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Rapid Pro Wrestling - The Jerry Eisen Story

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What the f*&k do you
you’re leaving?


In fairness, when I’d considered the man options that would come from my father at the particular juncture I was actually quite pleased with this one. I mean, he could have said “Ok, bye then…” or “Sorry, what was you’re name again?” or worst of all “Thank god, now I can finally put your brother in charge”. At least he cared that I was going; the problem was, I wasn’t sure if he’d even listen to the reasons I would give never mind understand them; but at this point I thought I’d give it a shot. Oh, by the way, my dad? He’s Richard Eisen; Chairman and owner of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. My name is Jerry, Jerry Eisen; commentator for said company and now, I think, former employee.


J. Eisen:
Look dad; I’ve worked her for a long time now and thus far my CV reads “Third Announcer on a wrestling show”. I love this business and I know it like the back of my hand; recently I’ve started to think that maybe in order to prove that fact I need to leave.


He didn’t speak; but he was listening. I knew he was listening because I’ve seen that look before. I saw it when he found Eric in the back of his Bentley with his trousers round his ankles and his dates mouth around his… Let’s just say tongue in case there are any youngsters watching and Eric was trying to explain what was going on; while she was still going. I also saw that look when I was explaining to him as to why it was a good idea that I’d implanted one of his golf clubs in the conservatory roof when it had slipped out of my hand. It was a look that said, “everything you’re saying to me now means nothing, whether or not it’s right or wrong, because I’m still going to rip your head off.”


J. Eisen:
You’ve never had confidence in me, dad. When Strong left, you handed the book to Sam, when Sam left you handed it to Peter. Now Peter’s screwing things up, feeding Faith to Khoklov like the guy needs it, and you’re slapping him on the back for doing it. I speak up and what happens? I have Peter Michael’s telling me to know my place. Know my place?


Still, he says nothing… His eyes still focused on mine still with a look that says he wants to kill me.


J. Eisen:
I’m coming to you now out of respect; respect for everything you’ve done for me, and given me in my life. It’s time I stepped out on my own, time I proved to you that I’ve learnt from the best. I’m going to find investors and I’m going to open my own promotion; I would much prefer to do this with your blessing and support dad, but if you choose not to give it, I’m going to do it anyway.


For a moment I sensed a flicker of something that seemed like pride, or maybe respect. That sense, however, quickly faded.


R. Eisen:
I wont let this happen, Jerry, you do know that?


I smiled, but didn’t reply.


R. Eisen:
I will crush whatever little upstart promotion you buy or begin. I will hire everyone you hire, I will tie up so many men on contracts you wont have a single superstar available to you. I will blackball you out of existence Jerry, and you know I can do it.


I grimaced for a moment, but really it was in mocking.


J. Eisen:
Well, you COULD have done it dad. See, I’ve seen the books and business is a little slow right now. Sure, you could hire the guys I hire, but if you do, you’d need to let some of your current guys go. Once you do that and they come and work for me, we’ll get more exposure. I know what you can sustain dad; and I know what type of guys you wont sign and guys you can’t sign. I’m smarter than you give me credit for.


The vain on his temple began to throb almost uncontrollably.


R. Eisen:
And how do you expect to do that with no money Jerry? I’m cutting you off and putting a freeze on your share options pending a formal investigation. It will be years before you get your hands on that money.


I smile at my father, my vindictive, hateful, power-crazed father and speak my final words.


J. Eisen:
Good bye dad, and thank you for everything.


Knowing the rage that would be filling him, I turned and walked away. As reach the door to the office, it opens wide and in walks my dearest brother.


E. Eisen:
If it isn’t the black sheep; you told dad you’re quitting yet?


He looked at our father, whose face was now beetroot red.


J. Eisen:
Sure; I didn’t tell him everything though, I thought I’d leave your news for you to break.


E. Eisen:
And here’s me thinking you were a jerk who just wanted to toss his toys out the stroller…


J. Eisen:
Bite me Eric; and good bye.


As I walked away I listened intently, knowing what was about to come; the satisfaction it would bring would erase all fear and doubt in my mind.


E. Eisen:
Dad! Jerry told you the news then? It’s not all bad; I screwed him royally. I purchased his 10% share in the company for five million dollars! Seeled the deal this morning, what an idiot!


R. Eisen:


And with that I was free; money to start my new company, a couple of new investors on board and the world at my fingertips. Everything was moving along so rapidly… Rapid… Rapid. There’s something in that… Looks like it's time to take my plans into the next phase, I love the start of a new journey.</td><tr/></table>



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Griffin Jackson

“Southern Justice”

Jack Griffiths




Griffin Jackson is a no-nonsense Southerner with a penchant for pain and a joy for justice. The justice dolled out by Griffin Jackson seems to be in response to basically anything that offends him personally. His Southern Drawl cuts through the ear, but his jarring brand of retribution cuts to the bone.

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J.P. Platinum

“Prime Time”

James Prudence




Considering himself to be truly better then every other member of the roster, J.P. Platinum will tell anyone that listens that he is destined for greatness. His skills in the ring are good, but what is more impressive is his willingness to do anything it takes to be successful. It’s been confirmed that he is currently under management but as of yet, it is unknown as to who is guiding him on this path.

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Mike Dragon

“The Artist”

Mikey James




When usually describing an Artist, you would normal be considering his ability to draw or paint or produce music. When faced with Mike Dragon, the description of his art is of blurred feet. The fast and efficient Mike Dragon can have you out cold in seconds with feet educated to the highest level in the far east. If he can bring all of his abilities together, he has what it taks to be successful in RPW.

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Steve Flash

“Mr. Wrestling”





One of the most recognisable faces in the New York State area, Steve Flash looks to widen his scope in the twilight of his career. As Mr. Wrestling begins to wind down his career, he looks to take one final leap into the unknown and with it looks to truly establish himself as more than just the “greatest independent wrestler of the last 20 years” and finally become the “greatest wrestler of all times”.

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Tyler Morton

“Acid Rain”



Carl Catch


The enygma that is, Tyler Morton. A man with a reputation that precedes him but the skills to be a truly world renowned superstar. Dangerous both on the ground and in the air, with a truly devastating streak of anger that can explode at almost anytime. This may, perhaps, be the reason as to why he has hired a someone to keep him in check, someone who can do his speaking and maybe keep him out of trouble in Carl Catch.



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Antonio Marquez

“The Playboy”

Champagne Lover




The Tavernas, clubs and houses of ill repute in Mexico City have all taken a dip in profits over the last few weeks as Mexico’s primo playboy has made his way to Rapid Pro Wrestling. Leaving the ladies lying and drinking till the dawn, this Mexican party animal has come to RPW, but not just for fun. For success, for victory, because getting your hands on the biggest prize in the game will be the start of the biggest party of all.

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DM Sparrow

“The Birdman”

Matty Sparrow




“The Bird Man” DM Sparrow comes to RPW on a mission; a mission to show the world that High Flying, High Octane abilities can take anyone to the top. A solid basis of technical ability aside, and a definitive belief in all things fair and right provides us with the Dakota Made man who wants to be nothing but the best. He faces stiff competition, but feels confident in his abilities to take to the skies and fly high.

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The Lord of the East

The Big Problem




Having seen his early career falter, Septu found himself spending time wrestling in some countries that normally you wouldn’t hear of. His size, strength and dominating abilities lead to him finding an almost god like status in areas of Africa and was adorned with the name “Septu” with a fury that scorches like the sun. He was also adorned as “The Lord of the East” being that he is of Western persuasion.

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“The Shadow Warrior”

Kazuma Narato




“The Shadow Warrior” like many of Ninja skill has the ability and capability to hurt you without you knowing he’s there; however he does not wear a mask feeling hiding your face is dishonourable. His stealth and speed are his greatest skills, as are his single minded devotion to whatever cause he puts his name to. Shinobi has the skills set to be a very dangerous enemy or a very skilled Ally.

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Teddy Powell

“The Perpetual”





“The Perpetual” Teddy Powell is a dynamo of constant motion; not necessarily the quickest, but very little wasted motion and when on top he’s always moving, never resting on his laurels. This makes him both dangerous and liable to make mistakes. No move is measured, leaving room for error, but no breaks are given leaving little space for recuperation. If he can balance the two, he could well be dangerous.



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Henry Raine

“The Oncoming Storm”

Rayne Man




Unlike his nickname would suggest, Henry Raine is actually a fun loving guy; that’s why he picked the nickname. It’s ironic… Get it? Raine… Storm. That’s the type of quirky play on words that he loves. Rumours that he and Samuel Kidd are likely to form a very sickingly positive tag team are yet to come to fruition but don’t be too quick to dispel this myth, they would be very, very intriguing.

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James Hernandez

“The Hitman”

Mainstream Hernandez




It seems somewhat strange that a team calling themselves the Mainstream Hitmen would be a face team, but it’s quick to see with Hernandez why they are. Charismatic and very able, they have the ability to pull apart opponents with varying degrees of attack with smiles still on their face. But be warned, they’re not for hire. Don’t try it either, as you’ll find yourself on the wrongside of the Hitmen.

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“The Reptile”

Snap Dragon




“The Reptile” Komodo may appear to be of Japanese Origin, but it is no more than an influence on his life. Having studied the ways of the Japanese Juniors, seeked to find a way to gain a mental edge on his opponents, creating the character he now lives and breathes. Komodo is ruthless, agile and willing to do whatever he has to do to survive and thrive; just like most reptiles would.

Marcus Swift

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Marcus Swift

“Tap or Snap”

Marco Speed




“Tap or Snap” began his journey to stardom in the realms of mixed martial arts where he sought to rip and tear opponents into submission. Following a number of nasty injuries to opponents early on in his career, he was black-balled and told he would never work in MMA again. Aggression is good, as long as it’s controlled. Swift has found his way to RPW with one simple mantra – Tap or Snap.

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Matthew Gauge


Matty Keith




“Marvellous” Matthew, one half of the Glorious Gauges, and the Gauge most like their father. Educated with Gregory, Matthew then took the local route, plying his trade in the US, using his technical abilities to out-wrestle more violent opponents; in honour of their father, Matthew uses a variation of the Proton Lock, slightly modified for effect and given the seal of approval from the old man himself.

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Parker Stevens

“The Future”

Steven Parker




The Future of Professional Wrestling, Parker Stevens, comes to Rapid Pro Wrestling with a reputation that precedes him; a reputation for feeling destined for something better. Clearly seeing RPW as a stepping stone to something else, Stevens has made it known that he will not sign any guaranteed contract, always waiting for the next step on his path to greatness.

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Samual Kidd

“The Dancemaster General”

Cannonball Funk




Always on the look out for fun and a good time, Samual Kidd comes to RPW with the opportunity show everyone just how much fun he can be. On one hand, he can dance the night away, using his quick feet for the entertainment of others, on the other hand he can use those quick feet to punish and pound those who stand in his way; another angle for the fun times Kidd looks to take advantage of in this new journey.



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Gregory Gauge






Gorgeous Gregory is the second half of the brother duo, The Glorious Gauges. While similar to his twin, his time in Japan has helped to develop a stiffer, meaner streak than his brother. The differences don’t end there as Gregory has a tendancy to show boat rather than be clinical; and unlike his brother he does not use a variation of the “Proton Lock” by the “Ten Gauge”; an elevated Boston Crab.

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James Kirkson

“The Marksman”

Kirk Jameson




The second half of the hitmen is the more grounded figure of the two, leaving the high flying antics to his partner. Kirkson is more ruthless than Hernandez, but not by much. Neither individual would be shy of smiling while they kicked you in the gut, mainly because they enjoy what they do; picking their own contracts and executing their targets with routine precision. Interesting hey?

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“Gun For Hire”

Marv Statler




Coming from the north, Statler approaches singles action for the first time in his career thus far. His size and power have lead him to believe that playing the roll of Gun for Hire will elevate his status while earning a little extra money on the side. It should be interesting to see how Statler will fare without having the option to turn to a partner stood at ringside in order to help out when things get tough.

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“The Great”

Kashmir Singh




“The Great” Kashmir is a Guru, a Shaman, a shining beacon of light to all those that wish to follow him; his problem comes from the fact that his actions don’t always align with his views. Followers are short on supply as his ability to subdue his anger in the face of turning the other cheek makes setting an example difficult. One thing is for sure, Kashmir has the ability to be successful, no matter his views.



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“The Flamboyant One”





Personal stylist to the stars, Alphonse has found his new calling in RPW. Not only does he wish to dominate the in ring competition but he’ll also be looking to dominate the styling of those superstars that just don’t wish to get with the program. Award winning capabilities both in ring and out should have Alphonse either loved or hated backstage and with our fans too.

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Jake Jettson

“The Highlight Reel”

Jacob Jett




The quick-like-cat, Jake Jettson is one of the most exciting prospects in RPW today. In a company priding itself on high paced, modern action, Jettson has the ability to have the audience hang on every single move. Flips, skips but worst of all trips are the order of the day. The youngster is liable to make a mistake which seems to be the main reason, if any, that he could potentially stall on his accent.

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Xavier Malcolm

“The Anarchist”

Citizen X




Anarchy is the order of the day when the name Xavier Malcolm is mentioned. An issue with authority, an issue with following rules and an issue with conforming makes it difficult for Xavier Malcolm to get along. He has the skills and capabilities to be successful, but at the same time his unwillingness to toe the line can often lead to unnecessary altercations that can often get in the way of the success he so strives for.



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Mr. Lucha III

“The Mexi-Sensation”





Third in line to the name, Mr. Lucha III has come to RPW to show the American Industry just what he has to offer. The nephew of the previous incarnation of Mr. Lucha, number three has the skills to take the mask and the moniker to a level neither of his predecessors could. He may find it hard, however, to adapt to the entertainment aspect of RPW, although that does remain to be seen.

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Newton Davies

“The Manitoba Mauler”

Davis Wayne Newton




The young Canadian has been brought to RPW more down to his potential then his current stardom, much the same way other young Canadians have been brought to American and groomed. What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm and aggression; the Manitoba Mauler has the skills to tear muscle from bone and cartilage. He will have to step up and take the opportunity to do so.



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“The Amazing”

Krissy Angel




The Amazing Angelique is more beauty than brains, but that comes with a great bonus. A valued distraction for any opponent, her services have their uses. Unfortunately, when it comes to tactics and strategy she’s less than impressive. Her tactics usually come to a single conclusion “I could flash the guy?”. The irony is that this tactic, is probably the most effective of all.

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Katie Cameron




This Canadian Beauty is more than just a pretty face; her skills as both an agent and a manager have been well documented on the independent scene and have caught the eye of Superstars on the RPW roster. Currently without a charge, Cameron is on the look-out for someone who is with her time and expertise, and that someone will be hoping to mix business and pleasure.

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Carl Catch

“The Hustler”

Carl Batch




The Jive-Talking, face paced, never-quit, Hustler Carl Catch is the type of man you try to avoid if you want to keep hold of your pay check. Making his name hustling havana and selling ice to Intuits’; this smooth talking sports agent has made the break into RPW as the Mouth-Piece and Negotiator for one, Tyler Morton. This could be a potent and dangerous combo.

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“The Siren”

Jennifer Heat




This hot blooded Latina has a love of large fighters, having been linked to Septu from the get go. Her fiery temperament is perfectly matched to a destructive and all round dangerous competitor could well be a recipe for success of disaster. Knowing the mean streak of Septu, she will have to keep a cooler head to prevent her large charge from becoming a huge flop.

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“The Girl-Next-Door”

Dharma Gregg




The Girl Next Door, Gregoria, is a firecracker in a much small body. Arguabley the most attractive female on the roster, although others would definitely wish to stake claim to that role, she’s also the best on the mic. Her ability to talk her way out of trouble has seen her rise to be a big player when it comes to selecting superstars to guide, and she has bagged herself a good one in Mike Dragon.

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The Unknown







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Jerry Eisen

“The Encyclopedia”





The man who never quite became the Voice of SWF now comes to RPW to officially be titled the Voice of RPW amongst other things. Eisen brings a wealth of… Well… Wealth with him to RPW, but also a wealth of experience. As such, he’s a highly valuable asset in looking to carve out the stories that we have ahead of us. One of the biggest names to come to RPW to date.

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Sara Silver

“The Sexy Scholar”





The Gorgeous Genius Sara Silver is a former Las Vegas stripper with a PHD in Economics and a membership to Mensa. The young beauty has well be known as a fantastic colour commentator and has been brought to RPW to bounce off the well rounded skills and knowledge of Jerry Eisen, our Play by Play man. The two have known each other for a while and hopefully, will be able to build a quick rapport.



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Susan Danes

“The Representative”

Sue Danes




Susan Danes was hired to be the on screen voice of our unknown Board of Directors. Hired due to her eloquence and ability to hold an audience, Danes is the only person who has direct contact with the board at all times via a constantly connected ear-piece connected to her cell during the show at all times so instructions can be issued as and when they are required. Her roll is interesting, as she can interpret these instructions however she wishes.

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The Board of Directors

“The Board”



Sue Danes


The Unknown investors that make up our Board of Directors are set to keep constant contact with their on screen representative. It will be interesting to see whether or not this distant approach will work or whether eventually they will find themselves having to hand the reins of power to someone who is at the arena live.




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RPW Supershow – Saturday Week 3 March 2010 - [Card]|[Show]




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Week 3 March 2010 – Present – Vacant


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RPW Supershow Ep. 1 - Saturday Week 3, March 2010



Episode One live on Public Access Select

Live from the Shakeshaft Auditorium

Grand Rapids, Michigan


Rapid Pro Wrestings inaugural event begins with a bang with a small pyrotechnic show followed by music being piped into the Shakeshaft Auditorium. This Pay Per View event is presented by our broadcast team and we join them straight away.


Welcome everyone to the first and highly exciting night of Rapid Pro Wrestling and more importantly, the RPW Supershow! My name is Jerry Eisen and I am joined at ringside by the “Sexy Scholar” Sara Silver.

Thank you, Jerry! I’m excited to be at the precipice of something epic, something spectacular. Something that could momentously shift the balance of Professional Wrestling forever!

Wow; that’s one hell of a description, Sara! We’ll be getting the action started really soon, but first let’s head to the ring where we’re joined by the representative of our board of directors.


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<b>The Beginning of a New Era…</b>


<i>“The Representative” Susan Danes</i>


In the ring, the Representative of the Board stands clear and central with microphone in her hand. The blonde, wearing a sharp navy blue suit jacket and skirt combo with a white pinstripe shirt underneath, lifts the microphone to her mouth.


Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Susan Danes and I am “The Representative”. I am here tonight, as I will be every night, in order to reveal any rulings or repercussions which our leaders feel need to be confirmed. It is my honour to stand in front of each and every one of you and pass on any pronouncements or punishments. Tonight, my job should be somewhat simple. The board wish to keep the majority of tonights event low key, but they do wish to announce tonights Main Event. Ladies and gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to announce…


Before Ms. Danes can make any further progress with her statement, she is cut off as two new entrants come into the fray.


<b>Looking to make an impact…</b>


<i> “The Hustler” Carl Catch & “Acid Rain” Tyler Morton</i>


Carlos and his client make their way to the ring, seemingly looking to interject themselves into the proceedings for the evening early on. As they enter the ring, Morton immediately advances on Danes, backing her up into the ropes before Catch can gain control, warning him about the “repercussions” mentioned earlier. Catch takes a mic and stands between Danes and his client.


Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Carl Catch and I am here tonight to introduce you to the Present and the Future of Rapid Pro Wrestling; Tyler Morton!


Catch waits, allowing the jeers and catcalls to drift over both himself and his charge.


Ms. Danes; I offer sincere apologies for the interruption, but Tyler and I just wanted to be here when you announced that he would be part of the Main Event this evening. Whilst we understand that the decision is not yours, we’re confident that you have the sway to make sure that my client is not overlooked, we’re confident that you have the stroke to make sure my client is not ousted. I think you get my point…


Danes smiles and once again, lifts the mic.


Mr. Catch; I can assure you of one thing if nothing else. Whether or not I have stroke is irrelevant, whether or not I mind your interruption is irrelevant, what indeed is relevant is that the Board of Directors will not appreciate their very first address being interrupted. As such, I would like to advise you that this not the most productive way of achieving whatever it is you want to achieve. In plain English, gentlemen, coming out here this evening has not improved your chances to Main Event tonight.


Atch nods, lifting his hand to once again subdue the ever-increasingly angry Morton.1


Atch: I suggest you rethink your wording, Ms. Danes, because if you don’t, you could find that your first night here in Rapid Pro Wrestling could also be your last.


I stand by what I say, Carlos, and I would appreciate it if you left the ring so I could make my announcement.


Atch drops the façade of plesentries as he begins to raise his voice without speaking into the mic. Finally, he turns and whispers into the ear of Morton who nods beneath his mask. This time, as he advances on the young woman in front of him, there is no Carlos B. Catch to prevent his actions. Danes is backed up into the corner and closes her eyes, bracing for the inevitable as suddenly, the roars of the crowd ignite!


<b>Artist Turned Hero…</b>


<i>“The Artist” Mike Dragon</i>


Mike Dragon sprints to the ring and in one fluid motion jumps to the apron and spring boards into the ring with a corkscrew back elbow to the turning Tyler Morton! Catch high tails it out of the ring as Dragon climbs to his feet; Morton staggers back up, Dragon turns for a spinning back kick but he doesn’t connect as “Acid Rain” drops back to the mat and rolls to the outside. Dragon shouts at Morton as he backs up the ramp, before Danes steps forward and looks up the ramp.


Catch! Morton! You need to listen to me; which is something you should have done a few minutes ago. If you had, you wouldn’t have just had your ass handed to you by Mike Dragon. If you had let me finish, you would have found out that interrupting me wasn’t going to get you any closer to the Main Event of tonights show because you were ALREADY in our Main Event. Tonight, Tyler Morton goes one on one with Mike Dragon… Good luck Tyler, because you’re going to need it.


Catch seems perturbed by this news, shouting at the ring, but Morton seems unmoved. He turns, leaving ringside, closely followed by Catch. In the ring, Danes and Dragon share a hand shake of thanks before leaving ringside.</td><tr/></table>


What a huge announcement Sara! Tonight’s Main Event should be… Well… Rapid!

A fantastic Main Event made by our Board of Directors, but I’m not sure Ms. Danes roll is quite right for a company like RPW. I mean she is basically a mouth piece; we need someone who can make decisions on the fly! Someone who can be something other than a loud speaker.

Some kind of in-arena Authority?

Someone in that position wouldn’t have been treated like Ms. Danes has just been treated.

Prehaps, but either way, that was one hell of an announcement. Ladies and gentlemen, lets head up to the ring for the first ever contest in Rapid Pro Wrestling!


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“The Shadow Warrior”
Vs “The Bird-Man”
DM Sparrow


Our opening contest of the evening took place between two high flying combatants in Shinobi and DM Sparrow. The match began with both men trying to use their speed to their advantage; yet neither man could outpace the other.


The match swung back and forth with the fans on the edge of their seats for this high pace, high octane action. The conclusion to the match came as swiftly as the match had begun. Shinobi took complete control following an amazing passage of action in which the Shadow Warrior ghosted into a shining wizard after hiding under the ring. Shinobi looked to finish the match with a second Shining Wizard; this time from the top rope, a move called “The Way of the Shadow”. Leaping from the top, he found himself hitting the mat hard as Sparrow moved out of the way!


The crowd popped as the groggy Shinobi climbed to his feet and turned into a “Dakota Made Drop”, before Sparrow hit the middle rope with a springboard moonsault by the name of “Sparrow Falls”. Making the cover off the splash, the referee slapped the mat three times and that was all she wrote.


Winner of the match by pinfall – “The Bird-Man” DM Sparrow


Impressive outing by these two men who could be the basis of what could be a very exciting roster here in RPW, Jerry.

Indeed, Sara; just two of the many exciting signings made by our board of directors. Tonight will go some way into shaping just how our roster will factor out.

Let’s not waste anymore time, Jerry! What do we have next?

Tag team action! Just two of the exciting tag teams we’re looking to showcase. Let’s head back to the ring.


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The Glorious Gauge’s
The Mainstream Marksmen


As the Gauge brothers made their entrance, they seemed to be distracted by something, or someone behind the curtain. Making their way to the ring in elaborate matching robes, the brothers teaming officially for the first time, looked to make a big impression. Their opponents, while less flashy, were no less interested in making an impact. In stark contrast to the previous match, these two teams couldn’t be more different. The Gauge’s technical ability contrasting against the more mixed skills of the Marksmen. The individual abilities of the four men yielded to the combined forces of the teams and for large portions of the match, The Markmen’s more fluid team seemed to have the better of proceedings.


The Gauges took control of the match when they managed a switch-up without referee, Wilson Carlisle, picking up on it. Their combined technical skill worn down James Kirkson before “The Rifle” managed to get the hot tag to “The Revolver” James Hernandez. Hernandez cleaned house with a number of high flying moves. He managed to get two close pinfall attempts, one on each Gauge as the referee clearly couldn’t work out which brother was the legal man. This numbers game caught up with Hernandez as an attempted missile drop-kick found Matt pushing Greg out of the way.


Kirkson attempted to help, but found himself subdued by a Matt Gauge drop kick, leaving Greg free to lock in the Gauge Lock; a modified version of the Proton lock made famous by their father. Hernandez tried hard to fight out, but as the pain mounted, he was forced to tap.


Winners of the match by Submission – The Glorious Gauge’s


A fantastic, if somewhat undignified win by the brothers Gauge.

I would suppose that if you ask these two men, they would tell you that a win is a win. They forge on in their journey for success.

And seeing what they’re willing to do, it’s not surprising that these young men seem confident.

Indeed… And now we move on as the action continues to come thick and fast tonight.


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“The Oncoming Storm”
Henry Raine
Vs “The Great”


Henry Raine enters this match on the back of some huge hype in the press; the “future” of RPW some had said. “The Oncoming Storm” nickname chosen for no other reason than a clever play on his name. Not vengeful, not destructive but definitively effective and definitely determined. His opponent, the spiritually sound Kashmir. Win or lose, he is in a spiritually better place, and therefore is always the winner.


The proverbial cat and mouse contest began with Kashmir claiming to be a lover, not a fighter. Running and hiding were the order of the day, before the spiritual façade dropped, and “The Great” began to dominate. Kashmir began to grind down Raine with a high content of brawling.


When Raine seemed suitably beaten up, “The Great” Kashmir readopted his enlightened stance. He took his time, showboating for the crowd, allowing the moment to overwhelm him. Raine took advantage; getting enough of his faculties back to roll up the Spiritual Superstar for a quick and surprising 1-2-3!


Winner of the match by pinfall – “The Oncoming Storm” Henry Raine


I was NOT expecting that! Kashmir looked like he had the match in control and then, boom! Out of no-where he lost.

That’s what happens when you take too much time boasting on your achievements. Kashmir acted like he’d won before he had.

And that’s what let him down! Let’s take a moment to head backstage, where Mike Dragon and what looks like a beautiful young lady are standing by.


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Enter The Dragon…


“The Artist” Mike Dragon & Gregoria


Stood next to the man who put his body on the line to save Susan Danes earlier in the night, Mike Dragon, is the beautiful. glamourous and stunning Gregoria. In her hand, she holds the mic, as she gazes up momentarily at the man upon whose arm she rests.


Earlier tonight you all got a hint of what Mike Dragon is about; honour, dignity and passion. Stood backstage, right next to me, he saw something he knew to be wrong and he stood up against it. That is what he’s about; doing what’s right. That’s what I love about him, that’s why I’m here with him. That is why I stand by his side.


She smiles again, leaning against his arm.


Tyler Morton is the epitome of dishonour. He wants to bully and bait his way into Main Event matches and positions of power gladly aided by the man who claims to have control. Catch, I’ve seen men like you back in Vegas. The men who sit back and watch; you’re much more dangerous than those alcohol fuelled hands on types who find themselves dragged outside of a club by security. You’re one of those men who sit back and manipulate, letting others do the grunt work while you enjoy the show. You seem like the honest, gentlemanly type, saying all the right things and dropping in your little warnings, but deep down you’re just working your next angle so you can control everything around you. It may have worked with Morton, but it wont work with us. We will defeat you.


She lifts her hand and traces her finger around the jawline of her charge.


And when all is said and done; when Morton is lay out cold on his back staring up at the lights. When you realise that all your efforts were in vain and when you finally realise that the thing you wanted most tonight is now the thing you wish you’d never gotten; you’ll finally understand why I stood here tonight warning you. Do not underestimate us; we will not be overlooked.


Dropping the mic to her side, Gregoria links Dragon’s arm and leads him away as we make our return back to ringside. </td></tr></table>


Well that was… Interesting?

Strong words from a strong woman, Jerry. She seems to be confident in Dragon’s abilities.

And so she should be; we saw just what he’s capable of earlier tonight. Those feet of his are a deadly weapon and he looks anything but abashed about using them.

That’s one contest I’m definitely looking forward to.

And speaking of contests I’m looking forward to, let’s head back to the ring for our next contest.


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”Tap or Snap”
Marcus Swift
Vs “Dance Master General”
Samuel Kidd


Marcus Swift’s MO is simple; he enters, someone taps, he leaves; there’s little else he’s interested in. His RPW debut tonight did little to change that. Across the ring from him stood the resident party animal, Samuel Kidd, a high flyer with an aptitude for danger. These two men looked to use their respective styles to ground one another with neither managing to really gain an advantage in the early stages of the contest.


Kidd’s arial ability almost lead to some quick-fire pins after a springboard sunset flip, a high cross body and a crucifix almost caught out the MMA wannabe, before the technician started to really take control. Working on Kidd’s ankle, he managed not only to ground his quicker opponent but also began to work towards the end of the contest. A number of high impact stomps, slams and crushing blows to the joint left Kidd with almost no-where to go.


Kidd made one last attempt at a fight back, trying to go to the top following a spirited risistance, but after a missed axe handle caused shock to the leg again, Swift seized on the opportunity to lock in the “Swift Decision” Ankle Lock submission.


Winner of the match following a Tap Out – “Tap or Snap” Marcus Swift


Wow; Marcus Swift moved quick to disable his much quicker opposition Sara.

Indeed; and with Kidd grounded, he had no way to combat the dominant technical abilities of his opponent.

I think Swift has gone someway into proving that he could well be a major player here in RPW.

I’m sure he’ll face competition from others feeling they could be just as influential.

Well the action isn’t letting up ladies and gentlemen, let’s head back to the ring for our next contest.


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”Southern Justice”
Griffin Jackson
Vs “The Perpetual”
Teddy Powell


The Gritty Griffin Jackson comes to RPW to prove those who say he’s no longer got what it takes completely wrong bringing with him a smash-mouth, southern style that had almost been forgotten. Standing in the opposing corner is a man who knows all about Smash-mouth in former DaVE competitor, Teddy Powell. Constantly moving, always in action, “The Perpetual” Powell, seems never to miss a beat.


Although not the quickest, he wastes no movement and when on the attack in the early stages of the contest, rarely looked like he would take a moment to breath. A number of moves hit at pace from clotheslines to knees looked to have Jackson beaten all-ends-up but that high octane style, also leads to a huge crash. Jackson, taking a page from the Southern wrestlers of old, suckered Powell into a daring leap through the ropes that did not hit it’s mark.


Slowing the match way down, “Southern Justice” took his time to beat down his smaller opponent. Forearm smashes, eye pokes, back rakes; real old school dirty play, so old school that even the referee didn’t seem to recognise it.


Taking full control, Jackson looked to finish the match with a good old Southern Justice Lariat, only to find himself on the receiving end of spinning DDT! The crowd popped into life as Powell took control once again, finally hitting the Perpetual Energy Back-Breaker/Complete shot combo.


Winner of the match by flash pinfall – “The Perpetual” Teddy Powell


I honestly thought Powell had blown it when he missed that big leap.

Sometimes taking a chance can be a good thing, and sometimes you ride your luck.

Luck was definitely on the side of Powell; you don’t get many second chances.

Perhaps that’s why people are questioning Jackson’s abilities… Let’s keep rolling and head back to the ring!


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"The Lord of the East"
w/ Genivive Vs "The Mex-Sensation"
Mr. Lucha III


An eerie silence filled the arena as Septu entered ringside; not because of the beauty of the women at his side; Genevieve, but due to his awe inspiring size and physique. Opposing him is the much less impressive, but the much more cheer-inducing, Mr. Lucha III.


The Mex-Sensation looked to use his speed and agility early on in the match to keep himself out of trouble but unfortunately it was to no avail. Within moments, Septu was playing with his food, toying with Lucha as if he were nought but a training dummy. It was almost sickening to watch Septu crush his smaller opponent with the Triple Powerbomb he calls “The Eastern Promise” before making the nonchalant cover.


Winner of the match by Pinfall - "The Lord of the East" Septu


My god, Sara; that was terrifyingly simple for Septu. Lord of the East or not, Mr. Lucha is one of Mexico’s premier stars.

And we’ve just watched him get tossed around that ring like a rag doll; god help anyone who crosses this mans path.

Thankfully, Mr. Lucha has been removed from the ring before any further damage can be done.

And Genevieve looks happy with her man’s work for the evening.

Let’s hope Mr. Lucha is Ok, those powerbombs were disturbing.

Perhaps, but still, I’m aching for more action; how about you?

Indeed I am! Let’s get back to the ring… Wait; I’ve been informed that Carl Catch and Tyler Morton are standing by backstage…


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Catch-ing the Burn


”The Hustler” Carl Catch & “Acid Rain” Tyler Morton


We head backstage to find Catch and Morton standing by, with “Acid Rain” pacing behind his advisor. Catch looks worried, almost concerned that he may not be able to control his charge.


I sometimes wish people would watch their tone; especially as it concerned my client. I was hired to keep control, to reign in the rain, to stop the Acid from burning but how can I do that when you people keep poking the bear. First we have Susan Danes, the so called “representative” to the board, and then it’s Gregoria and Mike Dragon. Do you all want to get on Tyler Morton’s bad side? I don’t think you do… Bad things happen to people on his bad side.


Morton stops and clearly begins to breath hard as if angry.


Champ, calm down; alright? You get your chance at Dragon later on… But you need to calm down. See? See what you’ve done? You’ve made him really angry, and that’s a bad thing for everyone. EVERYONE. You clearly don’t understand just how bad this could get; Mike Dragon this could be both your first and last night in RPW. Susan Danes, tonight could well be one that you’re trying to explain at your job review tomorrow and as for Gregoria? Well; I’m sure Tyler could make an exception for you, as long as you agree to a few stipulations.


The look of panic turns to a smile as Morton’s breathing begins to slow; in fact, it slows to a rate that is almost creepy. A silent phone-call level of creepy.


That’s right, Tyler, tonight you could get everything you want as long as you focus that aggression. You see; I don’t want to control the falling of Acid Rain on all of you; I just want to steer it’s direction. Once Tyler is in that ring, you’re all beyond any protection I can afford you. You’re all alone; so tonight, Mike, when you stand opposite from the incarnation of all your fears, I suggest you tread lightly and as for you Gregoria; I would suggest you don’t rebuff my client should he advance. Things could take a turn for the worse.


The sickening smile continues as the camera draws closer to Morton’s masked breathing.




Well that was disturbing…

In the extreme; if I was Gregoria I would think twice about coming out to ring tonight.

Maybe that’s what they want, Jerry, to keep her away?

Even so; essentially, Catch is telling her to give Tyler Morton anything he wants.

I’ve known Gregoria for a long time; she knows how to deal with slimeballs like Catch. But maybe not Morton?

Well we’ll find out later tonight; but now let’s head back to the ring.


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”Gun For Hire”
Vs “The Reptile”


Two more contrasting styles come to our ring tonight as the “Gun for Hire” Statler takes on “The Reptile” Komodo. Statler is another in a long line of hard hitting, smash mouth, intimidating individuals more than capable of not only holding their own in this ring, but also helping eliminate the problems of those who are the highest bidders. Across the ring stands Komodo. Another high-flyer with a panchant for dare-devil stunts, but with a brawling capability underneath.


The match kicked off with Statler using his size to take control, keeping The Reptile close in order to prevent momentum. This strategy led to a number of near falls, but as he looked to finish the job with a High Impact Spine Buster he called “The Payoff”, Komodo reversed into sunset flip for the two.


The Reptilian one continued with his momentum with a number of varied springboard kicks and elbows that took the big man down; but only momentarily. Komodo looked to finish the match with his finisher the “Snap Dragon Suplex” but couldn’t get the big man over into the Dragon Suplex pin he attempted. Fighting his way out of it, both men began to trade blows in a long drawn out session of brawling. After a minute or so of back and two slugging, the referee became involved, trying to come between both men. First, Statler pushed him away, and then Komodo on the second intervention. Finally, on the third attempt, the referee found himself shoved hard to the mat by BOTH men.


As the brawl went on, the referee came to his senses and called an end to the contest by double disqualification


Match ends in a double disqualification as both superstars push the referee


Both men questioning the call, Sara; but the referee is not staying around to argue the point.

Another good contest, this time brought to an end by a lack of discipline.

Statler looks the more frustrated as he leaves ringside, and Komodo is playing up to the fans.

I get a feeling this wont be the last we see of this budding rivalry.

And hopefully we’ll see some more as we head to the ring for some more Rapid Pro Action!


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”The Future”
Parker Stevens
Vs “The Playboy”
Antonio Marquez


Despite it being the nickname of Parker Stevens, it is clear that both of these men are and will be the Future of this business. Similar styles, both schooled in various different skills in the ring this match seemed destined to be a great contest and we were not let down.


Fast-paced, action of various types with both men trying to out speed, out technique and out fight one another straight away. A long string of hold and counter-hold wrestling, mixed with some high flying and at one point a pier six brawl! In the end, it was Parker Steven’s “diversion” of the rules that gained him some control with a thumb to the eye. Just like the Gauge brothers earlier, Steven’s seemed determined to impress an unknown figure backstage, gloating to the ramp, not even to the fans about his abilities as he overawed the Playboy.


His laxidasical cover attempts may have cost him, especially after hitting his Future Shock Northern Light’s Suplex; and instead of bridging for the pin, performing a handstand. This, it seems, allowed Marquez to get his shoulder up. Another bout of show boating, gave Marquez the chance to regroup and feed off the fans. He fought back, taking the fight to Parker with a number of beautiful springboard manouvers. His near-falls were closer than Stevens, but more down to an actual attempt to make the pins stick, before Parker seized a chance when the referee had been caught with a flailing hand to the eyes to hit a low blow on Marquez.


Once more, Parker went for the Future Shock, but this time, Marquez used the momentum to flip straight onto his feet! The crowd went wild as Parker turned but only in time to feel the connection of a Superkick boot the jaw! The Fiesta hit Parker square with everything and Marquez rolled into the pin and got the win!


Winner of the match by pinfall – “The Playboy” Antonio Marquez


That’s our match of the night so far, ladies and gentlemen! What a contest!

Both men were impressive, but whoever Steven Parker is trying to impress cost him dear tonight.

Definitely; the opposite reaction to that of the Gauge brothers earlier in the evening.

Parker will need to step it up next week if he’s going to impress anyone, let alone this mystery man.

Well the fun just keeps on coming; another match is coming straight up! Stay where you are.


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J.P. Platinum
Vs “Mr. Wrestling”
Steve Flash


For the third time this evening, a Superstar or stars entered ringside, seemingly talking to an unknown face behind the curtain. Primetime J.P. Platinum comes to the ring with a huge reputation, and even more need to be able to back that reputation up as tonight he takes on a true legend of the independents. Steve Flash; the Remarkable one as he has been known, can take on almost anyone in this ring; and boy did he show it from the opening bell. Looking like a man in his twenties not forties,


Flash exploded into life taking the fight to Platinum almost beating Septu’s time from earlier in the night as he rolled Platinum up for a two that was as close to a three as you could get. Platinum was frustrated as he rolled out the ring and started to slap the canvas on the outside. He took his time, using the ten count to regain his composure before returning to the ring and being outclassed all over again. Once more, Platinum rolled out of the ring, this time kicking the security rail. His anger boiling, Platinum pulled a table from under the ring and set it up as the referee chastised him from inside.


Returning once more, Platinum’s plan seemed to bare fruit as suddenly, Flash had one eye on Primetime, and one eye on the rogue wood. Platinum managed to take control taking time to work on Flash’s well-publicised bad back. The beatdown was methodical and without remorse as J.P. ripped and tore at Mr. Wrestling's spine. Huge whips into the corner, back breakers and a crossbow stretch had Flash crying out in pain. Platinum set up for the Platinum Bomb; a Tiger Suplex, but couldn’t get it locked, Flash flipped Platinum over and with a back drop. It looked for a moment as if Flash would gain control, but his back was in too much pain. Platinum was back to his feet, double hooked Flash’s legs, took him to the mat and turned him over into a Boston Crab.


The Remarkable one ripped and clawed at the mat, edging to the ropes and finally making it. J.P. refused to let the hold go; the referee counted and reached five before Platinum let go and began arguing with the referee. Flash edged to his feet, and before Platinum could realise what was happening they were trading blows. The crowd egged Flash on who took control, a single right hand spun Platinum on the spot and Flash went for the Flash Bang, a Urinage Suplex, but couldn’t lift it! He turned himself, his back in pain and Platinum rolled him up with a school boy. With the pain in Flash’s back it wasn’t needed, but still Platinum pulled the tights. As the referee slapped the third time, Platinum was almost out of the ring and half way up the ramp victorious.


Winner of the match following a roll up with held tights – “Primetime” J.P. Platinum


Platinum could have won that match clean! He had the beating of Flash! Why take the easy road?

Some people think the world owes them a living, Jerry. Easy way or the hard way? Easy every time…

It’s such a shame; but I don’t think Flash will let J.P. get… Wait… What the hell!?

Things are about to get much worse for Steve Flash.


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The Lord Rises…


”The Lord of the East” Septu & “Mr. Wrestling” Steve Flash


Flash slowly pulls himself up on the ropes, shouting to Platinum who stands, arrogantly with a smile on his face at the top of the ramp. Not because of his victory, but more likely because he knows what’s coming. Behind Flash from out of the now stunned and silent audience had come Septy. The Lord of the East stood, huge, in the centre of the ring. Finally, Platinum gestured with a point behind Flash who slowly turned. Both hands wrapped around his neck, he’s lifted high into the air before being slammed hard and unceremoniously to the mat.


What the hell is this all about!? Come on! Flash has been through enough!


Geniveive at ringside, cheering on her giant charge, Septu’s unsmiling face and unyielding strength continue to torture Mr. Wrestling dragging him to his feet and slamming him hard into the turnbuckles. Backing up, Septu waits before sprinting at Flash crushing him with his immense size.


Someone has to stop this! Security! Referees! SUPERSTARS! ANYONE!


Once more, Flash is dragged to his feet, before being bent in half, his head tucked between Septu’s huge thighs, hoisted high into the air and smashed to the mat with a Powerbomb. Without breaking grip, Septu drag’s Flash’s limp body up and slams it down for a second time…




One last time Flash is lifted, but this time his limp body is released for the third and final powerbomb, over the top rope and through the table at ringside. Septu stands over the pieces of splintered wood with the prone and almost certainly destroyed Steve Flash within. EMT’s and officials run to ringside, a stretcher brought for Flash as Genevieve leads The Lord of the East away without so much as an explanation.




Ladies and gentlemen, as Steve Flash is taken away on a stretcher I have to ask; why? Why would Septu do this?

It was a sickening attack, Jerry, but I can only assume the answer is because he can. My question, is anyone safe?

Someone needs to step in a do something; anything. Septu needs to be suspended, fired, I don’t know but something needs to be done.

Would you like to be the one to inform him?

Probably not; ladies and gentlemen let’s try and return to normal with what has turned into quite a heated Main Event.


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”Acid Rain”
Tyler Morton
w/ Carl Catch Vs “The Artist”
Mike Dragon
w/ Gregoria


Seen more this evening than anyone else; Morton and Dragon return to the ring where their night began to do battle. Our inaugural Main Event between two men who are more than capable of either flying or fighting. The match began in a flurry of violence with neither man really wanting to yield; back and forth with Morton’s fists and Dragon’s feet, neither giving the other any hint that they were causing pain. Morton’s brawling skills came to be the more efficient of the two however as a blocked kick attempt seemed to deaden Dragon’s right thigh and like a shark smelling blood, Morton began to ferociously tear at his opponent.


Targeting the legs had seemingly been the tactic from moment one, as Morton looked to neutralise the quick feet of his opponent. He used the ropes, the ring posts and the aprons to further lay damage to Dragon; all the time leering at Gregoria at ringside. Catch, however, was quick to keep Morton’s mind on the match, allowing Acid Rain to keep control. He made a number of pin attempts, but really for no other reason than to force Dragon to kick out and further injure his thigh. Morton’s frenzied attack continued, but by the minute he seemed more and more distracted by Gregoria at ringside.


As each moment ticked by, Catch became less able to control Morton’s time and Dragon began to recuperate. Sensing an opportunity to help her man, Gregoria allowed a smile to cross her lips, enticing Morton in, until finally, Dragon was outside the ring and close behind Morton. Finally, Morton turned around into a frenzied attack of his own from Dragon, this time using chops and European uppercuts to stagger Acid Rain. Unable now to utilize his quick feet, Dragon punished Morton with knees on his weaker leg, shoulder charges, head buts and a number of judo-style take downs; all the time, trying to get the blood flowing in his thigh to allow some better use. Even in the moments where Dragon was trying to regain some feeling in his leg, Morton’s eye was still drawn to Gregoria who has now loosened her buttons on her jacket, allowing a little cleavage to show.


Dragon finally seemed able to use those educated feet and began to wear down on Morton. Finally, a series of hard kicks to the knees took Morton down to his knees. Dragon breathed deep, and swung his foot for a hard shot to the head he called “The Fire Breather”, but Morton ducked out of the way. As Dragon turned again, he found himself caught with a huge Front Face Neckbreaker (Cutter) in the way of the Acid Rain Drop.


Catch began to craw as he sensed victory, but instead of making the cover, Morton rolled to the outside. Slowly he began to follow Gregoria around the ring. Catch tried to plead with him as the referee counted much more slowly than he normally would. In the ring, at a count of four, Dragon began to stir as Gregoria found herself cornered. Morton reached up to his face and rolled his mask up over his mouth and began to lean towards her for a kiss. Dragon and Gregoria locked eyes as she reared back with her hand and slapped Morton hard across the face. In what seemed like slow motion, Morton turned and hit a huge Acid Rain Drop on the woman at ringside.


Dragon’s screams could be heard all around the arena as he darted to his feet and ran diving over the top and taking both Morton and Catch out! The referee started to count again, but Dragon was no longer interested. Morton fought back, but neither man looked to return to the ring as the referee counted to ten.


The match ends as a draw following a double count out


And we’re still not done ladies and gentlemen!

This just got personal!

This is like a bar fight in Texas!


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The Brawl Continues


”Acid Rain” Tyler Morton & “The Artist” Mike Dragon


The Ring Announcer calls the match a tie and Morton returns to the ring, for no other reason than to avoid the incensed Dragon. His respite is only temporary, however, as Dragon follows like a man possessed. The two Main Event competitors begin to hack away at one another with lefts and rights, both men clearly exhausted from their encounter, yet neither wanting to back down.


Suddenly, officials and security flood the ringside area, getting between the two, separating them back to a corner. Within seconds, both have broken free, both fighting through security, bodies falling left and right. Again, they clash in the ring, their blows less educated, more furious than before. Once again, they’re broken apart.


Thirty seconds pass, but yet again they fight their way towards one another, a battle over status now more personal than either could have imagined; blood drips from Dragon’s mouth, and Morton’s only facial feature to be shown through his mask, his eyes, are swollen and puffy from the blows. Finally, the fight subdues, partially because of the security, but more imperatively because Dragon wishes to check on Gregoria who is being seen to by more EMT’s; the busiest of all employees this evening. Our closing scene of the show is of a crazed looking Tyler Morton being held back, and the carnage at ringside of a coshed Catch and a Gored Gregoria, Mike Dragon knelt at her side, with anger and sorrow in his eyes.




What a first night! I have to say I did not expect it to end like this Sara.

Me neither Jerry; I thought tonight would be more like an exhibition, but I think we can see some real dislike starting to arise.

Flash and Septu, the Gauges and the Hitmen and now Morton and Dragon; I can’t wait until our next show to find out what is going to happen next.

It’s so exciting; what a new start, what a new beginning, what a genesis!

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us, and please, join us again next time at RPW Supershow! Good night!




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Thanks for the early feedback guys; I'll be looking to keep things on a weekly show rotation to keep it interesting with some background and analytical posts too.


First "show review" will be up in the next day or so with the next card for the next show going up a little later.

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