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[CainVerse] Information And Character Submissions

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What Is Going On?

I'm working on a mod for release, but with the announcement of TEW 2013, I'm not going to rush it. Currently it contains 7 active promotions and 108 active workers (2 future workers), and includes all of the promotions and workers I contributed to the sadly unfinished Board Effort Mod. It is named for the (arguably) best worker, Christian Cain, in the same vein that the CornellVerse and ThunderVerse are named.


What Can I Expect?

The final goal is for there to be 20-30 complete promotions spanning the globe and at least 50 already debuted free agents per game area.


And This Will All Be Ready Right Away?

Oh definitely not. If that's the goal, it won't even be ready until we're all replacing TEW 2013. For Version 1.0, I'm intending to finish the USA, Canada, the UK and Japan. After that, Mexico will be the next task for a solo release (Version 1.1 or 1.2 likely), followed by another release which will have both Australia and Europe (bringing the mod to Version 2.0).


What About Graphics?

I haven't done any rendering and don't think I will unless I get a new computer that's capable of it and develop skill such that I could be satisfied with that many renders. I haven't decided what I'm going to do about renders yet, but would not object if someone offered to make renders for the mod. I'll be doing all of the logos and banners, but haven't started on that yet.


Can I Contribute?

By all means. Below is the character submission form, and I'll be asking for characters at various times to fill various slots in the promotions as I make them.

CainVerse Character Submission Form




Home Country:

Key Personality Traits: (or personality template)

Preferred Card Position:

Skill-set Strengths:

Skill-set Weaknesses:

Other Notable Details: (booking skill, tag team partners, drug problems, etc)



So Can I Contribute Now?

Yes, the first thing I'm looking for are workers to fill up the Canadian Wrestling Company, a mid-cult level promotion in Canada and likely the largest Canadian wrestling promotion. A full biography of the company will come in the next post.


Thank you to anyone and everyone for any help and support you provide. :)

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Current USA Promotions


#1. New Era Wrestling

Mid-National Level

New Era Entertainment Product

Key Feature: Mainstream

Heavy: Traditional

Low: Risque, Modern, Comedy

Very Low: Hardcore


One of the longest running and most successful wrestling companies in the world, New Era Wrestling, formerly New England Wrestling, was founded by Jonathan Ritchens in 1940 and is now owned by his grandson, Jack Ritchens. Jack bought the company from his older brother John III and merged it with his own Femme Fatale Combat Movement in one of the biggest wrestling incidents of 2011, and the new influx of high level women's competition has led to struggles between the male and female wrestlers in the backstage area, as well as numerous issues between brothers Jack and John, and their father John Jr who willed each son a separate company and was not happy to see them merged.

#2. Breakdown Wrestling

High-Regional Level

Epic Action Product

Key Feature: Modern

Heavy: Mainstream

Medium: Traditional

Low: Risque, Pure, Daredevil


Breakdown Wrestling was founded in 2012 by the Zenith Media Group. It's visionary director Johnny Zenith aimed the company's product at the young audience and their small attention spans and enjoyment of cool, flashy, high impact moves with little regard for wrestling purists.


One of the brightest choices of Zenith, however, was to hand the reins of the company over to an experienced pro wrestler rather than a bunch of Hollywood writers, and under the guidance of head booker Alexander Q. Hanson, the company has put on a few very good shows in its first month.

#3. New England Impact Wrestling

High-Level Local

New Era Impact Product

Key Features: Traditional, Mainstream

Low: Comedy, Hardcore

Very Low: Cult


New England Impact Wrestling is the developmental promotion for Jack Ritchens' New Era Wrestling and one of the smallest companies in the United States. However, the training staff is considered top-notch, with aging wrestler Lance Lightning running the company and his longtime tag team partner Teddy Thunder as the head booker.



Current Canada Promotions


#1. Canadian Wrestling Company

High-Cult Level

Olympic Technical Product

Key Feature: Realism

Heavy: Traditional, Mainstream, Pure

Medium: Hyper Realism


The Canadian Wrestling Company is a promotion based out of Toronto that focuses heavily on technical wrestling, based on its founder, former Olympic amateur wrestling gold medalist, Jesse LaManche. LaManche founded CWC with sponsership money and got the promotion off the ground but it has really flourished in recent years as LaManche's physical deterioration has allowed other stars to be developed.


Current Japan Promotions


#1. Enter the Dragon Combat

High-Cult Product

Foreign Myriad Product

Key Feature: Traditional

Heavy: Modern, Pure

Medium: Mainstream, Realism

Low: Cult, Lucha Libre, Daredevil

Very Low: Hyper Realism, Risque


Enter the Dragon Combat was formed in 1999 by Japanese wrestler "Worldwide" Kaz Hayate and American gaijin Casey "The Idol" Kaufman as a place for foreign workers to ply their trade. For many years, the "Japan vs America" feud between the two was the focal point on top of the card, leading to both men getting very over. These days, both Kaufman and Hayate are at the top of the card, but many young and talented foreigners are coming over to Japan and finding their place in Enter the Dragon Combat.

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Name: Roderick Redies

Size: Lightweight to Middleweight

Age: 22

Home Country: Canada

Key Personality Traits: Humble, but slightly egotistical, and driven

Preferred Card Position: Opener (due to being a rookie)

Skill-set Strengths: Athleticism, Strength, Mat Work, Star Quality, and Charisma

Skill-set Weaknesses: Too stiff, High Flying, Flashiness, Selling

Other Notable Details: Prefers modern style.

Biography: Most known for his time training to make the olympics. A torn quad muscle kept him from competing to qualify for the olympics. Would have been a favorite to medal for the Canadian team.


Never thought he would end up becoming a pro wrestler but his background in wrestling opened doors he wouldn't have imagined.


Some key relationships have lead to him getting the training he needed to step into a wrestling ring.

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Name: Justin Tense

Size: Small

Age: 25

Home Country: Canada

Key Personality Traits: Very Naive, Passive, Driven, Mercenary

Preferred Card Position: Lower Midcard

Skill-set Strengths: Charisma, Flashiness, High Flying, Submissions, Hardcore

Skill-set Weaknesses: Power, Brawling,

Other Notable Details: Prefers the Garbage Style. Has a 25% reputation as a booker, a 40% skill as a booker and a 40% reputation as an owner

Biography: Justin Tense (real name Justin Freeman) is best known the owner of the notorious backyard promotion Canadian Revolution Combat. The CRC was based on garbage wrestling and was one of the biggest backyard promotions in Canada. When Justin was offered a contract by the CWC, and was accepted, the CRC closed.


Justin is looking to revive CRC when he retires or is released from CWC. He is a natural high flyer, and suprisingly, has a good submission game.

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Name: Billy Marz

Size: Middleweight-Heavyweight

Age: 24

Home Country: USA (works in Canada mainly)

Key Personality Traits: Mercenary, Loner

Preferred Card Position: Middle Card

Skill-set Strengths: Brawling, Hardcore, Selling

Skill-set Weaknesses: Most other skills

Other Notable Details: Straight Edge but his character is a bit of a weirdo. Plays mysterious and weirdo gimmicks to near perfection. Ok entertainment skills.

Biography: Billy Marz has worked all over the world. His size in the ring is typically what his matches are built around. Has a lot he needs to work on such as his basics but can be really good with the right mentor.

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CainVerse Character Submission Form

Name: Norman Shadow

Size: Light Weight


Home Country:Canada

Key Personality Traits: Egotistical Driven Mercenary

Preferred Card Position: Upper Midcard

Skill-set Strengths: Menace, Good performance and mic skills. Brawler.

Skill-set Weaknesses: Low tech and flying skills. Star quality is average at best.

Other Notable Details: Good as a color commentator and manager.

Biography: Shadow is a short man, about 5'6 or so, stocky.


Norman Shadow started out the biz as man on the mic at the various indie shows around the small town that he lived in. Finding his niche as a heel manager, Shadow quickly learned to be a wrestler, while that means for him that he's mostly a garbage hardcore brawler, it aloud him to become a manager of a sinister stable call the Crux.


The members of Crux bounced around for a while before landing a contract at one of Canada's larger promotions. The Crux is a stable full of monsters and works well in just about any promotion. Norman works his taskmaster gimmick to perfection and the stable makes an impact everywhere they go.

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Name: Jonathon Brilliance

Size: Middleweight

Age: 22

Home Country: Canada

Key Personality Traits: Extremely egotistical, selfish, bold, liberal.

Preferred Card Position: Midcard

Skill-set Strengths: Flying skills, good performance skills, very high star quality, good entertainment skills.

Skill-set Weaknesses: Low brawling and technical skills, low toughness, average athleticism and stamina.

Other Notable Details: Soft drug problem at 15%, law problems, drinking habit.


Biography: Jonathon Brilliance is brilliant by name, but not so brilliant by nature. A talented high flyer, Jonathon's drug problems mixed with his massive ego spell trouble for him at such a young age. He has a tendency to punch above his weight, often infuriating the owner and/or champion of the company he is working in. In one memorable incident, he stopped a match halfway through to cut a scathing promo on the company before walking out of the match and the company.

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