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Wwe Hostile Takeover

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RAW began with a recap of the CM Punk and Mr McMahon altercation, shortly after the intros from Michael Cole and Jim Ross the familiar music of John Cena hit the arena to a mixed reaction, proof yet again that no one gets such an emotional response than the ten time world champion.

Cena informed the WWE universe that he hopes Punk picks him, he said whilst Ryback is on a role, Punk and Cena could be a match that goes down in the history books.


John Cena went on to make many valid points, before being interrupted by CM Punk and Paul Heyman on the RAW tron. Punk told Cena that he and the WWE Universe will find out later tonight who he will chose. He also went on to say he is sick of this company, sick of Vince McMahon and stated he wish he had left when he had the chance.


Brodus Clay def. Trent Baretta




After the match Baretta is walking backstage where he is confronted by Paul Heyman, Heyman says Baretta has potential, but questions his ambition, he says Baretta is one of the people Punk talks about when he says he is happy just collecting a pay check and he should be very disappointed in himself. As Heyman walks away Baretta looks angry and self loathing.


AJ Lee and Dr Shelby discuss Team Hell No’s progress, They decide that maybe alternative methods may be required.


The Miz def. Santino Marella


Sheamus is backstage where he is confronted by Dolph Ziggler, he and Vicky Guerrero inform Sheamus its only a matter of time before Big Show knocks him out, and even if he pulls of a fluke win, Ziggler will be there to take the title from him himself. Sheamus smiles before telling Ziggler he may be the show off but if he even tries to take his title the only thing he shows off will be a face full of bruises.


Eve is in the ring looking chirpy as usual, she tells the WWE Universe that she hates that some people are pointing the finger at her for the attack on Kaitlyn, she promises that sometime in the future she will give Kaitlyn the shot she was robbed of.


Eve def. Kelly Kelly


Team Rhodes Scholars def. Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara


After this match Drew Macintyre, Jinder Mahall and Heath Slater attack and take out the masked duo.


Booker T is backstage talking with AJ Lee, he mentions that letting Vince McMahon compete last week was a mistake and he would never let that happen on his show. AJ Laughs and has that crazy look, she informs Booker that he is in no position to judge her, after all at least her show in interesting and unpredictable, she looks over the shoulder of Booker ware Teddy Long is revealed, she laughs again and says, speaking of unpredictable can’t wait to see Smackdown’s main event on friday, as she loves tag matches.


Randy Orton def. David Otunga w/Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodruigez


After the match Alberto attempts to attack Orton but Orton sees it coming and coils up stopping Del-Rio in his tracks before retreating, Orton then proceeds to RKO Otunga.


Ryback def. Curt Hawkins


After the match CM Punk confronts Hawkins backstage, he tells Hawkins that he used to be driven, he is a competitor, someone who could have been a somebody, but now, now he is just another jobber collecting a paycheck.


Team Hell No def. The Prime Time Playas




After the match Dr. Shelby comes onto the ramp and inform his patients that this week on Smackdown there therapy, it will be taken to the next level. Bryan and Kane look at each other confused before arguing over who is the ‘Real Tag Team Champions’


Sheamus def. Tensai




Wade Barrett def. Eziekiel Jackson




After the match Paul Heyman approaches Barrett, before Heyman speaks Barrett informs him not to bother, he is doing things his way and is in no need of a pep talk, and just maybe one day, he will teach CM Punk about respect. Heyman smiles as Barrett walks away.


Vince McMahon walks to the ring, he tells the WWE Universe it is time for CM Punk to make his decision, or he will make it for him. CM Punk and Heyman make their way to the ring, he informs The Chairman that he has made his decision but he wants both men to be present so he can inform the new number one contender like a man.


Cena and Ryback both come to the ring. Punk tells the Chairman and the two potential number one contenders that this place, this company, its dying, and no Cena Kiss of life or wanabe Bill Goldberg can save it, no video game showcasing a prehistoric era can kick in new interest, the attitude era is dead, and unless change comes swiftly, change along with respect for the companies champion the WWE will join the Attitude era in the dirt!




Cena is about to retort as a fierce Ryback looks on but as he does Curt Hawkins storms the ring and takes Cena and his injured elbow down with a stiff chair shot, Ryback clotheslines Hawkins but as he gets up Punk kicks him in the head, it doesn’t take Ryback down, as Ryback stares down Punk Trent Baretta enters from the crowd and hits Ryback in the back of the knees with a lead pipe. Hawkins rises from the matt and Heyman introduces a Kendo stick by handing it to punk, the three men deliver a monstrous beat down to the two possible contenders. Outside the ring the WWE Chairman looks on before being hit from behind with a chair by Paul Heyman of all people, he rolls the chairman into the ring and he suffers the same fate as Ryback and Cena. The three men are a bloody mess as Punk, Baretta and Hawkins admire there handywork, CM Punk receives a mic from Heyman who is now in the ring, he tells the three beaten men AND the WWE Universe that he will face neither Cena or Ryback at Hell In A Cell, and if Vince McMahon tries to force the issue he will be beaten to death, he then goes on to say welcome to the era of REVOLUTION!! Heyman then holds punk and his two new allies back as they contemplate taking the beat down further.




As RAW goes off the air it is a horrific sight, and surely the new alliance of Punk, Heyman, Baretta and Hawkins are in for serious repercussions.

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What will the fallout be from RAW this week on Smackdown


Whilst Promising to be an action packed night, there is a tension in the WWE, will there be any fallout come friday night



Plus what does Dr Shelby mean by taking treatment to the next level?



Justin Gabriel United will take on States Champion Antonio Cesaro



Four NXT roster members compete for a contract here on Smackdown

Leo Kruger VS Byron Saxton VS Kassius Ohno VS Ritchie Steamboat



bare knuckle brawler Wade Barrett takes on the masked high flyer Sin-Cara



After there confrontation World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus contends with Mr Money In The Bank Dolph Ziggler



In Our Main Event we will see the team of

The Big Show & Alberto Del Rio go up against Randy Orton & Brodus Clay


We cant wait for the show and also cant wait to hear some predictions from you the WWE Universe

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Whilst John Cena was left limp on the mat on Monday it seems he is still

determined to face CM Punk at Hell In The Cell.


Whilst Cena is suspected to have a concussion luckily for him the Elbow injury was not made worse during the attack, as ironic as it is Cena is lucky the attackers focused on his head.

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Don't feel bad about my Ambrose comment. I've been saying the same thing about the real WWE for a while now. :p


I enjoyed the first show. Nice, simple write-up that I don't have to spend 10 minutes reading. I like that.


Looking forward to Smackdown! I'll be rooting for Del Rio and Big Show, because I don't want Clay anywhere near the main event!

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Don't feel bad about my Ambrose comment. I've been saying the same thing about the real WWE for a while now. :p


I enjoyed the first show. Nice, simple write-up that I don't have to spend 10 minutes reading. I like that.


Looking forward to Smackdown! I'll be rooting for Del Rio and Big Show, because I don't want Clay anywhere near the main event!


Lol I didn't feel bad mate don't worry, I agree with you :-)


Yea I was going to go for total detail but thaught I'd get sick of write ups and the story would suffer.


Lol Brodus is good as a hanger on To main eventers without actualy being a main eventer.

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Just read all of this and while I don't necessarily get into real world dynasty's very often this one looks promising. I can't get into real world mods which I believe is part of the reason that I can't get into real world dynasties but I like where this one is headed from the looks of it so consider yourself to have another reader.


Keep up the great work!

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19th October 2012


Smackdown began with a recap of the rivalry between Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio.

Smackdown gets straight into the action with a main event caliber match.



World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus def. Dolph Ziggler

Sheamus won by using the Brouge Kick




Daniel Bryan and Kane are Backstage arguing as usual, this time over there theories regarding there treatment being taken to the next level. Dr Shelby enters the room and tells the guys that what he has in mind is radical and could help them as people finally overcome there anger.



United States Champion Antonio Cesaro def. Justin Gabriel

Cesaro wins using a Neutralizer




Ziggler is back stage he storms into Booker T's office and demands that he is added to the World Heavyweight Championship match at Hell In A Cell. Booker informs Ziggler unless he cashes in the briefcase that aint happening.


Eve is in the ring and delivers a promo just like on RAW stating she did not attack Kaitlyn, Layla comes to confront her and they argue with Layla accusing Eve of wearing a wig. The two have a cat fight before being separated by officials.



Wade Barrett def. Sin-Cara

Barrett wins using a Souvenir Elbow.




Barrett takes a mic after the match and tells the WWE Universe the standard of competition is pitiful and if things don't get more challenging, he will find his own challenges.


The rules for the next match are announced the four finalists of the NXT Tournament will now face off in a Fatal Fourway for a Smackdown Contract.



Kassius Ohno def. Leo Kruger,Byron Saxton & Ritchie Steamboat

Kassius Ohno wins using an Ohno Blade


After the match Booker T makes his way to the stage, he applauds Ohno and has contract and pen in his hand, he beckons Ohno to come to the top of the stage and sign it. Ohno makes the walk to Booker who stretched out his hand only to receive an Ohno Blade of his own.

The commentary team, the crowd everyone is in shock as Ohno stands over a limp Booker T and rips up the Smackdown contract and shouting he is to good for these silly games.




Dr Shelby is in the ring and introduces Team Hell No who sheepishly approach the ring. He informs his patients that tonight for there recovery they also need the help of the new number one contenders Team Rhodes Scholars.

Kane and Bryan look furious but anger turns to confusion, the music of CM Punk hits.


Paul Heyman and CM Punk make there way to the ring, CM Punk gets a mic and tells Dr. Shelby the comedy act is over and he needs to get out of his ring.

Shelby walks off, Punk then turns his attention to Daniel Bryan, here is teh full transcript.

"I've known you longer than most people in the back here, you are one of the most talented Wrestlers in this place, what the hell are you doing being part of a damn comedy double act with chuckles the giant over there?! Ill tell you exactly what your doing, your selling out, all out time in Ring Of Honor, setting the Indies on fire, it means nothing now, because you sit and you count your money before making an ass of yourself out here in front of everyone!" "Look Punk" "NO you look, Daniel drop the comedy, stop with this PG BS, join up with me, you can become World Champ again and we can chan,," "PUNK SHUT UP!! I haven't sold out, I am here competing every week, working with guys up and down the roster, entertaining the fans, that's why Im here, if I sell a few shirts along the way is that such a bad thing, at least im not like you, a pompous moron looking down his nose at every body who isn't from the Indies I,,"

At this point Punk cuts off Bryan with a slap and the two trade blows, Kane trys to get involved but Baretta and Hawkins jump from the crowd and beat Kane down with a chair, Kane recovers and blocks a chair shot, he chases the duo back into the crowd and they disappear into the arena. Bryan gets the upper hand and locks Punk in the No-Lock.




Out of the crowd comes Kassius Ohno who drags Bryan off and hits him with the Ohno Blade. Punk manages to get to his feet and Ohno gets right into the face of Punk, they stare each other down, after a few moments Ohno backs off and leaves. Leaving an angry looking Punk staring a hole into the back of Ohno's head.



Before the match could get underway Big Show attacked Brodus Clay as he made his way to ring, Brodus is unable to compete this is now a 2 on 1 match.

Alberto Del Rio & Big Show def. Randy Orton

Del Rio Wins Using the Cross Arm Breaker.




After the match Big Show hits Orton with the WMD before saying Sheamus is next. Smackdown go's off the air as medics and officials tend to a badly beaten Orton.



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Just read all of this and while I don't necessarily get into real world dynasty's very often this one looks promising. I can't get into real world mods which I believe is part of the reason that I can't get into real world dynasties but I like where this one is headed from the looks of it so consider yourself to have another reader.


Keep up the great work!


I am glad your enjoying it so far, hopefully I can keep things interesting.

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After the beating last week Ryback promises to return and make an impact



Kaitlyn gets her match for Eve's Divas Championship



Curt Hawkins will take on R-Truth w/Little Jimmy of course



Wade Barrett VS Brodus Clay



World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus VS Alberto Del Rio



Epico & Primo VS Team Rhodes Scholars



Intercontinental Champion The Miz VS Kofi Kingston



After the confrontation on Smackdown, RAW's General Manager AJ Lee has made this Main Event

WWE Champion CM Punk VS WWE Tag Team Champion Daniel Bryan


Be sure to tune in on Monday Night to see how things unfold, and don't forget to make your predictions heard.

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