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Colts or Patriots?


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Im a huge Colts fan so I naturally have picked them to win the NFL season's kickoff game tonight. On my website I said the wscore would be 35-31-Colts win. I'll stick with that. I think the Colts offense will have to great tonight to win. Peyton needs to throw less than 2 picks...definetely not 3 or 4 like in the AFC Championship. No matter who you are though, you cant deny this will be a good game.
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[QUOTE=TPB_Fan][FONT=Verdana]This is going to be a good game. I sure am going to watch it but I am pulling for the Patroits.[/FONT][/QUOTE] You're supposed to root for the underdog! lol ... the Pats are favored to repeat their Title run, and you're rooting for them? I'm Colts Blue all the way :)
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Yup , Colts should have won this game by 20 points... I hate the pats I starting to think Manning gona be the best QB in NFL history that never makes it to the big game .. I followed this guy from his days in Tenn and was on his band wagon from the first time I saw him so maybe I just jinxed him. The other guy I taged the BEST EVER the first time he touched the ball in the NFL retired a **** hair short of the record books... Barry.
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