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Raw: November 12, 2012



Date November 12, 2012

Announcers Jim Ross, Michael Cole


Video A video is shown highlighting the leading up to the War Games Main Event this Sunday at Survivor Series. The video ends with Heyman revealing his entire team with CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho, Big Show, and Goldberg.. then Team McMahon featuring John Cena, Ryback, Triple H, Mick Foley, and a mystery man.


Raw Trademark Opener


Divas Tag Team Match


Once again these four divas fight, this time trying to get their team an upper hand going into Survivor Series. The match showed that the four ladies have good chemistry together and knew the opponents well. The referee had difficulty controlling all four ladies when two were on the outside, and two were in the ring. Apparently, the referee lost track of who was legal because Beth Phoenix pinned Ashley, when Lita was the legal person for her team. The announcers mention the error but regardless, the match is over.



The announcers mention that there's bad luck with Team Beautiful, because Kharma has been injured at a house show a few days ago. She was hoping to be cleared by Sunday, but it seems she won't be cleared until December.


Backstage Daniel Bryan apparently has his team that was announced last week to face Team Kane. He's giving a group of guys a pep talk, and the camera reveals his team is: Miz, Morrison, and Del Rio.


Backstage Kane is telling his team to work together or he'll make sure they all feel his anger. The camera shows his team is: DiBiase, Mysterio, and Sin Cara.




Singles Match


Both men put on a great match. They show a little bit of respect during the match with each other but continue to fight. Miz and Morrison walk out and watch the match. Miz and Morrison start walking down to the ring slowly, when over the speakers you hear this clown music... out comes Doink the Clown. Everybody looks confused. Doink walks past Miz and Morrison, then gets in the ring. The referee is telling him to leave, but Doink shakes his hand with a hand-buzzer. Ziggler is mad and yelling for him to leave. Hennig is on the ground. Doink squirts water in Ziggler's eyes... Hennig slides behind Ziggler and does a roll up. The referee counts to three.



Joe gets out of the ring quickly, but is met by Miz and Morrison who start beating on him. Ziggler looks angry at Doink. Ziggler runs after Doink, but he slides out of the ring. Doink laughs and waves. Ziggler is showing his frustration in the ring. Meanwhile, Morrison and Miz continue their attack on Hennig. DiBiase runs out, and causes Miz and Morrison to flee.


The announcers are stunned and confused why Doink was here.


Backstage Beth and Natalya are celebrating their win. Trish Stratus walks up to them and says that wasn't an actual win. They say some smack to Trish, and walk off.


Video A Video tribute to the Veterans is shown for Veterans Day.




Backstage Dolph is looking for AJ. He runs into Vickie. Ziggler is yelling out his frustrations. Vickie says she'll take care of it for him, and she wants him back. Ziggler just walks off upset.


Survivor Series Match


It appears Miz, Morrison, and Del Rio do not want to be on Bryan's team. They all encourage him to be the man to start for the team. Bryan starts the match with Rey Mysterio. Mysterio gets the upper hand, so Bryan tries to tag out, but they all jump off the apron. He looks mad. Mysterio tags Kane. Kane starts beating on Bryan, and choke slams him. This eliminates Bryan. Del Rio gets in the ring immediately and starts beating on Kane. Del Rio, Miz, and Morrison all keep Kane in their corner for a while. Bryan has shaken off the choke slam. Kane starts getting momentum back, beating on all three guys in the corner. Bryan gets on the apron and yells at Kane "NO-NO-NO". Miz tags in and rolls up Kane for a pinfall. Kane is eliminated. Bryan just smiles. Kane starts chasing Bryan around the ring.. all the way to the back. DiBiase is in the ring and starts fighting the Miz. Hennig comes out and attacks Morrison. Miz and DiBiase get involved on the outside. Miz and DiBiase are counted out, and they all fight to the back. The ref also says Morrison has been counted out. Ted Dibiase, The Miz, and John Morrison have been eliminated. This leaves Del Rio against Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara. Del Rio puts on a good fight, and Ricardo tries to help, but everything backfires. Sin Cara is able to pin Del Rio for the win.

Winners TEAM KANE (survivors Sin Cara & Rey Mysterio)


Backstage Kane and Bryan are arguing, then realize Kane's team won. Bryan storms off upset.


Backstage AJ is once again seen going into someones locker room.




Team Heyman all walk out to the ring. Heyman says AJ told him to bring his team out here because she wants to announce the main event tonight. Since they're waiting, Punk gets the mic and talks about Vince's team. He goes down the list and mentions both him and Brock Lesnar already beat John Cena and Triple H this year.. Punk mentions he already beat Ryback this year.. and who cares about Mick Foley. AJ comes out and interrupts. She informs them of two matches tonight. One will be CM Punk against Mick Foley, which will be the main event. The other match will be JeriShow against John Cena and Ryback. And that match is now. Cena and Ryback come out.


Tag Team Match


AJ also makes everyone banned from ringside before the match begins. Cena and Ryback both attack Jericho and Big Show. The bell rings. All four men continue to fight, but the referee lets it go. Ryback is beating on Jericho, while Cena is beating on Big Show. The match finally gets to a tag match, which has Ryback in the ring with Big Show. Big Show is able to get offense on Ryback. Show and Jericho work together on Ryback. Ryback is able to make the tag to Cena, which he comes in and cleans house. Big Show tags Jericho in, but all four men are once again in the ring. Ryback and Cena double close line Big Show out of the ring. Ryback gets Jericho in the Shell shock, followed by Cena's STF. Jericho taps.



Backstage Punk is going crazy at the loss that just happened. Heyman tells him to focus on his match with Foley. Punk then starts laughing.




Backstage Team McMahon is cheering on Foley, and wants him to hurt Punk. Triple H tells Foley to bring back Cactus Jack, Dude Love, Mankind, and Misses Foley's Baby Boy.


Main Event: Singles Match


It was apparent Foley was off his game and had some ring rust. Punk took it to Foley piece by piece. Foley was able to get some momentum from the crowd, and begin going a bit "mankind" on Punk. Foley then was using his "cactus jack bang bang" symbol and started beating on Punk. It was showing that Foley was getting the rust off quickly. Foley was about to let Punk meet Socko, but Team Heyman quickly ran out and started destroying Foley.


Backstage Cameras go backstage and show Team McMahon is stuck in their locker room. It's nailed shut.


Team Heyman continue their beating on Foley. Each man is hitting their finisher on Foley. Punk is the last one. He holds Foley on his shoulders about to hit the GTS, then you hear, IF YA SMELL.. WHAT THE ROCK.. IS COOKIN. The crowd erupts as The Rock comes walking out. He's standing at the top of the ramp getting himself pumped. He starts walking to the ring and about midway, he runs in the ring. Team Heyman start attacking him, then Team McMahon runs out. McMahon's team clears the ring. The Rock gets the microphone and tells Team Heyman he's the 5th man on Team McMahon, and plans to make Team Heyman his bitch.


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Smackdown: November 16, 2012



Date November 16, 2012

Announcers Josh Matthews, JBL


Singles Match


The announcers mention at Survivor Series, Team Orton (Randy Orton, Kane, Daniel Bryan, Ted DiBiase, and Joe Hennig) will face Team Wyatt (Bray Wyatt, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Miz, and John Morrison). Cody tries to help Sandow cheat, but it backfires and Orton hits the RKO.



Backstage Epico and Primo are once again arguing with Camacho and Hunico. Rosa walks in looking "lost" and in a dream. They ask her what's up. She just takes a deep breath and walks off. She then walks back and says they should all fight tonight. They all agree.


Backstage William Regal is with Jack Swagger. He informs Swagger because of his win last week, he thinks he deserves a shot at the European Champion, formally the Unites States championship. He makes the match at Survivor Series.


Backstage Bray Wyatt is talking to Brodus Clay.




Tag Team Match


Rosa is not at ringside. The match begins. Good in ring action. During the match, you hear some latin type music. Fandango appears with Rosa Mendes and former WWE Diva, Shelley Martinez (Ariel). They are all dancing together at the top of the ramp. Primo, Epico, Hunico, and Camacho all stop wrestling and look confused. Primo rolls up Camacho for a pin.



Fandango leaves with Rosa and Shelley. Primo and Epico look on confused.


Backstage Someone has a handheld camera shooting somewhere near a dumpster in the distance. It's Eve looking in the dumpster.


Backstage Aksana and Maxine are talking. Antonio walks up and wants to know what's going on with them. They inform Antonio he's no longer needed. They walk off.




Backstage Ambrose is with Barrett. Ambrose apologizes to Barrett and Henry. He's releasing them to do what they want and he won't share the knowledge he has on them. Barrett says he'll eventually be coming for that title.


Backstage Layla walks up to Angelina and Velvet. She mentions the Divas championship match later with McCool against Angelina, and promises she will welcome her appropriately to the WWE. Layla also gives fake sympathy for Kharma's injury and tells them good luck finding a replacement.


Singles Match


A good match and psychology between the two. Kane came out with a chair, and sat by the ring to watch the match. This tall bearded man stands up from the crowd, jumps over the guard and gives a big foot to the right side of Kane's face. Security jumps immediately and handcuffs the man. Bryan got distracted, and Bray gets the finish on Bryan.



Backstage Fandango is with Rosa and Shelley. Primo, Epico, Huncio, and Camacho all walk in and wonder who he is. Primo and Epico try to talk to Rosa, and Hunico and Camacho start trying to sweet talk Shelley. Regal walks in and informs them they are all a part of a Survivor Series match.




Singles Match


Antonio Cesaro comes down for guest commentary. Swagger does pretty much a dominate match with Slater. Slater gets a few offensive moves, but nothing big. Swagger hits the gutwrench powerbomb, followed by the ankle lock for the win.



Antonio and Jack have a short stare off, while Antonio walks away to the back.


The announcers go over the Survivor Series card.


Backstage Regal is giving a pep talk to Sheamus for Survivor Series. Regal informs Sheamus that there's only one way the match can happen, unfortunately. Regal informs Sheamus of how the contract was made thanks to Ambrose, and was approved, but he can opt out if he wants. Sheamus asks what it is... Regal tells him if he loses, he cannot fight for the World Title again for at least 365 days. Sheamus looks angry, but says he'll fight at Survivor Series and beat Dean Ambrose.




Tag Team Match


Kane doesn't come out. The announcers replay the footage of Kane being kicked in the head earlier. Ambrose and Rhodes work decent as a team beating on Sheamus. Kane finally starts walking down to the ring, but not looking 100%. Kane gets up on the apron, while Sheamus and Ambrose are both on the ground. Ambrose is about to tag Cody, and does. Sheamus sees Kane and tags Kane. Kane gets in the ring. Due to Kane not being 100%, he falls down.. possible concussion. Cody looks shocked, but excited. He takes advantage. Cody picks up Kane and hits the Crossroads for the win.



Dean gets in the ring and tells Cody to help him beat on Sheamus. The two start kicking Sheamus and beating on him. Dean gives a running bare knee to Sheamus' head.


Backstage Bray is with the tall bearded man who kicked Kane earlier. He's informing the offices he has a ticket and is with him. Regal comes by and Regal gets in the man's face.




Backstage Michelle McCool and Layla are talking with their Survivor Series team in the locker room, which consists of Beth Phoenix, Natalya, and Maryse. McCool tells them to watch her defend her title and give her team the momentum.


Backstage Velvet, Lita, and Ashley are all encouraging Angelina for the title match next. Velvet also tells Angelina she found their final member for the team, and whispers it in Angelina's ear. She smiles.


Main Event: Divas Championship Match


A decent divas match. Layla and Velvet do some work around ringside, chasing each other. Layla tries to help McCool, but Velvet runs her away. Layla comes back to ringside with Beth, Natalya, and Maryse. Maryse gets the ref's attention, while Beth and Natalya get in the ring and double team Angelina. Velvet tries to help, but Layla attacks Velvet. This brings down Lita and Ashley. They get in the ring, Beth and Natalya get to the outside. Lita and Ashley follow and start brawling with them. Maryse stops messing with the ref and helps Beth and Natalya. Velvet and Layla are fighting on the outside too. McCool stands up smiling. Over the speakers you hear (

). Trish Stratus walks out. McCool looks shocked. Maryse goes after Trish, and Trish starts beating on her. McCool turns around and Angelina is barely up. McCool runs at her, but Angelina ducks, kicks the stomach, and hits Break A Bitch on McCool for the pinfall.

Winner and NEW Divas Champion ANGELINA


Trish, Lita, Ashley, and Velvet get in the ring to celebrate. McCool and Layla look like they are about to cry.


Backstage Sheamus is lying on the ground with someone standing over him. You hear the person say, "I'll be seeing you real soon."


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Survivor Series Card Preview



Date November 18, 2012

Announcers Jim Ross, Michael Cole, JBL




TEAM HEYMAN (CM Punk,Lesnar,Jericho,Big Show,Goldberg) against TEAM McMAHON (The Rock,Cena,Ryback,HHH,Mick Foley)







TEAM FLAWLESS (McCool,Layla,Maryse,Beth,Natalya) against TEAM BEAUTIFUL (Angelina,Velvet,Lita,Ashley,Trish)




TEAM ORTON (Orton,Kane,Bryan,DiBiase,Hennig) against TEAM WYATT (Wyatt,Cody,Sandow,Miz,Morrison)







TEAM GREATNESS (Ziggler,DelRio,Fandango,Camacho,Hunico) against TEAM QUICK (Bourne,Mysterio,Cara,Primo,Epico)




Let your predictions begin. If all your predictions are correct, then you will get to decide an outcome of a match that could change how the future is booked.


If you pick all the eliminations correct, then you will get a chance to book Wrestlemania 29. You will be given a series of matches I had originally planned, and get to change two of them. (main event matches) AND you will get to choose any 4 surprise participants in the Royal Rumble.

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Date November 18, 2012

Announcers Jim Ross, Michael Cole, JBL


Opening Video A video is shown featuring past Survivor Series clips that features: Undertaker debut, The Rock debut, Screwjob, and various clips of different moves by superstars. It then shows clips of WCW's War Games in the past. The video fades out and fireworks go off in the building.


JR Welcome everyone to Survivor Series! It's the first time the WWE has featured War Games, and tonight, some fans will get to see this wild match for the first time.

JBL It's brutal. It's Team Heyman against Team McMahon, and I think my money is all on Team Heyman. They have the smarts, the power, and the best in the world.

Cole I have to go with Team McMahon. It's like the WWE's Dream Team. Rock, Cena, Ryback, Mick Foley, and Triple H.

JBL The last thing we need is the Rock 'n Sock Connection fighting together.

JR Regardless, tonight will feature some great traditional matches, and two title defenses!



Survivor Series Traditional Match


Team Greatness comes out first with Ziggler leading the way along with his theme music, except Fandango. Once they are in the ring, Fandango comes out to his 'salsa' music, dancing with Rosa and Shelley.

JBL I can't help but say, if Jerry were here, he'd be drooling over Rosa and Shelley.

JR Speaking on King, I'm told we'll have an official update for you tomorrow night on Raw as to when he'll be back.

Team Quick comes out to Rey Mysterio's music. All men are set and the match begins. Rey Mysterio starts it out with Del Rio. The match features a lot of quick moves and high flying from Team Quick displayed by each man. Team Greatness uses their slick cheating skills and gang-like style to help keep Team Quick at their pace. Camacho gets eliminated by Primo. Primo gets eliminated by Hunico. Epico comes in to try and eliminate Hunico, but he makes the tag out to Fandango. He shows some good skills. Epico is eliminated by Fandango. Cara comes in and has some action with Fandango. He tags out to Ziggler. Ziggler gets some offense going on Cara. Cara makes the tag to Bourne, and the two start fighting fast. Bourne runs against the ropes, but is kicked in the head by Del Rio, and Ziggler hits the Zig Zag. Evan Bourne is eliminated by Dolph Ziggler. Mysterio comes in. Ziggler eventually makes the tag to Hunico, who starts struggling with Mysterio. Mysterio and Cara do some tag team work on Hunico. Hunico is eliminated by Sin Cara. Del Rio is out and is on the attack. Del Rio, Fandango, and Ziggler are able to keep Cara on their side. Cara tries to fight back but fails. Sin Cara is eliminated by Alberto Del Rio. Mysterio is in. He gets offense in on all three members left from Team Greatness. Cara is at ringside cheering on Rey. Mysterio is in the ring with Fandango. Mysterio is about to leap on the ropes for a splash. Once he jumps, Sin Cara jumps on the apron and kicks Rey in the head, which causes Rey to fall to the mat. Fandango quickly covers Rey for the pinfall.

Winners TEAM GREATNESS (survivors: Dolph Ziggler, Fandango, Alberto Del Rio)


JR What the hell did Sin Cara just do?!?

JBL Apparently, Sin Cara just got wise.

Cole Rey Mysterio took Sin Cara under his wing, why would he betray him like this? It doesn't make any sense.

JBL It doesn't have to. That's the beauty of it.

JR I hope we get answers. But regardless, Team Greatness has won.


Backstage Kane and Daniel Bryan are arguing. Randy Orton walks in and tells them to shut up, and focus on tonight. If they don't, he'll gladly do it for them.



European/United States Championship Match


Both men put on a good match in the ring, with close pin falls. The USA chants began and helped motivate Swagger. There is some sort of disturbance at ringside with men, police officers, and security. Some men are being escorted. Cameras cannot see who the men are, and the announcers are ignoring what is happening. Swagger is keeping on the offense. Antonio is able to reverse the momentum and pick up offense. Antonio locks Swagger and hits the Neutralizer.

Winner and STILL European/United States Champion ANTONIO CESARO


Backstage Team Beautiful are talking about tonight's match and how revenge will be sweet.


Backstage Regal is wishing Sheamus luck because if he loses, that's it for one year.



Survivor Series Traditional Match


Team Wyatt is out first, then Team Orton. Orton is trying to refrain from beating on Bray right now. Daniel Bryan is starting the match with The Miz. Great action to start this match off. Ted Dibiase is eliminated by The Miz. The Miz celebrates, but Joe Hennig runs in.. kicks Miz in the stomach, and gets the perfect plex locked. The Miz is eliminated by Joe Hennig. Morrison runs in and the two start fighting. Miz tags out to Bray. Bray continues the attack on Hennig. Bray throws Hennig to the outside and mocks Orton. The ref is distracted, and Cody starts beating on Hennig. Cody ls laying low around the corner on the ground. The ref begins the 10 count. Once at 9, Cody sneaks around as Hennig is about to get in the ring, and holds his leg but the ref doesn't see it. Joe Hennig is eliminated by Bray Wyatt. Orton rushes in, but Bray tags out to Sandow. Damien Sandow is eliminated by Kane. John Morrison is eliminated by Daniel Bryan. Bray comes in and works on Daniel. Bryan is trying to make the tag to Orton, but can't. Bryan is finally able to make the tag to Orton, and he comes running after Bray. Bray runs out of the ring and up the ramp. He turns around and waves. Bray Wyatt is eliminated by Randy Orton. The announcers mention he's a coward. Cody comes in but Orton starts punching and kicking. Eventually, Orton hits the RKO.

Winners TEAM ORTON (survivors: Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, Kane)


Backstage Swagger is upset at losing. Thinking about calling it quits.


Backstage Paul Heyman is talking to his team and wishing them luck. Punk tells him they don't need luck.


Video A video package is shown leading up to the new divas division and how this match came to be.



Survivor Series Traditional Match


Team Flawless is out, followed by Team Beautiful. Beth Phoenix and Lita start the match. The entire match kept the fans interested, which hasn't been seen in a Diva's match on ppv in a while. Maryse is eliminated by Trish Stratus. Natalya is eliminated by Ashley. Beth Phoenix is eliminated by Lita. Layla and McCool have a scared look, and decide to walk off. Lita and Ashley run and catch them. They throw both of them in the ring. Velvet and Angelina are there waiting. Those four ladies start fighting without much order. Velvet hits the beauty mark on Layla, while Angelina hits the Break a Bitch on Michelle. They both pin at the same time, while the ref doesn't know who the legal ladies are, he counts with two hands. Layla is eliminated by Velvet. Michelle McCool is eliminated by Angelina.

Winners TEAM BEAUTIFUL (survivors: Velvet, Angelina, Lita, Ashley, Trish Stratus)


Backstage Renee Paquette is interviewing Dean Ambrose. Ambrose talks about what he did at Hell in a Cell, and how glad he'll be when Sheamus can't fight for the World Title for 1 year.



World Heavyweight Championship Match


They have a great match. Much better than the one at Hell in a Cell. Sheamus continues to show how tough he is. Both men used everything they could find as a weapon, while the ref let it happen. Ambrose is bleeding a little from the forehead. Sheamus has picked up the offense on Ambrose. Sheamus is preparing for the brogue kick. He's waiting for Ambrose to get to his feet. Ambrose is up and Sheamus tries the kick, but Ambrose ducks. The two continue the match. From the crowd appears a girl with black hair. The ref is checking on Ambrose, and while he is, the girl hits Sheamus with some object in her hand. Ambrose gets up slowly and pulls down his knee pad. Sheamus is up and Ambrose hits the running knee.

Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion DEAN AMBROSE


The girl gets in the ring with Ambrose. Ambrose is smiling with blood dripping off his head.


JBL Incredible match! I'm loving this guy more and more.

JR Who the hell is that girl!? She just screwed Sheamus!

JBL Poor Sheamus. No world title match for one year. Oh well.


Video A video package is played featuring everything leading up to the Main Event.


JR While the cage lowers, if you're not familar with War Games, let me mention how it works. The match began with one member of each team entering the cage. After five minutes, a member from one of the teams determined by a coin toss, would enter the cage, giving his team the temporary handicap advantage. After two minutes, a member from the other team would enter to even the odds. Entrants alternated between teams every two minutes, giving the coin toss-winning team the temporary advantage in the numbers game before giving the other team the advantage with the freshest man and even odds. Once all men enter the cage, both teams will brawl in the cage for as long as it takes until a member of either team submitted, surrendered, or was knocked unconscious.


Justin Roberts Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the War Games coin toss was decided a few moments ago backstage. The winner of the coin toss was Team Heyman.



War Games Match


CM Punk is out first representing Team Heyman as the first man. John Cena is the first man out for Team McMahon. The two start fighting each other in a grueling match. Neither man has the upper hand. Five minutes pass, and the next man out is Big Show. Big Show and Punk are able to beat on Cena. Next man out after two minutes is Triple H. Show and Punk try to go after Triple H, which gives Cena a few moments to catch his breath and help Triple H. Next out is Chris Jericho. Cena and Triple H are doing well holding their own, but with one minute left, are feeling the affects of the 3 on 2. Next out is Mick Foley. Foley goes after Punk, Jericho and Triple H are fighting, and Big Show is beating on Cena. Team McMahon is now getting more offense. Next out is Goldberg. Once again, Team Heyman is getting back the offense. Goldberg spears Foley. Now comes Ryback. Punk looks scared. Ryback tries to run after Punk, but is met with Goldberg. Goldberg and Ryback start battling. Brock Lesnar is out. Team McMahon is losing grounds quickly. The Rock comes running.. Brock pushes the entrance to the cage open and meets the Rock on the outside of the cage. The Rock and Brock are brawling on the outside. The Rock gets some momentum, and gets in the cage. Brock follows. The cage is now locked with all men in the ring. Punk and Rock are going at it. Brock is beating on Foley, and locks in a submission. Foley is gushing blood from Lesnar hitting him. Foley is completely unconscious.



Now Foley is out, Team Heyman continue their assault on the other members, trying to double team one man at a time. All members of Team McMahon are lying on the mat beaten.


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