awesome looked like he might pull out the win quite a few times, using his power to his advantage. In the end, Sanders ended up hitting a 3.0 out of nowhere for the win and an impressive first title defense.


Winner and still champion: Mike Sanders

Rating C-


A Devastated Mysterio

- Rey Mysterio is interviewed backstage by Mean Gene, where he states that he's extremely upset that Chavo cheated to hold onto his title last night at the Clash. Rey attempts to plead with Chavo, saying they vowed together to rebuild the Cruiserweight division to what it used to be. Rey challenges Chavo to a return match, where he urges Chavo to play it straight and showcase their talents.

Rating: D


A Chosen Champion?

- Jeff Jarrett is backstage. He cuts a promo telling everyone that he beat everyone last night fairly to become the #1 contender to the US title. He leaves out the fact that his use of a guitar helped him win. Jarrett tells Hugh Morrus he'll fight him any time for the title, going as far as saying Morrus is nothing more than a transitional champion for him.



The Mamalukes vs Bam Bam Bigelow & Kanyon

- The Jersey duo appear to have reformed their team from a couple years ago, missing DDP to complete a Triad reformation. The Mamalukes continue to get horrible heat from the crowd; they simply can't do anything right. Despite also being a heel team, Bigelow and Kanyon got a fairly good pop when they picked up the win.


Winners by pinfall: Bigelow & Kanyon

Rating: D


WCW Tag Team Title Match:

Jindrak & O'Haire © vs Kidman & Konnan

- Seeing that Jindrak & O'Haire just picked up the previously vacant titles the night before, it was highly unlikely that they would drop the belts so quickly, let alone to a team like Konnan and Kidman. The young champs mostly dominated the Filthy Animals and O'Haire got the pin after hitting a picture perfect Seanton bomb.


Winners and STILL champions: Jindrak & O'Haire

Rating: D+


Goldberg vs Ernest Miller

- Goldberg's entrance (plus security) took 3:56. The match itself (the moment Goldberg and Miller locked up) took 2:32. The longest part of the match was when Goldberg Military Pressed Miller, walking around the ring with Miller pressed with ease. Goldberg dropped Miller from a press into a devastating powerslam. A spear and Jackhammer later, Goldberg was the winner.


Winner by pinfall: Goldberg

Rating: C-


Storm bumps into DDP

- DDP is walking through the hallway backstage. He turns the corner and see's Lance Storm. Storm laughs at DDP and makes the comment about losing the world title match last night. DDP tells Storm to put his money where his mouth is and challenges him to a match next week. Storm accepts and tells DDP he'll enjoy when he makes him lose twice in a row!

Rating: C


A concerned President

- Bischoff is backstage in his office. Sitting opposite the desk is Lex Luger. Bischoff is trying to talk Luger into wrestling Sting next week. Luger's clearly uncomfortable with the suggestion, trying to tell Bischoff he doesn't think it's a good idea. The scene fades with Luger still trying to convince Bischoff he shouldn't wrestle Sting.

Rating: C+


Main Event

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Ric Flair

- Many thought this would be a better matchup than it was. During the match, Chavo Guerrero got involved, which seemed to kill some of the momentum the match had going. Flair did a fantastic job of working Mysterio's knee throughout the match, capitalizing in the end with a Figure Four. Mysterio quickly tapped out.


Winner by submission: Ric Flair

Rating: B-


Steiner has plans of his own

- Sirens wail and out walks the world champ. Steiner gets in the ring and cuts a heel promo on the Chicago fans. Satisfied with his work, he then calls out Sting. He tells Sting that Bischoff may be the President, but Steiner's not going to back down from anyone, especially someone who wears makeup. Steiner tells Sting to come down to the ring and get beaten like the little b*tch that he is. This naturally brought out the Stinger. As soon as Sting ducked to climb in the ring, Steiner pounced, causing a huge brawl between the two to erupt. The two briefly went at it before security flooded the ring. They continued to try and get after one another while the credits rolled and Nitro closed out.

Rating: A


Post Show Match:

Lance Storm vs Jim Duggan

- Most of the crowd had already left when this matchup started. Prior to the match starting, this was played off as a Canada vs America fight. Duggan, as always, got the crowd to continually chant "USA." The finish saw Storm catch Duggan in a rolling half-crab where he tapped out.


Winner by submission: Lance Storm

Rating: D-


Overall Show: C+

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Post Clash and Nitro news and Thunder card!


WCW News and Notes


- WCW's first PPV of the new era scored a 2.18 buyrate. Officials were fairly happy with that, but many are saying they could have gotten a much better buy having Scott Steiner defend the title against Sting. Throwing DDP in the main event at the last minute was thought to confuse a lot of people, and not for the better.


- Eric Bischoff reportedly wanted to book a much larger venue for Clash of the Champions, however, his attempt was thwarted by Fusient Media. While still projecting fairly large crowds for shows, Fusient is still wary about spending large amounts of money to rent larger venues when they aren't sure they will fill the seats. It's rumored that Bischoff has been screaming at his bosses about how many fans they are actually having to turn away from the arenas.


- In a bit of an odd report; Scott Steiner has apparently been working with Mark Jindrak quite a bit behind the scenes. Steiner's been heard saying he thinks Jindrak will be a huge star and wants to help him out.


- Look for big things to come for Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire. Bischoff is said to be very high on the two of them and thinks they will lead WCW into a a new generation.


- A former WCW and WWF star should be making his return to WCW very soon, and going after a title.


- Eric Bischoff is said to be scrambling for ideas for the Mamalukes. The duo have been getting very negative reactions ever since the launch of the Fusient era. Look for a plan very soon by Bischoff to get them some positive heel heat.


- Monday Night Raw scored a 13.72 rating to Nitro's 4.17. The main event of Raw saw The Rock defeat The Undertaker. Raw continues to outshine Nitro in every aspect, and this week's Raw got rave reviews. The WWF is going full steam towards this Sunday's Royal Rumble where Kurt Angle will defend the WWF title against Kane.


This week's Thunder card:


Pre-Show Match:

The Filthy Animals vs Jung Dragons


Mike Awesome vs Dustin Rhodes


Rick Steiner vs Kwee Wee


WCW US Title Match:

Ernest Miller vs Hugh Morrus ©


??? vs Kanyon


Main Event

Diamond Dallas Page vs Ric Flair


Who is the mystery man facing Kanyon this week on Thunder?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pre-Show Match:

The Filthy Animals vs Jung Dragons


Mike Awesome vs Dustin Rhodes


Rick Steiner vs Kwee Wee


WCW US Title Match:

Ernest Miller vs Hugh Morrus ©


??? vs Kanyon

LOL, even though I have no idea I am still saying Kanyon is gonna win!


Main Event

Diamond Dallas Page vs Ric Flair

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