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SWF: Groundhog Day

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I have a TEW day... and seen as though no one seems to be posting shows up I am going to try and post a few up with a few storyline's, trying out some match types and different basically it will be like groundhog day if i go past the first PPV and start again trying different things.


It wont be a diary it will just be a selection of shows I run with brief explanations of why I tried things and what I hoped for etc... Hopefully it will give you all something to read, laugh at, frown upon until the release comes out. And it will allow me to get some creative juices going and learn more about TEW 2013 booking.


- All games will be with SWF

- Avatar will always be The Grand Avatar (as I dont want to be involved other than booker).

- I will be the booker only.

- Starting storylines will be used. I will add my own in each game.

- I am hoping to get the best show ratings possible using most of the roster and not just the main guys.

- This is not meant to be a typical diary so I apologize for lack of creative writing etc... just try to enjoy it for what it is.

- I am not the best TEW player so this should be a learning curve for me and help some of the newbies on what not to do.

- Feel free to add comments, hints, tips and feedback when ever you feel about booking but again ignore the write up and diary style if possible :)

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SWF Groundhog Day #1




So first thing I got a few messages from my assistant.




Richard Eisen set to personality, I doubt I will be using him in these diaries but it keeps the message from popping up.




The Grand Avatar is set to personality but will not be used on shows.




Jessie will be managing Angry Gilmore, this will be as part of the storyline Anger Management.




Dawn The Cheerleader will be managing Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole.




Next thing I do is to setup my shortlist, these are the workers i normally keep an eye on and maybe sign a few to start with.




I have skipped to the next day as I am itching to get into some booking and creative stuff... I get the above emails to deal with.




After checking the owner goals.. the only ones really that are going to have an affect on me are keeping popularity and momentum high as the others are not maintainable on the demo or I will just sign somebody else. The workers thinking there ready for the big leagues I am not interested in bringing up this time so they will stay there and I will see how they improved at the end of the month.




A quick check in my creative meeting and I have no workers set for 'Next Big Thing' and the 'Hot Prospects' reads 1. Captain Atomic, 2. Randy Bumfhole, 3. Zimmy Bumfhole, 4. Des Davids, 5. Huey Cannonball. So time to view my current storylines.


SWF: Anger Management: I have added Marat Khoklov and Jessie to this storyline, with my intentions of Eric Eisen using Jessie (Angry's wife) as a way to get into Gilmore's head and just to be the biggest annoying sleazy heel he can be to help get sympothy on Gilmore. This will lead to Gilmore begging for a match at Eisen putting the belt up as a lure, Eisen will then state he also wants to choose the type of match which will lead to Eisen introducing his new muscle Marat Khoklov. It will be a handicap match at the PPV for the North American Championship. Gilmore vs. Eisen & Khoklov. This storyline is the heart string pulling storyline in the hopes of making Eisen seem like the ultimate prick and building solid foundations and getting sympathy on Gilmore.


SWF: Money Talks: Is the only storyline I have added on this version of Groundhog Day... As you can read from the description Rich Money feels disrespected as he is not in the title picture, he will be interrupted by Lobster Warrior who also would like a shot at the title having never had the opportunity before, this leads to a match with Lobster getting a upset victory via quick pin with Money being over confident, Money will throw everything at him to get the match at the PPV including Money, insults, attacking his friends, beat downs. They will have there match and Money will get his hard fought victory, after the match he will remove his mask just before the Hero Squad can save him but his face is not seen as they have a towel ready to keep his identity hidden. This can lead to a match with a double stipulation mask versus money. This will be the for the purists just two great workers going at it with a pretty easy to follow storyline.


SWF: Struggle For Supremacy: Steve Frehley is the reigning SWF Champion but hot on his heels are 3 former SWF Champions, Vengeance, Remo and Christian Faith. My plan is to have a tag match before the PPV pitting Remo & Vengeance against Faith and Frehley. It will seem like Faith/Frehley and Remo/Vengeance are working well together until a spot towards the end involving a belt shot turns horribly wrong and all hell breaks loose. This will lead to the PPV with all four men facing off in singles matches, distracting each other in matches, beat downs, promos a totally normal straight forward fued where everyone wants to be Champion.


SWF: Thrill Of The Chase: Since Rogue turned his back on Valiant there has been a blood fued going on... It wont change much from here. Jack Bruce has aided Valiant in the past against The Chase Agency which has dragged him in far to deep and the evil Emma Chase will stop at nothing until he has suffered. I am going for a tag team match at the PPV, Bruce and Valiant vs. Rogue & James. This will be the blood fued which should have plenty of twists and turns (maybe not in the demo version) but my plan down the line was for Chase to think she had signed Bruce and turn him to the dark side only for it to be a swerve in the final battle between Rogue and Valiant and obviously Valiant will come out on top, he is the good guy after all.


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Interesting concept! :)


IMHO, Jessie managing Angry Gilmore is a no-brainer (though somehow, in TEW 2010, they sometimes ended up having bad to nonexistent chemistry), but Dawn can manage a variety of different faces. In my diary, she's managing The Awesomeness and KP Avatar. Good call with the Amazing Bumfholes - maybe having Dawn on their side could give them the boost they need to reach Upper Midcarder status.

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Pretty decent rating, pleased with that. Dawn The Cheerleader has poor chemistry with Randy Bumfhole... oh well she can be Zimmy Bumfhole's 'girlfriend' and accompany him. A bit like Lita/Matt despite him teaming with Jeff.




I always have one of the top faces or heels do a promo pre-show in case the match in the pre-show sucks. This boosts the crowd and just in my head hypes them up for the beginning of the show and the first segment.






Ok this was careless on my part this was supposed to be a confrontation between Lobster Warrior and Rich Money which would lead to the match later in the show. Having Money in it would have raised the rating I believe. DOH!




Well that was not what I was hoping for... Maybe it would have been higher if the Money/Lobster promo had happened. This was the start of the fued with Gilmore outclassing Eisen making him frustrated, this will plant the seed that Eisen needs to use his brain and outsmart Gilmore who is the more skilled and better worker which should be the case for most babyfaces.




Was hoping for around a 58 - 63 mark really, because i messed up the first segment the crowd is probably flat, cant really change it now. Filler match really always have the first show of the year to have championship matches.




You have to hype your main event, keeping a sense of realism here, imagining the announcers talking the big matches up all night during the less appealing matches. Why does it not show the worker photos on a video. Oh well...




Oh god this show is going to bomb hard... I did warn you this maybe a how not to book diary, hopefully one of the experienced guys will come on and explain about card position and what went wrong. Maybe my match selections just blew chunks :p




Ouch! maybe time to sneak out the back door :o




Nope I am back in my seat this is slightly better, this is Chase giving the group a pep talk making sure they understand the plan but not giving anything away. This would have been backstage in the locker room.




That is around what I expected this was to be my sleeper match but they have all been pretty poor. If I choose to continue this save when the game goes live I will be using Sexy down the line in the North American title scene, I like his entertainment stats and can think of some good storylines down the line.




Was hoping this would have been in the 80's oh well might call a taxi, this would have been a back attack as Lobster was leaving, Money would have been trash talking while aggressively throwing him around the car park and finally into a big security door before being dragged away by officials.




Damn my luck they did not click at all, oh well lesson learnt.




A better rating, was hoping for more but bad booking and a bit of unlucky chemistry has let me down a bit. Pretty much self explanatory in the storyline aspect.




A poor rating and disappointing for my main event wonder if that would have been better was hoping for high 80's / early 90's grade. Storyline wise as mentioned before this would have been the match with the belt incident. Both teams working well together, Remo goes to use the title on Faith and whacks Vengeance, Faith picks the belt up staring at it and Frehley re-enters seeing this looking a bit displeased. Remo hits his Pounce to the back of Faith which knocks him into Frehley leading to them falling from the ring. Vengeance and Remo brawl and the referee calls for the bell after losing control.


On a side note: Remo wanted the outcome to make him look stronger, I ignored him as I wanted it to be an open match.




Post-Match: Vengeance and Remo brawl to the back, Frehley takes the belt and leaves to the ramp he turns to see Faith staring from the bottom of the ramp trying to explain, Frehley walks to the back. Faith can then end the show posing and slapping the fans hands once the cameras have gone off. Gutted about the rating this show is going to be in the 70's :(






Oh well feel free to leave comments, this took alot longer than i thought it would copying, pasting and uploading etc... Got to go see my family now but will try to do another show later. Maybe not groundhog day after all.

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Just a heads-up - guessing the reason you have so many ratings lower than you expected was due to you having short matches. Eisen vs Angry, Lobby vs Money, Jack Bruce vs Rogue and the main event all involve 2 or more upper midcarders or main-eventers so need to be 15 mins minimum to avoid penalties. (Unless you've changed that in your product.)
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