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TEW 13 Alt Pictures Thread

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Guest Asaemon
These renders are amazing, thank you to everyone for these




This one in particular is incredible. I immediately signed Victor Beskov and put him in this mask.


The Russian flag is a beautiful one, like several other European ones. The Austrian flag probably looks pretty good too, and maybe also the Serbian.

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Guest Asaemon
Only saw this when Poet Justice posted the resized version.


Did some digging and found the original. I've included the link to the original dynasty that it is from because there are a few more "unclaimed" pics in it.




Other renders can be found in here


Thanks, that great. The Fearsome Bunsen i had since before, but you're right it's totally worth checking out the dynasty. There were a couple of great renders in it.

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John Greed


That's pretty neat. Still not good enough for me to use him in any role other than a job guy though. Something about his general look turns me off on booking him strong.


The not good enough has nothing to do with the render btw, I just can't ever find a reason to book him strong. Maybe with that render he could be paired in a stable with Vengeance, Soul Taker and Scythe. Hmm...


Have you done any other renders of Greed that made you want to book him strong?

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Guest Asaemon
That's pretty neat. Still not good enough for me to use him in any role other than a job guy though. Something about his general look turns me off on booking him strong.


The not good enough has nothing to do with the render btw, I just can't ever find a reason to book him strong. Maybe with that render he could be paired in a stable with Vengeance, Soul Taker and Scythe. Hmm...


Have you done any other renders of Greed that made you want to book him strong?


Only the ones that i've posted lately. Actually i've never had him in either of my promotions or been in control of SWF. I was just sorting some of my latest facepaints and mask textures into the right folders, when it just hit me that the facepaint would fit Greed with very little work.


If i had Greed i would take inspiration from Travis Century/Pablo Rodriquez/The Rev and blend it with some inspiration from Priest/Preacher comics.

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That's pretty neat. Still not good enough for me to use him in any role other than a job guy though. Something about his general look turns me off on booking him strong.


The not good enough has nothing to do with the render btw, I just can't ever find a reason to book him strong. Maybe with that render he could be paired in a stable with Vengeance, Soul Taker and Scythe. Hmm...


Have you done any other renders of Greed that made you want to book him strong?


Here are the ones I've used most in private games (not sure of the original artist, found them in one of the re-render threads).....

http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Alternate%20Pics/Random/JohnGreed_alt.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Alternate%20Pics/Random/JohnGreed_suit.jpg


As far as a gimmick/push goes, I see him as the perfect worker to carry out the Devil's Advocate gimmick that WWE started with Sean O'Haire, but never really followed through with. He seems to have the combination of

ring skill, entertainment skill, and star quality to make the gimmick work.

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Guest Asaemon
I wouldn't know where to begin trying to do something like that.




This works? I think it would look better if i could find another hat and don't have to enlarge the size.

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This works? I think it would look better if i could find another hat and don't have to enlarge the size.


I just want to thank you. Your photo bucket is a Godsend for me. I like to create new workers for the C-verse and your random cuts help a lot!

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Here are the ones I've used most in private games (not sure of the original artist, found them in one of the re-render threads).....

http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Alternate%20Pics/Random/JohnGreed_alt.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Alternate%20Pics/Random/JohnGreed_suit.jpg


As far as a gimmick/push goes, I see him as the perfect worker to carry out the Devil's Advocate gimmick that WWE started with Sean O'Haire, but never really followed through with. He seems to have the combination of

ring skill, entertainment skill, and star quality to make the gimmick work.

That looks damn near just like Sean O'Haire!




Eddie Peak and NOT Venom or Carnage

That's sick. Venom, Carnage and The Joker are my top 3 favorite super villians. Eddie Peak as Venom, Doug Peak as Carnage! Haha. The next great supervillian tag team!

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Guest Asaemon
I just want to thank you. Your photo bucket is a Godsend for me. I like to create new workers for the C-verse and your random cuts help a lot!


I'm glad you like them. I'm looking forward to use them in my next save, when i'm finished with my project of converting a massive amount of renders to TEW picture format. I wanted something different than the T-Verse pictures for the generated workers. I will most likely take some time until i'm finished and can play TEW again, but it will be worth if when i'm finished since i will have thousands of random pictures. :cool:

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Guest Asaemon
That looks damn near just like Sean O'Haire!



That's sick. Venom, Carnage and The Joker are my top 3 favorite super villians. Eddie Peak as Venom, Doug Peak as Carnage! Haha. The next great supervillian tag team!


I think that Carnage could look great as a masked worker. Some colors and textures looks better as face-/bodypaint while some do as masked workers.


I will do some tests when i'm finished with my current project.


I've started to watch the Ash vs Evil Dead series, so i'm kind of working on some Necronomicon/Book of the Dead inspired worker that i will use together with Texas Chainsaw Madman in my next TCW save. I still have to figure out someone that will play the role.

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Guest Asaemon

Fearless Blue




Fearless Blue


Only tweaked some light settings.

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Guest Asaemon

Emma Chase




Emma Chase


Only tweaked some light settings.

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Guest Asaemon

Dane Kidd / The Danger Kidd




Dane Kidd / The Danger Kidd


Tweaked the light settings.

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Guest Asaemon







Some different Swarm variations.

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Guest Asaemon

Chess Maniac




Chess Maniac


Chess Maniac with some added light.

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Some different Swarm variations.


The Gold variations are amazing. The others are very good as well.

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Guest Asaemon

War Machine / Rav "The Beast Of Birmingham" Kapur


Hey my C-verse is primarily in the British Isles. I've stolen some of 21CW's midcarders with my new promotion and would love a few alts. (I ask you since your the best/most consistent around here)!


Something to make these young guys look like main eventers.


Wade Orson (maybe a different expression?)

Leigh Burton (some facial hair for a rugged alt)

A more intimidating and fat looking War Machine


That would be awesome if it's possible!




War Machine / Rav "The Beast Of Birmingham" Kapur (since both workers use the same picture)


Resized and some extra light. Should probably look really cool with the right facepaint or bodypaint. I usually sign Rav Kapur in my BHOTWG saves as a challenger for the mighty Kikkawa.

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Guest Asaemon

War Machine




Conquest, Famine, Death and War Machine.

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Some different Swarm variations.


These 2 will be added to my folder and used in my next game! I absolutely love them. I like the rest too, but with these 2 they'll get no use! Some amazing work as always Asaemon.

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