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APW: It's a Long to the Top(If You Wanna Rock N' Roll)

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(I know it's only 3 months to TEW 2013 but why not have a crack, besides this can be simply explained in two words... The Urge!)




APW's OzFest 2010



Swoop McCarthy© vs Nathan McKenzie - APW Commonwealth Title Match


Harry Simonson vs Lanny Williams


Dingo & Boo vs God's Gift


The Melbourne Blondes© vs The East Coast Rebels - APW Tag Team Titles Match


Maurice Jackson vs Big Daddy Horne



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Big fan of the Aussie scene so lets see what you can do.



Swoop McCarthy© vs Nathan McKenzie - APW Commonwealth Title Match

He's Swoop no need to say more.

Harry Simonson vs Lanny Williams

This is an either wat match, i'll go with my fave of the two Harry.

Dingo & Boo vs God's Gift

Possibly wrong here but i've always loved Boo.

The Melbourne Blondes© vs The East Coast Rebels - APW Tag Team Titles Match

Might as well keep the belts on the best damn tag team in Australia ... Period!!!

Maurice Jackson vs Big Daddy Horne

Maurice is on the up, Horne is going the other way lets put Mo over.

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It's a Long to the Top (If You Wanna Rock N' Roll)



APW's OzFest 2010

Live from Fuster Hall

Attendance: 619


Big Daddy Horne doesn't like the new guy.

Frank Mucciolo is standing backstage with new recruit, Maurice Jackson.

The interview is taking the normal “new guy” interview route when it is gatecrashed by Big Daddy Horne, who is huffing and puffing blowing wind like an angry dragon. The cool and collected Maurice Jackson tries to calm him down but is swatted down by Horne ham-bone right hand. Horne challenges Maurice Jackson to a match later tonight on the grounds that his stole his thunder or something to that effect.



APW Tag Team Title Match

The Melbourne Blondes© w/ Stephanie Drucker vs The East Coast Rebels

Fairly standard fare. The Blondes used there far superior teamwork against their young foes to maintain momentum. The Rebels cause wasn't helped by their obsession with Steph Drucker, the pair seemed more interested in watching her than winning the titles, which couldn't have been any more obvious than at pinfall time when Cole Taylor was felled by the Blondes Southern Cross finisher and Alyx Macquarie spent the entire 3 count watching her “bounce” along with the count.

The Melbourne Blondes def. The East Coast Rebels to retain the APW Tag Team Titles.




Swoop McCarthy hits the ring to hype his APW Commonwealth Title match against Nathan McKenzie. He does what every good face does and pysches the crowd up. He then goes on to run down his opponent a little before building him back up by admitting that he knows Big Mac is a strong opponent but he won't back down and that the title means too much to give it up without one hell of fight.He finishes with his trademark "SWOOOOP!" catch cry which the crowd eats up.



Maurice Jackson vs Big Daddy Horne

Maurice Jackson took on Big Daddy Horne in his first ever match in the confines of an APW squared circle. Jackson was guns blazing against the bigger man and was on top from the start. Big Daddy tried to fire back with some nefarious means, but it wasn't be and Maurice Jackson got the debut win with the Rolling DDT.

Maurice Jackson def. Big Daddy Horne.



Big Mac Breakin'

Swoop McCarthy is get something to eat from catering when he is ambushed by Nathan McKenzie. Swoop tries to fight back but the ferocity and the velocity of the attack by Big Mac McKenzie is too much and he ends up going being driven through a table with a brutal power bomb from Big Mac. MacKenzie than stands over his victim before walking off.



Dingo Devine & Boo Smithson vs God's Gift

Next up was a tag team battle between two teams. Given the competitors this match must have some bearing on the Australian Title. Dingo Devine and Boo had the early advantage early with Boo holding sway over Alexander Banks. A sneaky blind tag changed things, Banks and Triple S really took control. Boo was able to tag out to Dingo who really cleaned house, but referee, Virgil Mann didn't forced Devine out of the ring. Standish got a sneaky low blow in on Boo as he was climbing back into the ring and he finished him off with the Triple S suplex. Dingo protested wildly but it was to no avail. Standish took great pleasure in showing off his title as he walked to the back.

God's Gift def. Dingo & Boo




Harry “The Hitman” Simonson vs Lanny Williams (w/ Sean Quartermainne & Debonair David Peterson)

This match is being claimed to be a top contenders match despite not being listed as such. Lanny and Harry really went at each other throwing everything they had to take their opponents down. However, Williams had an inherent advantage with his tag team partner and manager at ringside defending him. That being said the Hitman took control late with a controlled assault. He had Lanny primed and was ready to deliver his Bullseye finisher when Quartermainne distracted Virgil Mann to allow DDP to cheapshot him. That was all Lanny Williams needed to take the tainted victory.

Lanny Williams def. Harry Simonson



APW Commonwealth Title Match

Swoop McCarthy ©vs Nathan McKenzie

It was time for the main event. Swoop was man who dethroned Nathan McKenzie who was considered by many to be the most destructive force in Australian wrestling. This match was physical. It was confronting. But most of all it was violent. McKenzie clearly had the advantage due to his earlier assault on the champ, but it was clear Swoop didn't know the meaning of the word quit. He was thrown around from one side of the ring to the other. By the end of the match Swoop's face was so swollen you would've sworn he'd gone twelve with Tyson without blocking a punch... But no matter what he wouldn't stay down for the three count. Frustrated he left the ring and destroyed the timekeeper. McKenzie introduced a chair to the ring. He missed Swoop with his first swing... but he didn't miss with the second, the third of the fourth. Virgil Man had called for the bell and the result had already been announced but that was of no consequence to McKenzie who just unleashed on the fallen Swoop, and no one in the back was brave to make the save. Once McKenzie grew tired who dropped the chair and walked to the back as support staff poured out to help the decimated champion.

Swoop McCarthy def. Nathan McKenzie by DQ to retain the APW Commonwealth Title






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Hey there… This is James Black with Back in Black, your all-purpose guide to Australian Pro Wrestling. The best damn show down under.


Much better than that sissy RAW Maroubra-pollutin’ shit, or that barbaric “dingo stole my baby” garbage that The Comedian serves up over at DIW! And ZEN? Well that’s for the sheep.


OzFest 2010! What-a-show!


Swoop refusin’ to quit against Big Mac. Whoa! That was one smash mouth battle there! Did you see the way Big Mac demolished with that chair! Speaking of Nathan McKenzie, James J has handed a one month suspension for his heinous crimes! And I have that chair for sale of eBay. BID NOW!


Who knows what shape Swoop will be in for his title defence against Lanny Williams!

I betcha the Hitman is pissed with Lanny after the way he lost that match at OzFest. Guess that’s why he requested and received a match against Debonair David Peterson! Hope it’s a cold night, because revenge is always a dish best served cold!


What about Stephanie Drucker! She always makes my day, night, dreams… Whoa! But I’m not the only one! The way they were ogling her in their title match… they forgot to wrestle. Well, apparently they wanted another match against the Blondes, presumably to look at Stephanie’s assets. Well they got a singles match against Blake… that should keep one of them happy.


The catch! Gotta love the catch! Whoever doesn’t wrestle Blake has been told they must take on newcomer Maurice Jackson! But, Mr McMinister was generous he said he’d let the Rebels choose who’ll fight who! What a choice! What a choice!


Mr McMinister was all for giving out favours the other day… he even granted Boo Smithson a non-title match against Spiffy… who calls themselves Spiffy! Stan Standish! Boo had wanted a title shot after the way the tag match finished!


And those two guys that got me to “invest” on their tips… I got something coming for ya!


Jingo (3/5) and Midnightnick (4/5)


That was Jimmy Black’s rundown of OzFest and preview of Big Night Out!


And remember… I can always “invest” your tips!

And finally for those that don’t really wanna read the genius that is JB! Here’s the lineup for Big Night Out!


APW Commonwealth Title Match

Swoop McCarthy©vs Lanny Williams (I wonder where Quartermainne will be?)

Harry Simonson vs Debonair David Peterson (Will be Quartermainne be here?)

Boo Smithson vs Spiffy Stan Standish (I still say Spiffy sounds like what I do in my sock)

Blake Belushi vs Cole Taylor or Alyx Macquarie (I tell ya Steph makes me Spiffy.)

Maurice Jackson vs Cole Taylor or Alyx Macquarie (I feel sorry for one those dudes.)


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Nice first show (even though i normaly need me the pictures when dynasty reading). Enjoyed the guide, very good read.


APW Commonwealth Title Match

Swoop McCarthy©vs Lanny Williams

Harry Simonson vs Debonair David Peterson

Boo Smithson vs Spiffy Stan Standish

Blake Belushi vs Alyx Macquarie

Maurice Jackson vs Cole Taylor

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Swoop McCarthy©vs Lanny Williams (I wonder where Quartermainne will be?)

Harry Simonson vs Debonair David Peterson (Will be Quartermainne be here?)

Boo Smithson vs Spiffy Stan Standish (I still say Spiffy sounds like what I do in my sock)

Blake Belushi vs Cole Taylor or Alyx Macquarie (I tell ya Steph makes me Spiffy.)

Maurice Jackson vs Cole Taylor or Alyx Macquarie (I feel sorry for one those dudes.)

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Nice first show (even though i normaly need me the pictures when dynasty reading). Enjoyed the guide, very good read.


Thanks. I'll probably start posting those wonderful pictures when I can be bother playing about with photobucket.


Should have BNO up soon-ish (read an hour or less.)... not that I always intend to post this rapid fire.

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You Shook Me All Night Long




APW's Big Night Out

Fuster Hall

Att: 566





Heads or Tails

Alex Macquarie & Cole Taylor are standing backstage playing what appears to be a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. The both take rock on three consecutive occasions. After a bit of banter, CT pulls a coin out of his pocket. Alyx calls. Judging by their respective actions. Alyx Macquarie got the outcome he desired. So it looks like Alyx Macquarie vs Blake Belushi & Cole Taylor vs Maurice Jackson.




The Rising Suns vs Crime Wave

In an opening bonus match Jimmy Stratosphere & Motty Koruda took on DOA and Switchblade. It was a fairly back and forth match, but willingness to bend the rules was the advantage that Crime Wave needed to take the win.

Crime Wave def. The Rising Suns




Maurice Jackson vs Cole Taylor

Cole Taylor was as apprehensive as he could be when he came to the ring this match. He had seen what Maurice had done to Big Daddy Horne last week, and CT was toothpick compared to him. Cole Taylor spent the first couple of minutes avoiding Jackson. Jackson gave up chasing and just waited for CT to come to him. When Cole finally got the courage up to attack MJ, well he made the mistake of slapping him. Jackson, fired up, grabbed hold of Cole Taylor, through him around for a couple of minutes and won the match convincingly with the Rolling DDT.

Maurice Jackson def. Cole Taylor





The Man The Myth The Swoop hits the rings. He hypes the crowd with his usual deliciously delightful and delectable delivery. He then hypes up his match with Lanny Williams. He addresses the Nathan McKenzie situation – he doesn't think the Big Mac should've been suspended. He was only trying to win the greatest prize in Australian Wrestling. Swoop tells Lanny to bring his best and leaves the crowd hyped for the rest of the night.




Modern Day Romance?

Alyx Macquarie is standing around the corner the Melbourne Blondes dressing room. He is holding a bouquet of roses, when Blake Belushi walks out of the dressing room he hides around the corner, as Stephanie Drucker walks out he gives her some flowers, and tries to kiss her but she turns walks off too quickly for him to get lucky.




Blake Belushi (w/ Stephanie Drucker) vs Alyx Macquarie

What's there to say? Blake and Stephanie got to the ring first, when Alyx Macquarie made his way out he spent the entire time staring at Drucker. He even walked into the ring steps. In the ring, whenever Macquarie had any sort of control he'd lose it by showing off for Drucker. Blake won the match with his devestating Axe Kick when Alyx Macquarie was flexing for Stephanie Drucker.

Blake Belushi def. Alyx Macquarie




Boo Smithson v Spiffy Stan Standish(APW Australian Champion) Non-Title Match

This match was made on the back of God's Gift victory over Dingo & Boo at OzFest. Boo had appeared to have the match but some sneakiness saw Spiffy get the win. That was an obvious factor behind Boo's attitude tonight as he came out like a man possessed and really work Triple S over. Boo took the win when he forced Standish to submit to the Chickenwing.

Boo Smithson def. Spiffy Stan Standish




Sean Quartermainne Presents...

Sean Quartermainne lead his charges, Lanny Williams and Debonair David Peterson to the ring and hyped how his Masters were going to walk away with 2 victories tonight, and the prestigious APW Commonwealth Title in their possession. After running down Swoop and the Hitman for a bit, Harry Simonson came out to break it up and set up the next match.




Harry “The Hitman” Simonson vs Debonair David Peterson (w/ Sean Quartermainne & Lanny Williams)

A sweet match. Harry enjoyed the opening advantage and kept control early, but some cheating by the manipulative Quartermainne saw DDP assert himself but in the end it wasn't enough as the fire in the belly of Simonson saw him surge ahead again. When the match spilled outside he landed a rather impressive suplex on DDP which took out SQ and Williams for just long enough for him to DDP back in the ring and the Bullseye and get the three count while Lanny was attending to Quartermainne. When Lanny Williams and SQ looked like they were going to assault Harry, Swoop quickly hit the ring for....

Harry Simonson def. Debonair David Peterson





APW Commonwealth Title Match

Swoop McCarthy© vs Lanny Williams(w/ Sean Quartermainne & Debonair David Peterson)

Swoop due to his hotwire flight to the ring tp prevent the beatdown of Simonson earlier had the momentum to start the match, but that was quickly reversed when Swoop was tripped up after bouncing off the ropes. Williams really took hold of the match and had Swoop beat with the figure four leglock but as Swoop was tapping, Virgil notice that DDP and SQ were pulling Lanny's hands to garner that extra bit of torque. As all three of the Masters were arguing with Virgil, it gave Swoop time to recover and when he got to his feet and spun Williams into his Swoop DDT it was all over and Swoop retained his APW Commonwealth Title.

Swoop McCarthy def. Lanny Williams to retain the APW Commonwealth Title






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