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WWF Monday Night Raw: From Episode 1

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The Project: This is my first diary and it starts in January 1993, the WWF is in need of some big stars, Hulkamania looks to be coming to an end with Vince looking at a new generation of wrestlers to carry the company, younger, more athletic wrestlers are getting bigger pushes than in the past and Vince looks at Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Curt Henning (Mr Perfect), Razor Ramon and Lex Luger as the future of his company. He now has launched a new tv show called Monday Night Raw and with it's global exposure it can only do good things for the wrestlers and the company, watch as he attempts to turn Raw into a household show in America and across the world.


Database info: As stated above the database begins in January 1993, i created the database myself as i see many other mods as being very unrealistic with the popularity of wrestlers, the amount of cariers for companies etc.


In Game Rules: I will keep this diary realistic to the sort of stars the WWF would sign at the time, alot of wrestlers might get extra pushes due to how they performed in real life at this time but the amount i push every wrestler will be decided on how much they improve in matches and angles.


Style: I will post the diary in induvidual shows, they will include all the angles and matches with a small write up for the matches, the length of the write up will be longer for ppv's as the matches will usually be longer on ppv's.


Info: I will post a match card before each show so any predictions or feedback on the diary is very welcomed.

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Promotion Info




Promotion Details

Owner: Vince McMahon

Based: Stamford, Connecticut



Promotion Size: International

Promotion Rank: #1


Game Info:

Mod: 1993 created mod

Start date: Week 1 January 1993



Show History:

Monday Night Raw week 1 January 1993:http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1807253&postcount=16

Monday Night Raw week 2 January 1993:http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1807654&postcount=23

Monday Night Raw week 3 January 1993:http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1808012&postcount=33

Royal Rumble January 1993:http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1808499&postcount=38

Monday Night Raw week 4 January 1993:http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1809608&postcount=46

Monday Night Raw week 1 February 1993:http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1810208&postcount=52

Monday Night Raw week 2 February 1993:http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1810701&postcount=57

Monday Night Raw week 3 February 1993:http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1811688&postcount=63

Monday Night Raw week 4 February 1993:http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1815074&postcount=69

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I will post an update every 3 months of the roster & champions to make everything easier to follow later on


WWF Champions


WWF World Heavyweight



Bret Hart

Won: October 1992


WWF Intercontinental



Shawn Michaels

Won: October 1992


WWF World Tag Team



Ted Dibiase & I.R.S.

Won: October 1992

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WWF Starting Roster




. Bam Bam Bigelow

. Barry Horowitz

. Big Boss Man

. Bob Backlund

. Bret Hart

. Brian Knobbs

. Brooklyn Brawler

. Bushwhacker Butch

. Bushwhacker Luke

. Doink the Clown

. Earthquake

. Giant Gonzales

. Hulk Hogan

. I.R.S.

. Jacques Rougeau

. Jerry Lawler

. Jerry Sags

. Jim Duggan

. Jim Powers

. Koko B. Ware

. Lex Luger

. Marty Jannetty

. Mr Perfect

. Owen Hart

. Papa Shango

. Randy Savage

. Raymond Rougeau

. Razor Ramon

. Rick Martel

. Rick Steiner

. Scott Steiner

. Shawn Michaels

. Skinner

. Tatanka

. Ted Dibiase

. The Undertaker

. Tito Santana

. Typhoon

. Virgil

. Yokozuna



. Gorilla Monsoon



. Mr. Fuji

. Bobby Heenan

. Jimmy Hart

. Miss Elizabeth

. Paul Bearer



. Vince McMahon

. Jim Ross

. Randy Savage (Occasional)


Tag Teams

. Money Inc. (Ted Dibiase & I.R.S.)

. The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon)

. The Steiner Brothers (Scott & Rick Steiner)

. The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags)

. The Bushwhackers (Butch & Luke)

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You are aware you have both Avalanche and Earthquake on the roster right? Is Avalanche a different character/person?


Thanks for noticing, this was just a typo, it was ment to be Earthquake and Typhoon but i rushed typing the roster up, i've updated the roster page with the change.


Also where is Flair?


Yeah, you're really limiting yourself without Flair. He didn't leave until the middle of February, which gives you enough time to re-sign him.


I was never a big fan of Flair's run with the WWF, also one of the challenges in this diary was to create new stars in the WWF as i don't plan on keeping Hulk Hogan for too long. I currently have Ric as unemployed so if people want the nature boy included then i'll sign him, if i do i am likely to only sign him on for around a year at most as i think once i can create a younger main event scene letting WCW have older guys like Flair and Hogan could help spice things up. If any of you are wondering about The Ultimate Warrior, at this time he was under a part time contract but was very rarely making appearances so i felt it would be stupid to have him as an active wrestler plus i don't think three minute matches are good enough from a main eventer ;), he is curently set on hiatus.

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Intrested, i'll be following, btw i agree that you should sign Flair even if it's just for a short amount of time.



Rick Martel vs Jerry 'The King' Lawler

The Steiner Brothers vs The Fabulous Rougeaus

Bob Backlund vs 'The Undefeated' Tatanka

Bret Hart vs Ted Dibiase (Champion vs Champion)

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WWF Monday Night Raw

Attendance: 8,900


Commentary team:



Vince: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night RAW! I am joined here with Jim Ross and Macho Man Randy Savage and we have a packed evening of action ahead


Jim Ross: You got that Vince, our main event will be an epic clash between Ted Dibiase and Bret Hart, champion vs champion, we are also hearing Bobby Heenan has been in the back rallying his stable in preparation for the Royal Rumble, only three weeks away guys


Randy Savage: Ooo yeah, tonight, the debut edition of Monday Night Raw i can't wait. That damn Bobby Heenan who knows what strings he will pull to get his guys into that Royal Rumble


Rick Martel vs Jerry 'The King' Lawler

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/RickMartel2.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/JerryLawler.jpg

- Lawler Gains early advantage by attacking Martel's abdomen

- Martel tries to fight back but Lawler clotheslines him to the floor

- Lawler lands a bodyslam followed by a knee drop

- 1...2 but Martel kicks out at two

- Martel manages to switch the momentum with a scoop slam

- Martel follows up with a hip toss then a drop kick

- Martel goes up top but Lawler is able to move out the way of his crossbody

- Lawler lands a belly to back suplex

- 1...2...Martel kicks out just in time

- Lawler has Martel between his legs set for a piledriver

- Martel is able to flip to flip Lawler over his head

- Martel locks in the Boston Crab

- Lawler is forced to tap out


Winner: Rick Martel in 7:46



Post Match the camera follows Rick Martel backstage, Sensational Sherri comes over to him and congratulates him on his victory, she kisses him on the cheek and then leaves


The Steiner Brothers vs The Fabulous Rougeaus

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ScottSteiner1.jpghttp://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/RickSteiner1.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/RaymondRougeau2.jpghttp://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/JacquesRougeau4.jpg

- The Rougeaus jump the Steiners as they enter the ring

- With the advantage they start kicking them to keep them down

- The match officially starts

- Raymond hits a snap backbreaker on Rick

- 1...2 Rick fights out

- Raymond tags in Jacques

- Jacques walks right into a belly to belly throw from Rick

- Scott tags in and starts dominating with clotheslines

- Scott hits a powerslam on Jacques then the Steiner Screwdriver

- 1...2...3


Winners: The Steiner Brothers



Bobby Heenan is backstage, he said he has found a challenger from his stable for the dominant Undertaker, he says Papa Shango will destroy The Undertaker if Undertaker has the balls to accept the challenge.


Bob Backlund vs Tatanka

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/BobBacklund.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ChrisChavis22.jpg

- They lock up but Tatanka gets the better in the power exchange

- Backlund attempts to lock up again, but once again is over powered

- Backlund goes to the outside, Tatanka follows only to be driven into the guadrail

- Backlund keeps control bringing Tatanka back in the ring

- Backlund locks in a head scissors but Tatanka refuses to submit

- Tatanka powers up to the crowds reaction

- Tatanka hits two shoulder blocks followed by a running DDT

- Tatanka finishes it with a tomahawk chop

- 1...2...3


Winner: Tatanka in 8:14



Razor Ramon comes to the ring to many boo's, he says the fans should respect him as he is the new hero in the WWF, he states he is better than Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogans music goes off and the crowd erupts, he runs down to the ring, he fights off the attack from Razor and manages to clothesline Razor out the ring before doing his signature poses for the fans.


Bret Hart vs Ted Dibiase

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/BretHart2.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/TedDiBiase1.jpg

- They lock up to start the match

- Dibiase whips Hart off the ropes then body checks im to the ground

- Dibiase keeps the advantage by driving Hart into the corner then facewashing him

- Dibiase takes Hart to the top rope and hits a suplex

- 1...2 Hart fights out of the pin

- Hart fights back with a suplex and then an elbow drop from the top rope

- Hart walks right into a scoop slam from Dibiase

- 1...2.. Hart kicks out again

- Dibiase misses an elbow drop this allows Bret to land a piledriver

- 1...2.. Dibiase just manages to kick out

- Hart goes for the sharpshooter but Dibiase kicks him away

- Dibiase sets up for a powerbomb but Hart victory rolls through

- 1...2...3


Winner: Bret Hart in 11:21



After the match Bobby Heenan comes on the stage, he says he has a new client who wants revenge on Bret Hart, he tells Hart to watch his back because his client wants to destroy Bret Hart and take his title.





Tooney- 3-1

Fleisch- 3-1

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I'd also like to see Flair signed. I mean, why not? He doesn't have to be the focus of the show, but is an upper mid-carder than can slide in and out of the main event as needed. Plus, he's Ric f'n Flair! An extended feud and blowoff with Mr. Perfect at WM would be fine with me.


Yeah i've had a change of heart with the Flair situation, i am trying to negotiate with him now and have several good feuds planned for him.

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Papa Shango vs Koko B. Ware

It's Koko... C'mon!


The Steiner Brothers vs The Bushwhackers

Steiners need to steamroll through the tag division. Really hoping you can find a good tag team on the heel side to work with them? Clearly right now that is Money INC. Hope to see your Tag Division get a little stronger as I am not really a fan of any other teams you have besides Steiners, Money INC and maybe Natural Disasters if built right.


Jim Duggan vs Lex Luger

Duggan is a good gatekeeper. Have your up and coming guys plow through him. Luger should have no problem doing this.


Shawn Michaels vs Mr Perfect

Hennig can afford to take a loss. Unless these two are about to start a program.

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Steiners need to steamroll through the tag division. Really hoping you can find a good tag team on the heel side to work with them? Clearly right now that is Money INC. Hope to see your Tag Division get a little stronger as I am not really a fan of any other teams you have besides Steiners, Money INC and maybe Natural Disasters if built right.


I agree, not a great tag division at the moment, i also like Money INC. and the Steiners but find it hard to book a real fued for the natural disasters when there faces might have to turn then heel. I am looking to revamp the tag division with new tag teams and hopefully one or two experienced tag teams, i do have some pretty big tag team matches planned for Wrestlemania & Summerslam so expect a better tag division by then.

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WWF Monday Night Raw

Attendance: 5,000


Commentary team:



Vince: Everyone welcome to Monday Night Raw episode two! I'm Vince McMahon joined here by Jim Ross and Macho Man Randy Savage, and you fans are in for a treat tonight


Jim Ross: You got that right Vince, i tell you i can't wait for are main event tonight, two of the best wrestlers to step in a WWF ring will go toe to toe Shawn Michaels and Mr Perfect


Randy Savage: Second that JR that main event will be electric, plus will Bobby Heenan reveal which new client wants a shot at Bret Hart? Knowing Heenan he will have a master plan up his sleeve to steal that title for his stable



Papa Shango vs Koko B. Ware

http://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r596/Bestintheworld96/b63233b9.jpg vs http://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r596/Bestintheworld96/ed3b5ec3.jpg

- Bobby Heenan escorts Papa Shango to the ring

- Heenan walks right up to Koko and pushes him to which Koko attacks Heenan

- The distraction from Hennan allows Shango to attack Koko from behind

- Shango keeps Koko grounded with many kicks

- Shango hits a sidewalk slam followed by a powerslam

- 1...2... Koko manages to kick out

- Great show of dominance from Shango

- Shango lands a shoulderbreaker

- 1...2...3


Winner: Papa Shango in 6:39



After the match The Undertaker & Paul Bearer appear on screen, Taker accepts the challenge laid down by Heenan and says at the Royal Rumble Papa Shango will rest in peace



The Steiner Brothers vs The Bushwhackers

http://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r596/Bestintheworld96/64199a92.jpghttp://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r596/Bestintheworld96/86ab4692.jpg vs http://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r596/Bestintheworld96/9f80e164.jpghttp://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r596/Bestintheworld96/5f1d3a05.jpg

- As the Steiners enter the ring the Bushwhackers attack them

- The referee rings the bell wth both Steiners hurt

- The Bushwhackers keep Scott in their corner and make frequent tags

- Luke & Butch hit a high-low tag move on Scott

- 1.. Steiner powers out at one

- Scott hits a scoop slam on Luke and makes the tag to Rick

- Rick clotheslines Butch and then hits a double suplex on both Bushwhackers

- Rick Steiner hits a flying bulldog on Luke

- 1...2...3


Winners: The Steiner Brothers



Before Lex Lugers match, Bobby Heenan does an interview hyping the dominance of Luger, he says Lex will crush Jim Duggan and then go on to win the Royal Rumble



Jim Duggan vs Lex Luger

http://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r596/Bestintheworld96/c8146c4b.jpg vs http://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r596/Bestintheworld96/535e7ffc.jpg

- Luger bursts into action with two fierce clotheslines

- He follows up with a hip toss then a cover but only gets a one count

- Luger then lands an inverted atomic drop, he then locks Duggan in a bear hug

- Duggan manages to rally the crowd and break out

- Duggan fights back with a clothesline then a side slam

- Duggan hits a three point clothesline

- 1...2... Luger powers out

- Duggan and the crowd can't believe Luger kicked out

- Luger fights back with a running forearm smash

- He then follows up with a military press slam

- Luger gets Duggan in the Torture Rack

-Duggan can't fight it and taps out


Winner: Lex Luger in 8:02



Gene Okerlund asks Razor Ramon about his interaction with Hulk Hogan last week, Razor says no one embarrasses the bad guy and that Hulk Hogan will regret the day he crossed Razor Ramon



Shawn Michaels vs Mr Perfect

http://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r596/Bestintheworld96/cae1ad46.jpg vs http://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r596/Bestintheworld96/bd481049.jpg

- Shawn Michaels comes to the ring with out Sensational Sherri

- He complains to the ref that she isn't ready, it allows Perfect to dropkick Michaels

- Perfect gets Michaels in the corner and unloads with chops and punches

- He then lands a snapmare followed by a kick to the back of his head

- 1...2 Michaels kicks out

- Perfect locks Michaels in a kneebar but Michaels makes it to the ropes

- Michaels takes advantage of the break and throws Perfect to the outside

- Michaels then lands a springboard dive onto Perfect

- They slowly make it back into the ring

- Perfect tries for a perfect plex but Michaels counters with a suplex

- Michaels lands an elbow drop off the top rope, then sets up for sweet chin music

- Perfect catches Michaels leg, spins him around and does an inside cradle

- 1...2...3


Winner: Mr Perfect in 10:59



A camera follows Shawn Michaels backstage, he finds Sherri talking to Rick Martel, he flips out and hits sweet chin music on Martel before argueing with Sensational Sherri



The camera cuts to another one in the locker room area, it shows Lex Luger and Papa Shango beating down Bret Hart to the orders of Bobby Heenan. A thrid man begins attacking Hart, the camera locks in on him and it's the returning Sid Vicious the crowd start booing as they assume he's the man coming after Bret Hart. Then the camera turns slightly left of Bobby Heenan and standing there is Ric Flair, he laughs and then woo's into the camera before Raw ends



Chuck- 3-1

Tooney- 3-1

Fleisch- 3-1

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Liking it so far... Good layout too. Easy to read, easy to follow.


The Samoan Swat Team (Samu & Fatu) vs The Steiner Brothers

The 1-2-3 Kid vs Yokozuna

Shawn Michaels vs 'The Undefeated' Tatanka (Michaels let me down last time... chance to redeem himself! :D)

Bret Hart vs Sid Vicious

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