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WWF 1994: The New Generation

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I had planned a big story for why I took over as Booker of the WWF but in leiu of that here is the roster as of Monday July 1 1994.




Main Eventer:

Bam Bam Bigelow

Bret Hart


Jerry Lawler

Lex Luger

Randy Savage

Shawn Michaels


The Barbarian

The Undertaker



Upper Midcard:

Billy Gunn

Bob Backlund



Jeff Jarrett

Jim Neidhart

Johnny Polo

Nikolai Volkoff

Owen Hart

Ricky Morton

Sparky Plugg




123 Kid

Adam Bomb

Bart Gunn



Duke Droese


Jacques Rougeau

JW Storm





Rick Martel

Robert Gibson


Tom Pritchard



Lower Midcard:

BArry Horowitz

Bastien Booger

Jim Powers

Jimmy Del Ray

Mike Sharpe

PJ Walker

Steven Dunn

The Black Phantom

Timothy Well




Abe Schwartz

Barry Hardy

Chris Kanyon

Duane Gill

Mike MAraldo

Rich Myers


Enhancement Talent:

Jeff Hardy

Matt Hardy

Scott Taylor

Tony Devito


Womans Division:

Alundra Blayze

Luna Vachon



Jim Cornette

Lou Albano

Paul Bearer

Ted Dibiase

Harvey Wippleman


Mr Fuji


Week 1 Preview



Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon

Lex Luger/Tatanka vs Yokozuna/Crush

Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels




123 Kid vs Rick Martel

Chris KAnyon vs PJ Walker

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage


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Week 1 Preview



Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon

Lex Luger/Tatanka vs Yokozuna/Crush

Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels




123 Kid vs Rick Martel

Chris Kanyon vs PJ Walker

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage


Savage on Superstars :eek:

Yes Savage on superstars doesnt happen often but when it does it s a big deal.

Week 1 Preview



Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon

Lex Luger/Tatanka vs Yokozuna/Crush

Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels




123 Kid vs Rick Martel

Chris Kanyon vs PJ Walker

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage


Week 1 Preview



Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon

Lex Luger/Tatanka vs Yokozuna/Crush

Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels



123 Kid vs Rick Martel

Chris KAnyon vs PJ Walker

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage


Raw! will be posted in the next 24 hours. Also the winners of the prediction will each get to create their own team to compete in the Survivor Series Wildcard Match so get to picking!!!!!

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Week 1 July 1994

The Palestra

Philadelphia Pensylvania

Tri State USA


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Fatu.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Samu2.jpg vs http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/RickyMorton4.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/WWF%2094/RobertGibson4.jpg

PS1 Headshrinkers def R'N'R Express C+

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,

The Headshrinkers defeated Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson in 12:55 when

Fatu defeated Robert Gibson by pinfall with a Double diving headbutt.



PS2 Johnny Polo came out and told the how he ammased his fortunes in

spite of his miserable family and how he would do anything to keep his

fortunes so he wouldnt have to slum like the people of Philladelphia.

Johnny Polo Promo C


<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/R0b4it5PmX4" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>



Vince Mcmahon: Welcome everyone to MONDAY NIGHT RAW!!!


Jim Ross: What a night we have in store for you all tonight in the main

event we will have former Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels goes

one on one with current WWF World Champion Bret Hart.


Vince Mcmahon: Boy what a contest that will be.


Jim Ross: But first we have Owen Hart squaring off against Razor Ramon.


Vince Mcmahon: Take it away Fink!!!


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/OwenHart19.jpg vs http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/RazorRamon.jpg

Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon

Thee two men fought valiantly with neither man getting an upper hand.

The match went nearly 15 minutes before the pendulum began to swing in

the bad guys favor. The match appeared to be coming to a close as

Razor began to enter his patented series of moves leading to the

Razor's Edge. After hitting the Fallaway Slam the Bad Guy signaled for

the Razor's Edge as he set Owen up for his finisher Diesel appeared from

behind the curtain. That caused Razor to drop Owen and to ropes nearest

Diesel where the two entered a shouting contest during that moment Owen

Hart was able to roll up Razor for the 1.....2.....Kickup. After the

kickup both men returned to their feet at that moment diesel got up on

the ring apron, Razor made the mistake of turning his attention back to

Diesel which gave Owen the opportunity to follow up with the hig knee

sending Razor into the ref. With the ref Diesel entered the ring picked

Razor up by the back of his neck and applied the Jacknife with that

Owen took the opportunity to apply the sharpshooter as Diesel exited

the ring he woke the referee who turned back to the action to find an

unconscious Razor Ramon locked in the Sharpshooter, the REf had no

choice but to call fopr the bell and award the contest to Owen Hart.

Owen Hart def Razor Ramon B+


Vince Mcmahon: What kind of champion is Diesel resorting to those kind

of illegal tactics.


Jim Ross: Razor had the match well in hand before Diesel came out.


Vince Mcmahon: Champions are supposed to be people you look up too.



With that the recognizable strains of Pomp and Cirsumstance begin to

play over the PA as The MAcho MAn Randy Savage makes his way towards

ringside. Once inside the ring he gets a microphone from Howard Finkel.


Randy Savage: OH YEAH!!!!!!! I've been sitting at home waiting for

this opportunity....Shawn Michaels you are a dog YEAH! You stick your

nose in everyone elses business why are you afraid to do things for

yourself you walk around like you ar eht e amn YEAH! You try to be

something you are not you are the Future of The WWF but the only thing

you are now is rat you run around were you dont are a former

Intercontinental Champion but so is the MAcho MAn Yeah! This month the

WWF is putting on a little shindig called In Your House and The MAcho

Man is gonna teach you a lesson in respect!! The question do you have

the fortitude to meet me one on one!!!!!

Randy Savage challenges Shawn Michaels B+


Vince Mcmahon: Wow can you believe it The MAcho Man lays out the

challenge for Shawn Michaels the question is will he acccept.


Jim Ross: I dont know if HBK will stand a chance against the former 3

time WWF Champion but I know Shawn Michaels is capable of almost



Vince McMahon: Lets talk about the next time WWF goes to PPV when we

present WWF In Your House live from the Carrier Dome in Syracuse New

York. Get your tickets at the box office or by calling 1-900-909-9900

option 7.


Jim Ross: If you cant be there live don't forget to call your local

cable or satellite provider an order WWF In Your House.


<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QxafIhYFOr0" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>




As we return from commercials we find the lights off as a very familiar

sound is heard throughout the Palestra as the unmistakable bell tolls

signalling the arrival of The Undertaker along with Ted Dibiase.

Once they entered the ring Dibiase reached into his pocket and produced

a microphone.


Dibiase:What you see before is proof of the power of the almighty

dollar. For I the richest man in WWF has managed to convince even this

man before you that some mystical urn is not as powerful as what I have

in abundance.*reaches into coat and pulls out a wad of cash* This right

here is more important than anything else and this man right here is

more powerful than any man in the WWF. I don't care what Paul Bearer has

to say about anything this is the One And Only Undertaker the man from

Death Valley. And now now he like everyone else is powered by the green

just like you and you *points around the crowd* And with this man I

will Rule the WWF forever!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!


The Undertaker: REST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


With that the Undertaker and TEd Dibiase leave the ringside area.

Undertaker and Ted Dibiase cut a promo B


Jim Ross: Every time I see those two men together I loose my respect

for The Undertaker.


Vince McMahon: If you believe Paul Bearer that is not the real



Jim Ross: I Hope hes right Vince.


Vince McMahon: Lets send it back to the Fink for our next contest.


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Tatanka2.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/LexLuger2.jpg vs http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/CrushPaint.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Yokozuna.jpg

Tatanka/Lex Luger vs Yokozuna/Crush

Tatanka and Lex Luger were able to keep Crush isolated in their corner

for almost the entire duration of the contest. It wasnt until Ted

Dibiase made his way to ringside that the momentum begin to shift

towards Crush and Yokozuna. As Ted made his way towards the ring it

caused Tatanka and Luger to loose focus on the match at hand. As they

both went towards Dibiase and the aisle it allowed Crush enough time to

get to his feet and crash into both men from behind with a double

clothesline. AS all three men slowly got to their feet it allowed Crush

enough time to get to his corner and tag in Yokozuna after Yoko got in

he delivered a Belly to Belly Suplex to both men after picking up Luger

and crushing him a sidekick Tatanka was escorted back to his corner by

the referee. While on the apron trying to rally the crowd behind Luger,

Dibiase climbed the ring apron and got right in Tatanka's face while

flashing a giant wad of cash and telling Tatanka he has more money than

his entire tribe. Meanwhile inside the ring Crush enters the ring to

deliver a Heart Punch to Luger he then positions Luger as Yokozuna

ascends the second rope to deliver the Bonzai Drop for the

1.......2........Tatanka enters the ring to break up the fall but is

just too late as the referee's hand comes down for the......3. AS the

match ends and Jim Cornette and Mr. Fuji celebrate with Crush and

Yokozuna, Ted Dibiase makes his exit laughing all the way up the aisle.

Inside the ring Tatanka attempts to help Luger to his feet however he

is brushed off as Luger says you were too busy counting your money with

Dibiase to help me win I DOnt Need or Want You Help NOW!!!!!! Luger

limps to the locker while Tatanka gives chase trying to explain the


Crush/Yokozuna def Lex Luger/Tatanka B-


<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7VvvAp-2v4o" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>



WE return from commercial to find Bret Hart inside the ring with a



Bret Hart:This last week has been a really hard one for me. I spent the

week at home with my family in Calgary, I spent alot of time going

through the family albums and it mad me so angry to think that I let my

brother bully me into wrestling him one on one at Wrestlemania and now

he has spent the last few months trying to get me too give him a title

match and I promise right now that Owen................YOU WILL NEVER


the week wore on I decided that no matter what happens I will never

ever wrestle a member of my own family one on one again. *Bret takes

the title belt off his waist and lays it on the ground* No Title is

Worth Destroying A Family. I will vacate this title before I let myself

wrestle my own flesh and blood. I PROMISE IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO



Bret Hart cuts a promo B+


With that the Hitman hands the microphone back to Howard Finkel and he

begins stretching as The Fink introduces his opponent.


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/ShawnMichaels4.jpg vs http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BretHart6.jpg

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart

After nearly 20 minutes of the two trading holds with neither man gaining the upper hand for an substantial length of time it appeared that neither man would be able to win the contest during the time left on the telecast. HBK sensed opportunity and attempted to send Bret to the floor to gain a little time to regain his composure however Bret had other ideas as he reversed the attempt and caught Shawn coming off the rope with a side backbreaker. Bret then ascended the turnbuckle to deliver his patented elbow drop but Shawn was able to regain his composure enough to get to his knees where he pushed the referee into the ropes sending Bret tumbling to the canvas below. Shawn grabbed Bret by the hair and brought him to his feet he felt the time was now to strike and tried to send Bret across the ring to the other corner however Bret was able to revers the Irish Whip and send Shawn into the corner Bret then went into a charge and followed Shawn however Shawn had the intent of ending the contest with the Sweet Chin Music however as he threw the leg into the air Bret was able to think quickly enough to grab Shawn's foot and drive him to the canvas with a double keg takedown he dragged Shawn away from the ropes and applied the Sharpshooter with the referee in perfect position Shawn had no choice but to submit.

Bret Hart def Shawn Michaels A

Show Rating:B+







http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/123Kid.jpg def http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/WWF%2094/RickMartel6.png

123 Kid def Rick Martel C+

A hard fought bout that ended with The Kid hitting the 123 Kick to score the pinfall over the cagey veteran.




Jeff Jarrett came out and delivered a promo on his merit as a country music superstar and promised to bring all his gold records to the ring with him one day and show the world he was bigger than Elvis.

Jeff Jarrett Promo C




Bob Backlund came out to deliver a promo. He spoke of history as a WWF Champion and promised his time would come again and he would how all of the young whippersnappers what the most intellectual superstar in the WWF was all about.

Bob Backlund cut a promo C


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/ChrisKanyon4.jpg def http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/JustinCredible3.jpg

Chris Kanyon def PJ Walker E+

In a contest that was basically a popcorn break for the fans in attendance those that stayed were treated to a decent match by two of wrestling's young stars that saw Kanyon win with the Northern Lights Suplex.




After the last match Owen Hart made his entrance to the ring to cut a promo.


Owen: Bret you say you will heal the family well what you dont understand is that the family is just fine the problem is YOU!!!!! You say you will nevetr wrestle your own family and that youd rather vacate your title than fight me. Well Ill tell you Bret that the time will come where you havbe to put up or shut up cuz the fact of the matter is that I will take the WWF Championship from either by you chickening out and handing the belty to me or because I beat you again just like I did at Wrestlemania X.

Owen Hart promises to win WWF Title B+


Shawn Michaels joined on commentary for the main event were he accepted the challenge made by Randy Savage on RAW!.


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/RandySavage7.jpg draw http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BamBamBigelow.jpg

Randy Savage draw Bam Bam Bigelow B

Both men fought extremely hard in a back and forth brawl with neither man controlling the action. The finish saw Randy Hit Bam Bam with a clothesline that sent both men to the outside. They proceeded to continue brawling all the way back up the aisle meanwhile inside the ring the referee continued to count as both men continued brawling the referee reached with neither man showing any interest to take the match back to the ring. The show went off the air with agents pulling the two men apart.

Show Rating: B-

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The first week under new head booker saw several changes to the WWF this is reflected by several WWF talents being shwon the door and wished well in their future endeavours.


Barry Horowitz

Bastien Booger

Duane Gill

Harvey Wippleman

JW Storm

Timothy Well

Steven Dunn

Vince Russo


The backstage staff saw several new faces at theis weeks tv taping.

Ernie Ladd

Tommy Young

Greg Gagne

Fritz Von Erich

Don Muraco

David Manning

Dick Woerlhe

Gabe Sapolsky

Larry MAtysik

Kevin Von Erich

Nikita Koloff

Ray Stevens


WWF also signed PPV agreements with Rogers TV in Canada and Sky PerfecTV in GReat Britain and other areas in Europe.


Several talnet and staff signed new fully exclusive contracts with the WWF cheif amongst them

Sgt Slaughter

Jeff and Matt Hardy

Chris Kanyon

Nikolai Volkoff

The Black Phantom


bruce Pritchard

Scott Taylor

Danny Davis

Tom Pritchard


Rumour has it Several on screen talents have been signed from all around the world look for them debut in the near future.




Rumour section


WWF has reached out to several under non-exclusive contracts chief among them Diamond Dallas PAge and Cactus Jack it is unknown at this time whether or not they have signed with the WWF or will remain in WCW.


WWF has reportedly signed several huge names on the independant from both Mexico and Japan.


El Hijo Del Santo was said to have delivered a farewell adress in each city he wrestled in this week.


Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho have been pulled from all future bookings what could this It is the opinion of the PWI staff that these two men could have been snapped up by one of the big two.


WWF plans going forward have a new match for the WWF headlining the In Your HOuse PPV in Syracuse. The rumour going around the wire is it will be some type of muli man match either a Four Way type of macth or a Three Way style macth either one would be a welcome addition to the WWF to get them out of there singles and tag rutt and give them some new blood in terms of available matches.


Thats all for this week check your mailboxes for nexts week issue.


Week two preview


Lex Luger vs Debuting Wrestler

Tatanka vs Debuting Wrestler

Bret Hart/Razor Ramon/Randy Savage vs Diesel/Shawn Michaels/Owen Hart

I will say that one of the debuting wrestlers will loose their contest not gonna say which but keep that in mind




123 Kid vs Hakushi

Bob Backlund vs Dory Funk

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Marty Jannetty

Prediction Contest Standings After Week 1

Congratulations to Michigan Hero for getting the only perfect score of an entire show going 3/3 on Raw!

1.Michigan Hero 5pts

2.Rockambiton 4pts

3.Greg 4pts

4.Togg 3pts

5.Jaysin 3pts

Remember top two spts get to make their own team in the survivor series wildcard match.

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Week two preview


Lex Luger vs Debuting Wrestler

Tatanka vs Debuting Wrestler

Bret Hart/Razor Ramon/Randy Savage vs Diesel/Shawn Michaels/Owen Hart

I will say that one of the debuting wrestlers will loose their contest not gonna say which but keep that in mind



123 Kid vs Hakushi

Bob Backlund vs Dory Funk

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Marty Jannetty

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Trump Plaza

Atlantic City New Jersey

Tri State USA


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Yokozuna.jpg vs http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Virgil.jpg

PS1: Yokozuna vs Virgil 10mins C-

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Yokozuna

defeated Virgil in 8:26 by pinfall with a Bonzai Drop.



PS2: Johnny Polo came out and discussed the new product he invented his

money and cant wait to tell the world all about because this idea is

the next big thing!!!!

Johnny Polo Promo C


<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/R0b4it5PmX4" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>




Vince McMahon: Welcome everyone to Monday Night RAW!!!!!!


Jim Ross: Tonight we have a great card in store for all you fans

including the debut of two new superstars here in the WWF and I promise

they will do everything they can to make an impact.


With that a familiar song begins to play


<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/nBOZQGa5nbQ" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="100" width="420"></iframe>


Vince McMahon: Is That who I think it is.


Jim Ross: Can it be anyone else.


And with out from behind the curtain struts the one and only Mr.

Perfect. He makes his way to the announce table.




Mr Perfect: Wow its good to be back on TV its too bad I have too be

here with you too less than perfect people.


Vince McMahon:What are you doing back here in the WWF.


Mr. Perfect: Well the answer too that is simple. I sat at home last

week watching Monday Night Raw and heard the things, you folks were

saying about some fine upstanding citizens like Diesel and decided this

announce team could use some Perfection so I picked up the phone and

called the new WWF President and asked to be put on the RAW! announce

team I even got a friend a job on the superstars team that show is in

for a rude awakening!


Jim Ross: What a minute new WWF President?


Vince McMahon: No one has informed us of a new president.


Mr. Perfect: Well I guess not as informed as Mr. Perfect is huh.


Vince McMahon: Were not done with this discussion but we have a match

to get too.


With that Lex Luger made his towards the ring for his match. After he

entered the ring he waited for his opponent when a new song played over

the PA


<iframe width="420" height="100" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RoX48UmHZ3w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


With that from behind the curtain came The Natural Barry Windham!



http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/LexLuger2.jpg vs http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BarryWindham.jpg

Lex Luger vs Barry Windham

The tow veterans fought back and forth with neiher man gaining the

upper hand. That is until Ted Dibiase made his way to ringside. He

walked down with a giant wad of cash in his hand as he always does when

he got to ringside he took a seat with the timekeeper. Inside the ring

Luger began to take the upper hand, he even tried to Windham up for the

Torture Rack however Dibiase got up on the ring apron, once there Luger

dropped Windham beofer sinching on the hold to approach Dibiase, He got

over and began berating Dibiase for interfering, well the two argued on

the apron Windham got too his feet he attempted to give Luger a

clothesline however as he approached Dibiase pushed Luger out of the

way Windham had just enought time to put on the brakes before crashing

into Dibiase. During that time Luger got too his feet and began a full

charge at Windham who turned around just in time to catch the Running

Forearm from Luger who then pinned him for the 1....2.....3. As Luger

left the ring Dibiase got in the ring and as his old custom stucjk a

hundred dollar bill not in to the mouth but into the tights of Windham.

Lex Luger def Barry Windham C+


After Windham had made his way backstage Dibiase got in the ring and

grabbed the mic.




Dibiase: LAst week I showed you The Undertaker and know I am here to

declare that The Undertaker will be the next WWF Champion.


With that the lights go out, as the lights come back on Paul Bearer is

in the ring with his urn and a microphone of his own.


Bearer: Oh Yes, MR. Dibiase your Undertaker is as fake as the gold on

your clothes.


Dibiase: Ill have you know the gold on my clothes is 24kt.


Bearer: Oh No! He is a PHONY!!!! And I will prove it I will find the

real Undertaker and we will destroy you and your phony.


With that the lights go out again and this time we find PAul Bearer

unconscious before The Undertaker who is in his classic kneeling pose.




Undertaker: REST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!

Undertaker/Ted Dibiase get confronted by Paul Bearer C+


With that the lights go out and we go to commercial.


<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tuPdTmS2j_o" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>


When we return from commercial a new song is playing.


<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hC1u_4E-TVE" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="100" width="420"></iframe>


Vince McMahon: I dont recognize this song I wonder who this could be


Jim Ross: I have no idea who this could be how bout you Mr. Perfect.


Mr. Perfect: Well I don't know who it is but they have good taste in



With that a man walks through the curtain.


Jim Ross: What a minute I know who that is what is he doing in the WWF.


Vince McMahon: I don't know but I'm sure he is about to tell us.


Mr. Perfect: Would you two be quiet the man is about to speak.


With that the man grabs a microphone.


???: I'm sure some of you recognize me but I'm also sure that even more of you peons have no idea who I am well I am The Playboy Gary Hart




Gary Hart: And I have a message for everyone in the WWF I am here and

I am not alone and I promise one thing VIOLENCE IS COMING!!!!!!!

With that Gary throws the microphone to the canvas and leaves ringside.

Gary Hart Debuts C-


Vince McMahon: I wonder what he means by that.


Jim Ross: I don't know. But knowing Gary Hart it isn't good.


With that the camera pans to Howard Finkel inside the ring who

introduces the next contest



Tatanka vs ???

Once Tatanka enters the ring an unkown music begins to play signalling

the third debut of the evening.


<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/t1gc93yHwL8" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="200" width="560"></iframe>



Jim Ross: I know this music I have heard it before.


Mr. Perfect: Yes you have Ross I made some calls to the new president

and got some close personal friends of mine a new job now excuse me I need to

formally introduce this man.


With that Perfect gets a microphone and begins to speak.


Perfect: It is with great pleasure that i introduce the next

competitor. He stands 5 fett 10 inches tall he weighs in tonight at a

svelte 222 pounds and is the best thing to ever come from Lexington

Kentucky he is Every Girls Dream the closest to perfection that's

not yours truly Ladies and Gentleman please stand and welcome HOT STUFF



http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Tatanka2.jpg vs http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/EddieGilbert.jpg

Tatanka vs Eddie Gilbert

During the course of the contest Ted Dibiase again made his way to

ringside this time he sat at the timekeepers table for most of the match

as both men inside the ring fought a hard back and forth contest with

Tatanka showing signs of a great wrestler however the veteran Eddie

Gilbert was able to counter everything Tatanka did either through skill

or by cheating. It seemed the match was finally turning towards Tatanka

when Dibiase got up and proceeded to head towards the aisle to leave the

ring. However it was a ruse as Tatanka headed to rebound of the ropes

he made the mistake of turning his back on Dibiase who grabbed Tatanka

by the ankle and held him long enough for Gilbert to get over and hit

Tatanka with the Hot Shot he covered him for the 1....2.......3.

Dibiase laughed at Tatanka and left but on his way back the cameras

were close enough to pick up a conversation between Gilbert and


Eddie Gilbert def Tatanka C


Dibiase: Eddie I could use a man like you in my stable what do you say


I could make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.


Gilbert: Thanks but no thanks Im planning a Revolution of my own.

With that we got to commercial.


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KT-CD2WKZgI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



When we return from commercial Owen Hart is inside the ring.




Owen: Bret I know your back there now get your A** out here now. I got

something to say to you.


With that Bret Hart makes his to the ring.


Bret: What do you want Owen I made my peace last week and nothing you

say can change my mind.


Owen: You say that now but that belt will be mine.


Bret: Maybe so but I wont fight you for it so I hope you can figure out

a way to get it because it wont be from me.


Owen: You say that now but I promise your opinion will change even if I

have to kick your A** all across the country till you give me my shot.


Bret: That may be true but it will take than you have to make me fight

you again.


Owen:*gets right up in Brets face* We shall see about that.


On that note Owen hits Bret over the head with his microphone and

proceeds to pounce on the champion with lefts and rights. With that

Razor Ramon and Randy Savage come charging to the ring to make the

save. As they enter the ring and get Bret back to his feet and out

comes Shawn Michaels and Diesel to kick off the Main Event.

Hart to Hart B+







Bret Hart/Razor Ramon/Randy Savage vs Owen Hart/Shawn Michaels/Diesel

The six men fought hard for nearly twenty minutes with the referee

barely able to keep control. It finally got to a point were all 6 men

were paired off with Savage and Michale shaving brawled up the ramp and

Razor and Diesel holding court around ringside and OWen and Bret inside

the ring putting on a clinic. It was inside the ring that the match

began to shift as Owen finally got the upper hand it was when Owen

applied the Sharpshooter that all hope appeared lost for the good guys

however Bret having learned the hold from the same person was able to

employ the counter and slap the hold on for him self. Owen appeared to

be ready to tap out before he reached the ropes forcing Bret to release

the hold. As Bret waited for Owen to get up Owen grabbed his ankle and

started screaming that it was broken. Bret showing real concern for

his little brother let his guard down and walked over to him it was

there that Owen rolled up his brother for the 1.....2......3.

Raw went off the air tonight with the Owen, Diesel and Shawn

celebrating at the top of the aisle as the show faded to black.

Owen Hart/Shawn Michaels/Diesel def Bret Hart/Randy Savage/Razor Ramon A


Show Rating: B






The show opened with Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes on

commentary as usual however they were soon joined by the returning

Ravishing Rick Rude.




http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Hakushi.jpg def http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/123Kid.jpg

Hakushi def 123 Kid C

After a hard fought back and forth battle between the two young lions

Hakushi caught the Kid with the praying Powerbomb to pick up the




Johnny Polo came out and further extolled his new product. C



Eddie Gilbert was next to come out ad had a brief moment on the mic.


Gilbert: I came to the WWF for two reasons one to win the WWF

Championship and two to start a REVOLUTION! And I promise the

Revolution will be televised.

Eddie Gilbert Promo E+


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BobBacklund3.jpg def http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/DoryFunkJr2.jpg

Bob Backlund def Dory Funk Jr C+

The two veterans traded holds in a technical clinis. Which ended when

Backlund caught Funk in Crossface Chickenwing.



Ted Dibiase came out to cut a promo however before he could speak he

was interupted by Lex Luger.


Luger: Dibiase for the last two weeks you have been sticking your nose

in my business and I am sick and tired of it.


Dibiase: YOu say that but your pocketbook tells a different story. The

check I sent to your home was cashed.


Luger: I have been on the road all week I have no idea what check your

talking about and If i did get a check from you I would destroy it so

fast it would make your head spin.


Dibiase: I think your lieing to yourself and all these people in the

crowd. I think you are jus waiting for the right moment and then bam

you will tell them all about.........

With that Tatanka balsts into the ring yelling at Luger and Dibiase

slips out of the ring well Luger and Tatanka argue inside the ring.

Lex Luger confronts Ted Dibiase B-


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BamBamBigelow.jpg def http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/MartyJannetty2.jpg

Bam Bam Bigelow def Marty Jannetty B-

Despite his best efforts JAnnetty was not able to overcome the sheer

size and strength of his opponent and was defeated after Bam Bam came

off the top rope with the diving headbut.


Show Rating:C+

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WWF Hotline

Bam Bam Bigelow has signed a long term contract making him an exclusive WWF talent.


WWF is proud to announce the creation of Worlds Greatest Wrestling which will serve as the breeding ground for future WWF talent.




PWI Weekly


Bam Bam Bigelow;s extension bouds well as we hear rumours that he may be in line for a major push heading into the fall.


The WWF has went on a shooping spree of Women Wrestlers it is said that the new booker has high hopes for the Womans Division.


With WWF opening WGW as a development territory rumour has it several big names will be reporting to either train their skills or wait for creative to come up with something for them.


As reported last week El Hijo Del Santo is rumoured to debut this week or next on either Raw! or Superstars.


The Revolution Eddie Gilbert spoke of on Raw and Superstars has nothing to do with ECW as some have surmised.


WCW has reportedly signed Cactus Jack to an extension it is unclear at this time wheter it is exclusive or not.


It is rumoured that despite being placed in the main event of this weeks Superstars Marty JAnnetty was reportedly late to arrive. It is unkown what action was taken by the new head booker however rumoured plans of a Jannetty push have been reportedly put on hold until hr can prove he is in for the long haul.




Week 3 Predictions


Owen Hart vs Randy Savage

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon

Bret Hart vs Diesel



MArty Jannetty vs Sabu

Mike Awesome vs Virgil

Johnny Polo vs 123 Kid

Barry Windham/Debuting Superstar vs Tatanka/Lex Luger

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Nasseau Colliseum

Long Island New York

Tri State USA


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/JeffJarrett32.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/JerryLawler8_zps16d96444.jpg vs http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BillyGunn2_zpsf4e4bb46.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BartGunn_zps37e2bb2b.jpg

Jerry Lawler/Jeff Jarrett vs Smoking Gunns' B-

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Jerry Lawler and Jeff Jarrett defeated The Smoking Gunns in 12:46 when Jerry Lawler defeated Bart Gunn by pinfall.



Eddie Gilbert cut a promo furthring the Revolution. He promised the REvolution would have something that every man wished he could have.

Eddie Gilbert Promo D-


<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/R0b4it5PmX4" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>




McMahon: Welcome To


Mr. Perfect: Monday Night Raw. I always thought te intro could be done better but of course that was before I came back.


McMahon: No Matter what a night we have in store for you tonight we have 3 star studded matches coming to you tonight.


Ross: WE have the World Champion Bret Hart squaring off against the Intercontinental Champion Big Daddy Cool Diesel.


Perfect: I got my money on the IC champ Diesel his legs are too long for Bret to get the sharpshooter on and without that he cant beat him.


Ross: Lets send it to Howard Finkel for the opening contest.


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/OwenHart19.jpg vs http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/RandySavage7.jpg

Owen Hart vs Randy Savage

The two men fought hard to open the show. Neither man was able to get ahead in the head to head contest. That is until both men were catapulted over the top rope after a clothesline by Randy Savage. As both men brawled all around the ringside area, as the referee triesd to get the action back in the ring Owen was able to ram Randy's head into the ring post he sent Randy into the ring under the bottom rope but didnt get into the ring righyt away instead he berated the fans at riongside by the time he got inside thee ring Randy was able to regain his composure and pounce on Owen as he got in the ring. The two men fought into the corner with Randy on the insidthe ref got between them and seperated them as the ref turned around, Savage charged at OWen however he was met with a Kick right between the legs. AS Owen connected with the Low Blow Randy went down there OWen grabbed his legs and slapped on The Sharpshooter. The referee was forced to ring the bell as Randy tapped out.

Owen Hart def Randy Savage A


After Randy was helped to the back by officals the lights went out and thoughout the arena a familiar sound was heard as the gongs went off and as always that signalled the arrival of the Undertaker.



Dibiase: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Last week I proveed to all of you that Money is more pwerful then metal When this man right here Chokeslammed his former manager Paul Bearer. I hope that proves to PAul that the Undertaker is mine and not his. If he doenst believe yet I promose by the time I am done with him he will understand. Tell him.


Undertaker: REst In Peace!!!!!!!!


with that Ted Dibiase and the Undertaker make there exit.

Undertaker and Ted Dibiase cut a promo B



<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/idet5CMWWUU" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>



After commercial we come back to find Gary Hart in the ring with a microphone.


Gary Hart: I look around at all of you people and I see people in need. In need of what you might ask well the answer is simple YOU NEED VIOLENCE. And it just so happens I have the cure but im not gonna give it to you until I think you deserve it and you dont deserve it.


With that he drops the microphone and leaves the ring.

Gary Hart cuts a promo C-



http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/ShawnMichaels4.jpg vs http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/RazorRamon.jpg

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon

The two former Intercontinental championms fought hard with neither man being able to secure the victory. During the course of the match Diesel came down to ringside to try and distract Razor however it had the opposite effect as, wekll dealing with Diesel, Michaels attempted to charge Razor from behind however Razor was able to get out of the way thus allowing Michaels to charge into Diesle sending him to the floor. Razor capitilized on the chance by grabbing Michaels and hitting the Razor's Edge for the 1..........2........3.

Razor Ramon def Shawn Michaels B



<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zlSYcPVwP7k" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>



After the commercial Bret Hart is on his way to the ring for the main event. As he enters the ring Owen HArt appears on the titantron.


Owen: Hey Bret! Yeah up here. You saw what I did earlier to Randy, well thats gona happen to everyone the WWF puts in my way until I get my hands on you one on one.


Bret: OWen That Will NEVER EVER Happen.


Owen: Well then everyone I get put in the ring with has you to thank for the hell I will put them through!!!


With that the Titantron goes black.

Bret Hart/Owen Hart Promo B+


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BretHart6.jpg vs http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Diesel.jpg

Bret Hart vs Diesel

The two champions fought hard showing the audience why they are the champions. Bret tried to focus his attack on the bigger mans legs however they were jsut too big and too strong for Bret to neutralize them. He seemed to be backed up against a wall when Diesel began to over power the champion. He sent him hard into the corner and hit his pattented knee strikes as he pulled Bret out of the corner he put him up for the Jacknife however the champion was able to capitilze on the moment and rolled up Diesel with a sunset flip. The ref went down and counted the 1.......2.......3.

Bret Hart def Diesel A



Show Rating: B+




WWF Superstars




http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Sabu22_zpsd61afc89.jpg def http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/MartyJannetty2.jpg

Sabu def Marty Jannetty C+

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Sabu defeated Marty Jannetty in 8:12 by pinfall with an Arabian Facebuster.



Eddie Gilbert cut the same promo he did before Raw went on the air D-


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/MikeAwesome2000_zps2da101d7.jpg w/http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/PaulEllering4_zpsff584a94.jpg def http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Virgil.jpg

Mike Awesome w/ Paul Ellering def Virgil D+

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Mike Awesome defeated Virgil in 8:16 by pinfall with an Awesome Bomb.



Freebirds debuted and cut a promo promising Badstreet was back and in the WWF D+


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/JohnnyPolo.jpg def http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/123Kid.jpg

Johnny Polo def 123 Kid B-

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Johnny Polo defeated 1-2-3 Kid in 7:52 by pinfall with a DDT.


HBK/Diesel cut a promo promising Diesel would stay the Intertcontinental champ forever and before long Shawn would be the WWF Champion C+


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BarryWindham.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/TullyBlanchard2_zpsfe95df12.jpg def http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/LexLuger2.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Tatanka2.jpg

Barry Windham/Tully Blanchard def Tatanka/Lex Luger B-

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard defeated Tatanka and Lex Luger in 13:24 when Barry Windham defeated Tatanka by pinfall with a Flying Lariat. During the match we also had Ted DiBiase run in and attack Tatanka.



Final Rating:C+

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The WWF Hotline had no news to report this week.



PWI Weekly


The In Your House MAin Event will be announced this week expect Mr

Perfect to relay the match on behalf of the new unknown president of

the WWF.


We here at PWI have heard many names have been tossed around as the new WWF President including Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan although higly unlikly

due to his contract with WCW, Bruno Sammartino, Vince McMahon, Gorilla

Monsoon, Fritz Von Erich and Greg Gagne. It is our belief that the position will be filled by someone under WWF contract already.


El Hijo Del Santo was all set to make his debut this past week however

it was pushed back at the last minute due to a malfunction and a ripped

mask. Expect him to debut this week probably on superstars.


Paul Ellering was brought in at the last minute to manage Mike Awesome

after the comapny realized Awesome wasnt able to carry a promo on his

own at this point it is unknown if this is a long term pair or a short

term solution.


Eddie Gilbert's Revolution is believed to be a new stable set to debut

alongside him however the members of the group are being kept under

tight scrutiny.

Prediction Contest Weekly Results

Congrats to MichiganHero for getting the first perfect score!!!!!










Overall Standings

1.Michigan Hero 16pts

2.Rockambiton 12pts

3.Togg 11pts

4.GardnerFTW 5pts

5.Greg 4pts

6.Jaysin 3pts

Week 4 Prediction KEy


Diesel/HBK/Bob Backlund vs Razor Ramon/Randy Savage/Tatanka

Chris Benoit vs 123 Kid

Bonus Question: Who are the four competitors in the In YOur House Main Event 4-way (hint: All four men have been featured on a Raw or Superstars Main Event)



Johnny Polo vs El Hijo Del Santo

Eddie Gilbert vs New JAck

Bret Hart/The Headshrinkers vs Owen Hart/Jerry Lawler/Jeff Jarrett

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Diesel/HBK/Bob Backlund vs Razor Ramon/Randy Savage/Tatanka

Chris Benoit vs 123 Kid

Bonus Question: Who are the four competitors in the In YOur House Main Event 4-way (hint: All four men have been featured on a Raw or Superstars Main Event) Owen Hart, Bret Hart, Randy Savage and Bam Bam Bigelow.



Johnny Polo vs El Hijo Del Santo

Eddie Gilbert vs New JAck

Bret Hart/The Headshrinkers vs Owen Hart/Jerry Lawler/Jeff Jarrett

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