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It's TV negotiation time in my game, and I've reached something of an impasse. Right now Supreme TV is shown on a Late Evening slot on a Huge network (WGN America) covering America and Canada. My initial approach was to move to Prime Time on a Very Big or Huge network offering the same coverage.


However, business in Canada is tanking. The Economy is at 44 and falling, the Industry at 15 and falling. Networks of that size don't want to start showing wrestling.


I'm left with two options - re-sign for the Late Evening slot, or try for a Prime Time slot on an America-only network (MTV, ESPN, CBS, Comedy Central, TNT, USA Network, ESPN 2; America is currently 68/72 and falling).


The problem is, despite my requests to all networks going out on the same day my renewal discussions have come up on the Tuesday morning, before I book Supreme TV. Renewing is my last fallback position, but I know that if I lose this deal I might have no TV at all for next season. I'm pretty sure one of the networks will take me on... but I'm now paranoid that the networks are out to get me.


So, I'd appreciate some input from others. Should I stick with the deal I have, and try for Prime Time again next season, or should I twist and see what I can get from the other networks, knowing that I'll have to either re-book Supreme TV or end up with no American TV for three months if things go wrong.

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I've been faced with similar issues and I usually re-new my exisiting contract. I'll get a poorer choice of time slots if I get a nibble or they don't feel that putting a wrestling program on air is right at that time. I attempt to get the better time slots once the economy picks up in the markets I'm targeting. Wasn't a whole lot insight but that's how I go about trying to get better situations.
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