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A New Superpower of Wrestling! (21CW)

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Now, most of you should of heard of Twenty First Century Wrestling. However, for those of you who haven't, please get in-line and prepare to be punches, because you should know. Twenty First Century Wrestling, or "21CW" is a British Promotion, located in Southern England.


The promotion has a pretty storied history, starting as a Highly Action-Oriented, they went on a downward spiral and we're at the brink of bankruptcy. Then, a Legend took over......


Jeff Nova, a UK Celebratory took control of 21CW and breathed life into the company. He used his fame to get 21st a TV Show on Wednesday's and gave the company a Makeover, adopting a more Sport's Entertainment style.


Now, everyone is grateful towards Nova for reaching down into the abyss of Bankruptcy and brought 21st back to life, but let's be honest. Jeff Nova is no wrestling expert, he did not know how to book shows.


So after going through numerous Head Booker's, Mr. Nova found me. I've only got a month to prove myself, if I do a good enough job, maybe I can become the full-time Booker of 21st?


One thing I will promise, is that 21st will exceed all of it's rivals, it will dominate the British Scene. It will crush North of the Border, it will destroy Canadian Golden Combat, it will exceed Total Championship Wrestling. And then when it's all said and done, Richard Eisen and the entire SWF will kneel before the new Superpower of Wrestling!

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I stood just outside the glorious 21CW Tower, hoping that this wasn't a dream. I slowly strolled in and marched up to Mr. Nova's Office. I approached the Gold-Plated door of Jeff Nova. I hesitantly knocked...after being told to enter, I turn the handle and push the door open.




Mr. Nova: Ah, Mr. Webb, welcome to the Nova Tower, what do you think?


Me: Pretty fancy, alot bigger then what I use to work with.


Mr. Nova: Well, feel free to get comfortable. But only if you make sure to bring your A-game, I'll be evaluating you at the end of the month. I also have some goals that I expect you to follow, I'll E-mail them to you tomorrow.


Me: Anything Else?


Mr. Nova: Not really.


Me: Ok, then.


I rose from my chair and made my way out of the office. I took the lift and headed to my Personal Office, which happened to be on the top floor. After settling in and realizing that Nova may have more money then he should, I got to work.

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Twenty First Century Wrestling Roster




Main Event



Joss Thompson - Jonathan Faust - Kevin Jones

Pit Bull Brown - Stevie Soat




Upper Mid-Card




Adam Matravers - Buff Martinez - Edward Cornell

Jack Avarez - Jay B - Leo Price






Daniel Black Francis - DJ Reason - Harry Wilson - K'lee Hawkins

Luke Cool - Nightmare - Phillip Cooper - Johnny Stones



Lower Mid-Card



Davey Celtic - Davey London

Igor Ivanoff - Ivan Ivanoff






Mister King - Nate Manchester - Stefan Raynor





Louie Peyton





Kathleen Lee - Phoebe Plumridge


Commentary Team



Steve Smith - Jeff Nova


Referee Crew



Jacob Bailey - Karl Dexter


Road Agent Team



The Steamroller

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Gearing Up..


The next few days went by quietly, as I sent out a few Negotiation Contracts and started the creation of some storylines, one of which, was going to be the 21st's "Big" storyline for many months.


I then started thinking up a card.........




Main Event




Joss Thompson vs Kevin Jones

In a Non-Title contest, Joss doesn't have to worry about his title. What he does have to worry about however, is the skilled force that is...Kevin Jones!




Leo Price vs Harry Wilson

Harry Wilson has constantly been over-shadowed by his brother, the man known as "Dark Angel". But can the U.K Champion prove that he is just as skilled as his brother?


Edward Cornell vs Jonathan Faust

Faust has become increasingly dangerous in 21CW, but can the cousin of "Rough Justice", Edward Cornell, prove himself to the world?


Adam Matravers vs Rolling Johnny Stones

Matravers has been impressive so far in 21CW, can the Show Stopper of Adam Matravers put away "Rolling" Johnny Stones?


Predictions Welcome.

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21CW Best Of British Wrestling Week 1



South UK


The show opens with a few different camera's panning around the Edgeware Hall, getting shots of the excited fans, before finally a camera rests at the announce table, where Stevie Smith and Jeff Nova are seated.


Jeff Nova: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Best of British Wrestling! I'm Jeff Nova, along with my colleague here Steve Smith and we are coming to you in Edgeware Hall!


Steve Smith: And the crowd here tonight is alive with excitement, so we had better not disappoint them, eh?

Jeff Nova: No Steve, we should not. So without further ado, let's get on to our first match. I signed someone from across the pond and I must say, this guy is certainty impressive. I think he could be a real star!




The American National Anthem hits the P.A system and a young, blonde man makes his way towards the ring, he is wearing a black T-Shirt, which is almost exclusively blank, except for a Bald Eagle on the back.


He gets into the ring and demands a Microphone from the Ring Announcer, before bringing the Mic to his lips.


Jack Avarez: Now, most of you idiots won't know me. But my name is Jack Avarez and I am from the United States of America. In-case that's not simple enough for your old brains, then allow me to explain. America is that place that was "discovered" in 1492 by "Christopher Columbus" or "Giovannie Cabboto" or "Amerigo Vespucci" or a bunch of Vikings, or whatever the hell you Europeans say.


America is also the place that kicked your snobby, arrogant asses in the American Revolution, before rescuing your pathetic country and the rest of Europe from the Axis, in World War 1 and 2, for that matter.


By this point, Avarez's heat is off the charts, with everyone in the arena turning hostile against the young man, but he only embraces it and proceeds.


Go ahead, boo me. I didn't expect any more from, the "British". Anyway, I'm here to prove my point, that the American's are superior to the British and I shall do that by winning the Twenty First Century Wrestling World Championship! But tonight, I at least get a half-decent opponent, as I am facing the Spanish born, Buff Martinez!


The crowd is still vocally abusing Jack at this point, they well and truly hate him. Buff Martinez's music hits, but instead of boo's, he get's more of a mixed reaction. Clearly the crowd want him to win, more then Jack Avarez.


Rating: 63



http://th757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/dse81/th_JackAvatar.jpg Vs. http://th386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/th_BuffMartinez.jpg


The match was pretty equal throughout, with both competitors getting a good amount of moves in. The deciding point came when Buff Martinez accidentally kicked Referee Jacob Bailey in the head. As he approached Jack, he received a Low-Blow, allowing Avarez to Re-cooperate and hit his Swinging Neckbreaker, before helping Bailey up and pinning Martinez.


Match Rating: 58



Steve Smith: And this kid Avarez picks up an impressive victory, but I wouldn't say that what he did before the match was "Impressive".


Jeff Nova: Sure, the kid's controversial, but he's got a lot of talent.

Steve Smith: Well, I can't argue with that, what a great Debut Match!



Jack is still celebrating in the Ring, when he see's Martinez starting to make it to his feet. He instantly begins setting him up for another Swinging Neckbreaker, taking a look at the crowd with a smug grin on his face before connecting.


The crowd is going crazy at this point, as they begin chants such as "Go Back Home" and "You Suck". This doesn't bother Avarez in the slightest though, as he jumps out of the ring makes his way to the back.


Steve Smith: Now that was just despicable, absolutely despicable!


Jeff Nova: I agree with you there Steve, what the hell is Jack doing?


Steve Smith: I don't know, you signed him!


Rating: 51



http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l593/codeydbw/th_JayB.jpg Vs. http://th757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/th_DJReason-1.jpg


Another pretty even match, with Jay B getting in the more powerful moves of the two. The match came to an end when Jay B tried to use a chair, which was taken by Referee Karl Dexter, but as he was disposing of it, Jay revealed a small Lead Pipe that he was hiding behind his back, smashing DJ Reason in the head with it and then throwing it from the ring, before pinning him for the 1-2-3.


Steve Smith: That Jay B is a crafty one..


Jeff Nova: Someone should let the official know!


Steve Smith: It wouldn't do any good, as you know Jeff, we do not allow matches to be restarted or reversed. The Ref's decisions are final.


Match Rating: 53



http://th757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/th_AdamMatravers.jpg Vs. http://th757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/th_JohnnyStones_alt1.jpg


The match starts out with Johnny Stones actually getting an advantage over "Mile High", but Matravers continues to fight on. The end eventually came when Johnny Stones was preparing Adam for a Super-Plex, but Matravers pushed Johnny to the canvas, connecting with the Mile High Moonsault moments later.


Match Rating: 55


Steve Smith: A great match here, from 2 great athletes.


Jeff Nova: Adam Matravers was extremely impressive there, I see him going far.




http://th757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/th_EdwardCornell_alt1jt.jpg Vs. http://th1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii535/calamarikid43/th_JonathanFaust_alt.jpg


The match itself was fairly entertaining, with Edward and Jonathan exchanging counters, with Jonathan having the slight advantage, thanks to his greater experience. The end came when Edward had Jonathan locked in a One-Legged Boston Crab, but the Assassins Guild sprinted to the ring and attack Edward, getting him the win by Disqualification.


Match Rating: 58



The Assassins Guild continue to beat down on Edward Cornell while Jonathan watches, he then grabs a Microphone from ringside and waits for the crowd to die down, before talking.


Jonathan Faust: Now Edward, there is something I have to say. Now I respect your cousin, Tommy, who is possibly the Second Greatest Wrestling in History, after me, of course.


But not you Edward, I don't respect you. You bring shame to the Cornell name. You're nothing compared to Tommy, absolutely nothing! So I'm going to put an end to you Edward, one way, or another!


Rating: 64



http://th77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/woodsmeister/Cornellverse/th_LeoPrice.jpg Vs. http://th757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jhd1/th_HarryWilson.jpg


A pretty good match, with Leo Price being able to out-wrestle Harry at most points. Wilson was able to make a come-back at one point, but was soon put away when Leo hit a Price-Check.


Match Rating: 55



Shortly after winning his match, Leo grabs a Mic and prepares to talk.

Leo Price: Now what you just saw there, that was only me warming up! I have a big announcement to make after Kevin and Joss are finished beating the crap out of each other, so don't worry everyone, I'll be back later.


Leo then smugly leaves the ring and walks up the ramp. A highlight is when he goes up to a kid, who is desperately trying to slap Leo's hand and offers a "High Five". However, as the kid tries to High Five Leo, Price moves his hand, shouts "Too Slow" and continues walking up the ramp.


Rating: 54



We cut backstage to see Kathleen Lee standing with Joss Thompson, who is holding the 21CW World Championship on his shoulder. He is also wearing the official Joss Thompson T-Shirt, available on 21CW/Shop.com


Kathleen Lee: So Joss, after the debut of Jack Avarez and his promise to take the World Title, do you feel threatened?


Joss Thompson: Of course not, he's got a long way to go, if he wants a shot at my title.


Kathleen Lee: Also, can I get your thoughts on your match tonight?


Joss Thompson: Well, it's pretty simple. Kevin Jones is going to bring it tonight, so I'm gonna have to do the same. Which means it's gonna be one hell of a show. But make sure you remember, who's the World Champion? Joss Thompson!


Joss walks off to his match, which is next!


Rating: 65



http://th757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/Bull/th_JossThompson-1.jpg Vs. http://th81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/th_KevinJones.jpg


The match of the night, Kevin and Joss put on a good performance and show the rest of 21CW how it's done. The match goes back and forth, but comes to an end when Kevin tries a DDT but Joss manages to get out of it and connect with a Clean Cutter, getting the pinfall and winning the match.


Match Rating: 60



Joss starts to celebrate, but is cut short by Leo Price's music. Leo comes out, but stays at the stage, Mic in hand.

Leo Price: As I promised all of you, I am here to make my announcement. I have gotten clearance from the New General Manager of 21CW, to face you, Joss, at Steel Cage Challenge! Needless to say, it will be in a Steel Cage match!


Also, the General Manager will remain a mystery until I beat you at Steel Cage Challenge, were he will formally introduce himself to you all. Just 3 weeks until we have a new era, get ready.


The show ends with Joss and Leo having a staredown.

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Phew, finally got the first show up. Got a few questions.


1). What do you think of the show format?


2). What did you like the most about the show?


3). What did you like the least about the show?


4). How could I Improve?





20LEgend - 1


El Super Mantis - 2


Trell - 2


March - 2

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