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A Mexican Nightmare... Redux

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A Mexican Nightmare - REDUX


So this is going to be a new version of my Mexican Nightmare dynasty. For those who don't know what that was, you can check it out at http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=510232


Now, I'm doing this for several reasons, 1) I enjoyed writing the dynasty but went in a direction that ultimately stumped me creatively 2) My BLITZed to hell diary was pointless, didn't tell a story and genuinley sucked after writing just one show 3) I need something to keep the creative juices flowing and stop me losing interest.


What this means for my 1994 WWF diary is this, no change. I will still post shows as and when I have done them and will still be toying with people on whether Bret Hart has re-signed or whether he's off at the end of the month...


Finally, this is not going to rehash ideas from the previous Mexican Nightmare as I have decided to use some different characters (some fictional, some real), and the story is going to be a little more twisted, and a little more unfriendly so, be warned, there could be the spattering of (censored) bad language, violence and scenes that some WWE fans might want to shield their vision from (oh there will be deaths). As always, the characters are used for name recognition mostly, or because the pic is pretty bad ass. This dynasty is not going to be focussing on "in ring" and is more story driven so it doesn't matter that Gronda sucks, or that the match gets an F - of course you won't know that because I won't be posting the grades.


So that's the introduction, now who the hell are the characters? Well, not everyone is getting revealed at this stage so here are the starting characters


Mexican Champion






More TBC...





More TBC...


The Main character


Ellis (yes the Left 4 Dead 2 character!)

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Hi, my names Ellis and I gotta tell ya'll about a real messed up story that happened to me back after all them flesh eating zombies wiped out half of humanity. See I was travelling with my buddy Keith down near Juarez, that's in Mexico in case ya'll aint familiar with it, when we stumbled upon a quaint little town in the desert. Figured couldn't hurt to take a look... damn was I wrong! We walked into this ricketty ol' shack, turns out this was a bar of sorts with beer and whisky, and several f**ked up sonsofbitches! We shoulda hauled our asses out at that point, but walking in that desert gives you a thirst, and my buddy Keith needed to whet his whistle as it were. Now I'm not sure what was said, or who we looked at wrong, but this big ol' boy come up to us - looked like he was made from used tank parts - well he slams his hands down on the table and you know what he says to us? Well I'm fixing to tell ya'll...



"Your kind aren't welcome here. I suggest you and your scrawny little bitch friend finish up those drinks, and get the hell out of our town, if you know what's good for you."



Well, that big bastard didn't have to tell me twice! Without hesitation I drank that beer faster than a squirrell climbing a tree! My buddy Keith on the other hand, well he wasn't as smart as me. Now people been telling us that our whole lives, how I'm the smart one and Keith's a dumbass, and well if the stupid sonbitch didn't just crack his glass straight in that big ol' hoss' head like he was nothing! That's where this nightmare begins... and it's a long ol' road to where we're at right now!


After Keith's stupidity landed him in the lock-up, I decided to see if there were any friendlier people around. That's when I stumbled across my new good friend Charly (Manson). See Charly was one of them bonafide wrasslers and he could whoop a man twice his size, but we aint at that part yet. See now this town was mad about all that wrasslin' and stuff. Folks losing their minds once a month at the big events. Held down in the market district of the town, so you could buy your groceries straight after the show! Anyway, back to Charly, he wasn't a big man, I mean he was bigger than me, but he was tiny compared to the big guy in the bar. Charly set me up with a place to stay, it wasn't much, matress on the floor, but when your used to sleeping with one eye open in a subway in case a damn zombie takes a shining to your brain, a matress in a secure... well in a shack was a welcome change!


Now you remember I just told you about Charly being one of them Wrasslin' types? Well you know me and my buddy Keith had stumbled into the middle of a god damn carnival! I mean just right round from where I was staying, there was lights, there was a party atmosphere... and there was a scary ass clown! I hate clowns. They aint natural creatures. So we partying and having fun, I'd forgotten all about my good buddy Keith! Next morning, I wake up next to some lady I didn't have a clue who she was so I got up and went down to the lock-up to see if I could get Keith out of the clink. When I got there I was met by some scary looking guys in Police Uniforms - who kinda resembled the offspring of a Boomer with my good buddy Keith's, Aunt Jemima.



"What do you want? There is no one here for you. Go away. I am the Police around these parts and I am telling you there is no one getting out today."



I pleaded with the officer to let my buddy Keith out but he said until he apologised he was staying locked up... well i can tell you now, Keith is still there 'cos he don't apologise to anyone!


Now I decided to go check out this big wrasslin show that my good friend Charly was participating in. Turns out that the Carnival last night was part of the preparation for todays big ol' show! Talk about your lucky breaks! I'd never seen a live wrasslin' event before, well unless you include watching Ma and Pa wrassle over the last chicken wing!


I took my seat in the second row, for some reason even though we were new friends, Charly couldn't get me front row because that was reserved for some guy called Lapacka or some such nonsensicle name. I later found out, he was actually called La Parka, Mexican Champion... didn't I feel stupid!

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Zeuxis versus. Rosa Negra


Well the first match pitted 2 of the ladies against each other! I'd not ever seen nothing like it before. Not since cousin Betty and cousin Bridget was fighting for the affections of the Pastor back home. The lady by the name Rosa Negra won, but I swear if she hadn't cheated the little cute one (well as cute as I could tell 'cos she had on a mask) woulda had her number.


Winner: Rosa Negra


Next up was that big ol' tank from the bar. He was wrasslin some kid in a mask, I forget his name. anyway...


Gronda versus Aguila Solitaria Jr


That kid in the mask... well he got handed a one way ticket to the emergency room. That big guy looked down at me in the crowd and pointed at one point. If I wasn't a young man with full bladder control, i think I woulda pissed my pants in fear! Anyway, the big guy who I learned was called Gronda lifted this kid in the air and slammed him down so hard, I think Haiti may have had another earthquake! He won... in case you didn't already guess.


Winner: Gronda


Hey this was Charly's match! He was telling me all about it earlier on when I saw him. He had been waiting a whole month to get his hands on this fella called Mephisto and finally it was his opportunity...


Charly Manson versus Mephisto


I didn't see much of the match as I had to move seats. That creepy ass clown from the night before had come sat next to me, and like I said, I aint no fan of clowns! When I got back to watching, I noticed Mephisto trying to cheat, but thankfully for my good friend Charly, it backfired and Charly won with a move he calls El Pozo, which looks like a painful way to break a leg.


Winner: Charly Manson


Now was time for the main event as they called it. This is when the most hated at the time, goes up against the fans favourite. I tell you something for nothing, I did not like the look of the guy people hated! I'd have given that boy a wide berth!


Espiritu versus Volador Jr.


This guy, Espirtu gave me the willies! He looked like he was in league with the Devil, and if there is one thing scarier than clowns (and zombies) it's the Devil! Now this Volador guy looked like someone I could get a beer with. Unfortunately I may haveto wait until he's out of the hospital because Espiritu must have conjured up the strength of Satan himself as he won this match.


Winner: Espiritu


Well after the show, I got to hang out with my friend Charly and some of the other guys he knew. I told them all about my buddy Keith and the zombies in other parts of the world. Turns out, they had a zombie in town too... I wasn't exactly pleased when they told me he was in the lock-up with Keith!


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Now you know I'm not one for getting flustered and what not, but I couldn't help thinking about that damn Zombie those wrasslers said they had captured. Shouldn't be capturing the living dead, shoulda put a 12 gauge up against it and blown it's f***ing head off! I came through to the kitchen area where it was smelling of something good cooking on the spit. Charly was there cooking up a storm. Now I don't know if ya'll ever met Charly but he is the last person you'd be thinking of standing there cooking... he wears white paint on his face all the time - even seen it rub off on a towel in the bathroom. Dressed like one of them gothic types you see on the Heavy Metal music videos. Scary, but like my mama always said, never judge a book by it's cover. And as I replied, "mama you can't read so what else you gonna judge that book on?" Now as I come into the kitchen Charly turns to me and says...



"Your good buddy Keith, the one they threw into jail. Says there's been some trouble with him and another inmate. Looks like he bit the other guys ear clean off!"



Now for any of ya'll who ever met Keith, he aint the most controlled of fellas. He'd punch you soon as look at you but I aint never heard of him chewing off someones ear before! I asked Charly about that Zombie they were keeping locked away in the jail house...



"Ah I wouldn't worry about that thing. It's chained to a post in the yard. The inmates are threatened with being thrown in with it if they step out of line. Keeps a tidy, well run prison system. No one wants to go one on one with a zombie!"



That may have been the case, but me and my 3 friends, Coach, Rochelle and the guy in the white suit... damn i'm always forgetting his name... well anyways, we were never 1 on 1, more like 4 on 100's but we kicked all their asses! The thought this Zombie was chained put my mind at ease a little, but still there was something niggling me in the back of my ol' head. I just would have been a little more happy if they'd just do away with the abomination.... wait a minute.... Nick, that's the other guys name. God damn!


Gonna fast forward this a bit... It was about a week later since my arrival in this city and I'd met some interesting (if not deranged) people. Now I'm not much of a party goer, before the Zombie outbreak and this town I would have much preferred sitting on my porch drinking some brewskis with a few of my closest friends, but this town seemed to be Carnival central! Seemed like every Saturday night there was some sort of festival going on. I asked Charly what was going on, and he told me that La Parka, that's the creepy sonofabitch that looks like a skeleton, had just been challenged to a wrasslin' match, or "Luchay Libray" as they called it in these parts. Was going to be happening in the town market, as always during the Carnival! I couldn't believe it. we just had a damn show only last night and here was someone asking to throw down with the Mexican Champion!


I hurried down to the market, on my way I noticed some old wrasslin... sorry Luchay Libray event posters... looked almost ancient. I told myself I'd have to ask Charly what they were about and who some of these fellas were.



The Old Poster


I took my seat next to Charly and that little cutey with the mask, her name escapes me... I just called her sweetheart. The Championship challenge was about to start. Everyone was intrigued to know who had made the challenge, even La Parka himself wasn't even sure of who his opponent was! When the person who made the challenge was revealed, the crowd were in a stunned state of shock... I personally don't have a clue what the hell was going on as this guy in a black and gold mask made his way out. All of a sudden I could hear the crowd begin to cheer! They were going crazy, whooping and clapping... I got the feeling he was a big ol' celebrity or something. La Parka looked in shock - well his eyes did anyhow. It wasn't until Charly told me his name that I remembered that poster from earlier on...




La Parka versus La Mascara



Well I couldn't hear myself think over the noise these folks were making for this fella. Charly told me he was one of the men who gave the town back to it's people. Gotta say, he didn't look like much - but holy cow could he wrassle! I thought he was going to kill that La Parka fella, but it turns out it was going to end badly for this returning hero. He had that La Parka beat, when from nowhere came the creepy looking bald fella from last nights show, Espiritu? He comes in and smashes La Mascara right in his head with a damn shovel! Now I've seen what happens when you drive a chainsaw through an undead brain eating parasite, but god damn I had never witnessed a man smash another man in the head with a shovel! The crowd fell to an eerie hush as La Parka was declared the winner. Some of La Parkas goons took La Mascara out of the ring. Not sure what they done with him...



"Let that be a warning to anyone who decides to take me on. You pay with your very life! This is no fairytale, this is the f***ing real world, and I am your emperor!"

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Well I gotta say the first couple weeks in this little town had been a real education. I'd been hanging around with wrasslers, watching the show, nearly beaten up by a big scary sonbitch, Keith was still in the lock up oh yeah, and was sick on a fury midget named Alushe... he wasn't very pleased, and he damn near knocked my testicles into my brain by charging full speed into them with his head! Now I'd been hanging out with my new good friend, Charly Manson when we were approached by some autograph hunters from the streets - here I was Ellis, from Savannah, Georgia walking around town with a bonafide celebrity wrassler! Sorry - Luchadore. Man if Charly had heard that he would knocked me 6 ways to Sunday!


Now I'd also been spending a lot of my time with Zeuxis... don't get the wrong idea and think we were romanticizing with each other, 'cos I'm a one woman man, and my heart belongs to a girl me and my buddies met called Zoey... ah... one day, when all this crazy sh*t is over, I'm fixing to ask that woman to be my wife. Anyway, back to Zeuxis, as I said we'd been relaxing, she was taking me to all the cool places, like this old house near the outskirts of town, where she told me a story about this group of renegades who used to call this place home. She also showed me the house on the hill where that La Parka fella was staying. Man it looked nice. One day me and Zoey are gonna get us a house just like it... Listen to me going on like a love struck puppy.


After me and Zeuxis had finished hanging out and her showing me the sights, I decided to take a walk through the town. I was minding my own business when I was approached by this little guy. I don't rightly remember his name but he was tiny - reminded me of one of those jockeys that we had to fight off when we were up against all those damn zombies. Well he comes up to me and says...



"Hey! You know me? If you know me, you move your big ass out the way. There is nobody who f**ks with Jerrito Estrada so you move it, before you lose it."



Aint never been threatened by an angry "little person" before. Usually they're all smiles and doing flips and sh*t so this was a big ol' change from what I was used to. I apologised to the little fella, and gave him a little pat on the head to show no hard feelings. That's when it turned ugly. That little b*****d damn well knocked me to the ground and beat the living crap outta me! Dunno how long I was out for, but I remember being in this crazy upside down world where nothing at all made any sense to me!





I'm not sure what the hell this was all about but there was a Rabbitt and a that scary ass bald guy having a wrasslin' match inside a wooden cage. I found myself the only person in the crowd, but there were cheers and claps coming from everywhere... god damn if that rabbitt didn't kick that evil looking sonbitches ass! Little white pinned him clean. Then he turned around to me and started spouting off some nonsense... I forget what it was he said, but it seemed profound at the time.


Now the next bout up really confused the bejeezus out of me because I aint got no clue why two of my buddies would be fighting like this!



Keith was getting his ass whipped by Charly! I tried to get in the middle of them, but everytime I took a step closer, it seemed like everything moved with me! No matter how many steps I took I was getting nowhere. This match finally ended when Charly tied Keith up in his leg move thing and Keith started to cry like he did whenever I'd take the last hotdog! He could be a crybaby bitch at times.



Now here we had the match that made me question everything about myself, Ellis. In the one corner we had Zeuxis and in the other corner we got the love of my life, Zoey. I don't want these girls to fight over me! Hell i already made my decision long ago so why they gotta fight? Zoey won the match with Zeuxis getting in very little. After the match I embraced Zoey... but as I pulled away to look in her eyes I was confronted with...



"Ah you're awake. You really pissed off Jerrito my man."



Well I aint proud, but I went and screamed like a little girl, punched that clown hard in the face and stumbled my ass up! I woulda ran but my legs were like jelly. That little b*****d had done a number on me alright. Left me for the damn clowns and other assorted abominations. Wait until I get hold of him... I don't think I'm gonna be Mr Nice Ellis. No sir, I'm gonna hang that little s**t up by his damn neck!


(Yeah... I done a dream sequence event... sue me haha!)

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  • 4 weeks later...




Now I aint one to judge others and get all bent out of shape, but it had been several days since that little Jerrito bastard knocked me on my ass and I was still madder than a racoon with rabies. My new friend Charly said I should probably just let it go, what with Jerrito being good buddies with that La Parka fella and that big ol' mother Gronda. Well I'm not suicidal, Oh no - that's why whenever one of those Tank zombie things would come along, I'd run off and hide and let the others take care of it. I love life. Still, I wanted payback on that little sonofabitch, and I was going to get it one way or another.


Me and Charly decided to go down into town as he had to run some errands, and I just wanted to get out and see what else this little town had to offer. I mean I hadn't had fried chicken since I got here and I was hankering after a good ol' protion of it. Turns out the only place to get chicken was a little shack just down from where they hold all them Lucha Libray shows... and when Charly said they were fresh, he wasn't kidding! This ol' lady with the scariest looking face I'd ever seen stood there and asked me to pick a chicken, problem was these critters were all still flapping and making noise! Now I'm not stupid, I know where fried chicken comes from and I love it, but I don't wanna see the masacre before the meal! I just turned around and headed back towards the town center. That's when I met that Jerrito, Gronda & that scary ass clown.



"Hey you! Skinny little redneck. How'd you like the beating this "little" motherf***er gave you last week? Well hope you enjoyed it because after what you did to my friend here [pointing at that scary clown] you're fixing to get another one. This time you won't be getting up from it!



Well I don't know why, but my mouth just started saying things that i had no control over! I told that plumb little goth oompa loompa to take his oversized head and shove it up that scary clowns ass... then I ran like a coward! See when Zombies is chasing you, you can turn around an' shoot them and no one blinks an eye - the same can't be said for those who still breath on their own! When I eventually got up the nerve to look back I couldn't see none of those freaks of nature still chasing me so I headed to Charly's.


I eventually made it back to Charly's - making sure I wasn't seen by no one just in case, and when I got there I explained to him about all the goings on and how that Jerrito had got the better of me again. Charly came up with an idea in which to get that little psycho back... he said he'd train me in the basics of that Luchay Libray he was good at. "Weeeeeell no thank you Charly boy" I responded. "Aint getting me anywhere near that god damn wrasslin ring!" Charly started telling me a story about a guy by the name "Autoridad" who like me and my buddy Keith, just turned up outta nowhere and ended up being a major celebrity in this here towns history. He was trained in the art of Luchay Libray by his good friend, La Mascara (you know, the guy who got his head beat in with a shovel a few weeks back). Now this here Autoridad set up a group known as "La Pesadilla Triad" with 2 of his friends, a guy named Extrano and a guy - well I don't rightly remember his name. Alongside a couple more folk they drove their one time friends, and subsequent turncoats El Sagrado and Goddess right outta town. Now I like a story as much as the next fella but an untrained "Average Joe" becoming a town legend? Well it was a bit much for me to swallow.


Now back on to the here and now - well the then and there - I gotta say I was still a bit ashamed of myself for running away like a coward from those guys. I mean I've fought Jockeys, i fought Boomers - hell I even once shot down a Charger all by myself - but I couldn't stand up to three human beings (regardless of their sideshow qualities). I had to redeem myself somehow, just had to figure it out. I didn't get much sleep that night due to some more weird ass dreams abotu rabbits and what not so I was a bit cranky the next morning when I got up. Charly came up to me with some news...



"Looks like they've let you're friend Keith out of the Jailhouse. Turns out he's more trouble than he's worth. Went right up to that Zombie and jammed the end of his toothbrush right in it's eye! None of the guards want to be responsible for that sort of crazy sh*t so have decided to just let him out!"



Well damn that is some great news! Now me and my buddy Keith can get the hell out of this town and I won't have to worry about that little b*****d Jerrito! Oh thank the Lord! I made up my mind to go meet Keith from the prison. Figured he could do with seeing a familiar face and everything.



"Woo-hee! Ellis you little b*tch-ass motherf***er! I tell you what it was hotter than Satans nutsack in that god damn jail cell. Got me all worked up and crazy like never before! Now I know you've gone heard some things 'bout me and what I may or may not have done in there... well they are all lies. That damn Zombie stole my pudding and I had to teach him a goddamn lesson. Pudding theft is not an acceptable social interaction!"



As we both headed into town I told Keith about all the happenings that...er... had happened including my run in with Jerrito and his Sideshow friends. I maybe think that was a stupid thing to do because now Keith was all bent out of shape. I could see in his eyes, things were about to pick up in this lil' ol' Mexican town!


(sorry just a quick one for now)

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