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DCW With A Rebel Yell


We open with Richie Riggins heading down the ramp to do battle with Roger Monteiro, the Oklahoman using his agility to evade Riggins' aggressive offense and counter with arm drags, dropkicks, and kneelkicks. Riggins would use cheap shots to get in control though, and started raking Roger's eyes repeatedly with the ropes. Richie would sustain offense but start to get cocky, heading to the top rope, but Montiero would recover, running to the ropes, springing off, DROPKICK SENDING RICHIE TO THE FLOOR! Riggins clutched his knee and referee Dewey Libertine suspended the 10 count to check on him, then went back in the ring, to keep Monteiro away while he counted. At eight Riggins made his way back in the ring, Monteiro is on the opposite apron... looking for the Eagle Chop... RIGGINS SPEARS HIM IN MIDAIR! ONE, TWO, THREE!


After the match, Riggins got to his feet, limping noticeably, but he went to his ring robe to get his brass knuckles... when The Pilgrim runs to the ring and hits him with a Plymouth Rocker! Pilgrim goes over to Monteiro and helps him up and to the back as "Rock of Ages" hits.


Next up is Skull Kid going one-on-one with Paranoia, a fast-paced rapid-fire back and forth spotfest, highlighted by Paranoia feinting a suicide dive, only to swing his body feet first, but he stops himself outside the ring by letting his legs hit the second rope... leaping to the second rope for a moonsault attack on Skull Kid! Skull Kid would answer by throwing him into a row of empty seats, before taking him back into the ring. The finish came when Skull Kid looked for the Skull Cap, but Paranoia floated over and landed in position for a Freak Out, but as he spun Skull Kid stayed on his feet, Final Cut on Paranoia! And then he picked him up for the Skull Cap for good measure and the three count.


After Skull and Paranoia left the ring, "Rock of Ages" played on the PA once again as the Classic Rock Connection headed down to the ring with Heather, followed by Testament's "Troubled Dreams" as Nomad made his own entrance. After that, "March in D Minor" played as Stately Promotions came out all in full force, with Herb Stately behind them. It was a chaotic battle between the sides, both teams making rapid tags allowing everyone to get their spots in.


At the end came the obligatory six-man indy finisher fest: The Valedictorians took out Stan Manna with the Cram Session, then Pilgrim nailed Ricky Turner with the Plymouth Rocker. Syd Collier hit a release Tiger Driver and looked for the Texas Cloverleaf, but Nomad got in and hit the Drift Shift. Zachary Ink was the legal man however, and stalked Nomad... SPEAR!


Zachary got to the corner and kissed his biceps before dropping down, stalking Nomad to finish him off with the Ink Blot...


Then Ricky Turner, who just recovered from the Plymouth Rocker, slapped Zachary on the back! Zachary is WTF as Ricky Turner waltzes in to apply a Figure Four! Nomad has nowhere to go, and he's forced to submit just before Stan Manna could dive in for the save!


The Valedictorians would do their mortarboard toss celebration and slapped skin with Herb Stately as Zachary Ink tried to confirm with his manager. Manna and Heather tried to check on Nomad, and Pilgrim was outside the ring looking disappointed...


When someone tapped him on the shoulder. Pilgrim turned around and ate a fistful of brass knuckles from Richie Riggins! Manna and Heather turned their attention to their running buddy, meanwhile Herb Stately headed out of the ring and approached Riggins as he was limping his way to the back. Stately produces his business card. Riggins looks at it for a second, then rips it in half and shoves Stately aside before dissapearing behind the curtain.


Once the ring area was cleared and the confusion settled, the wild guitars of "Living in A Whirlwind" by Warbringer signaled the arrival of Kamikaze Christian Vars, wearing a sleeveless trenchcoat and sunglasses as entrance attire over his black pleather tights. Next was "Guerrilla Radio" signalling Jared Johnson, who was in his standard ring gear, nothing fancy save for the gold belt around his waist.


The bell rings and they lock up, Jared taking the early advantage and using his technical skills to ground Vars and wear him down. Vars would manage to escape a headscissors by doing a handstand to pop out and nailed Jared with a standing dropkick. Vars exectued some rapid fire offense with kicks and running attacks, springboarding off the ropes and executing a nice rana for a nearfall. Vars keeps on the offensive and takes control until a springboard crossbody is caught into an Exploder for a two count!


Jared starts using his size now to slam and suplex Vars repeatedly, but when he goes for a back body drop off an Irish Whip, Vars jumps on his back, flips off and lands on his feed in front of Double J, and hits a double knee facebreaker! The champ kicks out at two, Vars does a flip senton into Jared's chest to keep him down, then bounds onto the top rope, SHOOTING STAR PRESS! LEG HOOKED, ONE, TWO, JARED JUST BARELY GETS HIS SHOULDER UP!


Kamikaze was fired up and sprinted to the middle of the ring, Jared gets up and Vars charges at him, but Double J catches him and alley-oops him into the conrner, then nails him with a powerbomb! One, two, Vars gets a shoulder up, Jared then applies a figure four! Vars is in big trouble... but manages not only to turn it over, but manages to get himself into a vertical base while still holding onto the leglock, then benind back and grabbing Jared's neck in a reverse chancery! PROTON LOCK! But Jared was close to the ropes, crawling to it to grab on to them.


Vars was ready for the finish, looking for the underhook DDT, but Jared lifts him up into a hotshot on the turnbuckles, then hoists him up to put him in position for the MDK... when he gets to the top rope, Vars manages to back body drop him to the floor! Jared is in perfect position with his arm facing the turnbuckle, so Vars goes to the top for the Reverse 450... but JARED GETS THE KNESS UP! Vars clutches his stomach and ends up on all fours in the middle of the ring, and Jared recovers in time to capitalize, CAROLINA CROSSFACE! Jared cranks it so it looks like Vars is about to snap in half, but Vars eventually taps out!


"Guerilla Radio" hits as Jared Johnson rolls into the corner and pulls himself up to his feet, taking the DCW Heavyweight title as it's handed to him, and Kamikaze gets up and offers a handshake to the champ, who accepts it. We close with Carl Batch wondering who will be the next to try to take the title from Jared Johnson.


Quick Match Recap:

Richie Riggins O [9:06- Spear] Roger Monteiro X

Skull Kid O [7:35- "Skull Cap"] Paranoia

Nomad X/Manna/Pilgrim [13:21- Figure Four Leglock] Ink/Turner O/Collyer

Kamikaze Christian Vars X [14:59- "Carolina Crossface"] Jared Johnson© O




Richie Riggins injured his knee at With A Rebel Yell, but he will not miss the Anniversary Show.


Carl Batch and Herb Stately have met after With A Rebel Yell, and Carl Batch is allowing Herb Stately to choose which of his clients will face Jared Johnson at the Anniversary Show. He will make the announcement next week.


DCW Anniversary Show II card:

Skulls and Leather!: Skull Kid vs Stan Manna

First Time Ever!: Kamikaze Christian Vars vs Nomad

Tag Team Attraction!: Paranoia and Roger Monteiro vs Stately Promotions Members TBA

Relaxed Rules!: The Pilgrim vs Richie Riggins

DCW Heavyweight Championship!: Stately Promotions Member TBA vs Jared Johnson ©

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Promo Roundup:


We start this time with the DCW Champion, Jared Johnson.


Jared: "The DCW's second anniversary show... will be one year from the day when I did what nobody else was able to do, and beat The Big Problem. And now Herb Stately wants to bring another one of his goons into contention for the championship. Am I worried? Of course not. Because I've already defended this title against Richie Riggins, against Nomad, against Kamikaze Christian Vars... men better than anyone in his little group. It doesn't matter how he stacks the deck. I'll end up with blackjack every time."


Fade in to the Classic Rock Connection, with Heather handing The Pilgrim an ice pack for his jaw.


Manna: "My bro Pilgrim here isn't going to be talking much, after what Richie Riggins did to him last week. Rest assured though, he fully intends to make Richie Riggins pay for that cheap shot at the Anniversary Show. Me? I'm looking to turn my own luck around. I've got Skull Kid at the Anniversary Show, and while I got nothing wrong with that Misfits-loving dude, I got to get me a win sometime, you know? So Anniversary Show, just you wait folks, because the Classic Rock Connection is going to be on a roll!"


Now we segue to Richie Riggins, who was spinning his brass knuckles around one finger.


Riggins: "Pilgrim... I don't know why you stuck you nose in matters that didn't concern you... all I know is, I didn't like that, so I busted your jaw for it. But apparently someone in DCW must hate you, punk... because now we're facing off in a relaxed rules match. That means disqualifications happen only due to interference or if one man leaves the ring with no intention of returning. And that means I am going to cripple you. Not just beat you, not just end your career... I'm going to make it so you can never walk again."


Finally we go to Stately Promotions, with Herb Stately in front, with Zachary Ink wearing a suit next to him, and the Valedictorians behind them.


Stately: "Carl Batch finally did the right thing and allowed Stately Promotions the right to challenge for the DCW Heavyweight Championship. The only problem was, which of my esteemed clients would get that title shot. Well, it was an obvious choice. There's nobody else I should pick but the cornerstone, the crown jewel of Stately Promotions and the man who will beat Jared Johnson..."


Zachary Ink smiles and adjusts his tie.


Stately: "RICKY TURNER!"


Zachary Ink's jaw drops as Stately shakes hands with Turner who steps up with Sid Collyer behind him.


Turner: "CHAMPION!"


Collyer: "Noun, from Old French!"


Turner: "ONE: A man who has defeated a series of opponents to obtain first place in a competition or league!"


Collyer: "TWO: A man who represents and defends and person or cause!"


Turner: "THREE: A regarded fighter or warrior!"


Collyer: "FOUR: Ricky Turner, the next Detroit Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Champion"


Turner: "Jared Johnson you claim to be the best wrestler in the region, well unfortunately, you are mistaken. I will educate you in who the real top wrestler in the Great Lakes area truly is. Because knowledge is power... making me stronger than you."

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DCW Anniversary Show II

The show begins with Ricky Turner and Herb Stately coming out, with a pedestal, women carrying boquets, and a man with a giant check in the ring. Stately holds the ropes open for Turner before entering behind him, getting a microphone.


Stately: "Alright everyone, it's rehearsal time. When Ricky Turner wins we need to make this celebration really special. So, bring out our stunt-Jared, please!"


Out comes Syd Collier wearing a blonde wig and an (obviously fake) replica DCW title. He gets in the ring and Ricky taps him on the chest, Syd falls down like he was blasted with a shotgun, then Ricky puts him in a figure four, Syd tapping out immediately. "March in D-Minor" plays as Ricky takes the 'belt' and stands on the pedestal, Stately throwing confetti in the air, the women handing Ricky the flowers, and as the man with the giant novelty check goes to hand it over...




The real Jared Johnson comes out now, looking bemused, with the DCW title around his waist.


Jared: "Aww, watching you guys play make believe is so adorable. What's next, you're going to play house? Which one of you will be the daddy?"


Jared unstraps the belt and holds it up.


Jared: "Meanwhile, I'm focused on reality. The reality that over the past year I have proven time and again that I am the best athlete here in DCW. You're not going to impress anybody with your silly theatricality. There's only one language I understand, only one language these people here understand. And that is action. You think you've already beaten me? Don't talk about it, don't make a fake ceremony of it. Show it."


Jared opens his arms out in a 'Come At Me Bro' stance. Ricky goes to the ring ropes but Herb grabs his shoulder.


Stately: "If you want your legs broken by Ricky Turner's figure four, you'll just have to wait for the title match. That belt is going back to Stately Promotions, and there is nothing you can ever do about it!"


Jared smirks and heads to the back, and the Stately Promotions contingent heads out through the side entrances. Meanwhile "Teenagers From Mars" would hit signalling the entrance of Skull Kid, who kicked the abandoned confetti, pedestal, and flowers out of the ring before "Jukebox Hero" signals the coming of Stan Manna, with his girlfriend Heather in tow. The two of them engaged a fast-paced back and forth battle, with Stan using his technical skill while Skull Kid kept to an aerial assault. In the end though, Skull Kid tried to hit the Skull Cap, but Stan pushed off, kick to the midsection making Skull Kid double over, then leapfrogs on Skull's back... ROCKIN ROLLER! ONE, TWO, THREE!


Next Kamikaze Christian Vars would come out to do battle with the mysterious Nomad. The two would have a back and forth high flying battle with both men taking high risk dives both in and out of the ring. Vars would look for his signature double arm DDT but Nomad would hoist him up in the air and fling him off, catching him in an STO position, then nailing the Drift Shift for the three count.


The tag team match was up next as the makeshift duo of Paranoia and Roger Monteiro would face Stately Promotions members Sid Collyer and Zachary Ink, with Herb Stately right behind them. Stately would direct traffic to keep his team in control for the vast majority of the match. However every time Zachary Ink looked for the pin or hit one of his big moves, Stately made him make way for Collyer. Zachary eventually got sick of it and blew Stately off, when he threw Paranoia into the ropes for a spear, Roger Monteiro would blind tag, and after Paranoia got the spear in the gut, here comes Monteiro... EAGLE CHOP! And an inside springboard brain chop to Collyer on the apron before Monteiro covers Ink for the three count!


Monteiro and Paranoia would celebrate their win outside the ring as Herb Stately was absolutely beside himself. He got in the ring to berate the recovering Ink, who would get up and apologize to Stately. Stately offered his hand to Ink... who shook it... then Stately sucker punched him! It didn't hurt Zachary who grabbed Stately by his collar... and Sid Collyer clubs him from behind! He pounds on Zachary as Stately cheers him on... Zachary ends up on the apron, and Stately tells Collyer to "put him in a wheelchair". Collyer gets on the apron too.... double underhooks... TIGER DRIVER OFF THE APRON TO THE FLOOR! Stately gets a microphone as Collyer proceeds to put Ink in the Texas Cloverleaf.


Stately: "YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF CRAP! This is the LAST time you fail me! You think you were important to me? That you were a key part of my interests here in DCW? Well let me tell you the truth, Zack... you were only one thing to me. You were my BITCH! I hired you to help Big Problem win the DCW title, to carry our bags, to do my errands while I collected ACTUAL talent. You aren't worthy of my management, Zack! You aren't even worthy of being in this business! Even these mutant fans knew that, that's why the booed you out of the building every time you came here! NOT EVEN YOUR OWN FAMILY LIKES YOU ZACHARY!"


Collyer lets go as EMTs arrive, and he backs off.


Stately: "Let that be a lesson to you, Ink. You're a loser and a waste of oxygen. From now on, I only associate myself with winners. Let's go Sid."


Stately and Collyer walk away to the boos of the crowd as Zach is carried to the back. Once the smoke was finally clear, it was time for the Relaxed Rules match. The Pilgrim came out first, completely eschewing his entrance gear, and not being accompanied by his tag team parter or Heather. Richie Riggins would enter next, wearing his ring robe which he took off before he even got in the ring, sliding in to start fighting with Pilgrim before referee Dewey Libertine can even ring the bell!


Riggins and Pilgrim exchanged blows to start out, Riggins getting a double leg takedown and throwing punches until Pilgrim traps his arms and headbutts Riggins making him get off. Riggins is backed into the ropes and Pilgrim hits a lariat that sends them both over the ropes and to the floor. They go back to exchanging punches at each other until Pilgrim ducks down and rams Riggins into the apron backfirst, followed by a drop toe hold into a chair! Pilgrim goes and brings Richie back in the ring, cover only gets two.


Riggins recovers and headbutts The Pilgrim, throwing him in the corner and hammering him with repeated body punches, followed by an elbow across the face and a belly to belly suplex, pulling him up by the hair for a DDT. He then sits on Pilgrim's back, applying a camel clutch. Pilgrim won't give up to the hold, and starts to break free, so Riggins gets up and executes a double knee drop to the back of the Pilgrim! He gets up to wind up for an elbow drop on the same part of the back, but Pilgrim rolls away. They get back up, and Pilgrim knocks him back with the European Uppercut! Gets behind him, big backdrop for a two count!


The fight devolves into a fistfight for the third time, Riggins resorting to a rake of the eyes before pushing Pilgrim neckfirst into the ropes, putting his leg over the back of Pilgrim's leg to choke him. It's all legal as Riggins eventually pulls Pilgrim up and hits the Body Bag, rolling outside the ring to get a table and a chair, rolling back in to hit a second Body Bag on the folded-up table, and one more on the steel chair! Pilgrim rolled in the middle of the ring clutching his neck, then Riggins applies the Rat's Smile! He kept wrenching on Pilgrim's neck but couldn't make him tap out. Riggins then sets up the table, hoisting Pilgrim up back to the ring, and gets up as well to the top rope, scooping Pilgrim onto his shoulder and adjusting to the second rope, looking for a Body Bag through the table... but Pilgrim slips out and ends up on the top turnbuckle! Riggins turns around, looking for a superplex... but Pilgrim clubs him in the ribs, adjusting his position... GRABBING RIGGINS BY THE WAIST, SUPER PLYMOUTH ROCKER THROUGH THE TABLE! ONE, TWO, THREE!


Once the ring was cleared and both Pilgrim and Riggins sauntered to the back, it was time for the DCW Heavyweight Championship match, as "March in D Minor" played once more as Ricky Turner came out with Herb Stately and Sid Collyer behind him. "Guerrilla Radio" would blast as Jared Johnson came out from the crowd, with a water bottle in one hand, and the belt around his waist. He took a sip of the water when he came out to the ring, Herb Stately tries to taunt Jared, who simply dumps the contents of his water bottle on Herb's head, Stately was in shock and stormed off to get a towel, with Sid Collyer following him.


The bell rings and Turner and Johnson lock up in the center of the ring, Turner gets Johnson in a headlock, Johnson with a go-behind, Turner counters with a hammerlock, Johnson with an elbow and a snapmare into a headscissors, Turner with the handstand and tries a dropkick, Johnson forms an X with his arms to block it and they end up in a standoff.


Both men back up to circle each other. Lock up again, in a Roman Knuckle Lock, a test of strength ends up with Turner getting the advantage, but Johnson rolls back and does a monkey flip, rolling back and sitting on Turner's stomach, putting Turner's arm and head between his legs and rolling over into a triangle choke but Turner manages to free his head and counter with a half crab, Johnson forced to get to the ropes.


Lock up a third time, Turner tries to set up a vertical suplex, Johnson kicks with his feet to force him back on his feet, looking for a neckbreaker, Turner hooks Johnson's arms for a backslide, but Johnson rolls into a flip landing on his feet again transitioning right into a Northern Lights Suplex Hold! Only a one count but Johnson managed to get a brief advantage.


Turner and Johnson deliver chops, elbows, and kicks to each other's leg. Turner catches a kick, dragon screw, Johnson gets up, catches a kick from Turner, dragon screw to Turner. Turner gets up, they both throw kicks at the same time, catching each others kick. They end up hitting each other with a punch to the face and both men go down!


Turner gets up, throws Johnson into the ropes, Jared catches himself on the ropes, Turner charges in for a lariat, but Jared pulls the ropes down and they flip over to the floor. Jared claps his hands to get the crowd fired up, runs the ropes... FLYING TOPE TO RICKY TURNER! Johnson gets back up and rolls Ricky in, jumping over the ropes and dropping an elbow, cover, one, two, kickout at two!


Ricky Turner tries to retreat to the floor but Jared chases him into the corner, Ricky with a thumb to the eye, setting up for a big backdrop suplex and a cover for only two. Ricky follows up with a butterfly suplex and going to the ropes for a leg drop across the throat for another near fall. Jared tries to answer with a backdrop suplex of his own, but Turner turns it into a headlock takeover and squeezes on Jared's head!


The champ is trapped for a good while until he can get back up to his feet, shoots Ricky off, lariat by Jared ducked, Ricky measures him up, Jared turns around... STUNNER! Jared didn't fall but he was groggy, Ricky picks his leg and trips him down, FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK! Jared has to lay on his shoulders for multiple two counts, until he starts to try to roll over Ricky Turner... and HERB STATELY RUNS BACK DOWN AND GRABS RICKY'S WRISTS TO KEEP HIM FROM TURNING OVER! The crowd booed loudly at this blatant cheating, until referee Dewey Libertine looks over and sees it, and forces Turner to break the hold!


Herb Stately would be FURIOUS and climb on the apron to berate the referee, meanwhile Jared Johnson grabs Ricky Turner, drags him down, CAROLINA CROSSFACE! RICKY TAPS OUT! But Dewey doesn't see it. Stately shoves Dewey... and Dewey clocks him in the jaw! By then though Ricky managed to use the ropes to roll himself so Jared was on his back, Dewey counts, one, two, Jared escapes and breaks the hold in the process.


Turner is favoring his shoulder and going to check his ref to try to get advice from his manager, Jared favoring his own leg... Jared manages to fight the pain and shoves Turner shoulder-first into the turnbuckles before hoisting him to the second rope, Jared going to the top for MDK... takes his time... flips over Turner, looking for the finishing powerbomb.... TURNER COUNTERS WITH A FRANKENRANA! But Turner rolls backward, grabbing Jared's leg, making a belt-on-waist motion... setting for the Figure Four... but Jared reaches up and grabs him, SMALL PACKAGE! ONE, TWO, THREE!


Ricky Turner is in shock, and so is Jared, who confirms the three with the Ref even as "Guerilla Radio" is playing. Jared grabs the DCW Heavyweight Championship and hangs onto the ropes, on one leg, holding up the belt in front of Herb Stately and the stunned Ricky Turner to close the show.


Quick Results:

Skull Kid X [5:36- "Rockin Roller"] Stan Manna O

Kamikaze Christian Vars X [6:36- "Drift Shift"] Nomad O

Paranoia/Roger Monteiro O [7:06- "Eagle Chop"] Syd Collier/Zachary Ink X

The Pilgrim O [9:45- "Super Plymouth Rocker"] Richie Riggins X

DCW Heavyweight Championship: Ricky Turner X [13:44- Small Package] Jared Johnson© O



DCW has come to terms with the release of Zachary Ink.


DCW is happy to announce the signing of prodigy "Bad Bad" Lenny Brown. As part of his deal, Lenny Brown's agent has demanded an immediate DCW Heavyweight Championship match. Jared Johnson has already accepted the title match.



Zachary Inc (aka Zachary ink) appeared on the XM Radio show "Headlock Hour" after his DCW release. He claimed that he got heat from the DCW office from day one, for what he admitted was a negative reaction to his "Hometown Hero" gimmick, but also he got into a fight with Batch over an argument about his push and role in the company. The tension got to the point where they couldn't be in the same room as each other, and that lead to his firing.


According to Zachary, this was not the first time there was tension in the locker room. He recounts the reason Richie Riggins stopped wearing his fedora was because "someone, nobody knows who, took a dump in it", and Carl Batch didn't ask questions about it. Riggins was upset, but according to Zach, they made up afterward. Another incident happened where Paranoia got into blows with Herb Stately because Stately spread rumors that Paranoia paid for his wrestling lessons with sexual favors. He noted that Batch told Stately not to do it again, and so far, there hadn't been a big fight like that since.


Zachary said he has no intention of working for or with Batch again. Carl Batch was unavailable for comment.


Lenny Brown

From: Hollywood, California

Theme Music: "Diamonds of the Sierra Leone" by Kayne West

Finishing Move: The Star Treatment (TKO)

The self-proclaimed "Hollywood Hot Property" Lenny Brown was a standout in high school in both basketball and football, being the captain of both teams at the same time. His athletic background and movie star mean he's got the potential to be a main eventer for SWF one day.


DCW Some Heads Are Gonna Roll Card:

Mystery Opponent Go!: The Pilgrim vs ???

Fly High You Crazy Diamonds: Roger Monteiro vs Kamikaze Christian Vars

Tag Team Attraction: Richie Riggins and Skull Kid vs The Valedictorians

Three Way Contender's Match: Nomad vs Stan Manna vs Paranoia

DCW Championship: Lenny Brown vs Jared Johnson©

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Mystery Opponent Go!: The Pilgrim vs ???

Fly High You Crazy Diamonds: Roger Monteiro vs Kamikaze Christian Vars

Tag Team Attraction: Richie Riggins and Skull Kid vs The Valedictorians

Three Way Contender's Match: Nomad vs Stan Manna vs Paranoia

DCW Championship: Lenny Brown vs Jared Johnson©

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Promo Package:

We start with DCW Heavyweight Champion Jared Johnson drinking a bottle of water.


Johnson: "Lenny Brown... heard about you, that you've got talent to burn. I can respect a hungry young kid like you. But to think you can just waltz in here and just... take my belt from me? Sorry kid. Maybe nobody told you this, but I've been four for four in my title defenses. And you come here and disrespect everyone else in this company by just jumping in the front of the line. I'm going to beat respect for this company into you, Lenny boy. You're my enabler... and I'm going to be your overdose."


Next up was Herb Stately with the Valedictorians.


Stately: "You know what to do boys!"


Turner: "COMEBACK!"


Collyer: "Noun, from American English circa 1815!"


Turner: "ONE: A return to former prosperity!"


Collyer: "TWO: A quick verbal or physical retort!"


Turner: "THREE: DCW Some Heads Are Gonna Roll"


Stately: "That's right! We lost ground at the Anniversary show, but that's in the past, just like that worthless piece of garbage Zachary Ink! Some Heads Are Gonna Roll, that's the future! Richie Riggins and Skull Kid are going to learn that Stately Promotions is at it's most dangerous when we have something to prove. And once we're done with them... hehehe... it's back to business, back to gold, and the DCW Championship WILL be in our camp again. BANK ON IT!"


We fade into the Classic Rock Connection with Heather by Stan Manna's side.


Manna: "After time and time of going with the flow... things are finally flowing our way. Pilgrim put down that pissed-off former Dick Tracy impersonator, and I got me a win over Skull Kid too. And now, Pilgrim is going to face... well, we don't quite know who yet... me? I get a chance for some gold. Classic Rock Connection, baby, we're heading right to the top of the charts."


Finally we go to Lenny Brown, who is standing just outside a nightclub, wearing a (faux-) Armani suit and sunglasses.


Brown: "Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth, style, and taste. Bad Bad Lenny Brown, coming to Detroit Championship Wrestling to show you all what a real superstar is like. Have to say I'm not a big fan of this city... the football sucks, the bars don't serve any fine wine, and the girls? Well, what goes for a 10 here is more like... 3 and a half back in Cali. And the food you guys eat... it's called "organic market", Detroit. Look it up, maybe you won't have as many fatasses here.


"Let's be honest here. This city is a stepping stone for me. I'm just here to keep in shape until either one of Cornell or Eisen gives my agent a ring. Hell, I'll work for that washed-up geezer Sam Strong if it gets me out of here. But I'm a patient man, pretty soon every promoter in the U.S. of A. will be begging for me. Hell, even Honey Golightly will be givin' me a call... not for wrestlin' of course, heheh... till then, Detroit... buckle in, enjoy your watered down PBRs, and get ready for the Baaaaaad Baaaad Lenny Brown Thrill Ride."

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DCW Some Heads Are Gonna Roll


We start with "Rock of Ages" playing and The Pilgrim making his way down the ring, in a much more jovial mood than in the Anniversary Show as he awaits his opponent...


"This is the end.... beautiful friend...

This is the end... my only friend, the end..."


The somber lyrics of "The End" by The Doors plays through the PA as not a man steps through the entranceway, but a 6' tall, 245 pounds of pure muscle woman, who is identified immediately by Carl Batch as Deborah Young. He says Deborah Young wanted to compete against men and DCW was the only company in America willing to let her.


The bell rings and Pilgrim seems a little hesitant, Deborah young tapping her chin and inviting Pilgrim to take the first shot. Pilgrim reluctantly throws a punch and it only snaps Deborah's head back a little, and she fires back with some punches of her own knocking Pilgrim off his feet. She picks him up throws him to the ropes, runs to the opposite ropes, and blasts him with a sick lariat that nearly takes Pilgrim's head off! Young picks him up, and puts him on her shoulders with ease to plant him with a sitout powerbomb, and the three count was absolutely academic as Young wins in record time.


Roger Monteiro would head to the ring next for his battle with the high flying Kamikaze Christian Vars. It would be the high flying back and forth battle one would expect from these two, ending when Monteiro would attempt a cross body that would meet the knees of Kamikaze, who followed up with his signature Reverse 450 for the three count.


Next was the tag team match, Richie Riggins and Skull Kid would make separate entrances. This was not a problem for the Valedictorians, who were side by side as usual, with Herb Stately leading the way. Riggins had a lot to prove though and had a lot of offense on Turner and Collyer, using his power advantage and roughhouse style, but the frequent tags of the Valedictorians eventually wore him down and Skull Kid had to take over. Despite a flurry of offense he proved to be a weak link as the more in sync duo started to dismantle him with their technical wrestling and double team offense. Riggins tagged back in and gave the Valedictorians hell but eventually their double tactics were too much and he got nailed with a Cram Session for the three count.


The Valedictorians did their mortarboard toss celebration and celebrate their win with Herb Stately. Meanwhile, Skull Kid was helping Richie Riggins to his feet... Riggins sucker punches him, then clamps on the Rat's Smile! Skull Kid taps but Riggins cranks it for a few more seconds before relenting.


Three way action was next, first fall to a finish, and the winner would get the next shot at the DCW Heavyweight Title. The wandering warrior Nomad came out first, followed by Stan Manna with his girlfriend Heather, and last but not least Paranoia. It was a chaotic affair with all three men pulling out their arsenal of high-risk offense and lots of near falls that get broken up by the third man. After Nomad nearly pinned Manna with the Drift Shift and Paranoia with the Freak Out, Nomad and Paranoia would end up going at each other until Manna slowly recovered but played possum in the corner. Nomad tried a Drift Shift but Paranoia elbowed free, got behind him and countered with the Freak Out, Nomad blocked it and pushed Paranoia off, hitting him with a single knee facebreaker on the way back... and Stan Manna ran to them, jumping off Paranoia's back, GLITTERING MAGICIAN KNEE TO NOMAD! Manna then hit the Rockin' Roller on Paranoia for the three count and the #1 contender slot!


Finally it was main event time as Lenny Brown struts down the aisle, talking on a cell phone, with a towel around his neck, wearing his Oakley shades. He's still gabbing away even as "Guerrilla Radio" blasted on the PA signalling the arrival of Jared Johnson, who as always is wearing the belt around his waist before passing it off to Dewey Libertine. The bell rang, but Lenny Brown was still gabbing on his phone. Jared was unimpressed and eventually grabbed the phone and threw it down before shoving Lenny back. "YOU DON'T DISRESPECT ME IN MY HOUSE, B----!" the champ yells and Lenny takes a swing, Jared blocks it and fires back with a series of elbows!


Lenny retreats to the floor and Jared with a suicide dive through the ropes to take him down, and raining down HAMMERFISTS on Lenny. Jared then threw him into the chairs and rolled back in the ring. Lenny took his time getting back in, picking up his shades and towel and putting them on the apron before rolling back in. Jared with a lariat and then starts working him over on the ground.


Jared has Lenny in a half crab but Lenny grabs the ropes. Jared nails him with a DDT and goes to the top rope for a moonsault but Lenny rolls away, then starts hitting a flurry of offense ending in a brainbuster. Instead of getting the cover though he toweled himself off. Jared got back up and ate a FANTASTIC dropkick! One, two, only two.


Lenny still in control, vertical suplex hoist again, this time he holds it for a good thirty seconds before dropping Jared forward face first! Lenny then works over Jared on the ground now, eventually applying a sleeper hold. Jared fights it but starts to fade, but Double J recovers and elbows Lenny off of him, shoots him off, sole butt kick to the stomach, Tiger Driver! One, two, Lenny gets free! Herb Stately heads down to ringside and Jared spots him, jawing with Stately in the corner and threatening him. Lenny however kips up and measures up Jared from behind.... charging at him..... HUGE LEAP INTO AN AVALANCHE! Jared groggily steps back to the center of the ring, Lenny Brown puts him on his shoulders, yelling "MY HOUSE NOW" before nailing him with the Star Treatment! Cover, hooks the leg, one, two, three!


"Diamonds of the Sierra Leone" plays as Herb Stately grabs the belt and enters the ring, ecstatic and brohugging Lenny! The crowd boos as Carl Batch realizes that Lenny Brown's agent must have been Stately the whole time! The Valedictorians come down the to the ring with a champagne bottle and glasses, opening the bottle and pouring drinks for the whole Stately Promotions crew! They toast the crooked victory and drink down the champagne, Jared Johnson still out cold. Lenny Brown poses over his body to close the show.


Quick Results:

The Pilgrim X [:32- Sit-Out Powerbomb] Deborah Young O

Roger Monteiro X [7:04- Reverse 450] Kamikaze Christian Vars O

Richie Riggins X /Skull Kid [10:11- "Cram Session"] Ricky Turner O/Sid Collyer

Stan Manna O [10:11- "Rockin' Roller"] Nomad/Paranoid X

DCW Heavyweight Championship: Lenny Brown O [14:40- "Star Treatment"] Jared Johnson © X


Deborah Young


Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota

Theme Music: "The End" by The Doors

Finishers: Lariat, Sit-Out Powerbomb

Deborah Young was bullied at a young age for her early growth spurt, starting her intense fitness and weightlifting regimen. A powerful rookie, she chose not to go to AAA or 5SSW in Japan, but rather to DCW to take on male competitors and break the gender barrier in pro wrestling.



DCW has come to terms with the release of The Pilgrim. We wish him the best in his future endeavors.


DCW One Bad Turn Deserves Another Card

Flight vs Power!: Kamikaze Christian Vars vs Deborah Young

Fly Boys Battle!: Roger Monteiro vs Paranoia

Tag Team Grudge Match!: Nomad and Jared Johnson vs The Valedictorians

One's A Jerk, The Other's Also Kind Of A Jerk Too!: Richie Riggins vs Skull Kid

DCW Heavyweight Title Match!: Stan Manna vs Lenny Brown ©

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Flight vs Power!: Kamikaze Christian Vars vs Deborah Young

Fly Boys Battle!: Roger Monteiro vs Paranoia

Tag Team Grudge Match!: Nomad and Jared Johnson vs The Valedictorians

One's A Jerk, The Other's Also Kind Of A Jerk Too!: Richie Riggins vs Skull Kid

DCW Heavyweight Title Match!: Stan Manna vs Lenny Brown ©

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Promo Package:


We start with Stately Promotions at what looks like a rec room decorated in festive colors, with a banner reading 'CONGRATS TO THE NEW CHAMP!'.


Stately: "Happy days are here again ladies and gentlemen! Justice has finally been served! That fraud, that pretender Jared Johnson has been exposed as the second-rate athlete he is! And now... Stately Promotions has DCW's belt once again, as it always should have been from the beginning. And we are going to keep this title, for a very long time, because there is NOBODY in DCW, NOBODY in the independent wrestling circuit, NOBODY in America, Canada, Mexico, Panama, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD! ...That can take this title away from us. Certainly not Jared Johnson... and most certainly not that dime store Neal Pert wannabe Stan Manna. BANK ON IT!"


We segue to Skull Kid behind a blank wall.


Skull Kid: "Richie Riggins... you want to be the big tough guy by beating on your own tag partner just because we lost the match. Acting like you blame me for it. But we both know that's not what's really going on. Truth is, you are an insecure little bitch. Your macho ego got deflated and you had to try to play the pissed-off alpha male. Well, I'm going to make your ego deflate again. And you won't be able to beat up on someone over it this time. All you can do is cry like the overgrown baby you are."


Next up was Deborah Young, who had a piece of paper in her hands.


Deborah: "I'm looking here at Totalextremewrestling.com's 'Hall of Immortals' list. Considered by most wrestling fans as the definitive list of legends. Role models and heroes of this sport. And I'm looking at this list... Sam Strong... Micky Starr... Rip Chord... why aren't there any women on this list? Where's Gorgon? Where's Anne Stardust? ...What am I saying... nobody in America respects women's wrestling. Between the likes Babes of Sin City and SWF, all most wrestling fans see of women in wrestling are former strippers wearing outfits a size too small for them.


"I only found out about the likes of Anne Stardust by chance. My parents and I went to Seattle for the summer, and I saw a syndicated broadcast of AAA when channel surfing at 2am. I saw strong, independent women. I found role models. I found heroes.


"People in school would see the wrestling magazines in my bookbag and tell me, 'Deborah, you're a girl. You're not supposed to like wrestling. And why would you want to be a wrestler?' I told them about Anne Stardust, and they just looked at me like I was crazy. Why? Because nobody in Minnesota knew about AAA. They didn't know about Anne Stardust. So just called me the silly girl who had silly dreams.


"That's why I'm here in DCW. I want to be for other young girls what Anne Stardust was for me. And it's this mission that will drive me, and I swear to each and every one of you, that I will be the first woman to hold a major title of a promotion that isn't women-only. I am the end of the gender barrier. The end of the glass ceiling. And beginning of a new age of pro wrestling."


Finally we go to Jared Johnson.


Johnson: "I'll be the first to admit that maybe I should have seen Herb Stately being in that Hollywood asshole's corner coming. I got taken off guard, taken by surprise. Unfortunately for me, I don't just... get a rematch. I have to either earn one, or get the champ to accept one. So I'm going to call the champion out after the match, whether it's Lenny Brown or Stan Manna, and demand a rematch for the DCW Heavyweight Title. If that doesn't work well... me and Nomad, we'll be beating down the Valedictorians, and that will be the beginning of my return to the top of the ranks. Get ready, Stately Promotions, because you're all going to enable me in due time."

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DCW One Bad Turn Deserves Another


We open our show with Kamikaze Christian Vars going on one on one with Deborah Young. Kamikaze got off to a great start with his amazing high flying offense, but he went to the air one too many times and Deborah Young caught him trying a cross body and threw him with an exploder suplex! She continued her high impact offense, until Kamikaze ducked a lariat and springboarded into a double knee! He looked for the butterfly DDT but Deborah countered by putting him in a fireperson's carry, DEATH VALLEY BOMB! She picked hip back up and flattened him with a sitout powerbomb for the three count.


Next we had Roger Monteiro and Paranoia going at it in a high flying affair, with both men taking to the air both in and out of the ring. A highlight reel moment occurred when Roger Monteiro was dropkicked to the apron, Paranoia then climbed to the top rope and leaped off to Monteiro... ASTRO SCISSORS TO THE FLOOR! Eventually the action went back in the ring, Paranoia looking for the Freak Out, but Roger flips over and hits a reverse DDT, going to the apron to hit the Eagle Chop for the three count.


The tag team match was next as the wandering warrior Nomad and the former champ Jared Johnson made their way to the ring to battle The Valedictorians, who of course had Herb Stately leading the way and giving them last minute directions. The more cohesive unit had control at first but Nomad and Johnson showed they were surprisingly in sync for a group that doesn't really talk to each other, making a big comeback. The four traded near victories, everyone hitting their signature spots, but when the Valedictorians looked for the Cram Session from Nomad they didn't see a blind tag by Jared Johnson. Jared stopped Turner's wheelbarrow lift portion of the move with a knee from behind, Nomad getting free and hitting the Drift Shift on Sid Collyer... and Jared with a German Suplex and a bridge on Ricky Turner! One, two, three!


"Guerrilla Radio" blasted as Jared Johnson flipped off the furious Herb Stately, then grabbed one of the Valedictorians' mortarboards and tossed in the air, mocking their celebration ritual, then dropped a knee on it breaking it in half!


Next up was a grudge match, Richie Riggins coming back with purpose to take on the Skull Kid. Riggins tried his usual method of gaining an early advantage by fisticuffs, but Skull Kid blocked his punches and fired back with some of his own! Skull Kid would keep on the offensive, until an Irish Whip was reversed, big back body drop by Riggins who wound up for the elbow and worked over the Skull Kid with a chinlock. Skull Kid got back to his feet, elbowing free, off the ropes but Riggins with a shoulder tackle. Riggins followed up with a full nelson slam, cover gets a two count. Riggins gets cocky and looks to go to the top rope, but Skull Kid recovers and throws him off, coming back with a flurry of dropkicks, enzuigiris, and hip tosses. Skull Kid hits a stunner for a two count then looks for the Skull Cap, but Riggins blocks it, hoists Skull Kid up and in position for a Body Bag and a three count!


And now it's main event time as Stan Manna headed out with Heather, looking fired up, looking to the camera and saying "This one's for you, Pilgrim," before entering the ring. Lenny Brown would come out next with Herb Stately behind him, Brown with the belt dangling from the front of his tights, wearing a scarf and sunglasses, Stately carrying a towel and water bottle. Brown would swivel his hips at Heather causing Manna to lose his cool and attack Brown from behind to start the match.


Manna would knock Lenny Brown to the outside and Brown would take a walk, waiting until the count of 8 to do a quick in/out to break the count. Eventually Manna would get frustrated and go out after him as Lenny was sipping his water, Lenny spits it in his face and clubs him from behind, hoisting him up into a snake eyes of sorts on the apron. He rolled Manna back in the ring and applied a headscissors, grabbing his towel from Stately to wipe himself off, then getting his cell phone to call someone as he kept the headscissors locked on. Eventually he ended the conversation and let go, following up by bouncing off the ropes, big jump into a knee drop... MISSED! Manna rolls away! Lariat by Manna! Another! Dropkick! Cover, one, two, kickout at two!


Manna would Lenny up and snap suplex him, floating over for another nearfall, then threw Lenny into the ropes for a back body drop... but Lenny would kip up as Manna went to the top, running to the corner... leaping on the second rope, then catching Manna's head with a top rope rana! Lenny would towel himself off again as Manna got up groggily... throwing Manna into the corner, LEAPING AVALANCHE! And bringing Manna into the middle of the ring on his shoulders, Star Treatment, and an academic three count.


But as soon as Lenny Brown collected the DCW Heavyweight Title...




Out came Jared Johnson with a microphone, staying at the edge of the entranceway.


Jared: "Well, got to give you credit kid, you just made one more defense than the guy I took that belt from. And you did it in pretty impressive fashion. So, that brings me to why I'm out here. I want a rematch. You can agree that I have a right to one, after all, your win over me was due to that rat bastard Herb Stately's butting in. So what do you say Lenny? You want to prove you deserve to be champion?"


Stately takes a microphone.


Stately: "NO! NO! He does NOT accept your challenge! I will not allow..."


Lenny Brown takes the mic from Stately.


Brown: "Hold on, Herb my man. I trust you to do the right thing for me... but he asked me for the rematch. So my answer..."


Stately bites his fist as Brown pauses


Brown: "Is no."


Stately becomes jubilant now, laughing at Jared Johnson.


Brown: "I already kicked your redneck ass once, and I don't need to prove anything by doing it again. In fact, my boy Herbie here, he's already got my next challenger in mind, your little hobo friend Nomad."


Stately whispers in Brown's ear, Brown looks at Stately for a moment... and nods.


Brown: "But... we got a proposition for you, Boomhauer. Instead of facing me, you have a number one contender's match... with Richie Riggins. You win, I'll face you at the next Anniversary Show after I whoop your boy Nomad. You lose? No title shot, ever. Deal?"


Johnson: "You're damn right that's a deal, YOU'RE ON!"


Brown: "And since you accepted... now my boy Herbie has a gift for you. BRING IN THE GIFT!"


Johnson turn around... and THE VALEDICTORIANS ATTACK HIM FROM THE CURTAINS! They lay a beating on Jared then double whip him into the corner, then Turner brings him in as Collyer tosses a chair to Brown, who waits for Johnson to get up before he blasts him with it! He then puts the chair around Jared's ankle, doing a snapping signal with his hands...


Stan Manna recovers now and gets up to try to stop him, Ricky Turner and Sid Collyer rush in to turn the odds... and NOMAD RUSHES DOWN TO THE RING WITH A MINIBAT! Clubbing Sid Collyer with it, now it's two on two, the Stately Promotions contingent beats a fast retreat! Jared is helped up by Stan and Nomad, bleeding from the chairshot as the show ends.


Quick Results:

Kamikaze Christian Vars X [6:12- Sit-Out Powerbomb] Deborah Young O

Roger Monteiro O [6:16- "Eagle Chop"] Paranoia X

Nomad/Jared Johnson O [10:26- German Suplex Hold] Ricky Turner X/Syd Collier

Richie Riggins O [8:05- "Body Bag"] Skull Kid

DCW Heavyweight Championship: Stan Manna X [13:53- "Star Treatment"] Lenny Brown© O


DCW The Only Winning Move card:

Open With High Flying!: Kamikaze Christian Vars vs Skull Kid

Power vs Flight Part 2!: Deborah Young vs Roger Monteiro

Tag Team Hurray!: Stan Manna and Paranoia vs The Valedictorians

Number One Contender Of Destiny!: Jared Johnson vs Richie Riggins

DCW Heavyweight Championship!: Nomad vs Lenny Brown ©

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