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TEW 13 Alt Pictures Thread

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Sure that pretty easy. Open the pictures, turn to black and white and save the pictures. Not many seconds of work. They look pretty good in black. :D




Awesome. Thanks. Who is Swarm IV?

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Emerald Angel




I love making an evil counterpart to Emerald Angel and usually go with Crimson Angel or Black Angel.

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Guest Asaemon

Gorilla Lee




Gorilla Lee


Ever wondered why he has that nickname? Well look at the alts and you'll might figure out the answer. :D


Gorilla Lee or Frank Sheedy as he is called in WMMA.

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Guest Asaemon

Mass Hulk




Mass Hulk


Mass Hulk or Maarten De Vries as he is named in WMMA.

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Guest Asaemon

Gulliver / Manol "The Smasher" Sirakov






This is Gulliver and he likes to travel. One day he did meet Big Smack Scotts younger brother James Sinclair, that sold some "magic stuff" to Gulliver that made him look like this.



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Guest Asaemon


I love making an evil counterpart to Emerald Angel and usually go with Crimson Angel or Black Angel.


I like that idea, which worker do you usually use as the evil counterpart?

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I like that idea, which worker do you usually use as the evil counterpart?



Never done anything with Emerald Angel, but I did have Findlay O'Farraday as an "evil" Enygma in one game to further a storyline and give him something to do until I was ready for him to be out from under the mask.


Also, a new "pet" project that I may continue if people find these useful (primarily for use with diaries as they would be useless in game right now)....................












As I said, I may continue with these (and possibly some by request if there is any interest).

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Guest Asaemon
Never done anything with Emerald Angel, but I did have Findlay O'Farraday as an "evil" Enygma in one game to further a storyline and give him something to do until I was ready for him to be out from under the mask.


Also, a new "pet" project that I may continue if people find these useful (primarily for use with diaries as they would be useless in game right now)....................


I like that alt of the imposter Enygma. I've had the same idea of an imposter Enygma if i start another USPW save. Here comes Enygma...wait a minute that can't be him unless he is on steroids. :D


The tag team logos looks great!

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Guest Asaemon
MANY alts for Hiroshi cuz I like to have options. Did this one different than usual and built off the face itself instead of pasting facepaint idk how I feel about it. May do a version for Battle Sakata similar if theres interest.


Hiroshi Morisue has hit the main event in my deathmatch Cult promotion in the States so this is Psycho Dragon his vigilante alter-ego, seeking justice and violence, and championships!




I like the eyes, they look cool.

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Never done anything with Emerald Angel, but I did have Findlay O'Farraday as an "evil" Enygma in one game to further a storyline and give him something to do until I was ready for him to be out from under the mask.


Also, a new "pet" project that I may continue if people find these useful (primarily for use with diaries as they would be useless in game right now)....................


As I said, I may continue with these (and possibly some by request if there is any interest).


These are pretty awesome. Love the logos.


One way to use them in game is to turn them into overlays. The ThunderVerse does that. They have stable logos that are turned horizontal on the left side, positioned so that it won't cover the worker, and put on a blank 150x150 PGN. So they can just be pasted onto any worker for a stable logo version. That's easier with Tverse workers as the placement is more consistent, but it would probably work. Or shrink the logo down so it fits into the top or bottom corner of an overlay.

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I like that alt of the imposter Enygma. I've had the same idea of an imposter Enygma if i start another USPW save. Here comes Enygma...wait a minute that can't be him unless he is on steroids. :D


The tag team logos looks great!


These are pretty awesome. Love the logos.


One way to use them in game is to turn them into overlays. The ThunderVerse does that. They have stable logos that are turned horizontal on the left side, positioned so that it won't cover the worker, and put on a blank 150x150 PGN. So they can just be pasted onto any worker for a stable logo version. That's easier with Tverse workers as the placement is more consistent, but it would probably work. Or shrink the logo down so it fits into the top or bottom corner of an overlay.


Thanks! In most cases, I have saved the original png file for the logos, so they could be used as an overlay. Finished a couple more last night, and have "logos" for several more default teams. Going out of town until Sunday this afternoon, but will likely post more once I get back.

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Apologies if this isn't the right place - any chance of any or all of the below T-Verse workers on C-Verse blue background please?



Al Breakum

Baba Taru Singh

Brad Novocaine

Corvis Jones

Dana, African Warrior Princess

El Gigante

Farmer Al

Farmer Pete


Giant Daisuke


Jimi Woodstock


Killa Wattz

Mega Hurtz


Oscar Cult

Philip Avery


The Brigadier

The Coach

The Deer Stalker

The Trawler

Tiger Singh



Aware there are quite a few names in this list so would massively appreciate any help.



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Apologies if this isn't the right place - any chance of any or all of the below T-Verse workers on C-Verse blue background please?



Al Breakum

Baba Taru Singh

Brad Novocaine

Corvis Jones

Dana, African Warrior Princess

El Gigante

Farmer Al

Farmer Pete


Giant Daisuke


Jimi Woodstock


Killa Wattz

Mega Hurtz


Oscar Cult

Philip Avery


The Brigadier

The Coach

The Deer Stalker

The Trawler

Tiger Singh



Aware there are quite a few names in this list so would massively appreciate any help.




Shouldn't be too hard to do, I'll get them done tomorrow when I've got fresher eyes. Been a while since I've done me a block of TVerse to CVerse conversions. :cool:

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Mass Hulk


Mass Hulk or Maarten De Vries as he is named in WMMA.

I like the WMMA characters. Maybe he'll be my Cverse equivalent of BAAAAAAAAAAROCK UHHHHHHHHLESNARRRR!


Or maybe someone even badder. Like "The Baddest Man On The Planet" Terron Cabal. Been a long time since I've booted up a game of WMMA, so the nickname might be wrong.


Never done anything with Emerald Angel, but I did have Findlay O'Farraday as an "evil" Enygma in one game to further a storyline and give him something to do until I was ready for him to be out from under the mask.


Also, a new "pet" project that I may continue if people find these useful (primarily for use with diaries as they would be useless in game right now)....................












As I said, I may continue with these (and possibly some by request if there is any interest).


I love the tag team pics. If I ever start a written diary here on the forums, I will likely request some. Very nice. I love the team logos inbetween the character renders.


Also the Captain Atomic render is sweet. Never seen that one before.

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I like the WMMA characters. Maybe he'll be my Cverse equivalent of BAAAAAAAAAAROCK UHHHHHHHHLESNARRRR!


Or maybe someone even badder. Like "The Baddest Man On The Planet" Terron Cabal. Been a long time since I've booted up a game of WMMA, so the nickname might be wrong.




I love the tag team pics. If I ever start a written diary here on the forums, I will likely request some. Very nice. I love the team logos inbetween the character renders.


Also the Captain Atomic render is sweet. Never seen that one before.


Glad you like them. The tag team pics is something I had been kicking around in my head for a while now and finally just decided to see how they came out and judge feedback to see if anyone would want to use them. Captain Atomic is one I did not too long ago to kind of "heel" him up, but I ended up liking it so much myself that it's now his default pic for me.

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Glad you like them. The tag team pics is something I had been kicking around in my head for a while now and finally just decided to see how they came out and judge feedback to see if anyone would want to use them. Captain Atomic is one I did not too long ago to kind of "heel" him up, but I ended up liking it so much myself that it's now his default pic for me.


Could you post the individual pic of him?

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